[Letsencrypt-devel] Proposed patches for dehydrated

Mattia Rizzolo mattia at debian.org
Wed Dec 14 23:52:38 UTC 2016

On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 12:44:05AM +0100, Jan Wagner wrote:
> Dear dehydrated maintainers,

Hi! o/

> I've prepared 2 patches:
> * Add apache2 compatibility [1]

nice, will apply shortly, thanks :)
(though I'll rename it to "apache < 2.4 compatibility")

> * Add letsencrypt.sh transition packages [2]

I don't actually want it like that, because that wouldn't give any
update path.
I want to have a letsencrypt.sh binary that also provides the compat
scripts, and also does other things that are not covered there (for this
to actually be nice we should update to a git checkout of dehydrated or
tell upstream to produce a new release, or something).
I wanted to do this soon (and actually try the migration myself...), but
this week I'm busy at the Reproducible Builds event¹, so I can get to it
only next week, hopefully before Christmas,

> Maybe you might consider to integrate them.
> Cheers, Jan.

Thank you for the patches!

¹ https://reproducible-builds.org/events/berlin2016/

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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