[L10n-fr-coord-commit] Debian WWW CVS commit by dmn: webwml french/News/2011/20110318.wml english/d ...

Pierre Machard migus at machard.net
Tue Jan 10 19:38:19 UTC 2012

CVSROOT:	/cvs/webwml
Module name:	webwml
Changes by:	dmn	12/01/10 19:36:17

Added files:
	french/News/2011: 20110318.wml 

Log message:
	(fr) Initial translation

Modified files:
	english        : debhome.css debian.css 
	english/template/debian: basic.wml 

Log message:
	handheld device optimizations (#654205)
	add handheld-friendly META tags
	on small devices:
	 * shrink search box
	 * remove side margins from content/footer body
	 * (main page) move download button before the spacefun banner

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