[L10n-fr-coord-commit] Debian WWW CVS commit by taffit: webwml english/template/debian/footer.wml engl ...

Pierre Machard migus at machard.net
Wed May 8 02:13:28 UTC 2013

CVSROOT:	/cvs/webwml
Module name:	webwml
Changes by:	taffit	13/05/08 02:07:14

Modified files:
	english/template/debian: footer.wml 
	english/po     : templates.pot 
	french/po      : templates.fr.po 

Log message:
	assign website copyright to SPI *and others*. Closes: #632175

Modified files:
	french/devel/debian-med/News/2011: 20110124.wml 

Log message:
	(fr) Fix typographic details

Modified files:
	bulgarian/intro: why_debian.wml 
	danish/intro   : why_debian.wml 

Log message:
	Get rid of now useless <if-stable-release> tag

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