[Letsencrypt-devel] Bug#826145: letsencrypt.sh: Ship lighttpd module?

Mattia Rizzolo mattia at debian.org
Fri Jun 10 19:58:55 UTC 2016

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 01:31:29PM +0200, Elrond wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 02, 2016 at 19:57:23 +0000, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 02, 2016 at 06:25:48PM +0200, Elrond wrote:
> For nginx (I *might* provide the snippet in an upcoming
> wishlist bug) the case is ever harder: The admin needs to
> add a "include ..." by hand.

I don't even know what you're talking about here :)
I always only limited myself to apache2 ^^

> > Is there some thing like dh-apache2 to enable/deal with that conf, etc?
> Sadly, there is not.
> BUT:
> javascript-common:postinst,prerm,postrm have snippets for
> lighttpd to do what you want!

Yeah, why not ^^
Even if I quite hate having manually placed mainter scripts...

> I *think* most of those should be the default.
> I will check that and let you know.


> That said, I wonder, whether FollowSymlinks is needed at
> all? /var/lib/letsencrypt.sh/acme-challenges should be a
> normal directory and the created files in there are files,
> not symlinks?

you can never know.  The sysadmin my had removed /var/lib/letsencrypt.sh
and placed it as a symlink towards something, I want to support such a

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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