[SCM] applications.git branch, master, updated. 67fed2b0c4845f7e36dc8dfae2b8d5c2ce74d530

ontologiae ontologiae at ordinateur-de-ontologiae-3.local
Thu Apr 8 11:41:15 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 67fed2b0c4845f7e36dc8dfae2b8d5c2ce74d530
Author: ontologiae <ontologiae at ordinateur-de-ontologiae-3.local>
Date:   Thu Apr 8 13:40:56 2010 +0200

    Damien's prolog

diff --git a/prolog/any.li b/prolog/any.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1be7e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/any.li
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := ANY;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit  
+  - parent_env:ENVIRONMENT := CONSOLE; // default 
+Section Public   
+  - set_environment env:ENVIRONMENT <- (parent_env := env;);
+  //
+  // global constants
+  //
+  - max_binary_op_level:INTEGER := 3;
+  - max_op_level:INTEGER := 4;
+  //
+  // global prolog environment
+  //
+  - debug_mode:BOOLEAN;
+  - current_context:CONTEXT <- CONTEXT.top;
+  - main_query:QUERY;
+  - current_query:QUERY;
+  - str_tmp:STRING := STRING.create 50;
+  - add_predicate rule:RULE <-
+  (
+    + ref:RULE;
+    + predname:ABSTRACT_STRING;
+    rule.head.get_full_name str_tmp;
+    predname := ALIAS_PL.get str_tmp;
+    predicates.fast_has predname.if {     
+      ref := predicates.at predname;      
+      ref.add_rule rule;
+    } else {
+      predicates.add rule to predname;
+    };
+  );
+  - find rules:LINKED_LIST(RULE) matching pred:PRED :INTEGER <-
+  // return number of rules matching 'pred'
+  (
+    + rule:RULE;
+    rules.clear;
+    //  pred.get_full_name str_tmp;
+    predicates.has str_tmp.if {
+      // predicate(s) found
+      rule := predicates.at str_tmp;
+    } else {
+      error ("Predicate "+str_tmp+" not found!");
+    };
+    // select only rules unifiable with pred
+    {rule = NULL}.until_do {
+      pred.is_unifiable_with (rule.head).if {
+	rules.add_last rule;
+      };
+      rule := rule.next;
+    };
+    rules.count
+  );
+  - consult filename:ABSTRACT_STRING :PL_FILE <-
+  (
+    + file:PL_FILE;
+    + parser:PARSER;
+    print_m ("\nconsulting "+filename+"...");
+    file := PL_FILE.create filename;
+    ((file != NULL) && {file.is_loaded}).if {
+      parser := PARSER.create (file.buffer);      
+      {parser.read_rule_or_fact}.while_do {
+        print_m "\n-> ";
+        parser.last_predicate.print_value;	  
+        add_predicate (parser.last_predicate);
+      };
+      print_m "\ntrue.\n";
+    } else {
+      error "false: Can't find file";
+    };
+    file
+  );  
diff --git a/prolog/context/context.li b/prolog/context/context.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e557d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/context/context.li
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+Section Header
+  + name     := CONTEXT;
+  - author   := "Damien Bouvarel";
+  - comment  := "Ensemble de variable evaluées, chaque contexte empilé correspond a une etape de l'execution et contient les valeurs des variables courantes";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
+Section Private 
+  - create r:RULE :SELF <-
+  ( + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make r;
+    result
+  );
+  - make r:RULE <-
+  (
+    rule := r;
+  );
+  - set_upper ctxt:CONTEXT <- (upper := ctxt;);
+  - set_lower ctxt:CONTEXT <- (lower := ctxt;);
+Section Public
+  + rule:RULE; 
+  + is_locked:BOOLEAN; // locked <=> can't be poped from stack
+  + allow_backtrack:BOOLEAN;
+  + upper:CONTEXT;// next context in stack
+  + lower:CONTEXT;// previous context
+  - top:CONTEXT;
+  - bottom:CONTEXT;
+  - push_new r:RULE :CONTEXT <-
+  (
+    + result:CONTEXT;
+    result := create r;
+    (top = NULL).if {
+      bottom := top := result;
+    } else {
+      // link first
+      result.set_lower top;
+      top.set_upper result;
+      top := result;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - pop <-
+  (
+    ? {! top.is_locked};
+    top := top.lower;
+    top.set_upper NULL;
+  );
+  - set_backtrack on:BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    allow_backtrack := on;
+  );
+  - lock <-
+  (
+    is_locked := TRUE;
+  );
+  - unlock <-
+  (
+    is_locked := FALSE;
+  );
+  - remove_lock <-
+  (    
+    ? {is_locked};
+    upper.set_lower lower;
+    lower.set_upper upper;
+  );
+  - register_variable var:VAR <-
+  (
+    + val:VAR_VALUE;
+    ? {! is_locked};
+    (! vars.has (var.name)).if {
+      val := VAR_VALUE.create var;
+      vars.add val to (var.name);
+    };
+  );
+  - get term:TERM :TERM <-
+  (
+    + var:VAR;
+    + result:TERM;
+    ? {! is_locked};
+    var ?= term;
+    (var != NULL).if {
+      vars.has (var.name).if {
+	result := vars.at (var.name).value;
+      } else {
+	error ("Variable "+var.name+" not found in context");
+      };
+    } else {
+      result := term;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - get_value term:TERM :VAR_VALUE <-
+  ( + var:VAR;
+    + result:VAR_VALUE;
+    ? {! is_locked};
+    var ?= term;
+    (var != NULL).if {
+      vars.has (var.name).if {
+	result := vars.at (var.name);
+      };
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - push_copy:CONTEXT <-
+  // heavy & slow copy / push copy on top of stack
+  (
+    + result:CONTEXT;
+    result := create rule;
+    vars.lower.to (vars.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+      result.put (vars.item i.copy) to (vars.key i);
+    };
+    // push new context
+    top := result;
+    result.set_lower Self;
+    upper := result;
+    result
+  );
+  - print_solution <-
+  // print_m current solution 
+  (  + solution:TERM;
+    vars.lower.to (vars.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+      ((vars.item i.bind != NULL) && {upper != NULL}).if {	  
+	solution := vars.item i.bind.get_solution upper;
+      } else {
+	solution := vars.item i;
+      };
+      print_m "\n - ";
+      vars.key i.print;
+      print_m " = ";
+      solution.print_value;
+    };    
+  );
+  - display <-
+  (
+    print_m "\n=== CONTEXT "; 
+    (rule != NULL).if {
+      rule.head.print_value;
+    };
+    is_locked.if {
+      print_m " <locked>";
+    };
+    allow_backtrack.if {
+      print_m " <backtrack>";
+    };
+    print_m " ===\n";
+    vars.lower.to (vars.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+      print_m "\n- ";
+      vars.key i.print;
+      print_m " = ";
+      vars.item i.print_value;
+    };
+    print_m "\n===============\n";
+  );
+  - display_all <- 
+  (
+    + context:CONTEXT;
+    "\n**** TOP *****".print;
+    context := top;
+    {context = NULL}.until_do {
+      context.display;
+      context := context.lower;
+    };
+    "\n**** BOTTOM *****".print;
+  );
+Section CONTEXT
+  - put val:VAR_VALUE to key:ABSTRACT_STRING <- 
+  (
+    vars.add val to key;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/context/var_value.li b/prolog/context/var_value.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a52ea7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/context/var_value.li
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Section Header
+  + name     := VAR_VALUE;
+  - export := TERM;
+  - author   := "Damien Bouvarel";
+  - comment  := "Variable value";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
+Section Public
+  + value:TERM;  
+  + bind:TERM;
+  - create val:TERM :SELF <-
+  ( + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make val;
+    result
+  );
+  - make val:TERM <-
+  (
+    value := val;
+  );
+  - bind_to term:TERM <-
+  (
+    bind := term;
+   // "\n==> BIND ".print; print_value; " TO ".print; val.index.print;
+  );
+  - copy:VAR_VALUE <-
+  (
+    + result:VAR_VALUE;
+    + val:TERM;
+    val := value.copy;
+    result := create val;
+    bind := val; // self is bound to its copy
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    (value != NULL).if {
+      value.print_value;
+    } else {
+      "\nNo value".print;
+    };
+  );
+  - to_term:TERM <-
+  (
+    value
+  );
diff --git a/prolog/gui/console.li b/prolog/gui/console.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3adc2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/gui/console.li
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Section Header 
+  + name      := CONSOLE;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+Section Private 
+Section Public 
+  - mainloop <-
+  ( 
+  /*  + exit:BOOLEAN;
+    + query:STRING;
+    + parser:PARSER;
+    query := STRING.create 256;
+    "\n*** D at mZ' PrOloG CoMpiLeR ***\nConsole Mode\n\n".print;
+    {
+      query.clear;
+      "\n >> ".print;
+      IO.read_line_in query;
+      query.is_empty.if_false {
+	exit := (query == "quit") || {query == "bye"};
+	(!exit).if {
+	  //parser := PARSER.create query;
+	  solver.run query.if {
+	    "\ntrue.".print;
+	  } else {
+	    "\nfalse.".print;
+	  };
+	};
+      } else {
+	exit := TRUE;
+      };
+    }.do_until {exit};
+    */
+  );
+  - write msg:ABSTRACT_STRING <-
+  (
+    msg.print; // default output
+    "\n".print;
+  );
+  - print_m  msg:ABSTRACT_STRING <-
+  (
+    msg.print; 
+  );
+  - emit n:INTEGER <-
+  (
+    n.to_string.print; 
+  );
+  - error msg:ABSTRACT_STRING <- 
+  (
+    "\n---------------\n".print;
+    "Error: ".print; msg.print; 
+    "\n---------------\n".print;
+  );
diff --git a/prolog/gui/environment.li b/prolog/gui/environment.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9120f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/gui/environment.li
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := ENVIRONMENT;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit  
+  - parent_obj:OBJECT := OBJECT;
+Section Public  
+  // virtual calls
+  - mainloop <- deferred;
+  - new_line <- print_m "\n";
+  - write  msg:ABSTRACT_STRING <- deferred;
+  - print_m   msg:ABSTRACT_STRING <- deferred;
+  - emit   n:INTEGER <- deferred;
+  - error msg:ABSTRACT_STRING <- deferred;
+  - error msg:ABSTRACT_STRING type errtype:INTEGER <- deferred;
diff --git a/examples/standard/make.lip b/prolog/make.lip
similarity index 82%
copy from examples/standard/make.lip
copy to prolog/make.lip
index 7e2b4ad..dc13652 100644
--- a/examples/standard/make.lip
+++ b/prolog/make.lip
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-//                            Lisaac Installer                               //
+//                            Lisaac Compiler                                //
 //                                                                           //
 //                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
 //                                                                           //
@@ -18,28 +18,44 @@
 //                                                                           //
 //                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-// Lisaac Path Directory System (by Benoit Sonntag).
 Section Inherit
-  + parent:STRING; // by default, inherite from main `make.lip'
+  + parent:STRING;
 Section Private
-  - example_path <-
-  // Example path.
-  ( 
-    path "*"; 
-  );
+  - src_path <-
+  (
+		path "./";
+		path "context/";
+		path "gui/";
+		path "tools/";
+		path "tree/";
+		path "tree/base";
+		path "tree/builtins";
+		path "tree/expr";
+  );
   // Execute function.
   - front_end <-
+		src_path;
-    example_path;    
+  - back_end <-
+  (
+		src_path;
+    general_back_end;
+  );
+Section Public
diff --git a/prolog/parser.li b/prolog/parser.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6021cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/parser.li
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+Section Header 
+  + name      := PARSER;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
+Section Private  
+  + position:INTEGER;
+  - string_tmp:STRING := STRING.create 250;
+Section Public 
+  //
+  // Constructor
+  //
+  - create s:FAST_ARRAY(CHARACTER) :SELF <-
+  ( + result:SELF;
+    result := PARSER.clone;
+    result.make s;
+    result
+  );    
+  - make s:FAST_ARRAY(CHARACTER) <-
+  (  
+    source := s;
+    position := s.lower;
+  );
+  //
+  // General Parser
+  //
+  - last_integer:INTEGER <- last_string.to_integer;
+  - last_string:STRING; 
+  - last_character:CHARACTER <-
+  ( + result:CHARACTER;
+    (position > source.upper).if {
+      result := 0.to_character;
+    } else {
+      result := source.item position;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - end_source:BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    last_character = 0.to_character
+  );
+  - get_position:INTEGER <- position;
+  - set_position ofs:INTEGER <- (position := ofs;);
+Section Private  
+  - is_new_line:BOOLEAN;
+  - is_space:BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    { last_character = ' '  } || { last_character = '\n' } ||
+    { last_character = '\t' } || { last_character = '\f' } ||
+    { last_character = '\a' } || { last_character = '\r' } ||
+    { last_character = '\b' } || { last_character = '\v' }
+  );
+  - read_space:BOOLEAN <-
+  ( + old_pos:INTEGER;
+    old_pos := position;
+    { end_source || { ! is_space }}.until_do {
+      ( last_character = '\n' ).if {
+	is_new_line := TRUE;
+      };
+      position := position + 1;
+    };
+    (position < source.upper).if {
+      (last_character = '%').if {
+	{
+	  position := position + 1;
+	}.do_until { end_source || { last_character = '\n' }};	
+      };
+    };
+    ((position != old_pos) | (! end_source ))
+  );
+  - read_identifier:BOOLEAN <-
+  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
+    string_tmp.clear;
+    read_space;
+    { (!end_source) && {last_character.is_letter || {last_character.is_digit} || {last_character = '_'}}}.while_do {
+      string_tmp.add_last last_character;
+      position := position + 1;
+    };    
+    (! string_tmp.is_empty).if {
+      last_string := string_tmp;
+      result := TRUE;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - read_operator:BOOLEAN <-
+  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
+    read_space;
+    string_tmp.clear;
+    {(last_character = 0.to_character) ||
+    {! "!@#$%^&<|*-+=~/?\\>is:".has last_character}}.until_do {
+      string_tmp.add_last last_character;
+      position := position+1;
+    };
+    (! string_tmp.is_empty).if {
+      last_string := string_tmp;
+      result := TRUE;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - read_string:BOOLEAN <-
+  ( + result:BOOLEAN;
+    read_space;
+    string_tmp.clear;
+    (last_character = '\"').if {
+      position := position+1;
+      {end_source || {last_character = '\"'}}.until_do {
+	string_tmp.add_last last_character;
+	position := position + 1;
+      };    
+      (! string_tmp.is_empty).if {
+	last_string := string_tmp;
+	result := TRUE;
+      };
+    };
+    result
+  );
+Section Public
+  //
+  //  Prolog Parser - Public Part
+  //
+  - last_predicate:RULE;
+  //++ E <- Predicate Procedure | MainQuery E
+  - read_rule_or_fact:BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + pred:PRED;
+    + proc:PROCEDURE;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    read_main_query.if {
+      result := read_rule_or_fact;
+    } else {
+      read_identifier.if {
+	pred := read_predicate; // rule head
+	(pred != NULL).if {
+	  last_predicate := RULE.create pred body NULL;// hack for ITM_CUT
+	  proc := read_procedure; // rule body
+	  last_predicate.set_body proc;
+	  result := TRUE;
+	};        
+      };
+    };
+    result
+  );
+Section Private  
+  //
+  // Internal Prolog Parser
+  //
+  //++ MainQuery <- '?-' Query
+  - read_main_query:BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + req:QUERY;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    read_space;
+    (last_character = '?').if {
+      ((position+1 <= source.upper) && {source.item (position+1) = '-'}).if {
+	// read '?-' main query
+	position := position + 2; // skip ?- symbol
+	req := read_query;
+	(req != NULL).if {	  
+	  (main_query = NULL).if {
+	    main_query := req;
+	  } else {
+	    error "Warning: multiple query";
+	  };
+	  result := TRUE;
+	} else {
+	  error "Syntax: bad request";
+	  print_line;
+	};
+      } else {
+	error "Token error";
+	print_line;
+      };
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  //++ Procedure <- ':-' { Clause ',' } '.' | '.'
+  - read_procedure:PROCEDURE <-
+  (
+    + result:PROCEDURE;
+    + clause:TERM;
+    read_space;
+    result := PROCEDURE.create;
+    (last_character = '.').if {
+      // predicate is always true (fact)
+      position := position + 1;      
+    }.elseif {(last_character = ':') && {source.item(position+1) = '-'}} then {      // read procedure
+      position := position + 1; // skip ':-' symbol     
+      {end_source || {last_character = '.'}}.until_do {	
+	position := position + 1; // '-' | ',' | '.'
+	clause := read_clause;
+	result.add_child clause;
+	((last_character != ',') && {last_character != '.'}).if {
+	  error "Syntax: parse error";
+	  print_line;
+	};
+      };
+      end_source.if {
+	error "Missing '.'";
+	print_line;
+      } else {
+	position := position+1; // skip final '.'      
+      };
+    } else {
+      error "Token Error";
+      print_line;
+    };
+    result
+  ); 
+  //++ Clause <- Predicate | Expr | '!'
+  - read_clause:TERM <-
+  (
+    + result:TERM;
+    + old_pos:INTEGER;
+    read_space;
+    (last_character = '!').if {
+      result := ITM_CUT.create last_predicate;
+      position := position + 1;
+    } else {
+      old_pos := position;
+      read_identifier.if {
+	result := read_predicate;
+      };
+      ((result = NULL) || {(last_character != ',') && {last_character != '.'}}).if {	     
+	position := old_pos;
+	result := read_expression;
+	(result = NULL).if {
+	  error "Syntax: Incorrect expression";	
+	  print_line;
+	};
+      };        
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  //++ Request <- { Clause ',' } '.'
+  - read_query:QUERY <-
+  (
+    + result:QUERY;
+    + clause:TERM;
+    result := QUERY.create;
+    {
+      clause := read_clause;
+      result.add_child clause;
+      (last_character = ',').if {
+	position := position + 1;
+      };
+    }.do_until {end_source || {last_character = '.'}};
+    (last_character != '.').if {
+      error "Missing '.'";
+      print_line;
+    } else {
+      position := position+1;    
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  //
+  //  Term Parser
+  //
+  //++ Predicate <- atom'(' { Term ',' } ')'
+  - read_predicate:PRED <-
+  (  
+    + term:TERM;
+    + result:PRED;
+    ((last_character = '(') && {source.item (position-1).is_alpha || {source.item (position-1).is_digit}}).if { // ambigu fix  -> no space between functor & '('
+      result := PRED.create last_string;
+      {
+	position := position+1; // skip '(' or ','
+	term := read_term; 
+	result.add_child term; 
+	read_space;	    
+      }.do_while {(term != NULL) && {last_character = ','}};  
+      (last_character = ')').if {
+	position := position+1; 
+      } else {
+	error "\nSyntax: Expecting ')'";
+	print_line;
+      };
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  //++ Var <- ('_' | 'Maj'){ alpha | digit } | atom
+  - read_var:TERM <-
+  (
+    + result:TERM;
+    (last_string.first.is_letter).if {
+      (last_string.first.is_upper).if {
+	// variable
+	result := VAR.create last_string mute FALSE;
+      } else {
+	// Constant (0-arg predicate)
+	result := PRED.create last_string;
+      };
+    }.elseif {last_string.first = '_'} then {
+      // anonymous variable   
+      result := VAR.create last_string mute TRUE;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  //++ Atom <- atom | '\"' {alpha | digit | op} '\"' | number
+  - read_atom:TERM <-
+  (
+    + result:TERM;
+    (last_string.first.is_digit).if {
+      // Numeric Constant
+      result := NUMBER.create last_string;
+    } else {
+      (last_character = '\"').if {
+	// handle quoted strings as constants
+	read_string.if {
+	  result := PRED.create last_string;
+	  position := position+1;
+	};
+      };      
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  //++ List <- '[' Term { ',' Term | '|' List | '|' Var } ']'
+  - read_list:LIST <-
+  (
+    + separator:BOOLEAN;
+    + result,list:LIST;
+    + term:TERM;
+    (last_character = '[').if {  
+      position := position+1;// skip '['
+      result := LIST.create;
+      term := read_term;
+      result.add_child term;
+      {(term != NULL) && {(last_character = '|') || {last_character = ','}}}.while_do {
+	(last_character = '|').if { 
+	  separator.if {
+	    error "Syntax: Only one separator allowed";
+	    print_line;
+	  };
+	  result.last.set_separator;
+	  separator := TRUE;
+	  position := position+1; // skip '|'	  
+	  term := read_term;
+	  list ?= term;
+	  (list != NULL).if {
+	    result.last.set_next list;
+	  }.elseif {term.same_dynamic_type VAR} then {
+	    error "Syntax: variable-list not yet implemented";
+	    print_line;
+	  } else {
+	    error "Syntax: Expecting list after '|' symbol";
+	    print_line;
+	  };
+	} else {
+	  position := position+1; // skip ','
+	  term := read_term;
+	  result.add_child term; 
+	};		
+	read_space;	    
+      };  	
+      (last_character = ']').if {
+	position := position+1; 
+      } else {
+	error "Syntax: Expecting ']'";
+	print_line;
+      };
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  //++ Term <- Predicate | Var | Atom | List
+  - read_term:TERM <-
+  (
+    + result:TERM;// ex:   f(7,g(X,toto)),[77,[]])
+    read_identifier.if {
+      read_space;
+      result := read_predicate;
+      (result = NULL).if {
+	result := read_var;
+	(result = NULL).if {
+	  result := read_atom;
+	};
+      };
+    } else {
+      result := read_list;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  //
+  //  Arithmetic Expression Parser
+  //
+  //++ Expr <- Binary
+  - read_expression:EXPR <-
+  (
+    read_expr_binary 1
+  );  
+  //++ Binary <- Unary [operator Unary]
+  - read_expr_binary level:INTEGER :EXPR <-
+  (
+    + result,right:EXPR;
+    + op_type:EXPR_BINARY;
+    + old_pos:INTEGER;
+    (level <= max_binary_op_level).if {
+      result := read_expr_binary (level+1);
+      (result != NULL).if {
+	{	  
+	  old_pos := position;
+	  read_operator.if_false {
+	    last_string.clear;// bug fix...
+	  };
+	  op_type ?= ALIAS_PL.get_operator last_string level level;
+	  (op_type != NULL).if {
+	    right := read_expr_binary (level+1);
+	    (right = NULL).if {
+	      error "Syntax: Incorrect expression.";
+	      print_line;
+	    };
+	    result := op_type.create result and right;
+	  } else {
+	    position := old_pos;// a voir si utile
+	  };
+	}.do_until {op_type = NULL};
+      };
+    } else {
+      result := read_expr_unary level;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  //++ Unary <- [operator] Base
+  - read_expr_unary level:INTEGER :EXPR <-
+  (
+    + op_type:EXPR_UNARY;
+    + result:EXPR;
+    + op:CHARACTER;
+    + old_pos:INTEGER;
+    old_pos := position;
+    ((level <= max_op_level) && {read_operator}).if {	
+      op_type ?= ALIAS_PL.get_operator last_string level level;
+      (op_type != NULL).if {
+	op := last_character;
+	result := read_expr_unary level;
+	(result = NULL).if {
+	  error "Syntax: Incorrect expression.";
+	  print_line;
+	};
+	(op != '+').if {
+	  result := op_type.create result;
+	};
+      } else {
+	position := old_pos;
+	result := read_expr_unary (level+1);
+      };
+    } else {
+      result := read_expr_base;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  //++ Base <- '(' Expr ')' | Term
+  - read_expr_base:EXPR <-
+  (
+    + result:EXPR;
+    + base:TERM;
+    (last_character = '(').if {
+      position := position+1;
+      result := read_expression;
+      (result = NULL).if {
+	error "Warning: Empty expression.";
+	print_line;
+      };
+      (last_character = ')').if_false {
+	error "Missing ')'.";
+	print_line;
+      };
+      position := position+1;
+    } else {
+      base := read_term;          
+      (base = NULL).if {	
+	error "Syntax: Incorrect expression.";
+	print_line;
+      };
+      result := EXPR_CST.create base;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_line <-
+  (
+    print_m " At line ";
+    emit get_line;
+  );
+  - get_line:INTEGER <-
+  ( + pos:INTEGER;
+    + line:INTEGER;
+    pos := source.lower;
+    line := 1;
+    {pos = position}.until_do {
+      (source.item pos = '\n').if {
+	line := line + 1;
+      };
+      pos := pos + 1;
+    };
+    line
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/prolog.li b/prolog/prolog.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d65b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/prolog.li
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := PROLOG;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_object:ANY := ANY;
+Section Private  
+  - input_path:STRING  := STRING.create 64;
+  - output_path:STRING := STRING.create 64;
+Section Public  
+  - main <-
+  (           
+    ALIAS_PL.make;    
+    read_options;   
+    (! input_path.is_empty).if {
+      consult input_path;
+    };
+    (main_query != NULL).if {
+      "\n?- ".print; main_query.print_value; "\n".print;
+      // run prolog engine
+      main_query.execute.if {
+	"\nyes.".print;
+      } else {
+	"\nno.".print;
+      };
+    };
+    //mainloop
+    "\n".print;
+  );
+Section Private
+  - usage:STRING_CONSTANT :=   
+  "\n========================\n\
+  \=== Prolog Compiler ====\n\
+  \========================\n\n\
+  \Usage:   prolog -i <input> [-o <output>] [Options]\n\n\
+  \Options:\n\
+  \      -d           :  debugger mode active\n\
+  \      -g <gui>     :  <gui> is whether CONSOLE or WINDOW\n\
+  \                        [default = CONSOLE]\n";
+  - display_usage <-
+  (
+     usage.printline;
+    die_with_code exit_success_code;
+  );
+  - read_options <-
+  (
+    + cmd:STRING;
+    + j:INTEGER;  
+    + gui:BOOLEAN;
+    j := 1;
+    {j > COMMAND_LINE.upper}.until_do {
+      cmd := COMMAND_LINE.item j;
+      (cmd.item 1='-').if {
+        //
+        // Parametres:
+        //
+        (cmd.item 2 = 'i').if {
+          // lecture de l'entree
+          j := j+1;
+          (j > COMMAND_LINE.count).if {
+            display_usage;
+          };
+          input_path.copy (COMMAND_LINE.item j);
+        }.elseif {cmd.item 2 = 'o'} then {
+          // lecture du chemin de sortie
+          j := j+1;
+          (j > COMMAND_LINE.count).if {
+            display_usage;
+          };
+          output_path.copy (COMMAND_LINE.item j);
+        }.elseif {cmd.item 2 = 'g'} then {  
+          j := j+1;
+          (j > COMMAND_LINE.count).if {
+            display_usage;
+          };
+          cmd := COMMAND_LINE.item j;
+          (cmd == "WINDOW").if {
+            gui := TRUE;
+          };
+          // else default: CONSOLE
+        }.elseif {cmd.item 2 = 'd'} then {  
+          } else {
+            display_usage;
+          };
+        };
+        j := j+1;
+      };
+      gui.if_false {
+        (input_path.is_empty).if {
+          display_usage;
+        };
+        (output_path.is_empty).if {
+          output_path.copy "code.li";
+        };
+      } else {
+        //   set_environment WINDOW;
+      };
+    );
diff --git a/prolog/test.pl b/prolog/test.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d953d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/test.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ultime([Y,xxx]) :- Y = [7,toto].
+yoyo(Y) :- Y = 1.
+inc(X,Y) :- Y is X + 1, ultime(W).
+fact(0,1) :- !.
+fact(N,R) :-
+    N2 is N - 1,
+    fact(N2,R2),
+    R is N * R2.
+fib(0, 1).
+fib(1, 1).
+fib(N,F):- N1 is N-1, N2 is N-2, fib(N1,F1), fib(N2,F2), F is F1+F2.
+diff(X,Y) :- X = Y, !, fail.
+p(X) :- a(X).
+p(X) :- b(X),c(X),!,d(X),e(X).
+p(X) :- f(X).
+?- inc(2,Res).
diff --git a/prolog/test2.pl b/prolog/test2.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d3e0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/test2.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+grandpere(X,Z) -: pere(X,Y),pere(Y,Z).
+?- grandpere(a,O).
diff --git a/prolog/tools/alias_pl.li b/prolog/tools/alias_pl.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f621cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tools/alias_pl.li
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := ALIAS_PL;
+  - comment     := "Alias syntaxe prolog";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
+Section Private
+Section Public  
+  - write_m:ABSTRACT_STRING := "write/1";
+  - fail:ABSTRACT_STRING := "fail/0";
+  - atom:ABSTRACT_STRING := "atom/1";
+  - var:ABSTRACT_STRING := "var/1";
+  - bip_list:ABSTRACT_STRING := "list/1";
+  ( + result:ABSTRACT_STRING;
+    ? {str != NULL};
+    ? {list != NULL};
+    tmp := list.reference_at str;
+    (tmp = NULL).if {
+      result := STRING_CONSTANT.create_copy str;
+      list.fast_add result;
+    } else {
+      result ?= tmp;      
+    };
+    ? {result == str};
+    result
+  );
+  - get_operator k:ABSTRACT_STRING level lvl:INTEGER :EXPR <-
+  (
+    + result:EXPR;
+    ? {lvl > 0};
+    ? {lvl <= max_op_level};
+    oper := ops.item (lvl-1);
+    oper.has k.if {
+      result := oper.at k;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - make <-
+  (
+    list := HASHED_SET(ABSTRACT_STRING).create;
+    //
+    // Prolog operators
+    //
+    // level 1
+    oper.add EXPR_UNIFY to "=";
+    oper.add EXPR_EVAL to "is";
+    oper.add EXPR_NOT_UNIFY to "/=";
+    oper.add EXPR_EQUAL to "=:=";
+    oper.add EXPR_NOT_EQUAL to "=/=";
+    oper.add EXPR_INF_STRICT to "<";
+    oper.add EXPR_INF to "=<";
+    oper.add EXPR_SUP_STRICT to ">";
+    oper.add EXPR_SUP to ">=";
+    ops.put oper to 0;
+    // level 2
+    oper.add EXPR_ADD to "+";
+    oper.add EXPR_SUB to "-";
+    ops.put oper to 1;
+    // level 3
+    oper.add EXPR_MUL to "*";
+    oper.add EXPR_DIV to "/";
+    ops.put oper to 2;
+    // level 4
+    oper.add EXPR_NEG to "-";
+    ops.put oper to 3;   
+    //
+    //  Built-in predicates
+    //
+    builtins.add BIP_WRITE to write_m;
+    builtins.add BIP_FAIL to fail;
+    builtins.add BIP_ATOM to atom;
+    builtins.add BIP_VAR to var;
+    builtins.add BIP_LIST to bip_list;
+  );
diff --git a/prolog/tools/pl_file.li b/prolog/tools/pl_file.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9db750f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tools/pl_file.li
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Section Header 
+  + name      := PL_FILE;  
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit 
+  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
+Section Public  
+  + cursor:INTEGER;
+  + is_loaded:BOOLEAN; 
+  + filename:STRING;
+  - create str:ABSTRACT_STRING :SELF <-
+  (
+    + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make str;
+    result
+  );
+  - make str:ABSTRACT_STRING <-
+  ( 
+    filename := STRING.create_from_string str;
+    load_file;
+  );
+  - end_of_file:BOOLEAN <- cursor >= buffer.upper;
+  - get_char:CHARACTER <- 
+  ( + result:CHARACTER;    
+    ? {!end_of_file};
+    result := buffer.item cursor;
+    cursor := cursor+1;
+    result
+  );
+Section Private 
+  - load_file <-
+  ( + tmp : STRING;
+    buffer := FAST_ARRAY(CHARACTER).create 8192;
+    tmp := FS_MIN.open_as_string filename;
+    is_loaded := TRUE;
+    1.to (tmp.count) do { i : INTEGER ;
+      //i.print;
+      buffer.add_last (tmp.item i);
+    };
+    /*+ e:ENTRY;
+    + file:STD_FILE;
+    e := FILE_SYSTEM.get filename;
+    (e != NULL).if {
+      file ?= e.open;
+      buffer := FAST_ARRAY(CHARACTER).create_with_capacity (file.size);
+      (file.read buffer size (file.size) > 0).if {
+	is_loaded := TRUE;
+      };
+      file.close;
+    };*/
+  );
diff --git a/prolog/tree/base/itm_cut.li b/prolog/tree/base/itm_cut.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9715adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/base/itm_cut.li
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := ITM_CUT;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_term:TERM := TERM;
+Section Public
+  + target:RULE; // target rule    ex: target(X) :- A1,..,!,Aj,..,An. 
+  - create r:RULE :SELF <-
+  (
+    + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make r;
+    result
+  );
+  - make r:RULE <-
+  (
+    target := r;
+  );
+  //
+  // Execute
+  //
+  - execute_elt num:INTEGER of proc:PROCEDURE :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + context:CONTEXT;
+    // cut backtracking from current context's lower to target    
+    context := current_context.lower;
+    {(context = NULL) || {context.rule = target}}.until_do {
+      context.set_backtrack FALSE;
+      context := context.lower;
+    };
+    (context != NULL).if {
+      context.set_backtrack FALSE;
+    };
+    proc.execute_elt (num+1)
+  );
+  - register_in context:CONTEXT <- 
+  (
+    // rien
+  );
+  - is_unifiable_with term:TERM :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    FALSE // erreur
+  );
+  - unify_with (other:TERM,other_ctxt:CONTEXT) <-
+  (
+    // rien
+  );
+  - complete_with other:TERM and_expand_within context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    Self
+  );
+  - bind other:TERM to context:CONTEXT <- 
+  (
+    // rien
+  );
+  - copy:TERM <- 
+  (
+    SELF.create target
+  );
+  - print_value <- 
+  (
+    print_m "!";
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/base/list.li b/prolog/tree/base/list.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6854ec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/base/list.li
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+Section Header 
+  + name      := LIST;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit 
+  - parent_term:TERM := TERM;
+Section Public 
+  + first:TERM;
+  + next:LIST;
+  - is_empty:BOOLEAN <- first = NULL; 
+  - is_last:BOOLEAN <- 
+  (
+    ? {!is_empty};
+    (next != NULL) && {next.is_empty}
+  );
+  + has_separator:BOOLEAN;  // '|' item
+  - create :SELF <-
+  (
+    + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make;
+    result
+  );
+  - make <-
+  (    
+    next := LIST;  // LIST <=> []
+  );
+  - set_separator <-
+  (
+    has_separator := TRUE;
+  );
+  - set_next list:LIST <-
+  (
+    next := list;
+  );
+  - last:LIST <-
+  (
+    + result:LIST;
+    result := Self;
+    {result.is_last}.until_do {
+      result := result.next;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - register_in context:CONTEXT <-
+  (
+    is_empty.if_false {
+      first.register_in context;
+      is_last.if_false {
+	next.register_in context;
+      };
+    };
+  );
+  - is_unifiable_with term:TERM :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    + list:LIST;
+    list ?= term;
+    (list != NULL).if {
+      is_empty.if_false {             
+	result := first.is_unifiable_with (list.first);
+	(result && {! is_last}).if {
+	  result := next.is_unifiable_with (list.next);
+	};
+      } else {
+	result := list.is_empty;
+      };
+    }.elseif {term.is_unbound} then {
+      result := TRUE;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - unify_with (other:TERM,other_ctxt:CONTEXT) <-
+  (
+    + list:LIST;
+    + term:TERM;
+    (! is_empty).if {
+      (other_ctxt != NULL).if {
+	term := other_ctxt.get other;
+      } else {
+	term := other;
+      };
+      (! term.is_unbound).if {      
+	list ?= term;
+	first.unify_with (list.first,other_ctxt);
+	(! is_last).if {
+	  next.unify_with (list.next,other_ctxt);
+	};
+      };
+    };
+  );
+  - complete_with other:TERM and_expand_within context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    + list:LIST;
+    (! is_empty).if {
+      list ?= other;
+      (list != NULL).if {
+	first.is_unbound.if {
+	  (! list.first.is_unbound).if {
+	    first := list.first.copy;
+	  };
+	} else {
+	  first := first.complete_with (list.first) and_expand_within context;
+	};
+	(! is_last).if {
+	  ? {! list.is_last};
+	  next ?= next.complete_with (list.next) and_expand_within context;
+	};
+      };
+    };
+    Self
+  );
+  - bind other:TERM to context:CONTEXT <- 
+  (
+    + list:LIST;
+    (! is_empty).if {
+      list ?= other;
+      (list = NULL).if {
+	"\n==> WHAT???".print;
+      };
+      first.bind (list.first) to context;
+      (! is_last).if {
+	next.bind (list.next) to context;
+      };
+    };
+  );
+  - get_solution context:CONTEXT :TERM <-  
+  (       
+    + result,sub:LIST;
+    result := create;  
+    (! is_empty).if {
+      result.add_child (first.get_solution context);
+      sub ?= next.get_solution context;
+      result.set_next sub;
+      has_separator.if {
+	result.set_separator;
+      };
+    };
+    result
+    /*
+    (! is_empty).if {
+      first := first.get_solution context;
+      (! is_last).if {
+	next ?= next.get_solution context;
+      };
+    };
+    Self*/
+  );
+  // link term in the list
+  - add_child term:TERM <- 
+  (
+    + sublist:LIST;
+    (term != NULL).if {
+      is_empty.if {
+	first := term;
+      } else {
+	(! is_last).if {
+	  next.add_child term;
+	} else {
+	  sublist := LIST.create;
+	  sublist.add_child term;	  
+	  next := sublist;
+	};
+      };
+    };
+  );
+  - copy:TERM <-
+  (
+    + term:TERM;
+    + result,sub:LIST;
+    result := create;  
+    (! is_empty).if {
+      term := first.copy;
+      sub ?= next.copy;
+      result.add_child term;
+      result.set_next sub;
+      has_separator.if {
+	result.set_separator;
+      };
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - expanded_copy context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    + term:TERM;
+    + result,sub:LIST;
+    result := create;  
+    (! is_empty).if {
+      term := first.expanded_copy context;
+      sub ?= next.expanded_copy context;
+      result.add_child term;
+      result.set_next sub;
+      has_separator.if {
+	result.set_separator;
+      };
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    print_m "[";
+    (! is_empty).if {
+      first.print_value;
+      (! is_last).if {
+	has_separator.if {
+	  print_m " | ";
+	} else {
+	  print_m ", ";
+	};
+	next.print_value;
+      };
+    };
+    print_m "]";
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/base/number.li b/prolog/tree/base/number.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fed164b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/base/number.li
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := NUMBER;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_atom:Expanded TERM;
+Section Public
+  + value:INTEGER_32;
+  - create val:ABSTRACT_STRING :SELF <-
+  (
+    + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make val;
+    result
+  );
+  - create_from val:INTEGER_32 :SELF <-
+  (
+    + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make_from val;
+    result
+  );
+  - make val:ABSTRACT_STRING <-
+  (
+ //   identifier := STRING.create_from_string val;
+    value := val.to_integer;
+  );
+  - make_from val:INTEGER_32 <-
+  (
+    //identifier := STRING.create_from_string "VAL";// fixme
+    value := val;
+  );
+  - register_in context:CONTEXT <- 
+  (
+    // rien
+  );
+  - is_unifiable_with term:TERM :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + n:NUMBER;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    n ?= term;
+    (n != NULL).if {
+      result := value = n.value;
+    }.elseif {term.is_unbound} then {
+      result := TRUE;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - unify_with (other:TERM,other_ctxt:CONTEXT) <-
+  (
+    // rien
+  );
+  - complete_with other:TERM and_expand_within context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    Self
+  );
+  - bind other:TERM to context:CONTEXT <- 
+  (
+    // rien
+  );
+  - get_solution context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    Self
+  );
+  - copy:TERM <- 
+  (
+    create_from value
+  );
+  - print_value <- 
+  (
+    value.print;
+  );
diff --git a/prolog/tree/base/pred.li b/prolog/tree/base/pred.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8da812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/base/pred.li
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := PRED;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_term:Expanded TERM;
+Section Private  
+  + args:LINKED_LIST(TERM);
+Section Public
+  - name:STRING <- identifier;
+  - arity:INTEGER <- args.count; 
+  - is_atom:BOOLEAN <- arity = 0;
+  - create pred_name:ABSTRACT_STRING :SELF <-
+  (
+    + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make pred_name;
+    result
+  );
+  - make pred_name:ABSTRACT_STRING <-
+  (
+    identifier := STRING.create_from_string pred_name;
+    args := LINKED_LIST(TERM).create;
+  );
+  //
+  // Execute
+  //
+  - execute_elt num:INTEGER of proc:PROCEDURE :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + builtin:BUILT_IN;
+    + nb_match,k:INTEGER;
+    + result,choice_point:BOOLEAN;
+    + rules:LINKED_LIST(RULE);
+    + rule:RULE;
+    // first register new variables
+    register_in current_context;
+    get_full_name str_tmp;
+    builtins.has str_tmp.if {
+      // built-in predicate
+      builtin := builtins.at str_tmp;
+      result := builtin.call Self && {proc.execute_elt (num+1)};
+    } else {
+      // user-written predicate
+      rules := LINKED_LIST(RULE).create;
+      nb_match := find rules matching Self; 
+      (nb_match > 0).if {
+	// found match!	      
+	debug_mode.if {
+	};
+	(nb_match > 1).if {
+	  // save context for backtracking
+	  current_context.lock; 
+	  current_context.set_backtrack TRUE;
+	};
+	// for each predicate found
+	k := rules.lower; 
+	{
+	  rule := rules.item k;
+	  (current_context.is_locked && {k < rules.upper}).if {
+	    // copy context 
+	    current_context.push_copy;
+	    choice_point := TRUE;
+	  };
+	  rule.is_fact.if {
+	    // simple unification
+	    unify_with (rule.head,NULL);
+	    result := TRUE; // always true predicate
+	  } else {
+	    // execute rule	
+	    result := rule.execute Self within current_context;
+	  };
+	  // execute next clause
+	  result := result && {proc.execute_elt (num+1)};
+	  choice_point.if {
+	    // restore choice point
+	   // current_context.allow_backtrack.if_false {
+	      // remove choice point
+	 //     current_context.lower.remove_lock;
+	   // } else {
+	      CONTEXT.pop;
+	   // };
+	    choice_point := FALSE;
+	  };	    
+	  // loop to next rule
+	  k := k + 1;
+	}.do_while {current_context.allow_backtrack && {k <= rules.upper}};
+      };
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - register_in context:CONTEXT <- 
+  (
+    args.lower.to (args.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+      args.item i.register_in context;
+    };
+  );
+  - is_unifiable_with term:TERM :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    + pred:PRED;
+    + i:INTEGER;
+    pred ?= term;
+    (pred != NULL).if {
+      ((identifier == pred.identifier) && {arity = pred.arity}).if {
+	i := args.lower;
+	{
+	  result := args.item i.is_unifiable_with (pred.get_arg i);
+	  i := i+1;
+	}.do_while {result && {i <= args.upper}};
+      };
+    }.elseif {term.is_unbound} then {
+      result := TRUE;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - unify_with (other:TERM,other_ctxt:CONTEXT) <-
+  (
+    + term:TERM;
+    + pred:PRED;
+    (other_ctxt != NULL).if {
+      term := other_ctxt.get other;
+    } else {
+      term := other;
+    };
+    (! term.is_unbound).if {      
+      pred ?= term;
+      args.lower.to (args.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+	// unify arguments
+	args.item i.unify_with (pred.get_arg i,other_ctxt);
+      };
+    };
+  );
+  - complete_with other:TERM and_expand_within context:CONTEXT:TERM <-
+  (
+    + pred:PRED;
+    + new_arg:TERM;
+    pred ?= other;
+    (pred != NULL).if {
+      args.lower.to (args.upper) do { i:INTEGER;      
+	(args.item i.is_unbound).if {
+	  // copy subtree
+	  (! pred.get_arg i.is_unbound).if {
+	    new_arg := pred.get_arg i.copy;
+	    args.put new_arg to i;
+	  };
+	} else {
+	  // complete deeper
+	  new_arg := args.item i.complete_with (pred.get_arg i) and_expand_within context;
+	  args.put new_arg to i;
+	};
+      };
+    };
+    Self
+  );
+  - bind other:TERM to context:CONTEXT <- 
+  (
+    + pred:PRED;
+    pred ?= other;
+    args.lower.to (args.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+      // bind arguments
+      args.item i.bind (pred.get_arg i) to context;
+    };
+  );
+  - get_solution context:CONTEXT :TERM <- 
+  (    
+    + result,term:TERM;
+    result := create name;
+    args.lower.to (args.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+      term := args.item i.get_solution context;
+      result.add_child term;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  // link term in the tree
+  - add_child term:TERM <- 
+  (
+    (term != NULL).if {
+      args.add_last term;
+    };
+  );
+  - copy:TERM <- 
+  (
+    + result,term:TERM;
+    result := create name;
+    args.lower.to (args.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+      term := args.item i.copy;
+      result.add_child term;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - expanded_copy context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    + result,term:TERM;
+    result := create name;
+    args.lower.to (args.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+      term := args.item i.expanded_copy context;
+      result.add_child term;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - get_full_name str:STRING <- 
+  (
+    str.clear;
+    str.copy name;
+    str.add_last '/';
+    str.append (arity.to_string);
+  );  
+  - print_value <- 
+  (
+    print_m name;
+    (!is_atom).if {
+      print_m "(";
+      args.lower.to (args.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+	args.item i.print_value;
+	(i != args.upper).if {
+	  print_m ", ";
+	};
+      };
+      print_m ")";
+    };
+  );
+  - get_arg num:INTEGER :TERM <-
+  (
+    args.item num
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/base/procedure.li b/prolog/tree/base/procedure.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75be372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/base/procedure.li
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := PROCEDURE;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
+Section Private
+  + clauses:LINKED_LIST(TERM);
+Section Public
+  - is_empty:BOOLEAN <- clauses.is_empty;
+  - create:SELF <-
+  (
+    + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make;
+    result
+  );
+  - make <-
+  (
+    clauses := LINKED_LIST(TERM).create;
+  );
+  //
+  // Execute
+  //
+  - execute:BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    execute_elt 1
+  );
+  - execute_elt num:INTEGER :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    (num <= clauses.upper).if {
+      result := clauses.item num.execute_elt num of Self;
+    } else {
+      //
+      //  Leaf of execution tree (last elt of proc)
+      //
+    //  (Self = current_query).if {
+	// print_m current solution
+	  //  CONTEXT.display_all;
+	  CONTEXT.bottom.print_solution;
+	//current_context.print_solution;
+     // };
+      result := TRUE;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  // link clause in the tree
+  - add_child term:TERM <- 
+  (
+    (term != NULL).if {
+      clauses.add_last term;
+    };
+  );
+  // self copying
+  - copy:TERM <- 
+  (
+    + result,term:TERM;
+    result := create;
+    clauses.lower.to (clauses.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+      term := clauses.item i.copy;
+      result.add_child term;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <- 
+  (           
+    clauses.lower.to (clauses.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+      clauses.item i.print_value;
+      (i != clauses.upper).if {
+	print_m ", ";
+      };
+    };    
+    print_m ".";    
+  );
+Section PL_ENGINE
+  - get_clause num:INTEGER :TERM <-
+  (
+    + result:TERM;
+    (num <= clauses.upper).if {
+      result := clauses.item num;
+    };
+    result
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/base/term.li b/prolog/tree/base/term.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3372f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/base/term.li
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Section Header 
+  + name      := TERM;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+  - comment   := "Node for predicate tree";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
+Section Public 
+  + identifier:STRING; 
+  - hash_code:INTEGER <- identifier.hash_code;
+  - add_child term:TERM <- deferred;
+  - print_value <- (print_m "?!";); //deferred;
+  - execute_elt num:INTEGER of proc:PROCEDURE :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    error "Semantic: TERM.execute call";
+    FALSE
+  );
+  - copy:TERM <- (deferred;NULL);
+  - expanded_copy context:CONTEXT :TERM <- copy; // default
+  - register_in context:CONTEXT <- deferred; 
+  - is_unifiable_with term:TERM :BOOLEAN <- (deferred;FALSE);
+  - unify_with (other:TERM,other_ctxt:CONTEXT) <- deferred;
+  - complete_with other:TERM and_expand_within context:CONTEXT :TERM <- (deferred;NULL);
+  - bind other:TERM to context:CONTEXT <- deferred;
+  - get_solution context:CONTEXT :TERM <- (deferred;NULL);
+  - is_unbound:BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    same_dynamic_type VAR
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/base/var.li b/prolog/tree/base/var.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f60e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/base/var.li
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := VAR;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit 
+  + parent_term:Expanded TERM;
+Section Public  
+  - name:STRING <- identifier;
+  + stat:UINTEGER_8;
+  - is_anonymous:BOOLEAN <- stat = 1; // FIXME
+  //
+  //  This prototype doesn't hold the variable value, see VAR_VALUE
+  //
+  - create varname:ABSTRACT_STRING mute b:BOOLEAN :SELF <-
+  (
+    + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make (varname,b);
+    result
+  );
+  - make (varname:ABSTRACT_STRING, mute:BOOLEAN) <-
+  (
+    identifier := STRING.create_from_string varname;
+    mute.if {
+      stat := 1;
+    };
+  );
+  - register_in context:CONTEXT <- 
+  (
+     context.register_variable Self;
+    //CONTEXT.current.register_variable Self;
+  );
+  - is_unifiable_with term:TERM :BOOLEAN <- 
+  (
+    + self:TERM;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    self := current_context.get Self;
+    (self != Self).if {
+      result := self.is_unifiable_with term;
+    } else {
+      // unbounded var: match everything
+      result := TRUE;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - unify_with (other:TERM,other_ctxt:CONTEXT) <-
+  (
+    + val:VAR_VALUE;
+    + term,new_term:TERM;
+    (other_ctxt != NULL).if {
+      term := other_ctxt.get other;
+    } else {
+      term := other;
+    };
+    (! term.is_unbound).if { 
+      val := current_context.get_value Self;
+      // raffinement de la variable: copie partielle/totale de l'arbre 'other'
+      new_term := val.value.complete_with term and_expand_within other_ctxt;
+      val.make new_term;
+    };
+  );
+  - complete_with other:TERM and_expand_within context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    + result,term:TERM;
+    (context != NULL).if {////////////////// ???
+      // expand tree with context value
+      term := context.get other;
+    } else {
+      term := other;
+    };////////////////////////////////////// ???
+    (! term.is_unbound).if {
+      result := term.expanded_copy context;
+    } else {
+      result := Self;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - bind other:TERM to context:CONTEXT <- 
+  // 'self' is defined in 'context' and 'other' in current context
+  (
+    + val:VAR_VALUE;
+    val := context.get_value Self;
+    val.bind_to other;   
+  );
+  - get_solution context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    + val:VAR_VALUE;
+    + result:TERM;
+    val := context.get_value Self;
+    ((val.bind != NULL) && {context.upper != NULL}).if {
+      result := val.bind.get_solution (context.upper);
+    } else {
+      result := val;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - copy:TERM <-
+  (
+    create name mute is_anonymous // Self  ??
+  );
+  - expanded_copy context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    + val:VAR_VALUE;
+    + result:TERM;
+    val := context.get_value Self;
+    (val != NULL).if {
+      result := val.value.expanded_copy context;
+    } else {
+      result := copy;
+    }; 
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <- 
+  (
+    is_anonymous.if {
+      print_m "_";
+    } else {
+      print_m "VAR";
+    };
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/base/var_list.li b/prolog/tree/base/var_list.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1c2d4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/base/var_list.li
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+Section Header 
+  + name      := VAR_LIST; 
+  - author    := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+  - comment   := "ex: [a,b,c | Reste] -> Rest = VAR_LIST";
+Section Inherit 
+  + parent_list:Expanded LIST;
+Section Public 
+  - is_empty:BOOLEAN <- first = NULL; 
+  - is_last:BOOLEAN <- 
+  (
+    ? {!is_empty};
+    (next != NULL) && {next.is_empty}
+  );
+  + has_separator:BOOLEAN;  // '|' item
+  - create :SELF <-
+  (
+    + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make;
+    result
+  );
+  - make <-
+  (    
+    next := LIST;  // LIST <=> []
+  );
+  - set_separator <-
+  (
+    has_separator := TRUE;
+  );
+  - set_next list:LIST <-
+  (
+    next := list;
+  );
+  - last:LIST <-
+  (
+    + result:LIST;
+    result := Self;
+    {result.is_last}.until_do {
+      result := result.next;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - register_in context:CONTEXT <-
+  (
+    is_empty.if_false {
+      first.register_in context;
+      is_last.if_false {
+	next.register_in context;
+      };
+    };
+  );
+  - is_unifiable_with term:TERM within self_context:CONTEXT :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    + list:LIST;
+    list ?= term;
+    (list != NULL).if {
+      is_empty.if_false {             
+	result := first.is_unifiable_with (list.first) within self_context;
+	(result && {! is_last}).if {
+	  result := next.is_unifiable_with (list.next) within self_context;
+	};
+      } else {
+	result := list.is_empty;
+      };
+    }.elseif {term.is_unbound} then {
+      result := TRUE;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - unify_with (other:TERM,other_ctxt:CONTEXT) within context:CONTEXT <-
+  (
+    + list:LIST;
+    + term:TERM;
+    (! is_empty).if {
+      (other_ctxt != NULL).if {
+	term := other_ctxt.get other;
+      } else {
+	term := other;
+      };
+      (! term.is_unbound).if {      
+	list ?= term;
+	first.unify_with (list.first,other_ctxt) within context;
+	(! is_last).if {
+	  next.unify_with (list.next,other_ctxt) within context;
+	};
+      };
+    };
+  );
+  - complete_with other:TERM :TERM <-
+  (
+    + list:LIST;
+    (! is_empty).if {
+      list ?= other;
+      (list != NULL).if {
+	first.is_unbound.if {
+	  (! list.first.is_unbound).if {
+	    first := list.first.copy;
+	  };
+	} else {
+	  first := first.complete_with (list.first);
+	};
+	(! is_last).if {
+	  ? {! list.is_last};
+	  next ?= next.complete_with (list.next);
+	};
+      };
+    };
+    Self
+  );
+  // link term in the list
+  - add_child term:TERM <- 
+  (
+    + sublist:LIST;
+    (term != NULL).if {
+      is_empty.if {
+	first := term;
+      } else {
+	(! is_last).if {
+	  next.add_child term;
+	} else {
+	  sublist := LIST.create;
+	  sublist.add_child term;	  
+	  next := sublist;
+	};
+      };
+    };
+  );
+  - copy:TERM <-
+  (
+    + term:TERM;
+    + result,sub:LIST;
+    result := create;  
+    (! is_empty).if {
+      term := first.copy;
+      sub ?= next.copy;
+      result.add_child term;
+      result.set_next sub;
+      has_separator.if {
+	result.set_separator;
+      };
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    print_m "[";
+    (! is_empty).if {
+      first.print_value;
+      (! is_last).if {
+	has_separator.if {
+	  print_m " | ";
+	} else {
+	  print_m ", ";
+	};
+	next.print_value;
+      };
+    };
+    print_m "]";
+  );
+  - debug <-
+  (
+    indent.print;
+    print_m "[LIST] ";
+    has_separator.if {
+      print_m " <separator> ";
+    };
+    indent.append "  ";
+    is_empty.if {
+      print_m "[]";
+    } else {
+      first.debug;
+    };  
+    (! is_last).if {
+      next.debug;
+    };
+    indent.remove_last 2;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_atom.li b/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_atom.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b39d140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_atom.li
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := BIP_ATOM;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_built_in:BUILT_IN := BUILT_IN;  
+Section Public
+  - call pred:PRED :BOOLEAN <-
+  (   
+    + p:PRED;
+    p ?= pred.get_arg 1;
+    (p != NULL) && {p.is_atom}
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_fail.li b/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_fail.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79c8386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_fail.li
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := BIP_FAIL;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_built_in:BUILT_IN := BUILT_IN;  
+Section Public
+  - call pred:PRED :BOOLEAN <-
+  (   
+    FALSE
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_list.li b/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_list.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b27edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_list.li
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := BIP_LIST;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_built_in:BUILT_IN := BUILT_IN;  
+Section Public
+  - call pred:PRED :BOOLEAN <-
+  (   
+    + list:LIST;
+    list ?= current_context.get (pred.get_arg 1);
+    list != NULL  
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_var.li b/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_var.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53b55a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_var.li
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := BIP_VAR;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_built_in:BUILT_IN := BUILT_IN;  
+Section Public
+  - call pred:PRED :BOOLEAN <-
+  (   
+    + var:VAR;
+    var ?= pred.get_arg 1;
+    var != NULL
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_write.li b/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_write.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb94dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/builtins/bip_write.li
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := BIP_WRITE;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_built_in:BUILT_IN := BUILT_IN;  
+Section Public
+  - call pred:PRED :BOOLEAN <-
+  (   
+    "\n--------WRITE-----------\n".print;
+    current_context.get (pred.get_arg 1).print_value;
+    "\n------------------------\n".print;
+    TRUE
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/builtins/built_in.li b/prolog/tree/builtins/built_in.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48cdce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/builtins/built_in.li
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := BUILT_IN;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
+Section Public
+  - call pred:PRED :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    deferred;
+    FALSE
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c682a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr.li
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Section Header
+  + name     := EXPR;
+  - author   := "Damien Bouvarel";
+  - comment  := "Computable expression";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_term:TERM := TERM;
+Section Public
+  //
+  // Execute
+  //
+  - execute_elt num:INTEGER of proc:PROCEDURE :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    register_in current_context;
+    execute && {proc.execute_elt (num+1)}
+  );
+  - evaluate:TERM <- 
+  (
+    error "Semantic: Can't evaluate expression";
+    NULL
+  );
+  - execute:BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    error "Semantic: Incorrect expression predicate";
+    FALSE
+  );
+  - bind other:TERM to context:CONTEXT <-
+  (
+    error "Semantic: Can't bind expression";
+  );
+Section EXPR  
+  - infix:BOOLEAN;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_add.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_add.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b61419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_add.li
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_ADD;
+  - comment     := "Add Expression.";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - evaluate:TERM <-
+  ( 
+    + l,r:NUMBER;
+    + result:TERM;
+    l ?= left.evaluate;
+    r ?= right.evaluate;
+    ((l != NULL) && {r != NULL}).if {
+      result := NUMBER.create_from (l.value + r.value);
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    infix.if {
+      left.print_value;
+      print_m " + ";
+      right.print_value;
+    } else {
+      print_m " +(";
+      left.print_value;
+      print_m ", ";
+      right.print_value;
+      print_m ")";
+    };
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_binary.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_binary.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d344063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_binary.li
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+Section Header
+  + name     := EXPR_BINARY;
+  - author   := "Damien Bouvarel";
+  - comment  := "Binary expression";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr:Expanded EXPR;
+Section Public
+  + left:EXPR;
+  + right:EXPR;
+  - create l:EXPR and r:EXPR :SELF <-
+  ( + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make l and r;
+    result
+  );
+  - make l:EXPR and r:EXPR <-
+  (
+    left  := l;
+    right := r;
+  );
+  - register_in context:CONTEXT <-
+  (
+    left.register_in context;
+    right.register_in context;
+  );
+  - is_unifiable_with term:TERM :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + self_type:SELF;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    self_type ?= term;
+    (self_type != NULL).if {
+      result := (left.is_unifiable_with (self_type.left))
+      && {right.is_unifiable_with (self_type.right)};
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - unify_with (other:TERM,other_ctxt:CONTEXT) <-
+  (
+    + e:EXPR_BINARY;
+    + term:TERM;
+    (other_ctxt != NULL).if {
+      term := other_ctxt.get other;
+    } else {
+      term := other;
+    };
+    (! term.is_unbound).if {     
+      e ?= term;
+      left.unify_with (e.left,other_ctxt);
+      right.unify_with (e.right,other_ctxt);
+    };
+  );
+  - complete_with other:TERM and_expand_within context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    + e:EXPR_BINARY;
+    e ?= other;
+    (e != NULL).if {
+      left ?= left.complete_with (e.left) and_expand_within context;
+      right ?= right.complete_with (e.right) and_expand_within context;
+    };
+    Self
+  );
+  - copy:TERM <-
+  (
+    + e1,e2:EXPR;
+    e1 ?= left.copy;
+    e2 ?= right.copy;
+    create e1 and e2
+  );
+  - expanded_copy context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    + e1,e2:EXPR;
+    e1 ?= left.expanded_copy context;
+    e2 ?= right.expanded_copy context;
+    create e1 and e2
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_cst.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_cst.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09a76d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_cst.li
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+Section Header
+  + name     := EXPR_CST;
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr:Expanded EXPR;
+Section Public
+  + value:TERM;
+  - create val:TERM :SELF <-
+  (
+    + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make val;
+    result
+  );
+  - make val:TERM <-
+  (
+    value := val;
+  );
+  - register_in context:CONTEXT <-
+  (
+    value.register_in context;
+  );
+  - evaluate:TERM <-
+  (
+    current_context.get value
+  );
+  - is_unifiable_with term:TERM :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + cst:EXPR_CST;
+    + other:TERM;
+    cst ?= term;
+    (cst != NULL).if {
+      other := cst.value;
+    } else {
+      other := term;
+    };
+    value.is_unifiable_with other
+  );
+  - unify_with (other:TERM,other_ctxt:CONTEXT) <-
+  (
+    + cst:EXPR_CST;
+    + term:TERM;
+    (other_ctxt != NULL).if {
+      term := other_ctxt.get other;
+    } else {
+      term := other;
+    };
+    (! term.is_unbound).if {     
+      cst ?= term;
+      (cst != NULL).if {
+	term := cst.value;
+      };
+       value.unify_with (term,other_ctxt);
+    };
+  );
+  - complete_with other:TERM and_expand_within context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    + cst:EXPR_CST;
+    + term:TERM;
+    cst ?= other;
+    (cst != NULL).if {
+      term := cst.value;
+    } else {
+      term := other;
+    };
+    value := value.complete_with term and_expand_within context;
+    Self
+  );
+  - copy:TERM <-
+  (
+    + val:TERM;
+    val := value.copy;
+    create val
+  );
+  - expanded_copy context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    + val:TERM;
+    val := value.expanded_copy context;
+    create val
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    value.print_value;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_div.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_div.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd9d58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_div.li
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_DIV;
+  - comment     := "Division.";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - evaluate:TERM <-
+  ( 
+    + l,r:NUMBER;
+    + result:TERM;
+    l ?= left.evaluate;
+    r ?= right.evaluate;
+    ((l != NULL) && {r != NULL}).if {
+      result := NUMBER.create_from (l.value / r.value);
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    infix.if {
+      left.print_value;
+      print_m " / ";
+      right.print_value;
+    } else {
+      print_m " div(";
+      left.print_value;
+      print_m ", ";
+      right.print_value;
+      print_m ")";
+    };
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_equal.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_equal.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9351035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_equal.li
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_EQUAL;
+  - comment     := "Evaluation operator '=:='";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - execute:BOOLEAN <-
+  ( + l,r:NUMBER;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    l ?= left.evaluate;
+    r ?= right.evaluate;
+    ((l != NULL) && {r != NULL}).if {
+      result := l.value = r.value;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    left.print_value;
+    print_m " =:= ";
+    right.print_value;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_eval.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_eval.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bbe583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_eval.li
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_EVAL;
+  - comment     := "Evaluation operator 'is'";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - execute:BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    + eval:TERM;
+    "\n======================>> YO_EVAL\n".print;
+    CONTEXT.display_all;
+    eval := right.evaluate;
+    "\n)))> ".print; right.print_value;
+    (eval = NULL).if {
+      error "operator 'is': Can't evaluate right part";
+    };
+    left.is_unifiable_with eval.if {
+      current_context.display;
+      left.unify_with (eval,current_context);
+      result := TRUE;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    left.print_value;
+    print_m " is ";
+    right.print_value;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_inf.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_inf.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73f7eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_inf.li
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_INF;
+  - comment     := "Evaluation operator '=<'";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - execute:BOOLEAN <-
+  ( + l,r:NUMBER;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    l ?= left.evaluate;
+    r ?= right.evaluate;
+    ((l != NULL) && {r != NULL}).if {
+      result := l.value <= r.value;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    left.print_value;
+    print_m " =< ";
+    right.print_value;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_inf_strict.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_inf_strict.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b521c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_inf_strict.li
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_INF_STRICT;
+  - comment     := "Evaluation operator '<'";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - execute:BOOLEAN <-
+  ( + l,r:NUMBER;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    l ?= left.evaluate;
+    r ?= right.evaluate;
+    ((l != NULL) && {r != NULL}).if {
+      result := l.value < r.value;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    left.print_value;
+    print_m " < ";
+    right.print_value;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_mul.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_mul.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9f5502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_mul.li
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_MUL;
+  - comment     := "Multiplication operation.";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - evaluate:TERM <-
+  ( 
+    + l,r:NUMBER;
+    + result:TERM;
+    l ?= left.evaluate;
+    r ?= right.evaluate;
+    ((l != NULL) && {r != NULL}).if {
+      result := NUMBER.create_from (l.value * r.value);
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    infix.if {
+      left.print_value;
+      print_m " * ";
+      right.print_value;
+    } else {
+      print_m " *(";
+      left.print_value;
+      print_m ", ";
+      right.print_value;
+      print_m ")";
+    };
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_neg.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_neg.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc8c9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_neg.li
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_NEG;
+  - comment     := "Neg Expression.";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_UNARY;
+Section Public
+  - evaluate:TERM <-
+  ( 
+    + n:NUMBER;
+    + result:TERM;
+    n ?= expr.evaluate;  
+    (n != NULL).if {
+      result := NUMBER.create_from (- n.value);
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    infix.if {
+      print_m " - ";
+      expr.print_value;
+    } else {
+      print_m " -(";
+      expr.print_value;
+      print_m ")";
+    };
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_not_equal.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_not_equal.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..619ee70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_not_equal.li
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_NOT_EQUAL;
+  - comment     := "Evaluation operator '=/='";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - execute:BOOLEAN <-
+  ( + l,r:NUMBER;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    l ?= left.evaluate;
+    r ?= right.evaluate;
+    ((l != NULL) && {r != NULL}).if {
+      result := l.value != r.value;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    left.print_value;
+    print_m " =/= ";
+    right.print_value;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_not_unify.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_not_unify.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75b03f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_not_unify.li
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_NOT_UNIFY;
+  - comment     := "operator '/='";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - execute:BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    ! left.is_unifiable_with right
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    left.print_value;
+    print_m " /= ";
+    right.print_value;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_sub.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_sub.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c38b327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_sub.li
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_SUB;
+  - comment     := "Sub Operation.";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - evaluate:TERM <-
+  ( 
+    + l,r:NUMBER;
+    + result:TERM;
+    l ?= left.evaluate;
+    r ?= right.evaluate;
+    ((l != NULL) && {r != NULL}).if {
+      result := NUMBER.create_from (l.value - r.value);
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    infix.if {
+      left.print_value;
+      print_m " - ";
+      right.print_value;
+    } else {
+      print_m " -(";
+      left.print_value;
+      print_m ", ";
+      right.print_value;
+      print_m ")";
+    };
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_sup.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_sup.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b783f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_sup.li
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_SUP;
+  - comment     := "Evaluation operator '>='";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - execute:BOOLEAN <-
+  ( + l,r:NUMBER;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    l ?= left.evaluate;
+    r ?= right.evaluate;
+    ((l != NULL) && {r != NULL}).if {
+      result := l.value >= r.value;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    left.print_value;
+    print_m " >= ";
+    right.print_value;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_sup_strict.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_sup_strict.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6e6f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_sup_strict.li
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_SUP_STRICT;
+  - comment     := "Evaluation operator '>'";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - execute:BOOLEAN <-
+  ( + l,r:NUMBER;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    l ?= left.evaluate;
+    r ?= right.evaluate;
+    ((l != NULL) && {r != NULL}).if {
+      result := l.value > r.value;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    left.print_value;
+    print_m " > ";
+    right.print_value;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_unary.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_unary.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88467ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_unary.li
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_UNARY;
+  - comment     := "Unary Expression.";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr:Expanded EXPR;
+Section Public
+  + expr:EXPR;
+  - create e:EXPR :SELF <-
+  ( + result:SELF;
+    result := clone;
+    result.make e;
+    result
+  );
+  - register_in context:CONTEXT <-
+  (
+    expr.register_in context;
+  );
+  - is_unifiable_with term:TERM :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + self_type:SELF;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    self_type ?= term;
+    (self_type != NULL).if {
+      result := expr.is_unifiable_with (self_type.expr);
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - unify_with (other:TERM,other_ctxt:CONTEXT) <-
+  (
+    + e:EXPR_UNARY;
+    + term:TERM;
+    (other_ctxt != NULL).if {
+      term := other_ctxt.get other;
+    } else {
+      term := other;
+    };
+    (! term.is_unbound).if {     
+      e ?= term;
+      expr.unify_with (e.expr,other_ctxt);
+    };
+  );
+  - complete_with other:TERM and_expand_within context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    + e:EXPR_UNARY;
+    e ?= other;
+    (e != NULL).if {
+      expr ?= expr.complete_with (e.expr) and_expand_within context;
+    };
+    Self
+  );
+  - copy:TERM <-
+  (
+    + e:EXPR;
+    e ?= expr.copy;
+    create e
+  );
+  - expanded_copy context:CONTEXT :TERM <-
+  (
+    + e:EXPR;
+    e ?= expr.expanded_copy context;
+    create e
+  );
+  - make e:EXPR <-
+  (
+    expr := e;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/expr/expr_unify.li b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_unify.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6314d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/expr/expr_unify.li
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Section Header
+  + name        := EXPR_UNIFY;
+  - comment     := "Unification operator '='";
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_expr_binary:Expanded EXPR_BINARY;
+Section Public
+  - execute:BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + result:BOOLEAN;
+    left.is_unifiable_with right.if {
+      // do unify left & rigth operands
+      left.unify_with (right, current_context);
+      // !!!! X = f(X) infinite loop !!! 
+      right.unify_with (left, current_context);
+      result := TRUE;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <-
+  (
+    left.print_value;
+    print_m " = ";
+    right.print_value;
+  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prolog/tree/query.li b/prolog/tree/query.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8ed004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/query.li
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := QUERY;
+  - author    := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+  - comment   := "Prolog Request";  
+Section Inherit
+  + parent_procedure:Expanded PROCEDURE;  
+Section Public
+  - execute:BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    current_query := Self;
+    CONTEXT.push_new NULL;
+    parent_procedure.execute
+  );
diff --git a/prolog/tree/rule.li b/prolog/tree/rule.li
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7094c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/tree/rule.li
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+Section Header
+  + name      := RULE;
+  - author      := "Damien Bouvarel (dams.bouvarel at wanadoo.fr)";
+Section Inherit
+  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
+Section Public
+  - name:STRING <- head.name;
+  - arity:INTEGER <- head.arity; 
+  + head:PRED;
+  + body:PROCEDURE;
+  + next:RULE;// next rule with same profil
+  - is_fact:BOOLEAN <- body.is_empty;
+  - is_single:BOOLEAN <- next = NULL;
+  - create h:PRED body p:PROCEDURE :SELF <-
+  (
+    + result:SELF;
+    result := SELF.clone;
+    result.make (h,p);
+    result
+  );
+  - make (h:PRED, p:PROCEDURE)<-
+  (
+    head := h;
+    body := p;
+  );
+  - add_rule rule:RULE <-
+  (
+    (next = NULL).if {
+      next := rule;
+    } else {
+      next.add_rule rule;
+    };
+  );
+  //
+  // Execute rule
+  //
+  - execute call:PRED within call_context:CONTEXT :BOOLEAN <-
+  (
+    + context:CONTEXT;
+    + result:BOOLEAN;   
+    // create & push new context
+    context := CONTEXT.push_new Self;
+    // register argument & variables
+    head.register_in context;
+    // unify head with the arguments of the call
+    head.unify_with (call,call_context);
+    // bind rule variables to call context variables
+    call.bind head to call_context;
+    // do the call
+    result := body.execute;
+    // restore context
+    CONTEXT.pop;
+    // get call result
+    call.unify_with (head,context);
+    result
+  );
+  - nb_match:INTEGER <-
+  (
+    + result:INTEGER;
+    (next != NULL).if {
+      result := 1 + next.nb_match;
+    } else {
+      result := 1;
+    };
+    result
+  );
+  - print_value <- 
+  (
+    head.print_value;
+    is_fact.if_false {
+      print_m " :- ";
+      body.print_value;
+    } else {
+      print_m ".";
+    };
+  );
+  - set_body p:PROCEDURE <- (body := p;);
\ No newline at end of file


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