[Letsencrypt-devel] Bug#858802: Bug#858802: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DependencyError'

Patrick Lam prof.lam at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 02:21:57 UTC 2017

I did, yes. I can erase the certbot libs as needed, unless you want to
diagnose the bug some more. Thanks!

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 10:18 PM, Harlan Lieberman-Berg
<hlieberman at debian.org> wrote:
> Patrick Lam <prof.lam at gmail.com> writes:
>> plam at patricklam:~$ apt-cache policy $(apt-rdepends -p certbot 2>|
>> /dev/null|awk '/Depends/ {print $2}'|sort -u)|awk '/^[^ ]/ {
>> package=$0 } /  Installed/ { print package " " $2 }'
> Interesting.  Did you ever use the certbot-auto or letsencrypt-auto
> installers?  This looks kind of like you've got a mismatched version of
> one of the certbot libs lying around somewhere.
> Can you upload the output of `python -v /usr/bin/certbot` for me?  It's
> going to be a large block of output, so you should probably put it in an
> attachment.
> Sincerely,
> --
> Harlan Lieberman-Berg
> ~hlieberman
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