[Linux-wlan-ng-devel] Bug#338742: requires the obsolete /etc/hotplug/*.agent interface

Marco d'Itri md at linux.it
Sat Nov 12 11:51:26 UTC 2005

Package: linux-wlan-ng
Version: 0.2.2+dfsg-3
Severity: important

Your package installs a /etc/hotplug/*.agent script, but
does not provide an udev rules file.
These scripts are only supported by the old hotplug package.
I have never used this package and I do not know how it works, but after
a quick check it looks like you need a rule like:

SUBSYSTEM=="wlan", RUN+="/bin/sh -c '/etc/hotplug/wlan.agent &'"

For more information about this you can look at the debian-devel@
threads of last october.
The libgphoto2 package is a good example of how to provide udev support,
please let me know if you have any doubts.
I will also be happy to review your changes before they are uploaded, if
you want.


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