[Letsencrypt-devel] Plans for 0.14.1

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Thu May 25 11:59:34 UTC 2017


I've prepared packaging for 0.14.1 for python-acme, python-certbot and
python-certbot-{apache,nginx}. I reviewed the upstream diffs from the
current upstream branches and didn't spot any packaging changes that
were required. Brad kindly tested some test packages for me and
confirmed that they are working correctly.

I've put branches on alioth called rbasak-guest/0.14.1 against each
source repository for review. Is it OK to push these to master? To avoid
confusion I deliberately didn't push tags or updates to upstream or
pristine-tar branches. I have these ready locally and can push them at
the same time as master if you're happy.

Is it also OK to upload to experimental? If so, I am already DM but need
permissions for this package, so if a DD can please set my ACL bit[1] I
can upload; if not, please can a DD upload? I'd like to upload to
experimental so that I can sync from there to Ubuntu, rather than having
to diverge Ubuntu in order to get 0.14.1 there.

So three things:

1) May I push my branches to master?

2) Can we upload to experimental?

3) If we can upload to experimental, please can a DD set my ACL for
these four source packages?



[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer#Granting_Permissions
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