[SCM] Lisaac compiler branch, master, updated. 85b14c143d111a6010abc6ae75df4edbbd0f652e

Jeremy Cowgar jeremy at cowgar.com
Thu Mar 26 16:30:03 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit d1a0d52f0c97a12df3ff144d72ae9af79133bd61
Author: Jeremy Cowgar <jeremy at cowgar.com>
Date:   Thu Mar 26 04:35:19 2009 -0400

    * Added another test suite as an example (BOOLEAN)

diff --git a/tests/boolean_test.li b/tests/boolean_test.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03fadfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/boolean_test.li
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+//                             Lisaac Library                                //
+//                                                                           //
+//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
+//                                                                           //
+//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
+//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
+//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
+//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
+//                                                                           //
+//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
+//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
+//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
+//                                                                           //
+//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
+//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
+//                                                                           //
+//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
+Section Header
+  + name := BOOLEAN_TEST;
+  - copyright := "2009 Jeremy Cowgar";
+  - comment := "Test suite for BOOLEAN.";
+Section Public
+  - did_pass (name:ABSTRACT_STRING, v:BOOLEAN) <-
+  (
+    v.if {
+      UNIT_TEST.test_passed name;
+    } else {
+      UNIT_TEST.test_failed name;
+    };
+  );
+  - run <-
+  ( + pass:BOOLEAN;
+    UNIT_TEST.suite "BOOLEAN";
+    UNIT_TEST.section "Conditional";
+    pass := FALSE;
+    TRUE.if_true { pass := TRUE; };
+    did_pass ("TRUE.if_true", pass);
+    pass := TRUE;
+    FALSE.if_true { pass := FALSE; };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if_true", pass);
+    pass := FALSE;
+    FALSE.if_false { pass := TRUE; };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if_false", pass);
+    pass := TRUE;
+    TRUE.if_false { pass := FALSE; };
+    did_pass ("TRUE.if_false", pass);
+    TRUE.if { pass := TRUE; } else { pass := FALSE; };
+    did_pass ("TRUE.if", pass);
+    FALSE.if { pass := FALSE; } else { pass := TRUE; };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if", pass);
+    TRUE.if_true { pass := TRUE; } else { pass := FALSE; };
+    did_pass ("TRUE.if_true else", pass);
+    FALSE.if_true { pass := FALSE; } else { pass := TRUE; };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if_true else", pass);
+    TRUE.if_false { pass := FALSE; } else { pass := TRUE; };
+    did_pass ("TRUE.if_false else", pass);
+    FALSE.if_false { pass := TRUE; } else { pass := FALSE; };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if_false else", pass);
+    pass := FALSE;
+    TRUE.if { pass := TRUE; };
+    did_pass ("TRUE.if", pass);
+    pass := TRUE;
+    FALSE.if { pass := FALSE; };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if", pass);
+    TRUE.if { 
+      pass := TRUE;
+    }.elseif { FALSE } then {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    };
+    did_pass ("TRUE.if elseif", pass);
+    FALSE.if {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    }.elseif { TRUE } then {
+      pass := TRUE;
+    };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if elseif", pass);
+    FALSE.if {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    }.elseif { FALSE } then {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    }.elseif { TRUE } then {
+      pass := TRUE;
+    };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if elseif elseif", pass);
+    FALSE.if {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    }.elseif { TRUE } then {
+      pass := TRUE;
+    } else {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if elseif else #1", pass);
+    FALSE.if {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    }.elseif { FALSE } then {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    } else {
+      pass := TRUE;
+    };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if elseif else #2", pass);
+    /*
+    // else_if alias repeat of the above
+    // TODO: I get a runtime error "Slot deferred" on all of these.
+    FALSE.if {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    }.else_if { TRUE } then {
+      pass := TRUE;
+    };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if else_if", pass);
+    FALSE.if {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    }.else_if { FALSE } then {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    }.else_if { TRUE } then {
+      pass := TRUE;
+    };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if else_if else_if", pass);
+    FALSE.if {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    }.else_if { TRUE } then {
+      pass := TRUE;
+    } else {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if else_if else #1", pass);
+    FALSE.if {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    }.else_if { FALSE } then {
+      pass := FALSE;
+    } else {
+      pass := TRUE;
+    };
+    did_pass ("FALSE.if else_if else #2", pass);
+    */
+    UNIT_TEST.section "Binary operator";
+    UNIT_TEST.test "|| #1" boolean ({TRUE} || {FALSE}) equals TRUE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "|| #2" boolean ({FALSE} || {TRUE}) equals TRUE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "|| #3" boolean ({TRUE} || {TRUE}) equals TRUE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "|| #4" boolean ({FALSE} || {FALSE}) equals FALSE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "&& #1" boolean ({TRUE} && {TRUE}) equals TRUE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "&& #2" boolean ({TRUE} && {FALSE}) equals FALSE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "&& #3" boolean ({FALSE} && {TRUE}) equals FALSE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "&& #4" boolean ({FALSE} && {FALSE}) equals FALSE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "| #1" boolean (TRUE | FALSE) equals TRUE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "| #2" boolean (FALSE | TRUE) equals TRUE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "| #3" boolean (TRUE | TRUE) equals TRUE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "| #4" boolean (FALSE | FALSE) equals FALSE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "& #1" boolean (TRUE & TRUE) equals TRUE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "& #2" boolean (TRUE & FALSE) equals FALSE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "& #3" boolean (FALSE & TRUE) equals FALSE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "& #4" boolean (FALSE & FALSE) equals FALSE;
+    // TODO: What does ^, ->, ->> => do on BOOLEAN values?
+    UNIT_TEST.test "! #1" boolean (! TRUE) equals FALSE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "! #2" boolean (! FALSE) equals TRUE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "! #3" boolean (! (FALSE | FALSE)) equals TRUE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "! #4" boolean (! (TRUE | FALSE)) equals FALSE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "! #5" boolean (! (TRUE & TRUE)) equals FALSE;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "! #6" boolean (! (FALSE & TRUE)) equals TRUE;
+    UNIT_TEST.section "Conversion";
+    UNIT_TEST.test "to_string #1" string (TRUE.to_string) equals "1";
+    UNIT_TEST.test "to_string #2" string (FALSE.to_string) equals "0";
+    UNIT_TEST.test "to_integer #1" integer (TRUE.to_integer) equals 1;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "to_integer #2" integer (FALSE.to_integer) equals 0;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "to_character #1" character (TRUE.to_character) equals '1';
+    UNIT_TEST.test "to_character #2" character (FALSE.to_character) equals '0';
+    tmp := "TMP";
+    TRUE.append_in tmp;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "TRUE.append_in" string tmp equals "TMP1";
+    FALSE.append_in tmp;
+    UNIT_TEST.test "FALSE.append_in" string tmp equals "TMP10";
+  );
diff --git a/tests/lib_tests.li b/tests/lib_tests.li
index c481f3d..4180e2c 100644
--- a/tests/lib_tests.li
+++ b/tests/lib_tests.li
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Section Public
+    BOOLEAN_TEST.run;

Lisaac compiler

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