[Libpst-devel] Incorrect Reading of RFC1521

Nigel Horne njh at bandsman.co.uk
Thu May 4 12:43:36 UTC 2006

The output of readpst.c is not RFC1521 compilant. The orginal author
used alternate (i.e. first one then the other) instead of alternative
(i.e. a list of choices). Here's the (simple) patch.


*** Oreadpst.c	2006-05-04 13:41:05.000000000 +0100
--- readpst.c	2006-05-04 13:41:25.000000000 +0100
*** 742,748 ****
  	  } else if (item->email->htmlbody && item->email->body) {
  	    // else if we have an html and text body then tell it so
! 	    fprintf(f->output, "Content-type: multipart/alternate;\n\tboundary=\"%s\"\n",
  	  } else if (item->email->htmlbody) {
  	    fprintf(f->output, "Content-type: text/html\n");
--- 742,748 ----
  	  } else if (item->email->htmlbody && item->email->body) {
  	    // else if we have an html and text body then tell it so
! 	    fprintf(f->output, "Content-type: multipart/alternative;\n\tboundary=\"%s\"\n",
  	  } else if (item->email->htmlbody) {
  	    fprintf(f->output, "Content-type: text/html\n");

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