[Letsencrypt-devel] Bug#858802: Bug#858802: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_init_cffi_1_0_external_module'

Harlan Lieberman-Berg hlieberman at debian.org
Mon Mar 27 05:19:02 UTC 2017

package certbot
tag 858802 +unreproducible +moreinfo

Tom Maneiro <tomman at tsdx.net.ve> writes:
> Trying to run certbot on a fresh install on my Stretch box leads me to the
> following stackdump:

Hi Tom,

Interesting.  I've tried replicating this on a clean Stretch box, but I
don't get this error at all.  A couple of questions for you:

1.  Is this a fresh install of Stretch, or an upgrade?
2.  Can you attach the output of this command?  (You may need to install
apt-rdepends if you don't already have it installed.)

apt-cache policy $(apt-rdepends -p certbot 2>| /dev/null|awk '/Depends/ {print $2}'|sort -u)|awk '/^[^ ]/ { package=$0 } /  Installed/ { print package " " $2 }'

Harlan Lieberman-Berg

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