[L10n-fr-coord-commit] Debian WWW CVS commit by thuriaux: webwml/french/CD faq/index.wml jigdo-cd/index. ...

Pierre Machard pierre@machard.org
Mon, 17 Jan 2005 15:31:24 +0100

CVSROOT:	/cvs/webwml
Module name:	webwml
Changes by:	thuriaux	05/01/17 07:32:08

Modified files:
	french/CD/faq  : index.wml 
	french/CD/jigdo-cd: index.wml 
	french/CD/releases: index.wml 

Log message:
	faq/index.wml Proofread [Thomas Huriaux]
	jigdo-cd/index.wml Sync with English 1.46 [Thomas Huriaux]
	releases/index.wml Sync with English 1.11 [Thomas Huriaux]