[L10n-fr-coord-commit] Debian WWW CVS commit by kraai: webwml arabic/News/2005/20050606.wml catalan/N ...
Pierre Machard
Tue, 07 Jun 2005 21:09:33 +0200
CVSROOT: /cvs/webwml
Module name: webwml
Changes by: kraai 05/06/06 19:56:01
Modified files:
arabic/News/2005: 20050606.wml
catalan/News/2005: 20050606.wml
czech/News/2005: 20050606.wml
danish/News/2005: 20050606.wml
dutch/News/2005: 20050606.wml
english/News/2005: 20050606.wml
finnish/News/2005: 20050606.wml
french/News/2005: 20050606.wml
german/News/2005: 20050606.wml
greek/News/2005: 20050606.wml
italian/News/2005: 20050606.wml
japanese/News/2005: 20050606.wml
romanian/News/2005: 20050606.wml
russian/News/2005: 20050606.wml
spanish/News/2005: 20050606.wml
swedish/News/2005: 20050606.wml
turkish/News/2005: 20050606.wml
Log message:
Fix a typo in the sarge release announcement, thanks to Matt Johnson.