[SCM] Lisaac compiler branch, master, updated. 248017b0e58ba0ca73716356794fbcc6571c5ad4

Benoit Sonntag sonntag at icps.u-strasbg.fr
Tue Jul 28 17:25:31 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 248017b0e58ba0ca73716356794fbcc6571c5ad4
Author: Benoit Sonntag <sonntag at icps.u-strasbg.fr>
Date:   Tue Jul 28 19:25:27 2009 +0200

    rm integer_big

diff --git a/lib2/number/#integer_big.li# b/lib2/number/#integer_big.li#
deleted file mode 100755
index 574ebb5..0000000
--- a/lib2/number/#integer_big.li#
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3263 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-  + name := INTEGER_BIG;
-  - comment :=	
-  " A class used to represent multiprecision integers that makes efficient use \
-  \ of allocated space by allowing a number to occupy only part of an array so \
-  \ that the arrays do not have to be reallocated as often. When performing an \
-  \ operation with many iterations the array used to hold a number is only     \
-  \ reallocated when necessary and does not have to be the same size as the    \
-  \ number it represents. A mutable number allows calculations to occur on the \
-  \ same number without having to create a new number for every step of the    \
-  \ calculation as it occurs with NUMBERs.";
-Section Inherit
-  - parent_hashable:HASHABLE := HASHABLE;
-  - parent_comparable:COMPARABLE := COMPARABLE;
-Section Insert
-  - parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Public
-creation {ANY}
-	from_integer, from_integer_64, from_string, copy
-  //
-  // Creation / initialization from INTEGER_32 or INTEGER_64:
-  //
-  - from_integer value:INTEGER :SELF <- 
-  // Create or initialize `Current' using `value' as an initializer.
-  (
-    (capacity = 0).if {
-      storage := storage.calloc 4;
-      capacity := 4;
-    };
-    offset := 0;
-    (value > 0).if {
-      negative := FALSE;
-      put value to 0;
-      integer_length := 1;
-    }.elseif {value < 0} then {
-      negative := TRUE;
-      put(#-value, 0)
-      integer_length := 1;
-    } else {
-      ? {value = 0};
-      set_with_zero;
-    };
-  )
-  [
-    ? {to_integer_32 = value};
-  ];
-	is_integer_32: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Does `Current' fit on an INTEGER_32?
-		do
-			if integer_length = 0 then
-				Result := True
-			elseif integer_length = 1 then
-				if item(offset) > 0 then
-					Result := True
-				elseif negative then
-					Result := item(offset) = 0x80000000
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result implies is_integer_64
-			Result implies integer_length <= 1
-		end
-	is_integer: BOOLEAN is
-		obsolete "Now use `is_integer_32' instead (march 2006)."
-		do
-			Result := is_integer_32
-		end
-	to_integer_32: INTEGER is
-			-- Convert `Current' as a 32 bit INTEGER.
-		require
-			is_integer_32
-		do
-			if integer_length > 0 then
-				Result := item(offset)
-				if negative then
-					Result := #-Result
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	to_integer: INTEGER is
-		obsolete "Now use `to_integer_32' instead (march 2006)."
-		do
-			Result := to_integer_32
-		end
-	from_integer_64 (value: INTEGER_64) is
-			-- Create or set `Current' using `value' as an initializer.
-		local
-			v32: INTEGER
-		do
-			if capacity < 2 then
-				storage := storage.calloc(4)
-				capacity := 4
-			end
-			if value > 0 then
-				negative := False
-				put(value.low_32, 0)
-				offset := 0
-				v32 := value.high_32
-				if v32 = 0 then
-					integer_length := 1
-				else
-					put(v32, 1)
-					integer_length := 2
-				end
-			elseif value < 0 then
-				negative := True
-				put((#-value).low_32, 0)
-				offset := 0
-				v32 := (#-value).high_32
-				if v32 = 0 then
-					integer_length := 1
-				else
-					put(v32, 1)
-					integer_length := 2
-				end
-			else
-				check
-					value = 0
-				end
-				set_with_zero
-			end
-		ensure
-			to_integer_64 = value
-		end
-	is_integer_64: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Does `Current' fit on an INTEGER_64?
-		do
-			if integer_length <= 1 then
-				Result := True
-			elseif integer_length = 2 then
-				if negative then
-					if item(offset + 1) > 0 then
-						Result := True
-					elseif item(offset) = 0 then
-						Result := item(offset + 1) = 0x80000000
-					end
-				else
-					Result := item(offset + 1) > 0
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			not Result implies not is_integer_32
-			Result implies integer_length <= 2
-		end
-	to_integer_64: INTEGER_64 is
-			-- Convert `Current' as a INTEGER_64.
-		require
-			is_integer_64
-		local
-			v: INTEGER_64
-		do
-			inspect
-				integer_length
-			when 0 then
-			when 1 then
-				Result := unsigned_32_to_integer_64(item(offset))
-				if negative then
-					Result := -Result
-				end
-			when 2 then
-				Result := unsigned_32_to_integer_64(item(offset))
-				v := item(offset + 1)
-				v := v.bit_shift_left(32)
-				Result := Result.bit_xor(v)
-				if negative then
-					Result := #-Result
-				end
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Creation / initialization from STRING:
-	from_string (str: STRING) is
-			-- Create or initialize `Current' using `value' as an
-			-- initializer. (value = [-][0-9]^+)
-		local
-			i: INTEGER; cc: CHARACTER; neg: BOOLEAN; ten: like Current
-		do
-			--|*** This feature should be improved one day... (Vincent Croizier, 25/12/2004)
-			create ten.from_integer(10)
-			from
-				i := 1
-			variant
-				str.count - i
-			until
-				not str.item(i).is_separator
-			loop
-				i := i + 1
-			end
-			cc := str.item(i)
-			i := i + 1
-			if cc = '+' then
-				cc := str.item(i)
-				i := i + 1
-			elseif cc = '-' then
-				neg := True
-				cc := str.item(i)
-				i := i + 1
-			end
-			check
-				cc.is_digit
-			end
-			from_integer(cc.value)
-			from
-			variant
-				str.count - i
-			until
-				i > str.count
-			loop
-				cc := str.item(i)
-				if cc.is_digit then
-					multiply(ten)
-					add_integer(cc.value)
-				else
-					check
-						cc.is_separator
-					end
-					i := str.count -- terminate the loop
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-			end
-			if neg then
-				negate
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Conversion tool
-	force_to_real_64: REAL_64 is
-			-- only a tool
-			-- unsigned conversion *** require ou changer export ? *** (Dom Oct 4th 2004) ***
-		local
-			i: INTEGER
-		do
-			from
-				i := offset + integer_length - 1
-			until
-				i < offset or else Result > Maximum_real_64
-			loop
-				Result := Result * Real_base + unsigned_32_to_integer_64(storage.item(i)).force_to_real_64
-				i := i - 1
-			end
-			if Result = Maximum_real_64 and then storage.item(offset) /= 0 then
-				Result := Maximum_real_64 * 2
-			end
-			if negative then
-				Result := -Result
-			end
-		end
-feature {NUMBER}
-	from_native_array (na: NATIVE_ARRAY[INTEGER); cap: INTEGER; neg: BOOLEAN) is
-		require
-			na.item(cap - 1) /= 0
-		do
-			negative := neg
-			offset := 0
-			integer_length := cap
-			if cap > capacity then
-				capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(capacity, cap)
-				storage := storage.calloc(capacity)
-			end
-			storage.slice_copy(0, na, 0, cap - 1)
-		end
-	to_integer_general_number: INTEGER_GENERAL_NUMBER is
-		local
-			na: like storage
-		do
-			if is_integer_64 then
-				create {INTEGER_64_NUMBER} Result.make(to_integer_64)
-			else
-				na := storage.calloc(integer_length)
-				na.slice_copy(0, storage, offset, offset + integer_length - 1)
-				create {BIG_INTEGER_NUMBER} Result.from_native_array(na, integer_length, negative)
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Addition:
-	add (other: like Current) is
-			-- Add `other' into `Current'.
-			--
-			-- See also `add_integer', `add_integer_64', `add_natural'.
-		require
-			other /= Void
-		do
-			-- Choose the appropriate absolute operator depending on `Current' and `other' sign.
-			if other.integer_length = 0 then
-				-- Nothing to do, `Current' remains unchanged.
-			elseif integer_length = 0 then
-				-- `Current' is zero so simply copy the value of other
-				Current.copy(other)
-			elseif negative = other.negative then
-				-- same sign
-				add_magnitude(other)
-			else
-				-- different sign
-				subtract_magnitude(other)
-			end
-		end
-	add_to (other, res: like Current) is
-			-- Add `other' and `Current', and put the result in `res'.
-		require
-			other /= Void
-			res /= Void
-			res /= Current
-			res /= other
-		do
-			--|*** Must be optimized later (Vincent Croizier, 15/07/04) ***
-			res.copy(Current)
-			res.add(other)
-		end
-	add_integer (other: INTEGER) is
-			-- Add `other' into `Current'.
-		local
-			inc: BOOLEAN; v, i, n: INTEGER
-		do
-			if other = 0 then
-				-- Nothing to do, `Current' remains unchanged
-			elseif integer_length = 0 then
-				-- `Current' is null so simply copy the value of other
-				from_integer(other)
-			elseif negative = (other < 0) then
-				-- Same sign
-				if other < 0 then
-					v := #-other
-				else
-					v := other
-				end
-				-- Add `v' into `storage'
-				from
-					inc := mbi_add(item(offset), v, storage_at(storage, offset))
-					i := offset + 1
-					n := offset + integer_length
-				until
-					not inc or else i >= n
-				loop
-					inc := mbi_inc(storage_at(storage, i))
-					i := i + 1
-				end
-				if inc then
-					check
-						i = n
-					end
-					-- Extend the number length by 1
-					if n < capacity then
-						integer_length := integer_length + 1
-						put(1, n)
-					else
-						-- It's good only if the reallocation initialize
-						-- `storage' with 0.
-						v := item(offset)
-						capacity := capacity * 2
-						storage := storage.calloc(capacity)
-						offset := 0
-						put(v, 0)
-						put(1, integer_length)
-						integer_length := integer_length + 1
-					end
-				end
-				-- Different sign
-			elseif integer_length = 1 then
-				if other < 0 then
-					v := #-other
-				else
-					v := other
-				end
-				if mbi_subtract(item(offset), v, storage_at(storage, offset)) then
-					negative := not negative
-					put(-item(offset), offset)
-				end
-				if item(offset) = 0 then
-					integer_length := 0
-					negative := False
-				end
-			else
-				if other < 0 then
-					v := #-other
-				else
-					v := other
-				end
-				if mbi_subtract(item(offset), v, storage_at(storage, offset)) then
-					from
-						i := offset + 1
-						inc := mbi_dec(storage_at(storage, i))
-						n := offset + integer_length - 1
-					until
-						not inc
-					loop
-						check
-							i < n
-						end
-						i := i + 1
-						inc := mbi_dec(storage_at(storage, i))
-					end
-					if item(n) = 0 then
-						integer_length := integer_length - 1
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end	
-	add_integer_64 (other: INTEGER_64) is
-			-- Add `other' into `Current'.
-		do
-			register1.from_integer_64(other)
-			add(register1)
-		end
-	add_natural (other: like Current) is
-			-- Same behavior as `add', but this one works only when `Current'
-			-- and `other' are both positive numbers and are both greater than
-			-- zero. The only one advantage of using `add_natural' instead of the
-			-- general `add' is the gain of efficiency.
-		require
-			not is_zero and not is_negative
-			not other.is_zero and not other.is_negative
-		do
-			add_magnitude(other)
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Subtract:
-	subtract (other: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract `other' from `Current'.
-		require
-			other /= Void
-		do
-			if other = Current then
-				set_with_zero
-			elseif other.integer_length = 0 then
-				-- nothing to do, `Current' remains unchanged
-			elseif integer_length = 0 then
-				-- current is null so simply copy the value of other, the sign is also fixed
-				copy(other)
-				negative := not other.negative
-			elseif negative = other.negative then
-				-- same sign
-				subtract_magnitude(other)
-			else
-				-- different sign
-				add_magnitude(other)
-			end
-		end
-	subtract_to (other, res: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract `other' from `Current' and put it in `res'.
-		require
-			other /= Void
-			res /= Void
-			res /= Current
-			res /= other
-		do
-			--|*** Must be optimized later (Vincent Croizier, 15/07/04) ***
-			res.copy(Current)
-			res.subtract(other)
-		end
-	subtract_integer (other: INTEGER) is
-		do
-			if other = Minimum_integer then
-				add_integer(1)
-				add_integer(Maximum_integer)
-			else
-				add_integer(-other)
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- To divide:
-	divide (other: like Current) is
-			-- Put the the quotient of the Euclidian division of
-			-- `Current' by `other' in `Current'.
-			-- (The contents of `other' is not changed.)
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			other /= Current
-		do
-			-- `divide_with_remainder_to' already use `register1'.
-			divide_with_remainder_to(other, register2)
-		end
-	mod (other: like Current) is
-			-- Put the the remainder of the Euclidian division of
-			-- `Current' by `other' in `Current'.
-			-- (The contents of `other' is not changed.)
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			other /= Current
-		local
-			quotient: like Current
-		do
-			--|*** Must be optimized (Vincent Croizier, 12/07/04) ***
-			create quotient.from_integer(0)
-			remainder_with_quotient_to(other, quotient)
-		ensure
-			not negative and abs_compare(other) = -1
-		end
-	divide_with_remainder_to (other, remainder: like Current) is
-			-- Euclidian division.
-			-- Calculates the `quotient' and `remainder' of `Current'
-			-- divided by `other'.
-			-- Quotient is put in `Current'.
-			-- (The contents of `other' is not changed.)
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			remainder /= Void
-			remainder /= other
-			remainder /= Current
-		do
-			Current.remainder_with_quotient_to(other, remainder)
-			Current.swap_with(remainder)
-		ensure
-			not remainder.negative and remainder.abs_compare(other) = -1
-		end
-	remainder_with_quotient_to (other, quotient: like Current) is
-			-- Euclidian division.
-			-- Calculates the `quotient' and `remainder' of `Current'
-			-- divided by `other'.
-			-- Remainder is put in `Current'.
-			-- (The contents of `other' is not changed.)
-			--
-			-- Note: Uses Algorithm D in Knuth section 4.3.1.
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			quotient /= Void
-			quotient /= other
-			quotient /= Current
-		local
-			cmp, shift, dlen, qlen, j, k, v1, v2, u1, u2, rem: INTEGER; qhat, rhat, v2qhat_1, v2qhat_2, d_offset: INTEGER
-			q_storage, d_storage: like storage; q_capacity: like capacity; current_negative, borrow: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			if integer_length = 0 then
-				-- Dividend is zero:
-				quotient.set_with_zero
-				set_with_zero
-			else
-				current_negative := negative
-				cmp := Current.abs_compare(other)
-				if cmp < 0 then
-					-- Dividend less than divisor:
-					quotient.set_with_zero
-					-- Sign correction
-					set_negative(False)
-					divide_sign_correction_bis(other, quotient, current_negative)
-				elseif cmp = 0 then
-					-- Dividend equal to divisor:
-					if negative = other.negative then
-						quotient.from_integer(1)
-					else
-						quotient.from_integer(-1)
-					end
-					set_with_zero
-				elseif other.integer_length = 1 then
-					-- Special case one word divisor:
-					quotient.swap_with(Current)
-					--|*** replace by "from_unsigned_integer" ? (Vincent Croizier)
-					set_with_zero
-					rem := quotient.divide_one_word(other.item(other.offset))
-					if rem /= 0 then
-						put(rem, 0)
-						set_integer_length(1)
-					else
-						check
-							is_zero
-						end
-					end
-					-- Sign correction
-					divide_sign_correction_bis(other, quotient, current_negative)
-				else
-					-- Copy divisor storage to protect divisor:
-					register1.copy(other)
-					-- D1 normalize the divisor:
-					shift := register1.normalize
-					if shift /= 0 then
-						shift_left(shift)
-					end
-					-- D2 Initialize j:
-					from
-						d_storage := register1.storage
-						d_offset := register1.offset
-						dlen := register1.integer_length
-						j := offset + integer_length - 1
-						u2 := storage.item(j)
-						k := register1.offset + dlen - 1
-						v1 := register1.item(k)
-						v2 := register1.item(k - 1)
-						if unsigned_greater_or_equal(u2, v1) then
-							k := integer_length - dlen
-							qlen := k + 1
-						else
-							qlen := integer_length - dlen
-							k := qlen - 1
-							j := j - 1
-							u1 := u2
-							u2 := storage.item(j)
-						end
-						-- Resize quotient if necessary
-						q_capacity := quotient.capacity
-						if q_capacity < qlen then
-							-- reallocation
-							q_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(q_capacity, qlen)
-							q_storage := storage.calloc(q_capacity)
-						else
-							q_storage := quotient.storage
-						end
-						-- To avoid invariant violation on `quotient'
-						quotient.set_with_zero
-					until
-						k < 0
-					loop
-						j := j - 1 -- D3 Calculate qhat - estimate qhat
-						if u1 = v1 then
-							qhat := ~0
-						else
-							qhat := mbi_divide(u1, u2, v1, $rhat) -- Correct qhat
-							if qhat = 0 then
-							else
-								v2qhat_1 := mbi_multiply(v2, qhat, $v2qhat_2)
-								if unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_1, rhat) then
-									qhat := qhat - 1
-									if mbi_subtract(v2qhat_2, v2, $v2qhat_2) then
-										v2qhat_1 := v2qhat_1 - 1
-									end
-									if mbi_add(rhat, v1, $rhat) then
-									elseif unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_1, rhat) then
-										qhat := qhat - 1
-									elseif j < 0 then
-										if v2qhat_1 = rhat and then v2qhat_2 /= 0 then
-											qhat := qhat - 1
-										end
-									elseif v2qhat_1 = rhat and then unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_2, storage.item(j)) then
-										qhat := qhat - 1
-									end
-								elseif j < 0 then
-									if v2qhat_1 = rhat and then v2qhat_2 /= 0 then
-										qhat := qhat - 1
-									end
-								elseif v2qhat_1 = rhat and then unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_2, storage.item(j)) then
-									qhat := qhat - 1
-								end
-							end
-						end
-						-- D4 Multiply and subtract:
-						if qhat = 0 then
-							q_storage.put(0, k)
-						else
-							borrow := multiply_and_subtract(u1, qhat, d_storage, d_offset, storage, j - dlen + 2, dlen)
-							-- D5 Test remainder: Result is negative ?
-							if borrow then
-								-- D6 Add back
-								borrow := add_back(u1, d_storage, d_offset, storage, j - dlen + 2, dlen)
-								check
-									borrow
-								end
-								q_storage.put(qhat - 1, k)
-							else
-								q_storage.put(qhat, k)
-							end
-						end
-						-- D7 loop on j
-						k := k - 1
-						u1 := storage.item(j + 1)
-						u2 := storage.item(j)
-					end
-					-- Remove leading zero of quotient
-					k := qlen - 1
-					if q_storage.item(k) = 0 then
-						qlen := k
-					end
-					quotient.set_all(q_storage, q_capacity, qlen, 0, False)
-					-- Remove leading zero of remainder
-					from
-						j := dlen - 1
-					until
-						j < 0 or else storage.item(j) /= 0
-					loop
-						j := j - 1
-					end
-					j := j + 1
-					check
-						j >= 0
-					end
-					if j = 0 then
-						set_with_zero
-					else
-						offset := 0
-						integer_length := j
-						negative := False
-					end
-					-- D8 Unnormalize:
-					if shift > 0 then
-						shift_right(shift)
-					end
-					-- Sign correction
-					divide_sign_correction_bis(other, quotient, current_negative)
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			not negative and abs_compare(other) = -1
-		end
-	divide_to (other, quotient, remainder: like Current) is
-			-- Euclidian division.
-			-- Calculates the `quotient' and `remainder' of `Current'
-			-- divided by `other'. (The contents of `Current' and `other' are
-			-- not changed.)
-			--
-			-- Note: Uses Algorithm D in Knuth section 4.3.1.
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			quotient /= Void
-			remainder /= Void
-			quotient /= other
-			quotient /= Current
-			remainder /= other
-			remainder /= Current
-		local
-			cmp, shift, nlen, dlen, qlen, j, k, v1, v2, u1, u2, rem: INTEGER
-			qhat, rhat, v2qhat_1, v2qhat_2, d_offset: INTEGER; q_storage, r_storage, d_storage: like storage
-			q_capacity, r_capacity: like capacity; borrow: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			if integer_length = 0 then
-				-- Dividend is zero:
-				quotient.set_with_zero
-				remainder.set_with_zero
-			else
-				cmp := Current.abs_compare(other)
-				if cmp < 0 then
-					-- Dividend less than divisor:
-					quotient.set_with_zero
-					remainder.copy(Current)
-					-- Sign correction
-					remainder.set_negative(False)
-					divide_sign_correction(other, quotient, remainder)
-				elseif cmp = 0 then
-					-- Dividend equal to divisor:
-					if negative = other.negative then
-						quotient.from_integer(1)
-					else
-						quotient.from_integer(-1)
-					end
-					remainder.set_with_zero
-				elseif other.integer_length = 1 then
-					-- Special case one word divisor:
-					quotient.copy(Current)
-					--|*** replace by "from_unsigned_integer" ? (Vincent Croizier)
-					remainder.set_with_zero
-					rem := quotient.divide_one_word(other.item(other.offset))
-					if rem /= 0 then
-						remainder.put(rem, 0)
-						remainder.set_ilo(1, 0)
-					else
-						check
-							remainder.is_zero
-						end
-					end
-					-- Sign correction
-					divide_sign_correction(other, quotient, remainder)
-				else
-					-- Copy divisor storage to protect divisor:
-					register1.copy(other)
-					--|***
-					remainder.copy(Current)
-					-- D1 normalize the divisor:
-					shift := register1.normalize
-					if shift /= 0 then
-						remainder.shift_left(shift)
-					end
-					-- D2 Initialize j:
-					from
-						r_storage := remainder.storage
-						r_capacity := remainder.capacity
-						check
-							remainder.offset = 0
-						end
-						nlen := remainder.integer_length -- To avoid invariant class violation
-						remainder.set_with_zero
-						d_storage := register1.storage
-						d_offset := register1.offset
-						dlen := register1.integer_length
-						j := nlen - 1
-						u2 := r_storage.item(j)
-						k := register1.offset + dlen - 1
-						v1 := register1.item(k)
-						v2 := register1.item(k - 1)
-						if unsigned_greater_or_equal(u2, v1) then
-							k := nlen - dlen
-							qlen := k + 1
-						else
-							qlen := nlen - dlen
-							k := qlen - 1
-							j := j - 1
-							u1 := u2
-							u2 := r_storage.item(j)
-						end
-						-- Resize quotient if necessary
-						q_capacity := quotient.capacity
-						if q_capacity < qlen then
-							-- reallocation
-							q_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(q_capacity, qlen)
-							q_storage := storage.calloc(q_capacity)
-						else
-							q_storage := quotient.storage
-						end
-						-- To avoid invariant violation on `quotient'
-						quotient.set_with_zero
-					until
-						k < 0
-					loop
-						j := j - 1 -- D3 Calculate qhat - estimate qhat
-						if u1 = v1 then
-							qhat := ~0
-						else
-							qhat := mbi_divide(u1, u2, v1, $rhat) -- Correct qhat
-							if qhat = 0 then
-							else
-								v2qhat_1 := mbi_multiply(v2, qhat, $v2qhat_2)
-								if unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_1, rhat) then
-									qhat := qhat - 1
-									if mbi_subtract(v2qhat_2, v2, $v2qhat_2) then
-										v2qhat_1 := v2qhat_1 - 1
-									end
-									if mbi_add(rhat, v1, $rhat) then
-									elseif unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_1, rhat) then
-										qhat := qhat - 1
-									elseif j < 0 then
-										if v2qhat_1 = rhat and then v2qhat_2 /= 0 then
-											qhat := qhat - 1
-										end
-									elseif v2qhat_1 = rhat and then unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_2, r_storage.item(j)) then
-										qhat := qhat - 1
-									end
-								elseif j < 0 then
-									if v2qhat_1 = rhat and then v2qhat_2 /= 0 then
-										qhat := qhat - 1
-									end
-								elseif v2qhat_1 = rhat and then unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_2, r_storage.item(j)) then
-									qhat := qhat - 1
-								end
-							end
-						end
-						-- D4 Multiply and subtract:
-						if qhat = 0 then
-							q_storage.put(0, k)
-						else
-							borrow := multiply_and_subtract(u1, qhat, d_storage, d_offset, r_storage, j - dlen + 2, dlen)
-							-- D5 Test remainder: Result is negative ?
-							if borrow then
-								-- D6 Add back
-								borrow := add_back(u1, d_storage, d_offset, r_storage, j - dlen + 2, dlen)
-								check
-									borrow
-								end
-								q_storage.put(qhat - 1, k)
-							else
-								q_storage.put(qhat, k)
-							end
-						end
-						-- D7 loop on j
-						k := k - 1
-						u1 := r_storage.item(j + 1)
-						u2 := r_storage.item(j)
-					end
-					-- Remove leading zero of quotient
-					k := qlen - 1
-					if q_storage.item(k) = 0 then
-						qlen := k
-					end
-					quotient.set_all(q_storage, q_capacity, qlen, 0, False)
-					-- Remove leading zero of remainder
-					from
-						j := dlen - 1
-					until
-						j < 0 or else r_storage.item(j) /= 0
-					loop
-						j := j - 1
-					end
-					j := j + 1
-					check
-						j >= 0
-					end
-					if j = 0 then
-						check
-							remainder.is_zero
-						end
-					else
-						remainder.set_all(r_storage, r_capacity, j, 0, False)
-					end
-					-- D8 Unnormalize:
-					if shift > 0 then
-						remainder.shift_right(shift)
-					end
-					-- Sign correction
-					divide_sign_correction(other, quotient, remainder)
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			is_a_good_divide(other, quotient, remainder)
-			not remainder.negative and remainder.abs_compare(other) = -1
-		end
-	shift_left (n: INTEGER) is
-			-- Shift bits of magnitude by `n' position left. (Note that no bit can
-			-- be lost because the `storage' area is automatically extended when
-			-- it is necessary.)
-		require
-			n > 0
-		local
-			new_storage: like storage; left, right: INTEGER_8
-			new_capacity, new_integer_length, new_head, word_shift, i, j, k, val1, val2, val3: INTEGER
-		do
-			if integer_length > 0 then
-				word_shift := n |>>> 5
-				left := (n & 0x0000001F).to_integer_8 -- Optimistic prediction
-				new_integer_length := integer_length + word_shift
-				if left = 0 then
-					-- Just word shift
-					if offset >= word_shift then
-						-- no need to deplace the number in the storage
-						from
-							i := offset
-							offset := offset - word_shift
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						until
-							i = offset
-						loop
-							i := i - 1
-							put(0, i)
-						end
-					elseif capacity >= new_integer_length then
-						-- deplacing the number
-						from
-							i := offset + integer_length - 1
-							j := word_shift + integer_length - 1
-						until
-							i < offset
-						loop
-							put(item(i), j)
-							i := i - 1
-							j := j - 1
-						end
-						from
-							check
-								j = word_shift - 1
-							end
-						until
-							j < 0
-						loop
-							put(0, j)
-							j := j - 1
-						end
-						offset := 0
-						integer_length := new_integer_length
-					else
-						-- reallocation
-						new_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(capacity, new_integer_length)
-						new_storage := storage.calloc(new_capacity)
-						from
-							i := offset + integer_length
-							j := word_shift + integer_length
-						until
-							i = offset
-						loop
-							i := i - 1
-							j := j - 1
-							new_storage.put(item(i), j)
-						end
-						storage := new_storage
-						capacity := new_capacity
-						offset := 0
-						integer_length := new_integer_length
-					end
-				else
-					right := 32 - left -- Compute real `integer_length'
-					i := offset + integer_length - 1
-					val1 := item(i)
-					new_head := val1 |>>> right
-					if new_head = 0 then
-						-- new_integer_length is good
-						if capacity < new_integer_length then
-							-- reallocation
-							new_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(capacity, new_integer_length)
-							new_storage := storage.calloc(new_capacity)
-							from
-								j := new_integer_length - 1
-								check
-									i = offset + integer_length - 1
-									j = word_shift + integer_length - 1
-									val1 = item(i)
-								end
-							until
-								i = offset
-							loop
-								i := i - 1
-								val2 := item(i)
-								new_storage.put(val1 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-								val1 := val2
-								j := j - 1
-							end
-							new_storage.put(val1 |<< left, j)
-							storage := new_storage
-							capacity := new_capacity
-							offset := 0
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						elseif offset > word_shift then
-							from
-								check
-									j = 0
-								end
-							until
-								j = word_shift
-							loop
-								put(0, j)
-								j := j + 1
-							end
-							from
-								k := offset
-								check
-									i = offset + integer_length - 1
-									j = word_shift
-								end
-							until
-								k = i
-							loop
-								val3 := item(k)
-								put(val3 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-								val2 := val3
-								k := k + 1
-								j := j + 1
-							end
-							put(val1 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-							offset := 0
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						else
-							from
-								j := new_integer_length - 1
-								check
-									i = offset + integer_length - 1
-									j = word_shift + integer_length - 1
-									val1 = item(i)
-								end
-							until
-								i = offset
-							loop
-								i := i - 1
-								val2 := item(i)
-								put(val1 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-								val1 := val2
-								j := j - 1
-							end
-							put(val1 |<< left, j)
-							from
-							until
-								j = 0
-							loop
-								j := j - 1
-								put(0, j)
-							end
-							offset := 0
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						end
-					else
-						new_integer_length := new_integer_length + 1
-						if capacity < new_integer_length then
-							-- Reallocation
-							new_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(capacity, new_integer_length)
-							new_storage := storage.calloc(new_capacity)
-							from
-								j := new_integer_length - 2
-								check
-									i = offset + integer_length - 1
-									j = word_shift + integer_length - 1
-									val1 = item(i)
-								end
-								new_storage.put(new_head, j + 1)
-							until
-								i = offset
-							loop
-								i := i - 1
-								val2 := item(i)
-								new_storage.put(val1 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-								val1 := val2
-								j := j - 1
-							end
-							new_storage.put(val1 |<< left, j)
-							storage := new_storage
-							capacity := new_capacity
-							offset := 0
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						elseif offset > word_shift then
-							from
-								check
-									j = 0
-								end
-							until
-								j = word_shift
-							loop
-								put(0, j)
-								j := j + 1
-							end
-							from
-								k := offset
-								check
-									i = offset + integer_length - 1
-								end
-							until
-								k = i
-							loop
-								val3 := item(k)
-								put(val3 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-								val2 := val3
-								k := k + 1
-								j := j + 1
-							end
-							put(val1 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-							put(new_head, j + 1)
-							offset := 0
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						else
-							from
-								j := new_integer_length - 2
-								check
-									i = offset + integer_length - 1
-									j = word_shift + integer_length - 1
-									val1 = item(i)
-								end
-							until
-								i = offset
-							loop
-								i := i - 1
-								val2 := item(i)
-								put(val1 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-								val1 := val2
-								j := j - 1
-							end
-							put(val1 |<< left, j)
-							put(new_head, new_integer_length - 1)
-							from
-							until
-								j = 0
-							loop
-								j := j - 1
-								put(0, j)
-							end
-							offset := 0
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	shift_right (n: INTEGER) is
-			-- Right shift `Current' n bits. (`Current' is left in normal form.)
-		require
-			n > 0
-		local
-			n_ints, n_bits: INTEGER
-		do
-			if integer_length > 0 then
-				n_ints := n |>>> 5
-				n_bits := n & 0x0000001F
-				integer_length := integer_length - n_ints
-				offset := offset + n_ints
-				if n_bits = 0 then
-				else
-					primitive_shift_right(n_bits.to_integer_8)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- GCD
-	gcd (other: like Current) is
-			-- Compute GCD of `Current' and `other'.
-			-- GCD is put in `Current' (`other' is not modified).
-		require
-			other /= Void
-		do
-			if other = Current then
-				Current.abs
-			elseif other.is_zero then
-				Current.abs
-			elseif Current.is_zero then
-				Current.copy(other)
-				Current.abs
-			else
-				from
-					register2.copy(other)
-					Current.mod(register2)
-					if Current.is_zero then
-						Current.swap_with(register2)
-						Current.abs
-					else
-						register2.mod(Current)
-					end
-				until
-					register2.is_zero
-				loop
-					Current.mod(register2)
-					if Current.is_zero then
-						Current.swap_with(register2)
-					else
-						register2.mod(Current)
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			is_positive or is_zero and other.is_zero
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- To multiply:
-	multiply (other: like Current) is
-			-- Multiply `Current' by `other'.
-		require
-			other /= Void
-		do
-			if other = Current then
-				multiply_to(other, register1)
-				swap_with(register1)
-			elseif is_zero or other.is_zero then
-				set_with_zero
-			elseif Current.is_one then
-				copy(other)
-			elseif other.is_one then
-			elseif Current.is_one_negative then
-				copy(other)
-				set_negative(not negative)
-			elseif other.is_one_negative then
-				set_negative(not negative)
-			else
-				--|*** Must be replace by an algorithm switch. (Vincent Croizier, 09/07/04)
-				multiply_like_human(other)
-			end
-		end
-	multiply_to (other, res: like Current) is
-			-- Multiply the contents of `Current' and `other' and place the
-			-- result  in `res'. (`Current' and `other' are not modified.)
-		require
-			other /= Void
-			res /= Void
-			res /= Current
-		do
-			if is_zero or other.is_zero then
-				res.set_with_zero
-			elseif Current.is_one then
-				res.copy(other)
-			elseif other.is_one then
-				res.copy(Current)
-			elseif Current.is_one_negative then
-				res.copy(other)
-				res.set_negative(not res.negative)
-			elseif other.is_one_negative then
-				res.copy(Current)
-				res.set_negative(not negative)
-			else
-				--|*** Must be replace by an algorithm switch. (Vincent Croizier, 01/05/04)
-				multiply_to_like_human(other, res)
-			end
-		end
-	multiply_integer (other: INTEGER; res: like Current) is
-			-- Multiply the contents of `Current' and `other' and place the
-			-- result  in `res'. (`Current' is not modified.)
-		require
-			res /= Current
-			res /= Void
-		local
-			overflow, res_integer_length, res_capacity, i, k, up_i, v: INTEGER; res_storage: like storage
-		do
-			if other = 0 or else is_zero then
-				res.set_with_zero
-			elseif other = Minimum_integer then
-				res.set_negative(not negative)
-				shift_left(31)
-			else
-				if other > 0 then
-					res.set_negative(negative)
-					v := other
-				else
-					res.set_negative(not negative)
-					v := -other
-				end
-				-- Pessimistique estimation
-				res_integer_length := integer_length + 1 -- Reallocation ?
-				if res.capacity < res_integer_length then
-					if capacity < res_integer_length then
-						res_capacity := capacity * 2
-					else
-						res_capacity := capacity_from_upper_bound(capacity, res_integer_length)
-					end
-					set_capacity(res_capacity)
-					res_storage := storage.calloc(res_capacity)
-					res.set_storage(res_storage)
-				else
-					res_storage := res.storage
-				end
-				res.set_offset(0)
-				-- Multiply
-				from
-					k := 0
-					i := offset
-					up_i := offset + integer_length - 1
-					overflow := mbi_multiply(item(i), v, storage_at(res_storage, k))
-				until
-					i = up_i
-				loop
-					i := i + 1
-					k := k + 1
-					overflow := mbi_multiply_with_add(item(i), v, overflow, storage_at(res_storage, k))
-				end
-				if overflow = 0 then
-					res.set_integer_length(res_integer_length - 1)
-				else
-					check
-						k + 1 = integer_length
-					end
-					res.put(overflow, integer_length)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-feature {MUTABLE_BIG_INTEGER} -- to multiply
-	multiply_like_human (other: like Current) is
-			-- Simple multiply.
-			-- Complexity = O(`integer_length'*`other.integer_length').
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-		local
-			old_offset, new_integer_length: INTEGER
-		do
-			-- Pessimistique estimation
-			new_integer_length := integer_length + other.integer_length -- Reallocation ?
-			if capacity < new_integer_length then
-				register1.swap_with(Current)
-				register1.multiply_to_like_human(other, Current)
-				-- Multiply in place
-			elseif offset + new_integer_length <= capacity then
-				multiply_like_human_aux_reverse(other)
-			elseif offset >= other.integer_length then
-				multiply_like_human_aux(other)
-			else
-				old_offset := offset
-				offset := capacity - integer_length
-				storage.slice_copy(offset, storage, old_offset, old_offset + integer_length - 1)
-				multiply_like_human_aux(other)
-			end
-		end
-	multiply_like_human_aux (other: like Current) is
-			-- Only used by `multiply_to_like_human'.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-			offset >= other.integer_length
-		local
-			other_offset, other_integer_length, overflow, i, j, k, up_i, up_j, down_k, v: INTEGER
-			other_storage: like storage
-		do
-			other_offset := other.offset
-			other_integer_length := other.integer_length
-			other_storage := other.storage -- First pass
-			from
-				k := 0
-				i := other_offset
-				up_i := other_offset + other_integer_length - 1
-				j := offset
-				up_j := offset + integer_length - 1
-				v := storage.item(j)
-				overflow := mbi_multiply(other_storage.item(i), v, storage_at(storage, k))
-			until
-				i = up_i
-			loop
-				i := i + 1
-				k := k + 1
-				overflow := mbi_multiply_with_add(other_storage.item(i), v, overflow, storage_at(storage, k))
-			end
-			k := k + 1
-			check
-				k <= j
-			end
-			storage.put(overflow, k)
-			from
-				down_k := 1
-			until
-				j = up_j
-			loop
-				j := j + 1
-				from
-					k := down_k
-					i := other_offset
-					v := storage.item(j)
-					overflow := mbi_multiply_with_add(other_storage.item(i), v, storage.item(k), storage_at(storage, k))
-				until
-					i = up_i
-				loop
-					i := i + 1
-					k := k + 1
-					overflow := mbi_multiply_with_2_add(other_storage.item(i), v, overflow, storage.item(k), storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				k := k + 1
-				check
-					k <= j
-				end
-				storage.put(overflow, k)
-				down_k := down_k + 1
-			end
-			-- Adjust `res.integer_length'
-			if overflow = 0 then
-				integer_length := integer_length + other_integer_length - 1
-			else
-				integer_length := integer_length + other_integer_length
-			end
-			negative := negative /= other.negative
-			offset := 0
-		end
-	multiply_like_human_aux_reverse (other: like Current) is
-			-- Only used by `multiply_to_like_human'.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-			offset + integer_length <= capacity - other.integer_length
-		local
-			other_offset, other_integer_length, overflow, i, j, k, up_i, down_j, down_k, v: INTEGER
-			other_storage: like storage; inc: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			other_offset := other.offset
-			other_integer_length := other.integer_length
-			other_storage := other.storage -- First pass
-			from
-				i := other_offset
-				up_i := other_offset + other_integer_length - 1
-				down_j := offset
-				j := offset + integer_length - 1
-				k := j
-				v := storage.item(j)
-				overflow := mbi_multiply(other_storage.item(i), v, storage_at(storage, k))
-			until
-				i = up_i
-			loop
-				i := i + 1
-				k := k + 1
-				overflow := mbi_multiply_with_add(other_storage.item(i), v, overflow, storage_at(storage, k))
-			end
-			k := k + 1
-			check
-				k <= j + other_integer_length
-			end
-			storage.put(overflow, k)
-			from
-				down_k := j - 1
-			until
-				j = down_j
-			loop
-				j := j - 1
-				from
-					k := down_k
-					i := other_offset
-					v := storage.item(j)
-					overflow := mbi_multiply(other_storage.item(i), v, storage_at(storage, k))
-				until
-					i = up_i
-				loop
-					i := i + 1
-					k := k + 1
-					overflow := mbi_multiply_with_2_add(other_storage.item(i), v, overflow, storage.item(k), storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				k := k + 1
-				inc := mbi_add(storage.item(k), overflow, storage_at(storage, k))
-				check
-					k < offset + integer_length + other_integer_length
-				end
-				from
-				until
-					not inc
-				loop
-					k := k + 1
-					check
-						k < offset + integer_length + other_integer_length
-					end
-					inc := mbi_inc(storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				down_k := down_k - 1
-			end
-			-- Adjust `res.integer_length'
-			if storage.item(offset + integer_length + other_integer_length - 1) = 0 then
-				integer_length := integer_length + other_integer_length - 1
-			else
-				integer_length := integer_length + other_integer_length
-			end
-			negative := negative /= other.negative
-		end
-	multiply_to_like_human (other, res: like Current) is
-			-- Simple multiply.
-			-- Complexity = O(`integer_length'*`other.integer_length').
-		require
-			res /= Current
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-		local
-			overflow, res_integer_length, res_capacity, i, j, k, up_i, up_j, down_k, v: INTEGER
-			res_storage: like storage; res_negative: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			res_negative := negative /= other.negative -- Pessimistique estimation
-			res_integer_length := integer_length + other.integer_length -- Reallocation ?
-			res_capacity := res.capacity
-			if res_capacity < res_integer_length then
-				res_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(res_capacity, res_integer_length)
-				res_storage := storage.calloc(res_capacity)
-			else
-				res_storage := res.storage
-			end
-			-- To avoid class invariant violation
-			res.set_with_zero
-			-- Multiply
-			-- First pass
-			from
-				k := 0
-				i := offset
-				up_i := offset + integer_length - 1
-				j := other.offset
-				up_j := j + other.integer_length - 1
-				v := other.item(j)
-				overflow := mbi_multiply(item(i), v, storage_at(res_storage, k))
-			until
-				i = up_i
-			loop
-				i := i + 1
-				k := k + 1
-				overflow := mbi_multiply_with_add(item(i), v, overflow, storage_at(res_storage, k))
-			end
-			k := k + 1
-			res_storage.put(overflow, k)
-			from
-				down_k := 1
-			until
-				j = up_j
-			loop
-				j := j + 1
-				from
-					k := down_k
-					i := offset
-					v := other.item(j)
-					overflow := mbi_multiply_with_add(item(i), v, res_storage.item(k), storage_at(res_storage, k))
-				until
-					i = up_i
-				loop
-					i := i + 1
-					k := k + 1
-					overflow := mbi_multiply_with_2_add(item(i), v, overflow, res_storage.item(k), storage_at(res_storage, k))
-				end
-				k := k + 1
-				res_storage.put(overflow, k)
-				down_k := down_k + 1
-			end
-			-- Adjust `res.integer_length'
-			if overflow = 0 then
-				res.set_all(res_storage, res_capacity, res_integer_length - 1, 0, res_negative)
-			else
-				res.set_all(res_storage, res_capacity, res_integer_length, 0, res_negative)
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Comparison:
-	is_zero: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is it 0?
-		do
-			Result := integer_length = 0
-		ensure
-			Result implies not is_negative
-		end
-	is_one: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is it 1?
-		do
-			if integer_length = 1 then
-				if not negative then
-					Result := item(offset) = 1
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result implies not is_negative
-		end
-	is_one_negative: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is it -1 ?
-		do
-			if integer_length = 1 then
-				if negative then
-					Result := item(offset) = 1
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result implies is_negative
-		end
-	is_negative: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is `Current' negative integer?
-		do
-			Result := negative
-		ensure
-			Result implies not is_positive
-		end
-	is_positive: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is `Current' positive integer?
-		do
-			Result := not negative and then integer_length /= 0
-		ensure
-			Result implies not is_negative
-		end
-	is_even: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is `Current' even?
-		do
-			if integer_length = 0 then
-				Result := True
-			else
-				Result := item(offset).is_even
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result = not Current.is_odd
-		end
-	is_odd: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is `Current' odd?
-		do
-			if integer_length > 0 then
-				Result := item(offset).is_odd
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result = not Current.is_even
-		end
-	is_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN is
-		local
-			a, b, c: INTEGER
-		do
-			if Current = other then
-				Result := True
-			elseif integer_length /= other.integer_length then
-			elseif negative /= other.negative then
-			else
-				check
-					other.integer_length = integer_length
-				end
-				from
-					c := offset + integer_length
-					a := offset
-					b := other.offset
-					Result := True
-				until
-					a = c
-				loop
-					if item(a) /= other.item(b) then
-						Result := False
-						a := c
-					else
-						a := a + 1
-						b := b + 1
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	infix "<" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN is
-		local
-			a, b: INTEGER; va, vb: INTEGER
-		do
-			if Current = other then
-			elseif negative /= other.negative then
-				Result := negative
-			elseif integer_length /= other.integer_length then
-				Result := integer_length < other.integer_length xor negative
-			else
-				check
-					other.negative = negative
-				end
-				check
-					other.integer_length = integer_length
-				end
-				from
-					a := offset + integer_length - 1
-					b := other.offset + integer_length - 1
-				until
-					a < offset
-				loop
-					va := item(a)
-					vb := other.item(b)
-					if unsigned_less_than(va, vb) then
-						Result := not negative
-						a := -1
-					elseif unsigned_less_than(vb, va) then
-						Result := negative
-						a := -1
-					else
-						a := a - 1
-						b := b - 1
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	abs_compare (other: like Current): INTEGER is
-			-- Compare the magnitude of `Current' and `other'. Returns -1, 0 or 1
-			-- as this MutableBigInteger is numerically less than, equal to, or
-			-- greater than other.
-		local
-			a, b: INTEGER; va, vb: INTEGER
-		do
-			if Current = other then
-				--Result := 0
-			elseif integer_length < other.integer_length then
-				Result := -1
-			elseif integer_length > other.integer_length then
-				Result := 1
-			else
-				check
-					other.integer_length = integer_length
-				end
-				from
-					a := offset + integer_length
-					b := other.offset + integer_length
-					check
-						Result = 0
-					end
-				until
-					a <= offset
-				loop
-					a := a - 1
-					b := b - 1
-					va := item(a)
-					vb := other.item(b)
-					if unsigned_less_than(va, vb) then
-						Result := -1
-						a := -1
-					elseif unsigned_less_than(vb, va) then
-						Result := 1
-						a := -1
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Printing:
-	to_string: STRING is
-			-- The decimal view of `Current' into a new allocated STRING.
-			-- For example, if `Current' is -1 the `Result' is "-1".
-			--
-			-- See also `append_in', `to_string_format', `to_unicode_string', `to_integer'.
-		do
-			string_buffer.clear_count
-			append_in(string_buffer)
-			Result := string_buffer.twin
-		end
-	to_unicode_string: UNICODE_STRING is
-			-- The decimal view of `Current' into a new allocated UNICODE_STRING.
-			-- For example, if `Current' represents -1 the `Result' is U"-1".
-			--
-			-- See also `append_in_unicode', `to_unicode_string_format', `to_string'.
-		do
-			unicode_string_buffer.clear_count
-			append_in_unicode(unicode_string_buffer)
-			Result := unicode_string_buffer.twin
-		end
-	append_in (buffer: STRING) is
-			-- Append in the `buffer' the equivalent of `to_string'. No new
-			-- STRING creation during the process.
-		require
-			is_printable
-		local
-			k: INTEGER
-		do
-			if is_zero then
-				buffer.extend('0')
-			else
-				-- Put the sign in `buffer'
-				if negative then
-					buffer.extend('-')
-				end
-				-- Put it in `buffer'
-				from
-					k := append_in_char_buffer
-				until
-					k = 0
-				loop
-					k := k - 1
-					buffer.extend(char_buffer.item(k))
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	append_in_unicode (buffer: UNICODE_STRING) is
-			-- Append in the `buffer' the equivalent of `to_string'. No new
-			-- STRING creation during the process.
-		require
-			is_printable
-		local
-			k: INTEGER
-		do
-			if is_zero then
-				buffer.extend('0'.code)
-			else
-				-- Put the sign in `buffer'
-				if negative then
-					buffer.extend('-'.code)
-				end
-				-- Put it in `buffer'
-				from
-					k := append_in_char_buffer
-				until
-					k = 0
-				loop
-					k := k - 1
-					buffer.extend(char_buffer.item(k).code)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	to_string_format (s: INTEGER): STRING is
-			-- Same as `to_string' but the result is on `s' character and the
-			-- number is right aligned.
-			-- Note: see `append_in_format' to save memory.
-		require
-			to_string.count <= s
-		do
-			create Result.make(s)
-			append_in_format(Result, s)
-		ensure
-			Result.count = s
-		end
-	to_unicode_string_format (s: INTEGER): UNICODE_STRING is
-			-- Same as `to_unicode_string' but the result is on `s' character and
-			-- the number is right aligned.
-			-- Note: see `append_in_unicode_format' to save memory.
-		require
-			to_string.count <= s
-		do
-			create Result.make(s)
-			append_in_unicode_format(Result, s)
-		ensure
-			Result.count = s
-		end
-	append_in_format (str: STRING; s: INTEGER) is
-			-- Append the equivalent of `to_string_format' at the end of
-			-- `str'. Thus you can save memory because no other
-			-- STRING is allocated for the job.
-		require
-			to_string.count <= s
-		local
-			i, k: INTEGER
-		do
-			if is_zero then
-				-- Put spaces
-				from
-					i := s - 1
-				variant
-					i
-				until
-					i = 0
-				loop
-					str.extend(' ')
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				-- Put number
-				str.extend('0')
-			else
-				k := append_in_char_buffer
-				-- Put spaces
-				from
-					if negative then
-						i := s - k - 1
-					else
-						i := s - k
-					end
-				variant
-					i
-				until
-					i = 0
-				loop
-					str.extend(' ')
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				-- Put number
-				from
-					-- Put the sign in `buffer'
-					if negative then
-						str.extend('-')
-					end
-				variant
-					k
-				until
-					k = 0
-				loop
-					k := k - 1
-					str.extend(char_buffer.item(k))
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			str.count >= old str.count + s
-		end
-	append_in_unicode_format (str: UNICODE_STRING; s: INTEGER) is
-			-- Append the equivalent of `to_unicode_string_format' at the end of
-			-- `str'. Thus you can save memory because no other
-			-- UNICODE_STRING is allocated for the job.
-		require
-			to_string.count <= s
-		local
-			i, k: INTEGER
-		do
-			if is_zero then
-				-- Put spaces
-				from
-					i := s - 1
-				variant
-					i
-				until
-					i = 0
-				loop
-					str.extend(' '.code)
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				-- Put number
-				str.extend('0'.code)
-			else
-				k := append_in_char_buffer
-				-- Put spaces
-				from
-					if negative then
-						i := s - k - 1
-					else
-						i := s - k
-					end
-				variant
-					i
-				until
-					i = 0
-				loop
-					str.extend(' '.code)
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				-- Put number
-				from
-					-- Put the sign in `buffer'
-					if negative then
-						str.extend('-'.code)
-					end
-				variant
-					k
-				until
-					k = 0
-				loop
-					k := k - 1
-					str.extend(char_buffer.item(k).code)
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			str.count >= old str.count + s
-		end
-	is_printable: BOOLEAN is
-			-- True if decimal view of `Current' is short enougth
-			-- to be put in a STRING.
-		do
-			--|*** MUST BE REWRITE (Vincent Croizier, 14/07/04) ***
-			Result := integer_length <= 2 ^ 27
-		end
-	out_in_tagged_out_memory, fill_tagged_out_memory is
-		do
-			append_in(tagged_out_memory)
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Miscellaneous:
-	negate is
-			-- Negate the sign of `Current'.
-		do
-			if integer_length /= 0 then
-				negative := not negative
-			end
-		end
-	abs is
-			-- Absolute value of `Current'.
-		do
-			negative := False
-		end
-	sign: INTEGER_8 is
-			-- Sign of `Current' (0 -1 or 1).
-		do
-			if negative then
-				Result := -1
-			elseif integer_length > 0 then
-				Result := 1
-			else
-				check
-					is_zero
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	set_with_zero is
-		do
-			integer_length := 0
-			negative := False
-		ensure
-			is_zero
-		end
-	hash_code: INTEGER is
-		local
-			i, c, v: INTEGER
-		do
-			from
-				i := offset
-				c := 2
-			until
-				c = 0 or else i = offset + integer_length
-			loop
-				v := item(i)
-				if v /= 0 then
-					Result := Result #+ v
-					c := c - 1
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-			end
-			Result := integer_length #* Result
-			if negative then
-				Result := Result #+ 1
-			end
-			if Result < 0 then
-				Result := ~Result
-			end
-		end
-	copy (other: like Current) is
-		do
-			negative := other.negative
-			offset := 0
-			integer_length := other.integer_length
-			if capacity < other.integer_length then
-				capacity := capacity_from_upper_bound(other.capacity, integer_length)
-				storage := storage.calloc(capacity)
-			elseif capacity = 0 then
-				capacity := 4
-				storage := storage.calloc(capacity)
-			end
-			if integer_length /= 0 then
-				storage.slice_copy(offset, other.storage, other.offset, other.offset + integer_length - 1)
-			end
-		end
-	swap_with (other: like Current) is
-			-- Swap the value of `Current' with the value of `other'.
-		local
-			s: like storage; c: like capacity; il: like integer_length; o: like offset; n: like negative
-		do
-			s := other.storage
-			c := other.capacity
-			il := other.integer_length
-			o := other.offset
-			n := other.negative -- Put Current in other
-			other.set_all(storage, capacity, integer_length, offset, negative)
-			--
-			storage := s
-			capacity := c
-			integer_length := il
-			offset := o
-			negative := n
-		end
-			-- Holds the magnitude of `Current' in natural order (the most
-			-- significant INTEGER_32 word has the highest address). To avoid many
-			-- reallocation of this `storage' area, only some words are
-			-- significant. The magnitude is stored in the following significant
-			-- range [`offset' .. `offset + integer_length - 1'].
-	capacity: INTEGER
-			-- Of the allocated `storage' area.
-	integer_length: INTEGER
-			-- The number of significant INTEGER_32 words in the `storage' area.
-	offset: INTEGER
-			-- The `offset' of the less significant word into the `storage' area.
-	negative: BOOLEAN
-			-- True when `Current' is negative.
-	item (index: INTEGER): INTEGER_32 is
-		require
-		-- index.in_range(0, capacity - 1)
-			index.in_range(offset, offset + integer_length - 1)
-		do
-			Result := storage.item(index)
-		end
-	put (value: INTEGER; index: INTEGER) is
-		require
-			index.in_range(0, capacity - 1)
-		do
-			storage.put(value, index)
-		end
-	set_negative (n: like negative) is
-		require
-			n implies not is_zero
-		do
-			negative := n
-		ensure
-			negative = n or is_zero
-		end
-	set_integer_length (il: like integer_length) is
-		require
-			il.in_range(0, capacity - offset)
-		do
-			integer_length := il
-		ensure
-			integer_length = il
-		end
-	set_offset (o: like offset) is
-		require
-			o.in_range(0, capacity - integer_length)
-		do
-			offset := o
-		ensure
-			offset = o
-		end
-	set_ilo (il: like integer_length; o: like offset) is
-		require
-			il.in_range(0, capacity)
-			o.in_range(0, capacity - il)
-		do
-			integer_length := il
-			offset := o
-		ensure
-			integer_length = il
-			offset = o
-		end
-	set_storage (new_storage: like storage) is
-		do
-			storage := new_storage
-		end
-	set_capacity (new_capacity: like capacity) is
-		do
-			capacity := new_capacity
-		end
-	set_all (new_storage: like storage; new_capacity, new_integer_length, new_offset: INTEGER; new_negative: BOOLEAN) is
-		require
-			new_capacity > 0
-			new_storage.is_not_null
-			new_integer_length.in_range(0, new_capacity)
-			new_integer_length /= 0 implies new_offset.in_range(0, new_capacity - new_integer_length) and new_storage.item(new_offset + new_integer_length - 1) /= 0
-			new_integer_length = 0 implies not new_negative
-			new_capacity.is_a_power_of_2
-		do
-			storage := new_storage
-			capacity := new_capacity
-			integer_length := new_integer_length
-			offset := new_offset
-			negative := new_negative
-		ensure
-			storage = new_storage
-			capacity = new_capacity
-			integer_length = new_integer_length
-			offset = new_offset
-			negative = new_negative
-		end
-	primitive_shift_left (n: INTEGER_8) is
-			-- Left shift `Current' with no need to extend the `storage'.
-			--|*** Can be a little faster (Vincent Croizier, 26/04/04) ***
-		require
-			integer_length > 0
-			n.in_range(1, 31)
-			no_bit_lost: item(offset + integer_length - 1) |<< n |>>> n = item(offset + integer_length - 1)
-		local
-			n2: INTEGER_8; i, up, b, c: INTEGER
-		do
-			n2 := 32 - n
-			from
-				i := offset
-				up := i + integer_length - 1
-			until
-				i > up
-			loop
-				b := item(i)
-				put(b |<< n | c, i)
-				c := b |>>> n2
-				i := i + 1
-			end
-			check
-				c = 0
-			end
-		end
-	primitive_shift_right (n: INTEGER_8) is
-			-- Right shift `Current' of `n' bits.
-		require
-			integer_length > 0
-			n.in_range(1, 31)
-		local
-			n2: INTEGER_8; i, j, up, b, c: INTEGER
-		do
-			n2 := 32 - n
-			from
-				up := integer_length - 1
-				j := 0
-				i := offset
-				c := item(i)
-			until
-				j >= up
-			loop
-				b := c
-				i := i + 1
-				c := item(i)
-				put(b |>>> n | (c |<< n2), j)
-				j := j + 1
-			end
-			check
-				j = up
-				i = offset + j
-			end
-			put(c |>>> n, up)
-			offset := 0
-			if item(integer_length - 1) = 0 then
-				integer_length := integer_length - 1
-			end
-		ensure
-			offset = 0
-		end
-	divide_one_word (divisor: INTEGER): INTEGER is
-			-- This method is used by `divide'. The one word divisor is
-			-- specified by `divisor' is saw as unsigned.
-			-- `Current' is the dividend (saw positive) at invocation but is replaced by
-			-- the quotient. The remainder is returned as unsigned INTEGER.
-			-- Note: `Current' is modified by this method.
-		require
-			divisor /= 0
-		local
-			i, remainder_word1, remainder_word0: INTEGER
-		do
-			if integer_length = 1 then
-				Result := item(offset)
-				if unsigned_less_than(Result, divisor) then
-					integer_length := 0
-					negative := False
-				else
-					put(mbi_divide(0, Result, divisor, $remainder_word1), offset)
-					Result := remainder_word1
-				end
-			else
-				from
-					i := offset + integer_length - 1
-				until
-					i < offset
-				loop
-					remainder_word0 := item(i)
-					put(mbi_divide(remainder_word1, remainder_word0, divisor, $remainder_word1), i)
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				if item(offset + integer_length - 1) = 0 then
-					integer_length := integer_length - 1
-					check
-						item(offset + integer_length - 1) /= 0
-					end
-				end
-				Result := remainder_word1
-			end
-		end
-	divide_sign_correction (other, quotient, remainder: like Current) is
-			-- Correct the value of `quotient' and `remainder' after an
-			-- "unsigned" division.
-			-- Only used by `divide'.
-		require
-			not remainder.is_negative
-		do
-			if remainder.is_zero then
-				quotient.set_negative(negative /= other.negative)
-			elseif negative then
-				quotient.set_negative(False)
-				if other.negative then
-					quotient.add_integer(1)
-					remainder.set_negative(True)
-					-- other is negative
-					remainder.subtract(other)
-					check
-						not remainder.is_negative
-					end
-				else
-					quotient.add_integer(1)
-					quotient.set_negative(True)
-					remainder.set_negative(True)
-					remainder.add(other)
-					check
-						not remainder.is_negative
-					end
-				end
-			elseif other.negative then
-				quotient.set_negative(True)
-			else
-				quotient.set_negative(False)
-			end
-		ensure
-			not remainder.is_negative
-		end
-	divide_sign_correction_bis (other, quotient: like Current; current_negative: BOOLEAN) is
-			-- Correct the value of `quotient' and `remainder' after an
-			-- "unsigned" division.
-			-- Only used by `divide'.
-		require
-			not is_negative
-		do
-			if is_zero then
-				quotient.set_negative(current_negative /= other.negative)
-			elseif current_negative then
-				quotient.set_negative(False)
-				if other.negative then
-					quotient.add_integer(1)
-					set_negative(True)
-					-- other is negative
-					subtract(other)
-					check
-						not is_negative
-					end
-				else
-					quotient.add_integer(1)
-					quotient.set_negative(True)
-					set_negative(True)
-					add(other)
-					check
-						not is_negative
-					end
-				end
-			elseif other.negative then
-				quotient.set_negative(True)
-			else
-				quotient.set_negative(False)
-			end
-		ensure
-			not is_negative
-		end
-	multiply_and_subtract (u1, qhat: INTEGER; d_storage: like storage; d_offset: INTEGER; r_storage: like storage
-		r_offset, length: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Only used by `divide'.
-		require
-			qhat /= 0
-		local
-			i, j, jmax, m1, m2: INTEGER; dec: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			if qhat = 1 then
-				from
-					i := d_offset
-					j := r_offset
-					jmax := r_offset + length
-				until
-					j = jmax
-				loop
-					if dec then
-						dec := mbi_subtract_with_dec(r_storage.item(j), d_storage.item(i), storage_at(r_storage, j))
-					else
-						dec := mbi_subtract(r_storage.item(j), d_storage.item(i), storage_at(r_storage, j))
-					end
-					i := i + 1
-					j := j + 1
-				end
-				if dec then
-					if u1 = 0 then
-						Result := True
-					else
-						Result := mbi_dec(storage_at(r_storage, j))
-						check
-							not Result
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			else
-				from
-					i := d_offset
-					j := r_offset
-					jmax := r_offset + length
-				until
-					j = jmax
-				loop
-					m1 := mbi_multiply_with_add(qhat, d_storage.item(i), m1, $m2)
-					if dec then
-						dec := mbi_subtract_with_dec(r_storage.item(j), m2, storage_at(r_storage, j))
-					else
-						dec := mbi_subtract(r_storage.item(j), m2, storage_at(r_storage, j))
-					end
-					i := i + 1
-					j := j + 1
-				end
-				if dec then
-					if u1 = 0 then
-						Result := True
-					else
-						Result := mbi_subtract_with_dec(r_storage.item(j), m1, storage_at(r_storage, j))
-					end
-				elseif m1 = 0 then
-					-- nothing to do
-				elseif u1 = 0 then
-					Result := True
-				else
-					Result := mbi_subtract(r_storage.item(j), m1, storage_at(r_storage, j))
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	add_back (old_u1: INTEGER; d_storage: like storage; d_offset: INTEGER; r_storage: like storage
-		r_offset, length: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Only used by `divide'.
-			-- `old_u1' is the value of `u1' before `multiply_and_subtract'.
-		local
-			i, j, jmax: INTEGER; inc: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			from
-				i := d_offset
-				j := r_offset
-				jmax := r_offset + length
-			until
-				j = jmax
-			loop
-				if inc then
-					inc := mbi_add_with_inc(r_storage.item(j), d_storage.item(i), storage_at(r_storage, j))
-				else
-					inc := mbi_add(r_storage.item(j), d_storage.item(i), storage_at(r_storage, j))
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-				j := j + 1
-			end
-			if inc then
-				if old_u1 = 0 then
-					Result := True
-				else
-					Result := mbi_inc(storage_at(r_storage, j))
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	is_a_good_divide (other, quotient, remainder: like Current): BOOLEAN is
-		require
-			other /= Void
-			quotient /= Void
-			remainder /= Void
-		local
-			v: like Current
-		do
-			v := other.twin
-			v.multiply(quotient)
-			v.add(remainder)
-			Result := Current.is_equal(v)
-		end
-	normalize: INTEGER_8 is
-			-- Shift left until the most significant bit is on.
-			-- Result give the number of left shift.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-		local
-			head: INTEGER
-		do
-			head := item(offset + integer_length - 1)
-			from
-			until
-				head < 0
-			loop
-				head := head.bit_shift_left(1)
-				Result := Result + 1
-			end
-			if Result > 0 then
-				shift_left(Result)
-			end
-		ensure
-			item(offset + integer_length - 1) < 0
-		end
-feature {MUTABLE_BIG_INTEGER} -- Implementation:
-	register1: MUTABLE_BIG_INTEGER is
-		once
-			create Result.from_integer(0)
-		end
-	register2: MUTABLE_BIG_INTEGER is
-		once
-			create Result.from_integer(0)
-		end
-	Real_base: REAL_64 is
-		once
-			Result := (0x0000000100000000).force_to_real_64
-		end
-	add_magnitude (other: like Current) is
-			-- Add the magnitude of `Current' and `other' regardless of signs.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-		local
-			a, b: like Current; inc: BOOLEAN; i, j, k, n: INTEGER; new_storage, a_storage, b_storage: like storage
-			new_capacity, a_capacity, a_offset, a_integer_length, b_offset, b_integer_length: INTEGER
-		do
-			--|*** First tests can be certainely optimized.
-			--|*** (Vincent Croizier, 26/03/2004)
-			if integer_length > other.integer_length and then capacity - offset > integer_length then
-				---- Add in place (`offset' doesn't change)
-				-- Add common parts of both numbers:
-				from
-					i := offset
-					j := other.offset
-					n := j + other.integer_length
-				until
-					j = n
-				loop
-					if inc then
-						-- overflow in the last addition step
-						inc := mbi_add_with_inc(item(i), other.item(j), storage_at(storage, i))
-					else
-						-- no overflow in the last addition step
-						inc := mbi_add(item(i), other.item(j), storage_at(storage, i))
-					end
-					i := i + 1
-					j := j + 1
-				end
-				-- Add remainder of the longer number with increment (if necessary):
-				from
-					n := offset + integer_length
-				until
-					not inc or else i = n
-				loop
-					inc := mbi_inc(storage_at(storage, i))
-					i := i + 1
-				end
-				if inc then
-					storage.put(1, n)
-					check
-						n < capacity
-					end
-					integer_length := integer_length + 1
-				end
-			else
-				---- Add, after this `offset' will be 0
-				-- Set `a' to the longest number and `b' to the smallest.
-				if integer_length >= other.integer_length then
-					a := Current
-					b := other
-				else
-					a := other
-					b := Current
-				end
-				a_capacity := a.capacity
-				a_storage := a.storage
-				b_storage := b.storage
-				a_integer_length := a.integer_length
-				b_integer_length := b.integer_length
-				a_offset := a.offset
-				b_offset := b.offset -- Verify capacity
-				if capacity < a_integer_length then
-					new_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(capacity, a_integer_length)
-					new_storage := new_storage.calloc(new_capacity)
-				elseif capacity = a_integer_length then
-					--|*** It's possible to make a more restrictive test
-					--|*** that can exclude more case of reallocation. (Vincent Croizier, 24/03/2004)
-					new_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(capacity, a_integer_length + 1)
-					new_storage := new_storage.calloc(new_capacity)
-				elseif a = other then
-					-- protect `other'
-					new_storage := a_storage.calloc(a_capacity)
-					new_capacity := a_capacity
-				else
-					new_storage := a_storage
-					new_capacity := a_capacity
-				end
-				-- Add common parts of both numbers:
-				n := b_integer_length
-				check
-					n.in_range(0, new_capacity)
-				end
-				from
-					i := a_offset
-					j := b_offset -- k := 0
-				until
-					k = n
-				loop
-					if inc then
-						-- overflow in the last addition step
-						inc := mbi_add_with_inc(a_storage.item(i), b_storage.item(j), storage_at(new_storage, k))
-					else
-						-- no overflow in the last addition step
-						inc := mbi_add(a_storage.item(i), b_storage.item(j), storage_at(new_storage, k))
-					end
-					i := i + 1
-					j := j + 1
-					k := k + 1
-				end
-				-- Add remainder of the longer number with increment (if necessary):
-				from
-					n := a_integer_length
-				until
-					not inc or else k = a_integer_length
-				loop
-					new_storage.put(a_storage.item(i), k)
-					inc := mbi_inc(storage_at(new_storage, k))
-					i := i + 1
-					k := k + 1
-				end
-				if inc then
-					new_storage.put(1, k)
-					check
-						n < new_capacity
-					end
-					n := n + 1
-				else
-					-- copy the reste of `a'
-					from
-					until
-						k = n
-					loop
-						new_storage.put(a_storage.item(i), k)
-						i := i + 1
-						k := k + 1
-					end
-				end
-				capacity := new_capacity
-				storage := new_storage
-				integer_length := n
-				offset := 0
-			end
-		end
-feature {MUTABLE_BIG_INTEGER} -- Implementation:
-	subtract_magnitude (other: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract `other' from `Current' (The result is placed  in `Current')
-			-- and change `negative' (the sign) if necessary.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-		local
-			i, j, v1, v2: INTEGER; test: BOOLEAN; new: like Current
-		do
-			-- Compare the number
-			if integer_length = other.integer_length then
-				-- Compare the most significant part of the numbers
-				from
-					i := offset + integer_length - 1
-					j := other.offset + integer_length - 1
-					v1 := item(i)
-					v2 := other.item(j)
-					test := v1 /= v2
-				until
-					test or else i = offset
-				loop
-					integer_length := integer_length - 1
-					i := i - 1
-					j := j - 1
-					v1 := item(i)
-					v2 := other.item(j)
-					test := v1 /= v2
-				end
-				if test then
-					if unsigned_greater_than(v1, v2) then
-						-- Current > other
-						subtract_magnitude_raw_truncated(other)
-						if storage.item(integer_length - 1) = 0 then
-							integer_length := integer_length - 1
-							check
-								integer_length /= 0 implies item(integer_length - 1) /= 0
-							end
-						end
-					else
-						-- Current < other
-						check
-							unsigned_less_than(v1, v2)
-						end
-						negative := not negative
-						subtract_magnitude_raw_reverse_truncated(other)
-						if storage.item(integer_length - 1) = 0 then
-							integer_length := integer_length - 1
-							check
-								integer_length /= 0 implies item(integer_length - 1) /= 0
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				else
-					-- Current = other
-					set_with_zero
-				end
-			elseif integer_length > other.integer_length then
-				subtract_magnitude_raw(other)
-			elseif capacity >= other.integer_length then
-				negative := not negative
-				subtract_magnitude_raw_reverse(other)
-			else
-				-- Reallocation
-				--|*** Can be faster (Vincent Croizier, 10/06/04) ***
-				create new.copy(other)
-				new.subtract_magnitude(Current)
-				negative := not negative
-				integer_length := new.integer_length
-				storage := new.storage
-				offset := new.offset
-			end
-		end
-	subtract_magnitude_raw (other: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract (raw) the storage of `other' from `Current'.
-			-- Used by `subtract_magnitude'.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-			abs_compare(other) = 1
-		local
-			i, j, k, up: INTEGER; dec: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			from
-				k := 0
-				i := offset
-				j := other.offset
-				up := other.integer_length - 1
-			until
-				k > up
-			loop
-				if dec then
-					dec := mbi_subtract_with_dec(item(i), other.item(j), storage_at(storage, k))
-				else
-					dec := mbi_subtract(item(i), other.item(j), storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-				j := j + 1
-				k := k + 1
-			end
-			from
-			until
-				not dec
-			loop
-				--|*** Could be done in one step with a mbi_dec_bis
-				--| routine (Vincent Croizier, 10/06/04) ***
-				put(item(i), k)
-				dec := mbi_dec(storage_at(storage, k))
-				i := i + 1
-				k := k + 1
-			end
-			if k = integer_length then
-				from
-					k := k - 1
-				until
-					item(k) /= 0
-				loop
-					k := k - 1
-				end
-				integer_length := k + 1
-			end
-			offset := 0
-		ensure
-			offset = 0
-		end
-	subtract_magnitude_raw_reverse (other: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract (raw) the storage of `Current' from `other' and
-			-- put it in `Current'.
-			-- Used by `subtract_magnitude'.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-			abs_compare(other) = -1
-		local
-			i, j, k, up: INTEGER; dec: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			from
-				-- k := 0
-				i := offset
-				j := other.offset
-				up := integer_length - 1
-			until
-				k > up
-			loop
-				if dec then
-					dec := mbi_subtract_with_dec(other.item(j), item(i), storage_at(storage, k))
-				else
-					dec := mbi_subtract(other.item(j), item(i), storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-				j := j + 1
-				k := k + 1
-			end
-			from
-			until
-				not dec
-			loop
-				--|*** Could be done in one step with a mbi_dec_bis
-				--| routine (Vincent Croizier, 10/06/04) ***
-				put(other.item(j), k)
-				dec := mbi_dec(storage_at(storage, k))
-				j := j + 1
-				k := k + 1
-			end
-			check
-				not dec
-			end
-			up := other.integer_length
-			if k < up then
-				from
-				until
-					k = up
-				loop
-					put(other.item(j), k)
-					j := j + 1
-					k := k + 1
-				end
-				integer_length := up
-			else
-				check
-					k = up
-				end
-				from
-					k := k - 1
-				until
-					storage.item(k) /= 0
-				loop
-					k := k - 1
-				end
-				integer_length := k + 1
-				offset := 0
-			end
-		ensure
-			offset = 0
-		end
-	subtract_magnitude_raw_truncated (other: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract (raw) the storage of `other' from `Current'
-			-- where `other' is truncated to the size of `Current'.
-			-- Used by `subtract_magnitude'.
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			other.integer_length >= integer_length
-			unsigned_greater_than(item(offset + integer_length - 1), other.item(offset + integer_length - 1))
-		local
-			i, j, k, up: INTEGER; dec: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			from
-				k := 0
-				i := offset
-				j := other.offset
-				up := integer_length - 1
-			until
-				k > up
-			loop
-				if dec then
-					dec := mbi_subtract_with_dec(item(i), other.item(j), storage_at(storage, k))
-				else
-					dec := mbi_subtract(item(i), other.item(j), storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-				j := j + 1
-				k := k + 1
-			end
-			check
-				not dec
-			end
-			offset := 0
-		ensure
-			offset = 0
-		end
-	subtract_magnitude_raw_reverse_truncated (other: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract (raw) the storage of `Current' from `other' and
-			-- put it in `Current',
-			-- where `other' is truncated to the size of `Current'.
-			-- Used by `subtract_magnitude'.
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			other.integer_length >= integer_length
-			unsigned_less_than(item(offset + integer_length - 1), other.item(offset + integer_length - 1))
-		local
-			i, j, k, up: INTEGER; dec: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			from
-				k := 0
-				i := offset
-				j := other.offset
-				up := integer_length - 1
-			until
-				k > up
-			loop
-				if dec then
-					dec := mbi_subtract_with_dec(other.item(j), item(i), storage_at(storage, k))
-				else
-					dec := mbi_subtract(other.item(j), item(i), storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-				j := j + 1
-				k := k + 1
-			end
-			check
-				not dec
-			end
-			offset := 0
-		ensure
-			offset = 0
-		end
-feature {} -- For printing
-	char_buffer: FAST_ARRAY[CHARACTER] is
-		once
-			create Result.make(4096)
-		end
-	append_in_char_buffer: INTEGER is
-			-- Tool for `append_in' and `append_in_unicode'.
-			-- Put absolute value of Current in `char_buffer' and return
-			-- the number of characteres really used.
-		require
-			is_printable
-			not is_zero
-		local
-			base, max_char, i, r: INTEGER
-		do
-			-- Allocate space in `char_buffer'
-			max_char := integer_length * 9 + (2 * integer_length + 2) #// 3
-			if char_buffer.capacity < max_char then
-				char_buffer.resize(max_char)
-			end
-			-- Begin of extracting digits
-			register1.copy(Current)
-			base := 1000000000
-			from
-				r := register1.divide_one_word(base)
-			until
-				register1.is_zero
-			loop
-				check
-					r >= 0
-				end
-				from
-					i := 9
-				until
-					r = 0
-				loop
-					char_buffer.put((r #\\ 10).decimal_digit, Result)
-					r := r #// 10
-					Result := Result + 1
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				from
-				until
-					i = 0
-				loop
-					char_buffer.put('0', Result)
-					Result := Result + 1
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				-- extract next digit group
-				r := register1.divide_one_word(base)
-			end
-			from
-				check
-					r > 0
-				end
-			until
-				r = 0
-			loop
-				char_buffer.put((r #\\ 10).decimal_digit, Result)
-				r := r #// 10
-				Result := Result + 1
-			end
-		end
-feature {} -- Tools for capacity:
-	capacity_from_lower_bound (actual_capacity, needed_capacity: INTEGER): INTEGER is
-			-- Give the smallest power of 2 greater than
-			-- `needed_capacity' and `actual_capacity'.
-			-- Based on `actual_capacity' (the actual capacity).
-		require
-			actual_capacity.is_a_power_of_2
-			actual_capacity >= 4
-		do
-			from
-				Result := actual_capacity
-			until
-				Result >= needed_capacity
-			loop
-				Result := Result.bit_shift_left(1)
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result.is_a_power_of_2
-			Result >= 4
-			Result >= actual_capacity
-			Result >= needed_capacity
-			Result = actual_capacity or Result #// 2 < needed_capacity
-		end
-	capacity_from_upper_bound (actual_capacity, needed_capacity: INTEGER): INTEGER is
-			-- Give the smallest power of 2 greater than `needed_capacity'.
-			-- Based on `actual_capacity' (the actual capacity).
-		require
-			actual_capacity >= 4
-			actual_capacity >= needed_capacity
-			actual_capacity.is_a_power_of_2
-		local
-			v: INTEGER
-		do
-			from
-				Result := actual_capacity
-				v := Result.bit_shift_right(1)
-			until
-				v < needed_capacity or else v = 2
-			loop
-				Result := v
-				v := Result.bit_shift_right(1)
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result.is_a_power_of_2
-			Result <= actual_capacity
-			Result >= needed_capacity
-			Result = 4 or Result.bit_shift_right(1) < needed_capacity
-		end
-feature {}
-	unsigned_less_than (a, b: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Unsigned "<".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_unsigned_less_than"
-			}"
-		end
-	unsigned_greater_than (a, b: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Unsigned ">".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_unsigned_greater_than"
-			}"
-		end
-	unsigned_greater_or_equal (a, b: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Unsigned ">=".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_unsigned_greater_or_equal"
-			}"
-		end
-	unsigned_32_to_integer_64 (integer_32: INTEGER): INTEGER_64 is
-			-- Return the unsigned value of the `integer_32'.
-			--
-			--|*** Ajouter ou pas cette fonction dans INTEGER_32 ? plug_in ou built_in ?(Dom. 27/02/2004) ***
-			--
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_unsigned_32_to_integer_64"
-			}"
-		end
-	storage_at (s: like storage; n: INTEGER): POINTER is
-			-- Give the address of the corresponding word of `s'.
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_storage_at"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_inc (integer_32_adr: POINTER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Increment the value at `integer_32_adr'. The `Result' is True only in case of overflow.
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_inc"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_add (a, b: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- t.item(n) := a + b
-			-- Overflow if "Result = True".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_add"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_add_with_inc (a, b: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- t.item(n) := a + b + 1
-			-- Overflow if "Result = True".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_add_with_inc"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_dec (integer_32_adr: POINTER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Put a - 1 in the item n in the NATIVE_ARRAY t.
-			-- t.item(n) := a - 1
-			-- Underflow if "Result = True".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_dec"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_subtract (a, b: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- t.item(n) := a - b
-			-- Underflow if "Result = True".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_subtract"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_subtract_with_dec (a, b: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- t.item(n) := a - b - 1
-			-- Underflow if "Result = True".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_subtract_with_dec"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_multiply (a, b: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): INTEGER_32 is
-			-- put a * b in t at n and return the overflow.
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_multiply"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_multiply_with_add (a, b, c: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): INTEGER_32 is
-			-- put a * b + c in t at n and return the overflow.
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_multiply_with_add"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_multiply_with_2_add (a, b, c, d: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): INTEGER_32 is
-			-- put a * b + c + d in t at n and return the overflow.
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_multiply_with_2_add"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_divide (u1, u0, d: INTEGER; r_int32adr: POINTER): INTEGER_32 is
-			-- Divide `u1u0' by `d', put the remainder in `r' and return the quotient.
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_divide"
-			}"
-		end
-	string_buffer: STRING is
-		once
-			create Result.make(128)
-		end
-	unicode_string_buffer: UNICODE_STRING is
-		once
-			create Result.make(128)
-		end
-	capacity > 0
-	storage.is_not_null
-	integer_length.in_range(0, capacity)
-	integer_length /= 0 implies offset.in_range(0, capacity - integer_length) and item(offset + integer_length - 1) /= 0
-	integer_length = 0 implies not negative
-	capacity.is_a_power_of_2
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Copyright notice below. Please read.
--- This file is part of the SmartEiffel standard library.
--- Copyright(C) 1994-2002: INRIA - LORIA (INRIA Lorraine) - ESIAL U.H.P.       - University of Nancy 1 - FRANCE
--- Copyright(C) 2003-2006: INRIA - LORIA (INRIA Lorraine) - I.U.T. Charlemagne - University of Nancy 2 - FRANCE
--- Authors: Dominique COLNET, Philippe RIBET, Cyril ADRIAN, Vincent CROIZIER, Frederic MERIZEN
--- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
--- documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
--- limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
--- the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
--- conditions:
--- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial
--- portions of the Software.
--- http://SmartEiffel.loria.fr - SmartEiffel at loria.fr
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/lib2/number/integer_big.li b/lib2/number/integer_big.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e8707f..0000000
--- a/lib2/number/integer_big.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3263 +0,0 @@
-Section Header
-  + name := INTEGER_BIG;
-  - comment :=	
-  " A class used to represent multiprecision integers that makes efficient use \
-  \ of allocated space by allowing a number to occupy only part of an array so \
-  \ that the arrays do not have to be reallocated as often. When performing an \
-  \ operation with many iterations the array used to hold a number is only     \
-  \ reallocated when necessary and does not have to be the same size as the    \
-  \ number it represents. A mutable number allows calculations to occur on the \
-  \ same number without having to create a new number for every step of the    \
-  \ calculation as it occurs with NUMBERs.";
-Section Inherit
-  - parent_hashable:HASHABLE := HASHABLE;
-  - parent_comparable:COMPARABLE := COMPARABLE;
-Section Insert
-  - parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Public
-creation {ANY}
-	from_integer, from_integer_64, from_string, copy
-  //
-  // Creation / initialization from INTEGER_32 or INTEGER_64:
-  //
-  - from_integer value:INTEGER :SELF <- 
-  // Create or initialize `Current' using `value' as an initializer.
-  (
-    (capacity = 0).if {
-      storage := storage.calloc 4;
-      capacity := 4;
-    };
-    offset := 0;
-    (value > 0).if {
-      negative := FALSE;
-      put value to 0;
-      integer_length := 1;
-    }.elseif {value < 0} then {
-      negative := TRUE;
-      put(#-value, 0)
-      integer_length := 1;
-    } else {
-      ? {value = 0};
-      set_with_zero;
-    };
-  )
-  [
-    ? {to_integer_32 = value};
-  ];
-	is_integer_32: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Does `Current' fit on an INTEGER_32?
-		do
-			if integer_length = 0 then
-				Result := True
-			elseif integer_length = 1 then
-				if item(offset) > 0 then
-					Result := True
-				elseif negative then
-					Result := item(offset) = 0x80000000
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result implies is_integer_64
-			Result implies integer_length <= 1
-		end
-	is_integer: BOOLEAN is
-		obsolete "Now use `is_integer_32' instead (march 2006)."
-		do
-			Result := is_integer_32
-		end
-	to_integer_32: INTEGER is
-			-- Convert `Current' as a 32 bit INTEGER.
-		require
-			is_integer_32
-		do
-			if integer_length > 0 then
-				Result := item(offset)
-				if negative then
-					Result := #-Result
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	to_integer: INTEGER is
-		obsolete "Now use `to_integer_32' instead (march 2006)."
-		do
-			Result := to_integer_32
-		end
-	from_integer_64 (value: INTEGER_64) is
-			-- Create or set `Current' using `value' as an initializer.
-		local
-			v32: INTEGER
-		do
-			if capacity < 2 then
-				storage := storage.calloc(4)
-				capacity := 4
-			end
-			if value > 0 then
-				negative := False
-				put(value.low_32, 0)
-				offset := 0
-				v32 := value.high_32
-				if v32 = 0 then
-					integer_length := 1
-				else
-					put(v32, 1)
-					integer_length := 2
-				end
-			elseif value < 0 then
-				negative := True
-				put((#-value).low_32, 0)
-				offset := 0
-				v32 := (#-value).high_32
-				if v32 = 0 then
-					integer_length := 1
-				else
-					put(v32, 1)
-					integer_length := 2
-				end
-			else
-				check
-					value = 0
-				end
-				set_with_zero
-			end
-		ensure
-			to_integer_64 = value
-		end
-	is_integer_64: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Does `Current' fit on an INTEGER_64?
-		do
-			if integer_length <= 1 then
-				Result := True
-			elseif integer_length = 2 then
-				if negative then
-					if item(offset + 1) > 0 then
-						Result := True
-					elseif item(offset) = 0 then
-						Result := item(offset + 1) = 0x80000000
-					end
-				else
-					Result := item(offset + 1) > 0
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			not Result implies not is_integer_32
-			Result implies integer_length <= 2
-		end
-	to_integer_64: INTEGER_64 is
-			-- Convert `Current' as a INTEGER_64.
-		require
-			is_integer_64
-		local
-			v: INTEGER_64
-		do
-			inspect
-				integer_length
-			when 0 then
-			when 1 then
-				Result := unsigned_32_to_integer_64(item(offset))
-				if negative then
-					Result := -Result
-				end
-			when 2 then
-				Result := unsigned_32_to_integer_64(item(offset))
-				v := item(offset + 1)
-				v := v.bit_shift_left(32)
-				Result := Result.bit_xor(v)
-				if negative then
-					Result := #-Result
-				end
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Creation / initialization from STRING:
-	from_string (str: STRING) is
-			-- Create or initialize `Current' using `value' as an
-			-- initializer. (value = [-][0-9]^+)
-		local
-			i: INTEGER; cc: CHARACTER; neg: BOOLEAN; ten: like Current
-		do
-			--|*** This feature should be improved one day... (Vincent Croizier, 25/12/2004)
-			create ten.from_integer(10)
-			from
-				i := 1
-			variant
-				str.count - i
-			until
-				not str.item(i).is_separator
-			loop
-				i := i + 1
-			end
-			cc := str.item(i)
-			i := i + 1
-			if cc = '+' then
-				cc := str.item(i)
-				i := i + 1
-			elseif cc = '-' then
-				neg := True
-				cc := str.item(i)
-				i := i + 1
-			end
-			check
-				cc.is_digit
-			end
-			from_integer(cc.value)
-			from
-			variant
-				str.count - i
-			until
-				i > str.count
-			loop
-				cc := str.item(i)
-				if cc.is_digit then
-					multiply(ten)
-					add_integer(cc.value)
-				else
-					check
-						cc.is_separator
-					end
-					i := str.count -- terminate the loop
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-			end
-			if neg then
-				negate
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Conversion tool
-	force_to_real_64: REAL_64 is
-			-- only a tool
-			-- unsigned conversion *** require ou changer export ? *** (Dom Oct 4th 2004) ***
-		local
-			i: INTEGER
-		do
-			from
-				i := offset + integer_length - 1
-			until
-				i < offset or else Result > Maximum_real_64
-			loop
-				Result := Result * Real_base + unsigned_32_to_integer_64(storage.item(i)).force_to_real_64
-				i := i - 1
-			end
-			if Result = Maximum_real_64 and then storage.item(offset) /= 0 then
-				Result := Maximum_real_64 * 2
-			end
-			if negative then
-				Result := -Result
-			end
-		end
-feature {NUMBER}
-	from_native_array (na: NATIVE_ARRAY[INTEGER]; cap: INTEGER; neg: BOOLEAN) is
-		require
-			na.item(cap - 1) /= 0
-		do
-			negative := neg
-			offset := 0
-			integer_length := cap
-			if cap > capacity then
-				capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(capacity, cap)
-				storage := storage.calloc(capacity)
-			end
-			storage.slice_copy(0, na, 0, cap - 1)
-		end
-	to_integer_general_number: INTEGER_GENERAL_NUMBER is
-		local
-			na: like storage
-		do
-			if is_integer_64 then
-				create {INTEGER_64_NUMBER} Result.make(to_integer_64)
-			else
-				na := storage.calloc(integer_length)
-				na.slice_copy(0, storage, offset, offset + integer_length - 1)
-				create {BIG_INTEGER_NUMBER} Result.from_native_array(na, integer_length, negative)
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Addition:
-	add (other: like Current) is
-			-- Add `other' into `Current'.
-			--
-			-- See also `add_integer', `add_integer_64', `add_natural'.
-		require
-			other /= Void
-		do
-			-- Choose the appropriate absolute operator depending on `Current' and `other' sign.
-			if other.integer_length = 0 then
-				-- Nothing to do, `Current' remains unchanged.
-			elseif integer_length = 0 then
-				-- `Current' is zero so simply copy the value of other
-				Current.copy(other)
-			elseif negative = other.negative then
-				-- same sign
-				add_magnitude(other)
-			else
-				-- different sign
-				subtract_magnitude(other)
-			end
-		end
-	add_to (other, res: like Current) is
-			-- Add `other' and `Current', and put the result in `res'.
-		require
-			other /= Void
-			res /= Void
-			res /= Current
-			res /= other
-		do
-			--|*** Must be optimized later (Vincent Croizier, 15/07/04) ***
-			res.copy(Current)
-			res.add(other)
-		end
-	add_integer (other: INTEGER) is
-			-- Add `other' into `Current'.
-		local
-			inc: BOOLEAN; v, i, n: INTEGER
-		do
-			if other = 0 then
-				-- Nothing to do, `Current' remains unchanged
-			elseif integer_length = 0 then
-				-- `Current' is null so simply copy the value of other
-				from_integer(other)
-			elseif negative = (other < 0) then
-				-- Same sign
-				if other < 0 then
-					v := #-other
-				else
-					v := other
-				end
-				-- Add `v' into `storage'
-				from
-					inc := mbi_add(item(offset), v, storage_at(storage, offset))
-					i := offset + 1
-					n := offset + integer_length
-				until
-					not inc or else i >= n
-				loop
-					inc := mbi_inc(storage_at(storage, i))
-					i := i + 1
-				end
-				if inc then
-					check
-						i = n
-					end
-					-- Extend the number length by 1
-					if n < capacity then
-						integer_length := integer_length + 1
-						put(1, n)
-					else
-						-- It's good only if the reallocation initialize
-						-- `storage' with 0.
-						v := item(offset)
-						capacity := capacity * 2
-						storage := storage.calloc(capacity)
-						offset := 0
-						put(v, 0)
-						put(1, integer_length)
-						integer_length := integer_length + 1
-					end
-				end
-				-- Different sign
-			elseif integer_length = 1 then
-				if other < 0 then
-					v := #-other
-				else
-					v := other
-				end
-				if mbi_subtract(item(offset), v, storage_at(storage, offset)) then
-					negative := not negative
-					put(-item(offset), offset)
-				end
-				if item(offset) = 0 then
-					integer_length := 0
-					negative := False
-				end
-			else
-				if other < 0 then
-					v := #-other
-				else
-					v := other
-				end
-				if mbi_subtract(item(offset), v, storage_at(storage, offset)) then
-					from
-						i := offset + 1
-						inc := mbi_dec(storage_at(storage, i))
-						n := offset + integer_length - 1
-					until
-						not inc
-					loop
-						check
-							i < n
-						end
-						i := i + 1
-						inc := mbi_dec(storage_at(storage, i))
-					end
-					if item(n) = 0 then
-						integer_length := integer_length - 1
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end	
-	add_integer_64 (other: INTEGER_64) is
-			-- Add `other' into `Current'.
-		do
-			register1.from_integer_64(other)
-			add(register1)
-		end
-	add_natural (other: like Current) is
-			-- Same behavior as `add', but this one works only when `Current'
-			-- and `other' are both positive numbers and are both greater than
-			-- zero. The only one advantage of using `add_natural' instead of the
-			-- general `add' is the gain of efficiency.
-		require
-			not is_zero and not is_negative
-			not other.is_zero and not other.is_negative
-		do
-			add_magnitude(other)
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Subtract:
-	subtract (other: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract `other' from `Current'.
-		require
-			other /= Void
-		do
-			if other = Current then
-				set_with_zero
-			elseif other.integer_length = 0 then
-				-- nothing to do, `Current' remains unchanged
-			elseif integer_length = 0 then
-				-- current is null so simply copy the value of other, the sign is also fixed
-				copy(other)
-				negative := not other.negative
-			elseif negative = other.negative then
-				-- same sign
-				subtract_magnitude(other)
-			else
-				-- different sign
-				add_magnitude(other)
-			end
-		end
-	subtract_to (other, res: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract `other' from `Current' and put it in `res'.
-		require
-			other /= Void
-			res /= Void
-			res /= Current
-			res /= other
-		do
-			--|*** Must be optimized later (Vincent Croizier, 15/07/04) ***
-			res.copy(Current)
-			res.subtract(other)
-		end
-	subtract_integer (other: INTEGER) is
-		do
-			if other = Minimum_integer then
-				add_integer(1)
-				add_integer(Maximum_integer)
-			else
-				add_integer(-other)
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- To divide:
-	divide (other: like Current) is
-			-- Put the the quotient of the Euclidian division of
-			-- `Current' by `other' in `Current'.
-			-- (The contents of `other' is not changed.)
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			other /= Current
-		do
-			-- `divide_with_remainder_to' already use `register1'.
-			divide_with_remainder_to(other, register2)
-		end
-	mod (other: like Current) is
-			-- Put the the remainder of the Euclidian division of
-			-- `Current' by `other' in `Current'.
-			-- (The contents of `other' is not changed.)
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			other /= Current
-		local
-			quotient: like Current
-		do
-			--|*** Must be optimized (Vincent Croizier, 12/07/04) ***
-			create quotient.from_integer(0)
-			remainder_with_quotient_to(other, quotient)
-		ensure
-			not negative and abs_compare(other) = -1
-		end
-	divide_with_remainder_to (other, remainder: like Current) is
-			-- Euclidian division.
-			-- Calculates the `quotient' and `remainder' of `Current'
-			-- divided by `other'.
-			-- Quotient is put in `Current'.
-			-- (The contents of `other' is not changed.)
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			remainder /= Void
-			remainder /= other
-			remainder /= Current
-		do
-			Current.remainder_with_quotient_to(other, remainder)
-			Current.swap_with(remainder)
-		ensure
-			not remainder.negative and remainder.abs_compare(other) = -1
-		end
-	remainder_with_quotient_to (other, quotient: like Current) is
-			-- Euclidian division.
-			-- Calculates the `quotient' and `remainder' of `Current'
-			-- divided by `other'.
-			-- Remainder is put in `Current'.
-			-- (The contents of `other' is not changed.)
-			--
-			-- Note: Uses Algorithm D in Knuth section 4.3.1.
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			quotient /= Void
-			quotient /= other
-			quotient /= Current
-		local
-			cmp, shift, dlen, qlen, j, k, v1, v2, u1, u2, rem: INTEGER; qhat, rhat, v2qhat_1, v2qhat_2, d_offset: INTEGER
-			q_storage, d_storage: like storage; q_capacity: like capacity; current_negative, borrow: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			if integer_length = 0 then
-				-- Dividend is zero:
-				quotient.set_with_zero
-				set_with_zero
-			else
-				current_negative := negative
-				cmp := Current.abs_compare(other)
-				if cmp < 0 then
-					-- Dividend less than divisor:
-					quotient.set_with_zero
-					-- Sign correction
-					set_negative(False)
-					divide_sign_correction_bis(other, quotient, current_negative)
-				elseif cmp = 0 then
-					-- Dividend equal to divisor:
-					if negative = other.negative then
-						quotient.from_integer(1)
-					else
-						quotient.from_integer(-1)
-					end
-					set_with_zero
-				elseif other.integer_length = 1 then
-					-- Special case one word divisor:
-					quotient.swap_with(Current)
-					--|*** replace by "from_unsigned_integer" ? (Vincent Croizier)
-					set_with_zero
-					rem := quotient.divide_one_word(other.item(other.offset))
-					if rem /= 0 then
-						put(rem, 0)
-						set_integer_length(1)
-					else
-						check
-							is_zero
-						end
-					end
-					-- Sign correction
-					divide_sign_correction_bis(other, quotient, current_negative)
-				else
-					-- Copy divisor storage to protect divisor:
-					register1.copy(other)
-					-- D1 normalize the divisor:
-					shift := register1.normalize
-					if shift /= 0 then
-						shift_left(shift)
-					end
-					-- D2 Initialize j:
-					from
-						d_storage := register1.storage
-						d_offset := register1.offset
-						dlen := register1.integer_length
-						j := offset + integer_length - 1
-						u2 := storage.item(j)
-						k := register1.offset + dlen - 1
-						v1 := register1.item(k)
-						v2 := register1.item(k - 1)
-						if unsigned_greater_or_equal(u2, v1) then
-							k := integer_length - dlen
-							qlen := k + 1
-						else
-							qlen := integer_length - dlen
-							k := qlen - 1
-							j := j - 1
-							u1 := u2
-							u2 := storage.item(j)
-						end
-						-- Resize quotient if necessary
-						q_capacity := quotient.capacity
-						if q_capacity < qlen then
-							-- reallocation
-							q_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(q_capacity, qlen)
-							q_storage := storage.calloc(q_capacity)
-						else
-							q_storage := quotient.storage
-						end
-						-- To avoid invariant violation on `quotient'
-						quotient.set_with_zero
-					until
-						k < 0
-					loop
-						j := j - 1 -- D3 Calculate qhat - estimate qhat
-						if u1 = v1 then
-							qhat := ~0
-						else
-							qhat := mbi_divide(u1, u2, v1, $rhat) -- Correct qhat
-							if qhat = 0 then
-							else
-								v2qhat_1 := mbi_multiply(v2, qhat, $v2qhat_2)
-								if unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_1, rhat) then
-									qhat := qhat - 1
-									if mbi_subtract(v2qhat_2, v2, $v2qhat_2) then
-										v2qhat_1 := v2qhat_1 - 1
-									end
-									if mbi_add(rhat, v1, $rhat) then
-									elseif unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_1, rhat) then
-										qhat := qhat - 1
-									elseif j < 0 then
-										if v2qhat_1 = rhat and then v2qhat_2 /= 0 then
-											qhat := qhat - 1
-										end
-									elseif v2qhat_1 = rhat and then unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_2, storage.item(j)) then
-										qhat := qhat - 1
-									end
-								elseif j < 0 then
-									if v2qhat_1 = rhat and then v2qhat_2 /= 0 then
-										qhat := qhat - 1
-									end
-								elseif v2qhat_1 = rhat and then unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_2, storage.item(j)) then
-									qhat := qhat - 1
-								end
-							end
-						end
-						-- D4 Multiply and subtract:
-						if qhat = 0 then
-							q_storage.put(0, k)
-						else
-							borrow := multiply_and_subtract(u1, qhat, d_storage, d_offset, storage, j - dlen + 2, dlen)
-							-- D5 Test remainder: Result is negative ?
-							if borrow then
-								-- D6 Add back
-								borrow := add_back(u1, d_storage, d_offset, storage, j - dlen + 2, dlen)
-								check
-									borrow
-								end
-								q_storage.put(qhat - 1, k)
-							else
-								q_storage.put(qhat, k)
-							end
-						end
-						-- D7 loop on j
-						k := k - 1
-						u1 := storage.item(j + 1)
-						u2 := storage.item(j)
-					end
-					-- Remove leading zero of quotient
-					k := qlen - 1
-					if q_storage.item(k) = 0 then
-						qlen := k
-					end
-					quotient.set_all(q_storage, q_capacity, qlen, 0, False)
-					-- Remove leading zero of remainder
-					from
-						j := dlen - 1
-					until
-						j < 0 or else storage.item(j) /= 0
-					loop
-						j := j - 1
-					end
-					j := j + 1
-					check
-						j >= 0
-					end
-					if j = 0 then
-						set_with_zero
-					else
-						offset := 0
-						integer_length := j
-						negative := False
-					end
-					-- D8 Unnormalize:
-					if shift > 0 then
-						shift_right(shift)
-					end
-					-- Sign correction
-					divide_sign_correction_bis(other, quotient, current_negative)
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			not negative and abs_compare(other) = -1
-		end
-	divide_to (other, quotient, remainder: like Current) is
-			-- Euclidian division.
-			-- Calculates the `quotient' and `remainder' of `Current'
-			-- divided by `other'. (The contents of `Current' and `other' are
-			-- not changed.)
-			--
-			-- Note: Uses Algorithm D in Knuth section 4.3.1.
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			quotient /= Void
-			remainder /= Void
-			quotient /= other
-			quotient /= Current
-			remainder /= other
-			remainder /= Current
-		local
-			cmp, shift, nlen, dlen, qlen, j, k, v1, v2, u1, u2, rem: INTEGER
-			qhat, rhat, v2qhat_1, v2qhat_2, d_offset: INTEGER; q_storage, r_storage, d_storage: like storage
-			q_capacity, r_capacity: like capacity; borrow: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			if integer_length = 0 then
-				-- Dividend is zero:
-				quotient.set_with_zero
-				remainder.set_with_zero
-			else
-				cmp := Current.abs_compare(other)
-				if cmp < 0 then
-					-- Dividend less than divisor:
-					quotient.set_with_zero
-					remainder.copy(Current)
-					-- Sign correction
-					remainder.set_negative(False)
-					divide_sign_correction(other, quotient, remainder)
-				elseif cmp = 0 then
-					-- Dividend equal to divisor:
-					if negative = other.negative then
-						quotient.from_integer(1)
-					else
-						quotient.from_integer(-1)
-					end
-					remainder.set_with_zero
-				elseif other.integer_length = 1 then
-					-- Special case one word divisor:
-					quotient.copy(Current)
-					--|*** replace by "from_unsigned_integer" ? (Vincent Croizier)
-					remainder.set_with_zero
-					rem := quotient.divide_one_word(other.item(other.offset))
-					if rem /= 0 then
-						remainder.put(rem, 0)
-						remainder.set_ilo(1, 0)
-					else
-						check
-							remainder.is_zero
-						end
-					end
-					-- Sign correction
-					divide_sign_correction(other, quotient, remainder)
-				else
-					-- Copy divisor storage to protect divisor:
-					register1.copy(other)
-					--|***
-					remainder.copy(Current)
-					-- D1 normalize the divisor:
-					shift := register1.normalize
-					if shift /= 0 then
-						remainder.shift_left(shift)
-					end
-					-- D2 Initialize j:
-					from
-						r_storage := remainder.storage
-						r_capacity := remainder.capacity
-						check
-							remainder.offset = 0
-						end
-						nlen := remainder.integer_length -- To avoid invariant class violation
-						remainder.set_with_zero
-						d_storage := register1.storage
-						d_offset := register1.offset
-						dlen := register1.integer_length
-						j := nlen - 1
-						u2 := r_storage.item(j)
-						k := register1.offset + dlen - 1
-						v1 := register1.item(k)
-						v2 := register1.item(k - 1)
-						if unsigned_greater_or_equal(u2, v1) then
-							k := nlen - dlen
-							qlen := k + 1
-						else
-							qlen := nlen - dlen
-							k := qlen - 1
-							j := j - 1
-							u1 := u2
-							u2 := r_storage.item(j)
-						end
-						-- Resize quotient if necessary
-						q_capacity := quotient.capacity
-						if q_capacity < qlen then
-							-- reallocation
-							q_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(q_capacity, qlen)
-							q_storage := storage.calloc(q_capacity)
-						else
-							q_storage := quotient.storage
-						end
-						-- To avoid invariant violation on `quotient'
-						quotient.set_with_zero
-					until
-						k < 0
-					loop
-						j := j - 1 -- D3 Calculate qhat - estimate qhat
-						if u1 = v1 then
-							qhat := ~0
-						else
-							qhat := mbi_divide(u1, u2, v1, $rhat) -- Correct qhat
-							if qhat = 0 then
-							else
-								v2qhat_1 := mbi_multiply(v2, qhat, $v2qhat_2)
-								if unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_1, rhat) then
-									qhat := qhat - 1
-									if mbi_subtract(v2qhat_2, v2, $v2qhat_2) then
-										v2qhat_1 := v2qhat_1 - 1
-									end
-									if mbi_add(rhat, v1, $rhat) then
-									elseif unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_1, rhat) then
-										qhat := qhat - 1
-									elseif j < 0 then
-										if v2qhat_1 = rhat and then v2qhat_2 /= 0 then
-											qhat := qhat - 1
-										end
-									elseif v2qhat_1 = rhat and then unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_2, r_storage.item(j)) then
-										qhat := qhat - 1
-									end
-								elseif j < 0 then
-									if v2qhat_1 = rhat and then v2qhat_2 /= 0 then
-										qhat := qhat - 1
-									end
-								elseif v2qhat_1 = rhat and then unsigned_greater_than(v2qhat_2, r_storage.item(j)) then
-									qhat := qhat - 1
-								end
-							end
-						end
-						-- D4 Multiply and subtract:
-						if qhat = 0 then
-							q_storage.put(0, k)
-						else
-							borrow := multiply_and_subtract(u1, qhat, d_storage, d_offset, r_storage, j - dlen + 2, dlen)
-							-- D5 Test remainder: Result is negative ?
-							if borrow then
-								-- D6 Add back
-								borrow := add_back(u1, d_storage, d_offset, r_storage, j - dlen + 2, dlen)
-								check
-									borrow
-								end
-								q_storage.put(qhat - 1, k)
-							else
-								q_storage.put(qhat, k)
-							end
-						end
-						-- D7 loop on j
-						k := k - 1
-						u1 := r_storage.item(j + 1)
-						u2 := r_storage.item(j)
-					end
-					-- Remove leading zero of quotient
-					k := qlen - 1
-					if q_storage.item(k) = 0 then
-						qlen := k
-					end
-					quotient.set_all(q_storage, q_capacity, qlen, 0, False)
-					-- Remove leading zero of remainder
-					from
-						j := dlen - 1
-					until
-						j < 0 or else r_storage.item(j) /= 0
-					loop
-						j := j - 1
-					end
-					j := j + 1
-					check
-						j >= 0
-					end
-					if j = 0 then
-						check
-							remainder.is_zero
-						end
-					else
-						remainder.set_all(r_storage, r_capacity, j, 0, False)
-					end
-					-- D8 Unnormalize:
-					if shift > 0 then
-						remainder.shift_right(shift)
-					end
-					-- Sign correction
-					divide_sign_correction(other, quotient, remainder)
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			is_a_good_divide(other, quotient, remainder)
-			not remainder.negative and remainder.abs_compare(other) = -1
-		end
-	shift_left (n: INTEGER) is
-			-- Shift bits of magnitude by `n' position left. (Note that no bit can
-			-- be lost because the `storage' area is automatically extended when
-			-- it is necessary.)
-		require
-			n > 0
-		local
-			new_storage: like storage; left, right: INTEGER_8
-			new_capacity, new_integer_length, new_head, word_shift, i, j, k, val1, val2, val3: INTEGER
-		do
-			if integer_length > 0 then
-				word_shift := n |>>> 5
-				left := (n & 0x0000001F).to_integer_8 -- Optimistic prediction
-				new_integer_length := integer_length + word_shift
-				if left = 0 then
-					-- Just word shift
-					if offset >= word_shift then
-						-- no need to deplace the number in the storage
-						from
-							i := offset
-							offset := offset - word_shift
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						until
-							i = offset
-						loop
-							i := i - 1
-							put(0, i)
-						end
-					elseif capacity >= new_integer_length then
-						-- deplacing the number
-						from
-							i := offset + integer_length - 1
-							j := word_shift + integer_length - 1
-						until
-							i < offset
-						loop
-							put(item(i), j)
-							i := i - 1
-							j := j - 1
-						end
-						from
-							check
-								j = word_shift - 1
-							end
-						until
-							j < 0
-						loop
-							put(0, j)
-							j := j - 1
-						end
-						offset := 0
-						integer_length := new_integer_length
-					else
-						-- reallocation
-						new_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(capacity, new_integer_length)
-						new_storage := storage.calloc(new_capacity)
-						from
-							i := offset + integer_length
-							j := word_shift + integer_length
-						until
-							i = offset
-						loop
-							i := i - 1
-							j := j - 1
-							new_storage.put(item(i), j)
-						end
-						storage := new_storage
-						capacity := new_capacity
-						offset := 0
-						integer_length := new_integer_length
-					end
-				else
-					right := 32 - left -- Compute real `integer_length'
-					i := offset + integer_length - 1
-					val1 := item(i)
-					new_head := val1 |>>> right
-					if new_head = 0 then
-						-- new_integer_length is good
-						if capacity < new_integer_length then
-							-- reallocation
-							new_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(capacity, new_integer_length)
-							new_storage := storage.calloc(new_capacity)
-							from
-								j := new_integer_length - 1
-								check
-									i = offset + integer_length - 1
-									j = word_shift + integer_length - 1
-									val1 = item(i)
-								end
-							until
-								i = offset
-							loop
-								i := i - 1
-								val2 := item(i)
-								new_storage.put(val1 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-								val1 := val2
-								j := j - 1
-							end
-							new_storage.put(val1 |<< left, j)
-							storage := new_storage
-							capacity := new_capacity
-							offset := 0
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						elseif offset > word_shift then
-							from
-								check
-									j = 0
-								end
-							until
-								j = word_shift
-							loop
-								put(0, j)
-								j := j + 1
-							end
-							from
-								k := offset
-								check
-									i = offset + integer_length - 1
-									j = word_shift
-								end
-							until
-								k = i
-							loop
-								val3 := item(k)
-								put(val3 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-								val2 := val3
-								k := k + 1
-								j := j + 1
-							end
-							put(val1 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-							offset := 0
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						else
-							from
-								j := new_integer_length - 1
-								check
-									i = offset + integer_length - 1
-									j = word_shift + integer_length - 1
-									val1 = item(i)
-								end
-							until
-								i = offset
-							loop
-								i := i - 1
-								val2 := item(i)
-								put(val1 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-								val1 := val2
-								j := j - 1
-							end
-							put(val1 |<< left, j)
-							from
-							until
-								j = 0
-							loop
-								j := j - 1
-								put(0, j)
-							end
-							offset := 0
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						end
-					else
-						new_integer_length := new_integer_length + 1
-						if capacity < new_integer_length then
-							-- Reallocation
-							new_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(capacity, new_integer_length)
-							new_storage := storage.calloc(new_capacity)
-							from
-								j := new_integer_length - 2
-								check
-									i = offset + integer_length - 1
-									j = word_shift + integer_length - 1
-									val1 = item(i)
-								end
-								new_storage.put(new_head, j + 1)
-							until
-								i = offset
-							loop
-								i := i - 1
-								val2 := item(i)
-								new_storage.put(val1 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-								val1 := val2
-								j := j - 1
-							end
-							new_storage.put(val1 |<< left, j)
-							storage := new_storage
-							capacity := new_capacity
-							offset := 0
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						elseif offset > word_shift then
-							from
-								check
-									j = 0
-								end
-							until
-								j = word_shift
-							loop
-								put(0, j)
-								j := j + 1
-							end
-							from
-								k := offset
-								check
-									i = offset + integer_length - 1
-								end
-							until
-								k = i
-							loop
-								val3 := item(k)
-								put(val3 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-								val2 := val3
-								k := k + 1
-								j := j + 1
-							end
-							put(val1 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-							put(new_head, j + 1)
-							offset := 0
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						else
-							from
-								j := new_integer_length - 2
-								check
-									i = offset + integer_length - 1
-									j = word_shift + integer_length - 1
-									val1 = item(i)
-								end
-							until
-								i = offset
-							loop
-								i := i - 1
-								val2 := item(i)
-								put(val1 |<< left | (val2 |>>> right), j)
-								val1 := val2
-								j := j - 1
-							end
-							put(val1 |<< left, j)
-							put(new_head, new_integer_length - 1)
-							from
-							until
-								j = 0
-							loop
-								j := j - 1
-								put(0, j)
-							end
-							offset := 0
-							integer_length := new_integer_length
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	shift_right (n: INTEGER) is
-			-- Right shift `Current' n bits. (`Current' is left in normal form.)
-		require
-			n > 0
-		local
-			n_ints, n_bits: INTEGER
-		do
-			if integer_length > 0 then
-				n_ints := n |>>> 5
-				n_bits := n & 0x0000001F
-				integer_length := integer_length - n_ints
-				offset := offset + n_ints
-				if n_bits = 0 then
-				else
-					primitive_shift_right(n_bits.to_integer_8)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- GCD
-	gcd (other: like Current) is
-			-- Compute GCD of `Current' and `other'.
-			-- GCD is put in `Current' (`other' is not modified).
-		require
-			other /= Void
-		do
-			if other = Current then
-				Current.abs
-			elseif other.is_zero then
-				Current.abs
-			elseif Current.is_zero then
-				Current.copy(other)
-				Current.abs
-			else
-				from
-					register2.copy(other)
-					Current.mod(register2)
-					if Current.is_zero then
-						Current.swap_with(register2)
-						Current.abs
-					else
-						register2.mod(Current)
-					end
-				until
-					register2.is_zero
-				loop
-					Current.mod(register2)
-					if Current.is_zero then
-						Current.swap_with(register2)
-					else
-						register2.mod(Current)
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			is_positive or is_zero and other.is_zero
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- To multiply:
-	multiply (other: like Current) is
-			-- Multiply `Current' by `other'.
-		require
-			other /= Void
-		do
-			if other = Current then
-				multiply_to(other, register1)
-				swap_with(register1)
-			elseif is_zero or other.is_zero then
-				set_with_zero
-			elseif Current.is_one then
-				copy(other)
-			elseif other.is_one then
-			elseif Current.is_one_negative then
-				copy(other)
-				set_negative(not negative)
-			elseif other.is_one_negative then
-				set_negative(not negative)
-			else
-				--|*** Must be replace by an algorithm switch. (Vincent Croizier, 09/07/04)
-				multiply_like_human(other)
-			end
-		end
-	multiply_to (other, res: like Current) is
-			-- Multiply the contents of `Current' and `other' and place the
-			-- result  in `res'. (`Current' and `other' are not modified.)
-		require
-			other /= Void
-			res /= Void
-			res /= Current
-		do
-			if is_zero or other.is_zero then
-				res.set_with_zero
-			elseif Current.is_one then
-				res.copy(other)
-			elseif other.is_one then
-				res.copy(Current)
-			elseif Current.is_one_negative then
-				res.copy(other)
-				res.set_negative(not res.negative)
-			elseif other.is_one_negative then
-				res.copy(Current)
-				res.set_negative(not negative)
-			else
-				--|*** Must be replace by an algorithm switch. (Vincent Croizier, 01/05/04)
-				multiply_to_like_human(other, res)
-			end
-		end
-	multiply_integer (other: INTEGER; res: like Current) is
-			-- Multiply the contents of `Current' and `other' and place the
-			-- result  in `res'. (`Current' is not modified.)
-		require
-			res /= Current
-			res /= Void
-		local
-			overflow, res_integer_length, res_capacity, i, k, up_i, v: INTEGER; res_storage: like storage
-		do
-			if other = 0 or else is_zero then
-				res.set_with_zero
-			elseif other = Minimum_integer then
-				res.set_negative(not negative)
-				shift_left(31)
-			else
-				if other > 0 then
-					res.set_negative(negative)
-					v := other
-				else
-					res.set_negative(not negative)
-					v := -other
-				end
-				-- Pessimistique estimation
-				res_integer_length := integer_length + 1 -- Reallocation ?
-				if res.capacity < res_integer_length then
-					if capacity < res_integer_length then
-						res_capacity := capacity * 2
-					else
-						res_capacity := capacity_from_upper_bound(capacity, res_integer_length)
-					end
-					set_capacity(res_capacity)
-					res_storage := storage.calloc(res_capacity)
-					res.set_storage(res_storage)
-				else
-					res_storage := res.storage
-				end
-				res.set_offset(0)
-				-- Multiply
-				from
-					k := 0
-					i := offset
-					up_i := offset + integer_length - 1
-					overflow := mbi_multiply(item(i), v, storage_at(res_storage, k))
-				until
-					i = up_i
-				loop
-					i := i + 1
-					k := k + 1
-					overflow := mbi_multiply_with_add(item(i), v, overflow, storage_at(res_storage, k))
-				end
-				if overflow = 0 then
-					res.set_integer_length(res_integer_length - 1)
-				else
-					check
-						k + 1 = integer_length
-					end
-					res.put(overflow, integer_length)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-feature {MUTABLE_BIG_INTEGER} -- to multiply
-	multiply_like_human (other: like Current) is
-			-- Simple multiply.
-			-- Complexity = O(`integer_length'*`other.integer_length').
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-		local
-			old_offset, new_integer_length: INTEGER
-		do
-			-- Pessimistique estimation
-			new_integer_length := integer_length + other.integer_length -- Reallocation ?
-			if capacity < new_integer_length then
-				register1.swap_with(Current)
-				register1.multiply_to_like_human(other, Current)
-				-- Multiply in place
-			elseif offset + new_integer_length <= capacity then
-				multiply_like_human_aux_reverse(other)
-			elseif offset >= other.integer_length then
-				multiply_like_human_aux(other)
-			else
-				old_offset := offset
-				offset := capacity - integer_length
-				storage.slice_copy(offset, storage, old_offset, old_offset + integer_length - 1)
-				multiply_like_human_aux(other)
-			end
-		end
-	multiply_like_human_aux (other: like Current) is
-			-- Only used by `multiply_to_like_human'.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-			offset >= other.integer_length
-		local
-			other_offset, other_integer_length, overflow, i, j, k, up_i, up_j, down_k, v: INTEGER
-			other_storage: like storage
-		do
-			other_offset := other.offset
-			other_integer_length := other.integer_length
-			other_storage := other.storage -- First pass
-			from
-				k := 0
-				i := other_offset
-				up_i := other_offset + other_integer_length - 1
-				j := offset
-				up_j := offset + integer_length - 1
-				v := storage.item(j)
-				overflow := mbi_multiply(other_storage.item(i), v, storage_at(storage, k))
-			until
-				i = up_i
-			loop
-				i := i + 1
-				k := k + 1
-				overflow := mbi_multiply_with_add(other_storage.item(i), v, overflow, storage_at(storage, k))
-			end
-			k := k + 1
-			check
-				k <= j
-			end
-			storage.put(overflow, k)
-			from
-				down_k := 1
-			until
-				j = up_j
-			loop
-				j := j + 1
-				from
-					k := down_k
-					i := other_offset
-					v := storage.item(j)
-					overflow := mbi_multiply_with_add(other_storage.item(i), v, storage.item(k), storage_at(storage, k))
-				until
-					i = up_i
-				loop
-					i := i + 1
-					k := k + 1
-					overflow := mbi_multiply_with_2_add(other_storage.item(i), v, overflow, storage.item(k), storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				k := k + 1
-				check
-					k <= j
-				end
-				storage.put(overflow, k)
-				down_k := down_k + 1
-			end
-			-- Adjust `res.integer_length'
-			if overflow = 0 then
-				integer_length := integer_length + other_integer_length - 1
-			else
-				integer_length := integer_length + other_integer_length
-			end
-			negative := negative /= other.negative
-			offset := 0
-		end
-	multiply_like_human_aux_reverse (other: like Current) is
-			-- Only used by `multiply_to_like_human'.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-			offset + integer_length <= capacity - other.integer_length
-		local
-			other_offset, other_integer_length, overflow, i, j, k, up_i, down_j, down_k, v: INTEGER
-			other_storage: like storage; inc: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			other_offset := other.offset
-			other_integer_length := other.integer_length
-			other_storage := other.storage -- First pass
-			from
-				i := other_offset
-				up_i := other_offset + other_integer_length - 1
-				down_j := offset
-				j := offset + integer_length - 1
-				k := j
-				v := storage.item(j)
-				overflow := mbi_multiply(other_storage.item(i), v, storage_at(storage, k))
-			until
-				i = up_i
-			loop
-				i := i + 1
-				k := k + 1
-				overflow := mbi_multiply_with_add(other_storage.item(i), v, overflow, storage_at(storage, k))
-			end
-			k := k + 1
-			check
-				k <= j + other_integer_length
-			end
-			storage.put(overflow, k)
-			from
-				down_k := j - 1
-			until
-				j = down_j
-			loop
-				j := j - 1
-				from
-					k := down_k
-					i := other_offset
-					v := storage.item(j)
-					overflow := mbi_multiply(other_storage.item(i), v, storage_at(storage, k))
-				until
-					i = up_i
-				loop
-					i := i + 1
-					k := k + 1
-					overflow := mbi_multiply_with_2_add(other_storage.item(i), v, overflow, storage.item(k), storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				k := k + 1
-				inc := mbi_add(storage.item(k), overflow, storage_at(storage, k))
-				check
-					k < offset + integer_length + other_integer_length
-				end
-				from
-				until
-					not inc
-				loop
-					k := k + 1
-					check
-						k < offset + integer_length + other_integer_length
-					end
-					inc := mbi_inc(storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				down_k := down_k - 1
-			end
-			-- Adjust `res.integer_length'
-			if storage.item(offset + integer_length + other_integer_length - 1) = 0 then
-				integer_length := integer_length + other_integer_length - 1
-			else
-				integer_length := integer_length + other_integer_length
-			end
-			negative := negative /= other.negative
-		end
-	multiply_to_like_human (other, res: like Current) is
-			-- Simple multiply.
-			-- Complexity = O(`integer_length'*`other.integer_length').
-		require
-			res /= Current
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-		local
-			overflow, res_integer_length, res_capacity, i, j, k, up_i, up_j, down_k, v: INTEGER
-			res_storage: like storage; res_negative: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			res_negative := negative /= other.negative -- Pessimistique estimation
-			res_integer_length := integer_length + other.integer_length -- Reallocation ?
-			res_capacity := res.capacity
-			if res_capacity < res_integer_length then
-				res_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(res_capacity, res_integer_length)
-				res_storage := storage.calloc(res_capacity)
-			else
-				res_storage := res.storage
-			end
-			-- To avoid class invariant violation
-			res.set_with_zero
-			-- Multiply
-			-- First pass
-			from
-				k := 0
-				i := offset
-				up_i := offset + integer_length - 1
-				j := other.offset
-				up_j := j + other.integer_length - 1
-				v := other.item(j)
-				overflow := mbi_multiply(item(i), v, storage_at(res_storage, k))
-			until
-				i = up_i
-			loop
-				i := i + 1
-				k := k + 1
-				overflow := mbi_multiply_with_add(item(i), v, overflow, storage_at(res_storage, k))
-			end
-			k := k + 1
-			res_storage.put(overflow, k)
-			from
-				down_k := 1
-			until
-				j = up_j
-			loop
-				j := j + 1
-				from
-					k := down_k
-					i := offset
-					v := other.item(j)
-					overflow := mbi_multiply_with_add(item(i), v, res_storage.item(k), storage_at(res_storage, k))
-				until
-					i = up_i
-				loop
-					i := i + 1
-					k := k + 1
-					overflow := mbi_multiply_with_2_add(item(i), v, overflow, res_storage.item(k), storage_at(res_storage, k))
-				end
-				k := k + 1
-				res_storage.put(overflow, k)
-				down_k := down_k + 1
-			end
-			-- Adjust `res.integer_length'
-			if overflow = 0 then
-				res.set_all(res_storage, res_capacity, res_integer_length - 1, 0, res_negative)
-			else
-				res.set_all(res_storage, res_capacity, res_integer_length, 0, res_negative)
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Comparison:
-	is_zero: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is it 0?
-		do
-			Result := integer_length = 0
-		ensure
-			Result implies not is_negative
-		end
-	is_one: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is it 1?
-		do
-			if integer_length = 1 then
-				if not negative then
-					Result := item(offset) = 1
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result implies not is_negative
-		end
-	is_one_negative: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is it -1 ?
-		do
-			if integer_length = 1 then
-				if negative then
-					Result := item(offset) = 1
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result implies is_negative
-		end
-	is_negative: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is `Current' negative integer?
-		do
-			Result := negative
-		ensure
-			Result implies not is_positive
-		end
-	is_positive: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is `Current' positive integer?
-		do
-			Result := not negative and then integer_length /= 0
-		ensure
-			Result implies not is_negative
-		end
-	is_even: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is `Current' even?
-		do
-			if integer_length = 0 then
-				Result := True
-			else
-				Result := item(offset).is_even
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result = not Current.is_odd
-		end
-	is_odd: BOOLEAN is
-			-- Is `Current' odd?
-		do
-			if integer_length > 0 then
-				Result := item(offset).is_odd
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result = not Current.is_even
-		end
-	is_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN is
-		local
-			a, b, c: INTEGER
-		do
-			if Current = other then
-				Result := True
-			elseif integer_length /= other.integer_length then
-			elseif negative /= other.negative then
-			else
-				check
-					other.integer_length = integer_length
-				end
-				from
-					c := offset + integer_length
-					a := offset
-					b := other.offset
-					Result := True
-				until
-					a = c
-				loop
-					if item(a) /= other.item(b) then
-						Result := False
-						a := c
-					else
-						a := a + 1
-						b := b + 1
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	infix "<" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN is
-		local
-			a, b: INTEGER; va, vb: INTEGER
-		do
-			if Current = other then
-			elseif negative /= other.negative then
-				Result := negative
-			elseif integer_length /= other.integer_length then
-				Result := integer_length < other.integer_length xor negative
-			else
-				check
-					other.negative = negative
-				end
-				check
-					other.integer_length = integer_length
-				end
-				from
-					a := offset + integer_length - 1
-					b := other.offset + integer_length - 1
-				until
-					a < offset
-				loop
-					va := item(a)
-					vb := other.item(b)
-					if unsigned_less_than(va, vb) then
-						Result := not negative
-						a := -1
-					elseif unsigned_less_than(vb, va) then
-						Result := negative
-						a := -1
-					else
-						a := a - 1
-						b := b - 1
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	abs_compare (other: like Current): INTEGER is
-			-- Compare the magnitude of `Current' and `other'. Returns -1, 0 or 1
-			-- as this MutableBigInteger is numerically less than, equal to, or
-			-- greater than other.
-		local
-			a, b: INTEGER; va, vb: INTEGER
-		do
-			if Current = other then
-				--Result := 0
-			elseif integer_length < other.integer_length then
-				Result := -1
-			elseif integer_length > other.integer_length then
-				Result := 1
-			else
-				check
-					other.integer_length = integer_length
-				end
-				from
-					a := offset + integer_length
-					b := other.offset + integer_length
-					check
-						Result = 0
-					end
-				until
-					a <= offset
-				loop
-					a := a - 1
-					b := b - 1
-					va := item(a)
-					vb := other.item(b)
-					if unsigned_less_than(va, vb) then
-						Result := -1
-						a := -1
-					elseif unsigned_less_than(vb, va) then
-						Result := 1
-						a := -1
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Printing:
-	to_string: STRING is
-			-- The decimal view of `Current' into a new allocated STRING.
-			-- For example, if `Current' is -1 the `Result' is "-1".
-			--
-			-- See also `append_in', `to_string_format', `to_unicode_string', `to_integer'.
-		do
-			string_buffer.clear_count
-			append_in(string_buffer)
-			Result := string_buffer.twin
-		end
-	to_unicode_string: UNICODE_STRING is
-			-- The decimal view of `Current' into a new allocated UNICODE_STRING.
-			-- For example, if `Current' represents -1 the `Result' is U"-1".
-			--
-			-- See also `append_in_unicode', `to_unicode_string_format', `to_string'.
-		do
-			unicode_string_buffer.clear_count
-			append_in_unicode(unicode_string_buffer)
-			Result := unicode_string_buffer.twin
-		end
-	append_in (buffer: STRING) is
-			-- Append in the `buffer' the equivalent of `to_string'. No new
-			-- STRING creation during the process.
-		require
-			is_printable
-		local
-			k: INTEGER
-		do
-			if is_zero then
-				buffer.extend('0')
-			else
-				-- Put the sign in `buffer'
-				if negative then
-					buffer.extend('-')
-				end
-				-- Put it in `buffer'
-				from
-					k := append_in_char_buffer
-				until
-					k = 0
-				loop
-					k := k - 1
-					buffer.extend(char_buffer.item(k))
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	append_in_unicode (buffer: UNICODE_STRING) is
-			-- Append in the `buffer' the equivalent of `to_string'. No new
-			-- STRING creation during the process.
-		require
-			is_printable
-		local
-			k: INTEGER
-		do
-			if is_zero then
-				buffer.extend('0'.code)
-			else
-				-- Put the sign in `buffer'
-				if negative then
-					buffer.extend('-'.code)
-				end
-				-- Put it in `buffer'
-				from
-					k := append_in_char_buffer
-				until
-					k = 0
-				loop
-					k := k - 1
-					buffer.extend(char_buffer.item(k).code)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	to_string_format (s: INTEGER): STRING is
-			-- Same as `to_string' but the result is on `s' character and the
-			-- number is right aligned.
-			-- Note: see `append_in_format' to save memory.
-		require
-			to_string.count <= s
-		do
-			create Result.make(s)
-			append_in_format(Result, s)
-		ensure
-			Result.count = s
-		end
-	to_unicode_string_format (s: INTEGER): UNICODE_STRING is
-			-- Same as `to_unicode_string' but the result is on `s' character and
-			-- the number is right aligned.
-			-- Note: see `append_in_unicode_format' to save memory.
-		require
-			to_string.count <= s
-		do
-			create Result.make(s)
-			append_in_unicode_format(Result, s)
-		ensure
-			Result.count = s
-		end
-	append_in_format (str: STRING; s: INTEGER) is
-			-- Append the equivalent of `to_string_format' at the end of
-			-- `str'. Thus you can save memory because no other
-			-- STRING is allocated for the job.
-		require
-			to_string.count <= s
-		local
-			i, k: INTEGER
-		do
-			if is_zero then
-				-- Put spaces
-				from
-					i := s - 1
-				variant
-					i
-				until
-					i = 0
-				loop
-					str.extend(' ')
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				-- Put number
-				str.extend('0')
-			else
-				k := append_in_char_buffer
-				-- Put spaces
-				from
-					if negative then
-						i := s - k - 1
-					else
-						i := s - k
-					end
-				variant
-					i
-				until
-					i = 0
-				loop
-					str.extend(' ')
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				-- Put number
-				from
-					-- Put the sign in `buffer'
-					if negative then
-						str.extend('-')
-					end
-				variant
-					k
-				until
-					k = 0
-				loop
-					k := k - 1
-					str.extend(char_buffer.item(k))
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			str.count >= old str.count + s
-		end
-	append_in_unicode_format (str: UNICODE_STRING; s: INTEGER) is
-			-- Append the equivalent of `to_unicode_string_format' at the end of
-			-- `str'. Thus you can save memory because no other
-			-- UNICODE_STRING is allocated for the job.
-		require
-			to_string.count <= s
-		local
-			i, k: INTEGER
-		do
-			if is_zero then
-				-- Put spaces
-				from
-					i := s - 1
-				variant
-					i
-				until
-					i = 0
-				loop
-					str.extend(' '.code)
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				-- Put number
-				str.extend('0'.code)
-			else
-				k := append_in_char_buffer
-				-- Put spaces
-				from
-					if negative then
-						i := s - k - 1
-					else
-						i := s - k
-					end
-				variant
-					i
-				until
-					i = 0
-				loop
-					str.extend(' '.code)
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				-- Put number
-				from
-					-- Put the sign in `buffer'
-					if negative then
-						str.extend('-'.code)
-					end
-				variant
-					k
-				until
-					k = 0
-				loop
-					k := k - 1
-					str.extend(char_buffer.item(k).code)
-				end
-			end
-		ensure
-			str.count >= old str.count + s
-		end
-	is_printable: BOOLEAN is
-			-- True if decimal view of `Current' is short enougth
-			-- to be put in a STRING.
-		do
-			--|*** MUST BE REWRITE (Vincent Croizier, 14/07/04) ***
-			Result := integer_length <= 2 ^ 27
-		end
-	out_in_tagged_out_memory, fill_tagged_out_memory is
-		do
-			append_in(tagged_out_memory)
-		end
-feature {ANY} -- Miscellaneous:
-	negate is
-			-- Negate the sign of `Current'.
-		do
-			if integer_length /= 0 then
-				negative := not negative
-			end
-		end
-	abs is
-			-- Absolute value of `Current'.
-		do
-			negative := False
-		end
-	sign: INTEGER_8 is
-			-- Sign of `Current' (0 -1 or 1).
-		do
-			if negative then
-				Result := -1
-			elseif integer_length > 0 then
-				Result := 1
-			else
-				check
-					is_zero
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	set_with_zero is
-		do
-			integer_length := 0
-			negative := False
-		ensure
-			is_zero
-		end
-	hash_code: INTEGER is
-		local
-			i, c, v: INTEGER
-		do
-			from
-				i := offset
-				c := 2
-			until
-				c = 0 or else i = offset + integer_length
-			loop
-				v := item(i)
-				if v /= 0 then
-					Result := Result #+ v
-					c := c - 1
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-			end
-			Result := integer_length #* Result
-			if negative then
-				Result := Result #+ 1
-			end
-			if Result < 0 then
-				Result := ~Result
-			end
-		end
-	copy (other: like Current) is
-		do
-			negative := other.negative
-			offset := 0
-			integer_length := other.integer_length
-			if capacity < other.integer_length then
-				capacity := capacity_from_upper_bound(other.capacity, integer_length)
-				storage := storage.calloc(capacity)
-			elseif capacity = 0 then
-				capacity := 4
-				storage := storage.calloc(capacity)
-			end
-			if integer_length /= 0 then
-				storage.slice_copy(offset, other.storage, other.offset, other.offset + integer_length - 1)
-			end
-		end
-	swap_with (other: like Current) is
-			-- Swap the value of `Current' with the value of `other'.
-		local
-			s: like storage; c: like capacity; il: like integer_length; o: like offset; n: like negative
-		do
-			s := other.storage
-			c := other.capacity
-			il := other.integer_length
-			o := other.offset
-			n := other.negative -- Put Current in other
-			other.set_all(storage, capacity, integer_length, offset, negative)
-			--
-			storage := s
-			capacity := c
-			integer_length := il
-			offset := o
-			negative := n
-		end
-			-- Holds the magnitude of `Current' in natural order (the most
-			-- significant INTEGER_32 word has the highest address). To avoid many
-			-- reallocation of this `storage' area, only some words are
-			-- significant. The magnitude is stored in the following significant
-			-- range [`offset' .. `offset + integer_length - 1'].
-	capacity: INTEGER
-			-- Of the allocated `storage' area.
-	integer_length: INTEGER
-			-- The number of significant INTEGER_32 words in the `storage' area.
-	offset: INTEGER
-			-- The `offset' of the less significant word into the `storage' area.
-	negative: BOOLEAN
-			-- True when `Current' is negative.
-	item (index: INTEGER): INTEGER_32 is
-		require
-		-- index.in_range(0, capacity - 1)
-			index.in_range(offset, offset + integer_length - 1)
-		do
-			Result := storage.item(index)
-		end
-	put (value: INTEGER; index: INTEGER) is
-		require
-			index.in_range(0, capacity - 1)
-		do
-			storage.put(value, index)
-		end
-	set_negative (n: like negative) is
-		require
-			n implies not is_zero
-		do
-			negative := n
-		ensure
-			negative = n or is_zero
-		end
-	set_integer_length (il: like integer_length) is
-		require
-			il.in_range(0, capacity - offset)
-		do
-			integer_length := il
-		ensure
-			integer_length = il
-		end
-	set_offset (o: like offset) is
-		require
-			o.in_range(0, capacity - integer_length)
-		do
-			offset := o
-		ensure
-			offset = o
-		end
-	set_ilo (il: like integer_length; o: like offset) is
-		require
-			il.in_range(0, capacity)
-			o.in_range(0, capacity - il)
-		do
-			integer_length := il
-			offset := o
-		ensure
-			integer_length = il
-			offset = o
-		end
-	set_storage (new_storage: like storage) is
-		do
-			storage := new_storage
-		end
-	set_capacity (new_capacity: like capacity) is
-		do
-			capacity := new_capacity
-		end
-	set_all (new_storage: like storage; new_capacity, new_integer_length, new_offset: INTEGER; new_negative: BOOLEAN) is
-		require
-			new_capacity > 0
-			new_storage.is_not_null
-			new_integer_length.in_range(0, new_capacity)
-			new_integer_length /= 0 implies new_offset.in_range(0, new_capacity - new_integer_length) and new_storage.item(new_offset + new_integer_length - 1) /= 0
-			new_integer_length = 0 implies not new_negative
-			new_capacity.is_a_power_of_2
-		do
-			storage := new_storage
-			capacity := new_capacity
-			integer_length := new_integer_length
-			offset := new_offset
-			negative := new_negative
-		ensure
-			storage = new_storage
-			capacity = new_capacity
-			integer_length = new_integer_length
-			offset = new_offset
-			negative = new_negative
-		end
-	primitive_shift_left (n: INTEGER_8) is
-			-- Left shift `Current' with no need to extend the `storage'.
-			--|*** Can be a little faster (Vincent Croizier, 26/04/04) ***
-		require
-			integer_length > 0
-			n.in_range(1, 31)
-			no_bit_lost: item(offset + integer_length - 1) |<< n |>>> n = item(offset + integer_length - 1)
-		local
-			n2: INTEGER_8; i, up, b, c: INTEGER
-		do
-			n2 := 32 - n
-			from
-				i := offset
-				up := i + integer_length - 1
-			until
-				i > up
-			loop
-				b := item(i)
-				put(b |<< n | c, i)
-				c := b |>>> n2
-				i := i + 1
-			end
-			check
-				c = 0
-			end
-		end
-	primitive_shift_right (n: INTEGER_8) is
-			-- Right shift `Current' of `n' bits.
-		require
-			integer_length > 0
-			n.in_range(1, 31)
-		local
-			n2: INTEGER_8; i, j, up, b, c: INTEGER
-		do
-			n2 := 32 - n
-			from
-				up := integer_length - 1
-				j := 0
-				i := offset
-				c := item(i)
-			until
-				j >= up
-			loop
-				b := c
-				i := i + 1
-				c := item(i)
-				put(b |>>> n | (c |<< n2), j)
-				j := j + 1
-			end
-			check
-				j = up
-				i = offset + j
-			end
-			put(c |>>> n, up)
-			offset := 0
-			if item(integer_length - 1) = 0 then
-				integer_length := integer_length - 1
-			end
-		ensure
-			offset = 0
-		end
-	divide_one_word (divisor: INTEGER): INTEGER is
-			-- This method is used by `divide'. The one word divisor is
-			-- specified by `divisor' is saw as unsigned.
-			-- `Current' is the dividend (saw positive) at invocation but is replaced by
-			-- the quotient. The remainder is returned as unsigned INTEGER.
-			-- Note: `Current' is modified by this method.
-		require
-			divisor /= 0
-		local
-			i, remainder_word1, remainder_word0: INTEGER
-		do
-			if integer_length = 1 then
-				Result := item(offset)
-				if unsigned_less_than(Result, divisor) then
-					integer_length := 0
-					negative := False
-				else
-					put(mbi_divide(0, Result, divisor, $remainder_word1), offset)
-					Result := remainder_word1
-				end
-			else
-				from
-					i := offset + integer_length - 1
-				until
-					i < offset
-				loop
-					remainder_word0 := item(i)
-					put(mbi_divide(remainder_word1, remainder_word0, divisor, $remainder_word1), i)
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				if item(offset + integer_length - 1) = 0 then
-					integer_length := integer_length - 1
-					check
-						item(offset + integer_length - 1) /= 0
-					end
-				end
-				Result := remainder_word1
-			end
-		end
-	divide_sign_correction (other, quotient, remainder: like Current) is
-			-- Correct the value of `quotient' and `remainder' after an
-			-- "unsigned" division.
-			-- Only used by `divide'.
-		require
-			not remainder.is_negative
-		do
-			if remainder.is_zero then
-				quotient.set_negative(negative /= other.negative)
-			elseif negative then
-				quotient.set_negative(False)
-				if other.negative then
-					quotient.add_integer(1)
-					remainder.set_negative(True)
-					-- other is negative
-					remainder.subtract(other)
-					check
-						not remainder.is_negative
-					end
-				else
-					quotient.add_integer(1)
-					quotient.set_negative(True)
-					remainder.set_negative(True)
-					remainder.add(other)
-					check
-						not remainder.is_negative
-					end
-				end
-			elseif other.negative then
-				quotient.set_negative(True)
-			else
-				quotient.set_negative(False)
-			end
-		ensure
-			not remainder.is_negative
-		end
-	divide_sign_correction_bis (other, quotient: like Current; current_negative: BOOLEAN) is
-			-- Correct the value of `quotient' and `remainder' after an
-			-- "unsigned" division.
-			-- Only used by `divide'.
-		require
-			not is_negative
-		do
-			if is_zero then
-				quotient.set_negative(current_negative /= other.negative)
-			elseif current_negative then
-				quotient.set_negative(False)
-				if other.negative then
-					quotient.add_integer(1)
-					set_negative(True)
-					-- other is negative
-					subtract(other)
-					check
-						not is_negative
-					end
-				else
-					quotient.add_integer(1)
-					quotient.set_negative(True)
-					set_negative(True)
-					add(other)
-					check
-						not is_negative
-					end
-				end
-			elseif other.negative then
-				quotient.set_negative(True)
-			else
-				quotient.set_negative(False)
-			end
-		ensure
-			not is_negative
-		end
-	multiply_and_subtract (u1, qhat: INTEGER; d_storage: like storage; d_offset: INTEGER; r_storage: like storage
-		r_offset, length: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Only used by `divide'.
-		require
-			qhat /= 0
-		local
-			i, j, jmax, m1, m2: INTEGER; dec: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			if qhat = 1 then
-				from
-					i := d_offset
-					j := r_offset
-					jmax := r_offset + length
-				until
-					j = jmax
-				loop
-					if dec then
-						dec := mbi_subtract_with_dec(r_storage.item(j), d_storage.item(i), storage_at(r_storage, j))
-					else
-						dec := mbi_subtract(r_storage.item(j), d_storage.item(i), storage_at(r_storage, j))
-					end
-					i := i + 1
-					j := j + 1
-				end
-				if dec then
-					if u1 = 0 then
-						Result := True
-					else
-						Result := mbi_dec(storage_at(r_storage, j))
-						check
-							not Result
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			else
-				from
-					i := d_offset
-					j := r_offset
-					jmax := r_offset + length
-				until
-					j = jmax
-				loop
-					m1 := mbi_multiply_with_add(qhat, d_storage.item(i), m1, $m2)
-					if dec then
-						dec := mbi_subtract_with_dec(r_storage.item(j), m2, storage_at(r_storage, j))
-					else
-						dec := mbi_subtract(r_storage.item(j), m2, storage_at(r_storage, j))
-					end
-					i := i + 1
-					j := j + 1
-				end
-				if dec then
-					if u1 = 0 then
-						Result := True
-					else
-						Result := mbi_subtract_with_dec(r_storage.item(j), m1, storage_at(r_storage, j))
-					end
-				elseif m1 = 0 then
-					-- nothing to do
-				elseif u1 = 0 then
-					Result := True
-				else
-					Result := mbi_subtract(r_storage.item(j), m1, storage_at(r_storage, j))
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	add_back (old_u1: INTEGER; d_storage: like storage; d_offset: INTEGER; r_storage: like storage
-		r_offset, length: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Only used by `divide'.
-			-- `old_u1' is the value of `u1' before `multiply_and_subtract'.
-		local
-			i, j, jmax: INTEGER; inc: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			from
-				i := d_offset
-				j := r_offset
-				jmax := r_offset + length
-			until
-				j = jmax
-			loop
-				if inc then
-					inc := mbi_add_with_inc(r_storage.item(j), d_storage.item(i), storage_at(r_storage, j))
-				else
-					inc := mbi_add(r_storage.item(j), d_storage.item(i), storage_at(r_storage, j))
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-				j := j + 1
-			end
-			if inc then
-				if old_u1 = 0 then
-					Result := True
-				else
-					Result := mbi_inc(storage_at(r_storage, j))
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	is_a_good_divide (other, quotient, remainder: like Current): BOOLEAN is
-		require
-			other /= Void
-			quotient /= Void
-			remainder /= Void
-		local
-			v: like Current
-		do
-			v := other.twin
-			v.multiply(quotient)
-			v.add(remainder)
-			Result := Current.is_equal(v)
-		end
-	normalize: INTEGER_8 is
-			-- Shift left until the most significant bit is on.
-			-- Result give the number of left shift.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-		local
-			head: INTEGER
-		do
-			head := item(offset + integer_length - 1)
-			from
-			until
-				head < 0
-			loop
-				head := head.bit_shift_left(1)
-				Result := Result + 1
-			end
-			if Result > 0 then
-				shift_left(Result)
-			end
-		ensure
-			item(offset + integer_length - 1) < 0
-		end
-feature {MUTABLE_BIG_INTEGER} -- Implementation:
-	register1: MUTABLE_BIG_INTEGER is
-		once
-			create Result.from_integer(0)
-		end
-	register2: MUTABLE_BIG_INTEGER is
-		once
-			create Result.from_integer(0)
-		end
-	Real_base: REAL_64 is
-		once
-			Result := (0x0000000100000000).force_to_real_64
-		end
-	add_magnitude (other: like Current) is
-			-- Add the magnitude of `Current' and `other' regardless of signs.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-		local
-			a, b: like Current; inc: BOOLEAN; i, j, k, n: INTEGER; new_storage, a_storage, b_storage: like storage
-			new_capacity, a_capacity, a_offset, a_integer_length, b_offset, b_integer_length: INTEGER
-		do
-			--|*** First tests can be certainely optimized.
-			--|*** (Vincent Croizier, 26/03/2004)
-			if integer_length > other.integer_length and then capacity - offset > integer_length then
-				---- Add in place (`offset' doesn't change)
-				-- Add common parts of both numbers:
-				from
-					i := offset
-					j := other.offset
-					n := j + other.integer_length
-				until
-					j = n
-				loop
-					if inc then
-						-- overflow in the last addition step
-						inc := mbi_add_with_inc(item(i), other.item(j), storage_at(storage, i))
-					else
-						-- no overflow in the last addition step
-						inc := mbi_add(item(i), other.item(j), storage_at(storage, i))
-					end
-					i := i + 1
-					j := j + 1
-				end
-				-- Add remainder of the longer number with increment (if necessary):
-				from
-					n := offset + integer_length
-				until
-					not inc or else i = n
-				loop
-					inc := mbi_inc(storage_at(storage, i))
-					i := i + 1
-				end
-				if inc then
-					storage.put(1, n)
-					check
-						n < capacity
-					end
-					integer_length := integer_length + 1
-				end
-			else
-				---- Add, after this `offset' will be 0
-				-- Set `a' to the longest number and `b' to the smallest.
-				if integer_length >= other.integer_length then
-					a := Current
-					b := other
-				else
-					a := other
-					b := Current
-				end
-				a_capacity := a.capacity
-				a_storage := a.storage
-				b_storage := b.storage
-				a_integer_length := a.integer_length
-				b_integer_length := b.integer_length
-				a_offset := a.offset
-				b_offset := b.offset -- Verify capacity
-				if capacity < a_integer_length then
-					new_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(capacity, a_integer_length)
-					new_storage := new_storage.calloc(new_capacity)
-				elseif capacity = a_integer_length then
-					--|*** It's possible to make a more restrictive test
-					--|*** that can exclude more case of reallocation. (Vincent Croizier, 24/03/2004)
-					new_capacity := capacity_from_lower_bound(capacity, a_integer_length + 1)
-					new_storage := new_storage.calloc(new_capacity)
-				elseif a = other then
-					-- protect `other'
-					new_storage := a_storage.calloc(a_capacity)
-					new_capacity := a_capacity
-				else
-					new_storage := a_storage
-					new_capacity := a_capacity
-				end
-				-- Add common parts of both numbers:
-				n := b_integer_length
-				check
-					n.in_range(0, new_capacity)
-				end
-				from
-					i := a_offset
-					j := b_offset -- k := 0
-				until
-					k = n
-				loop
-					if inc then
-						-- overflow in the last addition step
-						inc := mbi_add_with_inc(a_storage.item(i), b_storage.item(j), storage_at(new_storage, k))
-					else
-						-- no overflow in the last addition step
-						inc := mbi_add(a_storage.item(i), b_storage.item(j), storage_at(new_storage, k))
-					end
-					i := i + 1
-					j := j + 1
-					k := k + 1
-				end
-				-- Add remainder of the longer number with increment (if necessary):
-				from
-					n := a_integer_length
-				until
-					not inc or else k = a_integer_length
-				loop
-					new_storage.put(a_storage.item(i), k)
-					inc := mbi_inc(storage_at(new_storage, k))
-					i := i + 1
-					k := k + 1
-				end
-				if inc then
-					new_storage.put(1, k)
-					check
-						n < new_capacity
-					end
-					n := n + 1
-				else
-					-- copy the reste of `a'
-					from
-					until
-						k = n
-					loop
-						new_storage.put(a_storage.item(i), k)
-						i := i + 1
-						k := k + 1
-					end
-				end
-				capacity := new_capacity
-				storage := new_storage
-				integer_length := n
-				offset := 0
-			end
-		end
-feature {MUTABLE_BIG_INTEGER} -- Implementation:
-	subtract_magnitude (other: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract `other' from `Current' (The result is placed  in `Current')
-			-- and change `negative' (the sign) if necessary.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-		local
-			i, j, v1, v2: INTEGER; test: BOOLEAN; new: like Current
-		do
-			-- Compare the number
-			if integer_length = other.integer_length then
-				-- Compare the most significant part of the numbers
-				from
-					i := offset + integer_length - 1
-					j := other.offset + integer_length - 1
-					v1 := item(i)
-					v2 := other.item(j)
-					test := v1 /= v2
-				until
-					test or else i = offset
-				loop
-					integer_length := integer_length - 1
-					i := i - 1
-					j := j - 1
-					v1 := item(i)
-					v2 := other.item(j)
-					test := v1 /= v2
-				end
-				if test then
-					if unsigned_greater_than(v1, v2) then
-						-- Current > other
-						subtract_magnitude_raw_truncated(other)
-						if storage.item(integer_length - 1) = 0 then
-							integer_length := integer_length - 1
-							check
-								integer_length /= 0 implies item(integer_length - 1) /= 0
-							end
-						end
-					else
-						-- Current < other
-						check
-							unsigned_less_than(v1, v2)
-						end
-						negative := not negative
-						subtract_magnitude_raw_reverse_truncated(other)
-						if storage.item(integer_length - 1) = 0 then
-							integer_length := integer_length - 1
-							check
-								integer_length /= 0 implies item(integer_length - 1) /= 0
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				else
-					-- Current = other
-					set_with_zero
-				end
-			elseif integer_length > other.integer_length then
-				subtract_magnitude_raw(other)
-			elseif capacity >= other.integer_length then
-				negative := not negative
-				subtract_magnitude_raw_reverse(other)
-			else
-				-- Reallocation
-				--|*** Can be faster (Vincent Croizier, 10/06/04) ***
-				create new.copy(other)
-				new.subtract_magnitude(Current)
-				negative := not negative
-				integer_length := new.integer_length
-				storage := new.storage
-				offset := new.offset
-			end
-		end
-	subtract_magnitude_raw (other: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract (raw) the storage of `other' from `Current'.
-			-- Used by `subtract_magnitude'.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-			abs_compare(other) = 1
-		local
-			i, j, k, up: INTEGER; dec: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			from
-				k := 0
-				i := offset
-				j := other.offset
-				up := other.integer_length - 1
-			until
-				k > up
-			loop
-				if dec then
-					dec := mbi_subtract_with_dec(item(i), other.item(j), storage_at(storage, k))
-				else
-					dec := mbi_subtract(item(i), other.item(j), storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-				j := j + 1
-				k := k + 1
-			end
-			from
-			until
-				not dec
-			loop
-				--|*** Could be done in one step with a mbi_dec_bis
-				--| routine (Vincent Croizier, 10/06/04) ***
-				put(item(i), k)
-				dec := mbi_dec(storage_at(storage, k))
-				i := i + 1
-				k := k + 1
-			end
-			if k = integer_length then
-				from
-					k := k - 1
-				until
-					item(k) /= 0
-				loop
-					k := k - 1
-				end
-				integer_length := k + 1
-			end
-			offset := 0
-		ensure
-			offset = 0
-		end
-	subtract_magnitude_raw_reverse (other: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract (raw) the storage of `Current' from `other' and
-			-- put it in `Current'.
-			-- Used by `subtract_magnitude'.
-		require
-			not is_zero
-			not other.is_zero
-			abs_compare(other) = -1
-		local
-			i, j, k, up: INTEGER; dec: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			from
-				-- k := 0
-				i := offset
-				j := other.offset
-				up := integer_length - 1
-			until
-				k > up
-			loop
-				if dec then
-					dec := mbi_subtract_with_dec(other.item(j), item(i), storage_at(storage, k))
-				else
-					dec := mbi_subtract(other.item(j), item(i), storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-				j := j + 1
-				k := k + 1
-			end
-			from
-			until
-				not dec
-			loop
-				--|*** Could be done in one step with a mbi_dec_bis
-				--| routine (Vincent Croizier, 10/06/04) ***
-				put(other.item(j), k)
-				dec := mbi_dec(storage_at(storage, k))
-				j := j + 1
-				k := k + 1
-			end
-			check
-				not dec
-			end
-			up := other.integer_length
-			if k < up then
-				from
-				until
-					k = up
-				loop
-					put(other.item(j), k)
-					j := j + 1
-					k := k + 1
-				end
-				integer_length := up
-			else
-				check
-					k = up
-				end
-				from
-					k := k - 1
-				until
-					storage.item(k) /= 0
-				loop
-					k := k - 1
-				end
-				integer_length := k + 1
-				offset := 0
-			end
-		ensure
-			offset = 0
-		end
-	subtract_magnitude_raw_truncated (other: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract (raw) the storage of `other' from `Current'
-			-- where `other' is truncated to the size of `Current'.
-			-- Used by `subtract_magnitude'.
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			other.integer_length >= integer_length
-			unsigned_greater_than(item(offset + integer_length - 1), other.item(offset + integer_length - 1))
-		local
-			i, j, k, up: INTEGER; dec: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			from
-				k := 0
-				i := offset
-				j := other.offset
-				up := integer_length - 1
-			until
-				k > up
-			loop
-				if dec then
-					dec := mbi_subtract_with_dec(item(i), other.item(j), storage_at(storage, k))
-				else
-					dec := mbi_subtract(item(i), other.item(j), storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-				j := j + 1
-				k := k + 1
-			end
-			check
-				not dec
-			end
-			offset := 0
-		ensure
-			offset = 0
-		end
-	subtract_magnitude_raw_reverse_truncated (other: like Current) is
-			-- Subtract (raw) the storage of `Current' from `other' and
-			-- put it in `Current',
-			-- where `other' is truncated to the size of `Current'.
-			-- Used by `subtract_magnitude'.
-		require
-			not other.is_zero
-			other.integer_length >= integer_length
-			unsigned_less_than(item(offset + integer_length - 1), other.item(offset + integer_length - 1))
-		local
-			i, j, k, up: INTEGER; dec: BOOLEAN
-		do
-			from
-				k := 0
-				i := offset
-				j := other.offset
-				up := integer_length - 1
-			until
-				k > up
-			loop
-				if dec then
-					dec := mbi_subtract_with_dec(other.item(j), item(i), storage_at(storage, k))
-				else
-					dec := mbi_subtract(other.item(j), item(i), storage_at(storage, k))
-				end
-				i := i + 1
-				j := j + 1
-				k := k + 1
-			end
-			check
-				not dec
-			end
-			offset := 0
-		ensure
-			offset = 0
-		end
-feature {} -- For printing
-	char_buffer: FAST_ARRAY[CHARACTER] is
-		once
-			create Result.make(4096)
-		end
-	append_in_char_buffer: INTEGER is
-			-- Tool for `append_in' and `append_in_unicode'.
-			-- Put absolute value of Current in `char_buffer' and return
-			-- the number of characteres really used.
-		require
-			is_printable
-			not is_zero
-		local
-			base, max_char, i, r: INTEGER
-		do
-			-- Allocate space in `char_buffer'
-			max_char := integer_length * 9 + (2 * integer_length + 2) #// 3
-			if char_buffer.capacity < max_char then
-				char_buffer.resize(max_char)
-			end
-			-- Begin of extracting digits
-			register1.copy(Current)
-			base := 1000000000
-			from
-				r := register1.divide_one_word(base)
-			until
-				register1.is_zero
-			loop
-				check
-					r >= 0
-				end
-				from
-					i := 9
-				until
-					r = 0
-				loop
-					char_buffer.put((r #\\ 10).decimal_digit, Result)
-					r := r #// 10
-					Result := Result + 1
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				from
-				until
-					i = 0
-				loop
-					char_buffer.put('0', Result)
-					Result := Result + 1
-					i := i - 1
-				end
-				-- extract next digit group
-				r := register1.divide_one_word(base)
-			end
-			from
-				check
-					r > 0
-				end
-			until
-				r = 0
-			loop
-				char_buffer.put((r #\\ 10).decimal_digit, Result)
-				r := r #// 10
-				Result := Result + 1
-			end
-		end
-feature {} -- Tools for capacity:
-	capacity_from_lower_bound (actual_capacity, needed_capacity: INTEGER): INTEGER is
-			-- Give the smallest power of 2 greater than
-			-- `needed_capacity' and `actual_capacity'.
-			-- Based on `actual_capacity' (the actual capacity).
-		require
-			actual_capacity.is_a_power_of_2
-			actual_capacity >= 4
-		do
-			from
-				Result := actual_capacity
-			until
-				Result >= needed_capacity
-			loop
-				Result := Result.bit_shift_left(1)
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result.is_a_power_of_2
-			Result >= 4
-			Result >= actual_capacity
-			Result >= needed_capacity
-			Result = actual_capacity or Result #// 2 < needed_capacity
-		end
-	capacity_from_upper_bound (actual_capacity, needed_capacity: INTEGER): INTEGER is
-			-- Give the smallest power of 2 greater than `needed_capacity'.
-			-- Based on `actual_capacity' (the actual capacity).
-		require
-			actual_capacity >= 4
-			actual_capacity >= needed_capacity
-			actual_capacity.is_a_power_of_2
-		local
-			v: INTEGER
-		do
-			from
-				Result := actual_capacity
-				v := Result.bit_shift_right(1)
-			until
-				v < needed_capacity or else v = 2
-			loop
-				Result := v
-				v := Result.bit_shift_right(1)
-			end
-		ensure
-			Result.is_a_power_of_2
-			Result <= actual_capacity
-			Result >= needed_capacity
-			Result = 4 or Result.bit_shift_right(1) < needed_capacity
-		end
-feature {}
-	unsigned_less_than (a, b: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Unsigned "<".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_unsigned_less_than"
-			}"
-		end
-	unsigned_greater_than (a, b: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Unsigned ">".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_unsigned_greater_than"
-			}"
-		end
-	unsigned_greater_or_equal (a, b: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Unsigned ">=".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_unsigned_greater_or_equal"
-			}"
-		end
-	unsigned_32_to_integer_64 (integer_32: INTEGER): INTEGER_64 is
-			-- Return the unsigned value of the `integer_32'.
-			--
-			--|*** Ajouter ou pas cette fonction dans INTEGER_32 ? plug_in ou built_in ?(Dom. 27/02/2004) ***
-			--
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_unsigned_32_to_integer_64"
-			}"
-		end
-	storage_at (s: like storage; n: INTEGER): POINTER is
-			-- Give the address of the corresponding word of `s'.
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_storage_at"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_inc (integer_32_adr: POINTER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Increment the value at `integer_32_adr'. The `Result' is True only in case of overflow.
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_inc"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_add (a, b: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- t.item(n) := a + b
-			-- Overflow if "Result = True".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_add"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_add_with_inc (a, b: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- t.item(n) := a + b + 1
-			-- Overflow if "Result = True".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_add_with_inc"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_dec (integer_32_adr: POINTER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- Put a - 1 in the item n in the NATIVE_ARRAY t.
-			-- t.item(n) := a - 1
-			-- Underflow if "Result = True".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_dec"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_subtract (a, b: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- t.item(n) := a - b
-			-- Underflow if "Result = True".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_subtract"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_subtract_with_dec (a, b: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): BOOLEAN is
-			-- t.item(n) := a - b - 1
-			-- Underflow if "Result = True".
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_subtract_with_dec"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_multiply (a, b: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): INTEGER_32 is
-			-- put a * b in t at n and return the overflow.
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_multiply"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_multiply_with_add (a, b, c: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): INTEGER_32 is
-			-- put a * b + c in t at n and return the overflow.
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_multiply_with_add"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_multiply_with_2_add (a, b, c, d: INTEGER; integer_32_adr: POINTER): INTEGER_32 is
-			-- put a * b + c + d in t at n and return the overflow.
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_multiply_with_2_add"
-			}"
-		end
-	mbi_divide (u1, u0, d: INTEGER; r_int32adr: POINTER): INTEGER_32 is
-			-- Divide `u1u0' by `d', put the remainder in `r' and return the quotient.
-		external "plug_in"
-		alias "{
-			location: "${sys}/runtime"
-			module_name: "mutable_big_integer"
-			feature_name: "mbi_divide"
-			}"
-		end
-	string_buffer: STRING is
-		once
-			create Result.make(128)
-		end
-	unicode_string_buffer: UNICODE_STRING is
-		once
-			create Result.make(128)
-		end
-	capacity > 0
-	storage.is_not_null
-	integer_length.in_range(0, capacity)
-	integer_length /= 0 implies offset.in_range(0, capacity - integer_length) and item(offset + integer_length - 1) /= 0
-	integer_length = 0 implies not negative
-	capacity.is_a_power_of_2
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Copyright notice below. Please read.
--- This file is part of the SmartEiffel standard library.
--- Copyright(C) 1994-2002: INRIA - LORIA (INRIA Lorraine) - ESIAL U.H.P.       - University of Nancy 1 - FRANCE
--- Copyright(C) 2003-2006: INRIA - LORIA (INRIA Lorraine) - I.U.T. Charlemagne - University of Nancy 2 - FRANCE
--- Authors: Dominique COLNET, Philippe RIBET, Cyril ADRIAN, Vincent CROIZIER, Frederic MERIZEN
--- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
--- documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
--- limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
--- the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
--- conditions:
--- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial
--- portions of the Software.
--- http://SmartEiffel.loria.fr - SmartEiffel at loria.fr
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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