From imz at Fri Aug 26 13:57:53 2016 From: imz at (Ivan Zakharyaschev) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2016 16:57:53 +0300 (MSK) Subject: [Libpst-devel] readpst's output lacks email addresses in To fields in Sent Message-ID: Hi, I want to let you know about an unpleasant issue fo the result of readpst (but probably not a problem of readpst per se): the resulting messages in the Sent folders conatain "To:" fields with no email addresses (just the full names). I believe that that's the way Exchange has saved and processed these messages internally, so it's not readpst's responsibility to fix this. A higher-level system which imports the data could try to do the matching between the "To:" fields and the address book, if it is needed. (We have been trying to import the data into dovecot+SOGo. We'll have a look at importing the mail from Exchange via IMAP now; it seems to expose these messages with complete To fields...) -- Best regards, Ivan From imz at Fri Aug 26 15:16:37 2016 From: imz at (Ivan Zakharyaschev) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2016 18:16:37 +0300 (MSK) Subject: [Libpst-devel] get the toplevel folder name used by readpst -r ? Message-ID: Hello! I've come across the following minor problem trying to automate my use of readpst -w /some/dir/ -r mailtst.pst : I can't predict the name of the top-level dir without some prior knowledge about the .pst. Here I had known that it will be "mailtst" (from previous runs), and renamed the .pst file accordingly, so that this information is obvious. The output of readpst -r is not enough, because it only mentions it in one line: "mailtst" - 28 items done, 0 items skipped. without any indications that it is the top-level folder. And there are no lines of the form: Processing Folder "Deletions" for the top-level one. How can I get the top-level dir from the .pst file? (x-posted as ) -- Best regards, Ivan