[Letsencrypt-devel] Certbot in Debian Stretch

James Cloos cloos at jhcloos.com
Fri Nov 25 17:17:47 UTC 2016

>>>>> "HL" == Harlan Lieberman-Berg <hlieberman at debian.org> writes:

HL> Certbot has never been in jessie, so I imagine it wouldn't have been

Certbot, letsencrypt, python-acme, et cetera; the package name doesn't
matter for this purpose.

HL> I'm also haven't gotten any tickets about it being unusable. Can you
HL> please provide me a link to the tickets you filed when you found it
HL> unusable?

There have been many threads on the vaious debian lists, so I didn't
need to.

And there was quite a long time when apt-get install certbot failed on
jessie-backports systems due to version incompatibilities.

So my main warning is that jessie-backports has failed atomically to
upgrade all of the necessary components on a consistant basis, so why
should we expect stretch-backports to do so?

Maybe the knowledge of the issues jessie-backports has faced will be
enough to ensure stretch-backports does better.  Maybe.

But there needs to be a pre-negotiated assurance that backports'
standard procedures won't get in the way.

(I understand part of the issue was update vs new for some fraction of
the dependencies.  Perhaps also the effect that new versions of the
dependencies would have on their other reverse-dependencies?)

Guaranteeing that certbot and python-acme updates will not require new
dependencies probably would help on that front.

James Cloos <cloos at jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 0x997A9F17ED7DAEA6

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