[SCM] Lisaac compiler branch, master, updated. lisaac-0.12-630-g05ef490

Mildred Ki'Lya silkensedai at online.fr
Thu Jun 17 12:55:59 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 8d1808c79235329e0420d12f5db16681c2721ab2
Author: Mildred Ki'Lya <silkensedai at online.fr>
Date:   Thu Jun 17 13:22:14 2010 +0200

    Added specification for contracts

diff --git a/features/contracts.feature b/features/contracts.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a021957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/contracts.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Feature: Execute contracts
+  Contracts are code blocks introduced with the brackets [].
+  Depending on where they are, they are checked at various moments:
+    Require: before a slot definition
+    Ensure: after a slot definition
+    Prototype Invariant: at the end of file
+    Variable Invariant: at the end of a local definition, right before the ;
+  Require and Ensures are checked before and after a slot, when the slot is
+  called using the dot notation (SUBJECT.SLOT). Implicit calls (SLOT) from the
+  same object do not verify these contracts.
+  Prototype Invariant are checked at the same time as Requires and Ensures.
+  Invariants are checked twide, once before any Require, and once after any
+  Ensure.
+  Variable Invariants are not well defined yet
+  TODO: check this specification (it doesn't work)
+  Background:
+    Given lisaac/bin is in the PATH
+      And make.lip is installed
+      And I am in an empty directory
+  @fail
+  Scenario: simple contracts
+    Given a file "simple.li"
+      """
+      Section Header
+        + name := SIMPLE;
+      Section Private
+        - proc1 <-
+        [
+          "PRE proc1".println;
+        ]
+        (
+          "BODY proc1".println;
+        )
+        [
+          "POST proc1".println;
+        ];
+      Section Public
+        - main <-
+        (
+          proc1;
+          "***".println;
+          Self.proc1;
+          "***".println;
+          SIMPLE2.proc2;
+        );
+        [
+          "Prototype Invariant SIMPLE".println;
+        ]
+      """
+      And a file "simple2.li":
+      """
+      Section Header
+        + name := SIMPLE2;
+      Section Public
+        - proc2 <-
+        [
+          "PRE proc2".println;
+        ]
+        (
+          "BODY proc2".println;
+          proc3
+        )
+        [
+          "POST proc2".println;
+        ];
+        - proc3 <-
+        [
+          "PRE proc3".println;
+        ]
+        (
+          "BODY proc3".println;
+        )
+        [
+          "POST proc3".println;
+        ];
+        [
+          "Prototype Invariant SIMPLE2".println;
+        ]
+      """
+     When I run lisaac simple
+     Then it should pass
+     When I run ./simple
+     Then it should pass with
+      """
+      BODY proc1
+      ***
+      Prototype Invariant SIMPLE
+      PRE proc1
+      BODY proc1
+      POST proc1
+      Prototype Invariant SIMPLE
+      ***
+      Prototype Invariant SIMPLE2
+      PRE proc2
+      BODY proc2
+      BODY proc3
+      POST proc2
+      Prototype Invariant SIMPLE2
+      """
\ No newline at end of file

Lisaac compiler

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