[Letsencrypt-devel] Bug#815199: ITP: acme-tiny -- letsencrypt tiny python client

Harlan Lieberman-Berg hlieberman at setec.io
Sat Mar 5 02:43:38 UTC 2016

Jeremías Casteglione <debian at jrms.com.ar> writes:
> I've no intentions to bother anyone, but do you think that this package
> could be uploaded then? I need sponsorship as I'm not a DM.

Hi Jeremías!

Took a look over it; it looks in good shape!  (The only thing I can see,
very nitpicky, is that you could add a debian/watch file explaining
upstream doesn't support versions yet, and what your versioning scheme
is in the meantime.)

I don't have upload rights over NEW packages yet, unfortunately.
Francois, would this be something you'd be OK to upload?

Harlan Lieberman-Berg

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