[SCM] Lisaac compiler annotated tag, lisaac-0.39b, created. lisaac-0.39b

Mildred Ki'Lya silkensedai at online.fr
Fri Nov 13 06:27:59 UTC 2009

The annotated tag, lisaac-0.39b has been created
        at  f43479e8ffea3f9f1c89bc4c941e51fcd17827c0 (tag)
   tagging  a23685f842d6d34a8da2e78e6ca04be22780ad33 (commit)
  replaces  lisaac-0.12
 tagged by  Mildred Ki'Lya
        on  Fri Nov 13 07:27:18 2009 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Lisaac compiler version 0.39 beta
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Benoit Sonntag (94):
      little bug
      rm integer_big
      Cowgar bug begin
      Bug Cowgar ok
      Shorter pretty name
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://sonntag-guest@git.debian.org/git/lisaac/compiler
      Shorter profil slot ok
      Shorter inherit slot ok
      Shorter limit inherit ok
      Shorter nearly end
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://sonntag-guest@git.debian.org/git/lisaac/compiler
      Shorter PA readycd ..cd ..
      compiler with shorter ok
      Shorter end
      Shorter old representation OK
      Shorter test OK
      Shorter debug OK
      before bootstrap
      bootstrap begin
      light bug for block context
      bootstrap step #1 ok
      bootstrap in Twilight Zone
      bug mildred
      stack overflow pb
      stack overflow debug mode progress...
      WARNING:Unstable, massive modification
      UNSTABLE ;-)
      UNSTABLE 2 ;-)
      UNSTABLE 3 ;-)
      UNSTABLE 4: Sleep ;-)
      alias local bug 1 ok
      4 bugs OFF cp lisaac lisaac_goodcp lisaac lisaac_good
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://sonntag-guest@git.debian.org/git/lisaac/compiler
      bootstrap ready
      bootstrap remove old version
      bootstrap mv new version
      bootstrap ok
      bootstrap with boost option ok
      new generation code
      optim nico switch ok
      optim nico switch ok
      Little bug with BLOCK and debug mode
      comment new line shorter ok
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://sonntag-guest@git.debian.org/git/lisaac/compiler
      bug shorter end
      bug PA error ok
      bug PA constant 64bits ok
      Bug PA cmp with vector OK
      Bootstrap with PA bug off OK
      test OK
      is_prime OK
      a new bug...
      bug PA call on NULL OK
      bug mildred desk -> home
      remove comments
      add small comment
      filesystem bug ok
      bmp ok
      qqs modifs
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://sonntag-guest@git.debian.org/git/lisaac/compiler
      timer ok
      recur ok
      version ok
      makefile ok
      makelip ok
      glass ok
      mildred ok
      bug matthieu ok
      bug valid
      tail recursivity detect one pourcent more
      shorter 64bits ok
      unstable with boost option
      bug boost option ok
      shorter auto-compile begin
      auto-install windows, unix ok without shorter.c
      little bug with shorter
      reflexivity begin UNSTABLE
      mail report off
      little example graphics
      Standard c89 ok
      bug mildred 312024 begin
      bug mildred 312024 (2)
      bug parent Mildred (3) UNSTABLE
      bug Mildred parent (4)
      Lisaac v0.39 Released
      Add make.lip.sample
      Real Version 0.39 Released
      Release update
      Add relative directory feature and bug 64 bits off
      Windows file system updated
      Final v0.39 beta release

Damien Bouvarel (16):
      Add eclipse mode
      Add link to plugin sources
      replace update-site with plugin sources
      add eclisaac sources
      add completion on variable names
      fix variable completion bug
      fix bugs in eclise mode
      restructuration of eclipse mode for command-line build
      update readme and files needed for command-line build
      Merge commit 'origin/eclipse-command-line'
      update eclipse mode
      bugfixes + resolve completion with genericity  (ex: E -> INTEGER,  tab.item i. completion ok)
      syntax colors for completion and outline
      completion & navigation ok everywhere in lisaac code (normally)
      move plugin sources to eclisaac git (clean the master git and avoid duplication)
      add eclipse plugin for beta

Frédéric-Emmanuel PICCA (3):
      * remove all debian and gentoo files before creating there own branches
      * add new targets to the Makefile
      * remove the unneeded script directory

Jeremy Cowgar (21):
      * Fixed double slot definition memory
      Removed double memory slot definition
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://jeremy-guest@git.debian.org/git/lisaac/compiler
      * Added a generic unit testing framework to Lisaac
      * Added verbose flag to unit testing.
      * Added to_string and to_string_in to CHARACTER.
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://jeremy-guest@git.debian.org/git/lisaac/compiler
      * Added is_binary to ABSTRACT_STRING.
      * Added another test suite as an example (BOOLEAN)
      * Added more tests to BOOLEAN_TEST.
      * Added ifdef check for MING32 to unix\system\system_io.li as sys/stdcall.h
      * Fixed two ABSTRACT_STRING bugs:
      * Added a few more ignored files to .gitignore
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://jeremy-guest@git.debian.org/git/lisaac/compiler
      * Added an editing mode for HippoEDIT: http://hippoedit.com
      * Committed the correct lisaac_spec.xml file for HippoEDIT.
      * More tab cleanup
      * Added bench to TOOLS that will benchmark a block and return
      * Added an example program using the new TOOLS.bench slot. The program
      Made add_lib function on windows as well. Some escaping was not necessary,
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://jeremy-guest@git.debian.org/git/lisaac/compiler

Mildred Ki'Lya (17):
      Added support for LISAAC_DIRECTORY environment variable that override the directory defined in path.h. If this environment variable is not set, the builtin directory in path.h is used instead
      removed src/path.h, this is a personal setting and changes for everyone. If it is shared, everyone will be erasing everyone path.h
      ignore common files like src/path.h (personal preference), .project (eclipse project file) and backup files *~
      don't ignore *.c files, they might be meaningful in some cases
      Update .KPrefs, configuration file for script/k to use kwrite instead of kate since kate has a bug with sessions (the --use and --start command line options)
      Merge commit 'origin/master'
      Merge commit 'origin/master'
      removed src/path.h, this is a personal setting and changes for everyone. If it is shared, everyone will be erasing everyone path.h
      Update Kate syntax file
      update .gitignore
      Optimize + and += operators on STRINGs.
      jeremy bug print_char and mildred == ok
      Update lisaac.c
      pb git J EN AI MARRE
      Update lisaac.c
      Add .gitattributes
      Making Lisaac-0.39 beta release

Picca Frederic-Emmanuel (1):
      * no need to links against X11 to compile lisaac

Xavier Oswald (11):
      * swith interactive_userland to user (simplicity)
      * update vim question (simplicity)
      * Update lisaac syntax coloration file
      forgot to update changelog ;)
      * enjoy it. :)
      * Add JPTemplate support for vim
      * Update install_lisaac.c with JPTemplate support
      * Update shootout benchmark for Loïc Master studies project.
      compiler git cleanup
      * Update the whole compiler!
      Update vim coloration and indentation

dams07 (2):
      ARB_vertex_buffer_object & ARB_multitexture OpenGL extensions
      update viewing + selection buffer & picking demo

herrmann (1):
      Correction of arrayed_collection on reverse slot.

kernel_panic (7):
      Added the initial gentoo ebuild for lisaac
      little change to the ebuild to make it compliant with the ebuild policy
      New gentoo ebuild which supports the syntax plugins and the examples installation
      disabling the emacs support because the plugin is broken
      fixed typo in the ebuild... rahh
      version bump, readded the emacs support
      version bump, readded the emacs support (I forgot to upload a file)

knaller (4):
      memory and system changes

matthieu (3):
      64 bits ok !! :D
      clean 2

maxime (35):
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@296 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@297 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@298 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      erreur héritage?
      set_representation appelle make_representation
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@307 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      rock'n roll
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@424 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@425 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@432 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@433 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@434 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@435 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@436 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@437 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@438 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@439 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@444 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@450 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@453 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@454 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@455 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@457 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@458 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@459 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@465 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@466 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@467 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      pictures OK
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@469 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@470 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@474 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@475 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba
      git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/isaac/trunk/lisaac@476 d3d905de-8616-4abd-9b9c-2623b5d625ba

mildred (4):
      Improved the Makefile ... more common DESTDIR meaning, changed clean to really clean built files and not uninstall them, and added uninstall action (that does what clean did, that is uninstall after install)
      Solved bug #10101 in trunk ... if someone's not happy, revert patch and tell me :)
      changed property svn:mime-type on C source files generated by Lisaac to application/x-c-source so subversion treat them as binary and don't try to diff them. Resulting in (I think) faster operations.
      added useful scripts. Just put k in your /home/mildred/.local/bin:/home/mildred/.local/bin/default:/home/mildred/.local/usr/bin:/home/mildred/.local/usr/sbin:/home/mildred/GNUstep/Tools:/opt/GNUstep/Local/Tools:/opt/GNUstep/System/Tools:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/share/eclipse:/opt/java/bin:/opt/java/jre/bin:/opt/kde/bin:/usr/share/netbeans/bin/:/usr/bin/perlbin/site:/usr/bin/perlbin/vendor:/usr/bin/perlbin/core:/opt/qt/bin:/opt/texlive/bin:/home/mildred/.local/opt/ioq3-src-oa/code/tools:/home/mildred/.local/bin/old:/sbin:/usr/sbin and in the main Lisaac directory run 'k --help'. You can also look at .Kprefs. if you don't like kate but prefer emavs or vi, you can modify .Kprefs to suit your needs. Perhaps, the username could even be checked (using whoami) to choose your prefered editor. EE doesn't work because it involves advanced features (for kate, it's about kate sessions)

ontologiae (22):
      Typo in README
      réparation version 237
      Ajout du travail de Matthieu Herman, Java2Lisaac
      Bug between abstract_string.fast_index and native_array.fast_index
      add to_string in real and integer
      join function in collection
      javadoc update
      collection doc update
      array.li doc update
      number doc update
      number doc update
      number doc update
      english grammar typo in install_lisaac
      Réparation d'une connerie...
      is_prime function
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/lisaac/compiler
      to until do function
      is_prime ok
      is_prime ok and washed
      new syntax
      more high level
      more high level

oskar (72):
      * Add the Debian scitpts to generate the debian Lisaac package.
      * Begin the work on the new Lisaac debian package
      some updates and improvements but still a small diffrence between the C and Lisaac result
      Some updates, but still wrong result
      some improvements
      Shootout done with the correct printing answer.. We are as fast as C !
      Shootout done with correct printing result. We are faster than C
      Add input file. Shootout done
      Put the shootout status in the README
      * Improve a little bit fasta shootout.
      * Add reverse_complement shootout (half done)
      * update reverse_complement
      * update a little bit lisaac syntax support
      * accelerate the search of libX11.a during the installation
      * Add manual pages for lisaac and shorter
      * add path.h for a not userland installation
      * update shortermanpage
      remove path.h no needs anymore ;)
      * Update Makefile
      * update README with new install informations
      update Makefile
      * update debian package
      * TODO
      * Update vim indentation file
      * update Makefile and README to be sure it works under windows !
      * update startup.li for shootout integration
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update Readme with info about shootout upload status
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update README with shootout upload status
      *update lisaac indent file.
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update for entering in the shootout
      * update
      * update
      * Beginning of pdigits shootout benchmark :)
      fix a small typo
      * update path.h
      * fix path.h isssue
      * improve compression of manpages
      * Delete path.h !
      * switch to 0.13.1
      * update
      Heya the famous '99 bottles of beer!' song
      * Add GPLv3 license
      new single file for a shootout upload
      ready for a shootout upload
      ready for a shootout upload
      *update all uinteger and to_uinteger functions to uinteger_32
      regexdna ready and uploaded
      thread-ring ready and uploaded
      pidigts ready and uploaded
      Move old reverse complement benchmark
      * Add some other reverse complement versions.
      * update reverse complement.
      * begin chameneos_redux shootout benchmark
      * continue chameneos_redux

sonntag (223):
      Update install_lisaac.li with confirmation question for extern config files.
      * Change syntax for Export/Import
      Begin parameter type implementation (no finish)
      Parameter 1
      parameter type 2
      Type parameter 3 (UNSTABLE !!!!)
      type parameter (UNSTABLE)
      type parameter (UNSTABLE)
      Mandelbrot Ok (faster than C :-)
      begin nbody, but dodo !
      Code n-body ok
      nbody ok (un poils de bite plus lent que C)
      Update README
      nsieve Ok (same C)
      Update README
      Add a little example
      Knucleotide ok
      k_nucleo clean
      fasta ok ! :-))))
      reverse ok
      partial_sums Amélioration...
      nsieve amélioration
      nbody bug ok
      nsieve-bits more fast !
      Recursive OK more fast
      update, but pb with reverse_comp...
      verif 1
      Modif 2
      Startup ok
      Begin meteor_contest shootout
      meteor_contest progress...
      Progress ...
      meteor_contest progress...
      NEW START Lisaac !!! (After 4 months)
      Again !
      Prelude OK
      Add block typing...
      Bordel complet !!!
      j'ai faim!
      Pb with parser
      New parser with postfix operator ok
      Postfix, prefix ...
      Postfix, prefix, infix operator ok
      Update number (bug PA)
      Lib ok 0.13
      Println good !
      path ok
      Welcome GUII
      Grammar OK
      pointer ok
      Inode ok
      GUII test !
      Error OK
      Knuclo OK !!!!!!
      Binary tree ok 75% better
      Mode OK !
      emacs ok
      Sanglier OK
      Binary tree OK
      Mandelbrot OK (warning with option GCC !!!)
      README update
      Reverse complement OK !
      Meteor contest progress ...
      README update
      A good update for Emacs mode !!!
      Update lisaac mode
      New mode Emacs OK
      Shootout Progress
      lib ok
      bug windows ok
      Quelques modifs :-)
      Update gui!
      up shell
      Add desktop
      Add shoot
      logo ok
      UINTEGER_BIG begin...
      Mpg2 example
      Desktop ok
      Regex-dna ok
      REGEXDNA ok
      Correction number light ok
      Prediction size GUI without allocation OK
      thread-ring shootout OK
      correction ok
      parser ok
      Compiler progress
      Parser+lib OK
      Mandelbrot OK
      Rien de 9
      Good :-)
      Debut paper Majesctic 2008
      + graph
      Paper related work
      string.li remove_occ
      guii ok
      My update !
      new file system ok
      New file system UNIX ok
      Update format lib (non stable)
      simplify ITM_RESULT, ITM_LIST
      maj src
      Evaluation expr valid
      Clean src
      bug last result ok
      Bug type parametric ok
      Add/sub/genericity ok
      Assignment block ok
      LIST -> INSTR
      metamorphose LIST begin...
      Add reference[e]
      Add slim_array[e]
      CALL_SLOT -> INSTR ok
      PROFIL* with SLIM_ARRAY ok
      Compil OK
      Simple BLOCK ok (pb imbrication de block)
      bmp_header for Damien
      bug Self:BLOCK progress...
      Job -> my home
      my_home -> Job
      Add UML
      delete *.c
      WHILE !!! OK !!!!
      BLOCK !!!! OK !!!!
      HELLO WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      HELLO WORLD Prefect!
      Clean LIB2
      LIB2 clean
      LIB2 progress...
      Add CALL_NULL.li
      ok !
      OK lib2
      OK MAN
      actual lib2
      lib2 ok
      + append_in in item
      Crash Expanded INTEGER
      PB Expanded OK
      LIB2 ...
      Bottles OK
      Break all
      The power of shit
      Add RotoZoom : La nostagie d'un temps passé...
      Hmmmm ARghh
      lib ok
      Glass ok !
      Uniform demo
      Demomaker include IsaacOS !
      Adaptation MPEG2 for IsaacOS !
      is_prime PA a voir
      Stable version
      Fusion Struct Nico OK
      Little bug for string constant OK
      Clean avoir.txt OK
      Git ZOB
      Git naze test
      Git c'est de la MERDE
      lip x11
      new lip
      lip stable
      pb git
      pb git 2
      pb git 3
      bug mildred boolean ok
      3 bugs jerome ok
      Stable version
      64bits support begin (UNSTABLE)
      64bits support progress
      64bits progress
      Support 64bits OK
      Universal compiler 32bits,64bits,windobe
      Damien pb genericity not possible
      mildred string_buffer bug

unknown (3):
      windows support begin
      windows support ok
      windows install ok


Lisaac compiler

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