[Linux-wlan-ng-devel] Bug#429624: Bug#429624: linux-wlan-ng: bring USB prism2 wlan device in usable state

Enrico Tassi gareuselesinge at debian.org
Tue Jun 19 09:22:20 UTC 2007

On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 09:52:04AM +0200, Lee Garrett wrote:
> Package: linux-wlan-ng
> Version: 0.2.8+dfsg-1
> Severity: normal
> So the best idea would be to execute said command right after plugging
> it in. At this point I'm not sure where 
> the best place would be. I'd be happy to hear about proposals from
> your side and will test patches or packages if 
> needed.

You can try to run it from udev rules (RUN+="your line here"), but 
IIRC putting the interface up suddenly avoids loading firmware, that can
only be done if the interface is not in 'enabled' state. 

In ubuntu they used to put the interface up trough udev, and now I
figure out why, but this was preventing loading firmare. Some
devices do not need the firmware at all (like the one I own) but in
general you need it.

To test this you should try to download the source package, uncomment
the line in debian/patches/00list referring to the udev rules file
and rebuild the package. with that patch it should be
NetworkManager friendlier, but the firmware issue should bite you.

If you find a workaround for the firmware issue... I'll be really happy
to apply the patch.

Enrico Tassi

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