[L10n-fr-coord-commit] Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml/french/security/1999 19990104.wml 19990 ...
Pierre Machard
migus at machard.net
Thu Jul 30 18:18:30 UTC 2009
CVSROOT: /cvs/webwml
Module name: webwml
Changes by: spaillard 09/07/30 18:13:37
Modified files:
french/security/1999: 19990104.wml 19990117.wml 19990210.wml
19990215.wml 19990215a.wml 19990218.wml
19990220.wml 19990220a.wml 19990331.wml
19990331a.wml 19990422.wml 19990607.wml
19990607a.wml 19990612.wml 19990623.wml
19990804.wml 19990806.wml 19990807.wml
19990814.wml 19990823.wml 19990823a.wml
19990823b.wml 19990823c.wml 19990830.wml
19990907.wml 19990924.wml 19991018.wml
19991018a.wml 19991027.wml 19991030.wml
19991111.wml 19991111a.wml 19991116.wml
19991202.wml 19991207.wml 19991209.wml
19991215.wml 19991215a.wml index.wml
Log message:
Move french website translation to UTF-8
It includes updates to advices about encoding: devel/website/examples.wml, international/french/web.wml, international/french/traduire.wml
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