Bug#344005: [Linux-wlan-ng-devel] Bug#344005: Acknowledgement (depmod: loop detected)

Fabian Greffrath fabian at ep1.rub.de
Tue Dec 20 07:24:21 UTC 2005

Am Montag, den 19.12.2005, 20:49 +0100 schrieb Enrico Tassi:
> The bug has been already fixed in -6 I think.
> Said that, it will be probably under you christmas tree...

Allright, I tried to build modules with linux-wlan-ng version 0.2.2
+dfsg-7 from unstable for my kernel 2.6.12 from testing and it worked!

Thank you very much!

This bug may get closed!

Nice Greetings, 

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