[SCM] Lisaac scripts branch, master, updated. 9d15425da463f211f06c042390775d6525e4a78e

Mildred Ki'Lya silkensedai at online.fr
Tue Aug 25 14:32:11 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 9d15425da463f211f06c042390775d6525e4a78e
Author: Mildred Ki'Lya <silkensedai at online.fr>
Date:   Tue Aug 25 16:29:41 2009 +0200

    Added magic-script (formely known as k)
    This script can do many things, just start it with the -h option for more help.
    It is heavily documented. Among the main features, there is:
    - run grep on lisaac files
    - run kwrite (it can run kate, but there are bugs in kate) given the name of a
    - can search different directories (add @lib on the command line can search
      through the library)
    It can be configured by a .Kprefs in the current directory. There is such a file
    on the compiler git repository.

diff --git a/magic-script b/magic-script
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dca2e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/magic-script
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#! /bin/zsh
+while true; do
+    case "$1" in
+        --help)    op_help=true; break ;;
+        --verbose) op_verb=true ;;
+        --dir)     op_dir=$2; has_op_dir=true; shift    ;;
+        --show)    op_show=true ;;
+        --grep)    op_grep=true ; op_grep_pattern=$2; shift ;;
+        --egrep)   op_egrep=true; op_grep_pattern=$2; shift ;;
+        @*)     op_sess=${1[2,-1]}  ;;
+        --)     shift; break        ;;
+        --*)    echo "`basename "$0"`: unknown option $1" >&2; exit 1 ;;
+        -*)
+            opts="$1"
+            opts="${opts[2,-1]}"
+            while [[ -n "$opts" ]]; do
+                case "${opts[1]}" in
+                    h) op_help=true     ;;
+                    v) op_verb=true     ;;
+                    d) op_dir=$2; has_op_dir=true; shift ;;
+                    s) op_show=true ;;
+                    g) op_grep=true ; op_grep_pattern=$2; shift ;;
+                    G) op_egrep=true; op_grep_pattern=$2; shift ;;
+                    *) echo "`basename "$0"`: unknown option -${opts[1]}" >&2; exit 1 ;;
+                esac
+                opts="${opts[2,-1]}"
+            done
+        ;;
+        *) break ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+if [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; then
+    op_file="$1"
+    shift
+if $op_verb; then
+    msg_v=(msg -)
+    msg_l=(msg l)
+    msg_v=(true)
+    msg_l=(true)
+# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_color
+c_u="\033[4m" # underline
+c_b="\033[1m" # bold
+    mode="$1"
+    shift
+    case "$mode" in
+        t)
+            echo -e "$c_b_white$*$c"
+            ;;
+        e)
+            echo -e "$c_b_red==>$c $c_b_white$*$c" >&2
+            ;;
+        q)
+            echo -ne "$c_b_cyan$*$c " >&2
+            ;;
+        l)
+            echo -e "$c_cyan$*$c " >&2
+            ;;
+        *)
+            echo "$@"
+            ;;
+    esac
+if $op_help; then
+    self=`basename "$0"`
+    msg t  "NAME"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}$self${c} - Better CLI for Kate"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg t  "SYNOPSYS"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}`basename "$0"`${c} [ ${c_u}OPTIONS${c} ] [ ${c_b}--${c} ] [ ${c_u}FILE${c} ]"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg t  "DESCRIPTION"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    Open in Kate the files described by ${c_u}FILE${c}."
+    msg -  ""
+    msg t  "OPTIONS"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}-h${c}, ${c_b}--help${c}"
+    msg -  "        Display this help"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}@${c}${c_u}SESSION${c}"
+    msg -  "        Use kate session named ${c_u}SESSION${c}"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}-d${c}, ${c_b}--dir${c} ${c_u}DIR${c}"
+    msg -  "        Search for the file ${c_u}FILE${c} in the directory ${c_u}DIR${c}"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}-s${c}, ${c_b}--show${c}"
+    msg -  "        Only show files found, one file per line that you can pipe"
+    msg -  "        to xargs like: | xargs grep -n ${c_u}REGEXP${c}"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}-g${c}, ${c_b}--grep${c} ${c_u}REGEXP${c}"
+    msg -  "        Grep the files found using ${c_u}REGEXP${c}"
+    msg -  "        Uses grep -n"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}-G${c}, ${c_b}--egrep${c} ${c_u}REGEXP${c}"
+    msg -  "        Grep the files found using ${c_u}REGEXP${c}"
+    msg -  "        Uses egrep -n"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}-v${c}, ${c_b}--verbose${c}"
+    msg -  "        Be verbose"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg t  "CONFIGURATION"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}$self${c} can be configured using a file ${c_u}.Kprefs${c} in"
+    msg -  "    the current directory. This file is a zsh script and can"
+    msg -  "    access to the following variables:"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    \$${c_b}op_sess${c}"
+    msg -  "        The session provided on the command line or an empty string"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    \$${c_b}op_dir${c}"
+    msg -  "        The directory provided on the command line or the current"
+    msg -  "        directory"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    \$${c_b}op_file${c}"
+    msg -  "        The file provided on the command line or an empty string"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    The following variables can be set to modify the behaviour:"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}session${c}=${c_u}SESSION${c}"
+    msg -  "        Use kate session named ${c_u}SESSION${c}, this can be changed"
+    msg -  "        on the command line"
+    msg -  "        Default value: \$op_sess"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}dir${c}=(${c_u}DIR${c} ... )"
+    msg -  "        Use directories ${c_u}DIR${c} to search for files"
+    msg -  "        Default value: (\$op_dir)"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}find_opts${c}=(${c_u}OPTIONS${c} ... )"
+    msg -  "        Use the options ${c_u}OPTIONS${c} for the find command line"
+    msg -  "        Default value: (-name \$op_file)"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}command_name${c}=${c_u}COMMAND${c}"
+    msg -  "        The name of the kate executable"
+    msg -  "        Default value: kate"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    ${c_b}command_opts${c}=(${c_u}OPTIONS${c} ... )"
+    msg -  "        Use the options ${c_u}OPTIONS${c} for the kate command line"
+    msg -  "        Default value: (-u)"
+    msg -  ""
+    msg -  "    The function ${c_b}search${c} can be redefined. It must print"
+    msg -  "    one file per line to open"
+    msg -  ""
+    exit $exit_status
+exec 3>&1
+  for d in $dir; do
+      #$msg_l find $d $find_opts
+      find $d $find_opts
+  done
+  $command_name $command_opts $@ >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+# variables that can be used in .Kprefs
+find_opts=(-name $op_file)
+if $op_grep; then
+  command_name=grep
+  command_opts=(-n $op_grep_pattern)
+  use_xargs=true
+elif $op_egrep; then
+  command_name=egrep
+  command_opts=(-n $op_grep_pattern)
+  use_xargs=true
+  command_name=kate
+  command_opts=(-u)
+  use_xargs=false
+if [[ -f .Kprefs ]]; then
+    source .Kprefs
+# overide using command line options
+[[ -n $op_sess ]] && session=$op_sess
+$has_op_dir       && dir=$op_dir
+if $op_grep || $op_egrep; then
+  op_show=false
+if [[ $command_name == kate ]] && [[ -n $session ]]; then
+    command_opts=($command_opts -s $session)
+    $msg_v "Session:   $session"
+$msg_v "Search in: $dir"
+if $use_xargs; then
+  search | xargs $command_name $command_opts
+  while read f; do
+    [[ -z $f ]] && continue
+    if $op_show; then
+      echo $f
+    else
+      $msg_v "File $f"
+      #$msg_l $command_name $command_opts $f
+      run $f
+    fi
+  done <<<"`search`"
+exit $exit_status

Lisaac scripts

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