[SCM] Lisaac documentation branch, master, updated. fd8694fcbcae00431b138c0c400a07e017589469

Xavier Oswald xoswald at debian.org
Fri Aug 21 16:04:42 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit fd8694fcbcae00431b138c0c400a07e017589469
Author: Xavier Oswald <xoswald at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Aug 21 18:01:48 2009 +0200

     * Add a Lip Section and some explanation how Lip works
     * Add the -lip slot in Section Header description
     * Add lstlisting package support
     TODO: Write a small lstlisting lisaac mode and transform all existing
     lisaac latex code in lstlisting.

diff --git a/reference_manual/Lisaac_RM.tex b/reference_manual/Lisaac_RM.tex
index aba8586..452095a 100644
--- a/reference_manual/Lisaac_RM.tex
+++ b/reference_manual/Lisaac_RM.tex
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
+% For including Lisaac code in latex
+\lstset{ basicstyle=\scriptsize } % small font
 \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{5mm} 	% Marge gauche sur pages impaires
 \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0mm} 	% Marge gauche sur pages paires
@@ -187,7 +191,8 @@ FRANCE\\
 \vskip 10mm
 S{\sc{}onntag} Benoit ({\tt{}sonntag at icps.u-strasbg.fr})\\
-C{\sc{}habert} Alexandre ({\tt{}a.chabert at cegetel.net})
+C{\sc{}habert} Alexandre ({\tt{}a.chabert at cegetel.net})\\
+O{\sc{}swald} Xavier ({\tt{}xoswald at debian.org})
@@ -219,8 +224,10 @@ Section\,: Compiler and optimization}
 {Version 0.3} & {September 24, 2007} \\
 {}            & {Benoit Sonntag, Alexandre Chabert}\\
 {} & {} \\
-{Version 0.31} & {\today} \\
+{Version 0.31} & {September 22, 2008} \\
 {}            & {Benoit Sonntag, Pierre-Alexandre Voye}\\
+{Version 0.4} & {\today} \\
+{}            & {Xavier Oswald}\\
@@ -579,6 +586,9 @@ Le symbole {\bf{} :=} est une affectation. Faites bien attention à ne pas utili
 Vous verrez le symbole  {\bf{} +} or {\bf{} -} avant chaque slot. Il d'efinie le type, la port'ee du slot et est obligatoire. Son rôle sera expliqu'e dans les prochains pages.
@@ -1535,7 +1545,173 @@ Object {\sc{}son}
 \chapter{Language Reference}
+\section{Lip: Lisaac project file (Lisaac Makefile)}
+Before entering deeper with the Lisaac language, the first step is to explain
+how to compile a Lisaac program using Lip files. They are used to describe
+compiler options, paths, include external libs even do inheritance between
+\subsection{Lip Grammar}
+The Lip grammar is a subset of the Lisaac grammar.
+PROGRAM       -> { 'Section' ('Inherit' | 'Public' | 'Private') { SLOT ';' } } 
+SLOT          -> '+' identifier ':' TYPE [ ':=' EXPR_CONSTANT ]
+               | '-' identifier [ identifier ':' TYPE ] '<-' '(' { EXPR ';' } ')' 
+TYPE          -> 'BOOLEAN' | 'STRING' | 'INTEGER'
+EXPR          -> [ identifier !!AMBIGU!! ':=' ] EXPR_OPERATOR [ '.' FUNCTION ]
+FUNCTION      -> 'if' '{' { EXPR ';' }  '}' [ 'else' '{' { EXPR ';' } '}' ]
+               | 'print'
+EXPR_OPERATOR -> EXPR_CMP { ('|' | '&') EXPR_CMP }                
+EXPR_CMP      -> EXPR_BINARY { ('='|'!='|'>'|'<'|'>='|'<=') EXPR_BINARY }
+EXPR_UNARY    -> ( '-' | '!' ) EXPR_UNARY
+               | EXPR_BASE
+               | identifier [ EXPR_ARGUMENT ]
+               | EXPR_CONSTANT
+EXPR_CONSTANT -> integer              
+               | string
+               | TRUE
+               | FALSE
+EXPR_ARGUMENT -> identifier 
+               | EXPR_BASE
+Section Inherit
+  + parent:STRING;
+Section Private
+  + is_valid:BOOLEAN;
+  - src_path <-
+  (
+    path (lisaac + "src/*");
+  );
+  - front_end <-
+  (
+    general_front_end;
+    ((input_file = "") | (input_file = "lisaac")).if {
+      compiler_path;
+      (is_valid).if {
+        boost;
+      };
+    };
+  );
+  - back_end <-
+  (
+    general_back_end;
+    (is_valid).if {
+      execute "cp lisaac.c ../bin/.";
+      execute "cp lisaac ../bin/.";
+    };
+  );
+Section Public
+  - compiler <-
+  // Compile the Lisaac compiler.
+  (
+    compiler_path;
+  );
+\subsection{Lip usage and features}
+The compiler always needs a Lip file to work. By default the compiler will look
+in the default Lip file found in the Lisaac environnement variable path
+\textbf{LISAAC\_DIRECTORY} or with the old way in the path.h. This will appear
+if tou don't have a Lip file for your project, otherwise the compiler will at
+first read the Lip file in the directory you are calling the compiler. The
+compiler look in the current directory and in all parents to find a
+\textit{make.lip} file. If no inheritance is set, the \textit{make.lip} file
+from the compiler is inherited. You can also add inheritance by hand with this
+two ways:
+  + parent : STRING;
+  + parent := "../../../path../file";
+The \textbf{+} is used for variables and \textbf{-} for methods.\\
+In the \textit{Private Section}, variables and functions will not appear to the
+compiler. You can then use this Section to describe things you want to be done
+before the compiler is working and to set options you want to call in the
+\textit{Public Section} with the compiler. All compiler options are thus
+described in the \textit{Public Section}. \\
+When you add a public function, It is possible to add a commentary down to the
+function definition, then when calling the compiler this description and
+arguments will appear as show this example:\\
+Section Public
+  - debug level:INTEGER <-
+  // Fix debug level (default: 15)
+  (
+    // some code
+  );
+  lisaac [<lip_file.lip>] [<input_file[.li]>] {<Options>}       
+  ...
+  -debug <level:INTEGER> :
+    Fix debug level (default: 15)
+  ...
+\subsection{Advanced Lip usage}
+Some builtin methiods are part of the compiler:
+\item \textbf{exit}: exit from function as in C
+\item \textbf{path(STRING)}: add prototype path location
+\item \textbf{run(STRING)}: execute the string as a unix command
+\item \textbf{get\_integer}: get command line integer
+\item \textbf{get\_string}: get command line string\\
+For describing a path you can use the \textbf{*} symbol as for example:
+\noindent{}Compiling steps:
+\item The compiler look for a \textit{make.lip} file
+\item the front\_end method is runned
+\item compilation and C generation
+\item the back\_end method is runned
 \section{Lexical and syntax overview}
@@ -1865,6 +2041,8 @@ You can't modify any slot during execution: imagine for example the consequences
 {'external'} & {\it{} external}  & {C code which will be included in the C compiled file}           \cr
+{'lip'} & {\it{} piece of code}  & {Include Lip code}           \cr
@@ -1881,6 +2059,7 @@ You can't modify any slot during execution: imagine for example the consequences
   - {\bf{}type} := `unsigned long`;
   - {\bf{}default} := {\sc{}100};
   - {\bf{}external} := {\sc{}`\#include <stdio.h>`};
+  - {\bf{}lip} := ( add\_lib "-lX11" );
 \paragraph{Objects and clone}

Lisaac documentation

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