[Linux-wlan-ng-devel] Bug#579875: clarify denial of package usefulness

jidanni at jidanni.org jidanni at jidanni.org
Sun May 30 16:28:09 UTC 2010

Wait, following this trail,
I see
|   Sparklan    |802.11b |     WL-316C      | PCMCIA  | Prism2/ |             |Linux-wlan-ng |   with external antenna   |
|               |        |                  |         |  2.5/3  |             |              |        connecters         |
|   Sparklan    |802.11b |     WL-382F      |   USB   |  Atmel  |             |              |  Linux driver offered by  |
|               |        |                  |         |         |             |              |          vendor           |
|   Sparklan    |802.11b |     WL-350F      |mini-PCI | Prism2/ |             |              |                           |
|               |        |                  |         |  2.5/3  |             |              |                           |
Well it just so happens that I have the middle one, i.e., maybe I was
barking up the wrong tree, and maybe some ID numbers are not correct...

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