[SCM] Lisaac compiler branch, master, updated. c786bc37790c7188a92f5ba0e81002815f711c30

Jeremy Cowgar jeremy at cowgar.com
Thu Jul 30 00:22:05 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit c786bc37790c7188a92f5ba0e81002815f711c30
Author: Jeremy Cowgar <jeremy at cowgar.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 29 20:21:36 2009 -0400

    * Added an editing mode for HippoEDIT: http://hippoedit.com

diff --git a/editor/hippoedit/README.txt b/editor/hippoedit/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65e93a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/hippoedit/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From the website:
+  HippoEDIT is a powerful, fast and easy to use Windows text editor, primarily
+  targeted at power users and programmers. It has modern and lightweight user 
+  interface, which supports different interface schemes, Multi Tab environment, 
+  seamless web and help browser, File Explorer and Project Explorer, external 
+  tools integration and more smart text editor functions.
+It has a cool feature in that it very easily nests modes. So, in Lisaac,
+when you use the back tick `, the code inside of the back ticks are 
+fully syntax highlighted as C code.
+It also has slot navigation for Lisaac source files.
+1. Copy lisaac_spec.xml to C:\Program Files\HippoEDIT\data\syntax
+2. Restart HippoEDIT. 
+.li and .lip files should now be syntax highlighted as Lisaac.
diff --git a/editor/hippoedit/lisaac_spec.xml b/editor/hippoedit/lisaac_spec.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b2bb55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/hippoedit/lisaac_spec.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="syntax.xslt"?>
+  <FILEINFO author="Jeremy Cowgar" type="LangSpec"/>
+  <SYNTAX id="eu" name="Lisaac" inherit="def_source" inherit_url="defsource_spec.xml">
+      <FilePattern mask="*.li"/>
+      <CaseSensitive>true</CaseSensitive>
+      <OpenClose>()[]{}''""</OpenClose>
+      <EscapeChar>\</EscapeChar>
+      <Operators>?*-+/&amp;*=&lt;&gt;!{}()[].</Operators>
+      <Words>0-9A-Za-z_</Words>
+      <Encoding default="866"/>
+      <HierarchySeparator>
+        <Separator text=":"/>
+      </HierarchySeparator>
+      <Bars navigation="true"/>
+    <FORMAT>
+      <DefaultIndent>4</DefaultIndent>
+    </FORMAT>
+    <SCOPES>
+    </SCOPES>
+    <LABELS>
+      <Label group="Function" match="\s?(\-|\+)\s+(\w+)" name="\2" descr="\1 \2" scope="1" image="9"/>
+    </LABELS>
+    <STYLES>
+      <Style id="url" extend="true">
+        <Containers>
+          <Open id="normal" exclude="true"/>
+          <Open id="string"/>
+          <Open id="comment"/>
+          <Open id="char"/>
+        </Containers>
+      </Style>
+      <Style id="comment" name="Comments" text="1" bold="0" italic="1" underline="0" clr="#FF0000" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF">
+        <Blocks>
+          <Block open="//" close="\n"/>
+        </Blocks>
+      </Style>
+      <Style id="string" name="Strings" text="1" bold="0" italic="0" underline="0" clr="#009900" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF">
+        <Blocks>
+          <Block open="&quot;" close="&quot;"/>
+        </Blocks>
+      </Style>
+      <Style id="char" name="Char" text="1" bold="0" italic="0" underline="0" clr="#009900" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF">
+        <Blocks>
+          <Block open="'" close="'"/>
+        </Blocks>
+      </Style>
+      <Style id="keywords" name="Keywords" image="13" bold="1" italic="0" underline="0" clr="#0000AA" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF">
+        <Keywords>
+        </Keywords>
+      </Style>
+      <Style name="TODOs" text="1" bold="1" italic="1" underline="0" clr="TODOs" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF">
+        <Containers>
+          <Open id="comment"/>
+        </Containers>
+        <Blocks>
+          <Block open="TODO" close="\n"/>
+          <Block open="todo" close="\n"/>
+        </Blocks>
+      </Style>
+    </STYLES>
+  </SYNTAX>

Lisaac compiler

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