[SCM] Lisaac compiler branch, master, updated. 432f69b1b55d233bb74b8a21a2c3c75336023b76

Xavier Oswald xoswald at debian.org
Tue Jul 28 13:47:40 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 432f69b1b55d233bb74b8a21a2c3c75336023b76
Author: Xavier Oswald <xoswald at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Jul 28 15:46:46 2009 +0200

    compiler git cleanup

diff --git a/new_path/compiler.li b/new_path/compiler.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e19d50..0000000
--- a/new_path/compiler.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-//                                Lisaac                                      //
-//                                                                            //
-//                  LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                       //
-//                                                                            //
-//    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//    it under the terms of the CeCILL v2 License as published by the         //
-//    CEA - CNRS - INRIA.                                                     //
-//                                                                            //
-//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//    CeCILL v2 License for more details.                                     //
-//                                                                            //
-//    You should have received a copy of the CeCILL v2 license along with     //
-//    this program.                                                           //
-//    If not, see <http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt>  //
-//                                                                            //
-//                    http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                       //
-Section Inherit
-  - parent:Expanded PATH;
-Section PATH
-  - lib_compiler <-
-  (
-    path := path +
-    lisaac + "src/tools/\n" +
-    lisaac + "src/type/\n" +
-    lisaac + "src/item/\n" +
-    lisaac + "src/constant/\n" +
-    lisaac + "src/variable/\n" +
-    lisaac + "src/external/\n" +
-    lisaac + "src/external/logic/\n" +
-    lisaac + "src/external/arithmetic/\n" +
-    lisaac + "src/external/comparison/\n" +
-    lisaac + "src/dispatcher/\n" +
-    lisaac + "src/context/\n" +
-    lisaac + "src/code_life/\n";
-  );
-Section Public
-  - compiler <-
-  ( + exec:STRING;
-    lib_std;
-    lib_unix;
-    lib_compiler;
-    path := path + lisaac + "src/compiler_any/\n";
-    exec := "gcc " + input_file + " -o " + output_file + option_gcc;
-    (debug_level = 0).if {
-      execute (exec + " -O2 ");
-    } else {
-      execute exec;
-    };
-    finalize := TRUE;
-  );
-  - shorter <-
-  ( + exec:STRING;
-    lib_std;
-    lib_unix;
-    lib_compiler;
-    path := path + lisaac + "src/shorter_any/\n";
-    exec := "gcc " + input_file + " -o " + output_file + option_gcc;
-    (debug_level = 0).if {
-      execute (exec + " -O2 ");
-      execute "cp shorter ../bin/.";
-      execute "cp shorter.c ../bin/.";
-    } else {
-      execute exec;
-    };
-    finalize := TRUE;
-  );
diff --git a/new_path/header.txt b/new_path/header.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fcd918a..0000000
--- a/new_path/header.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-//                                Lisaac                                      //
-//                                                                            //
-//                  LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                       //
-//                                                                            //
-//    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//    it under the terms of the CeCILL v2 License as published by the         //
-//    CEA - CNRS - INRIA.                                                     //
-//                                                                            //
-//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//    CeCILL v2 License for more details.                                     //
-//                                                                            //
-//    You should have received a copy of the CeCILL v2 license along with     //
-//    this program.                                                           //
-//    If not, see <http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt>  //
-//                                                                            //
-//                    http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                       //
diff --git a/new_path/path.li b/new_path/path.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 93f4502..0000000
--- a/new_path/path.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-//                                Lisaac                                      //
-//                                                                            //
-//                  LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                       //
-//                                                                            //
-//    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//    it under the terms of the CeCILL v2 License as published by the         //
-//    CEA - CNRS - INRIA.                                                     //
-//                                                                            //
-//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//    CeCILL v2 License for more details.                                     //
-//                                                                            //
-//    You should have received a copy of the CeCILL v2 license along with     //
-//    this program.                                                           //
-//    If not, see <http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt>  //
-//                                                                            //
-//                    http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                       //
-  //
-  // LIsaac Path (.LIP)
-  //
-  // Note:
-  // =====
-  // 
-  // lisaac <input_file> { -<slot> { <param> } }
-  //
-  // * <slot>  : Public slot access only.
-  // * <param> : TRUE/FALSE, INTEGER, STRING only.
-  //
-Section PATH
-  //
-  // System variable.
-  //
-  - lisaac:STRING      := `0`; // Lisaac path directory.
-  - input_file:STRING  := `1`; // Input file name.
-  - output_file:STRING := `2`; // Ouput file name.  
-  - statistic_level:INTEGER;
-  - debug_level:INTEGER;
-  - debug_source:BOOLEAN;
-  - warning_level:INTEGER;
-  - optimzation_level:INTEGER;
-  - path:STRING; // Directory path for search prototype.
-  - execute cmd:STRING <- `3`; // Execute command shell.
-  // Independent variable.
-  - option_c:STRING;
-  - finalize:BOOLEAN;
-  // Updated by INSTALL_LISAAC :
-  - default_system <- unix; 
-  - path_lib_x11:STRING := "/usr/lib";
-Section Public  
-  //
-  // Command base.
-  //
-  - o new_output_file:STRING <-
-  (
-    output_file := new_output_file;
-  );
-  - i <-
-  (
-    statistic_level := 1;
-  );
-  - c option:STRING <-
-  (
-    option_c := option;
-  );
-  // Warning option.
-  - w_stop <-
-  (
-    warning_level := warning_level + 01b;
-  );
-  - w_all <-
-  (
-    warning_level := warning_level + 10b;
-  );
-  // Optimization option.
-  - o_all <-
-  (
-    optimzation_level := 1;
-  );
-  // Debug option.
-  - dl level:INTEGER <-
-  (
-    debug_level  := level;
-    debug_source := TRUE;
-  );
-  - d_min <-
-  (
-    dl 5;
-  );
-  - d <-
-  (
-    dl 10;
-  );
-  - d_max <-
-  (
-    dl 15;
-  );
-  - no_src <-
-  (
-    debug_source := FALSE;
-  );
-Section PATH
-  - lib_std <-
-  (
-    path := path +
-    lisaac + "lib/base/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/base/low_level/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/collection/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/collection/low_level/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/file_system/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/format/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/format/ai/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/format/bmp/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/graphics/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/graphics/low_level/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/gui/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/gui/clipping/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/gui/event/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/gui/input/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/gui/low_level/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/io/\n" +  
-    lisaac + "lib/kernel/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/memory/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/number/\n" +    
-    lisaac + "lib/string/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/system/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib/time/\n";
-  );
-  - lib_unix <-
-  (
-    path := path +
-    lisaac + "lib_os/unix/system/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib_os/unix/file_system/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib_os/unix/video/\n";
-  );
-  - lib_dos <-
-  (
-    path := path +
-    lisaac + "lib_os/unix/system/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib_os/dos/file_system/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib_os/dos/video/\n";
-  );
-  - lib_windows <-
-  (
-    path := path +
-    lisaac + "lib_os/unix/system/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib_os/windows/file_system/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib_os/unix/file_system/\n" +
-    lisaac + "lib_os/windows/video/\n";
-  );
-Section Public
-  - unix <-
-  ( + exec:STRING;
-    lib_std;
-    lib_unix;
-    exec := "gcc " + input_file + " -o " + output_file + 
-    " -L" + path_lib_x11 + " -lX11 -lm " + option_gcc;
-    (debug_level = 0).if {
-      execute (exec + " -O2 ");
-    } else {
-      execute exec;
-    };
-    finalize := TRUE;
-  );
-  - windows <-
-  ( + exec:STRING;
-    lib_std;
-    lib_windows;
-    exec := "gcc " + input_file + " -o " + output_file + 
-    ".exe -lgdi32 " + option_gcc;
-    (debug_level = 0).if {
-      execute (exec + " -O2 ");
-    } else {
-      execute exec;
-    };
-    finalize := TRUE;
-  );
-  - dos <-
-  ( + exec:STRING;
-    lib_std;
-    lib_dos;
-    exec := "gcc " + input_file + " -o " + output_file + 
-    ".exe " + option_gcc;
-    (debug_level = 0).if {
-      execute (exec + " -O2 ");
-    } else {
-      execute exec;
-    };
-    finalize := TRUE;
-  );
-  - default <-
-  // Is always execute.
-  (
-    (finalize = FALSE).if {
-      default_system;
-    };
-  );
diff --git a/src.zip b/src.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index 0150256..0000000
Binary files a/src.zip and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/uml/acces.li b/uml/acces.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 30f1fdc..0000000
--- a/uml/acces.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-	+ name := ACCES;
-	- author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-	- parent_object:OBJECT:=OBJECT;
-Section Public
-	//renvoit une chaine de caract�rs d�crivant le type d'acc�s
-	+ get_type :ABSTRACT_STRING<-
-	(
-		deferred;
-		"FALSE"
-	);
-	//renvoit le type d'acc�s au format UML (+,-,*)
-	+ get_uml_type :STRING_CONSTANT<-
-	(
-		deferred;
-		"FALSE"
-	);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/any.li b/uml/any.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 63b3d5c..0000000
--- a/uml/any.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-//                             Lisaac Compiler                               //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name        := ANY;
-  - copyright   := "2003-2007 Benoit Sonntag";
-  - author      := "Sonntag Benoit (bsonntag at loria.fr)";
-  - comment     := "Common parent for compiler";
-Section Inherit
-  - parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Public
-  //
-  // Invariant loop system.
-  //
-  - count_invariant:INTEGER;
-  - loop_list:LIST; 
-  - loop_seq_index:INTEGER;
-  - loop_seq_call_local_and_loop:INTEGER;
-  - loop_seq_call_and_loop:INTEGER;
-  - loop_invariant:LOOP;
-  //
-  - late_binding_counter:INTEGER;
-  - null_counter:INTEGER;
-  - polymorphic_counter:INTEGER;
-  //
-  // Display debug tools.
-  //
-  + object_id:INTEGER <- 
-  ( + result:INTEGER;
-    - object_counter:INTEGER; 
-    result := object_counter;
-    object_counter := object_counter + 1;
-    object_id := result;
-    result
-  );
-  //
-  // Compiler Options.
-  //
-  - is_optimization:BOOLEAN;  
-  - inline_level:INTEGER := 17;
-  - is_statistic:BOOLEAN;
-  - is_quiet_operation:BOOLEAN;
-  - debug_level_option:INTEGER;  
-  - debug_with_code:BOOLEAN;
-  - verbose_level:INTEGER;
-  - is_verbose:BOOLEAN <- (verbose_level != 0);
-  - is_warning:BOOLEAN;
-  - is_all_warning:BOOLEAN;
-  - is_executing_pass:BOOLEAN;
-  //
-  // Other flags.
-  //
-  - is_copy_local:BOOLEAN;
-  - pass_count:INTEGER;
-  - modify_count:INTEGER;
-  - new_depend_pass <-
-  (    
-    modify_count := modify_count + 1;
-    //(pass_count > 50).if {
-    //  crash;
-    //};
-  );
-  - new_execute_pass <- new_depend_pass;
-  //
-  // Sequence counter.
-  //
-  - seq_inline:UINTEGER_32;
-  - seq_index              :UINTEGER_32; // Global index sequence.
-  - seq_or_and             :UINTEGER_32; // || or &&  
-  - seq_call_and_loop      :UINTEGER_32; // Call or loop (or function).
-  - seq_call_local_and_loop:UINTEGER_32; // Call sensitive or loop.
-  - seq_list:FAST_ARRAY[LIST] := FAST_ARRAY[LIST].create_with_capacity 64;
-  - is_seq_list l:LIST :BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    + j:INTEGER;
-    j := seq_list.upper;
-    {(j >= seq_list.lower) && {! result}}.while_do {
-      result := seq_list.item j = l;
-      j := j - 1;
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //
-  // Runtime.
-  //
-  - list_main:LIST;
-  - context_main:LOCAL;
-  - list_current:LIST;
-  - stack_local:FAST_ARRAY[LOCAL]  := FAST_ARRAY[LOCAL].create_with_capacity 64;  
-  - profil_slot:PROFIL_SLOT; // Principal slot.
-  - profil:PROFIL;           // Sub-profil or (profil = profil_slot)
-  - display_stack_local <-
-  (
-    string_tmp.clear;
-    (stack_local.lower).to (stack_local.upper) do { j:INTEGER;
-      stack_local.item j.display string_tmp;
-      string_tmp.add_last '\n';
-    };
-    string_tmp.print;
-  );
-  //
-  // Output Buffer and service.
-  //
-  - var_size:FAST_ARRAY[FAST_ARRAY[LOCAL]] :=
-    result := FAST_ARRAY[FAST_ARRAY[LOCAL]].create_with_capacity 4;
-    0.to 3 do { j:INTEGER;
-      result.add_last (FAST_ARRAY[LOCAL].create_with_capacity 32);
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - add_var_size v:LOCAL <-
-  ( + tab:FAST_ARRAY[LOCAL];
-    + j:INTEGER;
-    + t:TYPE_FULL;
-    ? {v.style = '+'};
-    (v.style != '+').if {
-      v.intern_name.print; " style [".print; v.style.print; "] ".print;
-      '\n'.print;
-      warning_error (v.position,"BUG ANY.add_var_size Error");
-    };
-    // BSBS: C'est pas top, avec des HASHED_SET ce serait mieux...
-    t := v.type;
-    tab := var_size.item (v.type.size);
-    j := tab.lower;    
-    {(j <= tab.upper) && {tab.item j.type != t}}.while_do {
-      j := j + 1;
-    };
-    (j > tab.upper).if {
-      tab.add_last v;
-    } else {
-      {(j <= tab.upper) && {tab.item j != v} && {tab.item j.type = t}}.while_do {
-	j := j + 1;
-      };
-      ((j > tab.upper) || {tab.item j != v}).if {
-	tab.add v to j;	
-      };
-    };
-  );
-  - output_decl:STRING := STRING.create 60000;
-  - output_glob:STRING := STRING.create 10000;
-  - output_code:STRING := STRING.create 4000000;
-  - title txt:STRING_CONSTANT in buf:STRING <-
-  (
-    buf.append "\n//";
-    3.to 28 do { j:INTEGER;
-      buf.add_last '=';      
-    };
-    buf.append "//\n// ";
-    buf.append txt;
-    (txt.count+5).to 28 do { j:INTEGER;
-      buf.add_last ' ';
-    };
-    buf.append " //\n//";
-    3.to 28 do { j:INTEGER;
-      buf.add_last '=';      
-    };
-    buf.append "//\n\n";
-  );
-  - indent:STRING := STRING.create 128;
-  ( + c:CHARACTER;
-    string_tmp.copy typ;
-    (op.lower).to (op.upper) do { j:INTEGER;
-      c:=op.item j;
-      (c = '+').if {
-	string_tmp.append "_add";
-      }.elseif { c = '-' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_sub";
-      }.elseif { c = '~' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_logicnot";
-      }.elseif { c = '!' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_not";
-      }.elseif { c = '/' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_div";
-      }.elseif { c = '*' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_mul";
-      }.elseif { c = '^' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_xor";
-      }.elseif { c = '%' } then { 
-	string_tmp.append "_mod";
-      }.elseif { c = '>' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_greater";
-      }.elseif { c = '<' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_less";
-      }.elseif { c = '=' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_equal";
-      }.elseif { c = '\\' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_notdiv";
-      }.elseif { c = '|' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_or";
-      }.elseif { c = '&' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_and";
-      }.elseif { c = '$' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_dollar";
-      }.elseif { c = '#' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_diese";
-      }.elseif { c = '@' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_at";
-      }.elseif { c = '?' } then {
-	string_tmp.append "_ask";
-      };
-    };
-    ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp
-  );
-  //
-  // Error manager.
-  //
-  - syntax  :INTEGER := 0;
-  - semantic:INTEGER := 1;
-  - warning :INTEGER := 2;
-  - message :INTEGER := 3;
-  - syntax_error (pos:POSITION,txt:ABSTRACT_STRING) <-
-  (
-    pos.put_error syntax text txt;
-    pos.put_position;
-    POSITION.send_error;
-  );
-  - semantic_error (pos:POSITION,txt:ABSTRACT_STRING) <-
-  ( 
-    pos.put_error semantic text txt;
-    pos.put_position;
-    POSITION.send_error;
-  );
-  - warning_error (pos:POSITION,txt:ABSTRACT_STRING) <-
-  (
-    pos.put_error warning text txt;
-    pos.put_position;
-    POSITION.send_error;
-  );
-  - message_error (pos:POSITION,txt:ABSTRACT_STRING) <-
-  (
-    is_verbose.if {
-      pos.put_error message text txt;
-      pos.put_position;
-      POSITION.send_error;
-    };
-  );
-  //
-  // String temporary.
-  //
-  - string_tmp:STRING := STRING.create 256;
-  - string_tmp2:STRING := STRING.create 256;
-  //
-  // Path directory and command front end.
-  //
-  - path_directory:LINKED_LIST[STRING_CONSTANT] := 
-  - command_list  :LINKED_LIST[STRING_CONSTANT] := 
-  //
-  // Alias type.
-  //
-  - type_input            :TYPE;
-  - type_integer          :TYPE;
-  - type_real             :TYPE;
-  - type_character        :TYPE;
-  - type_block            :TYPE;
-  - type_true             :TYPE;
-  - type_false            :TYPE;
-  - type_boolean          :TYPE;
-  - type_integer_32       :TYPE;
-  - type_pointer          :TYPE;
-  - type_string_constant  :TYPE;
-  - type_n_a_character    :TYPE;
-  - type_n_a_n_a_character:TYPE;
-  //
-  // Usage Variable.
-  //
-  - last_position:POSITION;
-  - default_value v:ITM_CODE to_slot nam:ABSTRACT_STRING in t:PROTOTYPE :ITM_CODE <-
-  ( + lst:ITM_LIST;
-    + s:ITM_SLOT;
-    + sec:SECTION_;
-    + a:ITM_CODE;
-    + result:ITM_CODE;
-    lst ?= v;
-    (lst != NULL).if {
-      // Add function for init.
-      string_tmp.copy "Create function ";
-      string_tmp.append nam;
-      warning_error (v.position,string_tmp);
-      string_tmp.copy "__init_";      
-      string_tmp.append nam;
-      n := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-      sec := SECTION_.get_name (ALIAS_STR.section_private);
-      larg := FAST_ARRAY[ITM_ARGUMENT].create_with_capacity 1;
-      larg.add_last (
-        ITM_ARG.create (v.position)
-        name (ALIAS_STR.variable_self) 
-        type (ITM_TYPE_SIMPLE.type_self)
-      );
-      s := ITM_SLOT.create (v.position) name n feature sec;
-      s.set_affect '<';
-      s.set_value v type t;      
-      s.set_argument_list larg;      
-      t.slot_list.fast_put s to (s.name);
-      a := ITM_PROTOTYPE.create (v.position) type (ITM_TYPE_SIMPLE.get name);
-      result := ITM_READ_ARG1.create (v.position) name n arg a;
-    } else {
-      // Direct value.
-      result := v;
-    };    
-    result
-  );
diff --git a/uml/attribut.li b/uml/attribut.li
deleted file mode 100644
index b3e2d35..0000000
--- a/uml/attribut.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-  + name := ATTRIBUT;
-  - author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Private
-  + nom:STRING;
-  + type_retour:STRING;
-  + type_acces:ACCES;
-Section Public
-  - make (n:STRING,type:STRING,acces:ACCES) <-
-  (
-    nom:=n;
-    type_retour:= type;
-    type_acces:=acces;
-  );
-  - get_type_retour :STRING<-
-  (
-    type_retour
-  );
-  - get_nom :STRING <-
-  (
-    nom
-  );
-  - get_type_acces :ACCES <-
-  (
-    type_acces
-  );
-  //renvoie l'attribut dans la bonne syntaxe pour UML
-  - get_uml_string :STRING <-				
-  (
-    + buffer:STRING;
-    buffer:=STRING.create 256;
-    buffer.copy "";
-    buffer.append (type_acces.get_uml_type);
-    buffer.append nom;
-    buffer.append (":");
-    buffer.append type_retour;
-    buffer
-  );
-  - print <-
-  (
-    + buffer:STRING;
-    buffer:=STRING.create 256;
-    buffer.copy "";
-    buffer.append (type_acces.get_uml_type);
-    buffer.append nom;
-    buffer.append (":");
-    buffer.append type_retour;
-    buffer.print;
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/ens_attributs.li b/uml/ens_attributs.li
deleted file mode 100644
index a45cf20..0000000
--- a/uml/ens_attributs.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-/*******	Prototype qui permet de stocker les diff�rents attributs de m�thode ou de fichier	*******/
-Section Header
-	+ name := ENS_ATTRIBUTS;
-	- author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-	+ parent_linked_list:Expanded LINKED_LIST[ATTRIBUT];
-Section Private
-	//longueur maximale d'un attribut, permet de savoir avec quelle largeur construire le rectangle dans le diagramme
-	+ taille_max:INTEGER;
-	//nombre de lignes, c'est � dire le nombre d'attributs de l'ensemble, utile �galement pour la construction du rectangle
-	+ nb_lignes:INTEGER;
-	//contient la descrition de tous les attributs au format UML
-	+ buffer:STRING;
-Section Public
-	- make <-
-	(
-		taille_max:=0;
-		nb_lignes:=0;
-		buffer:=STRING.create 256;
-	);
-	- ajouter a:ATTRIBUT <-
-	(
-		add_last a;
-	);
-	//pour un ensemble d'attributs d'une m�thode, renvoit juste les types de retour des attributs
-	- get_types_retour :STRING <-
-	(
-		+ buf:STRING;
-		buf:=STRING.create 10;
-		buf.copy "(";
-		(is_empty).if{
-			buf.append ")";
-		}else{
-			(lower).to (upper) do{ i:INTEGER;
-				buf.append ((item i).get_type_retour);
-				buf.append ",";
-			};
-			buf.copy (buf.substring 1 to (buf.count-1));
-			buf.append ")";
-		};
-		buf		
-	);
-	//construit l'ensemble, en cherchant la taille maximal et le nombre de lignes
-	- build :STRING <-
-	(
-		taille_max:=0;
-		nb_lignes:=0;
-		buffer:=STRING.create 256;
-		buffer.copy "";
-		(lower).to (upper) do{ i:INTEGER;
-			+ as:STRING;
-			+ a:ATTRIBUT;
-			a:=item i;
-			as:=a.get_uml_string;
-			nb_lignes:=nb_lignes+1;
-			(as.count>taille_max).if{
-				taille_max:=as.count;
-			};
-			as.append "\n";
-			buffer.append as;
-		};
-		buffer
-	);
-	- get_uml_string :STRING <-
-	(
-		buffer
-	);
-	- get_taille_max :INTEGER <-	
-	(
-		taille_max
-	);
-	- get_nb_lignes :INTEGER <-
-	(
-		nb_lignes
-	);
diff --git a/uml/ens_fichiers.li b/uml/ens_fichiers.li
deleted file mode 100644
index ae67b24..0000000
--- a/uml/ens_fichiers.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-	+ name := ENS_FICHIERS;
-	- author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  	+ parent_linked_list: Expanded LINKED_LIST[FICHIER];
-Section Public
-	- ajouter f:FICHIER <-
-	(
- 		add_last f ;
-	);
-	- ajouter_tous es:ENS_FICHIERS <-
-	(
-		append_collection es;	
-	);
-	//supprime toutes les redondances de fichier dans l'ensemble
-	- clean <-
-	(
-		+i:INTEGER;
-		i:=lower;
-		{i<=upper}.while_do{
-			+f:FICHIER;
-			f:=item i;
-			(has_an_other_occurrence_of f).if{
-				remove i;
-			}else{
-				f.remove_parents Self;
-				i:=i+1;
-			};
-		};	
-	);
-	//recherche si l'ensemble contient une autre occurrence d'un certain fichier
-	- has_an_other_occurrence_of f:FICHIER :BOOLEAN <-
-	(
-		+result:INTEGER;
-		result:=0;
-		(lower).to (upper) do{ i:INTEGER;
-			+ f2:FICHIER;
-			f2:=item i;
-			((f2.get_nom) == (f.get_nom)).if{
-				result:=result+1;
-			};
-		};
-		(result>1)
-	);
-	//permet de r�cup�rer tous les fichiers morts-vivants de l'ensemeble, par rapport � un fichier (g)
-	- get_morts_vivants (f,g:FICHIER) in m_v:ENS_PARENTS :ENS_PARENTS <-
-	(
-		+ ep,res:ENS_PARENTS;
-		+ i:INTEGER;
-		res:=ENS_PARENTS.create;
-		ep:=f.get_parents;
-		i:=ep.lower;
-		{i<=ep.upper}.while_do{
-			+ k:INTEGER;
-			k:=lower;
-			{k<=upper}.while_do{
-				((ep.item i)==(item k .get_nom)).if{
-					(m_v.has (item k .get_nom)).if_false{
-						m_v.ajouter (item k .get_nom);
-						((item k .get_nom)==(g.get_nom)).if{
-							k:=upper+1;
-							i:=ep.upper;
-						}
-						else
-						{	
-							get_morts_vivants ((item k),g) in m_v;
-							((m_v.last)==(g.get_nom)).if{
-								res.add_last (m_v.first);
-								k:=upper+1;
-								i:=ep.upper;
-							};
-						};
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						k:=upper;
-					};
-				};
-				k:=k+1;
-			};
-			i:=i+1;
-		};
-		res
-	);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/ens_methodes.li b/uml/ens_methodes.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c86a12..0000000
--- a/uml/ens_methodes.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-/*******	Prototype qui permet de stocker les diff�rentes m�thodes instanci�s d'un fichier	*******/
-Section Header
-  + name:=ENS_METHODES;
-  - author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_linked_list:Expanded LINKED_LIST[METHODE];
-Section Private
-  //longueur maximale d'une methode, permet de savoir avec quelle largeur construire le rectangle dans le diagramme
-  + taille_max:INTEGER;
-  //nombre de lignes, c'est � dire le nombre de m�thodes de l'ensemble, utile �galement pour la construction du rectangle
-  + nb_lignes:INTEGER;
-  //contient la descrition de toutes les m�thodes au format UML
-  + buffer:STRING;
-Section Public
-  - make <-
-  (
-    taille_max:=0;
-    nb_lignes:=0;
-    buffer:=STRING.create 256;
-  );
-  - ajouter m:METHODE <-
-  (
-    add_last m;
-  );
-  //construit l'ensemble, en cherchant la taille maximal et le nombre de lignes
-  + build <-
-  (
-    taille_max:=0;
-    nb_lignes:=0;
-    buffer:=STRING.create 256;
-    buffer.copy "";
-    (lower).to (upper) do{ i:INTEGER;
-      + buffer1:STRING;
-      + m:METHODE;
-      m:=item i;
-      buffer1:=m.get_uml_string;
-      taille_max:= taille_max.max(buffer1.count);
-      buffer1.append_character '\n';
-      buffer.append buffer1;
-      nb_lignes:=nb_lignes+1;
-    }
-  );
-  - get_uml_string :STRING <-
-  (
-    buffer
-  );
-  - get_taille_max :INTEGER <-
-  (
-    taille_max
-  );
-  - get_nb_lignes :INTEGER <-
-  (
-    nb_lignes
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/ens_parents.li b/uml/ens_parents.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f3067..0000000
--- a/uml/ens_parents.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/*******	Prototype qui permet de stocker les diff�rents parents instanci�s d'un fichier 		*******/
-Section Header
-	+ name := ENS_PARENTS;
-	- author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_linked_list:Expanded LINKED_LIST[STRING];
-Section Public
-	+ ajouter s:STRING <-
-	(
- 		add_last s ;
-	);
-	+ ajouter_tous ep:ENS_PARENTS <-
-	(
-		append_collection ep;	
-	);
-	//cherche si l'ensemble contient d�j� le parent (fr)
-	+ has fr:STRING :BOOLEAN <-
-	(
-		+result:BOOLEAN;
-		result:=FALSE;
-		(lower).to (upper) do{ i:INTEGER;
-			+ g:STRING;
-			g:=item i;
-			(g==fr).if{
-				result:=TRUE;
-			};
-		};
-		result
-	);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/ens_rectangles.li b/uml/ens_rectangles.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 9216d32..0000000
--- a/uml/ens_rectangles.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-/*******	Prototype qui permet de stocker les diff�rents rectangle instanci�s	*******/
-Section Header
-  + name := ENS_RECTANGLES;
-  - author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_linked_list:Expanded LINKED_LIST[FORME_RECTANGLE];
-Section Public
-  + ajouter f:FORME_RECTANGLE <-
-  (
-    add_last f ;
-  );
-  + ajouter_tous er:SELF <-
-  (
-    append_collection er;	
-  );
-  + get_xy_max :FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER]<-
-  (
-    + xy_max:FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER];
-    xy_max:=FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER].create 2;
-    xy_max.put 0 to 0;
-    xy_max.put 0 to 1;
-    (lower).to (upper) do{ i:INTEGER;
-      fr:=item i;
-      xy_max.put (((fr.get_x)+(fr.get_largeur)).max (xy_max.item 0)) to 0;
-      xy_max.put (((fr.get_y)+(fr.get_hauteur)).max (xy_max.item 1)) to 1;
-    };
-    xy_max.put ((xy_max.item 0)+20) to 0;
-    xy_max.put ((xy_max.item 1)+20) to 1;
-    xy_max
-  );
-  + has fr:STRING :BOOLEAN <-
-  (
-    +result:BOOLEAN;
-    result:=FALSE;
-    (lower).to (upper) do{ i:INTEGER;
-      g:=item i;
-      ((g.get_nom) == fr).if{
-        result:=TRUE;
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  + has_all_parents f:FICHIER and ef:ENS_FICHIERS :INTEGER<-
-  (
-    +result:INTEGER;
-    //+ep,morts_vivants,tmp,parents:ENS_PARENTS;
-    +ep,tmp:ENS_PARENTS;
-    result:=1;
-    ep:=f.get_parents;
-    tmp:=ENS_PARENTS.create;
-    //	parents:=ENS_PARENTS.create;
-    tmp.copy ep;
-    /*morts_vivants:=ef.get_morts_vivants (f,f) in parents;
-    (parents.has (f.get_nom)).if{
-      tmp.remove (tmp.index_of (parents.first) start 0);
-      result:=2;
-    };*/
-    (tmp.lower).to (tmp.upper) do{i:INTEGER;
-      (has (tmp.item i)).if_false{result:=0;};
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  + remove_parent f:FORME_RECTANGLE <-
-  ( + idx:INTEGER;
-    idx := fast_index_of f start lower;
-    (valid_index idx).if {
-      remove idx;
-    };
-  );
-  + remove_not_influent_parents (x1,y1:INTEGER) with (x2,y2:INTEGER)<-
-  (
-    + i,x_pere,x_fils,y_fils,y_pere:INTEGER;
-    x_pere:=x2;
-    x_fils:=x1;
-    y_fils:=y1;
-    y_pere:=y2;
-    i:=lower;
-    {i<=upper}.while_do {
-      ( {y_pere >= ((item i .get_y)+(item i .get_hauteur))}||{y_fils <= (item i .get_y)}||{(x_pere.max (x_fils)) <= (item i .get_x)}||{(x_pere.min (x_fils)) >= ((item i .get_x) +(item i .get_largeur))}).if{
-        remove i;
-      }else{
-        i:=i+1;
-      };
-    };
-  );
-  + bofferding (x,y:INTEGER) <-
-  (
-    + dist,i,j:INTEGER;
-    (count==0).if_false{
-      i:=lower;
-      dist:=item i .distance (x,y);
-      {i<upper}.while_do{
-        j:=i+1;
-        {j<=upper}.while_do{
-          + r2:FORME_RECTANGLE;
-          + d:INTEGER;
-          r2:=item j;
-          d:=r2.distance (x,y);
-          (d<dist).if{
-            dist:=d;
-            put (item i) to j;
-            put r2 to i;
-          };
-          j:=j+1;
-        };
-        i:=i+1;
-      };
-    };
-  );
-  - print <-
-  (
-    lower.to upper do{ i:INTEGER;
-      item i .print;
-    };
-  );
diff --git a/uml/fichier.li b/uml/fichier.li
deleted file mode 100644
index ccf3a4a..0000000
--- a/uml/fichier.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-  + name := FICHIER;
-  - author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Private
-  + nom:STRING;
-  + methodes:ENS_METHODES;
-  + attributs:ENS_ATTRIBUTS;
-  + parents:ENS_PARENTS;
-Section Public
-  (
-    nom:=n;
-    nom.to_upper;
-    methodes:=meths;
-    attributs:=atts;
-    parents:=p;
-  );
-  - get_nom :STRING <-
-  (
-    nom
-  );
-  - get_methodes :ENS_METHODES <-
-  (
-    methodes
-  );
-  + get_attributs :ENS_ATTRIBUTS <-
-  (
-    attributs
-  );
-  - get_parents :ENS_PARENTS <-
-  (
-    parents
-  );
-  //supprime un parent trouv� dans un fichier.li mais qui ne se trouve pas
-  //dans ensemble_fichier, autrement dit un parent qui n'existe pas dans le 
-  //r�pertoire pass� en argument, mais qui se trouve dans la lib, par exemple
-  - remove_parents ef:ENS_FICHIERS <-
-  (
-    + isin:BOOLEAN;
-    +i:INTEGER;
-    i:=parents.lower;
-    {i<= (parents.upper)}.while_do{
-      +p:STRING;
-      isin:=FALSE;
-      p:=parents.item i;
-      (ef.lower).to (ef.upper)do{ j:INTEGER;
-        + f:FICHIER;
-        f:=ef.item j;
-        (p==(f.get_nom)).if{
-          isin:=TRUE;
-        };
-      };
-      isin.if_false{
-        parents.remove i;
-      }else{ i:=i+1; };
-    };
-  );
-  - print <-
-  (
-    + s:STRING;
-    s:=STRING.create 100;
-    s.copy nom;
-    s.append "\nparents:\n";
-    (parents.lower).to(parents.upper)do{i:INTEGER;
-      s.append "--";
-      s.append (parents.item i);
-      s.append "--";
-      s.append "\n";
-    };
-    s.append "\nmethodes:\n";
-    (methodes.lower).to(methodes.upper)do{i:INTEGER;
-      s.append (methodes.item i.get_uml_string);
-      s.append "\n";
-    };
-    s.append "\n";
-    "\n\n---------------------------nouveau proto-----------------------------\n\n".print;
-    s.print;
-    "\nattributs:\n".print;
-    (attributs.lower).to(attributs.upper)do{i:INTEGER;
-      attributs.item i.print;'\n'.print;
-    };
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/forme_rectangle.li b/uml/forme_rectangle.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 972ee74..0000000
--- a/uml/forme_rectangle.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-	+ name := FORME_RECTANGLE;
-	- author:="HILBERT Jerome (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gregoire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-	+ parent_fichier:FICHIER :=FICHIER;
-Section Private
-	+ x:INTEGER;
-	+ y:INTEGER;
-	+ largeur:INTEGER;
-	+ hauteur:INTEGER;
-	//ensemnble des parents du rectangle courant qui permet de savoir pour placer le rectangle par rapport � ses parents
-	//utile pour la gestion des collisions
-	+ nice_look_left:INTEGER;
-	//utile pour la gestion des collisions, permet d'�viter que des traits ne se superpose en contournant le rectangle
-	+ nice_look_right:INTEGER;
-Section Public
-	- make_with_file f:FICHIER <-
-	(
-		parent_fichier:=f;
-		peres:=ENS_RECTANGLES.create;
-		get_attributs.build;
-		get_methodes.build;
-		hauteur:=get_hauteur_max;
-		largeur:=get_largeur_max;
-		nice_look_left:=10;
-		nice_look_right:=10;
-	);
-	//attributs des coordonn�es au rectangles
-	- set_coord (xx,yy:INTEGER) <-
-	(	
-		x:=xx;
-		y:=yy;
-	);
-	//d�cale le rectangle horizontalement de d
-	- decal d:INTEGER <-
-	(
-		x:=x+d;
-	);
-	//ajoute un rectangle dans l'ensemble des parents du rectangles
-	- ajout_coord p:SELF <-
-	(
-		peres.add_last p;
-	);
-	- get_couples :ENS_RECTANGLES <-
-	(
-		peres
-	);
-	- get_x :INTEGER <-
-	(
-		x
-	);
-	- get_y :INTEGER <-
-	(
-		y
-	);
-	- get_largeur :INTEGER <-
-	(
-		(largeur*7)
-	);
-	- get_hauteur :INTEGER <-
-	(
-		(hauteur*12)
-	);
-	- get_text_attributs :STRING <-
-	(
-		get_attributs.get_uml_string
-	);
-	- get_text_methodes :STRING <-
-	(
-		get_methodes.get_uml_string
-	);
-	//recherche la largeur maximale en fonction du nom, des attributs et des m�thodes pour construire le rectangle � la bonne taille
-	- get_largeur_max :INTEGER <-
-	(
-		+ size:INTEGER;
-		size:= get_nom.count*2;
-		(size<get_methodes.get_taille_max).if{
-		size:=get_methodes.get_taille_max;
-		};
-		(size<get_attributs.get_taille_max).if{
-		size:=get_attributs.get_taille_max;
-		};
-		size
-	);
-	//recherche la hauteur maximale en fonction du nombre d'attributs et de m�thodes
-	- get_hauteur_max :INTEGER <-
-	(
-		+ size:INTEGER;
-		size:=2;
-		size:=size+get_attributs.get_nb_lignes+2;
-		size:=size+get_methodes.get_nb_lignes+2;
-		size
-	);
-	//renvoit la distance entre le centre du rectangle et le point (a,b)
-	- distance (a,b:INTEGER) :INTEGER<-
-	(
-		+ xr,yr:INTEGER;
-		xr:=x+(largeur/2);
-		yr:=y+(hauteur/2);
-		((((a-xr)*(a-xr))+((b-yr)*(b-yr))).sqrt)
-	);
-	- get_left :INTEGER <-
-	(
-		nice_look_left
-	);
-	- get_right :INTEGER <-
-	(
-		nice_look_right
-	);
-	//met � jour le d�calage � gauche pour �viter la superposition des traits qui contournent le rectangle
-	-update_left <-
-	(
-		(nice_look_left>2).if{
-			nice_look_left:=nice_look_left-2;
-		}else{
-			nice_look_left:=11;
-		};
-	);
-	//met � jour le d�calage � droite pour �viter la superposition des traits qui contournent le rectangle
-	-update_right <-
-	(
-		(nice_look_right>2).if{
-			nice_look_right:=nice_look_right-2;
-		}else{
-			nice_look_right:=11;
-		};
-	);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/launcher.li b/uml/launcher.li
deleted file mode 100644
index e482166..0000000
--- a/uml/launcher.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-  + name :=LAUNCHER;
-  - author:="HILBERT Jerome (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gregoire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  -parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Public
-  - main <-
-  (
-    + p:PARSE;
-    + reper:ENTRY;
-    + string_tmp:STRING;
-    + ensfichiers:ENS_FICHIERS;
-    + f:FICHIER;
-    + svg:SVG_CREATOR;
-    + simple:BOOLEAN;
-    + uniquement_public:BOOLEAN;
-    ({COMMAND_LINE.count < 3}||{(COMMAND_LINE.item 1)=="-help"}).if{
-      affichage_aide;
-    }else{
-      svg:=SVG_CREATOR.clone;
-      f:=FICHIER.clone;
-      string_tmp := STRING.create 255;
-      string_tmp.copy (COMMAND_LINE.item 1);
-      "Parsing du dossier: ".print;
-      string_tmp.print;
-      "\n".print;
-      reper := FILE_SYSTEM.get_entry string_tmp;
-      (reper=NULL).if{			
-        "Dossier ".print;
-        string_tmp.print;
-        " inexistant!\n'".print;
-        die_with_code exit_failure_code;
-      };
-      string_tmp.copy (COMMAND_LINE.item 2);
-      p:=PARSE.clone;
-      simple:=FALSE;
-      uniquement_public:=FALSE;
-      ({COMMAND_LINE.count >=4}&&{(COMMAND_LINE.item 3)=="-simple"}).if{
-        simple:=TRUE;
-      };
-      (simple).if_false{
-        ({COMMAND_LINE.count >=4}&&{(COMMAND_LINE.item 3)=="-public"}).if{
-          uniquement_public:=TRUE;
-        };
-      };
-      ensfichiers:=p.parcours_dossier reper option simple ou uniquement_public;
-      (ensfichiers.lower).to (ensfichiers.upper) do{ i:INTEGER;
-        //ensfichiers.item i .print;
-      };
-      '\n'.print;
-      svg.make ensfichiers to string_tmp;
-      svg.parcours_fichiers;
-    };
-  );
-Section Private
-  - affichage_aide <-
-  (
-    " \n\nUTILISATION :\n\t1er argument :\trepertoire a parser\n\n\
-    \\t2ieme argument :destination source SVG\n\n\t[-simple|-public] :\t\
-    \diagramme sans methodes/attributs|avec uniquement les methodes/attributs\
-    \ public\n\n\n\n".print;
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/lireetecrire.li b/uml/lireetecrire.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 2309eef..0000000
--- a/uml/lireetecrire.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-  + name := LIREETECRIRE;  
-  - author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Private
-  //le fichier svg dans lequel on va �crire
-  + file:STD_FILE;
-Section Public
-  //lit un fichier et renvoit son contenu dans une chaine de caract�res
-  + lire e:ENTRY :STRING <-
-  ( 
-    + fichier:STD_FILE;
-    + text:STRING;
-    fichier ?= e;
-    ((fichier = NULL) || {! fichier.open}).if {
-      "File ".print;
-      e.name.print;
-      " not open!\n'".print;
-      die_with_code exit_failure_code;	
-    };
-    text := STRING.create (fichier.size);
-    fichier.read text size (fichier.size);
-    fichier.close;
-    text
-  );
-  //ouvre le fichier SVG, s'il n'�xiste pas il sera cr��, sinon il sera vid�
-  + ouvrir_svg dest:STRING <-
-  (
-    + e:ENTRY;
-    e := FILE_SYSTEM.make_file dest;
-    file ?= e;
-    ((file = NULL) || {! file.open}).if {
-      "File ".print;
-      e.name.print;
-      " didn't open!\n'".print;
-      die_with_code exit_failure_code;	
-    };
-  );
-  //�crit la chaine dans le fichier SVG
-  + ecrire_svg chaine:STRING<-
-  (
-    file.write chaine from 1 size (chaine.count);
-  );
-  //ferme le fichier SVG
-  + fermer_svg <-
-  (
-    file.close;	
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/methode.li b/uml/methode.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ee4dd5..0000000
--- a/uml/methode.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-  + name := METHODE;
-  - author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  +parent_object:OBJECT :=OBJECT;
-Section Private
-  + nom:STRING;
-  + type_retour:STRING;
-  + attributs:ENS_ATTRIBUTS;
-  + type_acces:ACCES;
-Section Public
-  - make (nom1:STRING,type_ret:STRING,ens_attributs:ENS_ATTRIBUTS,acces:ACCES)<-
-  (
-    nom:=nom1;
-    type_retour:=type_ret;
-    attributs:=ens_attributs;
-    type_acces:=acces;
-  );
-  - get_nom :STRING <-
-  (
-    nom
-  );
-  - get_type_retour :STRING <-
-  (
-    type_retour
-  );
-  - get_attributs :ENS_ATTRIBUTS <-
-  (
-    attributs
-  );
-  - get_type_acces :ACCES <-
-  (
-    type_acces
-  );
-  //renvoie la m�thode dans la bonne syntaxe pour UML
-  - get_uml_string :STRING <-
-  (
-    + buffer:STRING;
-    buffer:=STRING.create 256;
-    buffer.copy (type_acces.get_uml_type);
-    buffer.append nom;
-    buffer.append (attributs.get_types_retour);
-    buffer.append ":";
-    buffer.append type_retour;
-    buffer
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/old/lisaac_reverse_engine.zip b/uml/old/lisaac_reverse_engine.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index c001819..0000000
Binary files a/uml/old/lisaac_reverse_engine.zip and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/uml/parse.li b/uml/parse.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 1684797..0000000
--- a/uml/parse.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-  + name := PARSE;  
-  - author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Public
-  //parcours un dossier et renvoit un ensemble de fichier qui contient la description de tous les fichiers lisaac trouv�s
-  + parcours_dossier dir:ENTRY option simple:BOOLEAN ou uniquement_public:BOOLEAN :ENS_FICHIERS<-
-  ( 
-	+ direc:DIRECTORY;
-	+ string_tmp:STRING;
-	+ courant:ENTRY;
-	+ parsing:PARSING;
-	+ ensfichiers:ENS_FICHIERS;
-  	ensfichiers:=ENS_FICHIERS.create;
-  	parsing:=PARSING.clone;
-        direc ?= dir;
-	((direc = NULL) || {! direc.open}).if { 
-          "Directory not found.\n".print; 
-          die_with_code 0;
-        };
-	(direc.lower).to (direc.upper) do { j:INTEGER;
-      	courant := direc.item j;
-      	(courant.is_directory).if{
-		ensfichiers.ajouter_tous (parcours_dossier courant option simple ou uniquement_public);
-      	}else{
-      		string_tmp:=courant.name.substring (courant.name.count-2) to (courant.name.count);
-      		(string_tmp.compare(".li")==0).if{	
-			ensfichiers.ajouter (parsing.parcours_fichier courant option simple ou uniquement_public);	
-      		}
-      	};
-      	};
-      	ensfichiers
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/parser_ben.li b/uml/parser_ben.li
deleted file mode 100644
index c63eaae..0000000
--- a/uml/parser_ben.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1989 +0,0 @@
-//                             Lisaac Compiler                               //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name      := PARSER_BEN;
-  - copyright := "2003-2007 Benoit Sonntag";
-  - author    := "Sonntag Benoit (bsonntag at loria.fr)";
-  - comment   := "Parser for Lisaac language.";
-  // You can to get current grammar with `grep "//++" parser.li'
-Section Inherit
-  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
-Section Public
-  // add_method sec:STRING_CONSTANT style s:CHARACTER 
-Section Private  
-  //
-  // Source information.
-  //
-  - source   : STRING;
-  - position : INTEGER;
-  - pos_cur  : INTEGER;
-  - pos_line : INTEGER;
-  - pos_col  : INTEGER;
-  - begin_position:INTEGER; // begin item position
-  - current_position:POSITION <-
-  ( + result:POSITION;
-    ? {pos_cur <= position};
-    {pos_cur = position}.until_do {
-      (source.item pos_cur = '\n').if {
-	pos_col := 0;
-	pos_line := pos_line + 1;
-      } else {
-	pos_col := pos_col + 1;
-      };
-      pos_cur := pos_cur + 1;
-    };    
-    POSITION.create NULL line pos_line column pos_col
-  );
-  //
-  // AMBIGU Manager.
-  //
-  - old_position:INTEGER;
-  - old_pos_cur :INTEGER;
-  - old_pos_line:INTEGER;
-  - old_pos_col :INTEGER;
-  //
-  - old_short_derive:INTEGER;
-  - save_context <-
-  (
-    old_position := position;
-    old_pos_cur  := pos_cur;
-    old_pos_line := pos_line;
-    old_pos_col  := pos_col;
-    //
-    old_short_derive := short_derive;
-  );
-  - restore_context <-
-  (         
-    position := old_position;
-    pos_cur  := old_pos_cur;
-    pos_line := old_pos_line;
-    pos_col  := old_pos_col;
-  );
-  //
-  // Syntax parser.
-  //
-  - last_character:CHARACTER <-
-  ( + result:CHARACTER;
-    (position > source.upper).if {
-      result := 0.to_character;
-      } else {
-      result := source.item position;
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - last_integer : INTEGER_64;
-  - last_real    : STRING_CONSTANT;
-  - last_string  : STRING_CONSTANT;
-  - last_len_string : INTEGER;
-  - read_space:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + posold,pos,pos2:INTEGER;    
-    + key:STRING_CONSTANT;    
-    + short_line:INTEGER;
-    + level_comment:INTEGER;
-    pos := position;
-    posold := -1;    
-    {posold = position}.until_do {
-      posold := position;
-      // Skip spaces :            
-      {(last_character = 0.to_character) || {last_character > ' '}}.until_do {	
-	position := position + 1;	
-      };
-      (position < source.upper).if {
-	// Skip C++ comment style :
-	((last_character = '/') & (source.item (position + 1) = '/')).if {	  
-	  position := position + 2;
-	  pos2 := position;	  
-	  { 
-	    (last_character = 0.to_character) || 
-	    {last_character = '\n'}
-	  }.until_do {
-	    position := position + 1;
-	  };
-	  (key = NULL).if {
-	    short key_comment_default token pos2 to position;
-	  } else {
-	    short key token pos2 to position;
-	  };
-	};
-      };
-      (position < source.upper).if {
-	// Skip C comment style :
-	pos2 := position;
-	((last_character = '/') && {source.item (position+1) = '*'}).if {
-	  position := position + 2; 	  
-	  level_comment := 1;
-	  {
-	    (last_character = 0.to_character) || {level_comment = 0}
-	  }.until_do {
-	    ((last_character = '/') && {source.item (position+1) = '*'}).if {
-	      level_comment := level_comment + 1;
-	      position := position + 2;
-	    }.elseif {
-	      (last_character = '*') && {source.item (position+1) = '/'}
-	    } then {
-	      level_comment := level_comment - 1;
-	      position := position + 2;
-	    } else {
-	      position := position+1;
-	    };
-	  };
-	  (level_comment != 0).if {
-	    position := pos2;
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"End of comment not found !");
-	  };
-	  //position := position+2;
-	  short (ALIAS_STR.short_comment) token pos2 to position;
-	};
-      };
-    };
-    // FALSE : Last character.
-    begin_position := position;
-    ((position != pos) | (last_character != 0.to_character))
-  );
-  - read_symbol st:ABSTRACT_STRING :BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + posold,j:INTEGER;
-    + result:BOOLEAN;
-    // On passe les espaces :
-    (! read_space).if {
-      result := FALSE;
-    } else {
-      posold := position;    
-      j := st.lower;
-      {(last_character = 0.to_character) ||
-      {(j > st.upper) || {last_character != st.item j}}}.until_do {
-	j := j+1;
-	position := position+1;
-      };
-      (j > st.upper).if {
-	result := TRUE;
-      } else {
-	position := posold;
-	result := FALSE;
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - read_character ch:CHARACTER :BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    // On passe les espaces :
-    (! read_space).if {
-      result := FALSE;
-    } else {
-      (last_character = ch).if {
-	position := position + 1;
-	result := TRUE;
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //-- affect -> ":=" | "<-" | "?="
-  - read_affect:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    (read_symbol (ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_immediate)).if {
-      last_string := ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_immediate;
-      result      := TRUE;
-    }.elseif {read_symbol (ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_cast)} then {
-      last_string := ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_cast;
-      result      := TRUE;
-    }.elseif {read_symbol (ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_code)} then {
-      last_string := ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_code;
-      result      := TRUE;
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //-- style         -> '-' | '+'
-  - read_style:CHARACTER <-
-  ( + result:CHARACTER;
-    read_character '-'.if {
-      result := '-';
-      short (ALIAS_STR.short_slot_style) token (position-1) to position;
-    }.elseif {read_character '+'} then {
-      result := '+';
-      short (ALIAS_STR.short_slot_style) token (position-1) to position;
-    } else {
-      result := ' ';
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //-- identifier    -> 'a'-'z' {'a'-'z' | '0'-'9' | '_'}
-  - read_identifier:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    + posold,idx:INTEGER;
-    // On passe les espaces :
-    ((! read_space) || {! last_character.is_lower}).if {
-      result := FALSE;
-    } else {
-      posold := position;              
-      string_tmp.clear;
-      {
-	(last_character = 0.to_character) || 
-	{
-	  (! last_character.is_lower) &&
-	  {! last_character.is_digit} && 
-	  {last_character != '_'}
-	}
-      }.until_do {
-	string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	position := position+1;          
-      };
-      (! string_tmp.is_empty).if {
-	idx := string_tmp.first_substring_index "__";
-	(idx != 0).if { 
-	  position := posold+idx;
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Identifier is incorrect.");
-	};
-	last_string := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-	result := TRUE;
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - read_word st:STRING_CONSTANT :BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + posold,idx:INTEGER;   
-    + result:BOOLEAN;
-    // On passe les espaces :
-    (! read_space).if {
-      result := FALSE;
-    } else {
-      posold := position;
-      idx := st.lower;
-      {(idx > st.upper) || {last_character != st.item idx}}.until_do {
-	position := position+1;
-	idx := idx+1;
-      };
-      (idx>st.upper).if {
-	last_string := st;
-	result := TRUE;
-      } else {
-	position := posold;
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - read_this_keyword st:STRING_CONSTANT :BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    result := read_word st;
-    result
-  );
-  //-- keyword -> 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' {'a'-'z' | '0'-'9' | '_'}
-  - read_keyword:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    // On passe les espaces :
-    ((! read_space) || {! last_character.is_upper}).if {
-      result := FALSE;
-    } else {
-      string_tmp.clear;
-      string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-      position := position + 1;
-      (last_character.is_lower).if {
-	string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	position := position + 1;
-	{(last_character != 0.to_character) &&
-	  {(last_character.is_lower) || 
-	    {last_character.is_digit} ||
-	{last_character = '_'}}}.while_do {
-	  string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	  position := position+1;          
-	};
-	last_string := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-	result := TRUE;
-	short (ALIAS_STR.short_keyword) token 
-	(position-last_string.count) to position;
-      } else {
-	position := position - 1;
-	result := FALSE;
-      };    
-    };
-    result
-  );  
-  //-- cap_identifier -> 'A'-'Z' {'A'-'Z' | '0'-'9' | '_'}
-  - read_cap_identifier:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + posold,idx:INTEGER;
-    + result:BOOLEAN;
-    // On passe les espaces :
-    ((! read_space) || {! last_character.is_upper}).if {
-      result := FALSE;
-    } else {
-      posold := position;
-      string_tmp.clear;
-      {
-	(last_character = 0.to_character) ||
-	{
-	  (! last_character.is_upper) && 
-	  {! last_character.is_digit} &&
-	  {last_character != '_'}
-	}
-      }.until_do {
-	string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	position := position+1;          
-      };
-      (! string_tmp.is_empty).if {
-	idx := string_tmp.first_substring_index "__";
-	(idx != 0).if { 
-	  position := posold + idx;
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Identifier is incorrect.");
-	};
-	last_string := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-	result := TRUE;          
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //-- integer -> number 
-  //-- number  -> {'0'-'9'} ['d'] 
-  //--          | '0'-'9' {'0'-'9' | 'A'-'F' | 'a'-'f'} 'h'
-  //--          | {'0'-'7'} 'o'
-  //--          | {'0' | '1'} 'b'
-  - read_integer:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    + pos_old:INTEGER;
-    // On passe les espaces :
-    ((read_space) && {last_character.is_digit}).if {
-      result := TRUE;
-      string_tmp.clear;
-      string_tmp.add_last last_character;      
-      pos_old := position;
-      position := position + 1;
-      {(last_character.is_hexadecimal_digit) || {last_character = '_'}}.while_do {
-	(last_character != '_').if {
-	  string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	};
-	position := position + 1;
-      };
-      (last_character = 'h').if {
-	last_integer := string_tmp.to_hexadecimal;
-	position := position+1;
-      } else {
-	(string_tmp.last > '9').if {
-	  string_tmp.remove_last 1;
-	  position := position - 1;
-	};
-	(last_character='o').if {
-	  (! string_tmp.is_octal).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect octal number.");
-	  };
-	  last_integer := string_tmp.to_octal;
-	  position := position+1;
-	}.elseif {last_character='b'} then {
-	  (! string_tmp.is_bit).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect binary number.");
-	  };
-	  last_integer := string_tmp.to_binary;
-	  position := position+1;
-	} else {
-	  (last_character='d').if {	    
-	    position := position+1;
-	  };
-	  (! string_tmp.is_integer).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect decimal number.");
-	  };
-	  last_integer := string_tmp.to_integer;          
-	};
-      };
-    };
-    (result).if {
-      short (ALIAS_STR.short_integer) token pos_old to position;
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - read_real:BOOLEAN <-
-  //-- real -> '0'-'9' {'0'-'9'_} [ '.' {'0'-'9'} ] [ 'E' ['+'|'-'] '0'-'9' {'0'-'9'}
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    + pos_old:INTEGER;
-    // On passe les espaces :
-    ((read_space) && {last_character.is_digit}).if {      
-      string_tmp.clear;
-      string_tmp.add_last last_character;      
-      pos_old := position;      
-      position := position + 1;
-      {(last_character.is_digit) || {last_character = '_'}}.while_do {
-	(last_character != '_').if {
-	  string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	};
-	position := position + 1;
-      };      
-      (last_character = '.').if {	
-	string_tmp.add_last '.';
-	position := position + 1;		
-	(last_character.is_digit).if {
-	  result := TRUE;
-	  string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	  position := position + 1;
-	  {last_character.is_digit}.while_do {
-	    string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	    position := position + 1;
-	  };
-	};
-	(last_character = 'E').if {
-	  result := TRUE;
-	  string_tmp.add_last 'E';
-	  position := position + 1;  
-	  ((last_character = '+') || {last_character = '-'}).if {
-	    string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	    position := position + 1;
-	  };
-	  (last_character.is_digit).if {
-	    string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	    position := position + 1;
-	    {last_character.is_digit}.while_do {
-	      string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	      position := position + 1;
-	    };	    
-	  } else {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect real number.");
-	  };
-	};
-      };
-      (result).if {
-	last_real := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-      } else {
-	position := pos_old;
-      };
-    };
-    (result).if {      
-      short (ALIAS_STR.short_integer) token pos_old to position;
-    }; 
-    result    
-  );
-  - read_escape_character <-
-  ( + nothing:BOOLEAN;
-    + val:INTEGER;
-    last_character.is_separator.if {        
-      position := position+1;
-      {
-	(last_character = 0.to_character) || 
-	{! last_character.is_separator}
-      }.until_do {
-	position := position+1;
-      };
-      (last_character='\\').if {
-	string_tmp.remove_last 1;
-	position := position+1;
-      }.elseif {last_character != 0.to_character} then {
-	syntax_error (current_position,"Unknown escape sequence.");
-      };
-    }.elseif {last_character != 0.to_character} then {
-      ( (last_character = 'a')  || 
-	{last_character = 'b'}  ||
-	{last_character = 'f'}  ||
-	{last_character = 'n'}  ||
-	{last_character = 'r'}  ||
-	{last_character = 't'}  ||
-	{last_character = 'v'}  ||
-	{last_character = '\\'} ||
-	{last_character = '?'}  ||
-	{last_character = '\''} ||
-	{last_character = '\"'}
-      ).if {
-	string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	position := position+1;
-      }.elseif {last_character.in_range '0' to '9'} then {
-	((last_character='0') && 
-	  {position<source.upper} && 
-	{! source.item(position+1).is_hexadecimal_digit}).if {
-	  string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	  position := position+1;
-	} else {
-	  string_tmp2.copy string_tmp;
-	  nothing := read_integer; // result is Always TRUE.
-	  string_tmp.copy string_tmp2;
-	  (last_integer > 255).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,
-	    "Invalid range character number [0,255].");
-	  };
-	  val := last_integer.to_integer;
-	  string_tmp.add_last ((val / 64).decimal_digit);
-	  string_tmp.add_last (((val % 64) / 8).decimal_digit);
-	  string_tmp.add_last ((val % 8).decimal_digit);
-	  (last_character='\\').if {
-	    position := position + 1;
-	  } else {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Character '\' is needed."); 
-	  };
-	};
-      } else {
-	syntax_error (current_position,"Unknown escape sequence.");
-      };
-      last_len_string := last_len_string + 1;
-    };
-  );
-  //-- character  -> '\'' ascii '\''
-  - read_characters:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    + old_pos:INTEGER;
-    // On passe les espaces :
-    ((read_space) && {last_character='\''}).if { 
-      old_pos := position;
-      last_len_string := 0;
-      position := position+1;
-      string_tmp.clear;
-      {(last_character=0.to_character) ||
-	{last_character='\n'} ||
-      {last_character='\''}}.until_do {
-	string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	(last_character='\\').if {
-	  position := position+1;
-	  read_escape_character;            
-	} else {
-	  position := position+1;
-	  last_len_string := last_len_string+1;
-	};
-      };
-      (last_character='\'').if {
-	position := position+1;
-	last_string := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-	(last_len_string != 1).if {
-	  position := begin_position;
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Character constant too long.");
-	};
-	result := TRUE;
-	short (ALIAS_STR.short_character) token old_pos to position;
-      } else {
-	position := begin_position;
-	syntax_error (current_position,"Unterminated character constant.");
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //-- string -> '\"' ascii_string '\"'
-  - read_string:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    + old_pos:INTEGER;
-    // On passe les espaces :
-    ((read_space) && {last_character='"'}).if { // "
-      last_len_string := 0;
-      old_pos := position;
-      position := position+1;
-      string_tmp.clear;
-      {(last_character=0.to_character) ||
-	{last_character='\n'} || 
-      {last_character='"'}}.until_do { // "
-	string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	(last_character='\\').if {
-	  position := position+1;
-	  read_escape_character;
-	} else {
-	  position := position+1;
-	  last_len_string := last_len_string+1;
-	};
-      };
-      (last_character='"').if { // "         
-	position := position+1;
-	last_string := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-	result := TRUE;
-	short (ALIAS_STR.short_string) token old_pos to position;
-      } else {
-	position := begin_position;
-	syntax_error (current_position,"Unterminated string constant.");
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //-- external -> '`' ascii_c_code '`'
-  - read_external:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    + pos_old:INTEGER;
-    // On passe les espaces :
-    ((! read_space) || {last_character != '`'}).if {
-      result := FALSE;
-    } else {      
-      pos_old:=position;
-      position := position+1;
-      string_tmp.clear;
-      {(last_character = 0.to_character) | (last_character='`')}.until_do {
-	string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	(last_character='\\').if {
-	  position := position+1;
-	  string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	  (last_character != 0.to_character).if {
-	    position := position+1;
-	  };
-	} else {
-	  position := position+1;
-	};
-      };
-      (last_character != 0.to_character).if {
-	position := position+1;
-	last_string := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-	result := TRUE;
-	short (ALIAS_STR.short_external) token pos_old to position;
-      } else {
-	result := FALSE;
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //-- operator -> '!' | '@' | '#' | '$' | '%' | '^' | '&' | '<' | '|'  
-  //--           | '*' | '-' | '+' | '=' | '~' | '/' | '?' | '\' | '>'
-  - read_operator:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    + old_pos:INTEGER;
-    // On passe les espaces :
-    (read_space).if {
-    };    
-    old_pos:=position;
-    string_tmp.clear;
-    {(last_character = 0.to_character) ||
-    {! "!@#$%^&<|*-+=~/?\\>".has last_character}}.until_do {
-      string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-      position := position+1;
-    };
-    (! string_tmp.is_empty).if {
-      last_string := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-      (
-	(last_string = ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_immediate) ||
-	{last_string = ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_code} ||
-	{last_string = ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_cast}
-      ).if {
-	syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect operator.");
-      };
-      short (ALIAS_STR.short_operator) token old_pos to position; 
-      result := TRUE;
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //
-  // Variable & function Global.
-  //
-  - last_slot:ITM_SLOT;
-  - last_group:ITM_LIST;
-  - last_section:STRING_CONSTANT;
-  //
-  // PARSER
-  //
-  //++ PROGRAM      -> { "Section" (section|TYPE_LIST) { SLOT } } [CONTRACT ';'] 
-  - read_program:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    + pos_sec,old_derive:INTEGER;
-    result := TRUE;
-    read_space;
-    pos_sec := position;
-    //
-    // Read Section Header.
-    //    
-    (read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.keyword_section)).if_false {
-      syntax_error (current_position,"`Section' is needed.");
-    };
-    (read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.section_header)).if_false {
-      syntax_error (current_position,"Section `Header' is needed.");
-    };    
-    (read_slot_header TRUE).if_false {
-      syntax_error (current_position,"Slot `name' not found."); 
-    };
-    {read_slot_header FALSE}.while_do {
-    }; // loop
-    //
-    // Read Section Other. 
-    //
-    {read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.keyword_section)}.while_do {
-      (read_keyword).if {
-	// Public, Private, ...
-	(ALIAS_STR.is_section last_string).if_false {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect type section.");
-	};	
-        last_section := last_string;		                
-      } else {
-	t := read_type_list TRUE; 
-	(t = NULL).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect type section.");
-        };
-        string_tmp.clear;
-        (t.lower).to (t.upper-1) do { j:INTEGER;
-          string_tmp.append (t.item j);
-          string_tmp.add_last ',';
-        };
-        string_tmp.append (t.last);
-        last_section := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;        
-      };
-      "SECTION : ".print; 
-      last_section.print;
-      '\n'.print;
-      {read_slot}.while_do {
-      }; // loop      
-    }; // loop
-    (read_invariant).if {      
-      warning_error (current_position,"Invariant: Sorry, Not yet implemented.");
-    };
-    // End of file :
-    result := result | read_space;
-    (last_character != 0.to_character).if {
-      syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect symbol.");
-    };
-    result
-  );  // read_program
-  //++ SLOT         -> style TYPE_SLOT [':' (TYPE|'('TYPE_LIST')') ][ affect DEF_SLOT ]';'
-  - read_slot:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
-    + style:CHARACTER;
-    + affect:CHARACTER;
-    + old_pos,old_derive:INTEGER;
-    + s:ITM_SLOT;
-    style  := read_style;
-    (style != ' ').if {      
-      //
-      // Classic slot.
-      //
-      key_comment_default := ALIAS_STR.short_comment_slot_line;
-      result := TRUE;
-      //
-      last_slot := read_type_slot;
-      (last_slot = NULL).if {
-	syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect slot declaration.");
-      };       
-      last_slot.set_style style;
-      (read_affect).if {
-	affect := last_string.first;
-      } else {
-	affect := ' ';
-      };
-      // ':' (TYPE|'('TYPE_LIST')'
-      ((affect = ' ') && {read_character ':'}).if {
-	(read_character '(').if {
-	  lt := read_type_list FALSE;
-	  (lt = NULL).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect result type.");
-	  };
-	  (read_character ')').if_false {
-	    warning_error (current_position,"Added ')' is needed.");
-          };
-          string_tmp.clear;
-          (lt.lower).to (lt.upper-1) do { j:INTEGER;
-            string_tmp.append (lt.item j);
-            string_tmp.add_last ',';
-          };
-          string_tmp.append (lt.last);          
-	  t := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-	} else {
-	  t := read_type FALSE; 
-	  (t = NULL).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect result type.");
-	  };
-	};	  
-	(read_affect).if {
-	  affect := last_string.first;
-	};
-      } else {
-	t := ALIAS_STR.prototype_void; 
-      }; 
-      "RESULT : ".print;
-      t.print;
-      '\n'.print;
-      (affect != ' ').if {
-	read_space;
-	old_pos    := position;
-	old_derive := short_derive;
-	read_def_slot;
-      };
-      (read_character ';').if_false {
-	warning_error (current_position,"Added ';'.");
-      };
-      // Added slot in prototype :      
-      //BSBS: ICI!!!! add_slot last_slot;
-    };
-    result
-  );  // read_slot
-  //++ TYPE_SLOT    -> [ LOC_ARG '.' ] identifier [ LOC_ARG { identifier LOC_ARG } ]
-  //++               | [ LOC_ARG ] '\'' operator '\'' [("Left"|"Right") [integer]] [LOC_ARG]
-  - read_type_slot:STRING_CONSTANT <-
-  ( + arg:ITM_ARGUMENT;
-    + result:ITM_SLOT;
-    + list_arg:FAST_ARRAY[ITM_ARGUMENT];
-    list_arg := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_ARGUMENT].new;
-    arg := read_loc_arg FALSE with_self TRUE;
-    (arg = NULL).if {
-      (read_character '\'').if {
-	result := read_slot_operator list_arg;
-      } else {
-	arg := ITM_ARG.create current_position 
-        name (ALIAS_STR.variable_self) type (ITM_TYPE_SIMPLE.type_self);
-	list_arg.add_last arg;      
-	result := read_slot_keyword list_arg;
-      };
-    } else {
-      list_arg.add_last arg;
-      (read_character '.').if {
-	result := read_slot_keyword list_arg;
-      }.elseif {read_character '\''} then { 
-	result := read_slot_operator list_arg;
-      };
-    };
-    (result != NULL).if {
-      list_arg := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_ARGUMENT].copy list_arg;
-      result.set_argument_list list_arg; 
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - read_slot_keyword list_arg:FAST_ARRAY[STRING_CONSTANT] :STRING_CONSTANT <-
-  ( + n:STRING;
-    + result:ITM_SLOT;
-    read_identifier.if {            
-      n := ALIAS_STR.new;
-      n.copy last_string;
-      arg := read_loc_arg FALSE with_self FALSE;
-      (arg != NULL).if {
-	list_arg.add_last arg;	
-	(read_identifier).if {
-	  (last_section.is_external).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect in `Section External'.");
-	  };	  
-	  {	    	    	    
-	    n.append (ALIAS_STR.separate);
-	    n.append last_string;
-	    arg := read_loc_arg FALSE with_self FALSE;
-	    (arg = NULL).if {
-	      syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect symbol.");
-	    }; // if
-	    list_arg.add_last arg;
-	  }.do_while {read_identifier}; // loop
-	};
-      }; // if
-      result := ALIAS_STR.alias n;
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - read_slot_operator list_arg:FAST_ARRAY[STRING_CONSTANT] :STRING_CONSTANT <-
-  ( + name:STRING_CONSTANT;    
-    + associativity:STRING_CONSTANT;
-    + priority:INTEGER;
-    + result:STRING_CONSTANT;
-    (! read_operator).if {
-      syntax_error (current_position,"Operator is needed.");
-    };
-    (
-      (last_string = ALIAS_STR.symbol_equal) ||
-      {last_string = ALIAS_STR.symbol_not_equal}
-    ).if {
-      syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect operator.");
-    };
-    name := last_string;
-    (! read_character '\'').if {
-      warning_error (current_position,"Added `''.");
-    };
-    (
-      (read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.keyword_left)) ||
-      {read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.keyword_right)}
-    ).if {
-      associativity := last_string;
-      (read_integer).if {
-	priority := last_integer.to_integer;
-      };      
-    };
-    (list_arg.is_empty).if {
-      // Prefix operator.
-      arg := read_loc_arg FALSE with_self TRUE;
-      (arg = NULL).if {
-	syntax_error (current_position,"Operator declaration invalid.");
-      };
-      list_arg.add_last arg;
-      name := operator (ALIAS_STR.slot_prefix) name name;
-      (associativity != NULL).if {
-	syntax_error (current_position,"Not associativity for postfix operator.");
-      };
-    } else {
-      arg := read_loc_arg FALSE with_self FALSE;
-      (arg != NULL).if {
-	// Infix operator.
-	list_arg.add_last arg;
-	name := operator (ALIAS_STR.slot_infix) name name;	
-	(associativity = NULL).if {
-	  associativity := ALIAS_STR.keyword_left;
-	};      
-      } else {
-	// Postfix operator.
-	name := operator (ALIAS_STR.slot_postfix) name name;
-	(associativity != NULL).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Not associativity for prefix operator.");
-	};
-      };
-    };    
-    result := name;
-    result
-  );  // read_slot_operator
-  - read_def_slot <-
-  ( + expr:STRING_CONSTANT;
-    read_require;
-    expr := read_expr;
-    (expr = NULL).if {
-      syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect expression.");
-    };    
-    read_ensure;
-  );
-  //++ LOC_ARG      -> identifier ':' TYPE
-  //++               | '(' LOCAL ')'
-  - read_loc_arg mute:BOOLEAN with_self self_first:BOOLEAN :STRING_CONSTANT <-
-  ( + result:STRING_CONSTANT;
-    + pos:POSITION;
-    (
-      ((  self_first) && {read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.variable_self)}) || 
-      {(! self_first) && {read_identifier}}
-    ).if {      
-      pos := current_position;
-      n   := last_string;
-      ((read_character ':') && {last_character != '='}).if {
-	t := read_type TRUE;
-	(t = NULL).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect type.");
-        };
-        string_tmp.copy n;                	
-        string_tmp.add_last ':';
-        string_tmp.append t;
-	result := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-      } else {
-	mute.if_false {
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ':' is needed.");
-	};
-      };      
-    }.elseif {read_character '('} then {      
-      result := read_local_arg mute with_self self_first;
-      (result = NULL).if {
-	mute.if_false {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect argument definition.");
-	};
-      } else {      
-	(read_character ')').if_false {
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ')'.");
-	};
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //++ LOCAL        -> { identifier [ ':' TYPE ] ',' } identifier ':' TYPE
-  - read_local m:BOOLEAN :FAST_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL] <-
-  ( + t:ITM_TYPE_MONO;
-    + loc:ITM_LOCAL;
-    + result:FAST_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL]; 
-    + beg:INTEGER;
-    + mute:BOOLEAN;
-    mute := m;
-    (read_identifier).if {
-      result := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL].new;      
-      beg := result.lower;
-      {
-	((result.count != 0) && {! read_identifier} && {! mute}).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect identifier.");
-	};
-	loc := ITM_LOCAL.create current_position name last_string;
-	result.add_last loc;
-	((read_character ':') && {last_character != '='}).if {
-	  mute := FALSE;
-	  t := read_type TRUE;
-	  (t = NULL).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect local type.");
-	  };
-	  beg.to (result.upper) do { j:INTEGER;
-	    result.item j.set_type t;
-	  };
-	  beg := result.upper + 1;
-	};  
-      }.do_while {read_character ','};
-      (beg != result.upper + 1).if {
-	(mute).if {
-	  ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL].free result;
-	  result := NULL;
-	} else {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect local type.");
-	};	
-      } else {
-	result := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL].copy result;
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );  // read_local
-  - read_local_arg m:BOOLEAN with_self s:BOOLEAN :ITM_ARGUMENT <-
-  ( + t:ITM_TYPE_MONO;
-    + tm:ITM_TYPE_MULTI;
-    + beg:INTEGER;
-    + mute:BOOLEAN;
-    + result:ITM_ARGUMENT;
-    + tb:ITM_TYPE_BLOCK;
-    mute := m;
-    (
-      ((s) && {read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.variable_self)}) ||
-      {read_identifier}
-    ).if {      
-      name := ALIAS_ARRAY[STRING_CONSTANT].new;
-      type := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_TYPE_MONO].new;      
-      beg  := name.lower;
-      {
-	((name.count != 0) && {! read_identifier} && {! mute}).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect argument identifier.");
-	};
-	name.add_last last_string;
-	((read_character ':') && {last_character != '='}).if {
-	  mute := FALSE;
-	  t := read_type TRUE;
-	  (t = NULL).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect argument type.");
-	  };
-	  beg.to (name.upper) do { j:INTEGER;
-	    type.add_last t;
-	  };
-	  beg := name.upper + 1;
-	};  
-      }.do_while {read_character ','};
-      (beg != name.upper + 1).if {
-	(mute).if_false {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect argument type.");
-	};	
-      } else {	
-	(name.count = 1).if {
-	  // Single Argument.
-	  result := ITM_ARG.create current_position 
-	  name (name.first)
-	  type (type.first);
-	} else {
-	  // Vector Arguments.
-	  name := ALIAS_ARRAY[STRING_CONSTANT].alias name;
-	  type := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_TYPE_MONO].alias type;
-	  tm := ITM_TYPE_MULTI.get type;
-	  result := ITM_ARGS.create current_position name name type tm;
-	};
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );  // read_local  
-  //++ TYPE_LIST    -> TYPE { ',' TYPE }
-  - read_type_list is_section:BOOLEAN :FAST_ARRAY[STRING_CONSTANT] <-
-    t := read_type FALSE;    
-    (t != NULL).if {            
-      lst.add_last t;      
-      {read_character ','}.while_do {
-	t := read_type FALSE;
-	(t = NULL).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect type list.");
-	};	
-	lst.add_last t;
-      };
-      lst := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_TYPE_MONO].alias lst;
-    };
-    lst
-  );
-  //++ TYPE         -> '{' [ (TYPE | '(' TYPE_LIST ')') ';' ] [ TYPE_LIST ] '}'
-  //++               | [type] PROTOTYPE
-  - read_type is_local:BOOLEAN :STRING_CONSTANT <-
-  ( + style:STRING_CONSTANT;
-    + result:ITM_TYPE_MONO;
-    + typ_arg,typ_res:ITM_TYPE;
-    (read_character '{').if {
-      // '{' [ (TYPE | '(' TYPE_LIST ')') ';' ] [ TYPE_LIST ] '}'      
-      (read_character '(').if {
-	// Read vector argument.
-	lst := read_type_list FALSE;
-	(lst = NULL).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect type list.");
-	};
-	(lst.count = 1).if {
-	  typ_arg := lst.first;	  
-	} else {
-	  typ_arg := ITM_TYPE_MULTI.get lst;
-	};
-	(! read_character ')').if {
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ')'.");
-	}; // if      	
-	(! read_character ';').if {
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ';'.");
-        }; // if
-        lst := read_type_list FALSE;
-      } else {
-	lst := read_type_list FALSE;
-	(lst != NULL).if {
-	  (read_character ';').if {	    
-	    (lst.count = 1).if {
-	      typ_arg := lst.first;
-	    } else {
-	      typ_arg := ITM_TYPE_MULTI.get lst;
-	      string_tmp.copy "Added '";
-	      typ_arg.display string_tmp;
-	      string_tmp.append "'.";
-	      warning_error (current_position,string_tmp);
-            };
-            lst := read_type_list FALSE;
-          };          
-	};      
-      };
-      (lst != NULL).if {
-        (lst.count = 1).if {
-          typ_res := lst.first;
-        } else {
-          typ_res := ITM_TYPE_MULTI.get lst;
-        };
-      };
-      (! read_character '}').if {
-	warning_error (current_position,"Added '}'.");
-      }; // if      	
-      result := ITM_TYPE_BLOCK.get typ_arg and typ_res;      
-    } else {    
-      // Expanded | Strict 
-      (
-	(read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.keyword_expanded)) || 
-	{read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.keyword_strict)} 
-      ).if {      
-	style := last_string;
-	((is_local) && {last_string = ALIAS_STR.keyword_expanded}).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"`Expanded' is not possible.");
-	};
-      };    
-      // PROTOTYPE
-      result := read_prototype style;
-    };
-    result
-  );  // read_type
-  //++ PROTOTYPE    -> cap_identifier ['['TYPE_LIST {identifier TYPE_LIST} ']']
-  //++               | '[' cap_identifier ']'
-  - read_prototype style:STRING_CONSTANT :STRING_CONSTANT <-
-  ( + name:STRING_CONSTANT;    
-    + genericity:FAST_ARRAY[STRING_CONSTANT];
-    + continue:BOOLEAN;
-    + t,result:STRING_CONSTANT;    
-    + old_pos,old_derive,sav_derive:INTEGER;
-    (read_character '[').if {
-      // '[' cap_identifier ']'
-      (! read_cap_identifier).if {
-        syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect parameter type.");
-      };            
-      string_tmp.copy "[";
-      string_tmp.append last_string;
-      string_tmp.add_last ']';
-      result := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-      (! read_character ']').if {
-        warning_error (current_position,"Added ']'.");
-      }; // if      	
-    }.elseif {read_cap_identifier} then {            
-      old_pos    := position;
-      old_derive := short_derive;
-      name := last_string;
-      (read_character '[').if {	
-	//
-	// Genericity.
-	//		
-	genericity := ALIAS_ARRAY[STRING_CONSTANT].new;
-	{
-	  t := read_type FALSE;
-	  (t = NULL).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect generic type.");
-	  };
-	  genericity.add_last t;
-	  (read_identifier).if {
-	    continue := TRUE;
-	    warning_error (current_position,
-	    "Sorry, not yet implemented (ignored).");
-	  } else {
-	    continue := read_character ',';
-	  };
-	}.do_while {continue};
-	genericity := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_TYPE_MONO].alias genericity; 
-	result     := ITM_TYPE_GENERIC.get name style style with genericity;
-	(! read_character ']').if {
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ']'.");
-	}; // if
-      } else {	
-	// Simple type.	  
-	(style = NULL).if {
-	  result := name;
-	} else {
-	  (name = ALIAS_STR.prototype_self).if {
-	    string_tmp.copy "Style `";
-	    string_tmp.append style;
-	    string_tmp.append "' ignored.";
-	    warning_error (current_position,string_tmp);
-	    result := name;
-          } else {
-            string_tmp.copy style;
-            string_tmp.add_last ' ';
-            string_tmp.append name;            
-	    result := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-	  };
-	};
-      }; // if
-    }; // if
-    result
-  );  // read_prototype
-  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-  //++ EXPR         -> { ASSIGN !!AMBIGU!! affect } EXPR_OPERATOR
-  //++ ASSIGN       -> '(' IDF_ASSIGN { ',' IDF_ASSIGN } ')'
-  //++               | IDF_ASSIGN
-  //++ IDF_ASSIGN   -> identifier { identifier }
-  - read_expr:STRING_CONSTANT <-
-  ( + result,value:STRING_CONSTANT;    
-    + affect:CHARACTER;   
-    + again:BOOLEAN;
-    + l_assignment:FAST_ARRAY[STRING_CONSTANT];
-    + p:INTEGER;
-    + name:STRING_CONSTANT;
-    // !! AMBIGU resolution !!    
-    save_context;
-    (read_character '(').if {      
-      {
-	again := FALSE;
-	(read_identifier).if {	  
-	  string_tmp2.copy last_string;
-	  {read_identifier}.while_do {
-	    string_tmp2.append (ALIAS_STR.separate);
-	    string_tmp2.append last_string;
-	  };
-	  name := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp2;	  
-	  (read_character ',').if {
-	    again := TRUE;
-	  };
-	};
-      }.do_while {again};
-      ((name != NULL) && {read_character ')'} && {read_affect}).if {		
-	result := name; 	
-	value  := read_expr;
-	(value = NULL).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect expression.");
-	};	
-      };
-    }.elseif {read_identifier} then {      
-      string_tmp2.copy last_string;
-      {read_identifier}.while_do {
-	string_tmp2.append (ALIAS_STR.separate);
-	string_tmp2.append last_string;
-      };
-      name := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp2;
-      (read_affect).if {
-	result := name; 
-	value  := read_expr;
-	(value = NULL).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect expression.");
-	};	
-      };
-    };
-    (result = NULL).if {
-      restore_context;
-      result := read_expr_operator;
-    };
-    result
-  );  
-  //++ EXPR_OPERATOR-> { operator } EXPR_MESSAGE { operator {operator} EXPR_MESSAGE } {operator}
-  - read_expr_operator:STRING_CONSTANT <-
-  ( + result,expr:STRING_CONSTANT;
-    {read_operator}.while_do {      
-      //
-    };
-    result := read_expr_message;
-    (result != NULL).if {      
-      // { operator {operator} EXPR_MESSAGE } {operator}      
-      {	
-	(read_operator).if {
-	  {	    
-	  }.do_while {read_operator};	  
-	  expr := read_expr_message;
-	} else {	
-	  expr := NULL;
-	};
-      }.do_while {expr != NULL};            
-    };
-    result
-  );  // read_expr_operator
-  - read_expr_message:STRING_CONSTANT <-
-  ( + result:STRING_CONSTANT;
-    result := read_expr_base;
-    (result != NULL).if {        
-      {read_character '.'}.while_do {
-	result := read_send_msg result;
-	(result=NULL).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect message.");
-	}; // if
-      }; // loop
-    }; //if
-    result
-  );  // read_expr_message
-  //++ EXPR_BASE    -> "Old" EXPR
-  //++               | EXPR_PRIMARY
-  //++               | SEND_MSG
-  - read_expr_base:STRING_CONSTANT <-
-  ( + result,old_value:STRING_CONSTANT;    
-    (read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.keyword_old)).if {
-      old_value := read_expr;
-      (old_value = NULL).if {	  
-	syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect `Old' expression."); 
-      };      
-      result := ALIAS_STR.keyword_old;
-    } else {    
-      result := read_expr_primary;
-      (result = NULL).if {
-	result := read_send_msg NULL;
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );  // read_expr_base
-  //++ EXPR_PRIMARY -> "Self"
-  //++               | result
-  //++               | PROTOTYPE
-  //++               | integer
-  //++               | characters
-  //++               | string
-  //++               | '(' GROUP ')'
-  //++               | '{' [ LOC_ARG ';' !! AMBIGU!! ] GROUP '}'
-  //++               | external [ ':' ['('] TYPE ['(' TYPE_LIST ')'] [')'] ]
-  - read_expr_primary:ITM_CODE <-
-  ( + result:ITM_CODE;
-    + type :ITM_TYPE_MONO;
-    + ext  :ITM_EXTERNAL_TYPE;
-    + group_sav:ITM_LIST;
-    + arg:ITM_ARGUMENT;
-    + result_id:STRING_CONSTANT;    
-    (read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.variable_self)).if {
-      result := last_string;
-    }.elseif {read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.keyword_result)} then {
-      (last_character = '_').if {
-	position := position + 1;
-	string_tmp.copy (ALIAS_STR.keyword_result);
-	string_tmp.add_last '_';
-	{last_character.is_digit}.while_do {
-	  string_tmp.add_last last_character;
-	  position := position + 1;
-	};
-	(string_tmp.is_empty).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect Result number.");
-	};
-	result := ALIAS_STR.get string_tmp;
-      } else {
-	result := ALIAS_STR.keyword_result;
-      };
-    }.elseif {
-      type := read_prototype NULL;
-      type != NULL
-    } then {
-      result := "PROTOTYPE";
-    }.elseif {read_real} then {
-      result := "REAL";
-    }.elseif {read_integer} then {
-      result := "INTEGER";
-    }.elseif {read_characters} then {
-      result := "CHARACTER";
-    }.elseif {read_string} then {
-      result := "STRING";
-    }.elseif {read_character '(' } then { 
-      group_sav := last_group;
-      last_group := ITM_LIST.create current_position;
-      result := last_group;
-      last_group.set_code read_group;
-      (read_character ')').if_false {  
-	warning_error (current_position,"Added ')'.");
-      }; // if
-      last_group := group_sav;
-    }.elseif {read_character '{' } then {
-      short (ALIAS_STR.short_block) token (position-1) to position;
-      group_sav := last_group;      
-      last_group := ITM_LIST.create current_position;
-      save_context; // !! SAVE CONTEXT !!
-      //
-      arg := read_loc_arg TRUE with_self FALSE;
-      //      
-      (arg != NULL).if {	
-	(read_character ';').if_false {  
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ';'.");
-	}; // if
-      } else {
-	restore_context; // !! RESTORE CONTEXT !!
-      };
-      result := ITM_BLOCK.create last_group argument arg;
-      last_group.set_code read_group;
-      (! read_character '}').if {
-	warning_error (current_position,"Added '}'.");
-      }; // if      
-      last_group := group_sav;      
-    }.elseif {read_external} then {
-      (! read_character ':').if {
-	result := ITM_EXTERNAL.create current_position text last_string;
-      } else {
-	ext := ITM_EXTERNAL_TYPE.create current_position text 
-	last_string persistant (read_character '(');
-	type := read_type FALSE;
-	(type = NULL).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect type.");
-	};
-	ext.set_type type;
-	(read_character '(').if {
-	  ltype := read_type_list FALSE;
-	  (ltype = NULL).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect live type list.");
-	  };
-	  (! read_character ')').if {
-	    warning_error (current_position,"Added ')'.");
-	  };
-	  ext.set_type_list ltype;
-	};
-	((ext.is_persistant) && {! read_character ')'}).if { 
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ')'.");
-	};
-	result := ext;
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );  // read_expr_primaire
-  //++ GROUP        -> DEF_LOCAL {EXPR ';'} [ EXPR {',' {EXPR ';'} EXPR } ]
-  - read_group:FAST_ARRAY[ITM_CODE] <-
-  ( + e:ITM_CODE;    
-    + result:FAST_ARRAY[ITM_CODE];
-    read_def_local;
-    result := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_CODE].new;
-    e := read_expr;
-    {(e != NULL) && {read_character ';'}}.while_do {
-      result.add_last e;
-      e := read_expr;
-    };
-    (e != NULL).if {
-      (read_character ',').if {	
-	{
-	  e := ITM_RESULT.create e;
-	  result.add_last e;
-	  e := read_expr;
-	  {(e != NULL) && {read_character ';'}}.while_do {
-	    result.add_last e;
-	    e := read_expr;
-	  };
-	  (e = NULL).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect multiple result expression.");
-	  };	  
-        }.do_while {read_character ','};	        
-      };
-      e := ITM_RESULT.create e;
-      result.add_last e;
-    };    
-    ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_CODE].copy result
-  );
-  - read_invariant:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + lst:ITM_LIST;
-    lst := read_contract;
-    lst != NULL    
-  );
-  - read_require:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + lst:ITM_LIST;
-    + result:BOOLEAN;
-    lst := read_contract;
-    (lst != NULL).if {
-      last_slot.set_require lst;
-      result := TRUE;
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - read_ensure:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + lst:ITM_LIST;
-    + result:BOOLEAN;
-    lst := read_contract;
-    (lst != NULL).if {
-      last_slot.set_ensure lst;
-      result := TRUE;
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //++ CONTRACT     -> '[' DEF_LOCAL { ( EXPR ';' | "..." ) } ']'
-  - read_contract:ITM_LIST <-
-  ( + continue:BOOLEAN;
-    + e:ITM_CODE;
-    + result:ITM_LIST;
-    + lst:FAST_ARRAY[ITM_CODE];
-    (read_character '[').if {
-      result := last_group := ITM_LIST.create current_position;
-      read_def_local;
-      lst := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_CODE].new;
-      {
-	e := read_expr;
-	(e = NULL).if {
-	  continue := read_word (ALIAS_STR.keyword_ldots);
-	  (continue).if {
-	    lst.add_last (ITM_LDOTS.create current_position);
-	  };
-	} else {
-	  lst.add_last e;
-	  (! read_character ';').if {
-	    warning_error (current_position,"Added ';'.");
-	  };
-	  continue := TRUE;
-	};
-      }.do_while {continue};
-      (! read_character ']').if {
-	warning_error (current_position,"Added ']'.");
-      };
-      e := ITM_PROTOTYPE.create current_position type (ITM_TYPE_SIMPLE.type_void);
-      lst.add_last e;
-      //
-      result.set_code (ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_CODE].copy lst);
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //++ DEF_LOCAL    -> { style LOCAL ';' } !! AMBIGU !!
-  - read_def_local <-
-  ( + loc_lst:FAST_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL];
-    + local_list,static_list:FAST_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL];    
-    + styl:CHARACTER;
-    save_context; // !! SAVE CONTEXT !!
-    styl    := read_style;
-    local_list  := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL].new;
-    static_list := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL].new;
-    {styl != ' '}.while_do {
-      loc_lst := read_local TRUE;
-      (loc_lst != NULL).if {
-	(styl = '+').if {
-	  local_list.append_collection loc_lst;
-	} else {
-	  static_list.append_collection loc_lst;
-	};
-	(read_character ';').if_false {
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ';'.");
-	};
-	save_context; // !! SAVE CONTEXT !!
-	styl := read_style;
-      } else {
-	restore_context; // !! RESTORE CONTEXT !!
-	styl := ' ';
-      };      
-    };
-    (local_list.is_empty).if {
-      ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL].free local_list;
-    } else {
-      last_group.set_local_list  (ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL].copy local_list);
-    };
-    (static_list.is_empty).if {
-      ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL].free static_list;
-    } else {
-      last_group.set_static_list (ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_LOCAL].copy static_list); 
-    };
-  );
-  //++ SEND_MSG     -> identifier [ ARGUMENT { identifier ARGUMENT } ]
-  - read_send_msg first_arg:ITM_CODE :ITM_CODE <-
-  ( + result:ITM_CODE;
-    + name :STRING_CONSTANT;
-    + n:STRING;
-    + l_arg:FAST_ARRAY[ITM_CODE];
-    + arg:ITM_CODE;
-    + p1,p2,old_derive,sav_derive:INTEGER;
-    read_identifier.if {
-      //
-      // Classic Message.
-      //
-      p1 := position - last_string.count;
-      p2 := position;
-      old_derive := short_derive;
-      n := ALIAS_STR.new;
-      n.copy last_string;
-      // Argument list.
-      l_arg := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_CODE].new;
-      arg := read_argument;
-      (arg != NULL).if {          
-	l_arg.add_last arg;	
-	{read_identifier}.while_do {
-	  n.append (ALIAS_STR.separate);
-	  n.append last_string;
-	  arg := read_argument;
-	  (arg = NULL).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect argument.");
-	  }; // if
-	  l_arg.add_last arg;
-	}; // loop
-      }; // if
-      name := ALIAS_STR.alias n;
-      l_arg.is_empty.if {
-	(first_arg=NULL).if {
-	  // Local ou Implicite Slot without argument.
-	  result := ITM_READ.create current_position name name; 
-	} else {  
-	  result := ITM_READ_ARG1.create current_position name name arg first_arg; 
-	};
-	ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_CODE].free l_arg;
-      }.elseif {l_arg.count=1} then {
-	result := ITM_READ_ARG2.create current_position name 
-	name args (first_arg,(l_arg.first)); 
-	ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_CODE].free l_arg;
-      } else {
-	l_arg.add_first first_arg;
-	l_arg := ALIAS_ARRAY[ITM_CODE].copy l_arg;	
-	result := ITM_READ_ARGS.create current_position name name args l_arg; 
-      };
-    }; // if
-    result
-  );  // read_send_msg
-  //++               | identifier
-  - read_argument:ITM_CODE <-
-  ( + result:ITM_CODE;
-    result := read_expr_primary;
-    ((result = NULL) && {read_identifier}).if {
-      result := ITM_READ.create current_position name last_string;
-    };
-    result
-  );  // read_argument
-  // name, export, import, type, default, external, version, date, comment, author,
-  // bibliography, language, bug_report, copyright.
-  - read_slot_header first:BOOLEAN :BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + result:BOOLEAN;    
-    + v:ITM_CODE;
-    + style:CHARACTER;
-    + is_export:BOOLEAN;
-    + parameter_type:ITM_TYPE_PARAMETER;
-    style := read_style;
-    (style != ' ').if {
-      result := TRUE;
-      ((! first) && {style = '+'}).if {
-	warning_error (current_position,"Incorrect style slot ('-').");
-      };
-      (first).if {
-	(read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_name)).if {
-	  //
-	  // Read `name' slot.
-	  //
-	  (style = '-').if {
-	    warning_error (current_position,
-	    "`- name' is reserved for Concurrent Object Prototype.\n\
-	    \Sorry, COP is not yet implemented.");
-	  };
-	  // style "name" ':=' [type] cap_identifier 
-	  // ['['cap_identifier {',' cap_identifier}{identifier cap_identifier {',' cap_identifier}}']']	  	  	  
-	  (read_symbol (ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_immediate)).if_false {
-	    warning_error (current_position,"Added ':='.");
-	  };
-	  (
-	    (read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.keyword_expanded)) ||
-	    {read_this_keyword (ALIAS_STR.keyword_strict)}	    
-          ).if {	    
-            //
-	  };
-	  (! read_cap_identifier).if {
-	    syntax_error (current_position,"Prototype identifier is needed.");
-	  };	  
-          "NAME : ".print;
-          last_string.print; 
-          '\n'.print;
-	  (read_character '[').if {
-	    //
-	    // Generic loader.
-	    //
-	    (! read_cap_identifier).if {
-	      syntax_error (current_position,"Identifier parameter type is needed.");
-	    };
-	    last_string := NULL;
-	    {(read_character ',') || {read_identifier}}.while_do {
-	      (! read_cap_identifier).if {
-		syntax_error (current_position,"Identifier parameter type is needed.");
-	      };	      	      
-	    }; // loop
-	    (! read_character ']').if {
-	      warning_error (current_position,"Added ']'.");
-	    };	    
-	  };	  
-	} else {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Slot `name' must to be first slot.");
-	};
-      }.elseif {
-	(is_export := read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_export)) || 
-	{read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_import)}
-      } then {
-	// - ("export"|"import") ':=' TYPE_LIST 
-	(read_symbol (ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_immediate)).if_false {
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ':='.");
-	};
-	cast := read_type_list FALSE;
-	(cast = NULL).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect type list.");
-	};
-	(is_export).if {
-	  object.set_export_list cast;
-	} else {
-	  object.set_import_list cast;
-	};
-      }.elseif {read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_external)} then {
-	//
-	// Read `external' slot.
-	//
-	// - "external" ':=' `<code_c>`
-	(read_symbol (ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_immediate)).if_false {
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ':='.");
-	};
-	(read_external).if_false {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect external.");
-	};	
-      }.elseif {read_word(ALIAS_STR.slot_default)} then {
-	//
-	// Read `default' slot.
-	//
-	// '-' "default" ':=' EXPR_PRIMARY
-	(read_symbol (ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_immediate)).if_false {
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ':='.");
-	};
-	v := read_expr_primary;
-	(v = NULL).if {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect expr.");
-	};	
-      }.elseif {read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_type)} then {
-	//
-	// Read `type' slot.
-	//
-	// '-' "type" ':=' `<type C>`
-	(read_symbol (ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_immediate)).if_false {
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ':='.");
-	};
-	(read_external).if_false {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect external.");
-	};
-	(object.type_c != NULL).if {
-	  semantic_error (current_position,"Double `type' slot definition.");
-	};
-	object.set_c_type last_string;
-      }.elseif {read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_version)} then {
-	//
-	// Read `version' slot.
-	//
-	// '-' "version" ':=' integer
-	(read_symbol (ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_immediate)).if_false {
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ':='.");
-	};
-	(read_integer).if_false {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect number.");
-	};
-      }.elseif {
-	(read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_date)) ||
-	{read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_comment)} ||
-	{read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_author)} ||
-	{read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_bibliography)} ||
-	{read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_language)} ||
-	{read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_copyright)} ||
-	{read_word (ALIAS_STR.slot_bug_report)}
-      } then {
-	//	  
-	// Read `date', `comment', `author', `bibliography', 
-	// `language', `copyright' or `bug_report' slots.
-	//
-	// '-' ("date"|"comment"|"author"|"bibliography"|"language"|"copyright"|"bug_report") ':=' string
-	(read_symbol (ALIAS_STR.symbol_affect_immediate)).if_false {
-	  warning_error (current_position,"Added ':='.");
-	};	
-	(read_string).if_false {
-	  syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect string.");
-	};	
-      } else {
-	warning_error (current_position,"Incorrect slot.");
-      };
-      (read_character ';').if_false {
-	warning_error (current_position,"Added ';'.");
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );
-Section Public  
-  //
-  // Parser Entry.
-  //
-  - go_on src:STRING <-
-  (
-    // Source information.
-    source   := src;
-    position := source.lower;
-    pos_cur  := source.lower;
-    pos_line := 1;
-    pos_col  := 0;
-    // Parse.
-    (! read_program).if {
-      syntax_error (current_position,"Incorrect symbol.");
-    };
-  );
diff --git a/uml/parsing.li b/uml/parsing.li
deleted file mode 100644
index a619c88..0000000
--- a/uml/parsing.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-/*******	Prototype qui permet de recuperer toutes les informations relative a un fichier.li	*******/
-Section Header
-  + name := PARSING;
-  - author:="HILBERT Jerome (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gregoire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Private
-  + buffer1:STRING;
-  + simple:BOOLEAN :=FALSE;
-  + uniquement_public:BOOLEAN:=FALSE;
-Section Public
-  //recupere le contenu du fichier et renvoit une instance de FICHIER contenant ses informations
-  + parcours_fichier e:ENTRY option simple1:BOOLEAN ou uniquement_public1:BOOLEAN :FICHIER <-
-  (
-    + lee:LIREETECRIRE;
-    + f:FICHIER;
-    + nom:STRING;
-    simple:=simple1;
-    uniquement_public:=uniquement_public1;
-    f:=FICHIER.clone;
-    lee:=LIREETECRIRE.clone;
-    e.path.print;
-    "\n".print;
-    buffer1:=lee.lire e;
-    buffer1.append "\n";
-    buffer1.to_lower;
-    le_nettoyeur3;
-    nom:=get_element "name" in "Header";
-    f.make (nom,(get_methodes nom),(get_attributs nom),get_parents);
-    f
-  );
-Section Private
-  //nettoie le fichier en enlevant tous les commentaires, ce qui se trouve entre "" et entre ()
-  //->il ne restera que ce qu'il faut analyser!
-  - le_nettoyeur3 <-
-  (
-    + index,index2,index_g,index_c,index_po,index_pf,index_p:INTEGER;
-    + nb_p:INTEGER;
-    + calcul_index:BLOCK;
-    index:=1;
-    nb_p:=0;
-    //calcul des index
-    calcul_index:={index_g:=buffer1.index_of '"' since index;
-      index_c:=buffer1.index_of '/' since index;
-      index_pf:=buffer1.index_of ')' since index;
-      index_po:=buffer1.index_of '(' since index;
-      index:=(index_g.min index_c).min (index_po.min index_pf);
-    };
-    calcul_index.value;
-    {index<(buffer1.count+1)}.while_do{
-      ({index_g=index}&&{buffer1.item (index_g-1) != '\\'}&&{!({buffer1.item (index_g-1) = '\''}&&{buffer1.item (index_g+1) = '\''})}).if{
-        //on enl�ve ce qui est entre ""
-        index2:=index+1;
-        {{(index2:=buffer1.index_of '"' since (index2))!=(buffer1.count+1)}&&
-          {{buffer1.item (index2-1) = '\\'}||
-        {{buffer1.item (index2-1) = '\''}&&{buffer1.item (index2+1) = '\''}}}}.while_do{
-        index2:=index2+1;};
-        (index2=(buffer1.count+1)).if_false{
-          buffer1.remove_between index to index2;
-        };
-      }else{
-        //suppression des commentaires //
-        ({index_c=index}&&{buffer1.item (index_c+1) = '/'}).if{
-          index2:=buffer1.index_of '\n' since (index_c+2);
-          buffer1.remove_between index to (index2-1);
-        }else{
-          //suppression des commentaires /* */
-          ({index_c=index}&&{buffer1.item (index_c+1) = '*'}).if{
-            ((index2:=buffer1.substring_index ("*/",index_c+2))!=0).if{
-              buffer1.remove_between index to (index2+1);
-            };
-          }else{
-            //comptage des (
-            ({index_po=index}&&{!({buffer1.item (index_po-1)='\''}&&{buffer1.item (index_po+1)='\''})}).if{
-              (nb_p=0).if{index_p:=index;};
-              nb_p:=nb_p+1;
-              index:=index+1;
-            }else{
-              //d�comptage des ) et suppression des zones entre parenth�ses
-              ({index_pf=index}&&{!({buffer1.item (index_pf-1)='\''}&&{buffer1.item (index_pf+1)='\''})}).if{
-                nb_p:=nb_p-1;
-                (nb_p=0).if{
-                  buffer1.remove_between index_p to (index_pf+1);
-                  index:=index_p;
-                }else{index:=index+1;};
-              }else{index:=index+1;};
-            };
-          };
-        };
-      };
-      //calcul des nouveaux index
-      /*index_g:=buffer1.index_of '"' since index;
-      index_c:=buffer1.index_of '/' since index;
-      index_pf:=buffer1.index_of ')' since index;
-      index_po:=buffer1.index_of '(' since index;
-      index:=(index_g.min index_c).min (index_po.min index_pf);*/
-      calcul_index.value;
-    };
-  );
-  //renvoit la section s, par exemple si s vaut HEADER, renvoit l'ensemble de la section HEADER. S'il y a plusieurs section du m�me nom,
-  //renvoit les sections concat�n�es
-  - get_section s:ABSTRACT_STRING :STRING <-
-  (
-    + section1:STRING;
-    + index,index0:INTEGER;
-    + index2:INTEGER;
-    + texto:STRING;
-    index2:=1;
-    texto:=STRING.create (s.count);
-    section1:=STRING.create 256;
-    section1.copy "";
-    texto.copy s;
-    texto.to_lower;
-    {(index0:=buffer1.substring_index ("section",index2))!=0}.while_do{
-      index:=index0+7;
-      {{buffer1.item index ==' '}||{buffer1.item index =='\n'}}.while_do{index:=index+1;};
-      (buffer1.substring index to (index+s.count-1) ==texto).if{
-        index0:=index+s.count;
-        index2:=index0-7;
-        {
-          index:=index2+7;
-          index2:=buffer1.substring_index ("section",(index));
-        }.do_while{{index2!=0}&&{{{(buffer1.item (index2-1))!='\n'}&&{(buffer1.item (index2-1))!=' '}}||{{(buffer1.item (index2+7))!=' '}&&{(buffer1.item (index2+7))!='\n'}}}};
-        (index2==0).if{ 
-          index2:=buffer1.count;
-        };
-        section1.append (buffer1.substring index0 to (index2-1));
-      }else{index2:=index2+8;};
-  //    "index2 ".print;index2.print;'\n'.print;
-  //    "buffer1 ".print;buffer1.count.print;'\n'.print;
-    };		
-    section1
-  );
-Section Public
-  // renvoit un �l�ment d'une section, pour l'instant cette m�thode ne sert qu'� r�cup�rer le 'name' dans la section HEADER
-  // mais elle pourrait servir �galement � r�cup�rer les auteur, les commentaires, etc..
-  - get_element nom:STRING_CONSTANT in s:STRING_CONSTANT :STRING <-
-  (
-    + index,index2,index3:INTEGER;
-    + section1:STRING;
-    + element:STRING;
-  section1:=get_section s;
-  index:=section1.substring_index (nom,1);
-  index:=section1.substring_index (":=",(index+nom.count));
-  index2:=section1.substring_index (";",(index+nom.count));
-  index3:=section1.substring_index ("->",(index+nom.count));
-  (index3>0).if{index2:=index2.min(index3-1)};
-  element:=STRING.create (index2-index+2);
-  element.copy (section1.substring (index+2) to (index2-1));
-  element.remove_all_occurrences ' ';
-  element.remove_all_occurrences '\n';
-  element
-//renvoit l'ensemble des parents d'un prototype
-- get_parents :ENS_PARENTS <-
-  + section1:STRING;
-  + index:INTEGER;
-  + index2:INTEGER;
-  + parents:ENS_PARENTS;
-  + parent:STRING;
-  parents:=ENS_PARENTS.create;
-  section1:=get_section "INHERIT";
-  index:=1;
-  index2:=1;
-  {(index:=section1.substring_index (":",(index2+1)))!=0}.while_do{
-    ((section1.item (index+1))=='=').if_false{
-      ((index2:=section1.substring_index ("expanded",(index+1)))!=0).if{
-        index:=index2+7;
-      };
-      ((index2:=section1.substring_index (":=",(index+1)))==0).if{
-        ((index2:=section1.substring_index (";",index))==0).if{
-          index2:=section1.substring_index ("<" ,index);
-        };
-      };
-      parent:=STRING.create (index2-index-2);
-      parent.copy (section1.substring (index+1) to (index2-1));
-      parent.remove_all_occurrences ' ';
-      parent.remove_all_occurrences '\n';
-      parent.to_upper;
-      (parents.has parent).if_false{
-        parents.ajouter parent;
-      };
-    }else{
-      index2:=index+1;
-    };
-  };
-  parents
-//recherche des attributs
-- get_attributs nom:STRING :ENS_ATTRIBUTS <-
-  + pro:PROTECTED;
-  pro:=PROTECTED.clone;
-  pro.set_nom nom;
-  ea:=ENS_ATTRIBUTS.create;
-  (simple).if_false{
-    ea.append_collection (get_attributs2 PUBLIC);
-    (uniquement_public).if_false{
-      ea.append_collection (get_attributs2 PRIVATE);
-      ea.append_collection (get_attributs2 pro);
-    };
-  };
-  ea
-//recherche des attributs selon un acc�s (public,private,..)
-- get_attributs2 acces:ACCES :ENS_ATTRIBUTS <-
-  + index,index2,index3:INTEGER;
-  + section1:STRING;
-  + tmp_string:STRING;
-  ea:=ENS_ATTRIBUTS.create;
-section1:=get_section (acces.get_type);
-  index:=0;
-  {index!=(section1.count+1)}.while_do{
-    index2:=index3:=index;
-    {
-      index:=index+1;
-      index:=section1.index_of '+' since index;
-    }.do_while {
-  ((index > section1.lower) && {section1.item (index-1)='\''}) && 
-{(index < section1.upper) && {section1.item (index+1)='\''}}
-  index2:=index2+1;
-  index2:=section1.index_of '-' since index2;
-  ((index2 > section1.lower) && {section1.item (index2-1)='<'}) || {
-  {(index2 > section1.lower) && {section1.item (index2-1)='\''}} && 
-  {(index2 < section1.upper) && {section1.item (index2+1)='\''}}
-  }
-  index3:=index3+1;
-  index3:=section1.index_of '*' since index3;
-}.do_while {
-((index3 > section1.lower) && {section1.item (index3-1)='\''}) && 
-{(index3 < section1.upper) && {section1.item (index3+1)='\''}}
-index:=index.min index2.min index3;			
-(index != section1.count+1).if {
-  // 				index2:=section1.index_of ';' since (index+1);
-  index2:=section1.substring_index (":=",(index+1));
-  index3:=section1.index_of ';' since (index+1);
-  ({index2>index3}||{index2==0}).if{index2:=index3;};
-  index3:=section1.substring_index ("<-",(index+1));
-  ({index2<index3}||{index3==0}).if{
-    index2:=index2.min((section1.index_of '=' since (index+1))-1);
-    tmp_string:=section1.substring (index+1) to (index2-1);
-    ((tmp_string.index_of ':' since 1)!=(tmp_string.count+1)).if{
-      ea.append_collection (get_attribut tmp_string with acces);
-    };
-  };
-//analyse une chaine correspondant a un ('i:INTEGER') ou plusieurs ('i,j:INTEGER') attribut(s) et renvoit un ensemble d'attributs
-- get_attribut a:STRING with acces:ACCES :ENS_ATTRIBUTS <-
-  + attribut:ATTRIBUT;
-  + index,index2,index3:INTEGER;
-  + nom,type_retour:STRING;
-  ea:=ENS_ATTRIBUTS.create;
-  a.remove_all_occurrences ' ';
-  a.remove_all_occurrences '\n';
-  index:=a.index_of ':' since 1;
-  type_retour:=a.substring (index+1) to (a.count);
-  type_retour.to_upper;
-  index2:=1;
-  {{(index3:=a.index_of ',' since (index2))!=(a.count+1)}&&{index3<index}}.while_do{
-    attribut:=ATTRIBUT.clone;
-    nom:=a.substring index2 to (index3-1);
-    attribut.make (nom,type_retour,acces);
-    ea.add_last attribut;
-    index2:=index3+1;
-  };
-  attribut:=ATTRIBUT.clone;
-  nom:=a.substring index2 to (index-1);
-  attribut.make (nom,type_retour,acces);	
-  ea.add_last attribut;
-  ea
-Section Public
-  //recherche des attributs
-  - get_methodes nom:STRING :ENS_METHODES <-
-  (
-    + em:ENS_METHODES;
-    + pro:PROTECTED;
-    pro:=PROTECTED.clone;
-    pro.set_nom nom;
-    em:=ENS_METHODES.create;
-    (simple).if_false{
-      em.append_collection (get_methodes2 PUBLIC);
-      (uniquement_public).if_false{
-        em.append_collection (get_methodes2 PRIVATE);
-        em.append_collection (get_methodes2 pro);
-      };
-    };
-    em
-  );
-  //recherche des attributs selon un acces(public,private,..)
-  - get_methodes2 acces:ACCES:ENS_METHODES <-
-  (
-    + index,index2,index3:INTEGER;
-    + em:ENS_METHODES;
-    + section1:STRING;
-    + tmp_string:STRING;
-    em:=ENS_METHODES.create;
-    section1:=get_section (acces.get_type);
-    "section\t".print;section1.print;'\n'.print;
-    index:=0;
-    {index!=(section1.count+1)}.while_do{
-      index2:=index3:=index;
-      {
-        index:=index+1;
-        index:=section1.index_of '+' since index;
-      }.do_while {
-        ((index > section1.lower) && {section1.item (index-1)='\''}) && 
-        {(index < section1.upper) && {section1.item (index+1)='\''}}
-      };
-      {
-        index2:=index2+1;
-        index2:=section1.index_of '-' since index2;
-      }.do_while {      
-        ((index2 > section1.lower) && {section1.item (index2-1)='<'}) || {
-        ((index2 > section1.lower) && {section1.item (index2-1)='\''}) && {
-          (index2 < section1.upper) && { section1.item (index2+1)='\''}
-        }
-      }
-    };
-    {
-      index3:=index3+1;
-      index3:=section1.index_of '*' since index3;
-    }.do_while {
-      ((index3 > section1.lower) && {section1.item (index3-1)='\''}) && 
-        {(index3 < section1.upper) && {section1.item (index3+1)='\''}}
-    };
-    index:=index.min index2.min index3;			
-    (index!=(section1.count+1)).if{
-      // 				index2:=section1.index_of ';' since (index+1);
-      index2:=section1.substring_index (":=",(index+1));
-      index3:=section1.index_of ';' since (index+1);
-      ({index2>index3}||{index2==0}).if{index2:=index3;};
-      index3:=section1.substring_index ("<-",(index+1));
-      ({{index2>index3}||{index2==(section1.count+1)}}&&{index3!=0}).if{
-        tmp_string:=section1.substring (index+1) to (index3-1);
-        em.add_last (get_methode (tmp_string,acces));
-      };
-    };
-  };
-  em
-Section Public
-  - get_methode (m:STRING,acces:ACCES) :METHODE <-
-  (
-    + index,index2,index3:INTEGER;
-    + nom,type_retour,tmp_string2:STRING;
-    + methode:METHODE;
-    + ea:ENS_ATTRIBUTS;
-    ea:=ENS_ATTRIBUTS.create;
-    methode:=METHODE.clone;
-    m.right_adjust; m.left_adjust;
-    type_retour:=STRING.create 4;
-    type_retour.copy "void";
-    m.replace_all '\t' with ' ';
-    m.append " ";
-    index:=(m.index_of ' ' since 1).min(m.index_of ':' since 1).min(m.index_of '(' since 1);
-    nom:= m.substring 1 to (index-1);
-    nom.replace_all '<' with 'c';
-    nom.replace_all '&' with 'e';
-    {(index2:=m.index_of ':' since (index))!=(m.count+1)}.while_do{
-      ((index2-index)<2).if{
-        type_retour:=m.substring (index2+1) to (m.count-1);
-        index:=m.count;
-      }else{
-        + idx_end_type,last_idx:INTEGER;
-        + tmp_string3:STRING;
-        index3:=(m.index_of ' ' since (index2+1)).min(m.index_of ')' since (index2+1));
-        tmp_string2:=m.substring (index+1) to (index3-1);
-        last_idx := tmp_string2.lower;
-        {
-          (
-            idx_end_type := tmp_string2.index_of ':' since last_idx;
-            idx_end_type := tmp_string2.index_of ',' since (idx_end_type+1)
-          ) != tmp_string2.count+1
-      }.while_do {
-        tmp_string3 := tmp_string2.substring last_idx to (idx_end_type-1);
-        "parametres méthodes\t".print;tmp_string3.print;'\n'.print;
-        last_idx := idx_end_type + 1;
-        ea.append_collection(get_attribut tmp_string3 with acces);
-      };
-   /*     
-        ((tmp_string2.occurrences ':')>1).if{
-          index3:=m.index_of ':' since (index2+1);
-          tmp_string2:=m.substring (index+1) to (index3-1);
-        };
-   */     
-        index:=index3;
-      };
-    };
-    type_retour.to_upper;
-    methode.make (nom,type_retour,ea,acces);
-    methode
-  );
-  + le_nettoyeur4 <-
-  (
-    + idx_prefix,idx_end:INTEGER;
-    idx_prefix := 1;
-    { idx_prefix != buffer1.count+1 }.while_do{
-      idx_prefix := buffer1.substring_index "//" since idx_prefix;
-      (buffer1.item (idx_prefix-1) != '\\').if{
-        idx_end := buffer1.index_of '\\n' since idx_prefix;
-        buffer1.remove_between idx_prefix to idx_end;
-      };
-    };
-    idx_prefix := 1;
-    { idx_prefix != buffer1.count+1 }.while_do{
-      idx_prefix := buffer1.substring_index "/*" since idx_prefix;
-      (buffer1.item (idx_prefix-1) != '\\').if{
-        idx_end := buffer1.substring_index "*/" since idx_prefix;
-        (buffer1.item (idx_end-1) != '\\').if{
-          buffer1.remove_between idx_prefix to (idx_end+1);
-        };
-      };    
-    };
-    idx_prefix := 1;
-    {
-      ( idx_prefix := (buffer1.index_of '+' since idx_prefix ).min (buffer1.index_of '-' since idx_prefix);
-        idx_end := (buffer1.index_of ';' since idx_prefix).min (buffer1.substring_index "<-" since idx_prefix).min (buffer1.substring_index ":=" since idx_prefix)
-      ) != buffer1.count+1
-    }.while_do{
-    };
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/position.li b/uml/position.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 01df7db..0000000
--- a/uml/position.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-//                             Lisaac Compiler                               //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name        := Expanded POSITION;
-  - copyright   := "2003-2007 Benoit Sonntag";
-  - author      := "Sonntag Benoit (bsonntag at loria.fr)";
-  - comment     := "Coding position :    \
-  \ 9 bits  : Index prototype [1..511].  \
-  \ 8 bits  : Column          [0..255].  \
-  \ 15 bits : Line            [1..32767].";
-  - type        := `unsigned long`;
-  - default     := ( CONVERT[INTEGER,POSITION].on 0 );
-Section Insert  
-  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
-Section Public
-  - object_size:INTEGER <- POINTER.object_size;
-  //
-  // Creation.
-  //
-  - create proto:PROTOTYPE line l:INTEGER column c:INTEGER :POSITION <-
-  ( + cod:UINTEGER_32;
-    ? {l    .in_range 0 to 131071};
-    ? {c    .in_range 0 to    255};
-    ? {proto.index.in_range 0 to    511};
-    cod := proto.index.to_uinteger_32 | (c << 9) | (l << 17);
-  );
-  //
-  // Localization.
-  //
-  - prototype:PROTOTYPE <- PROTOTYPE.prototype_list.item (code.to_integer & 01FFh);
-  - line:UINTEGER_32       <- code >> 17;
-  - column:UINTEGER_32     <- (code >> 9) & 0FFh;
-  //
-  // Information Generation.
-  //
-  - nb_warning:INTEGER;
-  - send_error <-
-  (
-    STD_ERROR.put_string msg_err;
-    is_verbose.if {
-      msg_err.print;
-    };
-    ((type_error != warning) || {is_warning}).if {    
-      die_with_code exit_failure_code;
-    };
-  );
-  - put_error type:INTEGER text txt:ABSTRACT_STRING <-
-  (
-    type_error := type;
-    msg_err.clear;
-    type
-    .when syntax   then {
-      msg_err.append "--SYNTAX-----------\n";
-    }.when semantic then {
-      msg_err.append "--SEMANTIC---------\n";
-    }.when warning  then {
-      msg_err.append "--WARNING----------\n";
-    }.when message  then {
-      msg_err.append "--MESSAGE----------\n";
-    };
-    msg_err.append txt;
-  );
-  - put_position <-
-  ( + pos:INTEGER;
-    + c,cols:UINTEGER_32;
-    + src:STRING;
-    + char:CHARACTER;
-    ? {code != 0};
-    msg_err.append "\nLine ";
-    line.append_in msg_err;    
-    msg_err.append " column ";
-    column.append_in msg_err;
-    msg_err.append " in ";
-    msg_err.append (prototype.name);    
-    msg_err.add_last '(';
-    msg_err.append (prototype.filename);
-    msg_err.append "):\n";
-    // Search begin line :
-    src := prototype.source;
-    pos := src.lower;
-    1.to (line-1) do { l:INTEGER;
-      {src.item pos = '\n'}.until_do {
-	pos := pos + 1;
-      };
-      pos := pos + 1;
-    };
-    // copy line :
-    string_tmp.clear;
-    cols := column;
-    {(pos > src.upper) || 
-    {src.item pos='\n'}}.until_do {
-      char := src.item pos;
-      msg_err.add_last char;
-      (c < cols).if {
-	(char = '\t').if {
-	  string_tmp.add_last '\t';
-	} else {
-	  string_tmp.add_last ' ';
-	};
-      };
-      c   := c + 1;
-      pos := pos + 1;
-    };
-    msg_err.add_last '\n';
-    msg_err.append string_tmp;
-    msg_err.append "^\n";
-  );
-  - extract_line:STRING <-
-  ( + pos:INTEGER;
-    + src:STRING;
-    + char:CHARACTER;
-    // Search begin line :
-    src := prototype.source;
-    pos := src.lower;
-    1.to (line-1) do { l:INTEGER;
-      {src.item pos = '\n'}.until_do {
-	pos := pos + 1;
-      };
-      pos := pos + 1;
-    };
-    // copy line :
-    string_tmp.clear;    
-    {
-      (pos > src.upper) || 
-      {src.item pos='\n'}
-    }.until_do {
-      char := src.item pos;
-      (char)
-      .when '\\' then { string_tmp.add_last '\\'; }
-      .when '"' then { string_tmp.add_last '\\'; };
-      string_tmp.add_last char;      
-      pos := pos + 1;
-    };    
-    (string_tmp.last.code = 0Dh).if {
-      string_tmp.remove_last 1;
-    };
-    STRING.create_from_string string_tmp
-  );
-Section Private  
-  //
-  // Service manager
-  //
-  - type_error:INTEGER;
-  - msg_err:STRING := STRING.create 256;
diff --git a/uml/private.li b/uml/private.li
deleted file mode 100644
index a95a20e..0000000
--- a/uml/private.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-	+ name :=PRIVATE;
-	- author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-	- parent_acces:ACCES:=ACCES;
-Section Public
-	//renvoit une chaine de caract�rs d�crivant le type d'acc�s
-	- get_type :ABSTRACT_STRING<-
-	(
-		"private"
-	);
-	//renvoit le type d'acc�s au format UML (-)
-	- get_uml_type :STRING_CONSTANT<-
-	(
-		"-"
-	);
diff --git a/uml/protected.li b/uml/protected.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 303ea0f..0000000
--- a/uml/protected.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/*******	Prototype qui herite de "acces" et qui instancie un acces "protected"	*******/
-Section Header
-	+ name :=PROTECTED;
-	- author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-	+ parent_acces:ACCES:=ACCES;
-Section Private
-	- nom:STRING;
-Section Public
-	//renvoit une chaine de caract�rs d�crivant le type d'acc�s. Ici on renvoit le nom du prototype
-	- get_type :ABSTRACT_STRING<-
-	(
-		nom
-	);
-	//renvoit le type d'acc�s au format UML (*)
-	- get_uml_type :STRING_CONSTANT<-
-	(
-		"*"
-	);
-	- set_nom nom1:STRING <-
-	(
-		nom:=nom1;
-	);
diff --git a/uml/public.li b/uml/public.li
deleted file mode 100644
index c57626f..0000000
--- a/uml/public.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/*******	Prototype qui herite de "acces" et qui instancie un acces "public"	*******/
-Section Header
-	+ name :=PUBLIC;
-	- author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-	- parent_acces:ACCES:=ACCES;
-Section Public
-	//renvoit une chaine de caract�rs d�crivant le type d'acc�s
-	- get_type :ABSTRACT_STRING<-
-	(
-		"public"
-	);
-	//renvoit le type d'acc�s au format UML (+)
-	- get_uml_type :STRING_CONSTANT<-
-	(
-		"+"	
-	);
diff --git a/uml/svg_creator.li b/uml/svg_creator.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 19aee72..0000000
--- a/uml/svg_creator.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-  + name := SVG_CREATOR;
-  - author:="HILBERT Jerome (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gregoire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_object:OBJECT:=OBJECT;
-Section Private
-  + fichiers:ENS_FICHIERS;
-  + rectangles:ENS_RECTANGLES;
-  + x:INTEGER;
-  + y:INTEGER;
-  //le fichier SVG dans lequel on ecrit
-  + destination:STRING;
-Section Public
-  - make ef:ENS_FICHIERS to dest:STRING <-
-  (
-    fichiers:=ef;
-    ef.clean;
-   (fichiers.lower).to (fichiers.upper) do{ i:INTEGER;
-      fichiers.item i.print;
-    };
-    rectangles:=ENS_RECTANGLES.clone;
-    x:=10;
-    y:=10;
-    destination:=dest;
-  );
-  //parcours l'ensemble des fichiers. Pour chaque fichier on cherche s'il a deja tous ses parents place sur le diagramme. Des que c'est le cas on cree une
-  // nouvelle instance de FORME_RECTANGLES e partir du fichier et on lui assigne des coordonnees calculees en fonction de la position de ses parents.
-  // gere egalement le cas des morts-vivants.
-  - parcours_fichiers <-
-  (
-    // "debut :::::----------------------------------\n".print;
-    (fichiers.lower).to (fichiers.upper) do{ i:INTEGER;
-      //    fichiers.item i.print;
-    };
-    {(fichiers.count)>(rectangles.count)}.while_do{
-      + h_max:INTEGER;
-      + ens_tmp:ENS_RECTANGLES;
-      + k:INTEGER;
-      ens_tmp:=ENS_RECTANGLES.create;
-      (fichiers.lower).to (fichiers.upper) do{ i:INTEGER;
-        + r:FORME_RECTANGLE;
-        r:=FORME_RECTANGLE.clone;
-        r.make_with_file (fichiers.item i);
-        h_max:=h_max.max (r.get_hauteur);
-        (rectangles.has (r.get_nom)).if_false{
-          + xm,ym,tmp:INTEGER;
-          //	"svg_creator\n".print;
-          //	fichiers.item i.print;
-          ((tmp:=(rectangles.has_all_parents (fichiers.item i) and fichiers))>0).if{
-            //"tmp :: ".print;tmp.print;'\n'.print;
-            (rectangles.lower).to (rectangles.upper) do{j:INTEGER;
-              +g:FORME_RECTANGLE;
-              g:=rectangles.item j;
-              (r.get_parents.has (g.get_nom)).if{
-                xm:= xm + g.get_x;
-                ym:=ym.max (g.get_y+g.get_hauteur);	
-                r.ajout_coord(g);
-              };
-            };
-            ({r.get_parents.count == 0}||{tmp==2}).if{
-              (tmp==2).if{
-                ens_tmp.ajouter r;
-              };
-              xm:=x;
-              ym:=y;
-              modifie_coord_x (r.get_largeur);
-            }else{
-              xm:=xm/(r.get_parents.count);
-              ym:=ym+60;
-            };
-            r.set_coord (xm,ym);
-            rectangles.ajouter r;
-            ajuste_coord r with rectangles;	
-          };
-        };
-      };
-      k:=ens_tmp.lower;
-      {k<=ens_tmp.upper}.while_do{
-        + xm,ym:INTEGER;
-        (rectangles.lower).to (rectangles.upper) do{j:INTEGER;
-          +g:FORME_RECTANGLE;
-          g:=rectangles.item j;
-          (ens_tmp.item k .get_parents.has (g.get_nom)).if{
-            xm:= xm + g.get_x;
-            ym:=ym.max (g.get_y+g.get_hauteur);	
-            ens_tmp.item k .ajout_coord(g);
-          };
-        };		
-        k:=k+1;
-      };	
-      modifie_coord_y h_max;
-    };
-    //rectangles.print;
-    create_svg;	
-  );
-// ecrit dans le fichier SVG destination tout le code SVG g�n�r� � partir de l'ensemble des rectangles.
-- create_svg <-
-  + xy_max:FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER];
-  + buffer_svg1:STRING;
-  lee:=LIREETECRIRE.clone;
-  lee.ouvrir_svg destination;
-  xy_max:=rectangles.get_xy_max;
-  buffer_svg1:=STRING.create 32;
-  buffer_svg1.copy "";
-  buffer_svg1.append "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"";
-  xy_max.item 0 .append_in buffer_svg1;
-  buffer_svg1.append "\" height=\"";
-  xy_max.item 1 .append_in buffer_svg1;
-  buffer_svg1.append "\"> <g>\n";
-  lee.ecrire_svg buffer_svg1;
-  (rectangles.lower).to (rectangles.upper) do{i:INTEGER;
-    + buffer_svg:STRING;
-    r:=rectangles.item i;
-    buffer_svg:=STRING.create 20;
-    buffer_svg.copy "";
-    buffer_svg.append (SVG_FORMES.rectangle r);
-    er:=r.get_couples;
-    (er.lower).to (er.upper) do{ j:INTEGER;
-      p:=er.item j;
-      buffer_svg.append (SVG_FORMES.trait p between r with rectangles);
-    };
-    lee.ecrire_svg buffer_svg;
-  };
-  buffer_svg1:=STRING.create 12;
-  buffer_svg1.copy "</g> </svg>\n";
-  lee.ecrire_svg buffer_svg1;
-  lee.fermer_svg;
-//ajuste les coordonnees d'un rectangle en fonction de l'ensembles des rectangles. Permet d'eviter les collisions entre les rectangles.
-- ajuste_coord fr:FORME_RECTANGLE with er:ENS_RECTANGLES <-
-  (er.lower).to (er.upper) do{i:INTEGER;
-    + y1,y2,y3,y4:INTEGER;
-    p:=er.item i;
-    y1:=fr.get_y;
-    y2:=y1+fr.get_hauteur;
-    y3:=p.get_y;
-    y4:=y3+p.get_hauteur;
-    ({{{y1<=y3}&&{y2>=y3}}||{{y1<=y4}&&{y2>=y4}}||{{y2<=y4}&&{y1>=y3}}} && {(p.get_nom)!=(fr.get_nom)}).if{
-      + x1,x2,x3,x4:INTEGER;
-      x1:=fr.get_x-20;
-      x2:=x1+fr.get_largeur+40;
-      x3:=p.get_x;
-      x4:=x3+p.get_largeur;
-      ({x1<=x3}&&{x2>x3}).if{
-        p.decal (x2-x3);
-        ajuste_coord p with er;
-      }else{
-        ({x2>=x4}&&{x1<x4}).if{
-          ((x3+(x1-x4))>=0).if{
-            p.decal (x1-x4);
-            ajuste_coord p with er;
-          }else{
-            fr.decal (x4-x1);
-            ajuste_coord fr with er;
-          };
-        }else{
-          ({x1>=x3}&&{x2<=x4}).if{
-            p.decal (x2-x3);
-            ajuste_coord p with er;
-          };
-        };
-      };	
-    };
-  };
-- modifie_coord_x coordx:INTEGER <-
-  x:=x+coordx + 20;
-- modifie_coord_y coordy:INTEGER <-
-  y:=y+ coordy +60;
-  x:=10;
diff --git a/uml/svg_file.li b/uml/svg_file.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fb45d7..0000000
--- a/uml/svg_file.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-	+ name:=SVG_FILE;
-	- author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-	+ parent_file:STD_FILE := STD_FILE;
-Section Entry
-	- make e:ENTRY :BOOLEAN <-
-	(
-		parent_entry := e;
-		physical_open
-	);
-Section Public
-	//ouverture du fichier en �criture, s'il n'existe pas le fichier sera cr��
-	- physical_open:BOOLEAN <-
-	( + path_pointer:NATIVE_ARRAY[CHARACTER];
-		? { name != NULL};    
-		path_pointer := path.to_external;
-		stream := `fopen((char*)@path_pointer,"w+b")`:(POINTER); 
-		stream != NULL
-	); 
-Section ENTRY
-	//ouverture du fichier svg
-	- open e:ENTRY :ENTRY <-
-	// Return SVG_FILE, NULL:error.
-	(
-		parent_entry:=e;
-		link_count := link_count + 1;
-		(child = NULL).if { 
-			child := SVG_FILE.clone;
-		};
-		(child.make this).if_false {
-			child := NULL;
-		};
-		child
-	);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/svg_formes.li b/uml/svg_formes.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 56d954d..0000000
--- a/uml/svg_formes.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-  + name := SVG_FORMES;
-  - author:="HILBERT J�r�me (hilbertjerome at gmail.com), FUHLHABER Simon(simon.fuhlhaber at gmail.com), Jacquemin Gr�goire(greg-jacquemin at hotmail.fr)";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_object:OBJECT:=OBJECT;
-Section Public
-  - rectangle f:FORME_RECTANGLE :STRING <-
-  (
-    + esp_ligne:INTEGER;
-    + chaine,tmp_string:STRING;
-    + x,y,posx1,posx2,posy1,posy2:INTEGER;
-    esp_ligne:=12;
-    x:=f.get_x +10;
-    y:=f.get_y +20;
-    posx1:=x+10;
-    posy1:=y+10;
-    posx2:=f.get_largeur;
-    posy2:=y+esp_ligne;
-    chaine:=STRING.create 256;
-    chaine.copy "<rect width=\"";
-    posx2.append_in chaine;
-    chaine.append "\" height=\"";
-    f.get_hauteur.append_in chaine;
-    chaine.append "\" x=\"";
-    f.get_x.append_in chaine;
-    chaine.append "\" y=\"";
-    f.get_y.append_in chaine;
-    chaine.append "\" fill=\"white\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\"/>\n";
-    chaine.append "<line x1=\"";
-    f.get_x.append_in chaine;
-    chaine.append "\" y1=\"";
-    posy1.append_in chaine;
-    chaine.append "\" x2=\"";
-    (f.get_x+f.get_largeur).append_in chaine;
-    chaine.append "\" y2=\"";
-    posy1.append_in chaine;
-    chaine.append "\" stroke=\"black\"/>\n";
-    tmp_string:=STRING.create (f.get_nom.count+1);
-    tmp_string.copy (f.get_nom);
-    tmp_string.append "\n";
-    chaine.append (get_text tmp_string at x and y with_size 12);
-    posy1:=posy1+20;
-    chaine.append (get_text (f.get_text_attributs) at x and posy1 with_size 10);
-    posy1:=posy1+(esp_ligne*(f.get_attributs.get_nb_lignes)+5);
-    chaine.append "<line x1=\"";
-    f.get_x.append_in chaine;
-    chaine.append "\" y1=\"";
-    posy1.append_in chaine;
-    chaine.append "\" x2=\"";
-    (f.get_x+f.get_largeur).append_in chaine;
-    chaine.append "\" y2=\"";
-    posy1.append_in chaine;
-    chaine.append "\" stroke=\"black\"/>\n";
-    posy1:=posy1+20;
-    chaine.append (get_text (f.get_text_methodes) at x and posy1 with_size 10);
-    chaine
-  );
-  - trait pere:FORME_RECTANGLE between fils:FORME_RECTANGLE with er:ENS_RECTANGLES :STRING <-
-  (
-    + c:STRING;
-    + posx1,posy1,posx2,posy2:UREAL_16_16;
-    + angle:REAL;
-    + point:FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER];
-    + rectangles:ENS_RECTANGLES;
-    + chaine:STRING;
-    + i:INTEGER;
-    rectangles:=ENS_RECTANGLES.clone;
-    rectangles.copy er;
-    point:=FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER].create 2;
-    c:=STRING.create 1024;
-    chaine:=STRING.create 1024;
-    rectangles.remove_parent pere;
-    points:=collision rectangles with ((fils.get_x+((fils.get_largeur)/2)),(fils.get_y)) between ((pere.get_x+(pere.get_largeur)/2),(pere.get_y+pere.get_hauteur));
-    ((pere.get_y+pere.get_hauteur)>=(points.last.item 1)).if{
-      point.put (pere.get_x+(pere.get_largeur)/2) to 0;
-      point.put ((pere.get_y+pere.get_hauteur)+30) to 1;
-      points.add_last point;
-    };
-    i:=points.lower;
-    chaine.copy "";
-    {i<(points.upper)}.while_do{
-      + x1,y1,x2,y2:INTEGER;
-      x1:=points.item i .item 0;
-      y1:=points.item i .item 1;
-      x2:=points.item (i+1) .item 0;
-      y2:=points.item (i+1) .item 1;
-      chaine.append "<line x1=\"";
-      x1.append_in chaine;
-      chaine.append "\" y1=\"";
-      y1.append_in chaine;
-      chaine.append "\" x2=\"";
-      x2.append_in chaine;
-      chaine.append "\" y2=\"";
-      y2.append_in chaine;
-      chaine.append "\" stroke=\"black\"/>\n";
-      i:=i+1;
-    };
-    c.copy "";
-    c.append chaine;
-    posx1:=(pere.get_x.to_ureal_16_16) +(pere.get_largeur.to_ureal_16_16)/2;
-    posy1:=(pere.get_y+pere.get_hauteur).to_ureal_16_16;
-    posx2:=(points.last.item 0).to_ureal_16_16;
-    posy2:=(points.last.item 1).to_ureal_16_16;
-    angle:=(((posx1-posx2).abs)/(posy2-posy1)).to_real.atan;
-    (posx1>posx2).if{posx1:=posx1-((angle.sin))*20;}else{posx1:=posx1+((angle.sin))*20;};
-    posy1:=posy1+((angle.cos))*15;
-    c.append "<defs> <marker id=\"Triangle\" viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\" refX=\"0\" refY=\"5\" markerUnits=\"strokeWidth\" markerWidth=\"15\" markerHeight=\"20\" ";
-    c.append "orient=\"auto\"> <path d=\"M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z\" /> </marker> </defs> <path d=\"M ";
-    posx2.append_in c;
-    c.append " ";
-    posy2.append_in c;
-    c.append " L ";
-    posx1.append_in c;
-    c.append " ";
-    posy1.append_in c;
-    c.append " \" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"1\" marker-end=\"url(#Triangle)\"  />\n";
-    c
-  );
-Section Private
-  - get_text text:STRING at x:INTEGER and y:INTEGER with_size size:INTEGER :STRING <-
-  (
-    + svg:STRING;
-    + index1:INTEGER;
-    + index2,y_tmp:INTEGER;
-    svg:=STRING.create 256;
-    index1:=1;
-    index2:=1;
-    y_tmp:=y;
-    svg.copy "";
-    text.right_adjust;
-    text.left_adjust;
-    //  		text.append "\n";
-    {(index2 < text.upper) && {(index2:=text.substring_index ("\n",index2+1))!=0}}.while_do{
-      svg.append "<text x=\"";
-      x.append_in svg;
-      svg.append "\" y=\"";
-      y_tmp.append_in svg;
-      svg.append "\" fill=\"black\" font-size=\"";
-      size.append_in svg;
-      svg.append "\">";
-      svg.append (text.substring index1 to (index2-1));
-      svg.append "</text>\n";
-      y_tmp:=y_tmp+12;
-      index1:=index2+1;
-    };
-    svg
-  );
-  - collision rectangles:ENS_RECTANGLES with (x1,y1:INTEGER) between (x2,y2:INTEGER) :LINKED_LIST[FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER]] <-
-  (
-    + tmp,point:FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER];
-    + i:INTEGER;
-    + rectxy:ENS_RECTANGLES;
-    points:=LINKED_LIST[FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER]].create;
-    tmp:=FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER].create 2;
-    tmp.put x1 to 0;
-    tmp.put y1 to 1;
-    points.add_last tmp;
-    rectxy:=ENS_RECTANGLES.clone;
-    rectxy.copy rectangles;
-    rectxy.remove_not_influent_parents (x1,y1) with (x2,y2);
-    rectxy.bofferding (x1,y1);
-    i:=rectxy.lower;
-    {i<=rectxy.upper}.while_do{
-      point:=intersection (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) with (rectxy.item i);
-      ((point.item 0)!=0).if{
-        points.append_collection (collision rectangles with (x1,y1) between ((point.item 0),(point.item 1)));
-        points.append_collection (collision rectangles with ((point.item 0),(point.item 1)) between (x2,y2));
-        i:=rectangles.upper;
-      };
-      i:=i+1;
-    };
-    points
-  );
-Section Public
-  - get_function x1:INTEGER and y1:INTEGER with x2:INTEGER and y2:INTEGER :FAST_ARRAY[UREAL_16_16] <-
-  (
-    + xy :FAST_ARRAY[UREAL_16_16];
-    + a,b:UREAL_16_16;
-    xy:=FAST_ARRAY[UREAL_16_16].create 2;
-    xy.put 0 to 0;
-    xy.put 0 to 1;
-    (x1!=x2).if{
-      a:=((y1-y2).to_ureal_16_16)/((x1-x2).to_ureal_16_16);
-      b:=(y1.to_ureal_16_16) -(a*(x1.to_ureal_16_16));
-      xy.put a to 0;
-      xy.put b to 1;
-    }else{
-      xy.put 0 to 0;
-      xy.put x1 to 1;
-    };
-    xy
-  );
-  - intersection (x1,y1:INTEGER) and (x2,y2:INTEGER) with rect:FORME_RECTANGLE :FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER] <-
-  (
-    + point:FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER];
-    + abs,abs2,ord:INTEGER;
-    + xy:FAST_ARRAY[UREAL_16_16];
-    xy:=get_function x1 and y1 with x2 and y2;
-    point:=FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER].create 2;
-    point.put 0 to 0;
-    point.put 0 to 1;
-    ((xy.item 0) == 0).if{
-      abs:=(xy.item 1).to_integer;
-    }else{
-      abs:=(((((rect.get_y + rect.get_hauteur).to_ureal_16_16)-(xy.item 1))/(xy.item 0)).to_integer);
-      // 			abs2:=((((rect.get_y.to_ureal_16_16)-(xy.item 1))/(xy.item 0)).to_integer);
-    };
-    ({(rect.get_x)<=abs2}&&{((rect.get_x+rect.get_largeur))>=abs2}).if{
-      (abs2>=((rect.get_x)+((rect.get_largeur)/2))).if{
-        point.put ((rect.get_x+rect.get_largeur+rect.get_right)) to 0;
-        rect.update_right;
-      }else{
-        point.put ((rect.get_x-rect.get_left)) to 0;
-        rect.update_left;
-      };
-      point.put ((rect.get_y+rect.get_hauteur)) to 1;
-    };
-    ({(rect.get_x)<=abs}&&{((rect.get_x+rect.get_largeur))>=abs}).if{
-      (abs>=((rect.get_x)+((rect.get_largeur)/2))).if{
-        point.put ((rect.get_x+rect.get_largeur+rect.get_right)) to 0;
-        rect.update_right;
-      }else{
-        point.put ((rect.get_x-rect.get_left)) to 0;
-        rect.update_left;
-      };
-      point.put ((rect.get_y+rect.get_hauteur)) to 1;
-    }else{
-      ((xy.item 0) == 0).if_false{
-        ((xy.item 0)>=0).if{
-          ord:=((xy.item 0) * (((rect.get_x)+(rect.get_largeur)).to_ureal_16_16) + (xy.item 1)).to_integer;
-          ({ord>=(rect.get_y)}&&{ord<=((rect.get_y+rect.get_hauteur))}).if{
-            ({(xy.item 0)> 1}||{y1<(rect.get_y+rect.get_hauteur)}).if{
-              point.put ((rect.get_x+rect.get_largeur+rect.get_right)) to 0;	
-              point.put ((rect.get_y-rect.get_right)) to 1;
-              rect.update_right;
-            }else{
-              point.put ((rect.get_x-rect.get_left)) to 0;
-              point.put ((rect.get_y+rect.get_hauteur)) to 1;
-              rect.update_left;
-            };
-          };
-        }else{
-          ord:=((xy.item 0) * ((rect.get_x).to_ureal_16_16) + (xy.item 1)).to_integer;
-          ({ord>=(rect.get_y)}&&{ord<=((rect.get_y+rect.get_hauteur))}).if{
-            ({(xy.item 0)< -1}||{y1<(rect.get_y+rect.get_hauteur)}).if{
-              point.put ((rect.get_x-rect.get_left)) to 0;
-              point.put ((rect.get_y-rect.get_left)) to 1;
-              rect.update_left;
-            }else{
-              point.put (rect.get_x+rect.get_largeur+rect.get_right) to 0;
-              point.put (rect.get_y+rect.get_hauteur) to 1;
-              rect.update_right;
-            };
-          };
-        };
-      };
-    };
-    point
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/test_ben.li b/uml/test_ben.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 0501ec8..0000000
--- a/uml/test_ben.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-//                             Application                                   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name      := TEST_BEN;
-  - copyright := "2003-2008 Sonntag Benoit";
-  - author    := "Sonntag Benoit (sonntag at icps.u-strasbg.fr)";
-  - comment   := "The main prototype";
-Section Inherit
-  - parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Public
-  - main <-
-  ( + entry:ENTRY;
-    + file:STD_FILE;
-    + buf:STRING;
-    + is_ok:BOOLEAN;
-    entry := FILE_SYSTEM.get_entry "parser_ben.li";
-    (entry != NULL).if {
-      file ?= entry;
-      (file != NULL).if {
-        (file.open).if {
-          buf := STRING.create (file.size);
-          file.read buf size (file.size);
-          file.close;
-          PARSER_BEN.go_on buf;          
-          is_ok := TRUE;
-        };
-      };
-    };      
-    (is_ok).if_false {
-      "Error open file\n".print;
-    };
-  );

Lisaac compiler

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