[Libpst-devel] size_t fields

Treutwein Bernhard Bernhard.Treutwein at Verwaltung.Uni-Muenchen.DE
Tue Jan 30 13:17:29 CET 2007

Hi Chris,

quite some time ago, I too had problems with occurences
of size_t in the header file. I am not an C guru and
quickly hacked the header to compile OK under cygwin.

I sent my changes to Joseph back then and include them
again here as an attachment. Last year it was very very
quiet on th emailing list ...

	Bernhard Treutwein, IuK, Ref. III A 3
	Bernhard.Treutwein(at)verwaltung uni-muenchen de

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Halls [mailto:chris.halls at credativ.co.uk] 
> Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 9:00 PM
> To: libpst-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
> Subject: [Libpst-devel] size_t fields
> Hi
> We have a problem with the attachment->size field. It's a 32 
> bit integer in 
> the PST file but is a size_t in libpst.h. That means on a 64 
> bit machine you 
> have difference sizes when doing a memcpy of size sizeof(size_t).
> To fix this we can either change the size field to be of type 
> int32_t or 
> convert to 64 bit when setting the field. I reckon it is 
> better to keep the 
> size_t field and do the conversion when reading the PST file:
> -       memcpy(&(attach->size), list->items[x]->data, 
> -              sizeof(attach->size));
> +       t = (*(int32_t*)list->items[x]->data);
> +       LE32_CPU(t);
> +       attach->size = t;
> That way we keep the original ABI, the size_t field is the 
> preferred type for 
> the processor and we have room for expansion later should it 
> become possible 
> to attach files > 2GB in the future.
> I've checked in this fix on r86, along with some other memory 
> management fixes 
> for errors that valgrind picked up.
> There are a few more size_t fields in libpst.h so I guess we 
> might need to do 
> a similar thing there too.
> Chris
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