[SCM] applications.git branch, master, updated. 8cfc70a141943b38d0ffb88f6da147ab19048f0a

ontologiae ontologiae at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 23:52:07 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 8cfc70a141943b38d0ffb88f6da147ab19048f0a
Author: ontologiae <ontologiae at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Nov 26 00:50:46 2010 +0100

    Isaac now boot with grub

diff --git a/isaacos/Makefile b/isaacos/Makefile
index efec956..e660d3f 100644
--- a/isaacos/Makefile
+++ b/isaacos/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,29 @@
 TARGET = x86
+CC=gcc -Wall fno-stack-protector
+kernel : boot.o startup.o updateimage
+	nasm -f elf -o boot.o boot.asm
+.o: .c 
+	$(CC) -c $^
+	lisaacos startup.li -partial -target $(TARGET)
+	sh mkimage.sh
+	mount /dev/loop2 ./HdIsaac
+	cp startup ./HdIsaac/IsaacKernel
 startup.sys: startup.li 
@@ -29,7 +54,9 @@ debug: startup.c
 	tool/script/dosemu e
-	rm startup.sys
-	rm startup.c
 # 	rm startup
 	rm -rf *~
+	rm -f  *.o
+	rm startup.sys
+	rm startup.c
diff --git a/isaacos/boot.asm b/isaacos/boot.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..588cf1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isaacos/boot.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+global _start, start
+extern kmain
+%define MULTIBOOT_HEADER_FLAGS	0x00000003
+;-- Entry point
+	jmp start
+;-- Multiboot header --
+align 4
+dd CHECKSUM     
+;--/Multiboot header --
+	push ebx
+	call kmain
+	cli ; stop interrupts
+	hlt ; halt the CPU
diff --git a/isaacos/mkimage.sh b/isaacos/mkimage.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3009973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isaacos/mkimage.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+dd if=/dev/zero of=HddIsaac.img bs=512 count=16065
+losetup /dev/loop1 HddIsaac.img
+fdisk /dev/loop1
+losetup -o 32256 /dev/loop2 /dev/loop1
+mkfs /dev/loop2
+mount /dev/loop2 HdIsaac/
+mkdir -p ./HdIsaac/boot/grub
+cp -rv /boot/grub/stage* ./HdIsaac/boot/grub
+cat > ./HdIsaac/boot/grub/menu.lst << EOF
+default 0
+timeout 10
+root (hd0,0)
+kernel /IsaacKernel
+grub --device-map=/dev/null  << EOF
+device (hd0) HdIsaac.img 
+root (hd0,0)
+setup (hd0)
+cp startup ./image/IsaacKernel
+umount ./image
diff --git a/isaacos/startup.sys b/isaacos/startup.sys
deleted file mode 100644
index d22933b..0000000
Binary files a/isaacos/startup.sys and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/TEST.NAS b/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/TEST.NAS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..875e5d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/TEST.NAS
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+;******************** PASS-2 *****************************;[STARTUP.ASM#1183]
+b equ byte ptr;[STARTUP.ASM#18]
+w equ <word ptr>;[STARTUP.ASM#19]
+d equ <dword ptr>;[STARTUP.ASM#20]
+o equ <offset>;[STARTUP.ASM#21]
+OS32 segment use16;[STARTUP.ASM#23]
+ORG 0100h;[STARTUP.ASM#24]
+assume cs:OS32,es:OS32,ss:OS32;[STARTUP.ASM#25]
+DBNomVer equ 3 +600h;[STARTUP.ASM#35]
+DWOct_Sec equ 11+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#36]
+DBSec_Clu equ 13+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#37]
+DWSec_Res equ 14+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#38]
+DBNb_FAT equ 16+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#39]
+DWE_Rac equ 17+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#40]
+DWSec_Vol equ 19+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#41]
+DBDesc_Supp equ 21+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#42]
+DWSec_FAT equ 22+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#43]
+DWSec_Pis equ 24+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#44]
+DWNb_tet equ 26+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#45]
+DDDis_mass equ 28+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#46]
+DDSec_Vol2 equ 32+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#47]
+DDSec_FAT2 equ 36+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#49]
+DDRoot_Clu equ 44+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#52]
+DBDrive equ 64+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#57]
+DDPosClu equ 90+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#67]
+DDPosRac equ 94+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#68]
+DDPosFAT equ 98+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#69]
+DBInt13_Size equ 102+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#72]
+DBInt13_Reserved equ 103+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#73]
+DWInt13_NbrSector equ 104+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#74]
+DWInt13_Offset equ 106+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#75]
+DWInt13_Segment equ 108+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#76]
+DDInt13_Sector equ 110+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#77]
+DDInt13_SectorHigh equ 114+600h;[STARTUP.ASM#78]
+DB 'dans STARTUP',13,10,0;[STARTUP.ASM#80]
+old_sector_FAT equ 600h;[STARTUP.ASM#85]
+DW 280H;[STARTUP.ASM#110]
+MOV BP,10000;[STARTUP.ASM#296]
+mov ax,cx;[STARTUP.ASM#297]
+FIN_LIMIT_512 equ offset $-100h;[STARTUP.ASM#320]
+DD 0800H;[STARTUP.ASM#392]
+DD 2000H;[STARTUP.ASM#395]
+ mov es:[di],ax;[STARTUP.ASM#427]
+MOV CX,08093H;[STARTUP.ASM#445]
+lgdt fword ptr cs:[GDT-100h];[STARTUP.ASM#467]
+OR EAX,00000001H;[STARTUP.ASM#470]
+MOV EDI,200000H;[STARTUP.ASM#495]
+lidt fword ptr cs:[IDT-100h];[STARTUP.ASM#540]
+lgdt fword ptr cs:[GDT-100h];[STARTUP.ASM#541]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#546]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#548]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#551]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#554]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#557]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#560]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#563]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#565]
+MOV AL,11111111B;[STARTUP.ASM#566]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#568]
+MOV AL,11111111B;[STARTUP.ASM#569]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#571]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#589]
+OR EAX,00000001H;[STARTUP.ASM#601]
+MOV ESP,200000H;[STARTUP.ASM#611]
+DD 200000H;[STARTUP.ASM#617]
+ add al,'A'-10;[STARTUP.ASM#637]
+ int 10h;[STARTUP.ASM#661]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#710]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#711]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#712]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#740]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#741]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#742]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#748]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#749]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#750]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#768]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#769]
+JMP $+2;[STARTUP.ASM#770]
+begin_call_int equ offset $;[STARTUP.ASM#824]
+sgdt fword ptr ds:[GDT_Isa -begin_call_int+1000h];[STARTUP.ASM#839]
+MOV ESP,2000H-24;[STARTUP.ASM#842]
+DD 2000H;[STARTUP.ASM#853]
+lgdt fword ptr cs:[GDT_Isa -begin_call_int+1000h];[STARTUP.ASM#901]
+OR EAX,00000001H;[STARTUP.ASM#905]
+DB 066H;[STARTUP.ASM#923]
+MOV BP,10000;[STARTUP.ASM#988]
+mov ax,cx;[STARTUP.ASM#990]
+ in al,60h;[STARTUP.ASM#1015]
+ in al,60h;[STARTUP.ASM#1025]
+DW 0000;[STARTUP.ASM#1030]
+MOV BX,160;[STARTUP.ASM#1071]
+ADD DI,160;[STARTUP.ASM#1079]
+CMP DI,4000;[STARTUP.ASM#1113]
+MOV BX,160;[STARTUP.ASM#1120]
+ADD DI,24*160;[STARTUP.ASM#1125]
+MOV CX,4000;[STARTUP.ASM#1132]
+MOV AX,0720H;[STARTUP.ASM#1139]
+MOV BP,10000;[STARTUP.ASM#1159]
+ mov ax,cx;[STARTUP.ASM#1161]
+OS32 ends;[STARTUP.ASM#1181]
diff --git a/isaacos/x86/bootloader/boot.asm b/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/boot.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from isaacos/x86/bootloader/boot.asm
rename to isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/boot.asm
diff --git a/isaacos/x86/bootloader/boot.li b/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/boot.li
similarity index 100%
rename from isaacos/x86/bootloader/boot.li
rename to isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/boot.li
diff --git a/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/install.c b/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/install.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eebae38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/install.c
@@ -0,0 +1,26409 @@
+/* C code generated by Lisaac compiler (www.lisaac.org) */
+#define _LARGE_FILE_API
+#include <signal.h>
+int arg_count;
+char **arg_vector;
+/* EXTERNAL                 */
+/* INSTALL */
+#include <bios.h>
+/* SYSTEM_IO */
+extern unsigned char ___video_text;  
+int count_char=0;
+// Hardware 'print_char'.  
+int print_char(char car)
+// Very low level buffered output.
+{ unsigned short tmp;
+  int i;
+  unsigned short pos_cur;
+  unsigned char *screen=(unsigned char *)0xB8000LU;
+  if (___video_text == 0) {
+    asm("int $0x30");
+  };
+  // Read cursor location.
+  asm("movw $0x0E,%%ax     \n\
+      movw $0x3D4,%%dx    \n\
+      outb %%al,%%dx      \n\
+      incw %%dx           \n\
+      inb  %%dx,%%al      \n\
+      movw %%ax,%0        ": "=g"(tmp) : :"ax","dx");
+  pos_cur = tmp;
+  asm("movw $0x0F,%%ax     \n\
+       movw $0x3D4,%%dx    \n\
+       outb %%al,%%dx      \n\
+       incw %%dx           \n\
+       inb  %%dx,%%al      \n\
+       movw %%ax,%0        ": "=g"(tmp) : :"ax","dx");
+  pos_cur = ((pos_cur << 8) | tmp) << 1;
+  // Write character.
+  switch (car) {    
+  case '\b':
+    if ((pos_cur % 160) != 0) {
+      pos_cur = pos_cur - 2;
+    };
+    break;
+  case '\t': 
+    pos_cur = (pos_cur + 16) & 0xFFF0;
+    break;
+  case '\n':
+    pos_cur = pos_cur + 160 - (pos_cur % 160);
+    count_char++;
+    if (count_char == 20) {
+      do {
+        asm("movw $0x60,%%dx     \n\
+             inb  %%dx,%%al      \n\
+             movw %%ax,%0        ": "=g"(tmp) : :"ax","dx");
+      } while ((tmp & 0x80) == 0);
+      do {
+        asm("movw $0x60,%%dx     \n\
+             inb  %%dx,%%al      \n\
+             movw %%ax,%0        ": "=g"(tmp) : :"ax","dx");
+      } while ((tmp & 0x80) == 0x80);      
+      count_char = 0;     
+    };
+    break; 
+  case '\r':
+    pos_cur = pos_cur - (pos_cur % 160);
+  default: // other.
+    screen[pos_cur]   = car;
+    screen[pos_cur+1] = 12;
+    pos_cur = pos_cur + 2;
+  };
+  // Scroll screen.
+  if (pos_cur>=4000) {
+    for (i=160;i<4000;i++) screen[i-160]=screen[i];
+    for (i=(4000-160);i<4000;i+=2) {
+      screen[i]     = ' ';
+      screen[i + 1] = 15;
+    };
+    pos_cur = pos_cur - 160;
+  };
+  // Write cursor location.
+  pos_cur = pos_cur >> 1;
+  tmp = pos_cur;
+  asm("movw %0,%%ax        \n\
+       movb $0x0E,%%al     \n\
+       movw $0x3D4,%%dx    \n\
+       outw %%ax,%%dx      ": : "g"(tmp) : "dx","ax");
+  tmp = (pos_cur << 8) & 0xFF00;
+  asm("movw %0,%%ax        \n\
+       movb $0x0F,%%al     \n\
+       movw $0x3D4,%%dx    \n\
+       outw %%ax,%%dx      ": : "g"(tmp) : "dx","ax");
+void print_nb(int n)
+{ int d;
+ char car;
+ d = 10000000;
+ while (d != 0) {
+   car = n / d;
+   print_char(car+'0');
+   n = n % d;
+   d = d / 10;
+ };
+// Hardware 'exit'.
+int die_with_code(int code)
+  while (1);
+/* INT13H */
+#include <dos.h>
+#include <conio.h>
+#include <dpmi.h>
+/* SYSTEM */
+#include <time.h>
+/* MEMORY */
+#define MINIMUM_SIZE 256
+void *table_size[MINIMUM_SIZE/sizeof(void *)];
+void *last_block[64];
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* Hardware 'print_char' */
+void print_char(char car)
+  fputc(car,stdout);
+/* Hardware 'exit' */
+int die_with_code(int code)
+  exit(code);
+#include <math.h>
+/* TYPE                     */
+/* Generic Object */
+struct ___OBJ {
+  unsigned int __id;
+typedef struct li__Y_struct __li__Y;
+typedef struct li__GJ_struct __li__GJ;
+typedef struct li__4B_struct __li__3B; /* ALIAS with li__4B */
+typedef struct li__WT_struct __li__WT;
+typedef struct li__SB_struct __li__SB;
+typedef struct li__LT_struct __li__LT;
+typedef struct li__TE_struct __li__TE;
+typedef struct li__D3O_struct __li__D3O;
+typedef struct li__4SF_struct __li__4SF;
+typedef struct li__4B_struct __li__4B;
+typedef struct li__XT_struct __li__XT;
+typedef struct li__CH_struct __li__CH;
+/* NULL */
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL ((void *)0)
+typedef unsigned int __li__U;
+typedef signed int __li__K;
+typedef unsigned long long __li__JH;
+typedef char __li__C;
+typedef unsigned char __li__BB;
+/* li__Y */
+#define __li__Y__ 4
+struct li__Y_struct {
+  unsigned int __id;
+  __li__K li__MC;
+  __li__BB *li__NC;
+/* li__GJ */
+#define __li__GJ__ 5
+struct li__GJ_struct {
+  unsigned int __id;
+  __li__K li__ZDD;
+  __li__K li__V4O;
+  __li__BB *li__B5O;
+typedef unsigned char __li__1B;
+/* li__4B */
+#define __li__4B__ 0
+struct li__4B_struct {
+  __li__K li__JUF;
+  __li__K li__CVF;
+  __li__1B *li__GI;
+/* li__3B */
+#define __li__3B__ 1
+typedef unsigned long __li__1RF;
+typedef void * __li__GB;
+/* li__XT */
+#define __li__XT__ 2
+struct li__XT_struct {
+  __li__K li__HU;
+/* li__WT */
+#define __li__WT__ 3
+struct li__WT_struct {
+  __li__XT li__3T;
+  __li__K li__Z2O;
+  __li__D3O *li__H3O;
+  __li__D3O *li__RLR;
+  __li__D3O *li__0QS;
+typedef unsigned short __li__CD;
+/* li__SB */
+#define __li__SB__ 4
+struct li__SB_struct {
+  __li__U li__KD;
+  __li__K li__0U;
+  __li__CD li__ED;
+  __li__CD li__HD;
+  __li__1B li__UC;
+  __li__1B li__5C;
+  __li__WT *li__5T;
+/* li__LT */
+#define __li__LT__ 5
+struct li__LT_struct {
+  volatile __li__1B li__NT;
+  volatile __li__1B li__OT;
+  volatile __li__CD li__PT;
+  volatile __li__1B li__QT;
+  volatile __li__1B li__RT;
+  volatile __li__CD li__ST;
+  volatile __li__U li__TT;
+  volatile __li__U li__UT;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* li__TE */
+#define __li__TE__ 6
+struct li__TE_struct {
+  volatile __li__1B li__VE;
+  volatile __li__CD li__WE;
+  volatile __li__BB li__XE;
+  volatile __li__BB li__YE;
+  volatile __li__BB li__ZE;
+  volatile __li__BB li__0E;
+  volatile __li__BB li__1E;
+  volatile __li__BB li__2E;
+  volatile __li__BB li__3E;
+  volatile __li__BB li__4E;
+  volatile __li__CD li__5E;
+  volatile __li__1B li__AF;
+  volatile __li__CD li__BF;
+  volatile __li__1B li__CF;
+  volatile __li__CD li__DF;
+  volatile __li__CD li__EF;
+  volatile __li__1B li__FF;
+  volatile __li__CD li__GF;
+  volatile __li__CD li__HF;
+  volatile __li__CD li__IF;
+  volatile __li__U li__JF;
+  volatile __li__U li__KF;
+  volatile __li__U li__LF;
+  volatile __li__CD li__MF;
+  volatile __li__CD li__NF;
+  volatile __li__U li__OF;
+  volatile __li__U li__PF;
+  volatile __li__U li__QF;
+  volatile __li__U li__RF;
+  volatile __li__U li__SF;
+  volatile __li__1B li__TF;
+  volatile __li__1B li__UF;
+  volatile __li__1B li__VF;
+  volatile __li__U li__WF;
+  volatile __li__BB li__XF;
+  volatile __li__BB li__YF;
+  volatile __li__BB li__ZF;
+  volatile __li__BB li__0F;
+  volatile __li__BB li__1F;
+  volatile __li__BB li__2F;
+  volatile __li__BB li__3F;
+  volatile __li__BB li__4F;
+  volatile __li__BB li__5F;
+  volatile __li__BB li__AG;
+  volatile __li__BB li__BG;
+  volatile __li__BB li__CG;
+  volatile __li__BB li__DG;
+  volatile __li__BB li__EG;
+  volatile __li__BB li__FG;
+  volatile __li__BB li__GG;
+  volatile __li__BB li__HG;
+  volatile __li__BB li__IG;
+  volatile __li__BB li__JG;
+  volatile __li__U li__KG;
+  volatile __li__U li__LG;
+  volatile __li__U li__MG;
+  volatile __li__U li__NG;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+typedef signed int __li__Q;
+/* li__D3O */
+#define __li__D3O__ 7
+struct li__D3O_struct {
+  __li__LT *li__J3O;
+  __li__D3O *li__DMR;
+/* li__4SF */
+#define __li__4SF__ 8
+struct li__4SF_struct {
+  __li__4SF *li__ATF;
+  volatile __li__1RF li__BTF;
+  __li__4SF *li__CTF;
+  __li__4SF *li__DTF;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define li__I__ 0
+#define li__B__ 1
+typedef unsigned int __li__XZ;
+/* li__CH */
+#define __li__CH__ 9
+struct li__CH_struct {
+  volatile __li__1B li__EH;
+  volatile __li__1B li__FH;
+  volatile __li__CD li__GH;
+  volatile __li__CD li__HH;
+  volatile __li__CD li__IH;
+  volatile __li__JH li__LH;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* ___CONTEXT */
+typedef struct ___CONTEXT_struct _____CONTEXT; 
+struct ___CONTEXT_struct {
+  unsigned long code; 
+  _____CONTEXT *back; 
+_____CONTEXT *top_context; 
+void *table_type[10];
+#define L16001563 0
+#define L52041259 1
+#define L35149867 2
+#define L4984904 3
+#define L18483243 4
+#define L31987739 5
+#define L14428203 6
+#define L16678955 7
+#define L31996981 8
+#define L63972396 9
+#define L28837931 10
+#define L68689430 11
+#define L13522987 12
+#define L17571873 13
+#define L24782891 14
+#define L42345509 15
+#define L11029000 16
+#define L63966252 17
+#define L39192619 18
+#define L38284315 19
+#define L23877675 20
+#define L35137579 21
+#define L12620853 22
+#define L36717109 23
+#define L10357790 24
+#define L19825717 25
+#define L34238517 26
+#define L31070226 27
+#define L48639000 28
+#define L35137589 29
+#define L27009031 30
+#define L45483032 31
+#define L17565739 32
+#define L12614709 33
+#define L13510699 34
+#define L19819573 35
+#define L6296609 36
+#define L27920427 37
+#define L16654369 38
+#define L23865387 39
+#define L22947848 40
+#define L31744555 41
+#define L18221588 42
+#define L38275115 43
+#define L20472338 44
+#define L6970923 45
+#define L34220075 46
+#define L2232344 47
+#define L19810357 48
+#define L24524308 49
+#define L47721496 50
+#define L38946347 51
+#define L15752245 52
+#define L16648235 53
+#define L15743009 54
+#define L21380661 55
+#define L12593195 56
+#define L38934043 57
+#define L70022709 58
+#define L16648245 59
+#define L5379105 60
+#define L27002923 61
+#define L11687979 62
+#define L22947883 63
+#define L65287212 64
+#define L69342261 65
+#define L37357611 66
+#define L15496712 67
+#define L33302571 68
+#define L7614475 69
+#define L13249046 70
+#define L6952492 71
+#define L17304091 72
+#define L6955573 73
+#define L15736882 74
+#define L48380440 75
+#define L74721287 76
+#define L32397355 77
+#define L30817829 78
+#define L15730731 79
+#define L69995030 80
+#define L6041121 81
+#define L24271880 82
+#define L11675691 83
+#define L50865205 84
+#define L6034965 85
+#define L57155606 86
+#define L6718507 87
+#define L26085419 88
+#define L19557941 89
+#define L28320775 90
+#define L37111320 91
+#define L19548705 92
+#define L9190949 93
+#define L22030379 94
+#define L25180197 95
+#define L16401970 96
+#define L15493665 97
+#define L9187874 98
+#define L37117483 99
+#define L6034981 100
+#define L36440107 101
+#define L10755092 102
+#define L32385067 103
+#define L76303925 104
+#define L10758175 105
+#define L7374354 106
+#define L6709291 107
+#define L69095989 108
+#define L31470610 109
+#define L21122091 110
+#define L6031914 111
+#define L82606645 112
+#define L17959963 113
+#define L22021164 114
+#define L14813227 115
+#define L18640426 116
+#define L82603573 117
+#define L10758187 118
+#define L59406389 119
+#define L44310053 120
+#define L81011734 121
+#define L27412504 122
+#define L17060907 123
+#define L25167915 124
+#define L9852971 125
+#define L26747445 126
+#define L21112875 127
+#define L62546984 128
+#define L81005590 129
+#define L65025580 130
+#define L35522603 131
+#define L20207659 132
+#define L31467563 133
+#define L33718315 134
+#define L22686261 135
+#define L18631221 136
+#define L31467573 137
+#define L77858869 138
+#define L13895723 139
+#define L9840683 140
+#define L79432245 141
+#define L12091436 142
+#define L11410977 143
+#define L45649461 144
+#define L24250411 145
+#define L12990508 146
+#define L25823781 147
+#define L20195371 148
+#define L14554648 149
+#define L76048437 150
+#define L28059143 151
+#define L34605099 152
+#define L19280916 153
+#define L12088373 154
+#define L18372612 155
+#define L21537825 156
+#define L19290155 157
+#define L45643317 158
+#define L30550059 159
+#define L19277844 160
+#define L21534753 161
+#define L37758005 162
+#define L29644843 163
+#define L49679896 164
+#define L40904747 165
+#define L23342133 166
+#define L12978219 167
+#define L68588040 168
+#define L8923179 169
+#define L80522247 170
+#define L22433835 171
+#define L45634101 172
+#define L39999531 173
+#define L38423083 174
+#define L68815894 175
+#define L8920108 176
+#define L23332907 177
+#define L54415413 178
+#define L3950604 179
+#define L19277867 180
+#define L24672276 181
+#define L105520662 182
+#define L54412341 183
+#define L38410779 184
+#define L33687595 185
+#define L6432289 186
+#define L23997985 187
+#define L29632555 188
+#define L43811352 189
+#define L31212085 190
+#define L31870994 191
+#define L43133976 192
+#define L37511723 193
+#define L29632565 194
+#define L39987243 195
+#define L20614177 196
+#define L12060715 197
+#define L47860248 198
+#define L44719669 199
+#define L7343688 200
+#define L8005675 201
+#define L53488664 202
+#define L6429228 203
+#define L8679979 204
+#define L44704280 205
+#define L44716597 206
+#define L81424437 207
+#define L13637173 208
+#define L39072792 209
+#define L11149342 210
+#define L22415403 211
+#define L35026987 212
+#define L31861778 213
+#define L18360363 214
+#define L13409333 215
+#define L10241042 216
+#define L18117124 217
+#define L43130923 218
+#define L10250283 219
+#define L27815979 220
+#define L32770091 221
+#define L23745543 222
+#define L17455147 223
+#define L28715051 224
+#define L19025441 225
+#define L19028523 226
+#define L9326594 227
+#define L40652341 228
+#define L57297415 229
+#define L10903044 230
+#define L14964246 231
+#define L11820587 232
+#define L39069739 233
+#define L23083573 234
+#define L82988597 235
+#define L11143211 236
+#define L55717895 237
+#define L36591147 238
+#define L28711989 239
+#define L55714823 240
+#define L38164523 241
+#define L21497899 242
+#define L29380139 243
+#define L43789861 244
+#define L10231841 245
+#define L17442859 246
+#define L48525365 247
+#define L25322021 248
+#define L7744011 249
+#define L49187352 250
+#define L64493063 251
+#define L10909227 252
+#define L55708679 253
+#define L31852587 254
+#define L16537643 255
+#define L27797547 256
+#define L65407532 257
+#define L57282055 258
+#define L98051094 259
+#define L13372438 260
+#define L6170657 261
+#define L54135320 262
+#define L22153748 263
+#define L30042149 264
+#define L38152235 265
+#define L31612440 266
+#define L10225707 267
+#define L7744033 268
+#define L54144565 269
+#define L52568117 270
+#define L13381685 271
+#define L34084882 272
+#define L54806552 273
+#define L98044950 274
+#define L9317409 275
+#define L10881542 276
+#define L37247019 277
+#define L55717941 278
+#define L6826502 279
+#define L20580395 280
+#define L16525355 281
+#define L6164523 282
+#define L22812680 283
+#define L38817323 284
+#define L30935083 285
+#define L19678261 286
+#define L18101813 287
+#define L15620139 288
+#define L26880043 289
+#define L17187352 290
+#define L27554347 291
+#define L14037538 292
+#define L22818849 293
+#define L30032949 294
+#define L37234731 295
+#define L9308203 296
+#define L34759221 297
+#define L11562037 298
+#define L57941014 299
+#define L18763819 300
+#define L17178136 301
+#define L40375323 302
+#define L19662891 303
+#define L25965605 304
+#define L15607851 305
+#define L20337195 306
+#define L5915160 307
+#define L21907489 308
+#define L29118507 309
+#define L17840132 310
+#define L27545141 311
+#define L30017579 312
+#define L41052715 313
+#define L52312619 314
+#define L17843215 315
+#define L33173557 316
+#define L25962539 317
+#define L13116952 318
+#define L9071147 319
+#define L43531317 320
+#define L60176391 321
+#define L26627608 322
+#define L52309547 323
+#define L40372267 324
+#define L39463963 325
+#define L36317227 326
+#define L17840148 327
+#define L8390699 328
+#define L54541831 329
+#define L16257549 330
+#define L26621464 331
+#define L31341572 332
+#define L48916504 333
+#define L45763608 334
+#define L19416609 335
+#define L18745387 336
+#define L43522101 337
+#define L21667361 338
+#define L14690347 339
+#define L4997656 340
+#define L23465502 341
+#define L21664289 342
+#define L29100075 343
+#define L36982315 344
+#define L30673445 345
+#define L15361579 346
+#define L13785131 347
+#define L17834017 348
+#define L25045035 349
+#define L24127496 350
+#define L54529543 351
+#define L27286552 352
+#define L10619926 353
+#define L39454763 354
+#define L42607659 355
+#define L16916484 356
+#define L24139819 357
+#define L35399723 358
+#define L39220763 359
+#define L75245063 360
+#define L65801772 361
+#define L32921131 362
+#define L46662709 363
+#define L20075553 364
+#define L17827883 365
+#define L11285010 366
+#define L74358325 367
+#define L13772843 368
+#define L9717803 369
+#define L63975943 370
+#define L12864543 371
+#define L95292453 372
+#define L69625909 373
+#define L16017441 374
+#define L40122933 375
+#define L35393589 376
+#define L48661000 377
+#define L28182571 378
+#define L69610518 379
+#define L12867627 380
+#define L4988467 381
+#define L6574152 382
+#define L21645857 383
+#define L24127531 384
+#define L37638187 385
+#define L28838407 386
+#define L9702422 387
+#define L37628952 388
+#define L53618200 389
+#define L38537259 390
+#define L81541654 391
+#define L46422581 392
+#define L12858402 393
+#define L34482219 394
+#define L39211563 395
+#define L23210004 396
+#define L12855327 397
+#define L12864565 398
+#define L81538582 399
+#define L40784939 400
+#define L53624373 401
+#define L52047925 402
+#define L30190104 403
+#define L16910379 404
+#define L23210014 405
+#define L8794136 406
+#define L59252789 407
+#define L21642805 408
+#define L56768037 409
+#define L12855339 410
+#define L11953195 411
+#define L27265067 412
+#define L23210027 413
+#define L10367519 414
+#define L46407221 415
+#define L10364447 416
+#define L37619755 417
+#define L11029512 418
+#define L19823137 419
+#define L33564715 420
+#define L22295576 421
+#define L82212917 422
+#define L63966764 423
+#define L10361375 424
+#define L29506597 425
+#define L54264839 426
+#define L32659499 427
+#define L7885867 428
+#define L15992875 429
+#define L11937835 430
+#define L43919413 431
+#define L74977287 432
+#define L4723745 433
+#define L26347563 434
+#define L50203656 435
+#define L27006471 436
+#define L11032619 437
+#define L22292523 438
+#define L4723751 439
+#define L21390379 440
+#define L5385739 441
+#define L38946840 442
+#define L36702251 443
+#define L17316868 444
+#define L32647211 445
+#define L37376555 446
+#define L76566069 447
+#define L32637979 448
+#define L18222102 449
+#define L18902561 450
+#define L35800117 451
+#define L15075371 452
+#define L11020331 453
+#define L22939143 454
+#define L10099716 455
+#define L25430059 456
+#define L69348917 457
+#define L10115115 458
+#define L46139416 459
+#define L21375019 460
+#define L57411637 461
+#define L54933045 462
+#define L30153253 463
+#define L46148661 464
+#define L52454453 465
+#define L35784747 466
+#define L6962230 467
+#define L20469803 468
+#define L35787829 469
+#define L31729707 470
+#define L58067478 471
+#define L29241880 472
+#define L24524853 473
+#define L49055247 474
+#define L52448309 475
+#define L14157867 476
+#define L22027794 477
+#define L10102827 478
+#define L34879541 479
+#define L11673121 480
+#define L49966645 481
+#define L42746392 482
+#define L24512555 483
+#define L8526390 484
+#define L20457515 485
+#define L39590424 486
+#define L42743320 487
+#define L48374814 488
+#define L56260133 489
+#define L34867243 490
+#define L19552299 491
+#define L30812203 492
+#define L35541547 493
+#define L5121032 494
+#define L22030901 495
+#define L25174565 496
+#define L31471122 497
+#define L13240363 498
+#define L93860901 499
+#define L68850184 500
+#define L9185323 501
+#define L17960475 502
+#define L22695979 503
+#define L40261675 504
+#define L40264757 505
+#define L6041672 506
+#define L23595051 507
+#define L17055256 508
+#define L40926744 509
+#define L19540011 510
+#define L13668360 511
+#define L79432726 512
+#define L98574870 513
+#define L33949739 514
+#define L76292149 515
+#define L40258613 516
+#define L24260129 517
+#define L29894699 518
+#define L8264726 519
+#define L27419189 520
+#define L15469590 521
+#define L16150049 522
+#define L50594824 523
+#define L23348756 524
+#define L40249387 525
+#define L98568726 526
+#define L21772308 527
+#define L15235592 528
+#define L44969496 529
+#define L12322859 530
+#define L8267819 531
+#define L39338008 532
+#define L23354923 533
+#define L81686581 534
+#define L22677547 535
+#define L27397656 536
+#define L27409973 537
+#define L18622507 538
+#define L45649973 539
+#define L65013804 540
+#define L10512427 541
+#define L33032235 542
+#define L56232501 543
+#define L28977195 544
+#define L76048949 545
+#define L17714219 546
+#define L12082731 547
+#define L56657415 548
+#define L28071979 549
+#define L24916005 550
+#define L39331883 551
+#define L11405355 552
+#define L38420504 553
+#define L77603862 554
+#define L21760043 555
+#define L46536757 556
+#define L10493985 557
+#define L17705003 558
+#define L31215659 559
+#define L77597718 560
+#define L23992328 561
+#define L32114731 562
+#define L19272223 563
+#define L60032027 564
+#define L28059691 565
+#define L55068679 566
+#define L8006166 567
+#define L4862507 568
+#define L30307365 569
+#define L8000011 570
+#define L43137560 571
+#define L29629989 572
+#define L32776728 573
+#define L13637665 574
+#define L38414379 575
+#define L10487851 576
+#define L9576468 577
+#define L39088683 578
+#define L59136053 579
+#define L21516833 580
+#define L14973960 581
+#define L8003105 582
+#define L44720181 583
+#define L10241540 584
+#define L20842539 585
+#define L44042805 586
+#define L51010584 587
+#define L16787499 588
+#define L41564213 589
+#define L44717109 590
+#define L57553461 591
+#define L18367029 592
+#define L81424949 593
+#define L74217013 594
+#define L23995445 595
+#define L31862290 596
+#define L23074824 597
+#define L3951155 598
+#define L31197227 599
+#define L15882283 600
+#define L32776757 601
+#define L31200309 602
+#define L27142187 603
+#define L25562661 604
+#define L12723233 605
+#define L14299682 606
+#define L23080993 607
+#define L43125285 608
+#define L7082511 609
+#define L37496875 610
+#define L25319431 611
+#define L26227736 612
+#define L18357813 613
+#define L9570347 614
+#define L11143717 615
+#define L54145031 616
+#define L5278226 617
+#define L36366891 618
+#define L4603928 619
+#define L19925035 620
+#define L23071774 621
+#define L58200086 622
+#define L15869995 623
+#define L14967851 624
+#define L48525877 625
+#define L11802644 626
+#define L30279723 627
+#define L10894340 628
+#define L26224683 629
+#define L7756843 630
+#define L6842380 631
+#define L11799572 632
+#define L22163489 633
+#define L40634411 634
+#define L36579371 635
+#define L9989128 636
+#define L8652843 637
+#define L51651080 638
+#define L26877447 639
+#define L41973784 640
+#define L40634421 641
+#define L4594731 642
+#define L19007531 643
+#define L63582215 644
+#define L14952491 645
+#define L55718453 646
+#define L5250564 647
+#define L17187848 648
+#define L29362219 649
+#define L18096161 650
+#define L25307179 651
+#define L8415787 652
+#define L39716907 653
+#define L6827032 654
+#define L35661867 655
+#define L7735339 656
+#define L38805528 657
+#define L9324104 658
+#define L6836275 659
+#define L25975339 660
+#define L41964587 661
+#define L34741256 662
+#define L34756651 663
+#define L18090027 664
+#define L41290293 665
+#define L35421720 666
+#define L46681624 667
+#define L14034987 668
+#define L28444715 669
+#define L11547164 670
+#define L13129771 671
+#define L34753589 672
+#define L17178657 673
+#define L24389675 674
+#define L21005857 675
+#define L21895688 676
+#define L41946136 677
+#define L16267277 678
+#define L7482891 679
+#define L69869590 680
+#define L14693910 681
+#define L62655495 682
+#define L38799403 683
+#define L43525669 684
+#define L26637355 685
+#define L23484459 686
+#define L34744363 687
+#define L20325409 688
+#define L49160245 689
+#define L64228871 690
+#define L13126709 691
+#define L25057835 692
+#define L33839147 693
+#define L17172523 694
+#define L23472158 695
+#define L26621976 696
+#define L13117483 697
+#define L11297796 698
+#define L82709045 699
+#define L38556187 700
+#define L27527211 701
+#define L16935451 702
+#define L29100581 703
+#define L23472171 704
+#define L9056293 705
+#define L45095989 706
+#define L5906478 707
+#define L18745909 708
+#define L6565387 709
+#define L41028635 710
+#define L49809944 711
+#define L37881899 712
+#define L33826859 713
+#define L27287064 714
+#define L11962882 715
+#define L40123419 716
+#define L36080693 717
+#define L81797685 718
+#define L79306774 719
+#define L63985671 720
+#define L9964616 721
+#define L17591300 722
+#define L18508843 723
+#define L40132661 724
+#define L33826869 725
+#define L29765669 726
+#define L16255019 727
+#define L76818951 728
+#define L56112677 729
+#define L20753441 730
+#define L12199979 731
+#define L29768757 732
+#define L18499617 733
+#define L12874284 734
+#define L30205976 735
+#define L74358837 736
+#define L4985889 737
+#define L10377218 738
+#define L33820725 739
+#define L35397173 740
+#define L9709076 741
+#define L26609707 742
+#define L69614102 743
+#define L36071477 744
+#define L22554667 745
+#define L45754933 746
+#define L95292965 747
+#define L69626421 748
+#define L17828405 749
+#define L41699893 750
+#define L78407733 751
+#define L11285534 752
+#define L30433835 753
+#define L36964395 754
+#define L8813099 755
+#define L32909355 756
+#define L23213588 757
+#define L16910875 758
+#define L6556199 759
+#define L6556202 760
+#define L14438443 761
+#define L17579023 762
+#define L32909365 763
+#define L32004139 764
+#define L12855839 765
+#define L12852760 766
+#define L26357255 767
+#define L15337515 768
+#define L27949099 769
+#define L11282475 770
+#define L16005665 771
+#define L35819032 772
+#define L21409313 773
+#define L25692203 774
+#define L10377259 775
+#define L21637163 776
+#define L23207454 777
+#define L7218209 778
+#define L40770072 779
+#define L8791579 780
+#define L7215132 781
+#define L55863333 782
+#define L15103531 783
+#define L19140100 784
+#define L36046891 785
+#define L15097377 786
+#define L31991851 787
+#define L55192117 788
+#define L10364959 789
+#define L6300680 790
+#define L74987015 791
+#define L47066648 792
+#define L14420011 793
+#define L11030034 794
+#define L47740952 795
+#define L10364971 796
+#define L46401589 797
+#define L19826741 798
+#define L16673845 799
+#define L29497880 800
+#define L11935265 801
+#define L27028523 802
+#define L24774699 803
+#define L48630792 804
+#define L20719659 805
+#define L52698155 806
+#define L16667701 807
+#define L18222596 808
+#define L35129387 809
+#define L20479506 810
+#define L31742488 811
+#define L19814443 812
+#define L31074347 813
+#define L42100248 814
+#define L28595755 815
+#define L5383176 816
+#define L7871009 817
+#define L18225688 818
+#define L6959627 819
+#define L19814453 820
+#define L28577287 821
+#define L12603435 822
+#define L73413685 823
+#define L9438223 824
+#define L31074357 825
+#define L30169131 826
+#define L43002405 827
+#define L20473362 828
+#define L13502507 829
+#define L40526891 830
+#define L29257752 831
+#define L9447467 832
+#define L16655410 833
+#define L34883090 834
+#define L58994741 835
+#define L31068213 836
+#define L23857195 837
+#define L14838806 838
+#define L19802155 839
+#define L35794485 840
+#define L8529944 841
+#define L34211883 842
+#define L42091045 843
+#define L27672088 844
+#define L24522273 845
+#define L30156843 846
+#define L52436488 847
+#define L18890785 848
+#define L47713304 849
+#define L9201174 850
+#define L9195016 851
+#define L22046763 852
+#define L17979406 853
+#define L40511531 854
+#define L77203975 855
+#define L12585003 856
+#define L36456491 857
+#define L12588085 858
+#define L8529963 859
+#define L34867730 860
+#define L52448821 861
+#define L9204267 862
+#define L10774559 863
+#define L23610913 864
+#define L22939691 865
+#define L14826529 866
+#define L18884651 867
+#define L10771487 868
+#define L14158389 869
+#define L78792757 870
+#define L10759174 871
+#define L17970196 872
+#define L33294379 873
+#define L57156630 874
+#define L24269831 875
+#define L54671879 876
+#define L29239339 877
+#define L17967124 878
+#define L81939509 879
+#define L32392245 880
+#define L28334123 881
+#define L17967131 882
+#define L39594027 883
+#define L57150486 884
+#define L28337205 885
+#define L11667499 886
+#define L67277320 887
+#define L7612459 888
+#define L15494699 889
+#define L53095448 890
+#define L16169003 891
+#define L38688811 892
+#define L22022187 893
+#define L18626052 894
+#define L17967147 895
+#define L10756129 896
+#define L38014517 897
+#define L56236039 898
+#define L17970229 899
+#define L31477803 900
+#define L27422763 901
+#define L32376875 902
+#define L93855269 903
+#define L28321835 904
+#define L8277547 905
+#define L23595573 906
+#define L18632225 907
+#define L34615314 908
+#define L40259125 909
+#define L53751303 910
+#define L49021960 911
+#define L44304933 912
+#define L47451672 913
+#define L38676523 914
+#define L47463989 915
+#define L22678040 916
+#define L8948779 917
+#define L75368967 918
+#define L6691873 919
+#define L10749995 920
+#define L49025048 921
+#define L44308021 922
+#define L69755957 923
+#define L37762072 924
+#define L37774389 925
+#define L50598424 926
+#define L53751320 927
+#define L21104683 928
+#define L9838625 929
+#define L17049643 930
+#define L81687093 931
+#define L69749813 932
+#define L26505259 933
+#define L31459371 934
+#define L92937765 935
+#define L27404331 936
+#define L11412005 937
+#define L16138273 938
+#define L12985377 939
+#define L12080152 940
+#define L23343137 941
+#define L10494470 942
+#define L24014360 943
+#define L37759019 944
+#define L9832491 945
+#define L12086325 946
+#define L20858401 947
+#define L20187179 948
+#define L23333918 949
+#define L99225110 950
+#define L16132139 951
+#define L76696071 952
+#define L35265048 953
+#define L21760556 954
+#define L16787972 955
+#define L30541867 956
+#define L33697845 957
+#define L26486827 958
+#define L29630488 959
+#define L45619736 960
+#define L17705525 961
+#define L22425633 962
+#define L40896555 963
+#define L25581611 964
+#define L36841515 965
+#define L76686855 966
+#define L8914987 967
+#define L18373675 968
+#define L56642567 969
+#define L16787992 970
+#define L69485078 971
+#define L9570822 972
+#define L19269675 973
+#define L55974437 974
+#define L15214635 975
+#define L15885857 976
+#define L24673323 977
+#define L39979032 978
+#define L56636423 979
+#define L5521944 980
+#define L54404149 981
+#define L28725291 982
+#define L14306335 983
+#define L29624363 984
+#define L59130421 985
+#define L12061749 986
+#define L13391878 987
+#define L25569323 988
+#define L74217525 989
+#define L7086091 990
+#define L63835143 991
+#define L39979051 992
+#define L81406998 993
+#define L43135029 994
+#define L35924011 995
+#define L7997483 996
+#define L11144222 997
+#define L14297119 998
+#define L28719157 999
+#define L25566261 1000
+#define L8653316 1001
+#define L19934773 1002
+#define L20605995 1003
+#define L54145543 1004
+#define L15870495 1005
+#define L18352171 1006
+#define L43128885 1007
+#define L77339655 1008
+#define L42214424 1009
+#define L14297131 1010
+#define L10900994 1011
+#define L36573703 1012
+#define L46940696 1013
+#define L39741995 1014
+#define L28706859 1015
+#define L22163986 1016
+#define L13391915 1017
+#define L17440801 1018
+#define L24651819 1019
+#define L25316888 1020
+#define L63835180 1021
+#define L52578357 1022
+#define L39061547 1023
+#define L21258770 1024
+#define L25323051 1025
+#define L23746603 1026
+#define L18105876 1027
+#define L35006507 1028
+#define L23737368 1029
+#define L30280245 1030
+#define L49422389 1031
+#define L13376536 1032
+#define L38150171 1033
+#define L32530997 1034
+#define L48507928 1035
+#define L34101291 1036
+#define L17434667 1037
+#define L13379627 1038
+#define L33426997 1039
+#define L11800101 1040
+#define L32524853 1041
+#define L63582727 1042
+#define L59774005 1043
+#define L10888724 1044
+#define L27789355 1045
+#define L51645448 1046
+#define L12474411 1047
+#define L23734315 1048
+#define L17194520 1049
+#define L56371719 1050
+#define L16529461 1051
+#define L38144043 1052
+#define L42864152 1053
+#define L34089003 1054
+#define L11572277 1055
+#define L37232664 1056
+#define L6830619 1057
+#define L26884149 1058
+#define L33183787 1059
+#define L9312300 1060
+#define L14700552 1061
+#define L16517163 1062
+#define L17859608 1063
+#define L9968132 1064
+#define L21249589 1065
+#define L12462123 1066
+#define L51651637 1067
+#define L18761761 1068
+#define L11563061 1069
+#define L16517173 1070
+#define L5248033 1071
+#define L26871851 1072
+#define L22816811 1073
+#define L34754101 1074
+#define L37226539 1075
+#define L21902356 1076
+#define L33171499 1077
+#define L39477291 1078
+#define L28445237 1079
+#define L6821420 1080
+#define L62656007 1081
+#define L21899284 1082
+#define L6824501 1083
+#define L14700587 1084
+#define L32266283 1085
+#define L32269365 1086
+#define L15599659 1087
+#define L45105717 1088
+#define L104096278 1089
+#define L55457317 1090
+#define L11544619 1091
+#define L20322849 1092
+#define L10642475 1093
+#define L69876277 1094
+#define L25954347 1095
+#define L80218646 1096
+#define L21899307 1097
+#define L52969496 1098
+#define L104090134 1099
+#define L23478837 1100
+#define L20997163 1101
+#define L9056802 1102
+#define L29101093 1103
+#define L45096501 1104
+#define L36309035 1105
+#define L81804341 1106
+#define L41029144 1107
+#define L32253995 1108
+#define L6565899 1109
+#define L11538485 1110
+#define L41029147 1111
+#define L25717285 1112
+#define L5900842 1113
+#define L31348779 1114
+#define L17828891 1115
+#define L20082721 1116
+#define L14682155 1117
+#define L63986183 1118
+#define L9965128 1119
+#define L95302693 1120
+#define L10627115 1121
+#define L64885255 1122
+#define L44178981 1123
+#define L12862472 1124
+#define L12197409 1125
+#define L28857880 1126
+#define L16929835 1127
+#define L25036843 1128
+#define L18497048 1129
+#define L4986396 1130
+#define L20981803 1131
+#define L12868639 1132
+#define L57018421 1133
+#define L8130059 1134
+#define L11295275 1135
+#define L35391531 1136
+#define L20747809 1137
+#define L20076587 1138
+#define L31336491 1139
+#define L78408245 1140
+#define L20744737 1141
+#define L44837912 1142
+#define L7474248 1143
+#define L59263029 1144
+#define L57686581 1145
+#define L52036616 1146
+#define L8795143 1147
+#define L8792066 1148
+#define L24799787 1149
+#define L13764651 1150
+#define L57683509 1151
+#define L54530613 1152
+#define L31998491 1153
+#define L20064287 1154
+#define L9709611 1155
+#define L11279902 1156
+#define L11279905 1157
+#define L44844085 1158
+#define L52045867 1159
+#define L20070453 1160
+#define L20061217 1161
+#define L24119339 1162
+#define L78383638 1163
+#define L47981592 1164
+#define L20064299 1165
+#define L56756743 1166
+#define L35819544 1167
+#define L7212555 1168
+#define L10362374 1169
+#define L8785927 1170
+#define L34474027 1171
+#define L15100961 1172
+#define L19159083 1173
+#define L30418987 1174
+#define L26348551 1175
+#define L21634604 1176
+#define L9457160 1177
+#define L6304264 1178
+#define L21403681 1179
+#define L40779829 1180
+#define L16671259 1181
+#define L24775188 1182
+#define L20726305 1183
+#define L15993883 1184
+#define L40773675 1185
+#define L21400609 1186
+#define L12847147 1187
+#define L11935764 1188
+#define L59918901 1189
+#define L8792107 1190
+#define L18250795 1191
+#define L9466411 1192
+#define L16000050 1193
+#define L24775201 1194
+#define L59915829 1195
+#define L4721675 1196
+#define L68684822 1197
+#define L31989301 1198
+#define L23201835 1199
+#define L27921944 1200
+#define L15088673 1201
+#define L19146795 1202
+#define L6295051 1203
+#define L76576309 1204
+#define L27010567 1205
+#define L43683352 1206
+#define L33556523 1207
+#define L44582424 1208
+#define L23866913 1209
+#define L29501483 1210
+#define L16668213 1211
+#define L24775221 1212
+#define L27928117 1213
+#define L6963211 1214
+#define L42100760 1215
+#define L39856171 1216
+#define L24531988 1217
+#define L15741444 1218
+#define L11929643 1219
+#define L41435701 1220
+#define L9441812 1221
+#define L67539464 1222
+#define L19814965 1223
+#define L7874603 1224
+#define L21382177 1225
+#define L24528916 1226
+#define L8548907 1227
+#define L18235445 1228
+#define L35801141 1229
+#define L22284331 1230
+#define L8530438 1231
+#define L24525844 1232
+#define L22943239 1233
+#define L18229291 1234
+#define L22958635 1235
+#define L11018273 1236
+#define L29255192 1237
+#define L18232373 1238
+#define L22940167 1239
+#define L30166581 1240
+#define L32639019 1241
+#define L74060807 1242
+#define L79710773 1243
+#define L18900523 1244
+#define L17324075 1245
+#define L28583979 1246
+#define L38033432 1247
+#define L24525861 1248
+#define L27672600 1249
+#define L70024245 1250
+#define L53357621 1251
+#define L63712300 1252
+#define L38938667 1253
+#define L15501320 1254
+#define L14836257 1255
+#define L11012139 1256
+#define L50201653 1257
+#define L42993717 1258
+#define L19562529 1259
+#define L38033451 1260
+#define L17989163 1261
+#define L33307189 1262
+#define L20461601 1263
+#define L49284120 1264
+#define L21366827 1265
+#define L44567093 1266
+#define L46805528 1267
+#define L10100769 1268
+#define L17311787 1269
+#define L14161973 1270
+#define L15504417 1271
+#define L36444696 1272
+#define L30822443 1273
+#define L13915656 1274
+#define L30813208 1275
+#define L22943285 1276
+#define L22022664 1277
+#define L26767403 1278
+#define L31721515 1279
+#define L55577608 1280
+#define L14158901 1281
+#define L27666475 1282
+#define L10768927 1283
+#define L52437035 1284
+#define L16406578 1285
+#define L28343861 1286
+#define L13241366 1287
+#define L55586853 1288
+#define L22022674 1289
+#define L54016565 1290
+#define L38021163 1291
+#define L74713607 1292
+#define L6716971 1293
+#define L10094635 1294
+#define L52437045 1295
+#define L16391192 1296
+#define L28337717 1297
+#define L15492129 1298
+#define L7606812 1299
+#define L18648107 1300
+#define L6036524 1301
+#define L20449323 1302
+#define L16394283 1303
+#define L63444487 1304
+#define L54660103 1305
+#define L30804011 1306
+#define L35524120 1307
+#define L26748971 1308
+#define L49031695 1309
+#define L15482913 1310
+#define L24254984 1311
+#define L13900310 1312
+#define L19310113 1313
+#define L22687777 1314
+#define L65932332 1315
+#define L26748981 1316
+#define L31462930 1317
+#define L25843755 1318
+#define L45878808 1319
+#define L37103659 1320
+#define L9177131 1321
+#define L35530293 1322
+#define L5793315 1323
+#define L27407896 1324
+#define L53748743 1325
+#define L26742837 1326
+#define L30566955 1327
+#define L19531819 1328
+#define L22441476 1329
+#define L15476779 1330
+#define L5115947 1331
+#define L28987435 1332
+#define L27401752 1333
+#define L24932395 1334
+#define L29886507 1335
+#define L9832980 1336
+#define L53742599 1337
+#define L25831467 1338
+#define L45878837 1339
+#define L69750325 1340
+#define L40247349 1341
+#define L5777944 1342
+#define L19288596 1343
+#define L5774869 1344
+#define L5771790 1345
+#define L40241195 1346
+#define L41814565 1347
+#define L19285524 1348
+#define L36186155 1349
+#define L8259627 1350
+#define L28981301 1351
+#define L19282452 1352
+#define L35280939 1353
+#define L18614315 1354
+#define L94505509 1355
+#define L11163138 1356
+#define L56895525 1357
+#define L14559275 1358
+#define L19270148 1359
+#define L64762375 1360
+#define L63185927 1361
+#define L20861995 1362
+#define L24910881 1363
+#define L49447432 1364
+#define L12068372 1365
+#define L28969003 1366
+#define L13654059 1367
+#define L17702945 1368
+#define L24913963 1369
+#define L54407704 1370
+#define L6436885 1371
+#define L9599019 1372
+#define L4860440 1373
+#define L64097324 1374
+#define L39323691 1375
+#define L24008747 1376
+#define L35268651 1377
+#define L11160086 1378
+#define L18371105 1379
+#define L55968776 1380
+#define L34363435 1381
+#define L17696811 1382
+#define L40897077 1383
+#define L31875608 1384
+#define L16785430 1385
+#define L13641771 1386
+#define L105516054 1387
+#define L40656920 1388
+#define L45386264 1389
+#define L95161381 1390
+#define L56636935 1391
+#define L35933739 1392
+#define L28051499 1393
+#define L12736555 1394
+#define L23996459 1395
+#define L59130933 1396
+#define L37497880 1397
+#define L40663093 1398
+#define L11153957 1399
+#define L38406187 1400
+#define L34351147 1401
+#define L76693557 1402
+#define L98973206 1403
+#define L10254901 1404
+#define L69470230 1405
+#define L33445931 1406
+#define L5519404 1407
+#define L16779307 1408
+#define L15874081 1409
+#define L5282322 1410
+#define L18112516 1411
+#define L12724267 1412
+#define L14965782 1413
+#define L18127915 1414
+#define L64503815 1415
+#define L23075870 1416
+#define L30955032 1417
+#define L24661557 1418
+#define L5510177 1419
+#define L27133995 1420
+#define L20597281 1421
+#define L23078955 1422
+#define L7083553 1423
+#define L22164498 1424
+#define L5273106 1425
+#define L37488683 1426
+#define L25311239 1427
+#define L22173739 1428
+#define L40644661 1429
+#define L33433643 1430
+#define L13380118 1431
+#define L63835692 1432
+#define L29375525 1433
+#define L13392437 1434
+#define L26900011 1435
+#define L9318927 1436
+#define L32531509 1437
+#define L15861803 1438
+#define L45367861 1439
+#define L55051317 1440
+#define L9990152 1441
+#define L41300504 1442
+#define L11806763 1443
+#define L26878471 1444
+#define L48505368 1445
+#define L4592673 1446
+#define L26216491 1447
+#define L22161451 1448
+#define L82069557 1449
+#define L19682859 1450
+#define L55719477 1451
+#define L36571179 1452
+#define L18097179 1453
+#define L32516139 1454
+#define L93994533 1455
+#define L64494636 1456
+#define L21253163 1457
+#define L9081877 1458
+#define L38147637 1459
+#define L14045227 1460
+#define L45115416 1461
+#define L31610923 1462
+#define L24393748 1463
+#define L18091035 1464
+#define L14944299 1465
+#define L24402987 1466
+#define L8401426 1467
+#define L10889259 1468
+#define L59537461 1469
+#define L53231669 1470
+#define L73950261 1471
+#define L9987115 1472
+#define L50753077 1473
+#define L17185819 1474
+#define L6818827 1475
+#define L25298987 1476
+#define L21243947 1477
+#define L44444213 1478
+#define L11557419 1479
+#define L73944117 1480
+#define L4343322 1481
+#define L35653675 1482
+#define L31598635 1483
+#define L6821925 1484
+#define L19430433 1485
+#define L43535925 1486
+#define L41054251 1487
+#define L30693419 1488
+#define L53881368 1489
+#define L9063446 1490
+#define L14026795 1491
+#define L69636616 1492
+#define L9971755 1493
+#define L17853995 1494
+#define L59509787 1495
+#define L11542049 1496
+#define L74587655 1497
+#define L24381483 1498
+#define L25954853 1499
+#define L20326443 1500
+#define L45103157 1501
+#define L43526709 1502
+#define L76161031 1503
+#define L34742325 1504
+#define L13118508 1505
+#define L14685720 1506
+#define L34736171 1507
+#define L31349272 1508
+#define L55451685 1509
+#define L19421227 1510
+#define L52080181 1511
+#define L30681131 1512
+#define L35410475 1513
+#define L10627606 1514
+#define L5005353 1515
+#define L26616856 1516
+#define L9719304 1517
+#define L78651957 1518
+#define L44182552 1519
+#define L12210219 1520
+#define L41035819 1521
+#define L99355158 1522
+#define L47332376 1523
+#define L9051169 1524
+#define L13109291 1525
+#define L39462453 1526
+#define L10621460 1527
+#define L16930331 1528
+#define L9054251 1529
+#define L30678069 1530
+#define L29772843 1531
+#define L53628936 1532
+#define L22564907 1533
+#define L40130603 1534
+#define L57025077 1535
+#define L23463979 1536
+#define L54534168 1537
+#define L19408939 1538
+#define L54543413 1539
+#define L11289622 1540
+#define L79301654 1541
+#define L33818667 1542
+#define L24129057 1543
+#define L29763627 1544
+#define L27275800 1545
+#define L14442529 1546
+#define L21653547 1547
+#define L43265048 1548
+#define L54537269 1549
+#define L39210008 1550
+#define L20070945 1551
+#define L28858411 1552
+#define L63974407 1553
+#define L40118315 1554
+#define L16914971 1555
+#define L11295797 1556
+#define L24119832 1557
+#define L80884277 1558
+#define L12191787 1559
+#define L7474760 1560
+#define L67801608 1561
+#define L8136747 1562
+#define L30197784 1563
+#define L35151896 1564
+#define L19165729 1565
+#define L49564696 1566
+#define L5642763 1567
+#define L20064799 1568
+#define L22546475 1569
+#define L11283493 1570
+#define L18491435 1571
+#define L23202312 1572
+#define L44841525 1573
+#define L32901163 1574
+#define L17586219 1575
+#define L16009771 1576
+#define L28846123 1577
+#define L41448472 1578
+#define L26358296 1579
+#define L20736043 1580
+#define L8795682 1581
+#define L13509634 1582
+#define L64633351 1583
+#define L39200811 1584
+#define L22309419 1585
+#define L11274283 1586
+#define L22297106 1587
+#define L38295595 1588
+#define L7875076 1589
+#define L21628971 1590
+#define L10362913 1591
+#define L17573931 1592
+#define L4722187 1593
+#define L31084587 1594
+#define L13509656 1595
+#define L14183958 1596
+#define L43917861 1597
+#define L31983659 1598
+#define L36703768 1599
+#define L27928619 1600
+#define L76576821 1601
+#define L34225176 1602
+#define L43683864 1603
+#define L23202357 1604
+#define L7868939 1605
+#define L22284818 1606
+#define L45494325 1607
+#define L38283307 1608
+#define L10356779 1609
+#define L15757345 1610
+#define L24544811 1611
+#define L33557045 1612
+#define L11930149 1613
+#define L6963723 1614
+#define L19809313 1615
+#define L41436213 1616
+#define L55849013 1617
+#define L20711467 1618
+#define L6972971 1619
+#define L16656427 1620
+#define L37365784 1621
+#define L32648757 1622
+#define L16656434 1623
+#define L46147096 1624
+#define L26112043 1625
+#define L11012628 1626
+#define L31066155 1627
+#define L16656437 1628
+#define L15751211 1629
+#define L40515608 1630
+#define L33316907 1631
+#define L27011115 1632
+#define L14168610 1633
+#define L51781675 1634
+#define L73405493 1635
+#define L22949921 1636
+#define L39619627 1637
+#define L42994213 1638
+#define L69350453 1639
+#define L30832165 1640
+#define L37365803 1641
+#define L70024757 1642
+#define L6957601 1643
+#define L9439275 1644
+#define L14839841 1645
+#define L35792437 1646
+#define L52437512 1647
+#define L19793963 1648
+#define L54017048 1649
+#define L15738923 1650
+#define L49056783 1651
+#define L12342790 1652
+#define L56495653 1653
+#define L13248020 1654
+#define L30148651 1655
+#define L16413234 1656
+#define L14833707 1657
+#define L13928481 1658
+#define L26093611 1659
+#define L43656229 1660
+#define L25191467 1661
+#define L6033931 1662
+#define L34878005 1663
+#define L22032417 1664
+#define L40503339 1665
+#define L19563061 1666
+#define L48379422 1667
+#define L30810648 1668
+#define L51541557 1669
+#define L16397851 1670
+#define L36448299 1671
+#define L8521771 1672
+#define L34874933 1673
+#define L10772523 1674
+#define L38686744 1675
+#define L29911595 1676
+#define L18876459 1677
+#define L6714411 1678
+#define L31475730 1679
+#define L14821419 1680
+#define L12342827 1681
+#define L6711339 1682
+#define L29231147 1683
+#define L9845764 1684
+#define L13916203 1685
+#define L17965089 1686
+#define L25176107 1687
+#define L17059864 1688
+#define L37094919 1689
+#define L56237063 1690
+#define L57819670 1691
+#define L4214282 1692
+#define L33055275 1693
+#define L18633240 1694
+#define L39585835 1695
+#define L19532308 1696
+#define L16391730 1697
+#define L24270891 1698
+#define L35530795 1699
+#define L15480347 1700
+#define L25838104 1701
+#define L65932844 1702
+#define L65015303 1703
+#define L7370266 1704
+#define L28325941 1705
+#define L81010710 1706
+#define L31463442 1707
+#define L52853255 1708
+#define L22457368 1709
+#define L34625579 1710
+#define L29887000 1711
+#define L17958955 1712
+#define L57810454 1713
+#define L176040975 1714
+#define L8260107 1715
+#define L13663752 1716
+#define L28997173 1717
+#define L19304481 1718
+#define L13903915 1719
+#define L36198955 1720
+#define L5781516 1721
+#define L14578219 1722
+#define L41824293 1723
+#define L57807382 1724
+#define L19301409 1725
+#define L28313643 1726
+#define L54666805 1727
+#define L12998699 1728
+#define L12081158 1729
+#define L24258603 1730
+#define L5116461 1731
+#define L28991029 1732
+#define L37098037 1733
+#define L37769259 1734
+#define L69738518 1735
+#define L29890101 1736
+#define L6455832 1737
+#define L38668331 1738
+#define L43394597 1739
+#define L34613291 1740
+#define L60045831 1741
+#define L57813557 1742
+#define L52178987 1743
+#define L17703428 1744
+#define L80093206 1745
+#define L36860971 1746
+#define L17041451 1747
+#define L21773877 1748
+#define L12986411 1749
+#define L44056600 1750
+#define L19286049 1751
+#define L7342610 1752
+#define L27396139 1753
+#define L55325749 1754
+#define L8915983 1755
+#define L69738549 1756
+#define L81660438 1757
+#define L23341099 1758
+#define L33701941 1759
+#define L32796715 1760
+#define L29640741 1761
+#define L37750827 1762
+#define L19954209 1763
+#define L33695787 1764
+#define L43154475 1765
+#define L19276831 1766
+#define L64097836 1767
+#define L12065816 1768
+#define L28051992 1769
+#define L8016939 1770
+#define L48770584 1771
+#define L16123947 1772
+#define L6437415 1773
+#define L19270687 1774
+#define L23088648 1775
+#define L12068907 1776
+#define L8916012 1777
+#define L6437418 1778
+#define L15212568 1779
+#define L4854817 1780
+#define L35266101 1781
+#define L26478635 1782
+#define L38406683 1783
+#define L11163691 1784
+#define L22423595 1785
+#define L95161893 1786
+#define L7998486 1787
+#define L35925016 1788
+#define L28055093 1789
+#define L36833323 1790
+#define L60033589 1791
+#define L8004647 1792
+#define L41553432 1793
+#define L21518379 1794
+#define L32778283 1795
+#define L11838005 1796
+#define L35934261 1797
+#define L47194165 1798
+#define L14969352 1799
+#define L78258198 1800
+#define L20610081 1801
+#define L41562677 1802
+#define L36833333 1803
+#define L11834933 1804
+#define L37495320 1805
+#define L14307371 1806
+#define L31873067 1807
+#define L5510670 1808
+#define L15206443 1809
+#define L41559605 1810
+#define L38406709 1811
+#define L40654379 1812
+#define L13408309 1813
+#define L10255413 1814
+#define L94250533 1815
+#define L22171143 1816
+#define L11151403 1817
+#define L16782898 1818
+#define L27143733 1819
+#define L98970646 1820
+#define L27805720 1821
+#define L25561131 1822
+#define L53490741 1823
+#define L49417224 1824
+#define L21506091 1825
+#define L17444891 1826
+#define L59119157 1827
+#define L28714037 1828
+#define L35915819 1829
+#define L21265938 1830
+#define L25314823 1831
+#define L36574727 1832
+#define L31860779 1833
+#define L15862296 1834
+#define L38157339 1835
+#define L29372952 1836
+#define L40645173 1837
+#define L48527413 1838
+#define L6169611 1839
+#define L30955563 1840
+#define L21259794 1841
+#define L19689505 1842
+#define L14288939 1843
+#define L10233899 1844
+#define L29379125 1845
+#define L11804193 1846
+#define L74849799 1847
+#define L24643627 1848
+#define L38148123 1849
+#define L9328683 1850
+#define L20588587 1851
+#define L98050070 1852
+#define L36580917 1853
+#define L41972248 1854
+#define L48515125 1855
+#define L18100763 1856
+#define L34998315 1857
+#define L39718424 1858
+#define L35672619 1859
+#define L30943275 1860
+#define L64498220 1861
+#define L14947873 1862
+#define L8401924 1863
+#define L5252107 1864
+#define L10652674 1865
+#define L35672629 1866
+#define L30038059 1867
+#define L13371435 1868
+#define L9316395 1869
+#define L7505944 1870
+#define L18091547 1871
+#define L14710806 1872
+#define L11564069 1873
+#define L40392747 1874
+#define L18100789 1875
+#define L35666485 1876
+#define L23726123 1877
+#define L19671083 1878
+#define L33175579 1879
+#define L77082119 1880
+#define L14944821 1881
+#define L57952293 1882
+#define L24381960 1883
+#define L34080811 1884
+#define L27553333 1885
+#define L6825505 1886
+#define L41953816 1887
+#define L24391201 1888
+#define L30025771 1889
+#define L16287275 1890
+#define L73944629 1891
+#define L27550261 1892
+#define L21915691 1893
+#define L4343840 1894
+#define L40380459 1895
+#define L12453931 1896
+#define L42631211 1897
+#define L14689286 1898
+#define L68063752 1899
+#define L8398891 1900
+#define L34736658 1901
+#define L13115924 1902
+#define L59510299 1903
+#define L22808619 1904
+#define L46008885 1905
+#define L18753579 1906
+#define L25955365 1907
+#define L32267317 1908
+#define L27537973 1909
+#define L33163307 1910
+#define L78658613 1911
+#define L29108267 1912
+#define L14689313 1913
+#define L25043992 1914
+#define L29773336 1915
+#define L23464468 1916
+#define L49808392 1917
+#define L20992033 1918
+#define L28203051 1919
+#define L39462955 1920
+#define L36088373 1921
+#define L75499573 1922
+#define L18513441 1923
+#define L39453720 1924
+#define L11536427 1925
+#define L37889589 1926
+#define L74597429 1927
+#define L29767192 1928
+#define L25718309 1929
+#define L38557739 1930
+#define L21891115 1931
+#define L25040933 1932
+#define L36082229 1933
+#define L17836075 1934
+#define L10625057 1935
+#define L82473525 1936
+#define L40134197 1937
+#define L73689141 1938
+#define L32245803 1939
+#define L12192276 1940
+#define L16924699 1941
+#define L20985900 1942
+#define L33825333 1943
+#define L5908040 1944
+#define L28190763 1945
+#define L16921627 1946
+#define L11302453 1947
+#define L76817415 1948
+#define L82467381 1949
+#define L43268632 1950
+#define L54540853 1951
+#define L15342104 1952
+#define L44173861 1953
+#define L33591339 1954
+#define L27285547 1955
+#define L38545451 1956
+#define L38536216 1957
+#define L6560801 1958
+#define L10618923 1959
+#define L11280909 1960
+#define L34490411 1961
+#define L40112667 1962
+#define L34478098 1963
+#define L41695275 1964
+#define L23218196 1965
+#define L11296309 1966
+#define L5646347 1967
+#define L11287077 1968
+#define L20973611 1969
+#define L23215124 1970
+#define L51141656 1971
+#define L9707553 1972
+#define L16918571 1973
+#define L7222802 1974
+#define L32008757 1975
+#define L40115765 1976
+#define L31328299 1977
+#define L57681461 1978
+#define L94383141 1979
+#define L20071477 1980
+#define L36060725 1981
+#define L64883244 1982
+#define L27273259 1983
+#define L56779317 1984
+#define L23218219 1985
+#define L12854305 1986
+#define L46418485 1987
+#define L23212065 1988
+#define L4069924 1989
+#define L32002613 1990
+#define L26368043 1991
+#define L46415413 1992
+#define L37627947 1993
+#define L19150868 1994
+#define L9701419 1995
+#define L15997976 1996
+#define L107219509 1997
+#define L19153953 1998
+#define L31984146 1999
+#define L36722731 2000
+#define L31996469 2001
+#define L10366494 2002
+#define L20056107 2003
+#define L23202846 2004
+#define L16001067 2005
+#define L7216683 2006
+#define L38286872 2007
+#define L12604934 2008
+#define L29511723 2009
+#define L16001074 2010
+#define L30410795 2011
+#define L11046965 2012
+#define L26355755 2013
+#define L70274613 2014
+#define L6296072 2015
+#define L39866411 2016
+#define L47739416 2017
+#define L22294561 2018
+#define L9445894 2019
+#define L40765483 2020
+#define L42338853 2021
+#define L25450539 2022
+#define L7875608 2023
+#define L36710443 2024
+#define L8783915 2025
+#define L34231851 2026
+#define L43918389 2027
+#define L35805227 2028
+#define L31066648 2029
+#define L19138603 2030
+#define L12611125 2031
+#define L18227222 2032
+#define L15083563 2033
+#define L15083570 2034
+#define L9445921 2035
+#define L22051348 2036
+#define L29493291 2037
+#define L6958091 2038
+#define L73412149 2039
+#define L14178347 2040
+#define L31072821 2041
+#define L25438251 2042
+#define L6299189 2043
+#define L22944263 2044
+#define L57419829 2045
+#define L19809845 2046
+#define L39847979 2047
+#define L47720984 2048
+#define L35792939 2049
+#define L14156807 2050
+#define L7866411 2051
+#define L24520724 2052
+#define L27682859 2053
+#define L4722760 2054
+#define L15736344 2055
+#define L18221099 2056
+#define L64372231 2057
+#define L42089509 2058
+#define L14166059 2059
+#define L34884651 2060
+#define L30811140 2061
+#define L28575787 2062
+#define L52431880 2063
+#define L13260843 2064
+#define L17309729 2065
+#define L24520747 2066
+#define L40959531 2067
+#define L41175064 2068
+#define L16410667 2069
+#define L9187334 2070
+#define L29247019 2071
+#define L63704108 2072
+#define L38930475 2073
+#define L23615531 2074
+#define L17974804 2075
+#define L34875435 2076
+#define L7623211 2077
+#define L45223960 2078
+#define L17971732 2079
+#define L16398363 2080
+#define L7607819 2081
+#define L33970219 2082
+#define L17303595 2083
+#define L45233205 2084
+#define L13248555 2085
+#define L76309557 2086
+#define L30805016 2087
+#define L73156661 2088
+#define L31479320 2089
+#define L18646049 2090
+#define L27658283 2091
+#define L39586331 2092
+#define L23603243 2093
+#define L37098503 2094
+#define L76303413 2095
+#define L38012971 2096
+#define L12343349 2097
+#define L41168949 2098
+#define L33957931 2099
+#define L27418136 2100
+#define L13673480 2101
+#define L29231669 2102
+#define L18633752 2103
+#define L79437846 2104
+#define L31467026 2105
+#define L13907490 2106
+#define L82603061 2107
+#define L54670373 2108
+#define L16386091 2109
+#define L27411992 2110
+#define L18627606 2111
+#define L12331051 2112
+#define L15474712 2113
+#define L98573846 2114
+#define L41821720 2115
+#define L5116961 2116
+#define L26740779 2117
+#define L39352363 2118
+#define L36190232 2119
+#define L11425835 2120
+#define L17051169 2121
+#define L22685739 2122
+#define L77864501 2123
+#define L21768200 2124
+#define L52844551 2125
+#define L37095467 2126
+#define L28979224 2127
+#define L21780523 2128
+#define L33040427 2129
+#define L64101383 2130
+#define L37760539 2131
+#define L15231496 2132
+#define L30552600 2133
+#define L20872225 2134
+#define L76956213 2135
+#define L5772812 2136
+#define L32135211 2137
+#define L8925711 2138
+#define L27408949 2139
+#define L15468587 2140
+#define L12980756 2141
+#define L21543457 2142
+#define L11413547 2143
+#define L37766709 2144
+#define L43395125 2145
+#define L8925723 2146
+#define L25823275 2147
+#define L17041970 2148
+#define L21768235 2149
+#define L7349281 2150
+#define L45642805 2151
+#define L8925730 2152
+#define L5772835 2153
+#define L68824598 2154
+#define L6440981 2155
+#define L36177963 2156
+#define L7343130 2157
+#define L47203864 2158
+#define L36181045 2159
+#define L32122923 2160
+#define L30543397 2161
+#define L52832280 2162
+#define L77602838 2163
+#define L52823048 2164
+#define L15228459 2165
+#define L56650247 2166
+#define L23335468 2167
+#define L14551083 2168
+#define L11832326 2169
+#define L45633589 2170
+#define L10496043 2171
+#define L52838453 2172
+#define L13639704 2173
+#define L31217717 2174
+#define L12066337 2175
+#define L76688391 2176
+#define L16798763 2177
+#define L39986712 2178
+#define L24905771 2179
+#define L6437930 2180
+#define L20850731 2181
+#define L27156523 2182
+#define L56641031 2183
+#define L10268213 2184
+#define L31211573 2185
+#define L19942433 2186
+#define L35260459 2187
+#define L19945515 2188
+#define L31205419 2189
+#define L16780310 2190
+#define L19037217 2191
+#define L44706840 2192
+#define L7343176 2193
+#define L11838517 2194
+#define L30300203 2195
+#define L15206945 2196
+#define L23083028 2197
+#define L43133477 2198
+#define L28726837 2199
+#define L20610593 2200
+#define L26245163 2201
+#define L13633579 2202
+#define L11835445 2203
+#define L9578539 2204
+#define L9341458 2205
+#define L39072283 2206
+#define L28723765 2207
+#define L23089195 2208
+#define L7084555 2209
+#define L35928629 2210
+#define L54150151 2211
+#define L23988267 2212
+#define L19933227 2213
+#define L27806232 2214
+#define L35011096 2215
+#define L34342955 2216
+#define L40651829 2217
+#define L24653345 2218
+#define L30287915 2219
+#define L40639515 2220
+#define L74206773 2221
+#define L49420824 2222
+#define L51671576 2223
+#define L40642603 2224
+#define L12716075 2225
+#define L68325896 2226
+#define L15862815 2227
+#define L8661035 2228
+#define L38154776 2229
+#define L31861301 2230
+#define L28708405 2231
+#define L52579893 2232
+#define L14957592 2233
+#define L39731227 2234
+#define L56625701 2235
+#define L23070763 2236
+#define L32529451 2237
+#define L55729717 2238
+#define L43786277 2239
+#define L19015723 2240
+#define L18107419 2241
+#define L13371924 2242
+#define L57281543 2243
+#define L33425451 2244
+#define L23735841 2245
+#define L7746594 2246
+#define L8651820 2247
+#define L29370411 2248
+#define L51650056 2249
+#define L48515637 2250
+#define L28449799 2251
+#define L19677729 2252
+#define L39725099 2253
+#define L18775585 2254
+#define L11798571 2255
+#define L6825986 2256
+#define L57293877 2257
+#define L7743531 2258
+#define L21251105 2259
+#define L53226520 2260
+#define L28462123 2261
+#define L6170165 2262
+#define L7734298 2263
+#define L13371948 2264
+#define L22153259 2265
+#define L48506421 2266
+#define L18098219 2267
+#define L22827563 2268
+#define L10887201 2269
+#define L14948405 2270
+#define L17186840 2271
+#define L26882613 2272
+#define L47588888 2273
+#define L32507947 2274
+#define L14945333 2275
+#define L17193003 2276
+#define L21906952 2277
+#define L28452907 2278
+#define L65145351 2279
+#define L26879541 2280
+#define L21910036 2281
+#define L41954328 2282
+#define L35660853 2283
+#define L65157676 2284
+#define L21906964 2285
+#define L38807595 2286
+#define L10881067 2287
+#define L19428372 2288
+#define L21903892 2289
+#define L37902379 2290
+#define L26633240 2291
+#define L21235755 2292
+#define L36991000 2293
+#define L9969697 2294
+#define L17180715 2295
+#define L37228085 2296
+#define L37890072 2297
+#define L17839624 2298
+#define L6816807 2299
+#define L31590443 2300
+#define L73932853 2301
+#define L27535403 2302
+#define L11546156 2303
+#define L22572056 2304
+#define L32267829 2305
+#define L27538485 2306
+#define L13110292 2307
+#define L17177653 2308
+#define L75506229 2309
+#define L13110294 2310
+#define L21672993 2311
+#define L5908513 2312
+#define L36319797 2313
+#define L48235528 2314
+#define L29111861 2315
+#define L43524661 2316
+#define L37890091 2317
+#define L12876296 2318
+#define L9963563 2319
+#define L5908523 2320
+#define L14686753 2321
+#define L43521589 2322
+#define L48250933 2323
+#define L63319559 2324
+#define L76155911 2325
+#define L42607128 2326
+#define L20318251 2327
+#define L16260129 2328
+#define L25044517 2329
+#define L23464990 2330
+#define L17833499 2331
+#define L16263211 2332
+#define L13775384 2333
+#define L54529031 2334
+#define L30672939 2335
+#define L82474037 2336
+#define L9055282 2337
+#define L26617899 2338
+#define L73689653 2339
+#define L8150059 2340
+#define L16925211 2341
+#define L79318069 2342
+#define L22556705 2343
+#define L65801260 2344
+#define L41027627 2345
+#define L11290646 2346
+#define L25712683 2347
+#define L25709605 2348
+#define L36972587 2349
+#define L79314997 2350
+#define L9046059 2351
+#define L20075039 2352
+#define L23899160 2353
+#define L8137761 2354
+#define L36067371 2355
+#define L34481688 2356
+#define L36070453 2357
+#define L19400747 2358
+#define L15345707 2359
+#define L40122421 2360
+#define L6558245 2361
+#define L30198808 2362
+#define L30423576 2363
+#define L21633032 2364
+#define L29755435 2365
+#define L50233864 2366
+#define L5643787 2367
+#define L18498613 2368
+#define L25700395 2369
+#define L80879157 2370
+#define L14434337 2371
+#define L23215646 2372
+#define L20071989 2373
+#define L8790535 2374
+#define L40110123 2375
+#define L15995396 2376
+#define L36055083 2377
+#define L56102453 2378
+#define L7217170 2379
+#define L8128555 2380
+#define L37634613 2381
+#define L11275294 2382
+#define L32003125 2383
+/* GLOBAL                   */
+__li__Y li__Y_={__li__Y__};
+#define li__Y__ (&li__Y_)
+__li__GJ li__GJ_={__li__GJ__};
+#define li__GJ__ (&li__GJ_)
+__li__4B li__4B_;
+#define li__4B__ (&li__4B_)
+__li__3B li__3B_;
+#define li__3B__ (&li__3B_)
+__li__XT li__XT_;
+#define li__XT__ (&li__XT_)
+__li__WT li__WT_;
+#define li__WT__ (&li__WT_)
+__li__SB li__SB_;
+#define li__SB__ (&li__SB_)
+__li__LT li__LT_;
+#define li__LT__ (&li__LT_)
+__li__TE li__TE_;
+#define li__TE__ (&li__TE_)
+__li__D3O li__D3O_;
+#define li__D3O__ (&li__D3O_)
+__li__4SF li__4SF_;
+#define li__4SF__ (&li__4SF_)
+__li__CH li__CH_;
+#define li__CH__ (&li__CH_)
+__li__1RF li__TSF;
+__li__JH li__C2B;
+__li__JH li__TIC;
+__li__1RF li__RDK;
+__li__1RF li__V3Q;
+__li__GB li__H2I;
+__li__4SF *li__Y0Q;
+__li__3B *li__JC;
+__li__3B *li__LC;
+__li__BB li__ZLC;
+__li__GJ *li__JJ;
+/* STRING CONSTANT          */
+__li__Y __string_1={__li__Y__,27,"Require assertion violated."};
+__li__Y __string_2={__li__Y__,119,"\t\t=====================================\n"
+"\t\t= Isaac install for x86 (01/2006) =\n"
+__li__Y __string_3={__li__Y__,18,"Partition manager."};
+__li__Y __string_4={__li__Y__,26,"Ensure assertion violated."};
+__li__Y __string_5={__li__Y__,11,"Partition #"};
+__li__Y __string_6={__li__Y__,2,": "};
+__li__Y __string_7={__li__Y__,11," MB.\t Type "};
+__li__Y __string_8={__li__Y__,4,"h : "};
+__li__Y __string_9={__li__Y__,10,"Not found\n"};
+__li__Y __string_10={__li__Y__,15,"FAT12 (< 10 M)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_11={__li__Y__,11,"XENIX root\n"};
+__li__Y __string_12={__li__Y__,11,"XENIX /usr\n"};
+__li__Y __string_13={__li__Y__,15,"FAT16 (< 32 M)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_14={__li__Y__,8,"Etendue\n"};
+__li__Y __string_15={__li__Y__,22,"FAT16 (>32 M et <2 G)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_16={__li__Y__,26,"OS/2, HPFS, NTFS, QNX 2.x\n"};
+__li__Y __string_17={__li__Y__,26,"SplitDrive QNX 1.x et 2.x\n"};
+__li__Y __string_18={__li__Y__,30,"AIX data, Coherent FileSystem\n"};
+__li__Y __string_19={__li__Y__,39,"OS/2 boot manager, Coherent swap, OPUS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_20={__li__Y__,22,"FAT32(>2 G et <2047G)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_21={__li__Y__,26,"FAT32(>2 G et <2047G) LBA\n"};
+__li__Y __string_22={__li__Y__,13,"non attribue\n"};
+__li__Y __string_23={__li__Y__,26,"FAT16 (>32 M et <2 G) LBA\n"};
+__li__Y __string_24={__li__Y__,27,"Etendue\"x\" = Etendue + LBA\n"};
+__li__Y __string_25={__li__Y__,5,"OPUS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_26={__li__Y__,13,"FAT12 cachee\n"};
+__li__Y __string_27={__li__Y__,19,"Diagnostics COMPAQ\n"};
+__li__Y __string_28={__li__Y__,21,"FAT16 (<32 M) cachee\n"};
+__li__Y __string_29={__li__Y__,13,"Free type...\n"};
+__li__Y __string_30={__li__Y__,21,"FAT16 (>32 M) cachee\n"};
+__li__Y __string_31={__li__Y__,19,"HPFS - NTFS cachee\n"};
+__li__Y __string_32={__li__Y__,17,"Windows swapfile\n"};
+__li__Y __string_33={__li__Y__,28,"Willowtech Photon coS&nbsp;\n"};
+__li__Y __string_34={__li__Y__,13,"FAT32 cachee\n"};
+__li__Y __string_35={__li__Y__,14,"FAT32x cachee\n"};
+__li__Y __string_36={__li__Y__,14,"FAT16x cachee\n"};
+__li__Y __string_37={__li__Y__,16,"Willowsoft OFS1\n"};
+__li__Y __string_38={__li__Y__,19,"Oxygen File System\n"};
+__li__Y __string_39={__li__Y__,16,"Oxygen Extended\n"};
+__li__Y __string_40={__li__Y__,9,"reserved\n"};
+__li__Y __string_41={__li__Y__,12,"NEC DOS 3.x\n"};
+__li__Y __string_42={__li__Y__,26,"Journaling FS OS/2 ou eCS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_43={__li__Y__,19,"THEOS ver 3.2 2 Go\n"};
+__li__Y __string_44={__li__Y__,28,"Plan 9, THEOS ver 4 spanned\n"};
+__li__Y __string_45={__li__Y__,16,"THEOS ver 4 4Go\n"};
+__li__Y __string_46={__li__Y__,20,"THEOS ver 4 etendue\n"};
+__li__Y __string_47={__li__Y__,24,"PartitionMagic recovery\n"};
+__li__Y __string_48={__li__Y__,6,"VENIX\n"};
+__li__Y __string_49={__li__Y__,61,"MINIX + DRDOS Personal RISC Boot Power PC "
+"Reference Platform\n"};
+__li__Y __string_50={__li__Y__,36,"Linux swap + DRDOS SFS Windows 2000\n"};
+__li__Y __string_51={__li__Y__,21,"Linux native + DRDOS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_52={__li__Y__,33,"Boot US boot manager, EUMEL/Elan\n"};
+__li__Y __string_53={__li__Y__,11,"EUMEL/Elan\n"};
+__li__Y __string_54={__li__Y__,7,"QNX4.x\n"};
+__li__Y __string_55={__li__Y__,24,"QNX4.x 2\357\277\275me partition\n"};
+__li__Y __string_56={__li__Y__,32,"QNX4.x 3\357\277\275me partition, Oberon\n"
+__li__Y __string_57={__li__Y__,47,"OnTrack Disk Manager, Lynx RTOS, Oberon na"
+__li__Y __string_58={__li__Y__,31,"OnTrack Disk Manager RW Novell\n"};
+__li__Y __string_59={__li__Y__,15,"Microport CP/M\n"};
+__li__Y __string_60={__li__Y__,23,"Disk Manager 6.0, Aux3\n"};
+__li__Y __string_61={__li__Y__,39,"Disk Manager 6.0 Dynamic Drive Overlay\n"};
+__li__Y __string_62={__li__Y__,9,"EZ-Drive\n"};
+__li__Y __string_63={__li__Y__,20,"Golden Bow, EZ-BIOS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_64={__li__Y__,14,"DrivePro VNDI\n"};
+__li__Y __string_65={__li__Y__,12,"Priam EDisk\n"};
+__li__Y __string_66={__li__Y__,10,"SpeedStor\n"};
+__li__Y __string_67={__li__Y__,23,"Unix System V GNU HURD\n"};
+__li__Y __string_68={__li__Y__,21,"Novell 286 PC-ARMOUR\n"};
+__li__Y __string_69={__li__Y__,11,"Novell 386\n"};
+__li__Y __string_70={__li__Y__,19,"Novell Netware SMS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_71={__li__Y__,7,"Novell\n"};
+__li__Y __string_72={__li__Y__,19,"Novell Netware NSS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_73={__li__Y__,21,"Free type...  &nbsp;\n"};
+__li__Y __string_74={__li__Y__,22,"DiskSecure Multi-Boot\n"};
+__li__Y __string_75={__li__Y__,10,"Scramdisk\n"};
+__li__Y __string_76={__li__Y__,10,"IBM PC/IX\n"};
+__li__Y __string_77={__li__Y__,5,"VNDI\n"};
+__li__Y __string_78={__li__Y__,16,"XOSL Bootloader\n"};
+__li__Y __string_79={__li__Y__,15,"MINIX (->1.4a)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_80={__li__Y__,36,"MINIX (1.4b ->), Mitac Disk Manager\n"};
+__li__Y __string_81={__li__Y__,31,"Solaris X86, LINUX swap, Prime\n"};
+__li__Y __string_82={__li__Y__,22,"LINUX native (ext2fs)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_83={__li__Y__,25,"OS/2 cachee, Hibernation\n"};
+__li__Y __string_84={__li__Y__,14,"Linux etendue\n"};
+__li__Y __string_85={__li__Y__,19,"agr\357\277\275gat FAT (NT)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_86={__li__Y__,20,"agr\357\277\275gat NTFS (NT)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_87={__li__Y__,13,"Linux Kernel\n"};
+__li__Y __string_88={__li__Y__,13,"FAT32 miroir\n"};
+__li__Y __string_89={__li__Y__,14,"FAT32x Miroir\n"};
+__li__Y __string_90={__li__Y__,25,"FAT12 cachee (FreeFDISK)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_91={__li__Y__,29,"Linux Logical Volume Manager\n"};
+__li__Y __string_92={__li__Y__,25,"FAT16 cachee (FreeFDISK)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_93={__li__Y__,27,"Etendue cachee (FreeFDISK)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_94={__li__Y__,28,"Amoeba, Linux native cachee\n"};
+__li__Y __string_95={__li__Y__,23,"Amoeba bad block table\n"};
+__li__Y __string_96={__li__Y__,17,"MIT EXOPC native\n"};
+__li__Y __string_97={__li__Y__,25,"FAT32 cachee (FreeFDISK)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_98={__li__Y__,26,"FAT32x cachee (FreeFDISK)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_99={__li__Y__,21,"DCE376 logical drive\n"};
+__li__Y __string_100={__li__Y__,26,"FAT16x cachee (FreeFDISK)n"};
+__li__Y __string_101={__li__Y__,29,"etendue X cachee (FreeFDISK)\n"};
+__li__Y __string_102={__li__Y__,7,"BSD/OS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_103={__li__Y__,12,"hibernation\n"};
+__li__Y __string_104={__li__Y__,4,"BSD\n"};
+__li__Y __string_105={__li__Y__,8,"OpenBSD\n"};
+__li__Y __string_106={__li__Y__,9,"NEXTSTEP\n"};
+__li__Y __string_107={__li__Y__,7,"NetBSD\n"};
+__li__Y __string_108={__li__Y__,22,"FAT12 1,44Mo Olivetti\n"};
+__li__Y __string_109={__li__Y__,18,"ShagOS filesystem\n"};
+__li__Y __string_110={__li__Y__,22,"ShagOS swap partition\n"};
+__li__Y __string_111={__li__Y__,13,"BSDI BSD/386\n"};
+__li__Y __string_112={__li__Y__,18,"BSDI BSD/386 swap\n"};
+__li__Y __string_113={__li__Y__,15,"Solaris 8 boot\n"};
+__li__Y __string_114={__li__Y__,25,"CTOS REAL/32 secure NTFT\n"};
+__li__Y __string_115={__li__Y__,12,"FAT12 DRDOS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_116={__li__Y__,18,"Linux swap cachee\n"};
+__li__Y __string_117={__li__Y__,13,"Linux cachee\n"};
+__li__Y __string_118={__li__Y__,17,"FAT16 <32M DRDOS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_119={__li__Y__,41,"FAT16 >= 32M DRDOS, FAT16 corrompue (NT)\n"
+__li__Y __string_120={__li__Y__,33,"NTFS corrompue (NT), Syrinx boot\n"};
+__li__Y __string_121={__li__Y__,12,"FAT32 DRDOS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_122={__li__Y__,13,"FAT32x DRDOS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_123={__li__Y__,5,"CTOS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_124={__li__Y__,13,"FAT16x DRDOS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_125={__li__Y__,7,"REAL32\n"};
+__li__Y __string_126={__li__Y__,29,"Multiuser DOS, secured FAT12\n"};
+__li__Y __string_127={__li__Y__,10,"Multiuser\n"};
+__li__Y __string_128={__li__Y__,8,"CP/M-86\n"};
+__li__Y __string_129={__li__Y__,14,"Non-FS Dat  a\n"};
+__li__Y __string_130={__li__Y__,86,"Digital Research, CP/M, Concurrent CP/M, "
+"Concurent DOS, CTOS, KDG Telemetry,SCPU boot\n"};
+__li__Y __string_131={__li__Y__,12,"CTOS cachee\n"};
+__li__Y __string_132={__li__Y__,27,"DG/UX virtual disk manager\n"};
+__li__Y __string_133={__li__Y__,8,"ST AVFS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_134={__li__Y__,16,"SpeedStor FAT12\n"};
+__li__Y __string_135={__li__Y__,18,"SpeedStor etendue\n"};
+__li__Y __string_136={__li__Y__,6,"Be FS\n"};
+__li__Y __string_137={__li__Y__,8,"EFI MBR\n"};
+__li__Y __string_138={__li__Y__,4,"EFI\n"};
+__li__Y __string_139={__li__Y__,26,"Linux/PA-RISC boot loader\n"};
+__li__Y __string_140={__li__Y__,29,"DOS 3.3+ secondary partition\n"};
+__li__Y __string_141={__li__Y__,17,"reserved  &nbsp;\n"};
+__li__Y __string_142={__li__Y__,39,"SpeedStor large Prologue single-volume\n"};
+__li__Y __string_143={__li__Y__,22,"Prologue multi-volume\n"};
+__li__Y __string_144={__li__Y__,19,"VMware File System\n"};
+__li__Y __string_145={__li__Y__,12,"VMware Swap\n"};
+__li__Y __string_146={__li__Y__,11,"Linux raid\n"};
+__li__Y __string_147={__li__Y__,96,"SpeedStor > 1024 cyl, IBM PS/2 IML, Windo"
+"ws NT Disk Administrator, Linux Logical Volume Manager\n"};
+__li__Y __string_148={__li__Y__,22,"Xenix Bad Block Table\n"};
+__li__Y __string_149={__li__Y__,18,"Isaac partition ? "};
+__li__Y __string_150={__li__Y__,17,"Isaac partition #"};
+__li__Y __string_151={__li__Y__,15,"Stop install !\n"};
+__li__Y __string_152={__li__Y__,13,"Boot manager."};
+__li__Y __string_153={__li__Y__,125,"1. Save actual boot in \'bootold.sys\'. "
+"2. Install new Isaac boot.            \n"
+"3. Restore \'bootold.sys\'.             \n"
+"Choice: "};
+__li__Y __string_154={__li__Y__,14,"C:\\bootold.sys"};
+__li__Y __string_155={__li__Y__,14,"A:\\bootold.sys"};
+__li__Y __string_156={__li__Y__,95,"\n"
+"The old boot sector is saving in `bootold.sys\' file.\n"
+"WARNING : Not remove this file, please !\n"};
+__li__Y __string_157={__li__Y__,20,"\n"
+"Save this boot in `"};
+__li__Y __string_158={__li__Y__,6,"\' file"};
+__li__Y __string_159={__li__Y__,12,"Writting...\n"};
+__li__Y __string_160={__li__Y__,23,"Error : Not open file `"};
+__li__Y __string_161={__li__Y__,3,"\'.\n"};
+__li__Y __string_162={__li__Y__,15,"Error : Write `"};
+__li__Y __string_163={__li__Y__,10,"0123456789"};
+__li__Y __string_164={__li__Y__,14," bytes only !\n"};
+__li__Y __string_165={__li__Y__,8,"boot.com"};
+__li__Y __string_166={__li__Y__,35,"Error : file `boot.com\' not found.\n"};
+__li__Y __string_167={__li__Y__,14,"\n"
+"Begin Part\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_168={__li__Y__,14,"\n"
+"Sector FAT\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_169={__li__Y__,15,"\n"
+"Sector Root\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_170={__li__Y__,18,"\n"
+"Sector cluster\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_171={__li__Y__,17,"New boot Isaac :\n"};
+__li__Y __string_172={__li__Y__,21,"Write new boot Isaac "};
+__li__Y __string_173={__li__Y__,11,"bootold.sys"};
+__li__Y __string_174={__li__Y__,14,"Error : file `"};
+__li__Y __string_175={__li__Y__,13,"\' not found.\n"};
+__li__Y __string_176={__li__Y__,15,"Write old boot "};
+__li__Y __string_177={__li__Y__,23,"Success installation !\n"};
+__li__Y __string_178={__li__Y__,24,"User assertion violated."};
+__li__Y __string_179={__li__Y__,3,"\n"
+"* "};
+__li__Y __string_180={__li__Y__,3,"\n"
+__li__Y __string_181={__li__Y__,19,"Memory: Size bound."};
+__li__Y __string_182={__li__Y__,18,"Memory: Alignment."};
+__li__Y __string_183={__li__Y__,11,"Definition."};
+__li__Y __string_184={__li__Y__,16,"0123456789ABCDEF"};
+__li__Y __string_185={__li__Y__,9," (Y/N) ? "};
+__li__Y __string_186={__li__Y__,26,"Error read bios disk 13h.\n"};
+__li__Y __string_187={__li__Y__,8,"\n"
+"OEM\t\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_188={__li__Y__,28,"\n"
+"Bios parameter block (BPB):"};
+__li__Y __string_189={__li__Y__,22,"\n"
+"  Bytes per sector\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_190={__li__Y__,25,"\n"
+"  Sectors per cluster\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_191={__li__Y__,22,"\n"
+"  Sectors reserved\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_192={__li__Y__,17,"\n"
+"  Number FAT\t\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_193={__li__Y__,25,"\n"
+"  Number root entries\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_194={__li__Y__,20,"\n"
+"  Number sectors\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_195={__li__Y__,22,"\n"
+"  Descriptor media\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_196={__li__Y__,21,"\n"
+"  Sectors per FAT\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_197={__li__Y__,23,"\n"
+"  Sectors per track\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_198={__li__Y__,18,"\n"
+"  Number head\t\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_199={__li__Y__,20,"\n"
+"  Hidden sectors\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_200={__li__Y__,24,"\n"
+"  Number sectors big\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_201={__li__Y__,2," ("};
+__li__Y __string_202={__li__Y__,4," MB)"};
+__li__Y __string_203={__li__Y__,13,"\n"
+"FAT 32 bits:"};
+__li__Y __string_204={__li__Y__,16,"\n"
+"  Flags FAT\t\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_205={__li__Y__,18,"\n"
+"  Version FAT\t\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_206={__li__Y__,24,"\n"
+"  Cluster start root\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_207={__li__Y__,19,"\n"
+"Drive information:"};
+__li__Y __string_208={__li__Y__,17,"\n"
+"  Bios drive\t\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_209={__li__Y__,25,"\n"
+"  Ext. boot signature\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_210={__li__Y__,20,"\n"
+"  Serial number\t\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_211={__li__Y__,19,"\n"
+"  Volume label\t\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_212={__li__Y__,18,"\n"
+"  File system\t\t: "};
+__li__Y __string_213={__li__Y__,9,"Is empty."};
+__li__Y __string_214={__li__Y__,27,"Error write bios disk 13h.\n"};
+__li__Y __string_215={__li__Y__,25,"Memory: Bound table_size."};
+__li__Y __string_216={__li__Y__,17,"Memory: Size = 0."};
+__li__Y __string_217={__li__Y__,28,"Memory: New size < Old size."};
+__li__Y __string_218={__li__Y__,21,"Memory: Pointer NULL."};
+__li__Y __string_219={__li__Y__,19,"Memory: Table NULL."};
+__li__Y __string_220={__li__Y__,20,"Memory: Bound index."};
+__li__Y __string_221={__li__Y__,29,"Memory: Macro block not busy."};
+__li__Y __string_222={__li__Y__,16,"Memory: Size = 0"};
+__li__Y __string_223={__li__Y__,22,"Memory: Alignment LAB."};
+__li__Y __string_224={__li__Y__,23,"Memory: Copy alignment."};
+__li__Y __string_225={__li__Y__,29,"Memory: Macro block not free."};
+__li__Y __string_226={__li__Y__,29,"Memory: Macro Block not busy."};
+__li__Y __string_227={__li__Y__,18,"Memory: Big block."};
+__li__Y __string_228={__li__Y__,19,"Memory: Not memory."};
+__li__Y __string_229={__li__Y__,19,"Not enough memory.\n"};
+/* FUNCTION HEADER          */
+/* Debug Manager */
+void interrupt_signal(int sig);
+void lisaac_stack_print(_____CONTEXT *up);
+void lisaac_push_first(_____CONTEXT *path,unsigned long code);
+void lisaac_push(_____CONTEXT *path,unsigned long code);
+void print_integer(unsigned short n);
+/* Source code */
+static __li__U li__EIC(__li__K li__GIC);
+static __li__JH li__T1B(__li__U li__V1B);
+static __li__C li__VMC(__li__K li__XMC,__li__K li__YMC);
+static void li__SGC(__li__Y *li__UGC);
+static __li__GJ* li__2CC(__li__K li__5CC);
+static __li__3B* li__OD();
+static void li__CE(__li__Y *li__FE);
+static __li__1RF li__4TG(__li__K li__AUG);
+static __li__GB li__NMI(__li__1RF li__QMI);
+static __li__GB li__DOI(__li__U li__GOI,__li__1RF li__HOI);
+static __li__K li__1SH(__li__WT *li__3SH);
+static __li__JH li__5IC();
+static void li__XX(__li__SB *li__ZX,__li__JH li__0X);
+static __li__C li__20C(__li__K li__40C,__li__K li__50C);
+static void li__51(__li__K li__B2);
+static __li__LT* li__M2O(__li__WT *li__O2O,__li__K li__P2O);
+static void li__EFD(__li__U li__GFD);
+static __li__GJ* li__QPC(__li__1B li__SPC);
+static void li__F4O(__li__GJ *li__H4O);
+static __li__BB li__E0(__li__K li__G0);
+static __li__BB li__QR(void *li__TR,__li__BB li__VR);
+static __li__K li__G1(__li__BB li__I1);
+static __li__C li__A3();
+static void li__SAD(__li__GB li__VAD,void *li__WAD);
+static __li__CD li__NHC(__li__K li__PHC);
+static __li__C li__U5(__li__3B *li__X5,__li__JH li__Y5);
+static void li__P2B(__li__1B li__S2B,__li__CD li__T2B,__li__CD li__U2B,__li__3B *li__V2B);
+static void li__TJB(__li__TE *li__VJB);
+static void li__I4O(__li__GJ *li__K4O,__li__Y *li__L4O);
+static __li__BB* li__X5O(__li__GJ *li__Z5O);
+static void li__PBP(__li__GJ *li__RBP,void *li__SBP);
+static void li__1CP(__li__GJ *li__3CP,__li__Y *li__4CP);
+static void li__MEP(__li__GJ *li__OEP,void *li__PEP);
+static __li__Q li__3WC(__li__K li__5WC);
+static void li__L3P(__li__GJ *li__N3P,__li__BB li__O3P);
+static __li__BB li__1BB(__li__1B li__3BB);
+static __li__C li__5TH(__li__Y *li__BUH,__li__BB li__CUH);
+static void li__SKP(__li__GJ *li__UKP,__li__K li__VKP,__li__K li__WKP);
+static __li__GB li__2MB(void *li__5MB);
+static void li__3WF(__li__3B *li__5WF);
+static __li__K li__B3F(__li__3B *li__D3F);
+static __li__C li__HTC(__li__K li__JTC,__li__K li__KTC);
+static void li__BSM(__li__3B *li__DSM);
+static __li__K li__GOB(__li__GB li__JOB,__li__3B *li__KOB,__li__K li__LOB);
+static __li__1B li__1YH(__li__3B *li__3YH,__li__K li__4YH);
+static void li__TXF(__li__3B *li__VXF,__li__1B li__WXF,__li__K li__XXF);
+static __li__U li__IQC(__li__CD li__KQC);
+static __li__U li__0RC(__li__1B li__2RC);
+static __li__C li__3DC(__li__3B *li__AEC,__li__JH li__BEC);
+static void li__0EC(__li__1B li__3EC,__li__CD li__4EC,__li__CD li__5EC,__li__3B *li__AFC);
+static __li__C li__NTH(__li__K li__PTH,__li__K li__QTH,__li__K li__RTH);
+static __li__BB li__YQJ(__li__BB *li__0QJ,__li__K li__1QJ);
+static __li__BB* li__EOU(__li__K li__HOU);
+static __li__1B* li__5QH(__li__K li__CRH);
+static void li__V2M(__li__1B *li__X2M,__li__K li__Y2M,__li__K li__Z2M);
+static __li__1B li__RDL(__li__1B *li__TDL,__li__K li__UDL);
+static __li__C li__ZHL(__li__1RF li__1HL,__li__1RF li__2HL);
+static __li__1RF li__PFL(__li__1RF li__RFL,__li__1RF li__SFL);
+static __li__GB li__SCJ(__li__1RF li__VCJ);
+static __li__GB li__LDJ(__li__1RF li__ODJ,__li__GB li__PDJ,__li__U li__QDJ);
+static __li__D3O* li__VCV(__li__LT *li__YCV);
+static void li__HRM(__li__K li__JRM);
+static __li__C li__THU(__li__WT *li__VHU,__li__K li__WHU);
+static __li__BB li__A3D(__li__U li__C3D);
+static __li__C li__NVH(__li__1B li__PVH,__li__1B li__RVH);
+static __li__C li__MFF(__li__1B li__OFF,__li__1B li__PFF);
+static __li__BB li__VYD(__li__1B li__XYD);
+static __li__BB li__LAQ(__li__GJ *li__NAQ,__li__K li__OAQ);
+static __li__C li__QIB(__li__BB li__SIB,__li__BB li__TIB,__li__BB li__UIB);
+static __li__C li__RTC(__li__1B li__TTC,__li__1B li__UTC);
+static void li__1AD(__li__CD li__3AD);
+static void li__2BD(__li__1B li__4BD);
+static __li__C li__02H(__li__CD li__22H,__li__CD li__32H,__li__CD li__42H);
+static __li__C li__OHF(__li__CD li__QHF,__li__CD li__RHF);
+static __li__BB li__QVD(__li__CD li__SVD);
+static __li__C li__X3H(__li__U li__Z3H,__li__U li__03H,__li__U li__13H);
+static __li__C li__QJF(__li__U li__SJF,__li__U li__TJF);
+static void li__HKW(__li__BB *li__JKW,__li__BB *li__KKW,__li__K li__LKW);
+static void li__IJW(__li__BB *li__KJW,__li__BB li__LJW,__li__K li__MJW);
+static __li__BB* li__JTW(__li__BB *li__LTW,__li__K li__MTW,__li__K li__NTW);
+static void li__BHW(__li__BB *li__DHW,__li__BB *li__EHW,__li__K li__FHW,__li__K li__GHW);
+static void li__ABQ(__li__GJ *li__CBQ,__li__BB li__DBQ,__li__K li__EBQ);
+static __li__GB li__ANO(__li__GB li__DNO,__li__1RF li__ENO,__li__1RF li__FNO);
+static void li__K5K(__li__1B *li__M5K,__li__1B li__N5K,__li__K li__O5K);
+static __li__C li__FMP(__li__3B *li__HMP,__li__K li__IMP);
+static __li__GB li__PSI(__li__1RF li__SSI);
+static __li__C li__FNL(__li__1RF li__HNL,__li__1RF li__INL,__li__1RF li__JNL);
+static __li__C li__1LL(__li__1RF li__3LL,__li__1RF li__4LL);
+static __li__GB li__25J(__li__GB *li__45J,__li__K li__55J);
+static __li__GB li__ADK(__li__U li__DDK);
+static __li__GB li__2GK(__li__1RF li__4GK);
+static void li__KMK(__li__GB *li__MMK,__li__GB li__NMK,__li__K li__OMK);
+static __li__C li__NML(__li__1RF li__PML,__li__1RF li__QML);
+static void li__QBR(__li__GB li__TBR,__li__GB li__UBR,__li__1RF li__VBR);
+static __li__1RF li__C1S(__li__GB li__E1S);
+static __li__4SF* li__1VV(__li__4SF *li__3VV);
+static void li__KLW(__li__4SF *li__MLW,__li__GB li__NLW,__li__1RF li__OLW);
+static void li__LMS(__li__4SF *li__OMS,__li__1RF li__PMS);
+static __li__4SF* li__SZQ(__li__1RF li__VZQ);
+static void li__32V(__li__4SF *li__52V);
+static void li__HBX(__li__4SF *li__JBX);
+static __li__4SF* li__K3Q();
+/* SOURCE CODE              */
+int main(int argc,char **argv)
+  __li__JH li__OXH,li__BU,li__QH,li__0IIB;
+  __li__1RF li__OPH,li__RYK,li__BZLB,li__HZLB,li__5YLB;
+  __li__U li__OYLB,li__TRJ,li__LII,li__QZK,li__DU2,li__EU2,li__L3LB;
+  __li__U li__LPB,li__MPB,li__QPB,li__OPB,li__KN;
+  __li__GB li__UQK,li__JYK,li__JZK,li__J1LB,li__YKF;
+  __li__GJ *li__O5B,*li__HU2,*li__V1LB,*li__MBKB;
+  __li__K li__PYK,li__4YK,li__XZLB,li__BKC,li__EZC,li__11LB,li__KEF;
+  __li__LT *li__RU,*li__CU2;
+  __li__Y *li__TG;
+  void *li__JI;
+  __li__Q li__ZDC,li__4XC,li__VYC,li__L1E,li__UZC,li__31E,li__51E;
+  __li__Q li__SDF,li__UDF;
+  __li__CD li__YT2,li__OV2,li__SV2,li__QV2,li__VN,li__XN;
+  _____CONTEXT li__WB,li__FCIB,li__GCIB,li__KYLB,li__NYLB,li__ZXT;
+  _____CONTEXT li__TL1,li__D11,li__1L1,li__XYLB,li__DZLB,li__GZLB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__GQM,li__QZLB,li__NQD,li__0XC,li__SWM,li__QQN,li__0WM;
+  _____CONTEXT li__Q1LB,li__UKF,li__HQF,li__5KF,li__ODF,li__P5H,li__GMI;
+  _____CONTEXT li__VQHB,li__3FM,li__MRHB;
+  __li__C li__TSU,li__1XT,li__1SU,li__I5,li__QQD,li__TQD,li__IRE;
+  __li__C li__MMI,li__DGM,li__EGM;
+  __li__3B *li__IC,*li__MH,*li__IM;
+  __li__WT *li__IYK,*li__VZK,*li__QU;
+  __li__1B li__GU2,li__XDF,li__YDF,li__T2LB;
+  __li__BB li__WU,li__YU,li__1DF;
+  __li__1B *li__HI,*li__24B;
+  __li__BB *li__F4B;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WB,L2232344); /* L17 INSTALL*/;
+  signal(SIGINT,interrupt_signal);
+  arg_count  = argc;
+  arg_vector = argv;
+#ifdef _PTHREAD_H
+  pthread_key_create(&current_thread, NULL);
+  pthread_attr_init(&thread_attr);
+  /*pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thread_attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);*/
+  ;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L4986396); /* L38 ARRAYED_COLLECTION*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L7215132); /* L55 ARRAYED_COLLECTION*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L7606812); /* L58 ARRAYED_COLLECTION*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6830619); /* L52 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+  (*li__3B__)=(*li__4B__);
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5771790); /* L44 STRING_CONSTANT*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5510670); /* L42 STRING_CONSTANT*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FCIB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GCIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__OPH=((__li__1RF ) 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L15741444); /* L120 OBJECT*/;
+  li__TSF=li__OPH;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5793315); /* L44 UINTEGER_64*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FCIB,L5793315); /* L44 UINTEGER_64*/;
+  li__OXH=((__li__JH )(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLLU));
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5772835); /* L44 UINTEGER_64*/;
+  li__C2B=li__OXH;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5781516); /* L44 UINTEGER_32*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FCIB,L5781516); /* L44 UINTEGER_32*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GCIB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__OYLB=li__EIC( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__GCIB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__TRJ=li__EIC( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__GCIB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__LII=(__li__U)(li__OYLB - li__TRJ);
+  lisaac_push(&li__FCIB,L5781516); /* L44 UINTEGER_32*/;
+  li__OXH=li__T1B(li__LII);
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5772812); /* L44 UINTEGER_32*/;
+  li__TIC=li__OXH;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FCIB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GCIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__OPH=((__li__1RF ) 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L13637173); /* L104 MEMORY*/;
+  li__RDK=li__OPH;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FCIB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GCIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__OPH=((__li__1RF ) 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6299189); /* L48 MEMORY*/;
+  li__4SF__->li__BTF=li__OPH;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FCIB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GCIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__OPH=((__li__1RF ) 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L49422389); /* L377 MEMORY*/;
+  li__V3Q=li__OPH;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L15083570); /* L115 SYSTEM*/;
+  li__UQK=((__li__GB )(NULL));
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L49160245); /* L375 MEMORY*/;
+  li__H2I=li__UQK;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6170165); /* L47 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L25566261); /* L195 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6824501); /* L52 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6955573); /* L53 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L14554648); /* L111 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L14685720); /* L112 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L12852760); /* L98 INSTALL*/;
+  li__SB__->li__UC= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5116461); /* L39 LINKED_COLLECTION*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5519404); /* L42 LINKED_LIST*/;
+  li__WT__->li__3T=(*li__XT__);
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L25043992); /* L191 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5115947); /* L39 MBR*/;
+  li__LT__->li__QT= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5908523); /* L45 MBR*/;
+  li__LT__->li__TT= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5906478); /* L45 UINTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FCIB,L51645448); /* L394 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GCIB,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__UQK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__GCIB,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__TSU=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__TSU) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GCIB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L51650056); /* L394 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__1XT=li__VMC( 0, 0);
+    if (li__1XT) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__1SU=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__1SU=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__1XT=li__1SU;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GCIB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__1XT=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__1XT) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GCIB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__UQK));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GCIB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__FCIB,L52036616); /* L397 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6036524); /* L46 LINKED_LIST*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L4722760); /* L36 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L4984904); /* L38 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6429228); /* L49 LINKED_LIST*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6821420); /* L52 LINKED_LIST*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6952492); /* L53 LINKED_LIST*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6164523); /* L47 MBR*/;
+  li__LT__->li__UT= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6821925); /* L52 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6034981); /* L46 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6558245); /* L50 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L4723751); /* L36 STD_INPUT*/;
+  li__ZLC='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L13116952); /* L100 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L4594731); /* L35 MBR*/;
+  li__LT__->li__OT= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L13376536); /* L102 INSTALL*/;
+  li__SB__->li__5C= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L4862507); /* L37 MBR*/;
+  li__LT__->li__PT= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L13509656); /* L103 INSTALL*/;
+  li__SB__->li__ED= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L13639704); /* L104 INSTALL*/;
+  li__SB__->li__HD= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L13775384); /* L105 INSTALL*/;
+  li__SB__->li__KD= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L4592673); /* L35 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__XE='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L4723745); /* L36 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__YE='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L4854817); /* L37 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__ZE='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L4985889); /* L38 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__0E='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5116961); /* L39 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__1E='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5248033); /* L40 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__2E='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5379105); /* L41 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__3E='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5510177); /* L42 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__4E='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L5908513); /* L45 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__5E= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6041121); /* L46 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__AF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6170657); /* L47 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__BF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6296609); /* L48 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__CF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6432289); /* L49 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__DF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6560801); /* L50 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__EF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6691873); /* L51 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__FF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6825505); /* L52 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__GF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L6957601); /* L53 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__HF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L7083553); /* L54 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__IF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L7218209); /* L55 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__JF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L7349281); /* L56 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__KF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L9317409); /* L71 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__VF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L7744033); /* L59 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__LF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L7871009); /* L60 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__MF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L8003105); /* L61 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__NF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L8137761); /* L62 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__OF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L9051169); /* L69 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__TF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L9445921); /* L72 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__WF= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L9707553); /* L74 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__XF='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L9838625); /* L75 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__YF='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L9969697); /* L76 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__ZF='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L10100769); /* L77 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__0F='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L10231841); /* L78 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__1F='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L10362913); /* L79 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__2F='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L10493985); /* L80 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__3F='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L10625057); /* L81 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__4F='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L10756129); /* L82 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__5F='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L10887201); /* L83 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__AG='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L11018273); /* L84 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__BG='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L11279905); /* L86 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__CG='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L11410977); /* L87 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__DG='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L11542049); /* L88 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__EG='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L11673121); /* L89 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__FG='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L11804193); /* L90 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__GG='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L11935265); /* L91 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__HG='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L12066337); /* L92 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__IG='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L12197409); /* L93 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__JG='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L12080152); /* L92 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FCIB,L12080152); /* L92 INSTALL*/;
+  li__O5B=li__2CC( 255);
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L12065816); /* L92 INSTALL*/;
+  li__JJ=li__O5B;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L12985377); /* L99 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__MG= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L12854305); /* L98 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__LG= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L12723233); /* L97 BOOT*/;
+  li__TE__->li__KG= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WB,L50598424); /* L386 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FCIB,L51010584); /* L389 INSTALL*/;
+  li__IC=li__OD();
+  li__JC=li__IC;
+  lisaac_push(&li__FCIB,L51141656); /* L390 INSTALL*/;
+  li__IC=li__OD();
+  li__LC=li__IC;
+  lisaac_push(&li__FCIB,L51671576); /* L394 INSTALL*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_2));
+  if (('\0' == '1')) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FCIB,L54135320); /* L413 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GCIB,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L52832280); /* L403 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L52969496); /* L404 INSTALL*/;
+    li__CE((&__string_3));
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L53095448); /* L405 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__SB__->li__UC= 128;
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L53226520); /* L406 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L28857880); /* L220 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L8651820); /* L66 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L15995396); /* L122 OBJECT*/;
+    li__IYK=NULL;
+    li__JYK=((__li__GB )(NULL));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L16787972); /* L128 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L5250564); /* L40 OBJECT*/;
+    li__PYK=sizeof(__li__WT);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L16787972); /* L128 OBJECT*/;
+    li__RYK=li__4TG(li__PYK);
+    if ((li__RYK ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L19270148); /* L147 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L16916484); /* L129 OBJECT*/;
+      li__IYK=li__WT__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L19270148); /* L147 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L17316868); /* L132 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L30811140); /* L235 OBJECT*/;
+      li__4YK=__li__WT__;
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L17591300); /* L134 OBJECT*/;
+      li__BZLB=li__TSF;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__HZLB=li__4TG( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__5YLB=(__li__1RF)(li__HZLB - li__RYK);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__TSF=(__li__1RF)(li__BZLB - li__5YLB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L17703428); /* L135 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      if ((li__4YK == (__li__K)(-  1))) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L18222596); /* L139 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L17840132); /* L136 OBJECT*/;
+        li__JZK=li__NMI(li__RYK);
+        li__JYK=li__JZK;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L18222596); /* L139 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L18112516); /* L138 OBJECT*/;
+        li__QZK=li__EIC(li__4YK);
+        lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L18117124); /* L138 OBJECT*/;
+        li__JZK=li__DOI(li__QZK,li__RYK);
+        li__JYK=li__JZK;
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L18372612); /* L140 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__VZK=((__li__WT *)li__JYK);
+      li__IYK=li__VZK;
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L18626052); /* L142 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L31341572); /* L239 OBJECT*/;
+      *(li__VZK) = *(li__WT__);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L19140100); /* L146 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L8916012); /* L68 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__JYK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    li__1XT=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+    if (li__1XT) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L8920108); /* L68 LINKED_LIST*/;
+      li__4YK=li__1SH(li__WT__);
+      if ((li__4YK ==  0)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__I5=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__I5=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__1SU=li__I5;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__1SU=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__1SU) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__JYK));
+      lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_4));
+      lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    li__SB__->li__5T=li__IYK;
+    lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L28979224); /* L221 INSTALL*/;
+    li__BU=li__5IC();
+    lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L28979224); /* L221 INSTALL*/;
+    li__XX(li__SB__,li__BU);
+    if (li__SB__->li__5T==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L29241880); /* L223 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    };
+    li__IYK=li__SB__->li__5T;
+    if (li__IYK==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L29255192); /* L223 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* LINKED_LIST(MBR) */ {
+      li__4YK=li__IYK->li__3T.li__HU;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L29887000); /* L228 INSTALL*/;
+    li__PYK= 1;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__VJC:
+    {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__I5=li__20C(li__PYK,li__4YK);
+      if (li__I5) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L21768200); /* L166 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L29257752); /* L223 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L29372952); /* L224 INSTALL*/;
+        li__SGC((&__string_5));
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L29497880); /* L225 INSTALL*/;
+        li__51(li__PYK);
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L29630488); /* L226 INSTALL*/;
+        li__SGC((&__string_6));
+        li__QU=li__SB__->li__5T;
+        if (li__QU==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L29767192); /* L227 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* LINKED_LIST(MBR) */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L29767192); /* L227 INSTALL*/;
+          li__RU=li__M2O(((__li__WT *)li__QU),li__PYK);
+        };
+        if (li__RU==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L29773336); /* L227 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* MBR */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L29773336); /* L227 INSTALL*/;
+          li__CU2=((__li__LT *)li__RU);
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L51781675); /* L395 MBR*/;
+          li__DU2=li__CU2->li__UT;
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L52041259); /* L397 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L23745543); /* L181 INTEGER*/;
+          li__EU2=(__li__U)(li__DU2 >>  11);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L52045867); /* L397 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+          li__EFD(li__EU2);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L52178987); /* L398 MBR*/;
+          li__SGC((&__string_7));
+          li__GU2=li__CU2->li__QT;
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L52309547); /* L399 MBR*/;
+          li__HU2=li__QPC(li__GU2);
+          if (li__HU2==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L52312619); /* L399 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* STRING */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L52312619); /* L399 MBR*/;
+            li__F4O(((__li__GJ *)li__HU2));
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L52437035); /* L400 MBR*/;
+          li__SGC((&__string_8));
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L52698155); /* L402 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L7216683); /* L55 MBR*/;
+          li__GU2=li__CU2->li__QT;
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L7735339); /* L59 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  0)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L7612459); /* L58 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L7623211); /* L58 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_9));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L7866411); /* L60 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  1)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L7743531); /* L59 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L7756843); /* L59 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_10));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L7997483); /* L61 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  2)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L7874603); /* L60 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L7885867); /* L60 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_11));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L8128555); /* L62 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  3)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L8005675); /* L61 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L8016939); /* L61 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_12));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L8259627); /* L63 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  4)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L8136747); /* L62 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L8150059); /* L62 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_13));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L8390699); /* L64 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  5)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L8267819); /* L63 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L8277547); /* L63 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_14));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L8521771); /* L65 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  6)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L8398891); /* L64 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L8415787); /* L64 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_15));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L8652843); /* L66 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  7)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L8529963); /* L65 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L8548907); /* L65 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_16));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L8783915); /* L67 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  8)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L8661035); /* L66 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L8679979); /* L66 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_17));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L8914987); /* L68 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  9)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L8792107); /* L67 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L8813099); /* L67 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_18));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L9046059); /* L69 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  10)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L8923179); /* L68 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L8948779); /* L68 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_19));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L9177131); /* L70 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  11)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L9054251); /* L69 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L9071147); /* L69 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_20));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L9308203); /* L71 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  12)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L9185323); /* L70 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L9204267); /* L70 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_21));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L9439275); /* L72 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  13)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L9316395); /* L71 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L9328683); /* L71 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_22));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L9570347); /* L73 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  14)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L9447467); /* L72 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L9466411); /* L72 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_23));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L9701419); /* L74 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  15)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L9578539); /* L73 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L9599019); /* L73 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_24));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L9832491); /* L75 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  16)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L9709611); /* L74 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L9717803); /* L74 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_25));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L9963563); /* L76 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  17)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L9840683); /* L75 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L9852971); /* L75 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_26));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L10094635); /* L77 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  18)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L9971755); /* L76 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L9987115); /* L76 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_27));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L10225707); /* L78 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  19)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L10102827); /* L77 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L10115115); /* L77 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_22));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L10356779); /* L79 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  20)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L10233899); /* L78 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L10250283); /* L78 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_28));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L10487851); /* L80 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  21)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L10364971); /* L79 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L10377259); /* L79 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L10618923); /* L81 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  22)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L10496043); /* L80 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L10512427); /* L80 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_30));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L10749995); /* L82 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  23)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L10627115); /* L81 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L10642475); /* L81 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_31));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L10881067); /* L83 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  24)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L10758187); /* L82 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L10772523); /* L82 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_32));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L11012139); /* L84 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  25)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L10889259); /* L83 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L10909227); /* L83 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_33));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L11143211); /* L85 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  26)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L11020331); /* L84 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L11032619); /* L84 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L11274283); /* L86 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  27)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L11151403); /* L85 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L11163691); /* L85 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_34));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L11405355); /* L87 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  28)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L11282475); /* L86 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L11295275); /* L86 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_35));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L11536427); /* L88 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  29)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L11413547); /* L87 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L11425835); /* L87 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L11667499); /* L89 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  30)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L11544619); /* L88 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L11557419); /* L88 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_36));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L11798571); /* L90 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  31)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L11675691); /* L89 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L11687979); /* L89 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L11929643); /* L91 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  32)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L11806763); /* L90 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L11820587); /* L90 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_37));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L12060715); /* L92 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  33)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L11937835); /* L91 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L11953195); /* L91 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_38));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L12191787); /* L93 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  34)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L12068907); /* L92 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L12082731); /* L92 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_39));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L12322859); /* L94 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  35)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L12199979); /* L93 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L12210219); /* L93 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L12453931); /* L95 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  36)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L12331051); /* L94 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L12342827); /* L94 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_41));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L12585003); /* L96 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  37)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L12462123); /* L95 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L12474411); /* L95 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L12716075); /* L97 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  38)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L12593195); /* L96 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L12603435); /* L96 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L12847147); /* L98 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  39)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L12724267); /* L97 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L12736555); /* L97 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L12978219); /* L99 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  40)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L12855339); /* L98 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L12867627); /* L98 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L13109291); /* L100 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  41)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L12986411); /* L99 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L12998699); /* L99 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L13240363); /* L101 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  42)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L13117483); /* L100 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L13129771); /* L100 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L13371435); /* L102 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  43)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L13248555); /* L101 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L13260843); /* L101 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L13502507); /* L103 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  44)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L13379627); /* L102 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L13391915); /* L102 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L13633579); /* L104 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  45)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L13510699); /* L103 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L13522987); /* L103 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L13764651); /* L105 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  46)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L13641771); /* L104 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L13654059); /* L104 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L13895723); /* L106 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  47)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L13772843); /* L105 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L13785131); /* L105 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L14026795); /* L107 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  48)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L13903915); /* L106 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L13916203); /* L106 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L14157867); /* L108 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  49)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L14034987); /* L107 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L14045227); /* L107 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L14288939); /* L109 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  50)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L14166059); /* L108 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L14178347); /* L108 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L14420011); /* L110 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  51)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L14297131); /* L109 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L14307371); /* L109 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L14551083); /* L111 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  52)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L14428203); /* L110 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L14438443); /* L110 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L14682155); /* L112 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  53)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L14559275); /* L111 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L14578219); /* L111 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_42));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L14813227); /* L113 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  54)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L14690347); /* L112 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L14700587); /* L112 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L14944299); /* L114 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  55)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L14821419); /* L113 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L14833707); /* L113 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L15075371); /* L115 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  56)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L14952491); /* L114 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L14967851); /* L114 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_43));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L15206443); /* L116 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  57)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L15083563); /* L115 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L15103531); /* L115 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_44));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L15337515); /* L117 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  58)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L15214635); /* L116 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L15228459); /* L116 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_45));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L15468587); /* L118 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  59)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L15345707); /* L117 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L15361579); /* L117 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_46));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L15599659); /* L119 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  60)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L15476779); /* L118 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L15494699); /* L118 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_47));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L15730731); /* L120 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  61)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L15607851); /* L119 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L15620139); /* L119 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L15861803); /* L121 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  62)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L15738923); /* L120 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L15751211); /* L120 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L15992875); /* L122 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  63)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L15869995); /* L121 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L15882283); /* L121 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L16123947); /* L123 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  64)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L16001067); /* L122 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L16009771); /* L122 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_48));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L16255019); /* L124 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  65)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L16132139); /* L123 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L16169003); /* L123 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_49));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L16386091); /* L125 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  66)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L16263211); /* L124 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L16287275); /* L124 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_50));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L16517163); /* L126 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  67)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L16394283); /* L125 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L16410667); /* L125 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_51));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L16648235); /* L127 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  68)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L16525355); /* L126 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L16537643); /* L126 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L16779307); /* L128 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  69)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L16656427); /* L127 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L16678955); /* L127 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_52));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L16910379); /* L129 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  70)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L16787499); /* L128 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L16798763); /* L128 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_53));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L17041451); /* L130 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  71)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L16918571); /* L129 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L16929835); /* L129 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_53));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L17172523); /* L131 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  72)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L17049643); /* L130 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L17060907); /* L130 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_53));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L17303595); /* L132 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  73)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L17180715); /* L131 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L17193003); /* L131 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L17434667); /* L133 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  74)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L17311787); /* L132 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L17324075); /* L132 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L17565739); /* L134 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  75)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L17442859); /* L133 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L17455147); /* L133 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L17696811); /* L135 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  76)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L17573931); /* L134 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L17586219); /* L134 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L17827883); /* L136 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  77)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L17705003); /* L135 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L17714219); /* L135 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_54));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L17958955); /* L137 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  78)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L17836075); /* L136 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L17853995); /* L136 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_55));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L18090027); /* L138 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  79)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L17967147); /* L137 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L17989163); /* L137 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_56));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L18221099); /* L139 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  80)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L18098219); /* L138 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L18127915); /* L138 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_57));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L18352171); /* L140 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  81)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L18229291); /* L139 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L18250795); /* L139 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_58));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L18483243); /* L141 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  82)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L18360363); /* L140 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L18373675); /* L140 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_59));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L18614315); /* L142 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  83)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L18491435); /* L141 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L18508843); /* L141 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_60));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L18745387); /* L143 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  84)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L18622507); /* L142 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L18648107); /* L142 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_61));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L18876459); /* L144 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  85)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L18753579); /* L143 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L18763819); /* L143 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_62));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L19007531); /* L145 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  86)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L18884651); /* L144 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L18900523); /* L144 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_63));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L19138603); /* L146 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  87)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L19015723); /* L145 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L19028523); /* L145 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_64));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L19269675); /* L147 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  88)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L19146795); /* L146 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L19159083); /* L146 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L19400747); /* L148 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  89)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L19277867); /* L147 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L19290155); /* L147 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L19531819); /* L149 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  90)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L19408939); /* L148 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L19421227); /* L148 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L19662891); /* L150 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  91)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L19540011); /* L149 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L19552299); /* L149 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L19793963); /* L151 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  92)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L19671083); /* L150 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L19682859); /* L150 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_65));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L19925035); /* L152 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  93)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L19802155); /* L151 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L19814443); /* L151 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L20056107); /* L153 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  94)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L19933227); /* L152 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L19945515); /* L152 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L20187179); /* L154 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  95)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L20064299); /* L153 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L20076587); /* L153 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L20318251); /* L155 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  96)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L20195371); /* L154 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L20207659); /* L154 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L20449323); /* L156 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  97)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L20326443); /* L155 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L20337195); /* L155 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_66));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L20580395); /* L157 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  98)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L20457515); /* L156 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L20469803); /* L156 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L20711467); /* L158 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  99)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L20588587); /* L157 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L20605995); /* L157 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_67));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L20842539); /* L159 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  100)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L20719659); /* L158 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L20736043); /* L158 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_68));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L20973611); /* L160 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  101)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L20850731); /* L159 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L20861995); /* L159 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_69));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L21104683); /* L161 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  102)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L20981803); /* L160 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L20997163); /* L160 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_70));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L21235755); /* L162 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  103)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L21112875); /* L161 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L21122091); /* L161 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_71));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L21366827); /* L163 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  104)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L21243947); /* L162 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L21253163); /* L162 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_71));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L21497899); /* L164 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  105)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L21375019); /* L163 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L21390379); /* L163 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_72));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L21628971); /* L165 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  106)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L21506091); /* L164 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L21518379); /* L164 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L21760043); /* L166 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  107)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L21637163); /* L165 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L21653547); /* L165 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_73));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L21891115); /* L167 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  108)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L21768235); /* L166 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L21780523); /* L166 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L22022187); /* L168 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  109)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L21899307); /* L167 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L21915691); /* L167 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_73));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L22153259); /* L169 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  110)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L22030379); /* L168 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L22046763); /* L168 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_73));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L22284331); /* L170 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  111)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L22161451); /* L169 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L22173739); /* L169 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L22415403); /* L171 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  112)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L22292523); /* L170 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L22309419); /* L170 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_74));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L22546475); /* L172 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  113)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L22423595); /* L171 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L22433835); /* L171 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L22677547); /* L173 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  114)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L22554667); /* L172 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L22564907); /* L172 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L22808619); /* L174 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  115)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L22685739); /* L173 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L22695979); /* L173 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L22939691); /* L175 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  116)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L22816811); /* L174 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L22827563); /* L174 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_75));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L23070763); /* L176 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  117)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L22947883); /* L175 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L22958635); /* L175 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_76));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L23201835); /* L177 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  118)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L23078955); /* L176 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L23089195); /* L176 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L23332907); /* L178 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  119)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L23210027); /* L177 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L23218219); /* L177 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_77));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L23463979); /* L179 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  120)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L23341099); /* L178 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L23354923); /* L178 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_78));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L23595051); /* L180 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  121)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L23472171); /* L179 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L23484459); /* L179 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L23726123); /* L181 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  122)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L23603243); /* L180 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L23615531); /* L180 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L23857195); /* L182 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  123)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L23734315); /* L181 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L23746603); /* L181 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L23988267); /* L183 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  124)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L23865387); /* L182 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L23877675); /* L182 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L24119339); /* L184 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  125)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L23996459); /* L183 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L24008747); /* L183 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L24250411); /* L185 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  126)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L24127531); /* L184 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L24139819); /* L184 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L24381483); /* L186 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  127)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L24258603); /* L185 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L24270891); /* L185 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L24512555); /* L187 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  128)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L24389675); /* L186 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L24402987); /* L186 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_79));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L24643627); /* L188 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  129)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L24520747); /* L187 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L24544811); /* L187 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_80));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L24774699); /* L189 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  130)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L24651819); /* L188 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L24673323); /* L188 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_81));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L24905771); /* L190 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  131)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L24782891); /* L189 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L24799787); /* L189 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_82));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L25036843); /* L191 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  132)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L24913963); /* L190 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L24932395); /* L190 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_83));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L25167915); /* L192 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  133)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L25045035); /* L191 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L25057835); /* L191 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_84));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L25298987); /* L193 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  134)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L25176107); /* L192 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L25191467); /* L192 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_85));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L25430059); /* L194 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  135)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L25307179); /* L193 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L25323051); /* L193 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_86));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L25561131); /* L195 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  136)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L25438251); /* L194 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L25450539); /* L194 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L25692203); /* L196 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  137)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L25569323); /* L195 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L25581611); /* L195 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L25823275); /* L197 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  138)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L25700395); /* L196 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L25712683); /* L196 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_87));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L25954347); /* L198 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  139)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L25831467); /* L197 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L25843755); /* L197 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_88));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L26085419); /* L199 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  140)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L25962539); /* L198 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L25975339); /* L198 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_89));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L26216491); /* L200 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  141)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L26093611); /* L199 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L26112043); /* L199 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_90));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L26347563); /* L201 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  142)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L26224683); /* L200 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L26245163); /* L200 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_91));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L26478635); /* L202 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  143)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L26355755); /* L201 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L26368043); /* L201 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L26609707); /* L203 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  144)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L26486827); /* L202 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L26505259); /* L202 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_92));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L26740779); /* L204 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  145)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L26617899); /* L203 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L26637355); /* L203 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_93));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L26871851); /* L205 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  146)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L26748971); /* L204 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L26767403); /* L204 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_92));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L27002923); /* L206 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  147)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L26880043); /* L205 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L26900011); /* L205 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_94));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L27133995); /* L207 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  148)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L27011115); /* L206 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L27028523); /* L206 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_95));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L27265067); /* L208 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  149)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L27142187); /* L207 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L27156523); /* L207 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_96));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L27396139); /* L209 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  150)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L27273259); /* L208 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L27285547); /* L208 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L27527211); /* L210 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  151)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L27404331); /* L209 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L27422763); /* L209 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_97));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L27658283); /* L211 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  152)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L27535403); /* L210 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L27554347); /* L210 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_98));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L27789355); /* L212 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  153)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L27666475); /* L211 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L27682859); /* L211 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_99));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L27920427); /* L213 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  154)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L27797547); /* L212 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L27815979); /* L212 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_100));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L28051499); /* L214 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  155)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L27928619); /* L213 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L27949099); /* L213 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_101));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L28182571); /* L215 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  156)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L28059691); /* L214 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L28071979); /* L214 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L28313643); /* L216 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  157)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L28190763); /* L215 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L28203051); /* L215 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L28444715); /* L217 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  158)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L28321835); /* L216 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L28334123); /* L216 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L28575787); /* L218 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  159)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L28452907); /* L217 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L28462123); /* L217 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_102));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L28706859); /* L219 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  160)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L28583979); /* L218 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L28595755); /* L218 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_103));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L28837931); /* L220 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  161)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L28715051); /* L219 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L28725291); /* L219 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L28969003); /* L221 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  162)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L28846123); /* L220 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L28858411); /* L220 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L29100075); /* L222 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  163)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L28977195); /* L221 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L28987435); /* L221 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L29231147); /* L223 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  164)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L29108267); /* L222 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L29118507); /* L222 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L29362219); /* L224 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  165)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L29239339); /* L223 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L29247019); /* L223 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_104));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L29493291); /* L225 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  166)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L29370411); /* L224 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L29380139); /* L224 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_105));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L29624363); /* L226 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  167)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L29501483); /* L225 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L29511723); /* L225 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_106));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L29755435); /* L227 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  168)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L29632555); /* L226 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L29644843); /* L226 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L29886507); /* L228 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  169)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L29763627); /* L227 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L29772843); /* L227 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_107));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L30017579); /* L229 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  170)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L29894699); /* L228 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L29911595); /* L228 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_108));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L30148651); /* L230 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  171)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L30025771); /* L229 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L30038059); /* L229 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L30279723); /* L231 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  172)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L30156843); /* L230 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L30169131); /* L230 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L30410795); /* L232 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  173)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L30287915); /* L231 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L30300203); /* L231 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L30541867); /* L233 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  174)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L30418987); /* L232 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L30433835); /* L232 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_109));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L30672939); /* L234 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  175)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L30550059); /* L233 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L30566955); /* L233 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_110));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L30804011); /* L235 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  176)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L30681131); /* L234 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L30693419); /* L234 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L30935083); /* L236 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  177)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L30812203); /* L235 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L30822443); /* L235 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L31066155); /* L237 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  178)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L30943275); /* L236 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L30955563); /* L236 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L31197227); /* L238 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  179)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L31074347); /* L237 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L31084587); /* L237 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L31328299); /* L239 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  180)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L31205419); /* L238 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L31215659); /* L238 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L31459371); /* L240 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  181)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L31336491); /* L239 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L31348779); /* L239 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L31590443); /* L241 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  182)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L31467563); /* L240 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L31477803); /* L240 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L31721515); /* L242 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  183)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L31598635); /* L241 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L31610923); /* L241 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_111));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L31852587); /* L243 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  184)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L31729707); /* L242 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L31744555); /* L242 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_112));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L31983659); /* L244 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  185)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L31860779); /* L243 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L31873067); /* L243 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L32114731); /* L245 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  186)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L31991851); /* L244 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L32004139); /* L244 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L32245803); /* L246 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  187)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L32122923); /* L245 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L32135211); /* L245 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L32376875); /* L247 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  188)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L32253995); /* L246 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L32266283); /* L246 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L32507947); /* L248 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  189)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L32385067); /* L247 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L32397355); /* L247 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L32639019); /* L249 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  190)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L32516139); /* L248 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L32529451); /* L248 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_113));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L32770091); /* L250 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  191)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L32647211); /* L249 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L32659499); /* L249 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L32901163); /* L251 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  192)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L32778283); /* L250 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L32796715); /* L250 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_114));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L33032235); /* L252 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  193)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L32909355); /* L251 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L32921131); /* L251 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_115));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L33163307); /* L253 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  194)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L33040427); /* L252 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L33055275); /* L252 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_116));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L33294379); /* L254 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  195)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L33171499); /* L253 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L33183787); /* L253 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_117));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L33425451); /* L255 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  196)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L33302571); /* L254 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L33316907); /* L254 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_118));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L33556523); /* L256 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  197)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L33433643); /* L255 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L33445931); /* L255 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L33687595); /* L257 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  198)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L33564715); /* L256 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L33591339); /* L256 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_119));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L33818667); /* L258 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  199)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L33695787); /* L257 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L33718315); /* L257 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_120));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L33949739); /* L259 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  200)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L33826859); /* L258 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L33839147); /* L258 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L34080811); /* L260 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  201)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L33957931); /* L259 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L33970219); /* L259 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L34211883); /* L261 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  202)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L34089003); /* L260 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L34101291); /* L260 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L34342955); /* L262 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  203)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L34220075); /* L261 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L34231851); /* L261 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_121));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L34474027); /* L263 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  204)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L34351147); /* L262 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L34363435); /* L262 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_122));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L34605099); /* L264 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  205)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L34482219); /* L263 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L34490411); /* L263 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_123));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L34736171); /* L265 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  206)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L34613291); /* L264 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L34625579); /* L264 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_124));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L34867243); /* L266 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  207)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L34744363); /* L265 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L34756651); /* L265 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L34998315); /* L267 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  208)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L34875435); /* L266 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L34884651); /* L266 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_125));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L35129387); /* L268 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  209)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L35006507); /* L267 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L35026987); /* L267 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_126));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L35260459); /* L269 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  210)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L35137579); /* L268 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L35149867); /* L268 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L35391531); /* L270 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  211)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L35268651); /* L269 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L35280939); /* L269 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L35522603); /* L271 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  212)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L35399723); /* L270 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L35410475); /* L270 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_127));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L35653675); /* L272 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  213)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L35530795); /* L271 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L35541547); /* L271 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_127));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L35784747); /* L273 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  214)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L35661867); /* L272 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L35672619); /* L272 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_127));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L35915819); /* L274 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  215)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L35792939); /* L273 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L35805227); /* L273 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L36046891); /* L275 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  216)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L35924011); /* L274 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L35933739); /* L274 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_128));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L36177963); /* L276 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  217)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L36055083); /* L275 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L36067371); /* L275 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L36309035); /* L277 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  218)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L36186155); /* L276 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L36198955); /* L276 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_129));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L36440107); /* L278 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  219)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L36317227); /* L277 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L36366891); /* L277 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_130));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L36571179); /* L279 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  220)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L36448299); /* L278 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L36456491); /* L278 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_123));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L36702251); /* L280 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  221)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L36579371); /* L279 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L36591147); /* L279 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_131));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L36833323); /* L281 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  222)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L36710443); /* L280 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L36722731); /* L280 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L36964395); /* L282 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  223)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L36841515); /* L281 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L36860971); /* L281 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_132));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L37095467); /* L283 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  224)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L36972587); /* L282 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L36982315); /* L282 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_133));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L37226539); /* L284 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  225)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L37103659); /* L283 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L37117483); /* L283 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_134));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L37357611); /* L285 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  226)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L37234731); /* L284 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L37247019); /* L284 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L37488683); /* L286 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  227)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L37365803); /* L285 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L37376555); /* L285 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_66));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L37619755); /* L287 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  228)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L37496875); /* L286 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L37511723); /* L286 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_135));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L37750827); /* L288 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  229)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L37627947); /* L287 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L37638187); /* L287 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L37881899); /* L289 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  230)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L37759019); /* L288 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L37769259); /* L288 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L38012971); /* L290 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  231)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L37890091); /* L289 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L37902379); /* L289 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L38144043); /* L291 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  232)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L38021163); /* L290 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L38033451); /* L290 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L38275115); /* L292 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  233)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L38152235); /* L291 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L38164523); /* L291 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L38406187); /* L293 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  234)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L38283307); /* L292 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L38295595); /* L292 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L38537259); /* L294 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  235)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L38414379); /* L293 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L38423083); /* L293 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_136));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L38668331); /* L295 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  236)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L38545451); /* L294 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L38557739); /* L294 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L38799403); /* L296 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  237)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L38676523); /* L295 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L38688811); /* L295 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L38930475); /* L297 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  238)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L38807595); /* L296 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L38817323); /* L296 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_137));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L39061547); /* L298 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  239)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L38938667); /* L297 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L38946347); /* L297 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_138));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L39192619); /* L299 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  240)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L39069739); /* L298 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L39088683); /* L298 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_139));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L39323691); /* L300 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  241)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L39200811); /* L299 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L39211563); /* L299 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_66));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L39454763); /* L301 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  242)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L39331883); /* L300 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L39352363); /* L300 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_140));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L39585835); /* L302 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  243)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L39462955); /* L301 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L39477291); /* L301 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_141));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L39716907); /* L303 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  244)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L39594027); /* L302 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L39619627); /* L302 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_142));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L39847979); /* L304 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  245)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L39725099); /* L303 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L39741995); /* L303 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_143));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L39979051); /* L305 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  246)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L39856171); /* L304 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L39866411); /* L304 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_40));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L40110123); /* L306 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  247)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L39987243); /* L305 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L39999531); /* L305 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L40241195); /* L307 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  248)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L40118315); /* L306 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L40130603); /* L306 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L40372267); /* L308 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  249)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L40249387); /* L307 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L40261675); /* L307 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L40503339); /* L309 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  250)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L40380459); /* L308 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L40392747); /* L308 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_29));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L40634411); /* L310 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  251)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L40511531); /* L309 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L40526891); /* L309 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_144));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L40765483); /* L311 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  252)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L40642603); /* L310 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L40654379); /* L310 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_145));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L40896555); /* L312 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  253)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L40773675); /* L311 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L40784939); /* L311 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_146));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L41027627); /* L313 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  254)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L40904747); /* L312 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L40959531); /* L312 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_147));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L41054251); /* L313 MBR*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L17187848); /* L131 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__GU2 ==  255)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L41035819); /* L313 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L41052715); /* L313 MBR*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_148));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L17839624); /* L136 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L21895688); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__XZLB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__BKC=(__li__K)(li__PYK - li__XZLB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L21906952); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__PYK=li__BKC;
+        goto li__VJC;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+    };
+    li__IYK=li__SB__->li__5T;
+    if (li__IYK==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L30190104); /* L230 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* LINKED_LIST(MBR) */ {
+      li__4YK=li__IYK->li__3T.li__HU;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L30197784); /* L230 INSTALL*/;
+    li__WU=li__E0(li__4YK);
+    lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L30198808); /* L230 INSTALL*/;
+    li__YU=li__QR((&__string_149),li__WU);
+    lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L30205976); /* L230 INSTALL*/;
+    li__PYK=li__G1(li__YU);
+    li__SB__->li__0U=li__PYK;
+    lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L30423576); /* L232 INSTALL*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_150));
+    li__PYK=li__SB__->li__0U;
+    lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L30552600); /* L233 INSTALL*/;
+    li__51(li__PYK);
+    lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L30810648); /* L235 INSTALL*/;
+    li__1XT=li__A3();
+    if (li__1XT) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L30805016); /* L235 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__1SU=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L30805016); /* L235 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__1SU=li__B__;
+    };
+    if (li__1SU) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L31066648); /* L237 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L30813208); /* L235 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L30955032); /* L236 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L10894340); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+      li__JZK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L10903044); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SAD(li__JZK,(&__string_151));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L31066648); /* L237 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    li__IYK=li__SB__->li__5T;
+    li__PYK=li__SB__->li__0U;
+    if (li__IYK==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L31349272); /* L239 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* LINKED_LIST(MBR) */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L31349272); /* L239 INSTALL*/;
+      li__RU=li__M2O(((__li__WT *)li__IYK),li__PYK);
+    };
+    if (li__RU==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L31479320); /* L240 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* MBR */ {
+      li__GU2=li__RU->li__OT;
+    };
+    li__SB__->li__5C=li__GU2;
+    if (li__RU==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L31612440); /* L241 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* MBR */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L31612440); /* L241 INSTALL*/;
+      li__CU2=((__li__LT *)li__RU);
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L42607659); /* L325 MBR*/;
+      li__YT2=li__CU2->li__PT;
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L42631211); /* L325 MBR*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L6709291); /* L51 MBR*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L23745543); /* L181 INTEGER*/;
+      li__OV2=(__li__CD)(li__YT2 >>  8);
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L6716971); /* L51 MBR*/;
+      li__SV2=li__NHC( 192);
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L6714411); /* L51 MBR*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+      li__QV2=(__li__CD)(li__YT2 & li__SV2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L6718507); /* L51 MBR*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L24269831); /* L185 INTEGER*/;
+      li__YT2=(__li__CD)(li__QV2 <<  2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L6711339); /* L51 MBR*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L22940167); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__SV2=li__NHC( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__QV2=(__li__CD)(li__SV2 - li__OV2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__OV2=li__NHC( 1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__SV2=(__li__CD)(li__QV2 - li__OV2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L22944263); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__OV2=li__NHC( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__QV2=(__li__CD)(li__OV2 - li__YT2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__YT2=li__NHC( 1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__OV2=(__li__CD)(li__QV2 - li__YT2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L22943239); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+      li__YT2=(__li__CD)(li__SV2 & li__OV2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L22939143); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__OV2=li__NHC( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__SV2=(__li__CD)(li__OV2 - li__YT2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__YT2=li__NHC( 1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__OV2=(__li__CD)(li__SV2 - li__YT2);
+    };
+    li__SB__->li__ED=li__OV2;
+    if (li__RU==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L31742488); /* L242 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* MBR */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L31742488); /* L242 INSTALL*/;
+      li__CU2=((__li__LT *)li__RU);
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L43130923); /* L329 MBR*/;
+      li__YT2=li__CU2->li__PT;
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L43154475); /* L329 MBR*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L6972971); /* L53 MBR*/;
+      li__OV2=li__NHC( 63);
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L6970923); /* L53 MBR*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+      li__SV2=(__li__CD)(li__YT2 & li__OV2);
+    };
+    li__SB__->li__HD=li__SV2;
+    if (li__RU==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__NYLB,L31875608); /* L243 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* MBR */ {
+      li__QZK=li__RU->li__TT;
+    };
+    li__SB__->li__KD=li__QZK;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FCIB,L54135320); /* L413 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GCIB,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L53488664); /* L408 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__SB__->li__UC= 0;
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L53618200); /* L409 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__SB__->li__5C= 0;
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L53751320); /* L410 INSTALL*/;
+    li__YT2=li__NHC( 0);
+    li__SB__->li__ED=li__YT2;
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L53881368); /* L411 INSTALL*/;
+    li__YT2=li__NHC( 1);
+    li__SB__->li__HD=li__YT2;
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L54017048); /* L412 INSTALL*/;
+    li__QZK=li__EIC( 0);
+    li__SB__->li__KD=li__QZK;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__FCIB,L54407704); /* L415 INSTALL*/;
+  li__CE((&__string_152));
+  lisaac_push(&li__FCIB,L54534168); /* L416 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GCIB,L32776728); /* L250 INSTALL*/;
+  li__TG=NULL;
+  lisaac_push(&li__GCIB,L34225176); /* L261 INSTALL*/;
+  li__WU=li__QR((&__string_153),'3');
+  lisaac_push(&li__GCIB,L39979032); /* L305 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L11030034); /* L84 CHARACTER*/;
+  if ((li__WU == '1')) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L11285010); /* L86 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L34481688); /* L263 INSTALL*/;
+    if ((li__SB__->li__UC ==  128)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L35524120); /* L271 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L35011096); /* L267 INSTALL*/;
+      li__MH=li__JC;
+      li__DU2=li__SB__->li__KD;
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L35151896); /* L268 INSTALL*/;
+      li__QH=li__T1B(li__DU2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L35151896); /* L268 INSTALL*/;
+      li__U5(li__MH,li__QH);
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L35524120); /* L271 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L35265048); /* L269 INSTALL*/;
+      li__GU2=li__SB__->li__5C;
+      li__OV2=li__SB__->li__ED;
+      li__SV2=li__SB__->li__HD;
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L35421720); /* L270 INSTALL*/;
+      li__P2B(li__GU2,li__OV2,li__SV2,li__JC);
+    };
+    if (li__JC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L35819032); /* L273 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+      li__HI=(*(li__JC)).li__GI;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L35819544); /* L273 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__JI=((void *)li__HI);
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L35925016); /* L274 INSTALL*/;
+    li__TJB(li__JI);
+    if ((li__SB__->li__UC ==  128)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L36703768); /* L280 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L36190232); /* L276 INSTALL*/;
+      li__TG=(&__string_154);
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L36703768); /* L280 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L36444696); /* L278 INSTALL*/;
+      li__TG=(&__string_155);
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L36991000); /* L282 INSTALL*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_156));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L37111320); /* L283 INSTALL*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_157));
+    if (li__TG==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L37232664); /* L284 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* STRING_CONSTANT */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L37232664); /* L284 INSTALL*/;
+      li__SGC(((__li__Y *)li__TG));
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L37365784); /* L285 INSTALL*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_158));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L37495320); /* L286 INSTALL*/;
+    li__1XT=li__A3();
+    if (li__1XT) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L39718424); /* L303 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L37497880); /* L286 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L37628952); /* L287 INSTALL*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_159));
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L37762072); /* L288 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L5521944); /* L42 INSTALL*/;
+      if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L5777944); /* L44 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* STRING */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L5777944); /* L44 INSTALL*/;
+        li__I4O(((__li__GJ *)li__O5B),li__TG);
+      };
+      if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L5915160); /* L45 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* STRING */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L5915160); /* L45 INSTALL*/;
+        li__F4B=li__X5O(((__li__GJ *)li__O5B));
+      };
+      li__JZK=((__li__GB )(fopen((char*)(li__F4B),"wb")));
+      if ((li__JZK == (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L38536216); /* L294 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L37890072); /* L289 INSTALL*/;
+        if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L38033432); /* L290 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* STRING */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L38033432); /* L290 INSTALL*/;
+          li__PBP(((__li__GJ *)li__O5B),(&__string_160));
+        };
+        if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L38154776); /* L291 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* STRING */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L38154776); /* L291 INSTALL*/;
+          li__1CP(((__li__GJ *)li__O5B),li__TG);
+        };
+        if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L38286872); /* L292 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* STRING */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L38286872); /* L292 INSTALL*/;
+          li__MEP(((__li__GJ *)li__O5B),(&__string_161));
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L38420504); /* L293 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L10894340); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+        li__J1LB=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+        lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L10903044); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+        li__SAD(li__J1LB,li__O5B);
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L38536216); /* L294 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L38686744); /* L295 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L7505944); /* L57 INSTALL*/;
+      if (li__JC==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L7875608); /* L60 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+        li__24B=(*(li__JC)).li__GI;
+      };
+      li__4YK=((__li__K )(fwrite((void *)((li__24B /* Always NULL */ )),(size_t)(1), (size_t)(( 512)),(FILE*)((li__JZK)))));
+      if ((li__4YK !=  512)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L39453720); /* L301 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L38805528); /* L296 INSTALL*/;
+        if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L38946840); /* L297 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* STRING */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L38946840); /* L297 INSTALL*/;
+          li__PBP(((__li__GJ *)li__O5B),(&__string_162));
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L39072792); /* L298 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L52844551); /* L403 INTEGER*/;
+        li__ZDC=li__3WC(li__4YK);
+        lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L52853255); /* L403 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L4721675); /* L36 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+        li__J1LB=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+        lisaac_push(&li__GQM,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        li__I5=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+        if (li__I5) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__GQM,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L4722187); /* L36 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+          if (((void *)li__O5B != (void *)NULL)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+            li__QQD=li__I__;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+            li__QQD=li__B__;
+          };
+          li__TQD=li__QQD;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__GQM,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+          li__TQD=li__I__;
+        };
+        if (li__TQD) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__GQM,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SWM,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QQN,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0WM,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__J1LB));
+          lisaac_push(&li__0XC,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+          li__SGC((&__string_1));
+          lisaac_push(&li__0XC,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SWM,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QQN,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0WM,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__Q1LB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+          fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+          lisaac_push(&li__0XC,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SWM,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QQN,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+          exit(( 1));
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__GQM,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L4214282); /* L32 INTEGER_32*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L69636616); /* L531 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+        li__4XC= 0;
+        li__XZLB= 0;
+        li__BKC= 0;
+        if ((li__ZDC ==  0)) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L8260107); /* L63 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L5252107); /* L40 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+          if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L5385739); /* L41 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* STRING */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L5385739); /* L41 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+            li__HU2=((__li__GJ *)li__O5B);
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L57952293); /* L442 STRING*/;
+            li__L3P(li__HU2,'0');
+          };
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__GZLB,L8260107); /* L63 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L5643787); /* L43 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+          li__VYC=li__3WC( 0);
+          lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L5642763); /* L43 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__ZDC > li__VYC)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L6295051); /* L48 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L5646347); /* L43 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+            li__4XC=li__ZDC;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L6295051); /* L48 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L6033931); /* L46 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__SWM,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QQN,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__L1E=li__3WC( 0);
+            lisaac_push(&li__SWM,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__QQN,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__4XC=(__li__Q)(li__L1E - li__ZDC);
+            if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__0XC,L6169611); /* L47 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+            } else /* STRING */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__0XC,L6169611); /* L47 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+              li__V1LB=((__li__GJ *)li__O5B);
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__SWM,L57952293); /* L442 STRING*/;
+              li__L3P(li__V1LB,'-');
+            };
+          };
+          if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L6565387); /* L50 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* STRING */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L6565387); /* L50 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+            li__HU2=((__li__GJ *)li__O5B);
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L7082511); /* L54 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+            li__EZC=li__HU2->li__ZDD;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L6565899); /* L50 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SWM,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__11LB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+          lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__XZLB=(__li__K)(li__EZC - li__11LB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L7212555); /* L55 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+          li__DRE:
+          {
+            lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L6818827); /* L52 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+            if ((li__4XC ==  0)) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+              li__IRE=li__I__;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+              li__IRE=li__B__;
+            };
+            if (li__IRE) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__SWM,L11935764); /* L91 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__QQN,L6959627); /* L53 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+              li__UZC=li__3WC( 10);
+              lisaac_push(&li__QQN,L6958091); /* L53 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0WM,L8790535); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__Q1LB,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__31E=(__li__Q)(li__4XC / li__UZC);
+              lisaac_push(&li__0WM,L8795143); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__Q1LB,L9457160); /* L72 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__51E=(__li__Q)(li__31E * li__UZC);
+              lisaac_push(&li__0WM,L8785927); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__Q1LB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__UZC=(__li__Q)(li__4XC - li__51E);
+              lisaac_push(&li__QQN,L6963211); /* L53 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0WM,L55068679); /* L420 INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__Q1LB,L53742599); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__UKF,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+              li__YKF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+              lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+              li__IRE=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+              if (li__IRE) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__5KF,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__ODF,L53748743); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+                li__SDF=li__3WC( 0);
+                lisaac_push(&li__ODF,L53751303); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+                li__UDF=li__3WC( 9);
+                lisaac_push(&li__ODF,L53751303); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__P5H,L6296072); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__GMI,L15235592); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VQHB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+                if ((li__SDF > li__UZC)) {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__GMI,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__VQHB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+                  li__MMI=li__I__;
+                } else /* FALSE */ {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__GMI,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__VQHB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+                  li__MMI=li__B__;
+                };
+                if (li__MMI) {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__P5H,L6300680); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__GMI,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__VQHB,L6304264); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__3FM,L15496712); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__MRHB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+                  li__MMI=(li__UDF > li__UZC);
+                  li__DGM=(li__UDF == li__UZC);
+                  if (li__MMI) {
+                    lisaac_push(&li__3FM,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+                    lisaac_push_first(&li__MRHB,L10900994); /* L83 TRUE*/;
+                    li__EGM=li__B__;
+                  } else /* FALSE */ {
+                    lisaac_push(&li__3FM,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+                    lisaac_push_first(&li__MRHB,L12342790); /* L94 FALSE*/;
+                    li__EGM=li__DGM;
+                  };
+                  li__MMI=li__EGM;
+                } else /* FALSE */ {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__P5H,L6300680); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__GMI,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+                  li__MMI=li__I__;
+                };
+                if (li__MMI) {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__5KF,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__ODF,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+                  li__MMI=li__I__;
+                } else /* FALSE */ {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__5KF,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__ODF,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+                  li__MMI=li__B__;
+                };
+                li__DGM=li__MMI;
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+                li__DGM=li__I__;
+              };
+              if (li__DGM) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__5KF,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push(&li__5KF,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__ODF,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__P5H,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__GMI,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VQHB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__YKF));
+                lisaac_push(&li__ODF,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+                li__SGC((&__string_1));
+                lisaac_push(&li__ODF,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__P5H,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__GMI,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VQHB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__3FM,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+                fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+                lisaac_push(&li__ODF,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__P5H,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__GMI,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+                exit(( 1));
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+              };
+              lisaac_push(&li__Q1LB,L54145031); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__UKF,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__5KF,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+              li__XDF=((__li__1B )li__UZC);
+              lisaac_push(&li__Q1LB,L54150151); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__UKF,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__5KF,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+              li__YDF=((__li__1B )'0');
+              lisaac_push(&li__Q1LB,L54145543); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__UKF,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__5KF,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__T2LB=(__li__1B)(- li__YDF);
+              lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__YDF=(__li__1B)(li__XDF - li__T2LB);
+              lisaac_push(&li__Q1LB,L54264839); /* L414 INTEGER*/;
+              li__1DF=li__1BB(li__YDF);
+              lisaac_push(&li__Q1LB,L54529031); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__UKF,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+              li__YKF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+              lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              li__IRE=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+              if (li__IRE) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__5KF,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__ODF,L54529543); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+                lisaac_push(&li__ODF,L54541831); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+                li__MMI=li__5TH((&__string_163),li__1DF);
+                if (li__MMI) {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__5KF,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__ODF,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+                  li__EGM=li__I__;
+                } else /* FALSE */ {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__5KF,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__ODF,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+                  li__EGM=li__B__;
+                };
+                li__MMI=li__EGM;
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+                li__MMI=li__I__;
+              };
+              if (li__MMI) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__5KF,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push(&li__5KF,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__ODF,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__P5H,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__GMI,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VQHB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__YKF));
+                lisaac_push(&li__ODF,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+                li__SGC((&__string_4));
+                lisaac_push(&li__ODF,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__P5H,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__GMI,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VQHB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__3FM,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+                fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+                lisaac_push(&li__ODF,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__P5H,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__GMI,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+                exit(( 1));
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+              };
+              lisaac_push(&li__Q1LB,L54660103); /* L417 INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__UKF,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+              li__YKF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+              lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              li__IRE=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+              if (li__IRE) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__5KF,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__ODF,L54671879); /* L417 INTEGER*/;
+                li__KEF=li__G1(li__1DF);
+                if ((li__KEF == li__UZC)) {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__5KF,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__ODF,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+                  li__EGM=li__I__;
+                } else /* FALSE */ {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__5KF,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__ODF,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+                  li__EGM=li__B__;
+                };
+                li__MMI=li__EGM;
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+                li__MMI=li__I__;
+              };
+              if (li__MMI) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__5KF,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push(&li__5KF,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__ODF,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__P5H,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__GMI,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VQHB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__YKF));
+                lisaac_push(&li__ODF,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+                li__SGC((&__string_4));
+                lisaac_push(&li__ODF,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__P5H,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__GMI,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VQHB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__3FM,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+                fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+                lisaac_push(&li__ODF,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__P5H,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__GMI,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+                exit(( 1));
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__UKF,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__HQF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+              };
+              if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__QQN,L6963723); /* L53 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+                lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+              } else /* STRING */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__QQN,L6963723); /* L53 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+                li__MBKB=((__li__GJ *)li__O5B);
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__0WM,L57952293); /* L442 STRING*/;
+                li__L3P(li__MBKB,li__1DF);
+              };
+              lisaac_push(&li__QQN,L7086091); /* L54 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+              li__UZC=li__3WC( 10);
+              lisaac_push(&li__QQN,L7084555); /* L54 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0WM,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__4XC=(__li__Q)(li__4XC / li__UZC);
+              lisaac_push(&li__SWM,L12068372); /* L92 BLOCK*/;
+              goto li__DRE;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+            };
+          };
+          if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L7482891); /* L57 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* STRING */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L7482891); /* L57 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+            li__HU2=((__li__GJ *)li__O5B);
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L7082511); /* L54 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+            li__EZC=li__HU2->li__ZDD;
+          };
+          li__BKC=li__EZC;
+          lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L8130059); /* L62 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+          li__RRE:
+          {
+            lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L7607819); /* L58 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+            li__IRE=li__VMC(li__XZLB,li__BKC);
+            if (li__IRE) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+              li__MMI=li__I__;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+              li__MMI=li__B__;
+            };
+            if (li__MMI) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__SWM,L11935764); /* L91 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__QQN,L7614475); /* L58 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+              if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__QQN,L7744011); /* L59 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+                lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+              } else /* STRING */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__QQN,L7744011); /* L59 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+                li__SKP(((__li__GJ *)li__O5B),li__XZLB,li__BKC);
+              };
+              lisaac_push(&li__QQN,L7868939); /* L60 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0WM,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__BKC=(__li__K)(li__BKC -  1);
+              lisaac_push(&li__QQN,L8000011); /* L61 SIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0WM,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__Q1LB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__UKF,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__KEF=(__li__K)(-  1);
+              lisaac_push(&li__0WM,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__Q1LB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__XZLB=(__li__K)(li__XZLB - li__KEF);
+              lisaac_push(&li__SWM,L12068372); /* L92 BLOCK*/;
+              goto li__RRE;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+            };
+          };
+        };
+        if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L39210008); /* L299 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* STRING */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L39210008); /* L299 INSTALL*/;
+          li__MEP(((__li__GJ *)li__O5B),(&__string_164));
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L39338008); /* L300 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L10894340); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+        li__J1LB=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+        lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L10903044); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+        li__SAD(li__J1LB,li__O5B);
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L39453720); /* L301 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L39590424); /* L302 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L8529944); /* L65 INSTALL*/;
+      fclose((FILE*)((li__JZK)));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L39718424); /* L303 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L11285010); /* L86 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__GCIB,L46139416); /* L352 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L11030034); /* L84 CHARACTER*/;
+  if ((li__WU == '2')) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L11285010); /* L86 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L39986712); /* L305 INSTALL*/;
+    if ((li__SB__->li__UC ==  128)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L41029144); /* L313 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L40515608); /* L309 INSTALL*/;
+      li__MH=li__JC;
+      li__DU2=li__SB__->li__KD;
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L40656920); /* L310 INSTALL*/;
+      li__QH=li__T1B(li__DU2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L40656920); /* L310 INSTALL*/;
+      li__U5(li__MH,li__QH);
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L41029144); /* L313 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L40770072); /* L311 INSTALL*/;
+      li__GU2=li__SB__->li__5C;
+      li__OV2=li__SB__->li__ED;
+      li__SV2=li__SB__->li__HD;
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L40926744); /* L312 INSTALL*/;
+      li__P2B(li__GU2,li__OV2,li__SV2,li__JC);
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L41175064); /* L314 INSTALL*/;
+    li__JYK=li__2MB((&__string_165));
+    if ((li__JYK == (void *)NULL)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L41553432); /* L317 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L41300504); /* L315 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L41448472); /* L316 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L10894340); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+      li__JZK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L10903044); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SAD(li__JZK,(&__string_166));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L41553432); /* L317 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    if (li__LC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L41821720); /* L319 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L41821720); /* L319 INSTALL*/;
+      li__3WF(((__li__3B *)li__LC));
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L41973784); /* L320 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+    li__SNB:
+    {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L41946136); /* L320 INSTALL*/;
+      if (li__LC==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L41953816); /* L320 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L41953816); /* L320 INSTALL*/;
+        li__EZC=li__B3F(((__li__3B *)li__LC));
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L41954328); /* L320 INSTALL*/;
+      li__I5=li__HTC(li__EZC, 512);
+      if (li__I5) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L9576468); /* L73 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L41972248); /* L320 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+        if (li__LC==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L41972248); /* L320 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L41972248); /* L320 INSTALL*/;
+          li__BSM(((__li__3B *)li__LC));
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L9709076); /* L74 BLOCK*/;
+        goto li__SNB;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L42100248); /* L321 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L8794136); /* L67 INSTALL*/;
+    fseek((FILE*)((li__JYK)),0,SEEK_END);
+    li__PYK=((__li__K )(ftell((FILE *)(li__JYK))));
+    fseek((FILE*)((li__JYK)),0,SEEK_SET);
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L42100760); /* L321 INSTALL*/;
+    li__GOB(li__JYK,li__LC,li__PYK);
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L42214424); /* L322 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L8529944); /* L65 INSTALL*/;
+    fclose((FILE*)((li__JYK)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L42864152); /* L327 INSTALL*/;
+    li__PYK= 3;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__3LC:
+    {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__I5=li__20C(li__PYK, 89);
+      if (li__I5) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L21768200); /* L166 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L42607128); /* L325 INSTALL*/;
+        li__IM=li__LC;
+        if (li__JC==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L42743320); /* L326 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L42743320); /* L326 INSTALL*/;
+          li__XDF=li__1YH(((__li__3B *)li__JC),li__PYK);
+        };
+        if (li__IM==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L42746392); /* L326 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L42746392); /* L326 INSTALL*/;
+          li__TXF(((__li__3B *)li__IM),li__XDF,li__PYK);
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L21895688); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__EZC=(__li__K)(-  1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__11LB=(__li__K)(li__PYK - li__EZC);
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L21906952); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__PYK=li__11LB;
+        goto li__3LC;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L43133976); /* L329 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    if (li__LC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L43137560); /* L329 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L43137560); /* L329 INSTALL*/;
+      li__TXF(((__li__3B *)li__LC), 85, 510);
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L43265048); /* L330 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    if (li__LC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L43268632); /* L330 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L43268632); /* L330 INSTALL*/;
+      li__TXF(((__li__3B *)li__LC), 170, 511);
+    };
+    if (li__LC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L43683352); /* L333 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+      li__HI=(*(li__LC)).li__GI;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L43683864); /* L333 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__JI=((void *)li__HI);
+    li__QZK=li__SB__->li__KD;
+    li__GU2=li__SB__->li__UC;
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L43811352); /* L334 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L13928481); /* L106 BOOT*/;
+    ((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__TF=li__GU2;
+    li__YT2=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__BF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L14442529); /* L110 BOOT*/;
+    li__DU2=li__IQC(li__YT2);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L14434337); /* L110 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__EU2=li__EIC( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__L3LB=(__li__U)(li__EU2 - li__DU2);
+    lisaac_push(&li__D11,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    ((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__MG=(__li__U)(li__QZK - li__L3LB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L14686753); /* L112 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L13637665); /* L104 BOOT*/;
+    if ((((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__VF ==  41)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L15206945); /* L116 BOOT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L14689313); /* L112 BOOT*/;
+      li__LPB=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__MG;
+      li__MPB=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__LF;
+      li__XDF=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__CF;
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L14839841); /* L113 BOOT*/;
+      li__QPB=li__0RC(li__XDF);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L14836257); /* L113 BOOT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9457160); /* L72 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__OPB=(__li__U)(li__MPB * li__QPB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L14826529); /* L113 BOOT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__MPB=li__EIC( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__QPB=(__li__U)(li__MPB - li__OPB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      ((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__LG=(__li__U)(li__LPB - li__QPB);
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L15206945); /* L116 BOOT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L14947873); /* L114 BOOT*/;
+      li__LPB=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__MG;
+      li__OV2=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__GF;
+      li__XDF=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__CF;
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L15100961); /* L115 BOOT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L48630792); /* L371 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+      li__JZK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+      lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      li__1SU=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+      if (li__1SU) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L48661000); /* L371 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L16267277); /* L124 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L68588040); /* L523 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__SWM,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+        li__0IIB=((__li__JH )li__XDF);
+        lisaac_push(&li__NQD,L16257549); /* L124 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+        if (( 65535 > li__0IIB)) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__GQM,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+          li__QQD=li__I__;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__GQM,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+          li__QQD=li__B__;
+        };
+        li__I5=li__QQD;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+        li__I5=li__I__;
+      };
+      if (li__I5) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push(&li__GQM,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__QZLB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__SWM,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__JZK));
+        lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+        li__SGC((&__string_1));
+        lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__SWM,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__QQN,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+        fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+        lisaac_push(&li__QZLB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NQD,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0XC,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+        exit(( 1));
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L49021960); /* L374 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L68063752); /* L519 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__SV2=((__li__CD )li__XDF);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L15097377); /* L115 BOOT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9457160); /* L72 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__QV2=(__li__CD)(li__OV2 * li__SV2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L15097377); /* L115 BOOT*/;
+      li__MPB=li__IQC(li__QV2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L15088673); /* L115 BOOT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__QPB=li__EIC( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__DZLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__OPB=(__li__U)(li__QPB - li__MPB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      ((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__LG=(__li__U)(li__LPB - li__OPB);
+    };
+    li__DU2=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__LG;
+    li__YT2=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__DF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L15492129); /* L118 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L23745543); /* L181 INTEGER*/;
+    li__OV2=(__li__CD)(li__YT2 >>  4);
+    li__GU2=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__AF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L15504417); /* L118 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L9457160); /* L72 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__XDF=(__li__1B)(li__GU2 <<  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L15492129); /* L118 BOOT*/;
+    li__EU2=li__IQC(li__OV2);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L15482913); /* L118 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__L3LB=li__EIC( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__LPB=(__li__U)(li__L3LB - li__EU2);
+    lisaac_push(&li__D11,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__EU2=(__li__U)(li__DU2 - li__LPB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L15504417); /* L118 BOOT*/;
+    li__DU2=li__0RC(li__XDF);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L15493665); /* L118 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    ((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__KG=(__li__U)(li__EU2 - li__DU2);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L15743009); /* L120 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_167));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L15757345); /* L120 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    li__EFD(li__QZK);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L15874081); /* L121 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_168));
+    li__QZK=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__MG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L15885857); /* L121 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    li__EFD(li__QZK);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L16005665); /* L122 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_169));
+    li__QZK=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__LG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L16017441); /* L122 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    li__EFD(li__QZK);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L16138273); /* L123 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_170));
+    li__QZK=((__li__TE *)li__JI)->li__KG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L16150049); /* L123 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    li__EFD(li__QZK);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L16260129); /* L124 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L44056600); /* L336 INSTALL*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_171));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L44182552); /* L337 INSTALL*/;
+    li__TJB(li__JI);
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L44582424); /* L340 INSTALL*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_172));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L44704280); /* L341 INSTALL*/;
+    li__1XT=li__A3();
+    if (li__1XT) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L45878808); /* L350 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L44706840); /* L341 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L44837912); /* L342 INSTALL*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_159));
+      if ((li__SB__->li__UC ==  128)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L45483032); /* L347 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L44969496); /* L343 INSTALL*/;
+        li__IM=li__LC;
+        li__KN=li__SB__->li__KD;
+        lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L45115416); /* L344 INSTALL*/;
+        li__0IIB=li__T1B(li__KN);
+        lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L45115416); /* L344 INSTALL*/;
+        li__3DC(li__IM,li__0IIB);
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L45483032); /* L347 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L45223960); /* L345 INSTALL*/;
+        li__YDF=li__SB__->li__5C;
+        li__VN=li__SB__->li__ED;
+        li__XN=li__SB__->li__HD;
+        lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L45386264); /* L346 INSTALL*/;
+        li__0EC(li__YDF,li__VN,li__XN,li__LC);
+      };
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L45878808); /* L350 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L45619736); /* L348 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L45763608); /* L349 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L10894340); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+      li__JZK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L10903044); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SAD(li__JZK,(&__string_151));
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L11285010); /* L86 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__GCIB,L49809944); /* L380 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KYLB,L11030034); /* L84 CHARACTER*/;
+  if ((li__WU == '3')) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L11285010); /* L86 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZXT,L46147096); /* L352 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L46681624); /* L356 INSTALL*/;
+    li__JYK=li__2MB((&__string_173));
+    if ((li__JYK == (void *)NULL)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L47451672); /* L362 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L46805528); /* L357 INSTALL*/;
+      if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L46940696); /* L358 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* STRING */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L46940696); /* L358 INSTALL*/;
+        li__PBP(((__li__GJ *)li__O5B),(&__string_174));
+      };
+      if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L47066648); /* L359 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* STRING */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L47066648); /* L359 INSTALL*/;
+        li__1CP(((__li__GJ *)li__O5B),li__TG);
+      };
+      if (li__O5B==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L47203864); /* L360 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* STRING */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L47203864); /* L360 INSTALL*/;
+        li__MEP(((__li__GJ *)li__O5B),(&__string_175));
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L47332376); /* L361 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L10894340); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+      li__JZK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L10903044); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SAD(li__JZK,li__O5B);
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L47451672); /* L362 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    if (li__LC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L47588888); /* L363 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L47588888); /* L363 INSTALL*/;
+      li__3WF(((__li__3B *)li__LC));
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L47740952); /* L364 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+    li__LRB:
+    {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L47713304); /* L364 INSTALL*/;
+      if (li__LC==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L47720984); /* L364 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L47720984); /* L364 INSTALL*/;
+        li__EZC=li__B3F(((__li__3B *)li__LC));
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L47721496); /* L364 INSTALL*/;
+      li__I5=li__HTC(li__EZC, 512);
+      if (li__I5) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L9576468); /* L73 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L47739416); /* L364 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__DZLB,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GZLB,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GQM,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+        if (li__LC==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L47739416); /* L364 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L47739416); /* L364 INSTALL*/;
+          li__BSM(((__li__3B *)li__LC));
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L9709076); /* L74 BLOCK*/;
+        goto li__LRB;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TL1,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L47860248); /* L365 INSTALL*/;
+    li__GOB(li__JYK,li__LC, 512);
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L47981592); /* L366 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L8529944); /* L65 INSTALL*/;
+    fclose((FILE*)((li__JYK)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L48380440); /* L369 INSTALL*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_176));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L48505368); /* L370 INSTALL*/;
+    li__1XT=li__A3();
+    if (li__1XT) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L49679896); /* L379 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L48507928); /* L370 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L48639000); /* L371 INSTALL*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_159));
+      if ((li__SB__->li__UC ==  128)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L49284120); /* L376 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L48770584); /* L372 INSTALL*/;
+        li__IM=li__LC;
+        li__KN=li__SB__->li__KD;
+        lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L48916504); /* L373 INSTALL*/;
+        li__0IIB=li__T1B(li__KN);
+        lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L48916504); /* L373 INSTALL*/;
+        li__3DC(li__IM,li__0IIB);
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__D11,L49284120); /* L376 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L49025048); /* L374 INSTALL*/;
+        li__YDF=li__SB__->li__5C;
+        li__VN=li__SB__->li__ED;
+        li__XN=li__SB__->li__HD;
+        lisaac_push(&li__XYLB,L49187352); /* L375 INSTALL*/;
+        li__0EC(li__YDF,li__VN,li__XN,li__LC);
+      };
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZXT,L49679896); /* L379 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TL1,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D11,L49420824); /* L377 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__D11,L49564696); /* L378 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1L1,L10894340); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYLB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+      li__JZK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+      lisaac_push(&li__1L1,L10903044); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SAD(li__JZK,(&__string_151));
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KYLB,L11285010); /* L86 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NYLB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__FCIB,L54806552); /* L418 INSTALL*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_177));
+  return(0);
+static __li__U li__EIC(__li__K li__GIC)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__U li__HIC;
+  _____CONTEXT li__FIC,li__C2C,li__WBG,li__N2C,li__HRFB;
+  __li__C li__I2C;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FIC,L49417224); /* L377 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__C2C,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__I2C=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__I2C) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__C2C,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WBG,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__N2C,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HRFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__C2C,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WBG,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__C2C,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__FIC,L49808392); /* L380 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__C2C,L68325896); /* L521 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WBG,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__HIC=((__li__U )li__GIC);
+  return(li__HIC);
+static __li__JH li__T1B(__li__U li__V1B)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_32{li__U}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__JH li__WXH,li__W1B;
+  __li__GB li__VAC;
+  _____CONTEXT li__U1B,li__RAC,li__UWC,li__2AC,li__01B,li__RXH,li__4IIB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__5IIB,li__EJIB;
+  __li__C li__XAC,li__5AC,li__CBC;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__U1B,L50203656); /* L383 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RAC,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UWC,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__VAC=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__RAC,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__XAC=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__XAC) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__RAC,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UWC,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2AC,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01B,L50233864); /* L383 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RXH,L16267277); /* L124 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4IIB,L68588040); /* L523 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5IIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__WXH=((__li__JH )li__V1B);
+    lisaac_push(&li__RXH,L16257549); /* L124 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4IIB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__C2B > li__WXH)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__2AC,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__01B,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__5AC=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__2AC,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__01B,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__5AC=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__CBC=li__5AC;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__RAC,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UWC,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__CBC=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__CBC) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__RAC,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UWC,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2AC,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__2AC,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01B,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RXH,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4IIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5IIB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__VAC));
+    lisaac_push(&li__01B,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__01B,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RXH,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4IIB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5IIB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EJIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__01B,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RXH,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4IIB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__RAC,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UWC,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__U1B,L6842380); /* L52 UINTEGER_32*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RAC,L68588040); /* L523 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UWC,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__W1B=((__li__JH )li__V1B);
+  return(li__W1B);
+static __li__C li__VMC(__li__K li__XMC,__li__K li__YMC)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__WMC,li__STHB;
+  __li__C li__0MC,li__2MC,li__3MC,li__ZMC;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WMC,L15496712); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__STHB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__0MC=(li__XMC > li__YMC);
+  li__2MC=(li__XMC == li__YMC);
+  if (li__0MC) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WMC,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__STHB,L10900994); /* L83 TRUE*/;
+    li__3MC=li__B__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WMC,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__STHB,L12342790); /* L94 FALSE*/;
+    li__3MC=li__2MC;
+  };
+  li__ZMC=li__3MC;
+  return(li__ZMC);
+static void li__SGC(__li__Y *li__UGC)
+/* (Strict STRING_CONSTANT{li__Y}) Void Recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__E5F,li__L5G,li__GNK,li__V5G;
+  __li__GB li__BQJ;
+  _____CONTEXT li__TGC,li__M4F,li__R3G,li__PKH,li__23G,li__1QFB,li__3YI;
+  _____CONTEXT li__3PJ,li__H1J,li__IQJ,li__EZI,li__BNK,li__QST,li__HIS;
+  _____CONTEXT li__FEKB;
+  __li__C li__X3G,li__O5G,li__DQJ,li__HNK,li__LQJ;
+  __li__BB *li__JZI;
+  __li__BB li__MZI;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TGC,L176040975); /* L1343 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M4F,L5900842); /* L45 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__R3G,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__X3G=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__X3G) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__R3G,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PKH,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__23G,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1QFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__R3G,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PKH,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__R3G,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__M4F,L6031914); /* L46 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__R3G,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__X3G=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__X3G) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__R3G,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PKH,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__23G,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1QFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__R3G,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PKH,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__R3G,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PKH,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  li__E5F=li__UGC->li__MC;
+  lisaac_push(&li__M4F,L6556202); /* L50 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  li__L5G= 1;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__R3G,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__J5G:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__R3G,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__O5G=li__20C(li__L5G,li__E5F);
+    if (li__O5G) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__R3G,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PKH,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__23G,L21768200); /* L166 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1QFB,L6437418); /* L49 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3YI,L8915983); /* L68 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3PJ,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__H1J,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+      li__BQJ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+      lisaac_push(&li__3PJ,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      li__DQJ=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+      if (li__DQJ) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__3PJ,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__H1J,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IQJ,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EZI,L8925711); /* L68 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BNK,L17579023); /* L134 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+        li__GNK=li__UGC->li__MC;
+        lisaac_push(&li__BNK,L17843215); /* L136 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+        li__HNK=li__NTH(li__L5G, 1,li__GNK);
+        if (li__HNK) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__IQJ,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EZI,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+          li__LQJ=li__I__;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__IQJ,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EZI,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+          li__LQJ=li__B__;
+        };
+        li__HNK=li__LQJ;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__3PJ,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__H1J,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+        li__HNK=li__I__;
+      };
+      if (li__HNK) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__3PJ,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__H1J,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IQJ,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push(&li__IQJ,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EZI,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BNK,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__QST,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HIS,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__BQJ));
+        lisaac_push(&li__EZI,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+        li__SGC((&__string_1));
+        lisaac_push(&li__EZI,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BNK,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__QST,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HIS,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FEKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+        fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+        lisaac_push(&li__EZI,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BNK,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__QST,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+        exit(( 1));
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__3PJ,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__H1J,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+      li__JZI=li__UGC->li__NC;
+      lisaac_push(&li__3YI,L9318927); /* L71 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3PJ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__GNK=(__li__K)(li__L5G -  1);
+      if (li__JZI==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__3YI,L9438223); /* L72 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__3YI,L9438223); /* L72 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+        li__MZI=li__YQJ(((__li__BB *)li__JZI),li__GNK);
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__1QFB,L6437930); /* L49 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3YI,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3PJ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__H1J,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)(li__MZI),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__23G,L21895688); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1QFB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3YI,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3PJ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__GNK=(__li__K)(-  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1QFB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3YI,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__V5G=(__li__K)(li__L5G - li__GNK);
+      lisaac_push(&li__23G,L21906952); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__L5G=li__V5G;
+      goto li__J5G;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__R3G,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PKH,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+static __li__GJ* li__2CC(__li__K li__5CC)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GJ *li__B2K,*li__O3K,*li__ADC;
+  __li__GB li__C2K,li__C3K;
+  __li__K li__I2K,li__X2K,li__ZGP;
+  __li__1RF li__K2K,li__Y2K,li__DAMB,li__15LB;
+  __li__U li__J3K;
+  _____CONTEXT li__3CC,li__41K,li__HQL,li__P2K,li__BVM,li__55LB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__CAMB,li__HW1,li__KD1,li__QJIB;
+  __li__C li__L2P,li__PGP,li__T2P;
+  __li__BB *li__BHP;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3CC,L9056293); /* L69 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__41K,L15995396); /* L122 OBJECT*/;
+  li__B2K=NULL;
+  li__C2K=((__li__GB )(NULL));
+  lisaac_push(&li__41K,L16787972); /* L128 OBJECT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HQL,L5250564); /* L40 OBJECT*/;
+  li__I2K=sizeof(__li__GJ);
+  lisaac_push(&li__41K,L16787972); /* L128 OBJECT*/;
+  li__K2K=li__4TG(li__I2K);
+  if ((li__K2K ==  0)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__41K,L19270148); /* L147 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HQL,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P2K,L16916484); /* L129 OBJECT*/;
+    li__B2K=li__GJ__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__41K,L19270148); /* L147 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HQL,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P2K,L17316868); /* L132 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BVM,L30811140); /* L235 OBJECT*/;
+    li__X2K=-1;
+    li__Y2K=li__TSF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__P2K,L17591300); /* L134 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BVM,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__55LB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CAMB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__DAMB=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__55LB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CAMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__15LB=(__li__1RF)(li__DAMB - li__K2K);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BVM,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__55LB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__TSF=(__li__1RF)(li__Y2K - li__15LB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__P2K,L17703428); /* L135 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BVM,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__55LB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__X2K == (__li__K)(-  1))) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__P2K,L18222596); /* L139 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BVM,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__55LB,L17840132); /* L136 OBJECT*/;
+      li__C3K=li__NMI(li__K2K);
+      li__C2K=li__C3K;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__P2K,L18222596); /* L139 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BVM,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__55LB,L18112516); /* L138 OBJECT*/;
+      li__J3K=li__EIC(li__X2K);
+      lisaac_push(&li__55LB,L18117124); /* L138 OBJECT*/;
+      li__C3K=li__DOI(li__J3K,li__K2K);
+      li__C2K=li__C3K;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__P2K,L18372612); /* L140 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BVM,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__O3K=((__li__GJ *)li__C2K);
+    li__B2K=li__O3K;
+    lisaac_push(&li__P2K,L18626052); /* L142 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BVM,L31341572); /* L239 OBJECT*/;
+    *(li__O3K) = *(li__GJ__);
+    lisaac_push(&li__P2K,L19140100); /* L146 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BVM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  if (li__B2K==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3CC,L9190949); /* L70 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* STRING */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3CC,L9190949); /* L70 STRING*/;
+    li__O3K=((__li__GJ *)li__B2K);
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__41K,L11143717); /* L85 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HQL,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P2K,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__C3K=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__HQL,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    li__L2P=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+    if (li__L2P) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HQL,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__P2K,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BVM,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__55LB,L11153957); /* L85 STRING*/;
+      li__PGP=li__VMC(li__5CC, 0);
+      if (li__PGP) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__BVM,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__55LB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__T2P=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__BVM,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__55LB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__T2P=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__PGP=li__T2P;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HQL,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__P2K,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__PGP=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__PGP) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HQL,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__P2K,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BVM,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__BVM,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__55LB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CAMB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HW1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KD1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__C3K));
+      lisaac_push(&li__55LB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_178));
+      lisaac_push(&li__55LB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CAMB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HW1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KD1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__QJIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__55LB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CAMB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HW1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HQL,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__P2K,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__41K,L11283493); /* L86 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HQL,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__5CC >  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__41K,L11930149); /* L91 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HQL,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__P2K,L11287077); /* L86 STRING*/;
+      li__ZGP=li__O3K->li__V4O;
+      lisaac_push(&li__P2K,L11412005); /* L87 STRING*/;
+      li__PGP=li__HTC(li__ZGP,li__5CC);
+      if (li__PGP) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__P2K,L11800101); /* L90 STRING*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BVM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__55LB,L11564069); /* L88 STRING*/;
+        li__BHP=li__EOU(li__5CC);
+        li__O3K->li__B5O=li__BHP;
+        li__O3K->li__V4O=li__5CC;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__P2K,L11800101); /* L90 STRING*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BVM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__41K,L11930149); /* L91 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HQL,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    li__O3K->li__ZDD= 0;
+  };
+  li__ADC=li__B2K;
+  return(li__ADC);
+static __li__3B* li__OD()
+/* () With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__ZRF,li__ETF,li__QAK,li__AZL;
+  __li__K li__BSF,li__SSF,li__KUF,li__0UF,li__DVF,li__5JL,li__50L;
+  __li__1RF li__FSF,li__USF,li__QCM,li__CBL;
+  __li__U li__LTF;
+  _____CONTEXT li__PD,li__VRF,li__0TG,li__KSF,li__IPH,li__BSL,li__MCM;
+  _____CONTEXT li__XNT,li__O3R,li__1JIB,li__5HK,li__XAK,li__X0J,li__GHN;
+  _____CONTEXT li__E1N,li__OHN,li__NKIB,li__YKIB;
+  __li__3B *li__YRF,*li__QTF,*li__SD;
+  __li__C li__3UG,li__FUF,li__FVG,li__HVF,li__0AK,li__3AK,li__AKL;
+  __li__C li__KZL;
+  __li__1B *li__SUF,*li__PVF,*li__XJL;
+  __li__1B li__WKL;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PD,L8791579); /* L67 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VRF,L15995396); /* L122 OBJECT*/;
+  li__YRF=NULL;
+  li__ZRF=((__li__GB )(NULL));
+  lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L16787972); /* L128 OBJECT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L5250564); /* L40 OBJECT*/;
+  li__BSF=sizeof(__li__3B);
+  lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L16787972); /* L128 OBJECT*/;
+  li__FSF=li__4TG(li__BSF);
+  if ((li__FSF ==  0)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L19270148); /* L147 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L16916484); /* L129 OBJECT*/;
+    li__YRF=li__3B__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L19270148); /* L147 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L17316868); /* L132 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L30811140); /* L235 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SSF=__li__3B__;
+    li__USF=li__TSF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__KSF,L17591300); /* L134 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__QCM=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__CBL=(__li__1RF)(li__QCM - li__FSF);
+    lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__TSF=(__li__1RF)(li__USF - li__CBL);
+    lisaac_push(&li__KSF,L17703428); /* L135 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__SSF == (__li__K)(-  1))) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__KSF,L18222596); /* L139 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L17840132); /* L136 OBJECT*/;
+      li__ETF=li__NMI(li__FSF);
+      li__ZRF=li__ETF;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__KSF,L18222596); /* L139 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L18112516); /* L138 OBJECT*/;
+      li__LTF=li__EIC(li__SSF);
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L18117124); /* L138 OBJECT*/;
+      li__ETF=li__DOI(li__LTF,li__FSF);
+      li__ZRF=li__ETF;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__KSF,L18372612); /* L140 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__QTF=((__li__3B *)li__ZRF);
+    li__YRF=li__QTF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__KSF,L18626052); /* L142 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L31341572); /* L239 OBJECT*/;
+    *(li__QTF) = *(li__3B__);
+    lisaac_push(&li__KSF,L19140100); /* L146 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  if (li__YRF==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PD,L8925723); /* L68 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PD,L8925723); /* L68 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    li__QTF=((__li__3B *)li__YRF);
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VRF,L15480347); /* L118 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    li__SSF=(*(li__QTF)).li__JUF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L15993883); /* L122 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__ETF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    li__3UG=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+    if (li__3UG) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L16001563); /* L122 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      li__FUF=li__VMC( 512, 0);
+      if (li__FUF) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__FVG=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__FVG=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__FUF=li__FVG;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__FUF=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__FUF) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O3R,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__ETF));
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_1));
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O3R,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1JIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L16397851); /* L125 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L53628936); /* L409 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L67277320); /* L513 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__KUF=(*(li__QTF)).li__JUF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L16398363); /* L125 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if (( 512 > li__KUF)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L16910875); /* L129 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L16671259); /* L127 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      li__SUF=li__5QH( 512);
+      (*(li__QTF)).li__GI=li__SUF;
+      (*(li__QTF)).li__JUF= 512;
+      li__FUF=li__B__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L16910875); /* L129 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      li__FUF=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__FUF) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L17304091); /* L132 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L9326594); /* L71 TRUE*/;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L17304091); /* L132 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L9187334); /* L70 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L16914971); /* L129 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      li__0UF=(*(li__QTF)).li__JUF;
+      lisaac_push(&li__KSF,L16921627); /* L129 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+      if ((li__0UF >  0)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__KSF,L16924699); /* L129 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L16925211); /* L129 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+        li__DVF=(*(li__QTF)).li__CVF;
+        lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L16930331); /* L129 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+        li__FVG=li__VMC(li__DVF, 0);
+        li__HVF=li__FVG;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__KSF,L16924699); /* L129 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+        li__HVF=li__I__;
+      };
+      if (li__HVF) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L9570822); /* L73 FALSE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L9445894); /* L72 FALSE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L16935451); /* L129 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+        li__PVF=(*(li__QTF)).li__GI;
+        li__DVF=(*(li__QTF)).li__CVF;
+        if (li__PVF==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L17185819); /* L131 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L17185819); /* L131 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+          li__V2M(((__li__1B *)li__PVF), 0,li__DVF);
+        };
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L9570822); /* L73 FALSE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L17444891); /* L133 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    (*(li__QTF)).li__CVF= 511;
+    lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L17828891); /* L136 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__ETF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    li__3UG=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+    if (li__3UG) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L17833499); /* L136 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      li__0UF=li__B3F(li__QTF);
+      if ((li__0UF ==  512)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__FVG=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__FVG=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__FUF=li__FVG;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__FUF=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__FUF) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O3R,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__ETF));
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_4));
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O3R,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1JIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L17959963); /* L137 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__ETF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    li__3UG=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+    if (li__3UG) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L17960475); /* L137 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      li__0UF=(*(li__QTF)).li__JUF;
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L17967131); /* L137 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      li__FUF=li__VMC(li__0UF,li__SSF);
+      if (li__FUF) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__FVG=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__FVG=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__FUF=li__FVG;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__FUF=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__FUF) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O3R,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__ETF));
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_4));
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O3R,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1JIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__VRF,L18091035); /* L138 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TG,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__ETF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    li__3UG=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+    if (li__3UG) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L18091547); /* L138 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      li__0UF=(*(li__QTF)).li__CVF;
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L18097179); /* L138 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      li__FUF=li__VMC(li__0UF, 0);
+      if (li__FUF) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L18100763); /* L138 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L11962882); /* L91 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L18107419); /* L138 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__O3R,L59509787); /* L454 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1JIB,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__5HK,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+        li__QAK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+        lisaac_push(&li__1JIB,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        li__FVG=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+        if (li__FVG) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__1JIB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__5HK,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__X0J,L59510299); /* L454 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+          if (((void *)(*(li__QTF)).li__GI != (void *)NULL)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__XAK,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__X0J,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+            li__0AK=li__I__;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__XAK,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__X0J,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+            li__0AK=li__B__;
+          };
+          li__3AK=li__0AK;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__1JIB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__5HK,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+          li__3AK=li__I__;
+        };
+        if (li__3AK) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__1JIB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__5HK,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push(&li__XAK,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__X0J,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__OHN,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__QAK));
+          lisaac_push(&li__X0J,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+          li__SGC((&__string_1));
+          lisaac_push(&li__X0J,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__OHN,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__NKIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+          fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+          lisaac_push(&li__X0J,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+          exit(( 1));
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__1JIB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__5HK,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+        li__PVF=(*(li__QTF)).li__GI;
+        li__DVF=(*(li__QTF)).li__CVF;
+        if (li__PVF==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__O3R,L60032027); /* L458 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__O3R,L60032027); /* L458 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+          li__XJL=((__li__1B *)li__PVF);
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__1JIB,L98044950); /* L748 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__5HK,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+          li__AZL=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+          lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          li__0AK=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+          if (li__0AK) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__X0J,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L98051094); /* L748 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OHN,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__5JL=(__li__K)(-  1);
+            lisaac_push(&li__GHN,L98050070); /* L748 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+            li__AKL=li__VMC(li__DVF,li__5JL);
+            if (li__AKL) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__X0J,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+              li__KZL=li__I__;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__X0J,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+              li__KZL=li__B__;
+            };
+            li__AKL=li__KZL;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+            li__AKL=li__I__;
+          };
+          if (li__AKL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__X0J,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__X0J,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OHN,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__NKIB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__AZL));
+            lisaac_push(&li__GHN,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_1));
+            lisaac_push(&li__GHN,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OHN,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__NKIB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__YKIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+            fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+            lisaac_push(&li__GHN,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OHN,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+            exit(( 1));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__1JIB,L98568726); /* L752 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__5HK,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+          li__AZL=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+          lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+          li__0AK=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+          if (li__0AK) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__X0J,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L98574870); /* L752 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OHN,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__5JL=(__li__K)(-  1);
+            lisaac_push(&li__GHN,L98573846); /* L752 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+            li__AKL=li__VMC(li__DVF,li__5JL);
+            if (li__AKL) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__X0J,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+              li__KZL=li__I__;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__X0J,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+              li__KZL=li__B__;
+            };
+            li__AKL=li__KZL;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+            li__AKL=li__I__;
+          };
+          if (li__AKL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__X0J,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__X0J,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OHN,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__NKIB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__AZL));
+            lisaac_push(&li__GHN,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_178));
+            lisaac_push(&li__GHN,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OHN,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__NKIB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__YKIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+            fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+            lisaac_push(&li__GHN,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OHN,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+            exit(( 1));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          li__0AK=li__B__;
+          lisaac_push(&li__1JIB,L99355158); /* L758 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+          li__5JL=li__DVF;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__5HK,L22812680); /* L174 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__T0L:
+          {
+            lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L22812680); /* L174 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__KZL=li__VMC(li__5JL, 0);
+            if (li__KZL) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L23202312); /* L177 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__X0J,L22947848); /* L175 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L98970646); /* L755 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+              li__WKL=li__RDL(li__XJL,li__5JL);
+              if (( 0 != li__WKL)) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__GHN,L99225110); /* L757 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__OHN,L98973206); /* L755 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+                li__0AK=li__I__;
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__GHN,L99225110); /* L757 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__E1N,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+              };
+              lisaac_push(&li__X0J,L23074824); /* L176 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__GHN,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__50L=(__li__K)(li__5JL -  1);
+              lisaac_push(&li__X0J,L23088648); /* L176 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__5JL=li__50L;
+              goto li__T0L;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__5HK,L23202312); /* L177 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XAK,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+            };
+          };
+          li__3AK=li__0AK;
+        };
+        li__FVG=li__3AK;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L18100763); /* L138 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L13391878); /* L102 FALSE*/;
+        li__FVG=li__B__;
+      };
+      if (li__FVG) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__FVG=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__FVG=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__FUF=li__FVG;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__FUF=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__FUF) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IPH,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__IPH,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BSL,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O3R,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__ETF));
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_4));
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O3R,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1JIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__BSL,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MCM,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XNT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TG,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KSF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+  li__SD=li__YRF;
+  return(li__SD);
+static void li__CE(__li__Y *li__FE)
+/* (Strict STRING_CONSTANT{li__Y}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__HE,li__ZGC,li__FHKB,li__DHC;
+  _____CONTEXT li__DE,li__YGC,li__P5F,li__BHC,li__LE,li__1GKB,li__4GKB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__5GKB,li__AHKB;
+  __li__C li__2GC;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DE,L14957592); /* L114 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__DE,L15212568); /* L116 INSTALL*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_179));
+  lisaac_push(&li__DE,L15342104); /* L117 INSTALL*/;
+  li__SGC(li__FE);
+  lisaac_push(&li__DE,L15474712); /* L118 INSTALL*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_180));
+  li__HE=li__FE->li__MC;
+  lisaac_push(&li__DE,L15862296); /* L121 INSTALL*/;
+  li__ZGC= 1;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YGC,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__XGC:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YGC,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__2GC=li__20C(li__ZGC,li__HE);
+    if (li__2GC) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YGC,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__P5F,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BHC,L21768200); /* L166 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LE,L15736344); /* L120 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1GKB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4GKB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__5GKB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AHKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('='),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__BHC,L21895688); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LE,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1GKB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4GKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__FHKB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__LE,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1GKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__DHC=(__li__K)(li__ZGC - li__FHKB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__BHC,L21906952); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__ZGC=li__DHC;
+      goto li__XGC;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YGC,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__P5F,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__DE,L15997976); /* L122 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YGC,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__P5F,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BHC,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+static __li__1RF li__4TG(__li__K li__AUG)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__HAH;
+  __li__1RF li__BUG;
+  _____CONTEXT li__5TG,li__DAH,li__LOH,li__OAH,li__FUG,li__Q4R,li__POT;
+  _____CONTEXT li__Y4R,li__QLIB;
+  __li__C li__JAH,li__HUG,li__RAH;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__5TG,L52431880); /* L400 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DAH,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LOH,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__HAH=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__DAH,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__JAH=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__JAH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DAH,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LOH,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OAH,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FUG,L52436488); /* L400 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__HUG=li__VMC(li__AUG, 0);
+    if (li__HUG) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OAH,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FUG,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__RAH=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OAH,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FUG,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__RAH=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__HUG=li__RAH;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DAH,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LOH,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__HUG=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__HUG) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DAH,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LOH,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OAH,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__OAH,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FUG,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Q4R,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__POT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Y4R,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__HAH));
+    lisaac_push(&li__FUG,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__FUG,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Q4R,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__POT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Y4R,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QLIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__FUG,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Q4R,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__POT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DAH,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LOH,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__5TG,L52823048); /* L403 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DAH,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LOH,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__BUG=((__li__1RF )li__AUG);
+  return(li__BUG);
+static __li__GB li__NMI(__li__1RF li__QMI)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__JH li__CEO;
+  __li__GB li__XAJ,li__UXL,li__RMI;
+  __li__1RF li__4MI,li__FNI,li__TNI;
+  __li__K li__DNI,li__ONI,li__PNI;
+  __li__U li__4NI;
+  _____CONTEXT li__OMI,li__2WHB,li__3WHB,li__4AJ,li__2MI,li__04FB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__MUZ,li__BOY,li__YLIB,li__EMIB;
+  __li__C li__ZAJ,li__5MI,li__BBJ;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OMI,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2WHB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L73156661); /* L558 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2WHB,L107219509); /* L818 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L73413685); /* L560 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2WHB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__XAJ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__2WHB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__ZAJ=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__ZAJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2WHB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AJ,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2MI,L73412149); /* L560 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L47194165); /* L360 MEMORY*/;
+    li__4MI=((__li__1RF )(MINIMUM_SIZE));
+    lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L73405493); /* L560 MEMORY*/;
+    li__5MI=li__ZHL(li__QMI,li__4MI);
+    if (li__5MI) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4AJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2MI,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__BBJ=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4AJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2MI,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__BBJ=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__5MI=li__BBJ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2WHB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__5MI=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__5MI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2WHB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AJ,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2MI,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BOY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__XAJ));
+    lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_181));
+    lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUZ,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BOY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YLIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUZ,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2WHB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L73689141); /* L562 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2WHB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+  li__DNI=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L73689141); /* L562 MEMORY*/;
+  li__4MI=li__4TG(li__DNI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L73689653); /* L562 MEMORY*/;
+  li__FNI=li__PFL(li__QMI,li__4MI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L73950261); /* L564 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2WHB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__XAJ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__2WHB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__ZAJ=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__ZAJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2WHB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AJ,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2MI,L73944117); /* L564 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__ONI=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L73944629); /* L564 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__PNI=(__li__K)(li__ONI -  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L73944629); /* L564 MEMORY*/;
+    li__TNI=li__4TG(li__PNI);
+    lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L73932853); /* L564 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    if (((__li__1RF)(li__FNI & li__TNI) ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4AJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2MI,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__BBJ=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4AJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2MI,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__BBJ=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__5MI=li__BBJ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2WHB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__5MI=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__5MI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2WHB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AJ,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2MI,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BOY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__XAJ));
+    lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_182));
+    lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUZ,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BOY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YLIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUZ,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2WHB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L74217013); /* L566 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2WHB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+  li__DNI=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L74217013); /* L566 MEMORY*/;
+  li__4MI=li__4TG(li__DNI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L74206773); /* L566 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2WHB,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__TNI=(__li__1RF)(li__FNI / li__4MI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L74217525); /* L566 MEMORY*/;
+  li__XAJ=li__SCJ(li__TNI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L74358325); /* L567 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2WHB,L49417224); /* L377 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4AJ,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__UXL=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__3WHB,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__ZAJ=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__ZAJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3WHB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AJ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2MI,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L49447432); /* L377 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUZ,L16267277); /* L124 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BOY,L68588040); /* L523 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YLIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__CEO=((__li__JH )li__FNI);
+    lisaac_push(&li__MUZ,L16257549); /* L124 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BOY,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__TIC > li__CEO)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__BBJ=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__BBJ=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__5MI=li__BBJ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3WHB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AJ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__5MI=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__5MI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3WHB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AJ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2MI,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__2MI,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__04FB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUZ,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BOY,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YLIB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__UXL));
+    lisaac_push(&li__04FB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__04FB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUZ,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BOY,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YLIB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EMIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__04FB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUZ,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BOY,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3WHB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AJ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__2WHB,L49808392); /* L380 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L68325896); /* L521 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4AJ,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__4NI=((__li__U )li__FNI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L74358837); /* L567 MEMORY*/;
+  li__UXL=li__LDJ(li__FNI,li__XAJ,li__4NI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__OMI,L74597429); /* L569 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2WHB,L107219509); /* L818 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3WHB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  li__RMI=li__UXL;
+  return(li__RMI);
+static __li__GB li__DOI(__li__U li__GOI,__li__1RF li__HOI)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_32{li__U},Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__MIJ,li__TPI,li__IOI;
+  __li__1RF li__VOI,li__2OI,li__KPI;
+  __li__K li__0OI,li__FPI,li__GPI;
+  __li__U li__RPI,li__LAMB,li__XMIB,li__PKJ;
+  _____CONTEXT li__EOI,li__UXHB,li__VXHB,li__TIJ,li__TOI,li__GAGB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__YUZ,li__WOY,li__OMIB;
+  __li__C li__OIJ,li__WOI,li__WIJ;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__EOI,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UXHB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__EOI,L69095989); /* L527 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UXHB,L107219509); /* L818 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__EOI,L69350453); /* L529 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UXHB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__MIJ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__OIJ=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__OIJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L69348917); /* L529 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAGB,L47194165); /* L360 MEMORY*/;
+    li__VOI=((__li__1RF )(MINIMUM_SIZE));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TOI,L69342261); /* L529 MEMORY*/;
+    li__WOI=li__ZHL(li__HOI,li__VOI);
+    if (li__WOI) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TIJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__WIJ=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TIJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__WIJ=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__WOI=li__WIJ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__WOI=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__WOI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAGB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YUZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WOY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__MIJ));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TOI,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_181));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TOI,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAGB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YUZ,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WOY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OMIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TOI,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAGB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YUZ,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__EOI,L69625909); /* L531 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UXHB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+  li__0OI=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__EOI,L69625909); /* L531 MEMORY*/;
+  li__VOI=li__4TG(li__0OI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__EOI,L69626421); /* L531 MEMORY*/;
+  li__2OI=li__PFL(li__HOI,li__VOI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__EOI,L69755957); /* L532 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UXHB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__MIJ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__OIJ=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__OIJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L69749813); /* L532 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAGB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__FPI=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TOI,L69750325); /* L532 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAGB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__GPI=(__li__K)(li__FPI -  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TOI,L69750325); /* L532 MEMORY*/;
+    li__KPI=li__4TG(li__GPI);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TOI,L69738549); /* L532 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAGB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    if (((__li__1RF)(li__2OI & li__KPI) ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TIJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__WIJ=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TIJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__WIJ=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__WOI=li__WIJ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__WOI=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__WOI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAGB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YUZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WOY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__MIJ));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TOI,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_182));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TOI,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAGB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YUZ,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WOY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OMIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TOI,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAGB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YUZ,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__EOI,L69876277); /* L533 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UXHB,L47463989); /* L362 MEMORY*/;
+  li__MIJ=((__li__GB )(&(table_type[(li__GOI)])));
+  lisaac_push(&li__EOI,L70024245); /* L534 MEMORY*/;
+  li__RPI=li__EIC( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__EOI,L70022709); /* L534 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UXHB,L22940167); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__LAMB=li__EIC( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__TIJ,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__XMIB=(__li__U)(li__LAMB - li__GOI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__VXHB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__LAMB=li__EIC( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__VXHB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__PKJ=(__li__U)(li__XMIB - li__LAMB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L22944263); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__LAMB=li__EIC( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__TIJ,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__XMIB=(__li__U)(li__LAMB - li__RPI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__VXHB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__RPI=li__EIC( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__VXHB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__LAMB=(__li__U)(li__XMIB - li__RPI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L22943239); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+  li__RPI=(__li__U)(li__PKJ & li__LAMB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UXHB,L22939143); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__LAMB=li__EIC( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__TIJ,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TOI,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__XMIB=(__li__U)(li__LAMB - li__RPI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__VXHB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__RPI=li__EIC( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__VXHB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TIJ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__LAMB=(__li__U)(li__XMIB - li__RPI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__EOI,L70024757); /* L534 MEMORY*/;
+  li__TPI=li__LDJ(li__2OI,li__MIJ,li__LAMB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__EOI,L70274613); /* L536 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UXHB,L107219509); /* L818 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VXHB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  li__IOI=li__TPI;
+  return(li__IOI);
+static __li__K li__1SH(__li__WT *li__3SH)
+/* (Strict LINKED_LIST(MBR){li__WT}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__4SH,li__FTH,li__HTH;
+  __li__GB li__XVI;
+  _____CONTEXT li__2SH,li__ECI,li__SVI,li__2NJ,li__4VI,li__DTH,li__XUGB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__ABMB,li__BBMB,li__VNIB;
+  __li__C li__ZVI,li__BWI,li__EWI;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2SH,L23335468); /* L178 LINKED_LIST*/;
+  li__4SH=li__3SH->li__3T.li__HU;
+  lisaac_push(&li__2SH,L12855327); /* L98 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ECI,L17979406); /* L137 STRING_CONSTANT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SVI,L23083028); /* L176 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2NJ,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__XVI=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__SVI,L23210004); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+  li__ZVI=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__ZVI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__SVI,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2NJ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4VI,L23218196); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DTH,L12855839); /* L98 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    li__FTH=li__3SH->li__3T.li__HU;
+    lisaac_push(&li__DTH,L12864543); /* L98 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XUGB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__HTH=(__li__K)(li__FTH -  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__DTH,L12868639); /* L98 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XUGB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ABMB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BBMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__FTH=(__li__K)(-  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__XUGB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ABMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__4SH == (__li__K)(li__HTH - li__FTH))) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4VI,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DTH,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__BWI=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4VI,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DTH,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__BWI=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__EWI=li__BWI;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__SVI,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2NJ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__EWI=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__EWI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__SVI,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2NJ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4VI,L23348756); /* L178 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DTH,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XUGB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ABMB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BBMB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__XVI));
+    lisaac_push(&li__DTH,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_183));
+    lisaac_push(&li__DTH,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XUGB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ABMB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BBMB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VNIB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__DTH,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XUGB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ABMB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__SVI,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2NJ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  return(li__4SH);
+static __li__JH li__5IC()
+/* () With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__JH li__CJC;
+  _____CONTEXT li__AJC,li__A3C,li__GCG,li__L3C,li__HTFB;
+  __li__C li__G3C;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__AJC,L50203656); /* L383 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__A3C,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__G3C=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__G3C) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__A3C,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GCG,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L3C,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HTFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__A3C,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GCG,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__A3C,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__AJC,L50594824); /* L386 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__A3C,L68588040); /* L523 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GCG,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__CJC= 0;
+  return(li__CJC);
+static void li__XX(__li__SB *li__ZX,__li__JH li__0X)
+/* (Strict INSTALL{li__SB},Expanded UINTEGER_64{li__JH}) Void Recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__JH li__2Y,li__VGM,li__3EL,li__1PS;
+  __li__LT *li__1X,*li__GQS,*li__JPW,*li__WQW,*li__ITV,*li__PTV;
+  __li__K li__JKC,li__QPW,li__5PW,li__ERS,li__1JKB,li__Q5V;
+  __li__U li__ZY,li__IQS,li__5IKB,li__XIKB,li__RQW;
+  __li__GB li__SWT,li__KPW,li__KQW,li__EAW;
+  __li__XZ li__ZZ;
+  __li__1RF li__SPW,li__AQW,li__NJKB,li__FJKB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__YX,li__IKC,li__LAG,li__SKC,li__CY,li__AYH,li__NY;
+  _____CONTEXT li__ZEL,li__SVL,li__RGM,li__OWT,li__ORU,li__ZWT,li__XPS;
+  _____CONTEXT li__OSV,li__0DHB,li__RK1,li__UIKB,li__2FFB,li__VCFB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__WJKB,li__55V,li__2AW,li__LAW,li__O5V,li__LQZ,li__NH0;
+  _____CONTEXT li__TQZ,li__EKKB;
+  __li__3B *li__3X,*li__FY;
+  __li__C li__NKC,li__SY,li__PZ,li__SSV,li__USV,li__VSV,li__HC2,li__PC2;
+  __li__C li__SC2,li__J5V;
+  __li__1B *li__GY;
+  __li__1B li__IY,li__PY,li__MZ;
+  __li__WT *li__3Z,*li__OQS;
+  __li__D3O *li__YQS,*li__DRS,*li__G51;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YX,L25316888); /* L193 INSTALL*/;
+  li__1X=NULL;
+  li__3X=li__JC;
+  lisaac_push(&li__YX,L25838104); /* L197 INSTALL*/;
+  li__U5(li__3X,li__0X);
+  lisaac_push(&li__YX,L28051992); /* L214 INSTALL*/;
+  li__JKC= 446;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__IKC,L23992328); /* L183 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__HKC:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__IKC,L23992328); /* L183 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__NKC=li__20C(li__JKC, 494);
+    if (li__NKC) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__IKC,L24381960); /* L186 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LAG,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SKC,L24127496); /* L184 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CY,L26227736); /* L200 INSTALL*/;
+      li__FY=li__JC;
+      if (li__FY==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__CY,L26358296); /* L201 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+        li__GY=(*(li__FY)).li__GI;
+      };
+      li__1X=((void *)((void *)(&(li__GY /* Always NULL */ )[(li__JKC)])));
+      if (li__1X==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__CY,L26616856); /* L203 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* MBR */ {
+        li__IY=li__1X->li__QT;
+      };
+      if ((li__IY ==  5)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__CY,L26621464); /* L203 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AYH,L10377218); /* L79 TRUE*/;
+        li__SY=li__B__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__CY,L26621464); /* L203 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AYH,L11832326); /* L90 FALSE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NY,L26621976); /* L203 INSTALL*/;
+        if (li__1X==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__NY,L26627608); /* L203 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* MBR */ {
+          li__PY=li__1X->li__QT;
+        };
+        li__SY=(li__PY ==  15);
+      };
+      if (li__SY) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__CY,L27397656); /* L209 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AYH,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NY,L26633240); /* L203 INSTALL*/;
+        if (li__1X==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__NY,L27286552); /* L208 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* MBR */ {
+          li__ZY=li__1X->li__TT;
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__NY,L27286552); /* L208 INSTALL*/;
+        li__2Y=li__T1B(li__ZY);
+        lisaac_push(&li__NY,L27275800); /* L208 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEL,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__SVL,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__RGM,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__VGM=li__5IC();
+        lisaac_push(&li__SVL,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__RGM,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__3EL=(__li__JH)(li__VGM - li__2Y);
+        lisaac_push(&li__ZEL,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__SVL,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__2Y=(__li__JH)(li__0X - li__3EL);
+        lisaac_push(&li__NY,L27287064); /* L208 INSTALL*/;
+        li__XX(li__ZX,li__2Y);
+        li__SY=li__B__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__CY,L27397656); /* L209 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AYH,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        li__SY=li__I__;
+      };
+      if (li__SY) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__CY,L27921944); /* L213 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AYH,L9326594); /* L71 TRUE*/;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__CY,L27921944); /* L213 INSTALL*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AYH,L9187334); /* L70 FALSE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NY,L27401752); /* L209 INSTALL*/;
+        if (li__1X==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__NY,L27407896); /* L209 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* MBR */ {
+          li__PY=li__1X->li__QT;
+        };
+        if ((li__PY !=  0)) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__NY,L27411992); /* L209 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEL,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SVL,L27412504); /* L209 INSTALL*/;
+          if (li__1X==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__SVL,L27418136); /* L209 INSTALL*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* MBR */ {
+            li__MZ=li__1X->li__QT;
+          };
+          li__PZ=(li__MZ !=  255);
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__NY,L27411992); /* L209 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEL,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+          li__PZ=li__I__;
+        };
+        if (li__PZ) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AYH,L9570822); /* L73 FALSE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__NY,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEL,L9445894); /* L72 FALSE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SVL,L27672088); /* L211 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__RGM,L51645448); /* L394 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+          li__SWT=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+          lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          li__PZ=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+          if (li__PZ) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L51651080); /* L394 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__1PS=li__5IC();
+            lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L51650056); /* L394 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L15496712); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__SSV=(li__0X > li__1PS);
+            li__USV=(li__0X == li__1PS);
+            if (li__SSV) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OSV,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L10900994); /* L83 TRUE*/;
+              li__VSV=li__B__;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OSV,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L12342790); /* L94 FALSE*/;
+              li__VSV=li__USV;
+            };
+            if (li__VSV) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+              li__VSV=li__I__;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+              li__VSV=li__B__;
+            };
+            li__SSV=li__VSV;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+            li__SSV=li__I__;
+          };
+          if (li__SSV) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__SWT));
+            lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_1));
+            lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+            fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+            lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+            exit(( 1));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L52036616); /* L397 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L67539464); /* L515 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+          li__ZZ=((__li__XZ )li__0X);
+          lisaac_push(&li__SVL,L27672088); /* L211 INSTALL*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__RGM,L49417224); /* L377 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          li__PZ=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+          if (li__PZ) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L49808392); /* L380 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L68325896); /* L521 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+          li__ZY=((__li__U )li__ZZ);
+          if (li__1X==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__SVL,L27672600); /* L211 INSTALL*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* MBR */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__SVL,L27672600); /* L211 INSTALL*/;
+            li__GQS=((__li__LT *)li__1X);
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__RGM,L41695275); /* L318 MBR*/;
+            li__IQS=li__GQS->li__TT;
+            lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L41964587); /* L320 MBR*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__5IKB=li__EIC( 0);
+            lisaac_push(&li__ORU,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__XIKB=(__li__U)(li__5IKB - li__ZY);
+            lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__GQS->li__TT=(__li__U)(li__IQS - li__XIKB);
+          };
+          li__3Z=li__ZX->li__5T;
+          if (li__1X==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__SVL,L27805720); /* L212 INSTALL*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* MBR */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__SVL,L27805720); /* L212 INSTALL*/;
+            li__GQS=((__li__LT *)li__1X);
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__RGM,L15995396); /* L122 OBJECT*/;
+            li__JPW=NULL;
+            li__KPW=((__li__GB )(NULL));
+            lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L16787972); /* L128 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L5250564); /* L40 OBJECT*/;
+            li__QPW=sizeof(__li__LT);
+            lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L16787972); /* L128 OBJECT*/;
+            li__SPW=li__4TG(li__QPW);
+            if ((li__SPW ==  0)) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L19270148); /* L147 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L16916484); /* L129 OBJECT*/;
+              li__JPW=li__GQS;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L19270148); /* L147 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L17316868); /* L132 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L30811140); /* L235 OBJECT*/;
+              li__5PW=__li__LT__;
+              li__AQW=li__TSF;
+              lisaac_push(&li__ORU,L17591300); /* L134 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__NJKB=li__4TG( 0);
+              lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__FJKB=(__li__1RF)(li__NJKB - li__SPW);
+              lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__TSF=(__li__1RF)(li__AQW - li__FJKB);
+              lisaac_push(&li__ORU,L17703428); /* L135 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              if ((li__5PW == (__li__K)(-  1))) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__ORU,L18222596); /* L139 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L17840132); /* L136 OBJECT*/;
+                li__KQW=li__NMI(li__SPW);
+                li__KPW=li__KQW;
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__ORU,L18222596); /* L139 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L18112516); /* L138 OBJECT*/;
+                li__RQW=li__EIC(li__5PW);
+                lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L18117124); /* L138 OBJECT*/;
+                li__KQW=li__DOI(li__RQW,li__SPW);
+                li__KPW=li__KQW;
+              };
+              lisaac_push(&li__ORU,L18372612); /* L140 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+              li__WQW=((__li__LT *)li__KPW);
+              li__JPW=li__WQW;
+              lisaac_push(&li__ORU,L18626052); /* L142 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L31341572); /* L239 OBJECT*/;
+              *(li__WQW) = *(li__GQS);
+              lisaac_push(&li__ORU,L19140100); /* L146 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+            };
+            li__GQS=li__JPW;
+          };
+          if (li__3Z==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__SVL,L27806232); /* L212 INSTALL*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* LINKED_LIST(MBR) */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__SVL,L27806232); /* L212 INSTALL*/;
+            li__OQS=((__li__WT *)li__3Z);
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__RGM,L11546156); /* L88 LINKED_LIST*/;
+            li__QPW=li__OQS->li__3T.li__HU;
+            lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L23215646); /* L177 COLLECTION*/;
+            li__5PW=li__1SH(li__OQS);
+            if (((void *)li__OQS->li__RLR == (void *)NULL)) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L13371948); /* L102 LINKED_LIST*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L12091436); /* L92 LINKED_LIST*/;
+              li__YQS=li__VCV(li__GQS);
+              li__OQS->li__RLR=li__YQS;
+              li__OQS->li__3T.li__HU= 1;
+              li__OQS->li__0QS=li__YQS;
+              li__OQS->li__Z2O= 1;
+              li__OQS->li__H3O=li__YQS;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L13371948); /* L102 LINKED_LIST*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L12874284); /* L98 LINKED_LIST*/;
+              li__YQS=li__VCV(li__GQS);
+              li__DRS=li__OQS->li__0QS;
+              if (li__DRS==NULL) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__ORU,L12990508); /* L99 LINKED_LIST*/;
+                lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+              } else /* LINKED_LIST_NODE(MBR) */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__ORU,L12990508); /* L99 LINKED_LIST*/;
+                li__G51=((__li__D3O *)li__DRS);
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L9324104); /* L71 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+                li__G51->li__DMR=li__YQS;
+                lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L9964616); /* L76 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+                li__KQW=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+                lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                li__HC2=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+                if (li__HC2) {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L9965128); /* L76 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+                  if (((void *)li__G51->li__DMR == (void *)li__YQS)) {
+                    lisaac_push(&li__0DHB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                    lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+                    li__PC2=li__I__;
+                  } else /* FALSE */ {
+                    lisaac_push(&li__0DHB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                    lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+                    li__PC2=li__B__;
+                  };
+                  li__SC2=li__PC2;
+                } else /* FALSE */ {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+                  li__SC2=li__I__;
+                };
+                if (li__SC2) {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push(&li__0DHB,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__2FFB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__VCFB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+                  lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__KQW));
+                  lisaac_push(&li__RK1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+                  li__SGC((&__string_4));
+                  lisaac_push(&li__RK1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__2FFB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__VCFB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__WJKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+                  fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+                  lisaac_push(&li__RK1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__2FFB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+                  exit(( 1));
+                } else /* FALSE */ {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+                };
+              };
+              li__ERS=li__OQS->li__3T.li__HU;
+              lisaac_push(&li__ORU,L13118508); /* L100 LINKED_LIST*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__1JKB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+              lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__OQS->li__3T.li__HU=(__li__K)(li__ERS - li__1JKB);
+              li__OQS->li__0QS=li__YQS;
+            };
+            lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L23071774); /* L176 COLLECTION*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+            li__KPW=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+            lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            li__SSV=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+            if (li__SSV) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L23075870); /* L176 COLLECTION*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L19270687); /* L147 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+              li__KQW=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+              lisaac_push(&li__0DHB,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+              li__VSV=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+              if (li__VSV) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__0DHB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__2FFB,L19276831); /* L147 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VCFB,L9312300); /* L71 LINKED_LIST*/;
+                li__J5V=((void *)li__OQS->li__RLR == (void *)NULL);
+                lisaac_push(&li__VCFB,L14297119); /* L109 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__WJKB,L17979406); /* L137 STRING_CONSTANT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__55V,L23083028); /* L176 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__2AW,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+                li__EAW=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+                lisaac_push(&li__55V,L23210004); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+                li__HC2=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+                if (li__HC2) {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__55V,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__2AW,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__LAW,L23218196); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__O5V,L14306335); /* L109 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+                  li__Q5V=li__1SH(li__OQS);
+                  if ((li__J5V == (li__Q5V ==  0))) {
+                    lisaac_push(&li__LAW,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+                    lisaac_push_first(&li__O5V,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+                    li__PC2=li__I__;
+                  } else /* FALSE */ {
+                    lisaac_push(&li__LAW,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+                    lisaac_push_first(&li__O5V,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+                    li__PC2=li__B__;
+                  };
+                  li__SC2=li__PC2;
+                } else /* FALSE */ {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__55V,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__2AW,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+                  li__SC2=li__I__;
+                };
+                if (li__SC2) {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__55V,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__2AW,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__LAW,L23348756); /* L178 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__O5V,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__LQZ,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__NH0,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__TQZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+                  lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__EAW));
+                  lisaac_push(&li__O5V,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+                  li__SGC((&__string_183));
+                  lisaac_push(&li__O5V,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__LQZ,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__NH0,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__TQZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__EKKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+                  fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+                  lisaac_push(&li__O5V,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__LQZ,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__NH0,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+                  exit(( 1));
+                } else /* FALSE */ {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__55V,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__2AW,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+                };
+                if (li__J5V) {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__2FFB,L19272223); /* L147 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__VCFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+                  li__PC2=li__I__;
+                } else /* FALSE */ {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__2FFB,L19272223); /* L147 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__VCFB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+                  li__PC2=li__B__;
+                };
+                if (li__PC2) {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__UIKB,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__2FFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+                  li__PC2=li__I__;
+                } else /* FALSE */ {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__UIKB,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__2FFB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+                  li__PC2=li__B__;
+                };
+                li__HC2=li__PC2;
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__0DHB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+                li__HC2=li__I__;
+              };
+              if (li__HC2) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__0DHB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push(&li__UIKB,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__2FFB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VCFB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__WJKB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__55V,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__KQW));
+                lisaac_push(&li__2FFB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+                li__SGC((&__string_1));
+                lisaac_push(&li__2FFB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VCFB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__WJKB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__55V,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__2AW,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+                fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+                lisaac_push(&li__2FFB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VCFB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__WJKB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+                exit(( 1));
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__0DHB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+              };
+              li__YQS=li__OQS->li__0QS;
+              if (li__YQS==NULL) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__OSV,L20985900); /* L160 LINKED_LIST*/;
+                lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+              } else /* LINKED_LIST_NODE(MBR) */ {
+                li__ITV=li__YQS->li__J3O;
+              };
+              lisaac_push(&li__OSV,L20064287); /* L153 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L17979406); /* L137 STRING_CONSTANT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L23083028); /* L176 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+              li__KQW=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+              lisaac_push(&li__RK1,L23210004); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+              li__VSV=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+              if (li__VSV) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__RK1,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__2FFB,L23218196); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VCFB,L20064799); /* L153 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+                li__Q5V=li__OQS->li__3T.li__HU;
+                lisaac_push(&li__VCFB,L20075039); /* L153 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+                li__PTV=li__M2O(li__OQS,li__Q5V);
+                if (((void *)li__ITV == (void *)li__PTV)) {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__2FFB,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__VCFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+                  li__PC2=li__I__;
+                } else /* FALSE */ {
+                  lisaac_push(&li__2FFB,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+                  lisaac_push_first(&li__VCFB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+                  li__PC2=li__B__;
+                };
+                li__HC2=li__PC2;
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__RK1,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+                li__HC2=li__I__;
+              };
+              if (li__HC2) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__RK1,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__2FFB,L23348756); /* L178 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__VCFB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__WJKB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__55V,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__2AW,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__KQW));
+                lisaac_push(&li__VCFB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+                li__SGC((&__string_183));
+                lisaac_push(&li__VCFB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__WJKB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__55V,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__2AW,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__LAW,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+                fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+                lisaac_push(&li__VCFB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__WJKB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__55V,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+                exit(( 1));
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__RK1,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+              };
+              if (((void *)li__ITV == (void *)li__GQS)) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+                li__HC2=li__I__;
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+                li__HC2=li__B__;
+              };
+              li__VSV=li__HC2;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+              li__VSV=li__I__;
+            };
+            if (li__VSV) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__KPW));
+              lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+              li__SGC((&__string_4));
+              lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+              fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+              lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+              exit(( 1));
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+            };
+            lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L23202846); /* L177 COLLECTION*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+            li__KPW=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+            lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            li__SSV=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+            if (li__SSV) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L23207454); /* L177 COLLECTION*/;
+              li__ERS=li__1SH(li__OQS);
+              lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L23210014); /* L177 COLLECTION*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__1JKB=(__li__K)(- li__5PW);
+              lisaac_push(&li__OSV,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              if ((li__ERS == (__li__K)( 1 - li__1JKB))) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+                li__HC2=li__I__;
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+                li__HC2=li__B__;
+              };
+              li__VSV=li__HC2;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+              li__VSV=li__I__;
+            };
+            if (li__VSV) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__KPW));
+              lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+              li__SGC((&__string_4));
+              lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+              fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+              lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+              exit(( 1));
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+            };
+            lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L23333918); /* L178 COLLECTION*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            li__SSV=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+            if (li__SSV) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+            };
+            lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__RGM,L23464990); /* L179 COLLECTION*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__OWT,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+            li__KPW=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+            lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            li__SSV=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+            if (li__SSV) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L23465502); /* L179 COLLECTION*/;
+              li__ERS=li__OQS->li__3T.li__HU;
+              lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L23472158); /* L179 COLLECTION*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              li__1JKB=(__li__K)(- li__QPW);
+              lisaac_push(&li__OSV,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+              if ((li__ERS == (__li__K)( 1 - li__1JKB))) {
+                lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+                li__HC2=li__I__;
+              } else /* FALSE */ {
+                lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+                lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+                li__HC2=li__B__;
+              };
+              li__VSV=li__HC2;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+              li__VSV=li__I__;
+            };
+            if (li__VSV) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWT,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push(&li__ZWT,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__XPS,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__KPW));
+              lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+              li__SGC((&__string_4));
+              lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__RK1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__UIKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+              fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+              lisaac_push(&li__XPS,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__OSV,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__0DHB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+              exit(( 1));
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__OWT,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__ORU,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+            };
+          };
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AYH,L9570822); /* L73 FALSE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__NY,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__SKC,L24254984); /* L185 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CY,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AYH,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NY,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__QPW=(__li__K)(-  16);
+      lisaac_push(&li__CY,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AYH,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__5PW=(__li__K)(li__JKC - li__QPW);
+      lisaac_push(&li__SKC,L24271880); /* L185 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__JKC=li__5PW;
+      goto li__HKC;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__IKC,L24381960); /* L186 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LAG,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+static __li__C li__20C(__li__K li__40C,__li__K li__50C)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__30C,li__NPFB;
+  __li__C li__D1C,li__A1C;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__30C,L15235592); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NPFB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  if ((li__40C > li__50C)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__30C,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NPFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+    li__D1C=li__I__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__30C,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NPFB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+    li__D1C=li__B__;
+  };
+  li__A1C=li__D1C;
+  return(li__A1C);
+static void li__51(__li__K li__B2)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__X2;
+  _____CONTEXT li__A2,li__CHB,li__G2,li__FXJB,li__IXJB,li__JXJB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__KXJB,li__PXJB,li__QXJB;
+  __li__C li__J2;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__A2,L74060807); /* L565 INTEGER*/;
+  if ((li__B2 ==  0)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__A2,L74713607); /* L570 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CHB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__G2,L74587655); /* L569 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FXJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JXJB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KXJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('0'),stdout);
+    li__J2=li__B__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__A2,L74713607); /* L570 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CHB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    li__J2=li__I__;
+  };
+  if ((! li__J2)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__A2,L75368967); /* L575 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CHB,L10362374); /* L79 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__G2,L74721287); /* L570 INTEGER*/;
+    li__J2=li__HTC(li__B2, 0);
+    if (li__J2) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__CHB,L10881542); /* L83 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__G2,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FXJB,L10494470); /* L80 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXJB,L74849799); /* L571 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JXJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KXJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PXJB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__QXJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('-'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__IXJB,L74977287); /* L572 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JXJB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KXJB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__X2=(__li__K)(- li__B2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__IXJB,L74987015); /* L572 INTEGER*/;
+      li__HRM(li__X2);
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__CHB,L10881542); /* L83 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__G2,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FXJB,L10759174); /* L82 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXJB,L75245063); /* L574 INTEGER*/;
+      li__HRM(li__B2);
+    };
+  };
+static __li__LT* li__M2O(__li__WT *li__O2O,__li__K li__P2O)
+/* (Strict LINKED_LIST(MBR){li__WT},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__CTP,li__QAT;
+  __li__K li__3KR,li__FMR,li__2QKB;
+  __li__LT *li__K3O,*li__Q2O;
+  _____CONTEXT li__N2O,li__4SP,li__AEQ,li__JTP,li__U2O,li__NC1,li__1V1;
+  _____CONTEXT li__VC1,li__WXJB,li__HZ1,li__SI1,li__2XJB;
+  __li__C li__ETP,li__W2O,li__MTP,li__0AT,li__IET;
+  __li__D3O *li__CMR,*li__EMR;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__N2O,L15862815); /* L121 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4SP,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__AEQ,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__CTP=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__4SP,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__ETP=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__ETP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__4SP,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AEQ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JTP,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L15870495); /* L121 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    li__W2O=li__THU(li__O2O,li__P2O);
+    if (li__W2O) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JTP,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__MTP=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JTP,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__MTP=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__W2O=li__MTP;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__4SP,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AEQ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__W2O=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__W2O) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__4SP,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AEQ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JTP,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__JTP,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__CTP));
+    lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__4SP,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AEQ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  if ((li__P2O != li__O2O->li__Z2O)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__N2O,L21760556); /* L166 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4SP,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AEQ,L21634604); /* L165 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JTP,L63704108); /* L486 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__QAT=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    li__W2O=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+    if (li__W2O) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L63712300); /* L486 LINKED_LIST*/;
+      li__MTP=li__THU(li__O2O,li__P2O);
+      if (li__MTP) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__0AT=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__0AT=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__MTP=li__0AT;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__MTP=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__MTP) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__QAT));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_1));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__JTP,L63835180); /* L487 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__QAT=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    li__W2O=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+    if (li__W2O) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L63835692); /* L487 LINKED_LIST*/;
+      if ((li__O2O->li__Z2O != li__P2O)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__0AT=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__0AT=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__MTP=li__0AT;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__MTP=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__MTP) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__QAT));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_1));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__JTP,L63966252); /* L488 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__QAT=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    li__W2O=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+    if (li__W2O) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L63966764); /* L488 LINKED_LIST*/;
+      li__3KR=li__O2O->li__Z2O;
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L63972396); /* L488 LINKED_LIST*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+      if ((li__3KR >  0)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__0AT=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__0AT=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__MTP=li__0AT;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__MTP=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__MTP) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__QAT));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_1));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__JTP,L64097324); /* L489 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__QAT=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    li__W2O=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+    if (li__W2O) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L64097836); /* L489 LINKED_LIST*/;
+      if (((void *)li__O2O->li__H3O != (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__0AT=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__0AT=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__MTP=li__0AT;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__MTP=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__MTP) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__QAT));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_1));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    li__3KR=li__O2O->li__Z2O;
+    lisaac_push(&li__JTP,L64494636); /* L492 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__3KR > li__P2O)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JTP,L64883244); /* L495 LINKED_LIST*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L64498220); /* L492 LINKED_LIST*/;
+      li__O2O->li__Z2O= 1;
+      li__O2O->li__H3O=li__O2O->li__RLR;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JTP,L64883244); /* L495 LINKED_LIST*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__JTP,L65407532); /* L499 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+    li__DET:
+    {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L65013804); /* L496 LINKED_LIST*/;
+      if ((li__P2O == li__O2O->li__Z2O)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__IET=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__IET=li__B__;
+      };
+      if (li__IET) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L11935764); /* L91 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L65025580); /* L496 LINKED_LIST*/;
+        li__CMR=li__O2O->li__H3O;
+        if (li__CMR==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L65157676); /* L497 LINKED_LIST*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* LINKED_LIST_NODE(MBR) */ {
+          li__EMR=li__CMR->li__DMR;
+        };
+        li__O2O->li__H3O=li__EMR;
+        li__FMR=li__O2O->li__Z2O;
+        lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L65287212); /* L498 LINKED_LIST*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__2QKB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__WXJB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__O2O->li__Z2O=(__li__K)(li__FMR - li__2QKB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L12068372); /* L92 BLOCK*/;
+        goto li__DET;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__JTP,L65801260); /* L502 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__QAT=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    li__W2O=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+    if (li__W2O) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L65801772); /* L502 LINKED_LIST*/;
+      if ((li__O2O->li__Z2O == li__P2O)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__0AT=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__0AT=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__MTP=li__0AT;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__MTP=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__MTP) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__QAT));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_4));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__JTP,L65932332); /* L503 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U2O,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__QAT=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    li__W2O=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+    if (li__W2O) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L65932844); /* L503 LINKED_LIST*/;
+      if (((void *)li__O2O->li__H3O != (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__0AT=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__0AT=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__MTP=li__0AT;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__MTP=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__MTP) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1V1,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__1V1,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VC1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__QAT));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_4));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SI1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__VC1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WXJB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HZ1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__U2O,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NC1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__N2O,L21760556); /* L166 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4SP,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__CMR=li__O2O->li__H3O;
+  if (li__CMR==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__N2O,L22021164); /* L168 LINKED_LIST*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* LINKED_LIST_NODE(MBR) */ {
+    li__K3O=li__CMR->li__J3O;
+  };
+  li__Q2O=li__K3O;
+  return(li__Q2O);
+static void li__EFD(__li__U li__GFD)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_32{li__U}) Void Recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__01D;
+  __li__U li__2KI,li__Z2D,li__12D;
+  _____CONTEXT li__FFD,li__W1D,li__BME,li__B2D,li__KFD,li__M2H,li__WKI;
+  _____CONTEXT li__WPF,li__00KB;
+  __li__C li__21D,li__Q2H,li__S2H,li__U2H;
+  __li__BB li__XFD;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FFD,L76155911); /* L581 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__W1D,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BME,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__01D=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__W1D,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__21D=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__21D) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W1D,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BME,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B2D,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KFD,L76161031); /* L581 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__M2H,L13663752); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WKI,L12862472); /* L98 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__2KI=li__EIC( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__WKI,L12876296); /* L98 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WPF,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__Q2H=(li__GFD > li__2KI);
+    lisaac_push(&li__M2H,L13673480); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WKI,L13915656); /* L106 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__S2H=(li__GFD ==  0);
+    if (li__Q2H) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__M2H,L13668360); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WKI,L10900994); /* L83 TRUE*/;
+      li__U2H=li__B__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__M2H,L13668360); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WKI,L12342790); /* L94 FALSE*/;
+      li__U2H=li__S2H;
+    };
+    if (li__U2H) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__B2D,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KFD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__U2H=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__B2D,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KFD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__U2H=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__Q2H=li__U2H;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W1D,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BME,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__Q2H=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__Q2H) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W1D,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BME,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B2D,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__B2D,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KFD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__M2H,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WKI,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WPF,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__01D));
+    lisaac_push(&li__KFD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__KFD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__M2H,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WKI,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WPF,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__00KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__KFD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__M2H,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WKI,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W1D,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BME,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__FFD,L76688391); /* L585 INTEGER*/;
+  li__2KI=li__EIC( 10);
+  lisaac_push(&li__FFD,L76686855); /* L585 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__W1D,L8790535); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BME,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__Z2D=(__li__U)(li__GFD / li__2KI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__W1D,L8795143); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BME,L9457160); /* L72 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__12D=(__li__U)(li__Z2D * li__2KI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__W1D,L8785927); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BME,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__2KI=(__li__U)(li__GFD - li__12D);
+  lisaac_push(&li__FFD,L76696071); /* L585 INTEGER*/;
+  li__XFD=li__A3D(li__2KI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__FFD,L76818951); /* L586 INTEGER*/;
+  li__2KI=li__EIC( 10);
+  lisaac_push(&li__FFD,L76817415); /* L586 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__W1D,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__Z2D=(__li__U)(li__GFD / li__2KI);
+  if ((li__Z2D !=  0)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FFD,L77203975); /* L589 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__W1D,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BME,L77082119); /* L588 INTEGER*/;
+    li__EFD(li__Z2D);
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FFD,L77203975); /* L589 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__W1D,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__FFD,L77339655); /* L590 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__W1D,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BME,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__B2D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KFD,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)(li__XFD),stdout);
+static __li__GJ* li__QPC(__li__1B li__SPC)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GJ *li__VPC,*li__CMKB,*li__TALB,*li__TPC;
+  __li__GB li__U0D,li__SEF;
+  __li__K li__LDD,li__MDD,li__0DD,li__IMKB,li__ZALB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__RPC,li__4CD,li__Q0D,li__WLE,li__10D,li__EDD,li__HXM;
+  _____CONTEXT li__2QN,li__PXM,li__AMKB,li__SNF,li__ZEF,li__D3E,li__TYR;
+  _____CONTEXT li__DLT,li__1YR,li__J5KB;
+  __li__C li__W0D,li__40D,li__B1D,li__UEF,li__F3E,li__2EF;
+  __li__1B li__IDD,li__IED,li__33E,li__43E,li__IALB;
+  __li__BB li__M3E,li__5MH;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RPC,L60045831); /* L458 INTEGER*/;
+  li__VPC=li__2CC( 8);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RPC,L60176391); /* L459 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4CD,L62655495); /* L478 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__Q0D,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WLE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__U0D=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__Q0D,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__W0D=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__W0D) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Q0D,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WLE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__10D,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L62656007); /* L478 INTEGER*/;
+    if (((void *)li__VPC != (void *)NULL)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__10D,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__40D=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__10D,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__40D=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__B1D=li__40D;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Q0D,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WLE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__B1D=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__B1D) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Q0D,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WLE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__10D,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__10D,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HXM,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2QN,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXM,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__U0D));
+    lisaac_push(&li__EDD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__EDD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HXM,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2QN,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXM,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AMKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__EDD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HXM,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2QN,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Q0D,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WLE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__4CD,L4343322); /* L33 UINTEGER_8*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__Q0D,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WLE,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__IDD= 0;
+  li__LDD= 0;
+  li__MDD= 0;
+  if ((li__SPC ==  0)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__4CD,L65145351); /* L497 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Q0D,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WLE,L63185927); /* L482 INTEGER*/;
+    if (li__VPC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WLE,L63319559); /* L483 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* STRING */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WLE,L63319559); /* L483 INTEGER*/;
+      li__CMKB=((__li__GJ *)li__VPC);
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__10D,L57952293); /* L442 STRING*/;
+      li__L3P(li__CMKB,'0');
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__4CD,L65145351); /* L497 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Q0D,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WLE,L63444487); /* L484 INTEGER*/;
+    if (li__VPC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WLE,L63582215); /* L485 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* STRING */ {
+      li__0DD=li__VPC->li__ZDD;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__WLE,L63582727); /* L485 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__10D,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HXM,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__IMKB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__10D,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__LDD=(__li__K)(li__0DD - li__IMKB);
+    li__IDD=li__SPC;
+    lisaac_push(&li__WLE,L64228871); /* L490 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__10D,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+    li__PUE:
+    {
+      lisaac_push(&li__10D,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L63835143); /* L487 INTEGER*/;
+      if ((li__IDD !=  0)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__10D,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HXM,L9576468); /* L73 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__2QN,L63974407); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PXM,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+        li__IED=(__li__1B)(li__IDD &  15);
+        lisaac_push(&li__2QN,L63985671); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PXM,L55708679); /* L425 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AMKB,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+        li__SEF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+        lisaac_push(&li__AMKB,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        li__UEF=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+        if (li__UEF) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AMKB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEF,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__D3E,L55717895); /* L425 INTEGER*/;
+          li__F3E=li__NVH(li__IED, 15);
+          if (li__F3E) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__ZEF,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__D3E,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+            li__2EF=li__I__;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__ZEF,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__D3E,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+            li__2EF=li__B__;
+          };
+          li__F3E=li__2EF;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AMKB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+          li__F3E=li__I__;
+        };
+        if (li__F3E) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AMKB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEF,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push(&li__ZEF,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__D3E,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__TYR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__DLT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__1YR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__SEF));
+          lisaac_push(&li__D3E,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+          li__SGC((&__string_1));
+          lisaac_push(&li__D3E,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__TYR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__DLT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__1YR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__J5KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+          fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+          lisaac_push(&li__D3E,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__TYR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__DLT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+          exit(( 1));
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AMKB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+        li__M3E='\0';
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXM,L56236039); /* L429 INTEGER*/;
+        li__UEF=li__MFF(li__IED, 9);
+        if (li__UEF) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__PXM,L56756743); /* L433 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AMKB,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L56371719); /* L430 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEF,L55068679); /* L420 INTEGER*/;
+          li__5MH=li__VYD(li__IED);
+          li__M3E=li__5MH;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__PXM,L56756743); /* L433 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AMKB,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L56636423); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEF,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__D3E,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__TYR,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+          li__33E=((__li__1B )'A');
+          lisaac_push(&li__SNF,L56641031); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEF,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__43E=(__li__1B)(li__IED -  10);
+          lisaac_push(&li__SNF,L56636935); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEF,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__D3E,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__TYR,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__IALB=(__li__1B)(- li__43E);
+          lisaac_push(&li__ZEF,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__D3E,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__43E=(__li__1B)(li__33E - li__IALB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__SNF,L56657415); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+          li__5MH=li__1BB(li__43E);
+          li__M3E=li__5MH;
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXM,L57281543); /* L437 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AMKB,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+        li__SEF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+        lisaac_push(&li__AMKB,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        li__UEF=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+        if (li__UEF) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AMKB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEF,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__D3E,L57282055); /* L437 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push(&li__D3E,L57297415); /* L437 INTEGER*/;
+          li__F3E=li__5TH((&__string_184),li__M3E);
+          if (li__F3E) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__ZEF,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__D3E,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+            li__2EF=li__I__;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__ZEF,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__D3E,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+            li__2EF=li__B__;
+          };
+          li__F3E=li__2EF;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AMKB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+          li__F3E=li__I__;
+        };
+        if (li__F3E) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AMKB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEF,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push(&li__ZEF,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__D3E,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__TYR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__DLT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__1YR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__SEF));
+          lisaac_push(&li__D3E,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+          li__SGC((&__string_4));
+          lisaac_push(&li__D3E,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__TYR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__DLT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__1YR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__J5KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+          fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+          lisaac_push(&li__D3E,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__TYR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__DLT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+          exit(( 1));
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AMKB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+        if (li__VPC==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__2QN,L63986183); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* STRING */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__2QN,L63986183); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+          li__TALB=((__li__GJ *)li__VPC);
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__PXM,L57952293); /* L442 STRING*/;
+          li__L3P(li__TALB,li__M3E);
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__2QN,L64101383); /* L489 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PXM,L23745543); /* L181 INTEGER*/;
+        li__IDD=(__li__1B)(li__IDD >>  4);
+        lisaac_push(&li__HXM,L9709076); /* L74 BLOCK*/;
+        goto li__PUE;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__10D,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+    };
+    if (li__VPC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WLE,L64372231); /* L491 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* STRING */ {
+      li__0DD=li__VPC->li__ZDD;
+    };
+    li__MDD=li__0DD;
+    lisaac_push(&li__WLE,L65015303); /* L496 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__10D,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+    li__1UE:
+    {
+      lisaac_push(&li__10D,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L64493063); /* L492 INTEGER*/;
+      li__UEF=li__VMC(li__LDD,li__MDD);
+      if (li__UEF) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__10D,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__F3E=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__10D,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__F3E=li__B__;
+      };
+      if (li__F3E) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__10D,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HXM,L11935764); /* L91 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__2QN,L64503815); /* L492 INTEGER*/;
+        if (li__VPC==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__2QN,L64633351); /* L493 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* STRING */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__2QN,L64633351); /* L493 INTEGER*/;
+          li__SKP(((__li__GJ *)li__VPC),li__LDD,li__MDD);
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__2QN,L64762375); /* L494 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PXM,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__MDD=(__li__K)(li__MDD -  1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__2QN,L64885255); /* L495 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PXM,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AMKB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__SNF,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__ZALB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXM,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AMKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__LDD=(__li__K)(li__LDD - li__ZALB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__HXM,L12068372); /* L92 BLOCK*/;
+        goto li__1UE;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__10D,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EDD,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  li__TPC=li__VPC;
+  return(li__TPC);
+static void li__F4O(__li__GJ *li__H4O)
+/* (Strict STRING{li__GJ}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__1UP,li__PHQ,li__BBLB,li__ZHQ;
+  _____CONTEXT li__G4O,li__GUP,li__WFQ,li__YPR,li__BGQ,li__Q3FB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__Z5HB,li__05HB,li__15HB;
+  __li__C li__2FQ,li__SHQ;
+  __li__BB li__CVP;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__G4O,L176040975); /* L1343 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GUP,L5900842); /* L45 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WFQ,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__2FQ=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__2FQ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WFQ,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPR,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BGQ,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Q3FB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WFQ,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPR,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__WFQ,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__GUP,L6031914); /* L46 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WFQ,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__2FQ=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__2FQ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WFQ,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPR,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BGQ,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Q3FB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WFQ,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPR,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__WFQ,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YPR,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  li__1UP=li__H4O->li__ZDD;
+  lisaac_push(&li__GUP,L6556202); /* L50 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  li__PHQ= 1;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WFQ,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__NHQ:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WFQ,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__SHQ=li__20C(li__PHQ,li__1UP);
+    if (li__SHQ) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WFQ,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YPR,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BGQ,L21768200); /* L166 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__Q3FB,L6437418); /* L49 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      li__CVP=li__LAQ(li__H4O,li__PHQ);
+      lisaac_push(&li__Q3FB,L6437930); /* L49 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__Z5HB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__05HB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__15HB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)(li__CVP),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__BGQ,L21895688); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__Q3FB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__Z5HB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__05HB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__BBLB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__Q3FB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__Z5HB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__ZHQ=(__li__K)(li__PHQ - li__BBLB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__BGQ,L21906952); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__PHQ=li__ZHQ;
+      goto li__NHQ;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WFQ,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YPR,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+static __li__BB li__E0(__li__K li__G0)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__XAB;
+  __li__K li__D1;
+  _____CONTEXT li__F0,li__TAB,li__FNC,li__4AB,li__L0,li__0MR,li__JGT;
+  _____CONTEXT li__CNR,li__1VJB;
+  __li__C li__ZAB,li__N0,li__BBB;
+  __li__1B li__Q0,li__R0,li__ALC;
+  __li__BB li__U0,li__H0;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__F0,L53742599); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TAB,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__XAB=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__ZAB=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__ZAB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AB,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L0,L53751303); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+    li__N0=li__NTH(li__G0, 0, 9);
+    if (li__N0) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4AB,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__L0,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__BBB=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4AB,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__L0,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__BBB=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__N0=li__BBB;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__N0=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__N0) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AB,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__4AB,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L0,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0MR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JGT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CNR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__XAB));
+    lisaac_push(&li__L0,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__L0,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0MR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JGT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CNR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1VJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__L0,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0MR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JGT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__F0,L54145031); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TAB,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4AB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__Q0=((__li__1B )li__G0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__F0,L54150151); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TAB,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4AB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__R0=((__li__1B )'0');
+  lisaac_push(&li__F0,L54145543); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TAB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4AB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__ALC=(__li__1B)(- li__R0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__R0=(__li__1B)(li__Q0 - li__ALC);
+  lisaac_push(&li__F0,L54264839); /* L414 INTEGER*/;
+  li__U0=li__1BB(li__R0);
+  li__H0=li__U0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__F0,L54529031); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TAB,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__XAB=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__ZAB=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__ZAB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AB,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L0,L54529543); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__L0,L54541831); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+    li__N0=li__5TH((&__string_163),li__U0);
+    if (li__N0) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4AB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__L0,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__BBB=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4AB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__L0,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__BBB=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__N0=li__BBB;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__N0=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__N0) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AB,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__4AB,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L0,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0MR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JGT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CNR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__XAB));
+    lisaac_push(&li__L0,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__L0,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0MR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JGT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CNR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1VJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__L0,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0MR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JGT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__F0,L54660103); /* L417 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TAB,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__XAB=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__ZAB=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__ZAB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AB,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L0,L54671879); /* L417 INTEGER*/;
+    li__D1=li__G1(li__U0);
+    if ((li__D1 == li__G0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4AB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__L0,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__BBB=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4AB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__L0,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__BBB=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__N0=li__BBB;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__N0=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__N0) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4AB,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__4AB,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L0,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0MR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JGT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CNR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__XAB));
+    lisaac_push(&li__L0,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__L0,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0MR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JGT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CNR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1VJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__L0,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0MR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JGT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FNC,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  return(li__H0);
+static __li__BB li__QR(void *li__TR,__li__BB li__VR)
+/* (ABSTRACT_STRING{li__Y},Expanded CHARACTER{li__BB}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__RR,li__0V,li__1R,li__HNKB,li__INKB,li__JNKB,li__KNKB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__LNKB;
+  __li__BB li__XR,li__WR;
+  __li__C li__ES,li__4V;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RR,L17859608); /* L136 INSTALL*/;
+  li__XR='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__RR,L18225688); /* L139 INSTALL*/;
+  li__SGC(li__TR);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RR,L18633752); /* L142 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0V,L12980756); /* L99 BLOCK*/;
+  li__ZV:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0V,L12980756); /* L99 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1R,L18497048); /* L141 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HNKB,L6556199); /* L50 STD_INPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__INKB,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JNKB,L6437415); /* L49 STD_INPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KNKB,L62546984); /* L477 INPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LNKB,L8526390); /* L65 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    li__ZLC=((__li__BB )(fgetc(stdin)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__HNKB,L6816807); /* L52 STD_INPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__INKB,L8004647); /* L61 STD_INPUT*/;
+    li__XR=li__ZLC;
+    lisaac_push(&li__0V,L13115924); /* L100 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1R,L18633240); /* L142 INSTALL*/;
+    li__ES=li__QIB(li__ZLC,'1',li__VR);
+    if (li__ES) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0V,L13110292); /* L100 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1R,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__4V=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0V,L13110292); /* L100 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1R,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__4V=li__B__;
+    };
+    if (li__4V) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0V,L13371924); /* L102 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1R,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HNKB,L13248020); /* L101 BLOCK*/;
+      goto li__ZV;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0V,L13371924); /* L102 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1R,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+  li__WR=li__XR;
+  return(li__WR);
+static __li__K li__G1(__li__BB li__I1)
+/* (Expanded CHARACTER{li__BB}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__PEB,li__PEI;
+  __li__K li__LFB,li__K1,li__J1;
+  _____CONTEXT li__H1,li__LEB,li__DOC,li__WEB,li__O1,li__KUH,li__KUMB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__LUMB,li__MUMB,li__NUMB,li__ZUMB,li__0UMB,li__VCN;
+  _____CONTEXT li__SWJB;
+  __li__C li__REB,li__NUH,li__VUMB,li__CVMB,li__ZEI;
+  __li__1B li__PUMB,li__UUMB,li__2UMB,li__BVMB;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__H1,L22022674); /* L168 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LEB,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__PEB=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__LEB,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__REB=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__REB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LEB,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WEB,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1,L22027794); /* L168 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUH,L34084882); /* L260 CHARACTER*/;
+    li__NUH=li__I__;
+    lisaac_push(&li__KUH,L34478098); /* L263 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L21258770); /* L162 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUMB,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NUMB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__PUMB=((__li__1B )li__I1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__KUMB,L21265938); /* L162 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUMB,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NUMB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__UUMB=((__li__1B )'0');
+    lisaac_push(&li__KUMB,L21259794); /* L162 CHARACTER*/;
+    li__VUMB=li__RTC(li__PUMB,li__UUMB);
+    if (li__VUMB) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__KUH,L34736658); /* L265 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L34615314); /* L264 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MUMB,L20472338); /* L156 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NUMB,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZUMB,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0UMB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__2UMB=((__li__1B )li__I1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__MUMB,L20479506); /* L156 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NUMB,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZUMB,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0UMB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__BVMB=((__li__1B )'9');
+      lisaac_push(&li__MUMB,L20473362); /* L156 CHARACTER*/;
+      li__CVMB=li__MFF(li__2UMB,li__BVMB);
+      li__NUH=li__CVMB;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__KUH,L34736658); /* L265 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__KUH,L34867730); /* L266 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__PEI=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__KUMB,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    li__VUMB=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+    if (li__VUMB) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__KUMB,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MUMB,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NUMB,L34883090); /* L266 CHARACTER*/;
+      li__CVMB=li__QIB(li__I1,'0','9');
+      if ((li__NUH == li__CVMB)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__MUMB,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NUMB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__ZEI=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__MUMB,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NUMB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__ZEI=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__CVMB=li__ZEI;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__KUMB,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__CVMB=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__CVMB) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__KUMB,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MUMB,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__MUMB,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NUMB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZUMB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0UMB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VCN,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__PEI));
+      lisaac_push(&li__NUMB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_178));
+      lisaac_push(&li__NUMB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZUMB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0UMB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VCN,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SWJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__NUMB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZUMB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0UMB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__KUMB,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    if (li__NUH) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WEB,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__CVMB=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WEB,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__CVMB=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__NUH=li__CVMB;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LEB,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__NUH=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__NUH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LEB,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WEB,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__WEB,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUH,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__PEB));
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUH,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUMB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUH,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LEB,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__H1,L22163986); /* L169 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LEB,L7217170); /* L55 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WEB,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__O1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__PUMB=((__li__1B )li__I1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LEB,L7222802); /* L55 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L53628936); /* L409 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WEB,L67277320); /* L513 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__O1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__LFB=((__li__K )li__PUMB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LEB,L7342610); /* L56 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WEB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__PEB=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__DOC,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__REB=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__REB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DOC,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WEB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUH,L7374354); /* L56 CHARACTER*/;
+    li__NUH=li__NTH(li__LFB, 0, 255);
+    if (li__NUH) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__O1,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KUH,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__CVMB=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__O1,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KUH,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__CVMB=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__NUH=li__CVMB;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DOC,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WEB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__NUH=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__NUH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DOC,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WEB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUH,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUMB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__PEB));
+    lisaac_push(&li__KUH,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__KUH,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUMB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NUMB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__KUH,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DOC,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WEB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__H1,L22164498); /* L169 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LEB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__K1=(__li__K)(li__LFB -  48);
+  lisaac_push(&li__H1,L22284818); /* L170 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LEB,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__PEB=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__LEB,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__REB=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__REB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LEB,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WEB,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1,L22297106); /* L170 CHARACTER*/;
+    li__NUH=li__NTH(li__K1, 0, 9);
+    if (li__NUH) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WEB,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__CVMB=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WEB,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__CVMB=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__NUH=li__CVMB;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LEB,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__NUH=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__NUH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LEB,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WEB,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__WEB,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUH,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__PEB));
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUH,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LUMB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MUMB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUH,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUMB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LEB,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DOC,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__J1=li__K1;
+  return(li__J1);
+static __li__C li__A3()
+/* () With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__B3,li__DIB,li__I3,li__ILC,li__WAG,li__WLC,li__SMH;
+  _____CONTEXT li__XYH,li__HPKB;
+  __li__BB li__E3,li__K3,li__3ZB,li__A1B;
+  __li__1B li__4ZB,li__I0B,li__IQKB,li__20B;
+  __li__C li__GUC,li__IUC,li__D3;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__B3,L16391192); /* L125 INSTALL*/;
+  li__E3='\0';
+  lisaac_push(&li__B3,L16787992); /* L128 INSTALL*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_185));
+  lisaac_push(&li__B3,L17194520); /* L131 INSTALL*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DIB,L10621460); /* L81 BLOCK*/;
+  li__CIB:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DIB,L10621460); /* L81 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I3,L17055256); /* L130 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ILC,L6556199); /* L50 STD_INPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WAG,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WLC,L6437415); /* L49 STD_INPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SMH,L62546984); /* L477 INPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XYH,L8526390); /* L65 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    li__ZLC=((__li__BB )(fgetc(stdin)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ILC,L6816807); /* L52 STD_INPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WAG,L8004647); /* L61 STD_INPUT*/;
+    li__K3=li__ZLC;
+    lisaac_push(&li__I3,L17059864); /* L130 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ILC,L31070226); /* L237 CHARACTER*/;
+    li__3ZB='\0';
+    lisaac_push(&li__ILC,L31462930); /* L240 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WAG,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WLC,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SMH,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__4ZB=((__li__1B )li__ZLC);
+    lisaac_push(&li__ILC,L31463442); /* L240 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WAG,L14973960); /* L114 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__GUC=li__RTC(li__4ZB, 65);
+    if (li__GUC) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WAG,L14969352); /* L114 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WLC,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__IUC=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WAG,L14969352); /* L114 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WLC,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__IUC=li__B__;
+    };
+    if (li__IUC) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ILC,L31467026); /* L240 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WAG,L10377218); /* L79 TRUE*/;
+      li__IUC=li__B__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ILC,L31467026); /* L240 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WAG,L11832326); /* L90 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WLC,L31470610); /* L240 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SMH,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYH,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HPKB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__I0B=((__li__1B )li__K3);
+      lisaac_push(&li__WLC,L31471122); /* L240 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SMH,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__IUC=(li__I0B >  90);
+    };
+    if (li__IUC) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ILC,L31984146); /* L244 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WAG,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WLC,L31475730); /* L240 CHARACTER*/;
+      li__3ZB=li__K3;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ILC,L31984146); /* L244 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WAG,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WLC,L31861778); /* L243 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SMH,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYH,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HPKB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__I0B=((__li__1B )li__K3);
+      lisaac_push(&li__WLC,L31862290); /* L243 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SMH,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYH,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HPKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__IQKB=(__li__1B)(-  32);
+      lisaac_push(&li__SMH,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XYH,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__20B=(__li__1B)(li__I0B - li__IQKB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__WLC,L31870994); /* L243 CHARACTER*/;
+      li__A1B=li__1BB(li__20B);
+      li__3ZB=li__A1B;
+    };
+    li__E3=li__3ZB;
+    lisaac_push(&li__DIB,L10755092); /* L82 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I3,L17178136); /* L131 INSTALL*/;
+    if ((li__3ZB != 'n')) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__I3,L17186840); /* L131 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ILC,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WAG,L17187352); /* L131 INSTALL*/;
+      li__IUC=(li__3ZB != 'y');
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__I3,L17186840); /* L131 INSTALL*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ILC,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__IUC=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__IUC) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__DIB,L11012628); /* L84 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__I3,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ILC,L10888724); /* L83 BLOCK*/;
+      goto li__CIB;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__DIB,L11012628); /* L84 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__I3,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+  li__D3=(li__E3 == 'y');
+  return(li__D3);
+static void li__SAD(__li__GB li__VAD,void *li__WAD)
+/* (Expanded POINTER{li__GB},ABSTRACT_STRING{NULLxli__Yxli__GJ}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__TAD,li__QTD,li__AEE,li__YTD,li__RQKB;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TAD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QTD,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__AEE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YTD,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+  lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__VAD));
+  if (li__WAD==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else {
+    if (((struct ___OBJ *)li__WAD)->__id==__li__Y__) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TAD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC(((__li__Y *)li__WAD));
+    } else /* Other types */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TAD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__F4O(((__li__GJ *)li__WAD));
+    }
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__TAD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QTD,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__AEE,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YTD,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RQKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+  lisaac_push(&li__TAD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QTD,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__AEE,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+  exit(( 1));
+static __li__CD li__NHC(__li__K li__PHC)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__CD li__QHC;
+  _____CONTEXT li__OHC,li__G1C,li__GBG,li__R1C,li__TRFB;
+  __li__C li__M1C;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OHC,L48630792); /* L371 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__G1C,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__M1C=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__M1C) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__G1C,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GBG,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__R1C,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TRFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__G1C,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GBG,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__G1C,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__OHC,L49021960); /* L374 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__G1C,L68063752); /* L519 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GBG,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__QHC=((__li__CD )li__PHC);
+  return(li__QHC);
+static __li__C li__U5(__li__3B *li__X5,__li__JH li__Y5)
+/* (Strict FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){NULLxli__3B},Expanded UINTEGER_64{li__JH}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__CD li__05,li__35,li__MAB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__V5,li__NZHB,li__OZHB,li__3YJB;
+  __li__1B *li__EAB;
+  __li__C li__Z5;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V5,L4343840); /* L33 UINTEGER_16*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZHB,L68063752); /* L519 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZHB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  if (li__X5==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V5,L7746594); /* L59 INT13H*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+    li__EAB=(*(li__X5)).li__GI;
+  };
+  {
+      int (buffer_selector1,buffer_selector2);
+      __dpmi_regs registres;;
+  li__05=((__li__CD )(__dpmi_allocate_dos_memory(32,&buffer_selector1)));
+  li__35=((__li__CD )(__dpmi_allocate_dos_memory( 1,&buffer_selector2)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__V5,L8795682); /* L67 INT13H*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZHB,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZHB,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3YJB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__CH__->li__EH= 16;
+  lisaac_push(&li__V5,L8925730); /* L68 INT13H*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZHB,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZHB,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3YJB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__CH__->li__FH= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__V5,L9056802); /* L69 INT13H*/;
+  li__MAB=li__NHC( 1);
+  li__CH__->li__GH=li__MAB;
+  lisaac_push(&li__V5,L9187874); /* L70 INT13H*/;
+  li__MAB=li__NHC( 0);
+  li__CH__->li__HH=li__MAB;
+  li__CH__->li__IH=li__05;
+  li__CH__->li__LH=li__Y5;
+  dosmemput((li__CH__),16,(li__35)*16);
+  registres.x.ax=0x4200;
+  registres.x.dx=0x0080;
+  registres.x.ds=(li__35);
+  registres.x.si=0;
+  __dpmi_int(0x13,&registres);
+  li__35=((__li__CD )(registres.x.ax));
+  dosmemget((li__05)*16,512,(li__EAB /* Always NULL */ ));
+  __dpmi_free_dos_memory(buffer_selector1);
+  __dpmi_free_dos_memory(buffer_selector2);
+  };
+  li__Z5=(li__35 ==  0);
+  return(li__Z5);
+static void li__P2B(__li__1B li__S2B,__li__CD li__T2B,__li__CD li__U2B,__li__3B *li__V2B)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B},Expanded UINTEGER_16{li__CD},Expanded UINTEGER_16{li__CD},Strict FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){NULLxli__3B}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__HZJB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__Q2B,li__RZHB,li__SZHB,li__FZJB,li__GZJB;
+  __li__1B li__W2B;
+  __li__1B *li__12B;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__Q2B,L4343322); /* L33 UINTEGER_8*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RZHB,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SZHB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__W2B=li__SB__->li__UC;
+  if (li__V2B==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Q2B,L22295576); /* L170 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+    li__12B=(*(li__V2B)).li__GI;
+  };
+  if (((__li__C )(biosdisk(0x02,(li__W2B),(li__S2B),(li__T2B),(li__U2B),1,(li__12B /* Always NULL */ ))))) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Q2B,L22678040); /* L173 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RZHB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SZHB,L22457368); /* L171 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__SZHB,L22572056); /* L172 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FZJB,L10894340); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GZJB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__HZJB=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__FZJB,L10903044); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SAD(li__HZJB,(&__string_186));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Q2B,L22678040); /* L173 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RZHB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+static void li__TJB(__li__TE *li__VJB)
+/* (Strict BOOT{li__TE}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GJ *li__FKB,*li__ZUC,*li__HCMB,*li__KSKB;
+  __li__U li__JKB,li__MKB,li__VKB,li__YKB,li__T5D,li__FRC,li__FND;
+  __li__U li__DND,li__MBF,li__OBF;
+  __li__GB li__MAE,li__UGF;
+  __li__K li__BKD,li__CKD,li__PKD,li__NCMB,li__QSKB;
+  __li__CD li__4JB,li__0KB,li__4JD,li__5KD,li__3KD,li__M5E,li__O5E;
+  _____CONTEXT li__UJB,li__JZJB,li__MZJB,li__NZJB,li__OZJB,li__P5D;
+  _____CONTEXT li__TPE,li__TAE,li__0JD,li__2XM,li__IRN,li__EYM,li__E1JB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__LOF,li__1GF,li__I5E,li__3ZR,li__1LT,li__F0R,li__FRKB;
+  __li__BB li__WJB,li__R5E,li__NNH;
+  __li__1B li__5JB,li__CAF,li__HAF,li__5RKB,li__TTKB;
+  __li__C li__OAE,li__WAE,li__ZAE,li__WGF,li__K5E,li__4GF,li__AJF;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UJB,L16654369); /* L127 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L17051169); /* L130 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_187));
+  li__WJB=li__VJB->li__XE;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L17178657); /* L131 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)(li__WJB),stdout);
+  li__WJB=li__VJB->li__YE;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L17309729); /* L132 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)(li__WJB),stdout);
+  li__WJB=li__VJB->li__ZE;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L17440801); /* L133 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)(li__WJB),stdout);
+  li__WJB=li__VJB->li__0E;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L17571873); /* L134 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)(li__WJB),stdout);
+  li__WJB=li__VJB->li__1E;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L17702945); /* L135 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)(li__WJB),stdout);
+  li__WJB=li__VJB->li__2E;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L17834017); /* L136 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)(li__WJB),stdout);
+  li__WJB=li__VJB->li__3E;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L17965089); /* L137 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)(li__WJB),stdout);
+  li__WJB=li__VJB->li__4E;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L18096161); /* L138 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)(li__WJB),stdout);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L18371105); /* L140 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_188));
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L18499617); /* L141 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_189));
+  li__4JB=li__VJB->li__5E;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L18513441); /* L141 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+  li__1AD(li__4JB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L18632225); /* L142 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_190));
+  li__5JB=li__VJB->li__AF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L18646049); /* L142 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+  li__2BD(li__5JB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L18761761); /* L143 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_191));
+  li__4JB=li__VJB->li__BF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L18775585); /* L143 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+  li__1AD(li__4JB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L18890785); /* L144 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_192));
+  li__5JB=li__VJB->li__CF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L18902561); /* L144 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+  li__2BD(li__5JB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19025441); /* L145 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_193));
+  li__4JB=li__VJB->li__DF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19037217); /* L145 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+  li__1AD(li__4JB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19153953); /* L146 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_194));
+  li__4JB=li__VJB->li__EF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19165729); /* L146 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+  li__1AD(li__4JB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19286049); /* L147 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_195));
+  li__5JB=li__VJB->li__FF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19301409); /* L147 BOOT*/;
+  li__FKB=li__QPC(li__5JB);
+  if (li__FKB==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19304481); /* L147 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* STRING */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19304481); /* L147 BOOT*/;
+    li__F4O(((__li__GJ *)li__FKB));
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19310113); /* L147 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)('h'),stdout);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19416609); /* L148 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_196));
+  li__4JB=li__VJB->li__GF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19430433); /* L148 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+  li__1AD(li__4JB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19548705); /* L149 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_197));
+  li__4JB=li__VJB->li__HF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19562529); /* L149 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+  li__1AD(li__4JB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19677729); /* L150 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_198));
+  li__4JB=li__VJB->li__IF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19689505); /* L150 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+  li__1AD(li__4JB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19809313); /* L151 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_199));
+  li__JKB=li__VJB->li__JF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19823137); /* L151 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+  li__EFD(li__JKB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19942433); /* L152 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_200));
+  li__JKB=li__VJB->li__KF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L19954209); /* L152 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+  li__EFD(li__JKB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L20061217); /* L153 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_201));
+  li__JKB=li__VJB->li__KF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L20070945); /* L153 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L23745543); /* L181 INTEGER*/;
+  li__MKB=(__li__U)(li__JKB >>  11);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L20075553); /* L153 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+  li__EFD(li__MKB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L20082721); /* L153 BOOT*/;
+  li__SGC((&__string_202));
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L20322849); /* L155 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L13637665); /* L104 BOOT*/;
+  if ((li__VJB->li__VF ==  41)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L24775201); /* L189 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MZJB,L20325409); /* L155 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20461601); /* L156 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_203));
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20597281); /* L157 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_196));
+    li__VKB=li__VJB->li__LF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20610593); /* L157 BOOT*/;
+    li__YKB=li__EIC( 1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20610081); /* L157 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__T5D=li__EIC( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__OZJB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__FRC=(__li__U)(li__T5D - li__YKB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__NZJB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__YKB=(__li__U)(li__VKB - li__FRC);
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20614177); /* L157 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    li__EFD(li__YKB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20726305); /* L158 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_204));
+    li__0KB=li__VJB->li__MF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20744737); /* L158 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L60045831); /* L458 INTEGER*/;
+    li__ZUC=li__2CC( 8);
+    lisaac_push(&li__NZJB,L60176391); /* L459 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L62655495); /* L478 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__MAE=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__P5D,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    li__OAE=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+    if (li__OAE) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__P5D,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAE,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L62656007); /* L478 INTEGER*/;
+      if (((void *)li__ZUC != (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__WAE=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__WAE=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__ZAE=li__WAE;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__P5D,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__ZAE=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__ZAE) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__P5D,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAE,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XM,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IRN,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__MAE));
+      lisaac_push(&li__0JD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_1));
+      lisaac_push(&li__0JD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XM,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IRN,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__0JD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XM,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IRN,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__P5D,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__OZJB,L4343840); /* L33 UINTEGER_16*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L68063752); /* L519 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__4JD= 0;
+    li__BKD= 0;
+    li__CKD= 0;
+    if ((li__0KB ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OZJB,L65145351); /* L497 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L63185927); /* L482 INTEGER*/;
+      if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L63319559); /* L483 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* STRING */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L63319559); /* L483 INTEGER*/;
+        li__HCMB=((__li__GJ *)li__ZUC);
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__TAE,L57952293); /* L442 STRING*/;
+        li__L3P(li__HCMB,'0');
+      };
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OZJB,L65145351); /* L497 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L63444487); /* L484 INTEGER*/;
+      if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L63582215); /* L485 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* STRING */ {
+        li__PKD=li__ZUC->li__ZDD;
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L63582727); /* L485 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAE,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XM,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__NCMB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__BKD=(__li__K)(li__PKD - li__NCMB);
+      li__4JD=li__0KB;
+      lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L64228871); /* L490 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAE,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+      li__WWE:
+      {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L63835143); /* L487 INTEGER*/;
+        if ((li__4JD !=  0)) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__2XM,L9576468); /* L73 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__IRN,L63975943); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+          li__5KD=li__NHC( 15);
+          lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L63974407); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+          li__3KD=(__li__CD)(li__4JD & li__5KD);
+          lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L63985671); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L55708679); /* L425 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+          li__UGF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+          lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          li__WGF=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+          if (li__WGF) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L55714823); /* L425 INTEGER*/;
+            li__M5E=li__NHC( 0);
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L55717895); /* L425 INTEGER*/;
+            li__O5E=li__NHC( 15);
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L55717895); /* L425 INTEGER*/;
+            li__K5E=li__02H(li__3KD,li__M5E,li__O5E);
+            if (li__K5E) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+              li__4GF=li__I__;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+              li__4GF=li__B__;
+            };
+            li__K5E=li__4GF;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+            li__K5E=li__I__;
+          };
+          if (li__K5E) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1LT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__F0R,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__UGF));
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_1));
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1LT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__F0R,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__FRKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+            fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1LT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+            exit(( 1));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          li__R5E='\0';
+          lisaac_push(&li__EYM,L56237063); /* L429 INTEGER*/;
+          li__5KD=li__NHC( 9);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EYM,L56236039); /* L429 INTEGER*/;
+          li__WGF=li__OHF(li__3KD,li__5KD);
+          if (li__WGF) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__EYM,L56756743); /* L433 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L56371719); /* L430 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L55068679); /* L420 INTEGER*/;
+            li__NNH=li__QVD(li__3KD);
+            li__R5E=li__NNH;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__EYM,L56756743); /* L433 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L56636423); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+            li__CAF=((__li__1B )'A');
+            lisaac_push(&li__LOF,L56642567); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+            li__M5E=li__NHC( 10);
+            lisaac_push(&li__LOF,L56641031); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__O5E=(__li__CD)(li__3KD - li__M5E);
+            lisaac_push(&li__LOF,L56650247); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+            li__HAF=((__li__1B )li__O5E);
+            lisaac_push(&li__LOF,L56636935); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__5RKB=(__li__1B)(- li__HAF);
+            lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__HAF=(__li__1B)(li__CAF - li__5RKB);
+            lisaac_push(&li__LOF,L56657415); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+            li__NNH=li__1BB(li__HAF);
+            li__R5E=li__NNH;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__EYM,L57281543); /* L437 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+          li__UGF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+          lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+          li__WGF=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+          if (li__WGF) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L57282055); /* L437 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L57297415); /* L437 INTEGER*/;
+            li__K5E=li__5TH((&__string_184),li__R5E);
+            if (li__K5E) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+              li__4GF=li__I__;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+              li__4GF=li__B__;
+            };
+            li__K5E=li__4GF;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+            li__K5E=li__I__;
+          };
+          if (li__K5E) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1LT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__F0R,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__UGF));
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_4));
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1LT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__F0R,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__FRKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+            fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1LT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+            exit(( 1));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L63986183); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* STRING */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L63986183); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+            li__KSKB=((__li__GJ *)li__ZUC);
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L57952293); /* L442 STRING*/;
+            li__L3P(li__KSKB,li__R5E);
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L64101383); /* L489 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L23745543); /* L181 INTEGER*/;
+          li__4JD=(__li__CD)(li__4JD >>  4);
+          lisaac_push(&li__2XM,L9709076); /* L74 BLOCK*/;
+          goto li__WWE;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+      };
+      if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L64372231); /* L491 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* STRING */ {
+        li__PKD=li__ZUC->li__ZDD;
+      };
+      li__CKD=li__PKD;
+      lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L65015303); /* L496 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAE,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+      li__CXE:
+      {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L64493063); /* L492 INTEGER*/;
+        li__WGF=li__VMC(li__BKD,li__CKD);
+        if (li__WGF) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+          li__K5E=li__I__;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+          li__K5E=li__B__;
+        };
+        if (li__K5E) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__2XM,L11935764); /* L91 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__IRN,L64503815); /* L492 INTEGER*/;
+          if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L64633351); /* L493 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* STRING */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L64633351); /* L493 INTEGER*/;
+            li__SKP(((__li__GJ *)li__ZUC),li__BKD,li__CKD);
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L64762375); /* L494 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__CKD=(__li__K)(li__CKD -  1);
+          lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L64885255); /* L495 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__QSKB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EYM,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__BKD=(__li__K)(li__BKD - li__QSKB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__2XM,L12068372); /* L92 BLOCK*/;
+          goto li__CXE;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+      };
+    };
+    if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20747809); /* L158 BOOT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* STRING */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20747809); /* L158 BOOT*/;
+      li__F4O(((__li__GJ *)li__ZUC));
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20753441); /* L158 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('h'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20858401); /* L159 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_205));
+    li__0KB=li__VJB->li__NF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20872225); /* L159 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    li__1AD(li__0KB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L20992033); /* L160 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_206));
+    li__VKB=li__VJB->li__OF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21005857); /* L160 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L11280909); /* L86 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    li__EFD(li__VKB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21251105); /* L162 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_207));
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21382177); /* L163 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_208));
+    li__CAF=li__VJB->li__TF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21400609); /* L163 BOOT*/;
+    li__ZUC=li__QPC(li__CAF);
+    if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21403681); /* L163 BOOT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* STRING */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21403681); /* L163 BOOT*/;
+      li__F4O(((__li__GJ *)li__ZUC));
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21409313); /* L163 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('h'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21516833); /* L164 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_209));
+    li__CAF=li__VJB->li__VF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21534753); /* L164 BOOT*/;
+    li__ZUC=li__QPC(li__CAF);
+    if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21537825); /* L164 BOOT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* STRING */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21537825); /* L164 BOOT*/;
+      li__F4O(((__li__GJ *)li__ZUC));
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21543457); /* L164 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('h'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21645857); /* L165 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_210));
+    li__VKB=li__VJB->li__WF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21664289); /* L165 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L60045831); /* L458 INTEGER*/;
+    li__ZUC=li__2CC( 8);
+    lisaac_push(&li__NZJB,L60176391); /* L459 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L62655495); /* L478 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__MAE=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__P5D,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    li__OAE=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+    if (li__OAE) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__P5D,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAE,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L62656007); /* L478 INTEGER*/;
+      if (((void *)li__ZUC != (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__WAE=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__WAE=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__ZAE=li__WAE;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__P5D,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__ZAE=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__ZAE) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__P5D,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAE,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XM,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IRN,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__MAE));
+      lisaac_push(&li__0JD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_1));
+      lisaac_push(&li__0JD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XM,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IRN,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__0JD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XM,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IRN,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__P5D,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__OZJB,L3950604); /* L30 UINTEGER_32*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L68325896); /* L521 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__YKB= 0;
+    li__BKD= 0;
+    li__CKD= 0;
+    if ((li__VKB ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OZJB,L65145351); /* L497 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L63185927); /* L482 INTEGER*/;
+      if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L63319559); /* L483 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* STRING */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L63319559); /* L483 INTEGER*/;
+        li__HCMB=((__li__GJ *)li__ZUC);
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__TAE,L57952293); /* L442 STRING*/;
+        li__L3P(li__HCMB,'0');
+      };
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OZJB,L65145351); /* L497 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L63444487); /* L484 INTEGER*/;
+      if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L63582215); /* L485 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* STRING */ {
+        li__PKD=li__ZUC->li__ZDD;
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L63582727); /* L485 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAE,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2XM,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__NCMB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__BKD=(__li__K)(li__PKD - li__NCMB);
+      li__YKB=li__VKB;
+      lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L64228871); /* L490 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAE,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+      li__RXE:
+      {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L63835143); /* L487 INTEGER*/;
+        if ((li__YKB !=  0)) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__2XM,L9576468); /* L73 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__IRN,L63975943); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+          li__FND=li__EIC( 15);
+          lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L63974407); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+          li__DND=(__li__U)(li__YKB & li__FND);
+          lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L63985671); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L55708679); /* L425 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+          li__UGF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+          lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          li__K5E=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+          if (li__K5E) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L55714823); /* L425 INTEGER*/;
+            li__MBF=li__EIC( 0);
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L55717895); /* L425 INTEGER*/;
+            li__OBF=li__EIC( 15);
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L55717895); /* L425 INTEGER*/;
+            li__4GF=li__X3H(li__DND,li__MBF,li__OBF);
+            if (li__4GF) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+              li__AJF=li__I__;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+              li__AJF=li__B__;
+            };
+            li__4GF=li__AJF;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+            li__4GF=li__I__;
+          };
+          if (li__4GF) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1LT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__F0R,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__UGF));
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_1));
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1LT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__F0R,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__FRKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+            fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1LT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+            exit(( 1));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          li__R5E='\0';
+          lisaac_push(&li__EYM,L56237063); /* L429 INTEGER*/;
+          li__FND=li__EIC( 9);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EYM,L56236039); /* L429 INTEGER*/;
+          li__K5E=li__QJF(li__DND,li__FND);
+          if (li__K5E) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__EYM,L56756743); /* L433 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L56371719); /* L430 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L55068679); /* L420 INTEGER*/;
+            li__NNH=li__A3D(li__DND);
+            li__R5E=li__NNH;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__EYM,L56756743); /* L433 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L56636423); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+            li__HAF=((__li__1B )'A');
+            lisaac_push(&li__LOF,L56642567); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+            li__MBF=li__EIC( 10);
+            lisaac_push(&li__LOF,L56641031); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__OBF=(__li__U)(li__DND - li__MBF);
+            lisaac_push(&li__LOF,L56650247); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+            li__5RKB=((__li__1B )li__OBF);
+            lisaac_push(&li__LOF,L56636935); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__TTKB=(__li__1B)(- li__5RKB);
+            lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+            li__5RKB=(__li__1B)(li__HAF - li__TTKB);
+            lisaac_push(&li__LOF,L56657415); /* L432 INTEGER*/;
+            li__NNH=li__1BB(li__5RKB);
+            li__R5E=li__NNH;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__EYM,L57281543); /* L437 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+          li__UGF=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+          lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+          li__K5E=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+          if (li__K5E) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L57282055); /* L437 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L57297415); /* L437 INTEGER*/;
+            li__4GF=li__5TH((&__string_184),li__R5E);
+            if (li__4GF) {
+              lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+              li__AJF=li__I__;
+            } else /* FALSE */ {
+              lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+              lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+              li__AJF=li__B__;
+            };
+            li__4GF=li__AJF;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+            li__4GF=li__I__;
+          };
+          if (li__4GF) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1GF,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push(&li__1GF,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__I5E,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1LT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__F0R,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__UGF));
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+            li__SGC((&__string_4));
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1LT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__F0R,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__FRKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+            fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+            lisaac_push(&li__I5E,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__3ZR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__1LT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+            exit(( 1));
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__E1JB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+          };
+          if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L63986183); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* STRING */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L63986183); /* L488 INTEGER*/;
+            li__KSKB=((__li__GJ *)li__ZUC);
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L57952293); /* L442 STRING*/;
+            li__L3P(li__KSKB,li__R5E);
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L64101383); /* L489 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L23745543); /* L181 INTEGER*/;
+          li__YKB=(__li__U)(li__YKB >>  4);
+          lisaac_push(&li__2XM,L9709076); /* L74 BLOCK*/;
+          goto li__RXE;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+      };
+      if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L64372231); /* L491 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* STRING */ {
+        li__PKD=li__ZUC->li__ZDD;
+      };
+      li__CKD=li__PKD;
+      lisaac_push(&li__TPE,L65015303); /* L496 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAE,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+      li__3XE:
+      {
+        lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L64493063); /* L492 INTEGER*/;
+        li__WGF=li__VMC(li__BKD,li__CKD);
+        if (li__WGF) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+          li__K5E=li__I__;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+          li__K5E=li__B__;
+        };
+        if (li__K5E) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__2XM,L11935764); /* L91 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__IRN,L64503815); /* L492 INTEGER*/;
+          if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L64633351); /* L493 INTEGER*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* STRING */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L64633351); /* L493 INTEGER*/;
+            li__SKP(((__li__GJ *)li__ZUC),li__BKD,li__CKD);
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L64762375); /* L494 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__CKD=(__li__K)(li__CKD -  1);
+          lisaac_push(&li__IRN,L64885255); /* L495 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EYM,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LOF,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__QSKB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EYM,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__E1JB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__BKD=(__li__K)(li__BKD - li__QSKB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__2XM,L12068372); /* L92 BLOCK*/;
+          goto li__3XE;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__TAE,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0JD,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+      };
+    };
+    if (li__ZUC==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21667361); /* L165 BOOT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* STRING */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21667361); /* L165 BOOT*/;
+      li__F4O(((__li__GJ *)li__ZUC));
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21672993); /* L165 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('h'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L21907489); /* L167 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_211));
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__XF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L22032417); /* L168 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__YF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L22163489); /* L169 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__ZF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L22294561); /* L170 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__0F;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L22425633); /* L171 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__1F;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L22556705); /* L172 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__2F;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L22687777); /* L173 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__3F;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L22818849); /* L174 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__4F;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L22949921); /* L175 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__5F;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L23080993); /* L176 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__AG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L23212065); /* L177 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__BG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L23343137); /* L178 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L23610913); /* L180 BOOT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_212));
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__CG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L23735841); /* L181 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__DG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L23866913); /* L182 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__EG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L23997985); /* L183 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__FG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L24129057); /* L184 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__GG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L24260129); /* L185 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__HG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L24391201); /* L186 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__IG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L24522273); /* L187 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+    li__R5E=li__VJB->li__JG;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MZJB,L24653345); /* L188 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P5D,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TPE,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)(li__R5E),stdout);
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L24775201); /* L189 BOOT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__UJB,L24910881); /* L190 BOOT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JZJB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MZJB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NZJB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OZJB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+static void li__I4O(__li__GJ *li__K4O,__li__Y *li__L4O)
+/* (Strict STRING{li__GJ},Strict STRING_CONSTANT{NULLxli__Y}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__M4O,li__W4O,li__54O;
+  __li__GB li__WVP;
+  _____CONTEXT li__J4O,li__XRFB,li__T4O,li__QRR,li__34O,li__EZY,li__O1Z;
+  _____CONTEXT li__MZY,li__AAKB;
+  __li__C li__Y4O,li__AWP,li__DWP;
+  __li__BB *li__A5O,*li__H5O;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__J4O,L24525861); /* L187 STRING*/;
+  if (li__L4O==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__J4O,L24916005); /* L190 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* STRING_CONSTANT */ {
+    li__M4O=li__L4O->li__MC;
+  };
+  li__K4O->li__ZDD=li__M4O;
+  lisaac_push(&li__J4O,L25040933); /* L191 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__XRFB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  if ((li__M4O >  0)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__J4O,L25823781); /* L197 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XRFB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__T4O,L25044517); /* L191 STRING*/;
+    li__W4O=li__K4O->li__V4O;
+    lisaac_push(&li__T4O,L25174565); /* L192 STRING*/;
+    li__Y4O=li__HTC(li__W4O,li__M4O);
+    if (li__Y4O) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__T4O,L25562661); /* L195 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__QRR,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__34O,L25180197); /* L192 STRING*/;
+      li__54O=li__K4O->li__ZDD;
+      lisaac_push(&li__34O,L25322021); /* L193 STRING*/;
+      li__A5O=li__EOU(li__54O);
+      li__K4O->li__B5O=li__A5O;
+      li__K4O->li__V4O=li__K4O->li__ZDD;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__T4O,L25562661); /* L195 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__QRR,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    li__A5O=li__K4O->li__B5O;
+    if (li__L4O==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__T4O,L25709605); /* L196 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* STRING_CONSTANT */ {
+      li__H5O=li__L4O->li__NC;
+    };
+    li__M4O=li__K4O->li__ZDD;
+    lisaac_push(&li__T4O,L25717285); /* L196 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QRR,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__W4O=(__li__K)(li__M4O -  1);
+    if (li__A5O==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__T4O,L25718309); /* L196 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__T4O,L25718309); /* L196 STRING*/;
+      li__HKW(((__li__BB *)li__A5O),li__H5O,li__W4O);
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__J4O,L25823781); /* L197 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XRFB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__J4O,L25954853); /* L198 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__XRFB,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__T4O,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__WVP=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__XRFB,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__Y4O=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__Y4O) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__XRFB,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__T4O,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QRR,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__34O,L25955365); /* L198 STRING*/;
+    li__M4O=li__K4O->li__ZDD;
+    if (li__L4O==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__34O,L25965605); /* L198 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* STRING_CONSTANT */ {
+      li__54O=li__L4O->li__MC;
+    };
+    if ((li__M4O == li__54O)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__QRR,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__34O,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__AWP=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__QRR,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__34O,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__AWP=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__DWP=li__AWP;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__XRFB,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__T4O,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__DWP=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__DWP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__XRFB,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__T4O,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QRR,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__QRR,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__34O,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EZY,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1Z,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MZY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__WVP));
+    lisaac_push(&li__34O,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__34O,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EZY,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1Z,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MZY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AAKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__34O,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EZY,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1Z,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__XRFB,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__T4O,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+static __li__BB* li__X5O(__li__GJ *li__Z5O)
+/* (Strict STRING{li__GJ}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__YAP,li__15O,li__25O,li__FAP;
+  __li__GB li__2WP,li__HTW;
+  _____CONTEXT li__Y5O,li__1RFB,li__CAP,li__QWFB,li__UAP,li__ZZY;
+  _____CONTEXT li__01Z,li__B0Y,li__GAKB;
+  __li__BB *li__EAP,*li__05O,*li__FTW;
+  __li__C li__4WP,li__GXP,li__JXP,li__XFX;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__Y5O,L92937765); /* L709 STRING*/;
+  li__YAP=li__Z5O->li__ZDD;
+  li__15O=li__Z5O->li__V4O;
+  li__25O=li__Z5O->li__ZDD;
+  lisaac_push(&li__Y5O,L93855269); /* L716 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__1RFB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  if ((li__15O > li__25O)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Y5O,L94505509); /* L721 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1RFB,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CAP,L93860901); /* L716 STRING*/;
+    li__EAP=li__Z5O->li__B5O;
+    li__FAP=li__Z5O->li__ZDD;
+    if (li__EAP==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__CAP,L93994533); /* L717 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__CAP,L93994533); /* L717 STRING*/;
+      li__IJW(((__li__BB *)li__EAP),'\0',li__FAP);
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Y5O,L94505509); /* L721 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1RFB,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CAP,L94250533); /* L719 STRING*/;
+    li__L3P(li__Z5O,'\0');
+    li__FAP=li__Z5O->li__ZDD;
+    lisaac_push(&li__CAP,L94383141); /* L720 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QWFB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__Z5O->li__ZDD=(__li__K)(li__FAP -  1);
+  };
+  li__05O=li__Z5O->li__B5O;
+  lisaac_push(&li__Y5O,L95161381); /* L726 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__1RFB,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CAP,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__2WP=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__1RFB,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__4WP=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__4WP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1RFB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CAP,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QWFB,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UAP,L95161893); /* L726 STRING*/;
+    if ((li__Z5O->li__ZDD == li__YAP)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__QWFB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__UAP,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__GXP=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__QWFB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__UAP,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__GXP=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__JXP=li__GXP;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1RFB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CAP,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__JXP=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__JXP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1RFB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CAP,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QWFB,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__QWFB,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UAP,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZZY,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01Z,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B0Y,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__2WP));
+    lisaac_push(&li__UAP,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__UAP,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZZY,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01Z,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B0Y,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__UAP,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZZY,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01Z,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1RFB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CAP,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__Y5O,L95292453); /* L727 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__1RFB,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CAP,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__2WP=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__1RFB,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__4WP=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__4WP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1RFB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CAP,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QWFB,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UAP,L95292965); /* L727 STRING*/;
+    if (li__05O==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__UAP,L95302693); /* L727 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__UAP,L95302693); /* L727 STRING*/;
+      li__FTW=((__li__BB *)li__05O);
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZZY,L104090134); /* L794 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__01Z,L22441476); /* L171 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__B0Y,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__HTW=((__li__GB )li__FTW);
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZZY,L104096278); /* L794 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__01Z,L6440981); /* L49 POINTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__B0Y,L6034965); /* L46 POINTER*/;
+      if ((li__HTW == (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__01Z,L6436885); /* L49 POINTER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__B0Y,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__XFX=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__01Z,L6436885); /* L49 POINTER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__B0Y,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__XFX=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__GXP=li__XFX;
+    };
+    if (li__GXP) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__QWFB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__UAP,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__GXP=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__QWFB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__UAP,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__GXP=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__JXP=li__GXP;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1RFB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CAP,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__JXP=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__JXP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1RFB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CAP,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QWFB,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__QWFB,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UAP,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZZY,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01Z,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B0Y,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__2WP));
+    lisaac_push(&li__UAP,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__UAP,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZZY,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01Z,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B0Y,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__UAP,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZZY,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01Z,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1RFB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CAP,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  return(li__05O);
+static void li__PBP(__li__GJ *li__RBP,void *li__SBP)
+/* (Strict STRING{li__GJ},ABSTRACT_STRING{li__Y}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__UBP,li__2BP,li__3BP,li__FCP;
+  __li__GB li__4YP;
+  _____CONTEXT li__QBP,li__KUFB,li__0BP,li__ITR,li__DCP,li__O0Y,li__G2Z;
+  _____CONTEXT li__W0Y,li__SAKB;
+  __li__C li__4BP,li__IZP,li__LZP;
+  __li__BB *li__GCP,*li__MCP;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QBP,L24525861); /* L187 STRING*/;
+  li__RBP->li__ZDD=((__li__Y *)li__SBP)->li__MC;
+  li__UBP=li__RBP->li__ZDD;
+  lisaac_push(&li__QBP,L25040933); /* L191 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KUFB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  if ((li__UBP >  0)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__QBP,L25823781); /* L197 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUFB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0BP,L25044517); /* L191 STRING*/;
+    li__2BP=li__RBP->li__V4O;
+    li__3BP=li__RBP->li__ZDD;
+    lisaac_push(&li__0BP,L25174565); /* L192 STRING*/;
+    li__4BP=li__HTC(li__2BP,li__3BP);
+    if (li__4BP) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0BP,L25562661); /* L195 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ITR,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DCP,L25180197); /* L192 STRING*/;
+      li__FCP=li__RBP->li__ZDD;
+      lisaac_push(&li__DCP,L25322021); /* L193 STRING*/;
+      li__GCP=li__EOU(li__FCP);
+      li__RBP->li__B5O=li__GCP;
+      li__RBP->li__V4O=li__RBP->li__ZDD;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0BP,L25562661); /* L195 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ITR,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    li__GCP=li__RBP->li__B5O;
+    li__MCP=((__li__Y *)li__SBP)->li__NC;
+    li__2BP=li__RBP->li__ZDD;
+    lisaac_push(&li__0BP,L25717285); /* L196 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ITR,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__3BP=(__li__K)(li__2BP -  1);
+    if (li__GCP==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0BP,L25718309); /* L196 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0BP,L25718309); /* L196 STRING*/;
+      li__HKW(((__li__BB *)li__GCP),li__MCP,li__3BP);
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__QBP,L25823781); /* L197 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KUFB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__QBP,L25954853); /* L198 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KUFB,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0BP,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__4YP=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__KUFB,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__4BP=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__4BP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KUFB,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0BP,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ITR,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DCP,L25955365); /* L198 STRING*/;
+    if ((li__RBP->li__ZDD == ((__li__Y *)li__SBP)->li__MC)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ITR,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DCP,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__IZP=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ITR,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DCP,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__IZP=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__LZP=li__IZP;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KUFB,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0BP,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__LZP=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__LZP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KUFB,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0BP,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ITR,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__ITR,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DCP,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O0Y,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__G2Z,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Y,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__4YP));
+    lisaac_push(&li__DCP,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__DCP,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O0Y,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__G2Z,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Y,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__DCP,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O0Y,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__G2Z,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KUFB,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0BP,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+static void li__1CP(__li__GJ *li__3CP,__li__Y *li__4CP)
+/* (Strict STRING{li__GJ},Strict STRING_CONSTANT{NULLxli__Y}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__ZZP;
+  __li__K li__IDP,li__JDP,li__3CMB,li__KDP,li__DEP;
+  _____CONTEXT li__2CP,li__VZP,li__ZLQ,li__A0P,li__EDP,li__D1Y,li__S2Z;
+  _____CONTEXT li__L1Y,li__YAKB;
+  __li__C li__1ZP,li__D0P,li__G0P;
+  __li__BB *li__1DP,*li__EEP;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2CP,L29100581); /* L222 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VZP,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZLQ,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__ZZP=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__VZP,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__1ZP=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__1ZP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__VZP,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZLQ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A0P,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EDP,L29101093); /* L222 STRING*/;
+    if (((void *)li__4CP != (void *)NULL)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A0P,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EDP,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__D0P=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A0P,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EDP,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__D0P=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__G0P=li__D0P;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__VZP,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZLQ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__G0P=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__G0P) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__VZP,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZLQ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A0P,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__A0P,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EDP,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D1Y,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S2Z,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L1Y,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__ZZP));
+    lisaac_push(&li__EDP,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__EDP,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D1Y,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S2Z,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L1Y,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YAKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__EDP,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D1Y,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S2Z,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__VZP,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZLQ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  if (li__4CP==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2CP,L29375525); /* L224 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* STRING_CONSTANT */ {
+    li__IDP=li__4CP->li__MC;
+  };
+  li__JDP=li__3CP->li__ZDD;
+  lisaac_push(&li__2CP,L29506597); /* L225 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VZP,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZLQ,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__A0P,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__3CMB=(__li__K)(- li__IDP);
+  lisaac_push(&li__VZP,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZLQ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__KDP=(__li__K)(li__JDP - li__3CMB);
+  li__JDP=li__3CP->li__V4O;
+  lisaac_push(&li__2CP,L29629989); /* L226 STRING*/;
+  li__1ZP=li__HTC(li__JDP,li__KDP);
+  if (li__1ZP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2CP,L30673445); /* L234 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VZP,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZLQ,L29640741); /* L226 STRING*/;
+    if ((li__3CP->li__V4O ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZLQ,L30543397); /* L233 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__A0P,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EDP,L29765669); /* L227 STRING*/;
+      li__3CP->li__V4O=li__KDP;
+      lisaac_push(&li__EDP,L30042149); /* L229 STRING*/;
+      li__1DP=li__EOU(li__KDP);
+      li__3CP->li__B5O=li__1DP;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZLQ,L30543397); /* L233 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__A0P,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EDP,L30153253); /* L230 STRING*/;
+      li__1DP=li__3CP->li__B5O;
+      li__DEP=li__3CP->li__V4O;
+      if (li__1DP==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__EDP,L30307365); /* L231 STRING*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__EDP,L30307365); /* L231 STRING*/;
+        li__EEP=li__JTW(((__li__BB *)li__1DP),li__DEP,li__KDP);
+      };
+      li__3CP->li__B5O=li__EEP;
+      li__3CP->li__V4O=li__KDP;
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2CP,L30673445); /* L234 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VZP,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__1DP=li__3CP->li__B5O;
+  if (li__4CP==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2CP,L30817829); /* L235 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* STRING_CONSTANT */ {
+    li__EEP=li__4CP->li__NC;
+  };
+  li__JDP=li__3CP->li__ZDD;
+  if (li__1DP==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2CP,L30832165); /* L235 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2CP,L30832165); /* L235 STRING*/;
+    li__BHW(((__li__BB *)li__1DP),li__EEP,li__JDP,li__IDP);
+  };
+  li__3CP->li__ZDD=li__KDP;
+static void li__MEP(__li__GJ *li__OEP,void *li__PEP)
+/* (Strict STRING{li__GJ},ABSTRACT_STRING{li__Y}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__QEP,li__0EP,li__BRE,li__1EP,li__UFP;
+  _____CONTEXT li__NEP,li__30P,li__4MQ,li__I1P,li__Y4FB;
+  __li__C li__D1P;
+  __li__BB *li__MFP,*li__VFP;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NEP,L29100581); /* L222 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__30P,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__D1P=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__D1P) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__30P,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4MQ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I1P,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Y4FB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__30P,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4MQ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__30P,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4MQ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  li__QEP=((__li__Y *)li__PEP)->li__MC;
+  li__0EP=li__OEP->li__ZDD;
+  lisaac_push(&li__NEP,L29506597); /* L225 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__30P,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4MQ,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__I1P,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__BRE=(__li__K)(- li__QEP);
+  lisaac_push(&li__30P,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4MQ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__1EP=(__li__K)(li__0EP - li__BRE);
+  li__0EP=li__OEP->li__V4O;
+  lisaac_push(&li__NEP,L29629989); /* L226 STRING*/;
+  li__D1P=li__HTC(li__0EP,li__1EP);
+  if (li__D1P) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__NEP,L30673445); /* L234 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__30P,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4MQ,L29640741); /* L226 STRING*/;
+    if ((li__OEP->li__V4O ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4MQ,L30543397); /* L233 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__I1P,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__Y4FB,L29765669); /* L227 STRING*/;
+      li__OEP->li__V4O=li__1EP;
+      lisaac_push(&li__Y4FB,L30042149); /* L229 STRING*/;
+      li__MFP=li__EOU(li__1EP);
+      li__OEP->li__B5O=li__MFP;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4MQ,L30543397); /* L233 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__I1P,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__Y4FB,L30153253); /* L230 STRING*/;
+      li__MFP=li__OEP->li__B5O;
+      li__UFP=li__OEP->li__V4O;
+      if (li__MFP==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__Y4FB,L30307365); /* L231 STRING*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__Y4FB,L30307365); /* L231 STRING*/;
+        li__VFP=li__JTW(((__li__BB *)li__MFP),li__UFP,li__1EP);
+      };
+      li__OEP->li__B5O=li__VFP;
+      li__OEP->li__V4O=li__1EP;
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__NEP,L30673445); /* L234 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__30P,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__MFP=li__OEP->li__B5O;
+  li__VFP=((__li__Y *)li__PEP)->li__NC;
+  li__0EP=li__OEP->li__ZDD;
+  if (li__MFP==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__NEP,L30832165); /* L235 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__NEP,L30832165); /* L235 STRING*/;
+    li__BHW(((__li__BB *)li__MFP),li__VFP,li__0EP,li__QEP);
+  };
+  li__OEP->li__ZDD=li__1EP;
+static __li__Q li__3WC(__li__K li__5WC)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__Q li__AXC;
+  _____CONTEXT li__4WC,li__GPD,li__GEG,li__RPD,li__ZRGB;
+  __li__C li__MPD;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4WC,L55577608); /* L424 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GPD,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__MPD=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__MPD) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GPD,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GEG,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RPD,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRGB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GPD,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GEG,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__GPD,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__4WC,L55968776); /* L427 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GPD,L69636616); /* L531 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GEG,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__AXC=((__li__Q )li__5WC);
+  return(li__AXC);
+static void li__L3P(__li__GJ *li__N3P,__li__BB li__O3P)
+/* (Strict STRING{li__GJ},Expanded CHARACTER{li__BB}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__Q3P,li__R3P,li__I4P,li__J4P;
+  _____CONTEXT li__M3P,li__OOQ,li__X3P,li__QIT,li__43P,li__LSGB;
+  __li__C li__S3P;
+  __li__BB *li__B4P,*li__M4P;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M3P,L54670373); /* L417 STRING*/;
+  li__Q3P=li__N3P->li__V4O;
+  li__R3P=li__N3P->li__ZDD;
+  lisaac_push(&li__M3P,L55451685); /* L423 STRING*/;
+  li__S3P=li__20C(li__Q3P,li__R3P);
+  if (li__S3P) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__M3P,L56625701); /* L432 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OOQ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__X3P,L55457317); /* L423 STRING*/;
+    if ((li__N3P->li__V4O ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__X3P,L56495653); /* L431 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__QIT,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__43P,L55586853); /* L424 STRING*/;
+      li__N3P->li__V4O= 32;
+      lisaac_push(&li__43P,L55863333); /* L426 STRING*/;
+      li__B4P=li__EOU( 32);
+      li__N3P->li__B5O=li__B4P;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__X3P,L56495653); /* L431 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__QIT,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__43P,L55974437); /* L427 STRING*/;
+      li__I4P=li__N3P->li__V4O;
+      lisaac_push(&li__43P,L56112677); /* L428 STRING*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LSGB,L9457160); /* L72 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__J4P=(__li__K)(li__I4P <<  1);
+      li__B4P=li__N3P->li__B5O;
+      li__I4P=li__N3P->li__V4O;
+      if (li__B4P==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__43P,L56260133); /* L429 STRING*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__43P,L56260133); /* L429 STRING*/;
+        li__M4P=li__JTW(((__li__BB *)li__B4P),li__I4P,li__J4P);
+      };
+      li__N3P->li__B5O=li__M4P;
+      li__N3P->li__V4O=li__J4P;
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__M3P,L56625701); /* L432 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OOQ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__B4P=li__N3P->li__B5O;
+  li__Q3P=li__N3P->li__ZDD;
+  if (li__B4P==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__M3P,L56768037); /* L433 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__M3P,L56768037); /* L433 STRING*/;
+    li__IJW(((__li__BB *)li__B4P),li__O3P,li__Q3P);
+  };
+  li__Q3P=li__N3P->li__ZDD;
+  lisaac_push(&li__M3P,L56895525); /* L434 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OOQ,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__X3P,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QIT,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__R3P=(__li__K)(-  1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__OOQ,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__X3P,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__N3P->li__ZDD=(__li__K)(li__Q3P - li__R3P);
+static __li__BB li__1BB(__li__1B li__3BB)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__FTB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__2BB,li__BTB,li__YSC,li__MTB,li__CCB,li__4RR,li__ZHT;
+  _____CONTEXT li__GSR,li__ANKB;
+  __li__C li__HTB,li__KCB,li__PTB;
+  __li__BB li__4BB;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2BB,L7343130); /* L56 UINTEGER_8*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BTB,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YSC,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__FTB=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BTB,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__HTB=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__HTB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BTB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YSC,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MTB,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCB,L7370266); /* L56 UINTEGER_8*/;
+    li__KCB=li__NVH(li__3BB, 255);
+    if (li__KCB) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MTB,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CCB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__PTB=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MTB,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CCB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__PTB=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__KCB=li__PTB;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BTB,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YSC,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__KCB=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__KCB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BTB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YSC,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MTB,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MTB,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4RR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZHT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GSR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__FTB));
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4RR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZHT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GSR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ANKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4RR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZHT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BTB,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YSC,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__2BB,L7734298); /* L59 UINTEGER_8*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BTB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__4BB=((__li__BB )li__3BB);
+  return(li__4BB);
+static __li__C li__5TH(__li__Y *li__BUH,__li__BB li__CUH)
+/* (Strict STRING_CONSTANT{li__Y},Expanded CHARACTER{li__BB}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__FUH,li__GUH,li__5CI;
+  __li__GB li__SWI;
+  _____CONTEXT li__AUH,li__EYFB,li__OWI,li__YOJ,li__ZWI,li__3CI;
+  _____CONTEXT li__C4HB,li__E4HB,li__RHS,li__GNKB;
+  __li__BB *li__EUH,*li__WCI;
+  __li__C li__UWI,li__ADI,li__2WI,li__TDI,li__DUH;
+  __li__BB li__QDI;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__AUH,L49031695); /* L374 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+  li__EUH=li__BUH->li__NC;
+  li__FUH=li__BUH->li__MC;
+  lisaac_push(&li__AUH,L49055247); /* L374 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__EYFB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__GUH=(__li__K)(li__FUH -  1);
+  if (li__EUH==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__AUH,L49056783); /* L374 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__AUH,L49056783); /* L374 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    li__WCI=((__li__BB *)li__EUH);
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EYFB,L57150486); /* L436 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OWI,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YOJ,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SWI=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__OWI,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    li__UWI=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+    if (li__UWI) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OWI,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YOJ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWI,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3CI,L57156630); /* L436 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__C4HB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E4HB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__5CI=(__li__K)(-  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3CI,L57155606); /* L436 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      li__ADI=li__VMC(li__GUH,li__5CI);
+      if (li__ADI) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__ZWI,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__3CI,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__2WI=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__ZWI,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__3CI,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__2WI=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__ADI=li__2WI;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OWI,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YOJ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__ADI=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__ADI) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OWI,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YOJ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWI,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZWI,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3CI,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__C4HB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E4HB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__RHS,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__SWI));
+      lisaac_push(&li__3CI,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_1));
+      lisaac_push(&li__3CI,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__C4HB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E4HB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__RHS,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GNKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3CI,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__C4HB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E4HB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OWI,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YOJ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    li__5CI=li__GUH;
+    lisaac_push(&li__EYFB,L58067478); /* L443 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OWI,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+    li__IXI:
+    {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OWI,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YOJ,L57807382); /* L441 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      li__2WI=li__HTC(li__5CI, 0);
+      if (li__2WI) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YOJ,L57810454); /* L441 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWI,L10377218); /* L79 TRUE*/;
+        li__TDI=li__B__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YOJ,L57810454); /* L441 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWI,L11832326); /* L90 FALSE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__3CI,L57819670); /* L441 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        li__QDI=li__YQJ(li__WCI,li__5CI);
+        li__TDI=(li__CUH == li__QDI);
+      };
+      if (li__TDI) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__OWI,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__YOJ,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__TDI=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__OWI,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__YOJ,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__TDI=li__B__;
+      };
+      if (li__TDI) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__OWI,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__YOJ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__ZWI,L11935764); /* L91 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__3CI,L57941014); /* L442 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__C4HB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__5CI=(__li__K)(li__5CI -  1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__ZWI,L12068372); /* L92 BLOCK*/;
+        goto li__IXI;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__OWI,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__YOJ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__EYFB,L58200086); /* L444 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__UWI=li__VMC(li__5CI, 0);
+    li__ADI=li__UWI;
+  };
+  li__DUH=li__ADI;
+  return(li__DUH);
+static void li__SKP(__li__GJ *li__UKP,__li__K li__VKP,__li__K li__WKP)
+/* (Strict STRING{li__GJ},Expanded INTEGER{li__K},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__Z4P;
+  __li__K li__DDMB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__TKP,li__V4P,li__LSQ,li__A5P,li__3KP,li__BDMB,li__TW1;
+  _____CONTEXT li__5D1,li__SWKB;
+  __li__C li__14P,li__FDMB,li__D5P;
+  __li__BB li__KLP,li__LLP,li__MLP,li__NLP,li__ULP;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TKP,L42994213); /* L328 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V4P,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__Z4P=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__14P=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__14P) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A5P,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L43002405); /* L328 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L17579023); /* L134 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    li__DDMB=li__UKP->li__ZDD;
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDMB,L17843215); /* L136 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    li__FDMB=li__NTH(li__VKP, 1,li__DDMB);
+    if (li__FDMB) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A5P,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__D5P=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A5P,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__D5P=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__FDMB=li__D5P;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__FDMB=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__FDMB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A5P,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__A5P,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TW1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5D1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__Z4P));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3KP,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3KP,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TW1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5D1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SWKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__3KP,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TW1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__TKP,L43125285); /* L329 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V4P,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__Z4P=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__14P=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__14P) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A5P,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L43133477); /* L329 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L17579023); /* L134 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    li__DDMB=li__UKP->li__ZDD;
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDMB,L17843215); /* L136 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    li__FDMB=li__NTH(li__WKP, 1,li__DDMB);
+    if (li__FDMB) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A5P,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__D5P=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A5P,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__D5P=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__FDMB=li__D5P;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__FDMB=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__FDMB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A5P,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__A5P,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TW1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5D1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__Z4P));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3KP,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3KP,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TW1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5D1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SWKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__3KP,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TW1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__TKP,L43394597); /* L331 STRING*/;
+  li__KLP=li__LAQ(li__UKP,li__VKP);
+  lisaac_push(&li__TKP,L43525669); /* L332 STRING*/;
+  li__LLP=li__LAQ(li__UKP,li__WKP);
+  lisaac_push(&li__TKP,L43656229); /* L333 STRING*/;
+  li__MLP=li__LAQ(li__UKP,li__VKP);
+  lisaac_push(&li__TKP,L43786277); /* L334 STRING*/;
+  li__NLP=li__LAQ(li__UKP,li__WKP);
+  lisaac_push(&li__TKP,L43789861); /* L334 STRING*/;
+  li__ABQ(li__UKP,li__NLP,li__VKP);
+  lisaac_push(&li__TKP,L43917861); /* L335 STRING*/;
+  li__ABQ(li__UKP,li__MLP,li__WKP);
+  lisaac_push(&li__TKP,L44173861); /* L337 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V4P,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__Z4P=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__14P=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__14P) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A5P,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L44178981); /* L337 STRING*/;
+    li__ULP=li__LAQ(li__UKP,li__VKP);
+    if ((li__ULP == li__LLP)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A5P,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__D5P=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A5P,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__D5P=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__FDMB=li__D5P;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__FDMB=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__FDMB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A5P,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__A5P,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TW1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5D1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__Z4P));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3KP,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3KP,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TW1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5D1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SWKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__3KP,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TW1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__TKP,L44304933); /* L338 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V4P,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__Z4P=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__14P=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__14P) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A5P,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L44310053); /* L338 STRING*/;
+    li__ULP=li__LAQ(li__UKP,li__WKP);
+    if ((li__ULP == li__KLP)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A5P,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__D5P=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A5P,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__D5P=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__FDMB=li__D5P;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__FDMB=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__FDMB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A5P,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__A5P,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3KP,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TW1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5D1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__Z4P));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3KP,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3KP,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TW1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5D1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SWKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__3KP,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BDMB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TW1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V4P,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LSQ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+static __li__GB li__2MB(void *li__5MB)
+/* (ABSTRACT_STRING{li__Y}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__ANB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__3MB;
+  __li__BB *li__ENB;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3MB,L4603928); /* L35 INSTALL*/;
+  if (li__JJ==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3MB,L4860440); /* L37 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* STRING */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3MB,L4860440); /* L37 INSTALL*/;
+    li__I4O(((__li__GJ *)li__JJ),li__5MB);
+  };
+  if (li__JJ==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3MB,L4997656); /* L38 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* STRING */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3MB,L4997656); /* L38 INSTALL*/;
+    li__ENB=li__X5O(((__li__GJ *)li__JJ));
+  };
+  li__ANB=((__li__GB )(fopen((char*)(li__ENB),"rb")));
+  return(li__ANB);
+static void li__3WF(__li__3B *li__5WF)
+/* (Strict FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){li__3B}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__QXF,li__GXF;
+  __li__GB li__2EH;
+  _____CONTEXT li__4WF,li__00HB,li__20HB,li__CSH,li__DFH,li__EXF;
+  _____CONTEXT li__ABN,li__UXN,li__IBN,li__1BKB;
+  __li__C li__4EH,li__GFH,li__JFH;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4WF,L40375323); /* L308 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+  li__QXF=(*(li__5WF)).li__JUF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__4WF,L40639515); /* L310 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__00HB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__20HB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  (*(li__5WF)).li__CVF=(__li__K)(-  1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__4WF,L48374814); /* L369 COLLECTION*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__00HB,L17979406); /* L137 STRING_CONSTANT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__20HB,L23083028); /* L176 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CSH,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__2EH=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__20HB,L23210004); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+  li__4EH=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__4EH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__20HB,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CSH,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DFH,L23218196); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EXF,L48379422); /* L369 COLLECTION*/;
+    li__GXF=li__B3F(li__5WF);
+    if ((li__GXF ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__DFH,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EXF,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__GFH=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__DFH,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EXF,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__GFH=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__JFH=li__GFH;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__20HB,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CSH,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__JFH=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__JFH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__20HB,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CSH,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DFH,L23348756); /* L178 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EXF,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ABN,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UXN,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IBN,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__2EH));
+    lisaac_push(&li__EXF,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_213));
+    lisaac_push(&li__EXF,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ABN,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UXN,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IBN,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1BKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__EXF,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ABN,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UXN,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__20HB,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CSH,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__4WF,L41028635); /* L313 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__00HB,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__20HB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__2EH=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__00HB,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__4EH=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__4EH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__00HB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__20HB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CSH,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DFH,L41029147); /* L313 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    if (((*(li__5WF)).li__JUF == li__QXF)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__CSH,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DFH,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__GFH=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__CSH,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DFH,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__GFH=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__JFH=li__GFH;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__00HB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__20HB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__JFH=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__JFH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__00HB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__20HB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CSH,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__CSH,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DFH,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EXF,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ABN,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UXN,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__2EH));
+    lisaac_push(&li__DFH,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__DFH,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EXF,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ABN,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UXN,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IBN,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__DFH,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EXF,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ABN,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__00HB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__20HB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+static __li__K li__B3F(__li__3B *li__D3F)
+/* (Strict FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){li__3B}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__F3F,li__JGKB,li__G3F,li__E3F,li__N3F,li__RGKB;
+  __li__GB li__NJH;
+  _____CONTEXT li__C3F,li__FGKB,li__GGKB,li__HGKB,li__UJH,li__L3F;
+  _____CONTEXT li__NGKB,li__OGKB,li__PGKB,li__0GKB;
+  __li__C li__PJH,li__XJH,li__0JH;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__C3F,L40112667); /* L306 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+  li__F3F=(*(li__D3F)).li__CVF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__C3F,L40123419); /* L306 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FGKB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GGKB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HGKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__JGKB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__FGKB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GGKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__G3F=(__li__K)(li__F3F - li__JGKB);
+  li__E3F=li__G3F;
+  lisaac_push(&li__C3F,L12855327); /* L98 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FGKB,L17979406); /* L137 STRING_CONSTANT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GGKB,L23083028); /* L176 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HGKB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__NJH=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__GGKB,L23210004); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+  li__PJH=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__PJH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GGKB,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HGKB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UJH,L23218196); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L3F,L12855839); /* L98 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    li__N3F=(*(li__D3F)).li__CVF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__L3F,L12868639); /* L98 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NGKB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OGKB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__RGKB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__NGKB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OGKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__G3F == (__li__K)(li__N3F - li__RGKB))) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__UJH,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__L3F,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__XJH=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__UJH,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__L3F,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__XJH=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__0JH=li__XJH;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GGKB,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HGKB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__0JH=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__0JH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GGKB,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HGKB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UJH,L23348756); /* L178 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L3F,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NGKB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OGKB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGKB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__NJH));
+    lisaac_push(&li__L3F,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_183));
+    lisaac_push(&li__L3F,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NGKB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OGKB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGKB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0GKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__L3F,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NGKB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OGKB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GGKB,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HGKB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  return(li__E3F);
+static __li__C li__HTC(__li__K li__JTC,__li__K li__KTC)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__ITC,li__DQFB;
+  __li__C li__MTC,li__OTC,li__LTC;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ITC,L14973960); /* L114 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__MTC=li__VMC(li__JTC,li__KTC);
+  if (li__MTC) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ITC,L14969352); /* L114 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DQFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+    li__OTC=li__I__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ITC,L14969352); /* L114 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DQFB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+    li__OTC=li__B__;
+  };
+  li__LTC=li__OTC;
+  return(li__LTC);
+static void li__BSM(__li__3B *li__DSM)
+/* (Strict FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){li__3B}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__XUM,li__AUM,li__GSM,li__HSM,li__JXKB,li__ISM,li__QSM;
+  __li__K li__RXKB,li__ITM,li__JTM,li__5HO;
+  __li__GB li__GLO,li__ZHO,li__Y0O;
+  __li__1RF li__1HO,li__3HO;
+  _____CONTEXT li__CSM,li__FXKB,li__GXKB,li__HXKB,li__OXKB,li__PXKB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__HKO,li__MRO,li__SKO,li__ECHB,li__HFHB,li__W0Z;
+  _____CONTEXT li__CYY,li__0XKB,li__50O,li__C0O,li__Y5S,li__GHU,li__AAT;
+  _____CONTEXT li__OYKB;
+  __li__C li__JSM,li__TSM,li__NKO,li__QLO,li__TLO,li__LMO;
+  __li__1B *li__BTM,*li__RGO,*li__MTM;
+  __li__1B li__3IO,li__EJO;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CSM,L37760539); /* L288 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+  li__XUM=(*(li__DSM)).li__CVF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__CSM,L23215646); /* L177 COLLECTION*/;
+  li__AUM=li__B3F(li__DSM);
+  li__GSM=(*(li__DSM)).li__CVF;
+  li__HSM=(*(li__DSM)).li__JUF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__CSM,L38148123); /* L291 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FXKB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HXKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__JXKB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__ISM=(__li__K)(li__GSM - li__JXKB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__CSM,L38150171); /* L291 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+  li__JSM=li__HTC(li__ISM,li__HSM);
+  if (li__JSM) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__CSM,L38406683); /* L293 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FXKB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L38157339); /* L291 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    li__QSM=(*(li__DSM)).li__CVF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__GXKB,L38284315); /* L292 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HXKB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__RXKB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__HXKB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    (*(li__DSM)).li__CVF=(__li__K)(li__QSM - li__RXKB);
+    li__TSM=li__B__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__CSM,L38406683); /* L293 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FXKB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    li__TSM=li__I__;
+  };
+  if ((! li__TSM)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__CSM,L39586331); /* L302 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FXKB,L10362374); /* L79 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L38410779); /* L293 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    if (((*(li__DSM)).li__JUF ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L10881542); /* L83 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HXKB,L10494470); /* L80 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L38556187); /* L294 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      li__BTM=li__5QH( 2);
+      (*(li__DSM)).li__GI=li__BTM;
+      (*(li__DSM)).li__JUF= 2;
+      (*(li__DSM)).li__CVF= 0;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L10881542); /* L83 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HXKB,L10759174); /* L82 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L38934043); /* L297 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      li__ITM=(*(li__DSM)).li__JUF;
+      lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L39072283); /* L298 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L9457160); /* L72 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__JTM=(__li__K)(li__ITM <<  1);
+      li__BTM=(*(li__DSM)).li__GI;
+      li__ITM=(*(li__DSM)).li__JUF;
+      if (li__BTM==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L39220763); /* L299 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L39220763); /* L299 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+        li__RGO=((__li__1B *)li__BTM);
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L13110294); /* L100 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        li__NKO=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+        if (li__NKO) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L13241366); /* L101 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+        li__GLO=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+        lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        li__NKO=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+        if (li__NKO) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L13249046); /* L101 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__ITM >  0)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__SKO,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+            li__QLO=li__I__;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__SKO,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+            li__QLO=li__B__;
+          };
+          li__TLO=li__QLO;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+          li__TLO=li__I__;
+        };
+        if (li__TLO) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push(&li__SKO,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__CYY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__GLO));
+          lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+          li__SGC((&__string_1));
+          lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__CYY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0XKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+          fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+          lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+          exit(( 1));
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L13372438); /* L102 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+        li__GLO=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+        lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        li__NKO=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+        if (li__NKO) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L13380118); /* L102 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+          li__QLO=li__HTC(li__ITM,li__JTM);
+          if (li__QLO) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__SKO,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+            li__LMO=li__I__;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__SKO,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+            li__LMO=li__B__;
+          };
+          li__QLO=li__LMO;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+          li__QLO=li__I__;
+        };
+        if (li__QLO) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push(&li__SKO,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__CYY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__GLO));
+          lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+          li__SGC((&__string_1));
+          lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__CYY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__0XKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+          fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+          lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+          exit(( 1));
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L14183958); /* L108 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+        li__GLO=((__li__GB )li__RGO);
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L14693910); /* L112 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        li__1HO=li__4TG(li__ITM);
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L13900310); /* L106 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        li__3HO=li__4TG(li__JTM);
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L14710806); /* L112 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        li__ZHO=li__ANO(li__GLO,li__1HO,li__3HO);
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L14838806); /* L113 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+        li__RGO=((__li__1B *)li__ZHO);
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L14964246); /* L114 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__5HO=(__li__K)(li__JTM -  1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L14965782); /* L114 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        li__V2M(li__RGO,li__ITM,li__5HO);
+        lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L15469590); /* L118 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        li__NKO=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+        if (li__NKO) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        li__MTM=li__RGO;
+      };
+      (*(li__DSM)).li__GI=li__MTM;
+      (*(li__DSM)).li__JUF=li__JTM;
+      li__ITM=(*(li__DSM)).li__CVF;
+      lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L39463963); /* L301 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__JTM=(__li__K)(-  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      (*(li__DSM)).li__CVF=(__li__K)(li__ITM - li__JTM);
+    };
+  };
+  li__BTM=(*(li__DSM)).li__GI;
+  li__GSM=(*(li__DSM)).li__CVF;
+  if (li__BTM==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__CSM,L39731227); /* L303 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__CSM,L39731227); /* L303 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    li__K5K(((__li__1B *)li__BTM), 0,li__GSM);
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__CSM,L23071774); /* L176 COLLECTION*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FXKB,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__GLO=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__JSM=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__JSM) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HXKB,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L23075870); /* L176 COLLECTION*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L19270687); /* L147 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__ZHO=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    li__TSM=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+    if (li__TSM) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L19276831); /* L147 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L31987739); /* L244 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      li__ITM=(*(li__DSM)).li__CVF;
+      lisaac_push(&li__HFHB,L31998491); /* L244 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+      li__NKO=li__HTC(li__ITM, 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__HFHB,L14297119); /* L109 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L17979406); /* L137 STRING_CONSTANT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CYY,L23083028); /* L176 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0XKB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+      li__Y0O=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+      lisaac_push(&li__CYY,L23210004); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      li__QLO=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+      if (li__QLO) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__CYY,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0XKB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__50O,L23218196); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__C0O,L14306335); /* L109 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+        li__5HO=li__B3F(li__DSM);
+        if ((li__NKO == (li__5HO ==  0))) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__50O,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__C0O,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+          li__TLO=li__I__;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__50O,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__C0O,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+          li__TLO=li__B__;
+        };
+        li__LMO=li__TLO;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__CYY,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0XKB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+        li__LMO=li__I__;
+      };
+      if (li__LMO) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__CYY,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0XKB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__50O,L23348756); /* L178 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__C0O,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__Y5S,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GHU,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AAT,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__Y0O));
+        lisaac_push(&li__C0O,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+        li__SGC((&__string_183));
+        lisaac_push(&li__C0O,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__Y5S,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GHU,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AAT,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__OYKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+        fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+        lisaac_push(&li__C0O,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__Y5S,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GHU,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+        exit(( 1));
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__CYY,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__0XKB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+      if (li__NKO) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L19272223); /* L147 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__TLO=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L19272223); /* L147 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__TLO=li__B__;
+      };
+      if (li__TLO) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__SKO,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__TLO=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__SKO,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__TLO=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__NKO=li__TLO;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__NKO=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__NKO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__SKO,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CYY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__ZHO));
+      lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_1));
+      lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CYY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0XKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HKO,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    li__QSM=(*(li__DSM)).li__CVF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L11547164); /* L88 ARRAYED_COLLECTION*/;
+    li__3IO=li__1YH(li__DSM,li__QSM);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L20064287); /* L153 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L17979406); /* L137 STRING_CONSTANT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L23083028); /* L176 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__ZHO=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__MRO,L23210004); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    li__TSM=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+    if (li__TSM) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MRO,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L23218196); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L20064799); /* L153 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+      li__ITM=(*(li__DSM)).li__CVF;
+      lisaac_push(&li__HFHB,L20075039); /* L153 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+      li__EJO=li__1YH(li__DSM,li__ITM);
+      if ((li__3IO == li__EJO)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__TLO=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__ECHB,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__TLO=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__NKO=li__TLO;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MRO,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__NKO=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__NKO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MRO,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ECHB,L23348756); /* L178 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HFHB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CYY,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0XKB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__ZHO));
+      lisaac_push(&li__HFHB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_183));
+      lisaac_push(&li__HFHB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CYY,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0XKB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__50O,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__HFHB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0Z,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CYY,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MRO,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    if ((li__3IO ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HXKB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__NKO=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HXKB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__NKO=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__TSM=li__NKO;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__TSM=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__TSM) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HXKB,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__HXKB,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__GLO));
+    lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__CSM,L23202846); /* L177 COLLECTION*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FXKB,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__GLO=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__JSM=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__JSM) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HXKB,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L23207454); /* L177 COLLECTION*/;
+    li__QSM=li__B3F(li__DSM);
+    lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L23210014); /* L177 COLLECTION*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__RXKB=(__li__K)(- li__AUM);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__QSM == (__li__K)( 1 - li__RXKB))) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HXKB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__NKO=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HXKB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__NKO=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__TSM=li__NKO;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__TSM=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__TSM) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HXKB,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__HXKB,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__GLO));
+    lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__CSM,L23333918); /* L178 COLLECTION*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FXKB,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__JSM=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__JSM) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HXKB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__CSM,L23464990); /* L179 COLLECTION*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FXKB,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__GLO=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__JSM=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__JSM) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HXKB,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L23465502); /* L179 COLLECTION*/;
+    li__QSM=(*(li__DSM)).li__CVF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L23472158); /* L179 COLLECTION*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__RXKB=(__li__K)(- li__XUM);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PXKB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__QSM == (__li__K)( 1 - li__RXKB))) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HXKB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__NKO=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HXKB,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__NKO=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__TSM=li__NKO;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__TSM=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__TSM) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HXKB,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__HXKB,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OXKB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__GLO));
+    lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MRO,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SKO,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__OXKB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PXKB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKO,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FXKB,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GXKB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+static __li__K li__GOB(__li__GB li__JOB,__li__3B *li__KOB,__li__K li__LOB)
+/* (Expanded POINTER{li__GB},Strict FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){NULLxli__3B},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__MOB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__HOB;
+  __li__1B *li__POB;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HOB,L6455832); /* L49 INSTALL*/;
+  if (li__KOB==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HOB,L6827032); /* L52 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+    li__POB=(*(li__KOB)).li__GI;
+  };
+  li__MOB=((__li__K )(fread((void *)((li__POB /* Always NULL */ )),(size_t)(1), (size_t)((li__LOB)),(FILE*)((li__JOB)))));
+  return(li__MOB);
+static __li__1B li__1YH(__li__3B *li__3YH,__li__K li__4YH)
+/* (Strict FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){li__3B},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__IHI;
+  _____CONTEXT li__2YH,li__EHI,li__UZI,li__PHI,li__DZH,li__A50,li__5T1;
+  _____CONTEXT li__I50,li__C0KB;
+  __li__C li__KHI,li__FZH,li__SHI;
+  __li__1B *li__IZH;
+  __li__1B li__JZH,li__5YH;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2YH,L15862815); /* L121 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__EHI,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UZI,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__IHI=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__EHI,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__KHI=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__KHI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__EHI,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UZI,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PHI,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DZH,L15870495); /* L121 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    li__FZH=li__FMP(li__3YH,li__4YH);
+    if (li__FZH) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__PHI,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZH,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__SHI=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__PHI,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__DZH,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__SHI=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__FZH=li__SHI;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__EHI,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UZI,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__FZH=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__FZH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__EHI,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UZI,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PHI,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__PHI,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DZH,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A50,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5T1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I50,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__IHI));
+    lisaac_push(&li__DZH,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__DZH,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A50,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5T1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I50,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__C0KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__DZH,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A50,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5T1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__EHI,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UZI,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__IZH=(*(li__3YH)).li__GI;
+  if (li__IZH==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2YH,L32637979); /* L249 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2YH,L32637979); /* L249 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    li__JZH=li__RDL(((__li__1B *)li__IZH),li__4YH);
+  };
+  li__5YH=li__JZH;
+  return(li__5YH);
+static void li__TXF(__li__3B *li__VXF,__li__1B li__WXF,__li__K li__XXF)
+/* (Strict FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){li__3B},Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__PYF,li__OYF;
+  __li__GB li__Z0G;
+  _____CONTEXT li__UXF,li__V0G,li__PGH,li__A1G,li__1XF,li__L40,li__TT1;
+  _____CONTEXT li__T40,li__UCKB;
+  __li__C li__10G,li__3XF,li__D1G;
+  __li__1B *li__AYF;
+  __li__1B li__GYF;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UXF,L11285534); /* L86 COLLECTION*/;
+  li__PYF=li__B3F(li__VXF);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UXF,L10357790); /* L79 COLLECTION*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V0G,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__Z0G=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__10G=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__10G) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A1G,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1XF,L10366494); /* L79 COLLECTION*/;
+    li__3XF=li__FMP(li__VXF,li__XXF);
+    if (li__3XF) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A1G,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1XF,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__D1G=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A1G,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1XF,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__D1G=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__3XF=li__D1G;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__3XF=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__3XF) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A1G,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__A1G,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1XF,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L40,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TT1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__T40,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__Z0G));
+    lisaac_push(&li__1XF,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__1XF,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L40,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TT1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__T40,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UCKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__1XF,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L40,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TT1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__AYF=(*(li__VXF)).li__GI;
+  if (li__AYF==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UXF,L33175579); /* L253 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UXF,L33175579); /* L253 FAST_ARRAY*/;
+    li__K5K(((__li__1B *)li__AYF),li__WXF,li__XXF);
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__UXF,L11144222); /* L85 COLLECTION*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V0G,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__Z0G=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__10G=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__10G) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A1G,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1XF,L11149342); /* L85 COLLECTION*/;
+    li__GYF=li__1YH(li__VXF,li__XXF);
+    if ((li__GYF == li__WXF)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A1G,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1XF,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__D1G=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A1G,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1XF,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__D1G=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__3XF=li__D1G;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__3XF=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__3XF) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A1G,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__A1G,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1XF,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L40,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TT1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__T40,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__Z0G));
+    lisaac_push(&li__1XF,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__1XF,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L40,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TT1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__T40,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UCKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__1XF,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L40,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TT1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__UXF,L11275294); /* L86 COLLECTION*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V0G,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__Z0G=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__10G=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__10G) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A1G,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1XF,L11279902); /* L86 COLLECTION*/;
+    li__OYF=li__B3F(li__VXF);
+    if ((li__OYF == li__PYF)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A1G,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1XF,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__D1G=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__A1G,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1XF,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__D1G=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__3XF=li__D1G;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__3XF=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__3XF) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A1G,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__A1G,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1XF,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L40,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TT1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__T40,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__Z0G));
+    lisaac_push(&li__1XF,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__1XF,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L40,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TT1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__T40,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UCKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__1XF,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__L40,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TT1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V0G,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PGH,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+static __li__U li__IQC(__li__CD li__KQC)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_16{li__CD}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__JH li__L0H;
+  __li__GB li__NGD;
+  __li__U li__LQC;
+  _____CONTEXT li__JQC,li__JGD,li__24D,li__UGD,li__PQC,li__G0H,li__SII;
+  _____CONTEXT li__10I,li__GDKB;
+  __li__C li__PGD,li__XGD,li__0GD;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JQC,L49417224); /* L377 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JGD,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__24D,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__NGD=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__JGD,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__PGD=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__PGD) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JGD,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__24D,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UGD,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PQC,L49447432); /* L377 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__G0H,L16267277); /* L124 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SII,L68588040); /* L523 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__10I,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__L0H=((__li__JH )li__KQC);
+    lisaac_push(&li__G0H,L16257549); /* L124 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SII,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__TIC > li__L0H)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__UGD,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PQC,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__XGD=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__UGD,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PQC,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__XGD=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__0GD=li__XGD;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JGD,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__24D,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__0GD=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__0GD) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JGD,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__24D,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UGD,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__UGD,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PQC,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__G0H,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SII,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__10I,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__NGD));
+    lisaac_push(&li__PQC,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__PQC,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__G0H,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SII,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__10I,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GDKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PQC,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__G0H,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SII,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JGD,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__24D,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__JQC,L49808392); /* L380 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JGD,L68325896); /* L521 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__24D,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__LQC=((__li__U )li__KQC);
+  return(li__LQC);
+static __li__U li__0RC(__li__1B li__2RC)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__JH li__Z0H;
+  __li__GB li__5HD;
+  __li__U li__3RC;
+  _____CONTEXT li__1RC,li__1HD,li__Z5D,li__GID,li__BSC,li__U0H,li__2II;
+  _____CONTEXT li__A1I,li__MDKB;
+  __li__C li__BID,li__JID,li__MID;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__1RC,L49417224); /* L377 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__1HD,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__Z5D,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__5HD=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__1HD,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__BID=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__BID) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1HD,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Z5D,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GID,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSC,L49447432); /* L377 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U0H,L16267277); /* L124 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2II,L68588040); /* L523 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A1I,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__Z0H=((__li__JH )li__2RC);
+    lisaac_push(&li__U0H,L16257549); /* L124 UNSIGNED_INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2II,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__TIC > li__Z0H)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__GID,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BSC,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__JID=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__GID,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BSC,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__JID=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__MID=li__JID;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1HD,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Z5D,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__MID=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__MID) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1HD,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Z5D,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GID,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__GID,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSC,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U0H,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2II,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A1I,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__5HD));
+    lisaac_push(&li__BSC,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__BSC,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U0H,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2II,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A1I,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MDKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BSC,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U0H,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2II,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1HD,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Z5D,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__1RC,L49808392); /* L380 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__1HD,L68325896); /* L521 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__Z5D,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__3RC=((__li__U )li__2RC);
+  return(li__3RC);
+static __li__C li__3DC(__li__3B *li__AEC,__li__JH li__BEC)
+/* (Strict FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){NULLxli__3B},Expanded UINTEGER_64{li__JH}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__CD li__DEC,li__GEC,li__VEC;
+  _____CONTEXT li__4DC,li__X1HB,li__Y1HB,li__PDKB;
+  __li__1B *li__NEC;
+  __li__C li__CEC;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4DC,L4343840); /* L33 UINTEGER_16*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__X1HB,L68063752); /* L519 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__Y1HB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  if (li__AEC==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__4DC,L12858402); /* L98 INT13H*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+    li__NEC=(*(li__AEC)).li__GI;
+  };
+  {
+      int (buffer_selector1,buffer_selector2);
+      __dpmi_regs registres;;
+  li__DEC=((__li__CD )(__dpmi_allocate_dos_memory(32,&buffer_selector1)));
+  li__GEC=((__li__CD )(__dpmi_allocate_dos_memory( 1,&buffer_selector2)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__4DC,L13907490); /* L106 INT13H*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__X1HB,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__Y1HB,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PDKB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__CH__->li__EH= 16;
+  lisaac_push(&li__4DC,L14037538); /* L107 INT13H*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__X1HB,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__Y1HB,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PDKB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__CH__->li__FH= 0;
+  lisaac_push(&li__4DC,L14168610); /* L108 INT13H*/;
+  li__VEC=li__NHC( 1);
+  li__CH__->li__GH=li__VEC;
+  lisaac_push(&li__4DC,L14299682); /* L109 INT13H*/;
+  li__VEC=li__NHC( 0);
+  li__CH__->li__HH=li__VEC;
+  li__CH__->li__IH=li__DEC;
+  li__CH__->li__LH=li__BEC;
+  dosmemput((li__NEC /* Always NULL */ ),512,(li__DEC)*16);
+  dosmemput((li__CH__),16,(li__GEC)*16);
+  registres.x.ax=0x4300;
+  registres.x.dx=0x0080;
+  registres.x.ds=(li__GEC);
+  registres.x.si=0;
+  __dpmi_int(0x13,&registres);
+  li__DEC=((__li__CD )(registres.x.ax));
+  __dpmi_free_dos_memory(buffer_selector1);
+  __dpmi_free_dos_memory(buffer_selector2);
+  };
+  li__CEC=(li__DEC ==  0);
+  return(li__CEC);
+static void li__0EC(__li__1B li__3EC,__li__CD li__4EC,__li__CD li__5EC,__li__3B *li__AFC)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B},Expanded UINTEGER_16{li__CD},Expanded UINTEGER_16{li__CD},Strict FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){NULLxli__3B}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__ZDKB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__1EC,li__11HB,li__21HB,li__XDKB,li__YDKB;
+  __li__1B li__BFC;
+  __li__1B *li__GFC;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__1EC,L4343322); /* L33 UINTEGER_8*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__11HB,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__21HB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__BFC=li__SB__->li__UC;
+  if (li__AFC==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1EC,L23737368); /* L181 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8) */ {
+    li__GFC=(*(li__AFC)).li__GI;
+  };
+  if (((__li__C )(biosdisk(0x03,(li__BFC),(li__3EC),(li__4EC),(li__5EC),1,(li__GFC /* Always NULL */ ))))) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1EC,L24119832); /* L184 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__11HB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__21HB,L23899160); /* L182 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__21HB,L24014360); /* L183 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XDKB,L10894340); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YDKB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__ZDKB=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XDKB,L10903044); /* L83 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SAD(li__ZDKB,(&__string_214));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__1EC,L24119832); /* L184 INSTALL*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__11HB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+static __li__C li__NTH(__li__K li__PTH,__li__K li__QTH,__li__K li__RTH)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K},Expanded INTEGER{li__K},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__OTH,li__JCI,li__YTH;
+  __li__C li__TTH,li__0TH,li__3TH,li__STH;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OTH,L6296072); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__TTH=li__20C(li__QTH,li__PTH);
+  if (li__TTH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__OTH,L6300680); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JCI,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YTH,L6304264); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__0TH=li__VMC(li__RTH,li__PTH);
+    li__3TH=li__0TH;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__OTH,L6300680); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JCI,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__3TH=li__I__;
+  };
+  li__STH=li__3TH;
+  return(li__STH);
+static __li__BB li__YQJ(__li__BB *li__0QJ,__li__K li__1QJ)
+/* (Strict NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER){li__IB},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__F2J;
+  _____CONTEXT li__ZQJ,li__B2J,li__KBK,li__M2J,li__ARJ,li__UIS,li__2ST;
+  _____CONTEXT li__2IS,li__G1KB;
+  __li__C li__H2J,li__CRJ,li__P2J;
+  __li__BB li__2QJ;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZQJ,L16780310); /* L128 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__B2J,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KBK,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__F2J=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__B2J,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__H2J=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__H2J) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__B2J,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBK,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__M2J,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ARJ,L16785430); /* L128 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__CRJ=li__VMC(li__1QJ, 0);
+    if (li__CRJ) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__M2J,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ARJ,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__P2J=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__M2J,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ARJ,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__P2J=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__CRJ=li__P2J;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__B2J,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBK,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__CRJ=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__CRJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__B2J,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBK,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__M2J,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__M2J,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ARJ,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UIS,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2ST,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2IS,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__F2J));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ARJ,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ARJ,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UIS,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2ST,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2IS,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__G1KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__ARJ,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UIS,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2ST,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__B2J,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBK,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__2QJ=li__0QJ[li__1QJ];
+  return(li__2QJ);
+static __li__BB* li__EOU(__li__K li__HOU)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__T1U;
+  __li__1RF li__42U;
+  __li__K li__TOU,li__5WW,li__WKX;
+  _____CONTEXT li__FOU,li__P1U,li__0EV,li__01U,li__MOU,li__SAGB,li__P11;
+  _____CONTEXT li__QM1,li__TEKB,li__ZEKB;
+  __li__C li__V1U,li__31U,li__A2U,li__3JX;
+  __li__BB *li__A3U,*li__IOU;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FOU,L10619926); /* L81 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__P1U,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0EV,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__T1U=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__P1U,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__V1U=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__V1U) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__P1U,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0EV,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MOU,L10627606); /* L81 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__HOU >  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__01U,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MOU,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__31U=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__01U,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MOU,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__31U=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__A2U=li__31U;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__P1U,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0EV,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__A2U=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__A2U) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__P1U,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0EV,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__01U,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MOU,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P11,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QM1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__T1U));
+    lisaac_push(&li__MOU,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__MOU,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P11,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QM1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TEKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__MOU,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P11,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__P1U,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0EV,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__FOU,L11160086); /* L85 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__P1U,L7998486); /* L61 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0EV,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__T1U=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__V1U=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__V1U) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MOU,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L8006166); /* L61 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P11,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__HOU >  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MOU,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__31U=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MOU,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__31U=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__A2U=li__31U;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__A2U=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__A2U) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MOU,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MOU,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P11,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QM1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TEKB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__T1U));
+    lisaac_push(&li__SAGB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__SAGB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P11,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QM1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TEKB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__SAGB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P11,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QM1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__P1U,L8264726); /* L63 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  li__42U=li__4TG(li__HOU);
+  lisaac_push(&li__P1U,L9063446); /* L69 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  li__T1U=li__PSI(li__42U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__P1U,L9201174); /* L70 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0EV,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__A3U=((__li__BB *)li__T1U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__P1U,L9702422); /* L74 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0EV,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__V1U=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__V1U) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MOU,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__FOU,L11289622); /* L86 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__P1U,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__TOU=(__li__K)(li__HOU -  1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__FOU,L11290646); /* L86 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__P1U,L77597718); /* L592 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0EV,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__T1U=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__V1U=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__V1U) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MOU,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L77603862); /* L592 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P11,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QM1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__5WW=(__li__K)(-  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__SAGB,L77602838); /* L592 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__31U=li__VMC(li__TOU,li__5WW);
+    if (li__31U) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MOU,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__3JX=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__MOU,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__3JX=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__31U=li__3JX;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__31U=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__31U) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MOU,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__MOU,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P11,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QM1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TEKB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__T1U));
+    lisaac_push(&li__SAGB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__SAGB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P11,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QM1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TEKB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZEKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__SAGB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__P11,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QM1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__P1U,L78383638); /* L598 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  li__5WW=li__TOU;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0EV,L22812680); /* L174 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__KKX:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L22812680); /* L174 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__3JX=li__VMC(li__5WW, 0);
+    if (li__3JX) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L23202312); /* L177 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__MOU,L22947848); /* L175 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L78258198); /* L597 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      li__IJW(li__A3U,'\0',li__5WW);
+      lisaac_push(&li__MOU,L23074824); /* L176 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SAGB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__WKX=(__li__K)(li__5WW -  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__MOU,L23088648); /* L176 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__5WW=li__WKX;
+      goto li__KKX;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0EV,L23202312); /* L177 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__01U,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+  li__IOU=li__A3U;
+  return(li__IOU);
+static __li__1B* li__5QH(__li__K li__CRH)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__LAI;
+  __li__1RF li__WBI;
+  __li__K li__ORH,li__2CL,li__LUL;
+  _____CONTEXT li__ARH,li__HAI,li__YPI,li__SAI,li__HRH,li__IXFB,li__1OT;
+  _____CONTEXT li__4BS,li__MFKB,li__SFKB;
+  __li__C li__NAI,li__VAI,li__YAI,li__RTL;
+  __li__1B *li__YBI,*li__DRH;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ARH,L10619926); /* L81 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HAI,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YPI,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__LAI=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__HAI,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__NAI=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__NAI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HAI,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPI,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HRH,L10627606); /* L81 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__CRH >  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__SAI,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HRH,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__VAI=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__SAI,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HRH,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__VAI=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__YAI=li__VAI;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HAI,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPI,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__YAI=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__YAI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HAI,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPI,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__SAI,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HRH,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1OT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4BS,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__LAI));
+    lisaac_push(&li__HRH,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__HRH,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1OT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4BS,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MFKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__HRH,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1OT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HAI,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPI,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__ARH,L11160086); /* L85 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HAI,L7998486); /* L61 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YPI,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__LAI=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__NAI=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__NAI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HRH,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L8006166); /* L61 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1OT,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__CRH >  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HRH,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__VAI=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HRH,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__VAI=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__YAI=li__VAI;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__YAI=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__YAI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HRH,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__HRH,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1OT,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4BS,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MFKB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__LAI));
+    lisaac_push(&li__IXFB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__IXFB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1OT,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4BS,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MFKB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__IXFB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1OT,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4BS,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__HAI,L8264726); /* L63 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  li__WBI=li__4TG(li__CRH);
+  lisaac_push(&li__HAI,L9063446); /* L69 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  li__LAI=li__PSI(li__WBI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__HAI,L9201174); /* L70 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YPI,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__YBI=((__li__1B *)li__LAI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__HAI,L9702422); /* L74 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YPI,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__NAI=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__NAI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HRH,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__ARH,L11289622); /* L86 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HAI,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__ORH=(__li__K)(li__CRH -  1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__ARH,L11290646); /* L86 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HAI,L77597718); /* L592 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YPI,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__LAI=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__NAI=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__NAI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HRH,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L77603862); /* L592 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1OT,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4BS,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__2CL=(__li__K)(-  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__IXFB,L77602838); /* L592 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__VAI=li__VMC(li__ORH,li__2CL);
+    if (li__VAI) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HRH,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__RTL=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HRH,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__RTL=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__VAI=li__RTL;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__VAI=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__VAI) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HRH,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__HRH,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1OT,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4BS,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MFKB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__LAI));
+    lisaac_push(&li__IXFB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__IXFB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1OT,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4BS,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MFKB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__IXFB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1OT,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4BS,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__HAI,L78383638); /* L598 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  li__2CL=li__ORH;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YPI,L22812680); /* L174 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__5TL:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L22812680); /* L174 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__RTL=li__VMC(li__2CL, 0);
+    if (li__RTL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L23202312); /* L177 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HRH,L22947848); /* L175 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L78258198); /* L597 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      li__K5K(li__YBI, 0,li__2CL);
+      lisaac_push(&li__HRH,L23074824); /* L176 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXFB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__LUL=(__li__K)(li__2CL -  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__HRH,L23088648); /* L176 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__2CL=li__LUL;
+      goto li__5TL;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YPI,L23202312); /* L177 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SAI,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+  li__DRH=li__YBI;
+  return(li__DRH);
+static void li__V2M(__li__1B *li__X2M,__li__K li__Y2M,__li__K li__Z2M)
+/* (Strict NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){li__5H},Expanded INTEGER{li__K},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__TTN;
+  __li__K li__IVN,li__R1KB,li__SVN;
+  _____CONTEXT li__W2M,li__PTN,li__TAO,li__0TN,li__32M,li__QWY,li__4ZZ;
+  _____CONTEXT li__YWY,li__4FKB;
+  __li__C li__VTN,li__52M,li__3TN;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__W2M,L79301654); /* L605 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PTN,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TAO,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__TTN=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__VTN=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__VTN) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TAO,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TN,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__32M,L79306774); /* L605 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__52M=li__VMC(li__Y2M, 0);
+    if (li__52M) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TN,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__32M,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__3TN=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TN,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__32M,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__3TN=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__52M=li__3TN;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TAO,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__52M=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__52M) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TAO,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TN,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__0TN,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__32M,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QWY,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YWY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__TTN));
+    lisaac_push(&li__32M,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__32M,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QWY,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZZ,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YWY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4FKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__32M,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QWY,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZZ,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TAO,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__W2M,L79432726); /* L606 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PTN,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TAO,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__TTN=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__VTN=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__VTN) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TAO,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TN,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__32M,L79437846); /* L606 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__52M=li__VMC(li__Z2M,li__Y2M);
+    if (li__52M) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TN,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__32M,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__3TN=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TN,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__32M,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__3TN=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__52M=li__3TN;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TAO,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__52M=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__52M) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TAO,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0TN,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__0TN,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__32M,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QWY,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YWY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__TTN));
+    lisaac_push(&li__32M,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__32M,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QWY,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZZ,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YWY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4FKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__32M,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QWY,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZZ,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TAO,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__W2M,L80218646); /* L612 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  li__IVN=li__Y2M;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PTN,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__GVN:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__3TN=li__20C(li__IVN,li__Z2M);
+    if (li__3TN) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAO,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0TN,L21768200); /* L166 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__32M,L80093206); /* L611 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      li__K5K(li__X2M, 0,li__IVN);
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TN,L21895688); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__32M,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__QWY,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZZ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__R1KB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__32M,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__QWY,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__SVN=(__li__K)(li__IVN - li__R1KB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__0TN,L21906952); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__IVN=li__SVN;
+      goto li__GVN;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__PTN,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAO,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+static __li__1B li__RDL(__li__1B *li__TDL,__li__K li__UDL)
+/* (Strict NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){li__5H},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__UUL;
+  _____CONTEXT li__SDL,li__QUL,li__AFM,li__1UL,li__ZDL,li__3RY,li__KXZ;
+  _____CONTEXT li__FSY,li__01KB;
+  __li__C li__WUL,li__1DL,li__4UL;
+  __li__1B li__VDL;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SDL,L16780310); /* L128 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QUL,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__AFM,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__UUL=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__QUL,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__WUL=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__WUL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__QUL,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AFM,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1UL,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZDL,L16785430); /* L128 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__1DL=li__VMC(li__UDL, 0);
+    if (li__1DL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__1UL,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZDL,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__4UL=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__1UL,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZDL,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__4UL=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__1DL=li__4UL;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__QUL,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AFM,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__1DL=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__1DL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__QUL,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AFM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1UL,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__1UL,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZDL,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3RY,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KXZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FSY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__UUL));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZDL,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZDL,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3RY,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KXZ,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FSY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__01KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZDL,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3RY,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KXZ,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__QUL,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AFM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__VDL=li__TDL[li__UDL];
+  return(li__VDL);
+static __li__C li__ZHL(__li__1RF li__1HL,__li__1RF li__2HL)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF},Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__0HL,li__XYL;
+  __li__C li__AIL,li__3HL;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0HL,L15235592); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__XYL,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  if ((li__1HL > li__2HL)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0HL,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XYL,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+    li__AIL=li__I__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__0HL,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XYL,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+    li__AIL=li__B__;
+  };
+  li__3HL=li__AIL;
+  return(li__3HL);
+static __li__1RF li__PFL(__li__1RF li__RFL,__li__1RF li__SFL)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF},Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__NWL;
+  __li__1RF li__2CO,li__RZO,li__RHKB,li__KVMB,li__TFL;
+  _____CONTEXT li__QFL,li__JWL,li__2GM,li__UWL,li__XFL,li__ZCO,li__Z2HB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__02HB,li__NJO,li__JDO,li__OXO,li__MZO,li__HGHB;
+  __li__C li__PWL,li__5CO,li__SXO;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QFL,L26348551); /* L201 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JWL,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2GM,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__NWL=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__JWL,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__PWL=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__PWL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JWL,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2GM,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UWL,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XFL,L26357255); /* L201 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZCO,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Z2HB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__02HB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__2CO=((__li__1RF ) 0);
+    li__5CO=li__I__;
+    if ((li__SFL !=  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZCO,L28838407); /* L220 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__Z2HB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__02HB,L28059143); /* L214 INTEGER*/;
+      li__2CO=li__SFL;
+      lisaac_push(&li__02HB,L28577287); /* L218 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NJO,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+      li__MJO:
+      {
+        lisaac_push(&li__NJO,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__JDO,L28320775); /* L216 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__OXO,L37098503); /* L283 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__MZO,L36574727); /* L279 INTEGER*/;
+        li__RZO=li__4TG( 1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__MZO,L36573703); /* L279 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HGHB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+        if (((__li__1RF)(li__2CO & li__RZO) ==  1)) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__OXO,L37094919); /* L283 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MZO,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+          li__SXO=li__I__;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__OXO,L37094919); /* L283 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MZO,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+          li__SXO=li__B__;
+        };
+        if (li__SXO) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__NJO,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__JDO,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__OXO,L9576468); /* L73 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__MZO,L28449799); /* L217 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__HGHB,L23745543); /* L181 INTEGER*/;
+          li__2CO=(__li__1RF)(li__2CO >>  1);
+          lisaac_push(&li__OXO,L9709076); /* L74 BLOCK*/;
+          goto li__MJO;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__NJO,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__JDO,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+      };
+      li__5CO=(li__2CO ==  1);
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ZCO,L28838407); /* L220 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__Z2HB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    if (li__5CO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__UWL,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XFL,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__SXO=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__UWL,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XFL,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__SXO=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__5CO=li__SXO;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JWL,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2GM,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__5CO=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__5CO) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JWL,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2GM,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UWL,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__UWL,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XFL,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZCO,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Z2HB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__02HB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__NWL));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XFL,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XFL,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZCO,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Z2HB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__02HB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NJO,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__XFL,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZCO,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Z2HB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JWL,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2GM,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__QFL,L26878471); /* L205 INTEGER*/;
+  li__2CO=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__QFL,L26877447); /* L205 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JWL,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__RZO=(__li__1RF)(li__SFL - li__2CO);
+  lisaac_push(&li__QFL,L27006471); /* L206 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JWL,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2GM,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UWL,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__2CO=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__2GM,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UWL,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__RHKB=(__li__1RF)(li__2CO - li__RZO);
+  lisaac_push(&li__JWL,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2GM,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__2CO=(__li__1RF)(li__RFL - li__RHKB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__QFL,L27010567); /* L206 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JWL,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2GM,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UWL,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__RHKB=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__2GM,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UWL,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__KVMB=(__li__1RF)(li__RHKB - li__RZO);
+  lisaac_push(&li__JWL,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2GM,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__RZO=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__JWL,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2GM,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__RHKB=(__li__1RF)(li__KVMB - li__RZO);
+  lisaac_push(&li__QFL,L27009031); /* L206 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JWL,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+  li__TFL=(__li__1RF)(li__2CO & li__RHKB);
+  return(li__TFL);
+static __li__GB li__SCJ(__li__1RF li__VCJ)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__MUJ,li__WCJ;
+  __li__1RF li__2CJ,li__BDJ,li__5CJ;
+  __li__K li__4CJ;
+  _____CONTEXT li__TCJ,li__HUJ,li__I3J,li__TUJ,li__0CJ,li__KFGB,li__LU1;
+  _____CONTEXT li__350,li__CIKB;
+  __li__C li__OUJ,li__DDJ,li__WUJ;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TCJ,L48250933); /* L368 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__TCJ,L48527413); /* L370 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HUJ,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__I3J,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__MUJ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__HUJ,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__OUJ=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__OUJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HUJ,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I3J,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TUJ,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0CJ,L48515125); /* L370 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KFGB,L47194165); /* L360 MEMORY*/;
+    li__2CJ=((__li__1RF )(MINIMUM_SIZE));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0CJ,L48525365); /* L370 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KFGB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__4CJ=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0CJ,L48525365); /* L370 MEMORY*/;
+    li__BDJ=li__4TG(li__4CJ);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0CJ,L48515637); /* L370 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KFGB,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__5CJ=(__li__1RF)(li__2CJ / li__BDJ);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0CJ,L48506421); /* L370 MEMORY*/;
+    li__2CJ=li__4TG( 1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0CJ,L48525877); /* L370 MEMORY*/;
+    li__DDJ=li__FNL(li__VCJ,li__2CJ,li__5CJ);
+    if (li__DDJ) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TUJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0CJ,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__WUJ=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__TUJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0CJ,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__WUJ=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__DDJ=li__WUJ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HUJ,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I3J,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__DDJ=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__DDJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HUJ,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I3J,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TUJ,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0CJ,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KFGB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LU1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__350,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__MUJ));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0CJ,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_215));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0CJ,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KFGB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LU1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__350,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CIKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0CJ,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KFGB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LU1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HUJ,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I3J,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__WCJ=((__li__GB )(&(table_size[(li__VCJ)-1])));
+  return(li__WCJ);
+static __li__GB li__LDJ(__li__1RF li__ODJ,__li__GB li__PDJ,__li__U li__QDJ)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF},Expanded POINTER{li__GB},Expanded UINTEGER_32{li__U}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__UDJ,li__IVJ,li__SDJ,li__2EJ,li__5EJ,li__KEMB,li__5DMB;
+  __li__GB li__NFJ,li__OFJ,li__QFJ,li__FFMB,li__NHJ,li__HGMB,li__2FMB;
+  __li__GB li__RDJ;
+  __li__K li__AEJ,li__BEJ;
+  __li__1RF li__FEJ,li__AFMB,li__FGMB,li__WVMB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__MDJ,li__DVJ,li__D4J,li__PVJ,li__3DJ,li__SFGB,li__W0N;
+  _____CONTEXT li__ZGN,li__IIKB,li__NFMB,li__PFMB,li__EGMB,li__GGMB;
+  __li__C li__KVJ,li__SVJ,li__VVJ,li__OWJ,li__3OL;
+  __li__GB *li__0DMB,*li__REMB,*li__KHK;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MDJ,L52080181); /* L397 MEMORY*/;
+  li__UDJ=((__li__GB )(NULL));
+  lisaac_push(&li__MDJ,L52454453); /* L400 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DVJ,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__IVJ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__DVJ,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__KVJ=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__KVJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DVJ,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PVJ,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L52448309); /* L400 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__AEJ=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L52448821); /* L400 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__BEJ=(__li__K)(li__AEJ -  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L52448821); /* L400 MEMORY*/;
+    li__FEJ=li__4TG(li__BEJ);
+    lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L52437045); /* L400 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    if (((__li__1RF)(li__ODJ & li__FEJ) ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__PVJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__SVJ=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__PVJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__SVJ=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__VVJ=li__SVJ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DVJ,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__VVJ=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__VVJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DVJ,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PVJ,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZGN,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__IVJ));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_182));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZGN,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IIKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DVJ,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__MDJ,L52579893); /* L401 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DVJ,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__IVJ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__DVJ,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__KVJ=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__KVJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DVJ,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PVJ,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L52578357); /* L401 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__AEJ=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L52578357); /* L401 MEMORY*/;
+    li__FEJ=li__4TG(li__AEJ);
+    lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L52568117); /* L401 MEMORY*/;
+    li__SVJ=li__1LL(li__ODJ,li__FEJ);
+    if (li__SVJ) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__PVJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__OWJ=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__PVJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__OWJ=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__SVJ=li__OWJ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DVJ,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__SVJ=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__SVJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DVJ,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PVJ,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZGN,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__IVJ));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_216));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZGN,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IIKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DVJ,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__MDJ,L52838453); /* L403 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DVJ,L49966645); /* L381 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__0DMB=((__li__GB *)li__PDJ);
+  lisaac_push(&li__DVJ,L50201653); /* L383 MEMORY*/;
+  li__IVJ=li__25J(li__0DMB, 0);
+  li__SDJ=li__IVJ;
+  if ((li__IVJ == (void *)NULL)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MDJ,L56232501); /* L429 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DVJ,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L53231669); /* L406 MEMORY*/;
+    li__2EJ=li__ADK(li__QDJ);
+    li__SDJ=li__2EJ;
+    lisaac_push(&li__D4J,L52047925); /* L397 MEMORY*/;
+    li__5EJ=li__2GK(li__ODJ);
+    lisaac_push(&li__D4J,L53357621); /* L407 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PVJ,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZGN,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__FEJ=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZGN,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IIKB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__KEMB=((__li__GB )li__FEJ);
+    lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__5DMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__KEMB - (unsigned long)li__5EJ);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PVJ,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__5EJ=(void *)((unsigned long)li__2EJ - (unsigned long)li__5DMB);
+    li__UDJ=li__5EJ;
+    lisaac_push(&li__D4J,L53490741); /* L408 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PVJ,L50753077); /* L387 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__REMB=((__li__GB *)li__5EJ);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PVJ,L50865205); /* L388 MEMORY*/;
+    li__KMK(li__REMB,NULL, 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__D4J,L53624373); /* L409 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PVJ,L50753077); /* L387 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__REMB=((__li__GB *)li__PDJ);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PVJ,L50865205); /* L388 MEMORY*/;
+    li__KMK(li__REMB,li__5EJ, 0);
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MDJ,L56232501); /* L429 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DVJ,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4J,L54016565); /* L412 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PVJ,L49966645); /* L381 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__REMB=((__li__GB *)li__SDJ);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PVJ,L50201653); /* L383 MEMORY*/;
+    li__2EJ=li__25J(li__REMB, 0);
+    li__UDJ=li__2EJ;
+    if ((li__2EJ == (void *)NULL)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__D4J,L56102453); /* L428 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PVJ,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L54144565); /* L413 MEMORY*/;
+      li__NFJ=li__H2I;
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L54404149); /* L415 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__OFJ=(void *)((unsigned long)li__SDJ - (unsigned long)li__NFJ);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L54415413); /* L415 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      li__AFMB=li__4TG( 4095);
+      lisaac_push(&li__W0N,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZGN,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__NFJ=((__li__GB )li__AFMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L54412341); /* L415 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+      li__QFJ=(void *)((unsigned long)li__OFJ & (unsigned long)li__NFJ);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L54537269); /* L416 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L24269831); /* L185 INTEGER*/;
+      li__AFMB=(__li__1RF)(li__ODJ <<  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L54537269); /* L416 MEMORY*/;
+      li__NFJ=li__2GK(li__AFMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L54530613); /* L416 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZGN,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IIKB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NFMB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      li__AFMB=li__4TG( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__NFMB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PFMB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__OFJ=((__li__GB )li__AFMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__W0N,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZGN,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__FFMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__OFJ - (unsigned long)li__NFJ);
+      lisaac_push(&li__SFGB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__NFJ=(void *)((unsigned long)li__QFJ - (unsigned long)li__FFMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L54543413); /* L416 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      li__AFMB=li__4TG( 4096);
+      lisaac_push(&li__W0N,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZGN,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__OFJ=((__li__GB )li__AFMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L54540853); /* L416 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L15235592); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+      if ((li__NFJ > li__OFJ)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__SFGB,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__3OL=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__SFGB,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__3OL=li__B__;
+      };
+      if (li__3OL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L55051317); /* L420 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L52047925); /* L397 MEMORY*/;
+        li__NHJ=li__2GK(li__ODJ);
+        lisaac_push(&li__W0N,L54666805); /* L417 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__ZGN,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IIKB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NFMB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PFMB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EGMB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+        li__FGMB=li__4TG( 0);
+        lisaac_push(&li__EGMB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__GGMB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+        li__HGMB=((__li__GB )li__FGMB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__IIKB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NFMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__2FMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__HGMB - (unsigned long)li__NHJ);
+        lisaac_push(&li__ZGN,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IIKB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__UDJ=(void *)((unsigned long)li__SDJ - (unsigned long)li__2FMB);
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L55051317); /* L420 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L54933045); /* L419 MEMORY*/;
+        li__NHJ=li__ADK(li__QDJ);
+        li__UDJ=li__NHJ;
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L55192117); /* L421 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L50753077); /* L387 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__KHK=((__li__GB *)li__UDJ);
+      lisaac_push(&li__SFGB,L50865205); /* L388 MEMORY*/;
+      li__KMK(li__KHK,NULL, 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L55325749); /* L422 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L50753077); /* L387 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__KHK=((__li__GB *)li__PDJ);
+      lisaac_push(&li__SFGB,L50865205); /* L388 MEMORY*/;
+      li__KMK(li__KHK,li__UDJ, 0);
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__D4J,L56102453); /* L428 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PVJ,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3DJ,L55717941); /* L425 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L49966645); /* L381 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__KHK=((__li__GB *)li__UDJ);
+      lisaac_push(&li__SFGB,L50201653); /* L383 MEMORY*/;
+      li__NFJ=li__25J(li__KHK, 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L55729717); /* L425 MEMORY*/;
+      li__AFMB=li__4TG( 3);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L55719477); /* L425 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZGN,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__FGMB=li__4TG( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__W0N,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZGN,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__WVMB=(__li__1RF)(li__FGMB - li__AFMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__SFGB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__AFMB=li__4TG( 1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__SFGB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__FGMB=(__li__1RF)(li__WVMB - li__AFMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L55719477); /* L425 MEMORY*/;
+      li__OFJ=li__2GK(li__FGMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L55718453); /* L425 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+      li__QFJ=(void *)((unsigned long)li__NFJ & (unsigned long)li__OFJ);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3DJ,L55849013); /* L426 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SFGB,L50753077); /* L387 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__W0N,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__KHK=((__li__GB *)li__SDJ);
+      lisaac_push(&li__SFGB,L50865205); /* L388 MEMORY*/;
+      li__KMK(li__KHK,li__QFJ, 0);
+      li__SDJ=li__UDJ;
+    };
+  };
+  li__RDJ=li__SDJ;
+  return(li__RDJ);
+static __li__D3O* li__VCV(__li__LT *li__YCV)
+/* (Strict MBR{NULLxli__LT}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__IN0,li__IO0;
+  __li__K li__ON0,li__3N0;
+  __li__1RF li__QN0,li__4N0,li__F4KB,li__33KB;
+  __li__U li__PO0;
+  _____CONTEXT li__WCV,li__EN0,li__5R0,li__VN0,li__4M1,li__B4KB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__E4KB,li__IGFB,li__KDFB,li__O4KB;
+  __li__D3O *li__HN0,*li__UO0,*li__0CV;
+  __li__C li__CD2,li__KD2,li__ND2;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WCV,L5908040); /* L45 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__EN0,L15995396); /* L122 OBJECT*/;
+  li__HN0=NULL;
+  li__IN0=((__li__GB )(NULL));
+  lisaac_push(&li__EN0,L16787972); /* L128 OBJECT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__5R0,L5250564); /* L40 OBJECT*/;
+  li__ON0=sizeof(__li__D3O);
+  lisaac_push(&li__EN0,L16787972); /* L128 OBJECT*/;
+  li__QN0=li__4TG(li__ON0);
+  if ((li__QN0 ==  0)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__EN0,L19270148); /* L147 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5R0,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VN0,L16916484); /* L129 OBJECT*/;
+    li__HN0=li__D3O__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__EN0,L19270148); /* L147 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5R0,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VN0,L17316868); /* L132 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4M1,L30811140); /* L235 OBJECT*/;
+    li__3N0=__li__D3O__;
+    li__4N0=li__TSF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__VN0,L17591300); /* L134 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4M1,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__E4KB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__F4KB=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__B4KB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__E4KB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__33KB=(__li__1RF)(li__F4KB - li__QN0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__4M1,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__TSF=(__li__1RF)(li__4N0 - li__33KB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__VN0,L17703428); /* L135 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4M1,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__3N0 == (__li__K)(-  1))) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__VN0,L18222596); /* L139 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4M1,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L17840132); /* L136 OBJECT*/;
+      li__IO0=li__NMI(li__QN0);
+      li__IN0=li__IO0;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__VN0,L18222596); /* L139 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4M1,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L18112516); /* L138 OBJECT*/;
+      li__PO0=li__EIC(li__3N0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__B4KB,L18117124); /* L138 OBJECT*/;
+      li__IO0=li__DOI(li__PO0,li__QN0);
+      li__IN0=li__IO0;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__VN0,L18372612); /* L140 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4M1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__UO0=((__li__D3O *)li__IN0);
+    li__HN0=li__UO0;
+    lisaac_push(&li__VN0,L18626052); /* L142 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4M1,L31341572); /* L239 OBJECT*/;
+    *(li__UO0) = *(li__D3O__);
+    lisaac_push(&li__VN0,L19140100); /* L146 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4M1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  if (li__HN0==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WCV,L6041672); /* L46 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* LINKED_LIST_NODE(MBR) */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WCV,L6041672); /* L46 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+    li__UO0=((__li__D3O *)li__HN0);
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EN0,L6574152); /* L50 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+    li__UO0->li__J3O=li__YCV;
+    li__UO0->li__DMR=NULL;
+    lisaac_push(&li__EN0,L7343176); /* L56 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5R0,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VN0,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__IO0=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__5R0,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    li__CD2=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+    if (li__CD2) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5R0,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VN0,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4M1,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L7343688); /* L56 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+      if (((void *)li__UO0->li__J3O == (void *)li__YCV)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__4M1,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__KD2=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__4M1,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__KD2=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__ND2=li__KD2;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5R0,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VN0,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__ND2=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__ND2) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5R0,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VN0,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4M1,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__4M1,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E4KB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IGFB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KDFB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__IO0));
+      lisaac_push(&li__B4KB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_4));
+      lisaac_push(&li__B4KB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E4KB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IGFB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KDFB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O4KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__B4KB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E4KB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IGFB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5R0,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VN0,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__EN0,L7474248); /* L57 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5R0,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VN0,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__IO0=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__5R0,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    li__CD2=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+    if (li__CD2) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5R0,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VN0,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4M1,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L7474760); /* L57 LINKED_LIST_NODE*/;
+      if (((void *)li__UO0->li__DMR == (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__4M1,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__KD2=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__4M1,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__KD2=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__ND2=li__KD2;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5R0,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VN0,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__ND2=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__ND2) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5R0,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VN0,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4M1,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push(&li__4M1,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__B4KB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E4KB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IGFB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KDFB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__IO0));
+      lisaac_push(&li__B4KB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_4));
+      lisaac_push(&li__B4KB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E4KB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IGFB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KDFB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O4KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__B4KB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E4KB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IGFB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5R0,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VN0,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+  li__0CV=li__HN0;
+  return(li__0CV);
+static void li__HRM(__li__K li__JRM)
+/* (Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) Void Recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__LKN;
+  __li__K li__GLN,li__ILN;
+  _____CONTEXT li__IRM,li__HKN,li__31N,li__SKN,li__NRM,li__5FO,li__0JO;
+  _____CONTEXT li__VZGB,li__QOKB;
+  __li__C li__NKN,li__DGO,li__FGO,li__HGO;
+  __li__BB li__WRM;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__IRM,L76155911); /* L581 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HKN,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__31N,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__LKN=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__HKN,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__NKN=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__NKN) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HKN,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__31N,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SKN,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NRM,L76161031); /* L581 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5FO,L13663752); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0JO,L12876296); /* L98 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VZGB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__DGO=(li__JRM >  0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__5FO,L13673480); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0JO,L13915656); /* L106 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__FGO=(li__JRM ==  0);
+    if (li__DGO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5FO,L13668360); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0JO,L10900994); /* L83 TRUE*/;
+      li__HGO=li__B__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5FO,L13668360); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0JO,L12342790); /* L94 FALSE*/;
+      li__HGO=li__FGO;
+    };
+    if (li__HGO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__SKN,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NRM,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__HGO=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__SKN,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__NRM,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__HGO=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__DGO=li__HGO;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HKN,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__31N,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__DGO=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__DGO) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HKN,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__31N,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SKN,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__SKN,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NRM,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5FO,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0JO,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VZGB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__LKN));
+    lisaac_push(&li__NRM,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__NRM,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5FO,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0JO,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VZGB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QOKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__NRM,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5FO,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0JO,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__HKN,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__31N,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__IRM,L76686855); /* L585 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HKN,L8790535); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__31N,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__GLN=(__li__K)(li__JRM /  10);
+  lisaac_push(&li__HKN,L8795143); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__31N,L9457160); /* L72 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__ILN=(__li__K)(li__GLN *  10);
+  lisaac_push(&li__HKN,L8785927); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__31N,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__GLN=(__li__K)(li__JRM - li__ILN);
+  lisaac_push(&li__IRM,L76696071); /* L585 INTEGER*/;
+  li__WRM=li__E0(li__GLN);
+  lisaac_push(&li__IRM,L76817415); /* L586 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HKN,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__GLN=(__li__K)(li__JRM /  10);
+  if ((li__GLN !=  0)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__IRM,L77203975); /* L589 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKN,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__31N,L77082119); /* L588 INTEGER*/;
+    li__HRM(li__GLN);
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__IRM,L77203975); /* L589 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HKN,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__IRM,L77339655); /* L590 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HKN,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__31N,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SKN,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NRM,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)(li__WRM),stdout);
+static __li__C li__THU(__li__WT *li__VHU,__li__K li__WHU)
+/* (Strict LINKED_LIST(MBR){li__WT},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__AIU;
+  __li__GB li__CEV;
+  _____CONTEXT li__UHU,li__30U,li__4HU,li__QPV,li__JEV,li__JIU,li__U3U;
+  _____CONTEXT li__3F0,li__1NZ,li__XQKB;
+  __li__C li__ZHU,li__BIU,li__EIU,li__XHU,li__PIU,li__RIU;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UHU,L10361375); /* L79 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+  li__ZHU=li__20C( 1,li__WHU);
+  if (li__ZHU) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UHU,L10364447); /* L79 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__30U,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4HU,L10364959); /* L79 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    li__AIU=li__VHU->li__3T.li__HU;
+    lisaac_push(&li__4HU,L10367519); /* L79 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    li__BIU=li__20C(li__WHU,li__AIU);
+    li__EIU=li__BIU;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UHU,L10364447); /* L79 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__30U,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__EIU=li__I__;
+  };
+  li__XHU=li__EIU;
+  lisaac_push(&li__UHU,L10758175); /* L82 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__30U,L17979406); /* L137 STRING_CONSTANT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4HU,L23083028); /* L176 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPV,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__CEV=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__4HU,L23210004); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+  li__ZHU=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__ZHU) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__4HU,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QPV,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JEV,L23218196); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JIU,L10768927); /* L82 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    li__BIU=li__20C( 1,li__WHU);
+    li__AIU=li__VHU->li__3T.li__HU;
+    lisaac_push(&li__JIU,L10774559); /* L82 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    li__PIU=li__20C(li__WHU,li__AIU);
+    if (li__BIU) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JIU,L10771487); /* L82 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__U3U,L11163138); /* L85 TRUE*/;
+      li__RIU=li__PIU;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JIU,L10771487); /* L82 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__U3U,L12604934); /* L96 FALSE*/;
+      li__RIU=li__I__;
+    };
+    if ((li__EIU == li__RIU)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JEV,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JIU,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__RIU=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JEV,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JIU,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__RIU=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__BIU=li__RIU;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__4HU,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QPV,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__BIU=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__BIU) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__4HU,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QPV,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JEV,L23348756); /* L178 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JIU,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U3U,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3F0,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1NZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__CEV));
+    lisaac_push(&li__JIU,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_183));
+    lisaac_push(&li__JIU,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U3U,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3F0,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1NZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XQKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__JIU,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U3U,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3F0,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__4HU,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QPV,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  return(li__XHU);
+static __li__BB li__A3D(__li__U li__C3D)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_32{li__U}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__YME;
+  __li__U li__L3D,li__N3D;
+  __li__K li__D4D;
+  _____CONTEXT li__B3D,li__UME,li__LVE,li__5ME,li__H3D,li__JXR,li__LKT;
+  _____CONTEXT li__RXR,li__1DLB;
+  __li__C li__0ME,li__J3D,li__CNE;
+  __li__1B li__Q3D,li__R3D,li__QELB;
+  __li__BB li__U3D,li__D3D;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__B3D,L53742599); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UME,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__YME=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__UME,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__0ME=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__0ME) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UME,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5ME,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__H3D,L53748743); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+    li__L3D=li__EIC( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__H3D,L53751303); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+    li__N3D=li__EIC( 9);
+    lisaac_push(&li__H3D,L53751303); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+    li__J3D=li__X3H(li__C3D,li__L3D,li__N3D);
+    if (li__J3D) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5ME,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__H3D,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__CNE=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5ME,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__H3D,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__CNE=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__J3D=li__CNE;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UME,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__J3D=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__J3D) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UME,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5ME,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__5ME,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__H3D,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JXR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LKT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RXR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__YME));
+    lisaac_push(&li__H3D,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__H3D,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JXR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LKT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RXR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1DLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__H3D,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JXR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LKT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UME,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__B3D,L54145031); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UME,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__5ME,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__Q3D=((__li__1B )li__C3D);
+  lisaac_push(&li__B3D,L54150151); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UME,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__5ME,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__R3D=((__li__1B )'0');
+  lisaac_push(&li__B3D,L54145543); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UME,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__5ME,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__QELB=(__li__1B)(- li__R3D);
+  lisaac_push(&li__UME,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__R3D=(__li__1B)(li__Q3D - li__QELB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__B3D,L54264839); /* L414 INTEGER*/;
+  li__U3D=li__1BB(li__R3D);
+  li__D3D=li__U3D;
+  lisaac_push(&li__B3D,L54529031); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UME,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__YME=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__UME,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__0ME=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__0ME) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UME,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5ME,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__H3D,L54529543); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__H3D,L54541831); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+    li__J3D=li__5TH((&__string_163),li__U3D);
+    if (li__J3D) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5ME,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__H3D,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__CNE=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5ME,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__H3D,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__CNE=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__J3D=li__CNE;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UME,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__J3D=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__J3D) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UME,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5ME,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__5ME,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__H3D,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JXR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LKT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RXR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__YME));
+    lisaac_push(&li__H3D,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__H3D,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JXR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LKT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RXR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1DLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__H3D,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JXR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LKT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UME,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__B3D,L54660103); /* L417 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UME,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__YME=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__UME,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__0ME=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__0ME) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UME,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5ME,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__H3D,L54671879); /* L417 INTEGER*/;
+    li__D4D=li__G1(li__U3D);
+    if ((li__D4D == li__C3D)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5ME,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__H3D,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__CNE=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__5ME,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__H3D,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__CNE=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__J3D=li__CNE;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UME,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__J3D=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__J3D) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UME,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5ME,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__5ME,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__H3D,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JXR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LKT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RXR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__YME));
+    lisaac_push(&li__H3D,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__H3D,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JXR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LKT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RXR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1DLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__H3D,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JXR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LKT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__UME,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LVE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  return(li__D3D);
+static __li__C li__NVH(__li__1B li__PVH,__li__1B li__RVH)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B},Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__OVH,li__RFI,li__YVH;
+  __li__C li__TVH,li__0VH,li__3VH,li__SVH;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OVH,L6296072); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__TVH=li__MFF( 0,li__PVH);
+  if (li__TVH) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__OVH,L6300680); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RFI,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YVH,L6304264); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__0VH=li__RTC(li__RVH,li__PVH);
+    li__3VH=li__0VH;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__OVH,L6300680); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RFI,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__3VH=li__I__;
+  };
+  li__SVH=li__3VH;
+  return(li__SVH);
+static __li__C li__MFF(__li__1B li__OFF,__li__1B li__PFF)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B},Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__NFF,li__AZFB;
+  __li__C li__TFF,li__QFF;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NFF,L15235592); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__AZFB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  if ((li__OFF > li__PFF)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__NFF,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AZFB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+    li__TFF=li__I__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__NFF,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AZFB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+    li__TFF=li__B__;
+  };
+  li__QFF=li__TFF;
+  return(li__QFF);
+static __li__BB li__VYD(__li__1B li__XYD)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__BJE;
+  __li__K li__YZD;
+  _____CONTEXT li__WYD,li__3IE,li__NTE,li__IJE,li__2YD,li__5VR,li__TJT;
+  _____CONTEXT li__HWR,li__PRLB;
+  __li__C li__DJE,li__4YD,li__LJE;
+  __li__1B li__GZD,li__ESLB;
+  __li__BB li__JZD,li__YYD;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WYD,L53742599); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3IE,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__BJE=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__DJE=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__DJE) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IJE,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2YD,L53751303); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+    li__4YD=li__NVH(li__XYD, 9);
+    if (li__4YD) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__IJE,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2YD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__LJE=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__IJE,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2YD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__LJE=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__4YD=li__LJE;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__4YD=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__4YD) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IJE,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__IJE,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2YD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5VR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TJT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HWR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__BJE));
+    lisaac_push(&li__2YD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__2YD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5VR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TJT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HWR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PRLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__2YD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5VR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TJT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__WYD,L54150151); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3IE,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__IJE,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__GZD=((__li__1B )'0');
+  lisaac_push(&li__WYD,L54145543); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3IE,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__IJE,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__ESLB=(__li__1B)(- li__GZD);
+  lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__GZD=(__li__1B)(li__XYD - li__ESLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__WYD,L54264839); /* L414 INTEGER*/;
+  li__JZD=li__1BB(li__GZD);
+  li__YYD=li__JZD;
+  lisaac_push(&li__WYD,L54529031); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3IE,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__BJE=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__DJE=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__DJE) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IJE,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2YD,L54529543); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__2YD,L54541831); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+    li__4YD=li__5TH((&__string_163),li__JZD);
+    if (li__4YD) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__IJE,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2YD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__LJE=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__IJE,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2YD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__LJE=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__4YD=li__LJE;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__4YD=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__4YD) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IJE,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__IJE,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2YD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5VR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TJT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HWR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__BJE));
+    lisaac_push(&li__2YD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__2YD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5VR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TJT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HWR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PRLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__2YD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5VR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TJT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__WYD,L54660103); /* L417 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3IE,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__BJE=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__DJE=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__DJE) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IJE,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2YD,L54671879); /* L417 INTEGER*/;
+    li__YZD=li__G1(li__JZD);
+    if ((li__YZD == li__XYD)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__IJE,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2YD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__LJE=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__IJE,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2YD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__LJE=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__4YD=li__LJE;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__4YD=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__4YD) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IJE,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__IJE,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2YD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5VR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TJT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HWR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__BJE));
+    lisaac_push(&li__2YD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__2YD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5VR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TJT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HWR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PRLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__2YD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5VR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TJT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3IE,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  return(li__YYD);
+static __li__BB li__LAQ(__li__GJ *li__NAQ,__li__K li__OAQ)
+/* (Strict STRING{li__GJ},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__EUQ;
+  __li__K li__GLLB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__MAQ,li__AUQ,li__F5R,li__LUQ,li__TAQ,li__ELLB,li__LX1;
+  _____CONTEXT li__JF1,li__PLLB;
+  __li__C li__GUQ,li__ILLB,li__OUQ;
+  __li__BB *li__YAQ;
+  __li__BB li__1AQ,li__PAQ;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MAQ,L8915983); /* L68 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__AUQ,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__F5R,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__EUQ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__AUQ,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__GUQ=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__GUQ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__AUQ,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__F5R,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LUQ,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TAQ,L8925711); /* L68 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ELLB,L17579023); /* L134 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    li__GLLB=li__NAQ->li__ZDD;
+    lisaac_push(&li__ELLB,L17843215); /* L136 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    li__ILLB=li__NTH(li__OAQ, 1,li__GLLB);
+    if (li__ILLB) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__LUQ,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAQ,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__OUQ=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__LUQ,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TAQ,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__OUQ=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__ILLB=li__OUQ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__AUQ,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__F5R,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__ILLB=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__ILLB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__AUQ,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__F5R,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LUQ,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__LUQ,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TAQ,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ELLB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LX1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JF1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__EUQ));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAQ,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAQ,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ELLB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LX1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JF1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PLLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TAQ,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ELLB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LX1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__AUQ,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__F5R,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__YAQ=li__NAQ->li__B5O;
+  lisaac_push(&li__MAQ,L9318927); /* L71 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__AUQ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__GLLB=(__li__K)(li__OAQ -  1);
+  if (li__YAQ==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MAQ,L9438223); /* L72 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MAQ,L9438223); /* L72 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    li__1AQ=li__YQJ(((__li__BB *)li__YAQ),li__GLLB);
+  };
+  li__PAQ=li__1AQ;
+  return(li__PAQ);
+static __li__C li__QIB(__li__BB li__SIB,__li__BB li__TIB,__li__BB li__UIB)
+/* (Expanded CHARACTER{li__BB},Expanded CHARACTER{li__BB},Expanded CHARACTER{li__BB}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__RIB,li__PVB,li__PNKB,li__SNKB,li__TNKB,li__AOKB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__BOKB;
+  __li__1B li__TVB,li__UVB,li__DJH,li__EJH;
+  __li__C li__VVB,li__FJH,li__AJB,li__VIB;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RIB,L5273106); /* L40 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PVB,L21258770); /* L162 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PNKB,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SNKB,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TNKB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__TVB=((__li__1B )li__SIB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__PVB,L21265938); /* L162 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PNKB,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SNKB,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TNKB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__UVB=((__li__1B )li__TIB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__PVB,L21259794); /* L162 CHARACTER*/;
+  li__VVB=li__RTC(li__TVB,li__UVB);
+  if (li__VVB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__RIB,L5278226); /* L40 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PVB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PNKB,L5282322); /* L40 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SNKB,L20472338); /* L156 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TNKB,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AOKB,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BOKB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__DJH=((__li__1B )li__SIB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__SNKB,L20479506); /* L156 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TNKB,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AOKB,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BOKB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__EJH=((__li__1B )li__UIB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__SNKB,L20473362); /* L156 CHARACTER*/;
+    li__FJH=li__MFF(li__DJH,li__EJH);
+    li__AJB=li__FJH;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__RIB,L5278226); /* L40 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PVB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__AJB=li__I__;
+  };
+  li__VIB=li__AJB;
+  return(li__VIB);
+static __li__C li__RTC(__li__1B li__TTC,__li__1B li__UTC)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B},Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__STC,li__DJD;
+  __li__C li__WTC,li__YTC,li__ZTC,li__VTC;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__STC,L15496712); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DJD,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__WTC=(li__TTC > li__UTC);
+  li__YTC=(li__TTC == li__UTC);
+  if (li__WTC) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__STC,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DJD,L10900994); /* L83 TRUE*/;
+    li__ZTC=li__B__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__STC,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DJD,L12342790); /* L94 FALSE*/;
+    li__ZTC=li__YTC;
+  };
+  li__VTC=li__ZTC;
+  return(li__VTC);
+static void li__1AD(__li__CD li__3AD)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_16{li__CD}) Void Recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__KUD;
+  __li__CD li__UJI,li__JVD,li__LVD;
+  _____CONTEXT li__2AD,li__GUD,li__UEE,li__RUD,li__BBD,li__S1H,li__OJI;
+  _____CONTEXT li__YOF,li__KBLB;
+  __li__C li__MUD,li__W1H,li__Y1H,li__01H;
+  __li__BB li__OBD;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2AD,L76155911); /* L581 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GUD,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UEE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__KUD=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__GUD,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__MUD=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__MUD) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GUD,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UEE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RUD,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BBD,L76161031); /* L581 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S1H,L13663752); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OJI,L12862472); /* L98 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__UJI=li__NHC( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__OJI,L12876296); /* L98 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YOF,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__W1H=(li__3AD > li__UJI);
+    lisaac_push(&li__S1H,L13673480); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OJI,L13915656); /* L106 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__Y1H=(li__3AD ==  0);
+    if (li__W1H) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__S1H,L13668360); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__OJI,L10900994); /* L83 TRUE*/;
+      li__01H=li__B__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__S1H,L13668360); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__OJI,L12342790); /* L94 FALSE*/;
+      li__01H=li__Y1H;
+    };
+    if (li__01H) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__RUD,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BBD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__01H=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__RUD,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BBD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__01H=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__W1H=li__01H;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GUD,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UEE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__W1H=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__W1H) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GUD,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UEE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RUD,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__RUD,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BBD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S1H,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OJI,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YOF,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__KUD));
+    lisaac_push(&li__BBD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__BBD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S1H,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OJI,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YOF,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BBD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S1H,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OJI,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GUD,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UEE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__2AD,L76688391); /* L585 INTEGER*/;
+  li__UJI=li__NHC( 10);
+  lisaac_push(&li__2AD,L76686855); /* L585 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GUD,L8790535); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UEE,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__JVD=(__li__CD)(li__3AD / li__UJI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__GUD,L8795143); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UEE,L9457160); /* L72 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__LVD=(__li__CD)(li__JVD * li__UJI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__GUD,L8785927); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UEE,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__UJI=(__li__CD)(li__3AD - li__LVD);
+  lisaac_push(&li__2AD,L76696071); /* L585 INTEGER*/;
+  li__OBD=li__QVD(li__UJI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__2AD,L76818951); /* L586 INTEGER*/;
+  li__UJI=li__NHC( 10);
+  lisaac_push(&li__2AD,L76817415); /* L586 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GUD,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__JVD=(__li__CD)(li__3AD / li__UJI);
+  if ((li__JVD !=  0)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2AD,L77203975); /* L589 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GUD,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UEE,L77082119); /* L588 INTEGER*/;
+    li__1AD(li__JVD);
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2AD,L77203975); /* L589 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GUD,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__2AD,L77339655); /* L590 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GUD,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UEE,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RUD,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BBD,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)(li__OBD),stdout);
+static void li__2BD(__li__1B li__4BD)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B}) Void Recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__PXD;
+  _____CONTEXT li__3BD,li__LXD,li__KIE,li__WXD,li__CCD,li__51H,li__CKI;
+  _____CONTEXT li__ZQGB,li__1BLB;
+  __li__C li__RXD,li__D2H,li__F2H,li__H2H;
+  __li__1B li__OYD,li__QYD;
+  __li__BB li__PCD;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3BD,L76155911); /* L581 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LXD,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KIE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__PXD=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__LXD,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__RXD=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__RXD) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LXD,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KIE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WXD,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCD,L76161031); /* L581 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__51H,L13663752); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CKI,L12876296); /* L98 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZQGB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__D2H=(li__4BD >  0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__51H,L13673480); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CKI,L13915656); /* L106 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__F2H=(li__4BD ==  0);
+    if (li__D2H) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__51H,L13668360); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CKI,L10900994); /* L83 TRUE*/;
+      li__H2H=li__B__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__51H,L13668360); /* L104 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CKI,L12342790); /* L94 FALSE*/;
+      li__H2H=li__F2H;
+    };
+    if (li__H2H) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WXD,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CCD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__H2H=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WXD,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CCD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__H2H=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__D2H=li__H2H;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LXD,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KIE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__D2H=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__D2H) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LXD,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KIE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WXD,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__WXD,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__51H,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CKI,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZQGB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__PXD));
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__51H,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CKI,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZQGB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1BLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__51H,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CKI,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LXD,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KIE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__3BD,L76686855); /* L585 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LXD,L8790535); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KIE,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__OYD=(__li__1B)(li__4BD /  10);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LXD,L8795143); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KIE,L9457160); /* L72 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__QYD=(__li__1B)(li__OYD *  10);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LXD,L8785927); /* L67 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KIE,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__OYD=(__li__1B)(li__4BD - li__QYD);
+  lisaac_push(&li__3BD,L76696071); /* L585 INTEGER*/;
+  li__PCD=li__VYD(li__OYD);
+  lisaac_push(&li__3BD,L76817415); /* L586 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LXD,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__OYD=(__li__1B)(li__4BD /  10);
+  if ((li__OYD !=  0)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3BD,L77203975); /* L589 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LXD,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KIE,L77082119); /* L588 INTEGER*/;
+    li__2BD(li__OYD);
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3BD,L77203975); /* L589 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LXD,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__3BD,L77339655); /* L590 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LXD,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KIE,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WXD,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCD,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+  fputc((int)(li__PCD),stdout);
+static __li__C li__02H(__li__CD li__22H,__li__CD li__32H,__li__CD li__42H)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_16{li__CD},Expanded UINTEGER_16{li__CD},Expanded UINTEGER_16{li__CD}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__12H,li__KLI,li__F3H,li__1RJ,li__43GB;
+  __li__C li__A3H,li__5RJ,li__BSJ,li__CSJ,li__52H;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__12H,L6296072); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__A3H=li__OHF(li__32H,li__22H);
+  if (li__A3H) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__12H,L6300680); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KLI,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__F3H,L6304264); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1RJ,L15496712); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__43GB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__5RJ=(li__42H > li__22H);
+    li__BSJ=(li__42H == li__22H);
+    if (li__5RJ) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__1RJ,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__43GB,L10900994); /* L83 TRUE*/;
+      li__CSJ=li__B__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__1RJ,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__43GB,L12342790); /* L94 FALSE*/;
+      li__CSJ=li__BSJ;
+    };
+    li__5RJ=li__CSJ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__12H,L6300680); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KLI,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__5RJ=li__I__;
+  };
+  li__52H=li__5RJ;
+  return(li__52H);
+static __li__C li__OHF(__li__CD li__QHF,__li__CD li__RHF)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_16{li__CD},Expanded UINTEGER_16{li__CD}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__PHF,li__MVGB;
+  __li__C li__VHF,li__SHF;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__PHF,L15235592); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MVGB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  if ((li__QHF > li__RHF)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PHF,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MVGB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+    li__VHF=li__I__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__PHF,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__MVGB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+    li__VHF=li__B__;
+  };
+  li__SHF=li__VHF;
+  return(li__SHF);
+static __li__BB li__QVD(__li__CD li__SVD)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_16{li__CD}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__QFE;
+  __li__K li__TWD;
+  __li__CD li__1VD,li__3VD;
+  _____CONTEXT li__RVD,li__MFE,li__BSE,li__XFE,li__XVD,li__VUR,li__1IT;
+  _____CONTEXT li__3UR,li__RCLB;
+  __li__C li__SFE,li__ZVD,li__0FE;
+  __li__1B li__AWD,li__BWD,li__GDLB;
+  __li__BB li__EWD,li__TVD;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RVD,L53742599); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MFE,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__QFE=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__SFE=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__SFE) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XFE,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVD,L53748743); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+    li__1VD=li__NHC( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVD,L53751303); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+    li__3VD=li__NHC( 9);
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVD,L53751303); /* L410 INTEGER*/;
+    li__ZVD=li__02H(li__SVD,li__1VD,li__3VD);
+    if (li__ZVD) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__XFE,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__0FE=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__XFE,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__0FE=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__ZVD=li__0FE;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__ZVD=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__ZVD) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XFE,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__XFE,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VUR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1IT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3UR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__QFE));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VUR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1IT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3UR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RCLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VUR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1IT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__RVD,L54145031); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MFE,L48235528); /* L368 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L67801608); /* L517 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__XFE,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__AWD=((__li__1B )li__SVD);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RVD,L54150151); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MFE,L8401426); /* L64 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L9341458); /* L71 CHARACTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__XFE,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__BWD=((__li__1B )'0');
+  lisaac_push(&li__RVD,L54145543); /* L413 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MFE,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__XFE,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__GDLB=(__li__1B)(- li__BWD);
+  lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__BWD=(__li__1B)(li__AWD - li__GDLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RVD,L54264839); /* L414 INTEGER*/;
+  li__EWD=li__1BB(li__BWD);
+  li__TVD=li__EWD;
+  lisaac_push(&li__RVD,L54529031); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MFE,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__QFE=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__SFE=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__SFE) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XFE,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVD,L54529543); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVD,L54541831); /* L416 INTEGER*/;
+    li__ZVD=li__5TH((&__string_163),li__EWD);
+    if (li__ZVD) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__XFE,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__0FE=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__XFE,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__0FE=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__ZVD=li__0FE;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__ZVD=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__ZVD) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XFE,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__XFE,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VUR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1IT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3UR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__QFE));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VUR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1IT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3UR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RCLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VUR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1IT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__RVD,L54660103); /* L417 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MFE,L24393748); /* L186 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__QFE=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__SFE=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__SFE) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XFE,L24528916); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVD,L54671879); /* L417 INTEGER*/;
+    li__TWD=li__G1(li__EWD);
+    if ((li__TWD == li__SVD)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__XFE,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVD,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__0FE=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__XFE,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVD,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__0FE=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__ZVD=li__0FE;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__ZVD=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__ZVD) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XFE,L24531988); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__XFE,L24672276); /* L188 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVD,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VUR,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1IT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3UR,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__QFE));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVD,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_4));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVD,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VUR,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1IT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3UR,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RCLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVD,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VUR,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1IT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__MFE,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BSE,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  return(li__TVD);
+static __li__C li__X3H(__li__U li__Z3H,__li__U li__03H,__li__U li__13H)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_32{li__U},Expanded UINTEGER_32{li__U},Expanded UINTEGER_32{li__U}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__Y3H,li__YLI,li__C4H,li__HSJ,li__O4GB;
+  __li__C li__33H,li__LSJ,li__NSJ,li__OSJ,li__23H;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__Y3H,L6296072); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__33H=li__QJF(li__03H,li__Z3H);
+  if (li__33H) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Y3H,L6300680); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YLI,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__C4H,L6304264); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HSJ,L15496712); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O4GB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__LSJ=(li__13H > li__Z3H);
+    li__NSJ=(li__13H == li__Z3H);
+    if (li__LSJ) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HSJ,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O4GB,L10900994); /* L83 TRUE*/;
+      li__OSJ=li__B__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HSJ,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O4GB,L12342790); /* L94 FALSE*/;
+      li__OSJ=li__NSJ;
+    };
+    li__LSJ=li__OSJ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Y3H,L6300680); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YLI,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__LSJ=li__I__;
+  };
+  li__23H=li__LSJ;
+  return(li__23H);
+static __li__C li__QJF(__li__U li__SJF,__li__U li__TJF)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_32{li__U},Expanded UINTEGER_32{li__U}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__RJF,li__UVGB;
+  __li__C li__XJF,li__UJF;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RJF,L15235592); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__UVGB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  if ((li__SJF > li__TJF)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__RJF,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UVGB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+    li__XJF=li__I__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__RJF,L15231496); /* L116 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UVGB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+    li__XJF=li__B__;
+  };
+  li__UJF=li__XJF;
+  return(li__UJF);
+static void li__HKW(__li__BB *li__JKW,__li__BB *li__KKW,__li__K li__LKW)
+/* (Strict NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER){li__IB},Strict NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER){NULLxli__IB},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__G4W;
+  __li__K li__RKW,li__J5W;
+  _____CONTEXT li__IKW,li__C4W,li__IXX,li__N4W,li__PKW,li__H4HB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__J4HB,li__GM2,li__NUKB;
+  __li__C li__I4W,li__SKW,li__Q4W;
+  __li__BB li__1KW;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__IKW,L81005590); /* L618 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__C4W,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__IXX,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__G4W=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__C4W,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__I4W=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__I4W) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__C4W,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXX,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__N4W,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PKW,L81011734); /* L618 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__H4HB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J4HB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__RKW=(__li__K)(-  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PKW,L81010710); /* L618 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__SKW=li__VMC(li__LKW,li__RKW);
+    if (li__SKW) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__N4W,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PKW,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__Q4W=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__N4W,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PKW,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__Q4W=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__SKW=li__Q4W;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__C4W,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXX,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__SKW=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__SKW) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__C4W,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXX,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__N4W,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__N4W,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PKW,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__H4HB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J4HB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GM2,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__G4W));
+    lisaac_push(&li__PKW,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__PKW,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__H4HB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J4HB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GM2,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NUKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PKW,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__H4HB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J4HB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__C4W,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IXX,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__IKW,L81660438); /* L623 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  li__RKW=li__LKW;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__C4W,L22812680); /* L174 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__34W:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__C4W,L22812680); /* L174 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__Q4W=li__VMC(li__RKW, 0);
+    if (li__Q4W) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__C4W,L23202312); /* L177 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXX,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__N4W,L22947848); /* L175 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PKW,L81406998); /* L621 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      if (li__KKW==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__PKW,L81538582); /* L622 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__PKW,L81538582); /* L622 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        li__1KW=li__YQJ(((__li__BB *)li__KKW),li__RKW);
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__PKW,L81541654); /* L622 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      li__IJW(li__JKW,li__1KW,li__RKW);
+      lisaac_push(&li__N4W,L23074824); /* L176 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PKW,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__J5W=(__li__K)(li__RKW -  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__N4W,L23088648); /* L176 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__RKW=li__J5W;
+      goto li__34W;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__C4W,L23202312); /* L177 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXX,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+static void li__IJW(__li__BB *li__KJW,__li__BB li__LJW,__li__K li__MJW)
+/* (Strict NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER){li__IB},Expanded CHARACTER{li__BB},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__42W;
+  _____CONTEXT li__JJW,li__02W,li__3UX,li__F3W,li__QJW,li__JL2,li__AR2;
+  _____CONTEXT li__RL2,li__TUKB,li__ZUKB;
+  __li__C li__A3W,li__SJW,li__I3W;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JJW,L18222102); /* L139 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__02W,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3UX,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__42W=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__02W,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__A3W=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__A3W) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__02W,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3UX,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__F3W,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QJW,L18227222); /* L139 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__SJW=li__VMC(li__MJW, 0);
+    if (li__SJW) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__F3W,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__QJW,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__I3W=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__F3W,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__QJW,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__I3W=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__SJW=li__I3W;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__02W,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3UX,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__SJW=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__SJW) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__02W,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3UX,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__F3W,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__F3W,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QJW,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JL2,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AR2,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RL2,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__42W));
+    lisaac_push(&li__QJW,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__QJW,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JL2,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AR2,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RL2,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TUKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__QJW,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JL2,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AR2,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__02W,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3UX,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__JJW,L18627606); /* L142 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__02W,L105516054); /* L805 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3UX,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__F3W,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__42W=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__3UX,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__A3W=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__A3W) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3UX,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__F3W,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QJW,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JL2,L105520662); /* L805 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__SJW=li__VMC(li__MJW, 0);
+    if (li__SJW) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__QJW,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JL2,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__I3W=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__QJW,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JL2,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__I3W=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__SJW=li__I3W;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3UX,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__F3W,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__SJW=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__SJW) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3UX,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__F3W,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QJW,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__QJW,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JL2,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AR2,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RL2,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TUKB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__42W));
+    lisaac_push(&li__JL2,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__JL2,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AR2,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RL2,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TUKB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZUKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__JL2,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AR2,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RL2,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__3UX,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__F3W,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__KJW[li__MJW]=li__LJW;
+static __li__BB* li__JTW(__li__BB *li__LTW,__li__K li__MTW,__li__K li__NTW)
+/* (Strict NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER){li__IB},Expanded INTEGER{li__K},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__YGX,li__TUW;
+  __li__1RF li__VUW,li__XUW;
+  __li__K li__ZUW,li__KU0,li__QKLB,li__UU0;
+  _____CONTEXT li__KTW,li__ZFX,li__V5X,li__EGX,li__O1GB,li__54GB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__YR2,li__1M2,li__HVKB,li__0VKB;
+  __li__C li__5FX,li__CHX,li__FHX,li__3HX;
+  __li__BB *li__YUW,*li__OTW;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KTW,L13110294); /* L100 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZFX,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__5FX=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__5FX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__KTW,L13241366); /* L101 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZFX,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__YGX=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__5FX=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__5FX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L13249046); /* L101 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__MTW >  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__EGX,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__CHX=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__EGX,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__CHX=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__FHX=li__CHX;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__FHX=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__FHX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__EGX,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1M2,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__YGX));
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1M2,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HVKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__KTW,L13372438); /* L102 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZFX,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__YGX=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__5FX=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__5FX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L13380118); /* L102 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__CHX=li__HTC(li__MTW,li__NTW);
+    if (li__CHX) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__EGX,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__3HX=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__EGX,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__3HX=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__CHX=li__3HX;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__CHX=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__CHX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__EGX,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1M2,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__YGX));
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1M2,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HVKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__KTW,L14183958); /* L108 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZFX,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__YGX=((__li__GB )li__LTW);
+  lisaac_push(&li__KTW,L14693910); /* L112 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  li__VUW=li__4TG(li__MTW);
+  lisaac_push(&li__KTW,L13900310); /* L106 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  li__XUW=li__4TG(li__NTW);
+  lisaac_push(&li__KTW,L14710806); /* L112 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  li__TUW=li__ANO(li__YGX,li__VUW,li__XUW);
+  lisaac_push(&li__KTW,L14838806); /* L113 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZFX,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__YUW=((__li__BB *)li__TUW);
+  lisaac_push(&li__KTW,L14964246); /* L114 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZFX,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__ZUW=(__li__K)(li__NTW -  1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__KTW,L14965782); /* L114 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZFX,L79301654); /* L605 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__YGX=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__5FX=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__5FX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L79306774); /* L605 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__CHX=li__VMC(li__MTW, 0);
+    if (li__CHX) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__3HX=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__3HX=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__CHX=li__3HX;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__CHX=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__CHX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1M2,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HVKB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__YGX));
+    lisaac_push(&li__54GB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__54GB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1M2,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HVKB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0VKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__54GB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1M2,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L79432726); /* L606 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__YGX=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__5FX=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__5FX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L79437846); /* L606 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__CHX=li__VMC(li__ZUW,li__MTW);
+    if (li__CHX) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__3HX=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__3HX=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__CHX=li__3HX;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__CHX=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__CHX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1M2,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HVKB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__YGX));
+    lisaac_push(&li__54GB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__54GB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1M2,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HVKB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0VKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__54GB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1M2,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L80218646); /* L612 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  li__KU0=li__MTW;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__IU0:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L21633032); /* L165 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__3HX=li__20C(li__KU0,li__ZUW);
+    if (li__3HX) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L21768200); /* L166 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L80093206); /* L611 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      li__IJW(li__YUW,'\0',li__KU0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L21895688); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__54GB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1M2,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__QKLB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__54GB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YR2,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__UU0=(__li__K)(li__KU0 - li__QKLB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__O1GB,L21906952); /* L167 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__KU0=li__UU0;
+      goto li__IU0;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__V5X,L22022664); /* L168 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+  li__OTW=li__YUW;
+  lisaac_push(&li__KTW,L15469590); /* L118 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZFX,L24520724); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+  li__5FX=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__5FX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGX,L24525844); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O1GB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L24524308); /* L187 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__ZFX,L24775188); /* L189 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V5X,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  return(li__OTW);
+static void li__BHW(__li__BB *li__DHW,__li__BB *li__EHW,__li__K li__FHW,__li__K li__GHW)
+/* (Strict NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER){li__IB},Strict NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER){NULLxli__IB},Expanded INTEGER{li__K},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__00W;
+  __li__K li__YHW,li__XHW,li__YKLB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__CHW,li__W0W,li__ZRX,li__B1W,li__KHW,li__5J2,li__IQ2;
+  _____CONTEXT li__HK2,li__GWKB;
+  __li__C li__20W,li__MHW,li__E1W,li__Q2W;
+  __li__BB li__FIW;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CHW,L68684822); /* L524 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__W0W,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__00W=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__20W=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__20W) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B1W,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KHW,L68689430); /* L524 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__MHW=li__VMC(li__FHW, 0);
+    if (li__MHW) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__B1W,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KHW,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__E1W=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__B1W,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KHW,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__E1W=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__MHW=li__E1W;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__MHW=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__MHW) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B1W,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__B1W,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KHW,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5J2,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IQ2,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HK2,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__00W));
+    lisaac_push(&li__KHW,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__KHW,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5J2,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IQ2,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HK2,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GWKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__KHW,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5J2,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IQ2,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__CHW,L68815894); /* L525 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__W0W,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__00W=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__20W=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__20W) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B1W,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KHW,L68824598); /* L525 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__MHW=li__VMC(li__GHW, 0);
+    if (li__MHW) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__B1W,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KHW,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__E1W=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__B1W,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KHW,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__E1W=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__MHW=li__E1W;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__MHW=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__MHW) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__B1W,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__B1W,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KHW,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5J2,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IQ2,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HK2,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__00W));
+    lisaac_push(&li__KHW,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__KHW,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5J2,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IQ2,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HK2,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GWKB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__KHW,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5J2,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IQ2,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__YHW= 0;
+  li__XHW=li__FHW;
+  lisaac_push(&li__CHW,L69995030); /* L534 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__W0W,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+  li__L2W:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L11802644); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L69470230); /* L530 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    if ((li__YHW == li__GHW)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__Q2W=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L11799572); /* L90 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__Q2W=li__B__;
+    };
+    if (li__Q2W) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__B1W,L11935764); /* L91 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KHW,L69485078); /* L530 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      if (li__EHW==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__KHW,L69610518); /* L531 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__KHW,L69610518); /* L531 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+        li__FIW=li__YQJ(((__li__BB *)li__EHW),li__YHW);
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__KHW,L69614102); /* L531 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      li__IJW(li__DHW,li__FIW,li__XHW);
+      lisaac_push(&li__KHW,L69738518); /* L532 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__5J2,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IQ2,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HK2,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__YKLB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__5J2,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IQ2,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__YHW=(__li__K)(li__YHW - li__YKLB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__KHW,L69869590); /* L533 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__5J2,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IQ2,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HK2,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__YKLB=(__li__K)(-  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__5J2,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IQ2,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__XHW=(__li__K)(li__XHW - li__YKLB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__B1W,L12068372); /* L92 BLOCK*/;
+      goto li__L2W;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__W0W,L12192276); /* L93 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__ZRX,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+static void li__ABQ(__li__GJ *li__CBQ,__li__BB li__DBQ,__li__K li__EBQ)
+/* (Strict STRING{li__GJ},Expanded CHARACTER{li__BB},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__AVQ;
+  __li__K li__SLLB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__BBQ,li__2UQ,li__AAS,li__HVQ,li__IBQ,li__QLLB,li__XX1;
+  _____CONTEXT li__4F1,li__1LLB;
+  __li__C li__CVQ,li__ULLB,li__KVQ;
+  __li__BB *li__NBQ;
+  __li__BB li__VBQ;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BBQ,L41814565); /* L319 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2UQ,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__AAS,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__AVQ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__2UQ,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__CVQ=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__CVQ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2UQ,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AAS,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HVQ,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IBQ,L41824293); /* L319 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QLLB,L17579023); /* L134 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    li__SLLB=li__CBQ->li__ZDD;
+    lisaac_push(&li__QLLB,L17843215); /* L136 ABSTRACT_STRING*/;
+    li__ULLB=li__NTH(li__EBQ, 1,li__SLLB);
+    if (li__ULLB) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HVQ,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IBQ,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__KVQ=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HVQ,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IBQ,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__KVQ=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__ULLB=li__KVQ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2UQ,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AAS,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__ULLB=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__ULLB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2UQ,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AAS,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HVQ,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__HVQ,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IBQ,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QLLB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XX1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4F1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__AVQ));
+    lisaac_push(&li__IBQ,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__IBQ,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QLLB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XX1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4F1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1LLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__IBQ,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QLLB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XX1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2UQ,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AAS,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__NBQ=li__CBQ->li__B5O;
+  lisaac_push(&li__BBQ,L42089509); /* L321 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2UQ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__SLLB=(__li__K)(li__EBQ -  1);
+  if (li__NBQ==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BBQ,L42091045); /* L321 STRING*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded CHARACTER) */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BBQ,L42091045); /* L321 STRING*/;
+    li__IJW(((__li__BB *)li__NBQ),li__DBQ,li__SLLB);
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__BBQ,L42338853); /* L323 STRING*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2UQ,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__AAS,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__AVQ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__2UQ,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__CVQ=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__CVQ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2UQ,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AAS,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HVQ,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IBQ,L42345509); /* L323 STRING*/;
+    li__VBQ=li__LAQ(li__CBQ,li__EBQ);
+    if ((li__VBQ == li__DBQ)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HVQ,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IBQ,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__KVQ=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__HVQ,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IBQ,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__KVQ=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__ULLB=li__KVQ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2UQ,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AAS,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__ULLB=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__ULLB) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2UQ,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AAS,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HVQ,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__HVQ,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IBQ,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QLLB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XX1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4F1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__AVQ));
+    lisaac_push(&li__IBQ,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__IBQ,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QLLB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XX1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4F1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1LLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__IBQ,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QLLB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XX1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2UQ,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AAS,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+static __li__GB li__ANO(__li__GB li__DNO,__li__1RF li__ENO,__li__1RF li__FNO)
+/* (Expanded POINTER{li__GB},Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF},Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__1RF li__INO,li__4NO,li__EOO,li__NDR,li__LDR,li__ZDR,li__ZFR;
+  __li__1RF li__GGR,li__IXMB,li__RHMB,li__YHMB,li__UHMB,li__1GR,li__4GR;
+  __li__1RF li__5GR,li__VIMB,li__WIMB,li__RXMB,li__UXMB,li__AYMB;
+  __li__1RF li__AKMB,li__BKMB,li__KNV;
+  __li__GB li__RNO,li__0TO,li__POO,li__LBU,li__T0S,li__DWMB,li__GWMB;
+  __li__GB li__SHR,li__0YMB,li__CZMB,li__EZMB,li__LZMB,li__1ZMB;
+  __li__GB li__D0MB,li__F0MB,li__GNO;
+  __li__K li__2NO,li__JDR,li__UDR,li__VDR,li__UFR,li__VFR,li__2HMB;
+  __li__K li__AIMB,li__GIMB,li__2IMB,li__AJMB,li__GJMB;
+  __li__4SF *li__2OO,*li__HFR,*li__ZGR,*li__MIR,*li__5JMB,*li__KPV;
+  _____CONTEXT li__BNO,li__FAIB,li__GAIB,li__BUO,li__WNO,li__YB1;
+  _____CONTEXT li__PV1,li__AC1,li__FFLB,li__EA0,li__AEZ,li__LFLB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__XFLB,li__QXMB,li__BZMB,li__JPZ,li__NILB;
+  __li__C li__2TO,li__YNO,li__EUO,li__JYS,li__IHR,li__LHR,li__TUV;
+  __li__GB *li__1FLB;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BNO,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FAIB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GAIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__INO=((__li__1RF ) 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FAIB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GAIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__RNO=((__li__GB )(NULL));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L80884277); /* L617 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FAIB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GAIB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__0TO=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__FAIB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__2TO=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__2TO) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FAIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAIB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BUO,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L80879157); /* L617 MEMORY*/;
+    li__YNO=li__NML(li__INO,li__FNO);
+    if (li__YNO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__EUO=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__EUO=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__YNO=li__EUO;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FAIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAIB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__YNO=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__YNO) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FAIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BUO,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__0TO));
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_217));
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FAIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L81424437); /* L621 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FAIB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+  li__2NO=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L81424437); /* L621 MEMORY*/;
+  li__INO=li__4TG(li__2NO);
+  lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L81424949); /* L621 MEMORY*/;
+  li__4NO=li__PFL(li__ENO,li__INO);
+  lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L81686581); /* L623 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FAIB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+  li__2NO=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L81686581); /* L623 MEMORY*/;
+  li__INO=li__4TG(li__2NO);
+  lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L81687093); /* L623 MEMORY*/;
+  li__EOO=li__PFL(li__FNO,li__INO);
+  lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L81804341); /* L624 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FAIB,L47194165); /* L360 MEMORY*/;
+  li__INO=((__li__1RF )(MINIMUM_SIZE));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L81797685); /* L624 MEMORY*/;
+  li__2TO=li__ZHL(li__4NO,li__INO);
+  if (li__2TO) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L82709045); /* L631 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FAIB,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAIB,L81939509); /* L625 MEMORY*/;
+    li__POO=li__PSI(li__EOO);
+    li__RNO=li__POO;
+    lisaac_push(&li__GAIB,L82069557); /* L626 MEMORY*/;
+    li__QBR(li__DNO,li__POO,li__4NO);
+    lisaac_push(&li__GAIB,L82212917); /* L627 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BUO,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L75506229); /* L576 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__POO=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    li__YNO=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+    if (li__YNO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L75499573); /* L576 MEMORY*/;
+      if ((li__DNO != (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__EUO=li__JYS;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__EUO=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__EUO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__POO));
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_218));
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L76048437); /* L580 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__JDR=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L76048437); /* L580 MEMORY*/;
+    li__NDR=li__4TG(li__JDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L76048949); /* L580 MEMORY*/;
+    li__LDR=li__PFL(li__4NO,li__NDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L76309557); /* L582 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__POO=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    li__YNO=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+    if (li__YNO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L76303413); /* L582 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+      li__UDR=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L76303925); /* L582 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__VDR=(__li__K)(li__UDR -  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L76303925); /* L582 MEMORY*/;
+      li__ZDR=li__4TG(li__VDR);
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L76292149); /* L582 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+      if (((__li__1RF)(li__LDR & li__ZDR) ==  0)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__EUO=li__JYS;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__EUO=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__EUO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__POO));
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_182));
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L76576309); /* L584 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__JDR=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L76576309); /* L584 MEMORY*/;
+    li__NDR=li__4TG(li__JDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L76566069); /* L584 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__ZDR=(__li__1RF)(li__LDR / li__NDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L76576821); /* L584 MEMORY*/;
+    li__POO=li__SCJ(li__ZDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L76693557); /* L585 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L56779317); /* L433 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L57025077); /* L435 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__LBU=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    li__YNO=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+    if (li__YNO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L57018421); /* L435 MEMORY*/;
+      if ((li__DNO != (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__EUO=li__JYS;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__EUO=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__EUO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__LBU));
+      lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_218));
+      lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L57293877); /* L437 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L49966645); /* L381 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__1FLB=((__li__GB *)li__POO);
+    lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L50201653); /* L383 MEMORY*/;
+    li__POO=li__25J(li__1FLB, 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L57419829); /* L438 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__LBU=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    li__YNO=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+    if (li__YNO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L57411637); /* L438 MEMORY*/;
+      if ((li__POO != (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__EUO=li__JYS;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__EUO=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__EUO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__LBU));
+      lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_219));
+      lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L57553461); /* L439 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L49966645); /* L381 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__1FLB=((__li__GB *)li__POO);
+    lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L50201653); /* L383 MEMORY*/;
+    li__LBU=li__25J(li__1FLB, 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L57683509); /* L440 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__NDR=li__4TG( 3);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__T0S=((__li__GB )li__NDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L57681461); /* L440 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L22940167); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__NDR=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__DWMB=((__li__GB )li__NDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__GWMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__DWMB - (unsigned long)li__LBU);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__NDR=li__4TG( 1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__LBU=((__li__GB )li__NDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__DWMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__GWMB - (unsigned long)li__LBU);
+    lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L22944263); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__NDR=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__LBU=((__li__GB )li__NDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__GWMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__LBU - (unsigned long)li__T0S);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__NDR=li__4TG( 1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__LBU=((__li__GB )li__NDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__T0S=(void *)((unsigned long)li__GWMB - (unsigned long)li__LBU);
+    lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L22943239); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    li__LBU=(void *)((unsigned long)li__DWMB & (unsigned long)li__T0S);
+    lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L22939143); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__NDR=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__T0S=((__li__GB )li__NDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__DWMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__T0S - (unsigned long)li__LBU);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__NDR=li__4TG( 1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__LBU=((__li__GB )li__NDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__T0S=(void *)((unsigned long)li__DWMB - (unsigned long)li__LBU);
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L57686581); /* L440 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L50753077); /* L387 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__1FLB=((__li__GB *)li__DNO);
+    lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L50865205); /* L388 MEMORY*/;
+    li__KMK(li__1FLB,li__T0S, 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L57813557); /* L441 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L50753077); /* L387 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__1FLB=((__li__GB *)li__POO);
+    lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L50865205); /* L388 MEMORY*/;
+    li__KMK(li__1FLB,li__DNO, 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L76956213); /* L587 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L107219509); /* L818 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L82709045); /* L631 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FAIB,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__GAIB,L82473525); /* L629 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BUO,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__JDR=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+    li__UDR=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__VDR=(__li__K)(- li__UDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__UDR=(__li__K)(li__JDR - li__VDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__GAIB,L82473525); /* L629 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BUO,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__NDR=li__4TG(li__UDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__POO=((__li__GB )li__NDR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__GAIB,L82467381); /* L629 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BUO,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__LBU=(void *)((unsigned long)li__DNO - (unsigned long)li__POO);
+    lisaac_push(&li__GAIB,L82474037); /* L629 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BUO,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__2OO=((__li__4SF *)li__LBU);
+    lisaac_push(&li__GAIB,L82603061); /* L630 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BUO,L13381685); /* L102 MEMORY*/;
+    li__POO=li__H2I;
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L13392437); /* L102 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__LBU=(void *)((unsigned long)li__DNO - (unsigned long)li__POO);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L13408309); /* L102 MEMORY*/;
+    li__NDR=li__C1S(li__LBU);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L13409333); /* L102 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L23745543); /* L181 INTEGER*/;
+    li__LDR=(__li__1RF)(li__NDR >>  26);
+    lisaac_push(&li__GAIB,L82603573); /* L630 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BUO,L34238517); /* L261 MEMORY*/;
+    li__HFR=NULL;
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__NDR=((__li__1RF ) 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L34759221); /* L265 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__POO=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    li__YNO=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+    if (li__YNO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L34753589); /* L265 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+      li__UFR=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L34754101); /* L265 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__VFR=(__li__K)(li__UFR -  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L34754101); /* L265 MEMORY*/;
+      li__ZFR=li__4TG(li__VFR);
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L34742325); /* L265 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+      if (((__li__1RF)(li__EOO & li__ZFR) ==  0)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__EUO=li__JYS;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__EUO=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__EUO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__POO));
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_182));
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L34879541); /* L266 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__POO=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    li__YNO=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+    if (li__YNO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L34874933); /* L266 MEMORY*/;
+      li__ZFR=li__4TG( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L34878005); /* L266 MEMORY*/;
+      li__GGR=li__4TG( 63);
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L34878005); /* L266 MEMORY*/;
+      li__EUO=li__FNL(li__LDR,li__ZFR,li__GGR);
+      if (li__EUO) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__EUO=li__JYS;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__EUO=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__EUO) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__POO));
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_220));
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L35137589); /* L268 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L11538485); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+    li__ZDR=li__2OO->li__BTF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L11572277); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+    li__ZFR=li__4TG( 3);
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L11563061); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__GGR=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__IXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__GGR - li__ZFR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__ZFR=li__4TG( 1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__GGR=(__li__1RF)(li__IXMB - li__ZFR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L11562037); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    li__ZFR=(__li__1RF)(li__ZDR & li__GGR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L35266101); /* L269 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__EOO > li__ZFR)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L38406709); /* L293 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L35397173); /* L270 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L12588085); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+      li__RHMB=li__2OO->li__BTF;
+      lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L12614709); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L12343349); /* L94 MEMORY*/;
+      li__YHMB=li__4TG( 2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L12611125); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+      li__UHMB=(__li__1RF)(li__RHMB & li__YHMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__PV1,L12620853); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L34741256); /* L265 NUMERIC*/;
+      if ((li__UHMB !=  0)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L35393589); /* L270 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L35393589); /* L270 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__JYS=li__B__;
+      };
+      if (li__JYS) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L37228085); /* L284 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L35530293); /* L271 MEMORY*/;
+        li__ZGR=li__1VV(li__2OO);
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L35672629); /* L272 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+        li__2HMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+        li__AIMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__GIMB=(__li__K)(- li__AIMB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__AIMB=(__li__K)(li__2HMB - li__GIMB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L35660853); /* L272 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__1GR=(__li__1RF)(li__EOO - li__ZFR);
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L35672629); /* L272 MEMORY*/;
+        li__4GR=li__4TG(li__AIMB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L35666485); /* L272 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__NDR=(__li__1RF)(li__1GR - li__4GR);
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L35787829); /* L273 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L12061749); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+        li__1GR=li__ZGR->li__BTF;
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L12088373); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+        li__4GR=li__4TG( 1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L12086325); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+        li__5GR=(__li__1RF)(li__1GR & li__4GR);
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L35792437); /* L273 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L21249589); /* L162 MEMORY*/;
+        li__1GR=li__4TG( 0);
+        if ((li__5GR == li__1GR)) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L35794485); /* L273 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L35800117); /* L273 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L11538485); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+          li__VIMB=li__ZGR->li__BTF;
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L11572277); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+          li__WIMB=li__4TG( 3);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L11563061); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__RXMB=li__4TG( 0);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__UXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__RXMB - li__WIMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__WIMB=li__4TG( 1);
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__RXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__UXMB - li__WIMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L11562037); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+          li__WIMB=(__li__1RF)(li__VIMB & li__RXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L35801141); /* L273 MEMORY*/;
+          li__IHR=li__1LL(li__WIMB,li__NDR);
+          li__LHR=li__IHR;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L35794485); /* L273 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+          li__LHR=li__I__;
+        };
+        if (li__LHR) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L37098037); /* L283 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L35928629); /* L274 MEMORY*/;
+          li__SHR=li__2GK(li__NDR);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L35934261); /* L274 MEMORY*/;
+          li__KLW(li__ZGR,li__SHR,li__LDR);
+          li__VIMB=li__2OO->li__BTF;
+          li__WIMB=li__ZGR->li__BTF;
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L36080693); /* L275 MEMORY*/;
+          li__RXMB=li__4TG( 1);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L36071477); /* L275 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__UXMB=li__4TG( 0);
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__AYMB=(__li__1RF)(li__UXMB - li__RXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__RXMB=li__4TG( 1);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__UXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__AYMB - li__RXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L36070453); /* L275 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+          li__RXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__WIMB & li__UXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L36088373); /* L275 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+          li__2IMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+          li__AJMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__GJMB=(__li__K)(- li__AJMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__AJMB=(__li__K)(li__2IMB - li__GJMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L36060725); /* L275 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__WIMB=li__4TG( 0);
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__UXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__WIMB - li__RXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__WIMB=(__li__1RF)(li__VIMB - li__UXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L36088373); /* L275 MEMORY*/;
+          li__VIMB=li__4TG(li__AJMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L36082229); /* L275 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__RXMB=li__4TG( 0);
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__UXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__RXMB - li__VIMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__2OO->li__BTF=(__li__1RF)(li__WIMB - li__UXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L36181045); /* L276 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L12588085); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+          li__VIMB=li__2OO->li__BTF;
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L12614709); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L12343349); /* L94 MEMORY*/;
+          li__WIMB=li__4TG( 2);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L12611125); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+          li__RXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__VIMB & li__WIMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L12620853); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L34741256); /* L265 NUMERIC*/;
+          if ((li__RXMB !=  0)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L36833333); /* L281 MEMORY*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L36319797); /* L277 MEMORY*/;
+            li__LMS(li__2OO,li__LDR);
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L36833333); /* L281 MEMORY*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L36580917); /* L279 MEMORY*/;
+            li__MIR=li__1VV(li__2OO);
+            lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L36717109); /* L280 MEMORY*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L12864565); /* L98 MEMORY*/;
+            li__MIR->li__ATF=li__2OO;
+          };
+          li__HFR=li__2OO;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L37098037); /* L283 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L37228085); /* L284 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+      if (((void *)li__HFR == (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L38014517); /* L290 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L37634613); /* L287 MEMORY*/;
+        li__ZGR=li__SZQ(li__EOO);
+        li__HFR=li__ZGR;
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L37758005); /* L288 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L11295797); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L11046965); /* L84 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+        li__SHR=((__li__GB )li__2OO);
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L11302453); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+        li__2HMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+        lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+        li__AIMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+        lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__GIMB=(__li__K)(- li__AIMB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__AIMB=(__li__K)(li__2HMB - li__GIMB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L11302453); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+        li__1GR=li__4TG(li__AIMB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+        li__0YMB=((__li__GB )li__1GR);
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L11296309); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+        li__1GR=li__4TG( 0);
+        lisaac_push(&li__QXMB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__BZMB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+        li__CZMB=((__li__GB )li__1GR);
+        lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__EZMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__CZMB - (unsigned long)li__0YMB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__0YMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__SHR - (unsigned long)li__EZMB);
+        if (li__ZGR==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L37766709); /* L288 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* MEMORY */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L37766709); /* L288 MEMORY*/;
+          li__MIR=((__li__4SF *)li__ZGR);
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L11295797); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L11046965); /* L84 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+          li__LZMB=((__li__GB )li__MIR);
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L11302453); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+          li__2IMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+          li__AJMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__GJMB=(__li__K)(- li__AJMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__AJMB=(__li__K)(li__2IMB - li__GJMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L11302453); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+          li__VIMB=li__4TG(li__AJMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+          li__1ZMB=((__li__GB )li__VIMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L11296309); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+          li__VIMB=li__4TG( 0);
+          lisaac_push(&li__QXMB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__BZMB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+          li__D0MB=((__li__GB )li__VIMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__F0MB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__D0MB - (unsigned long)li__1ZMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__1ZMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__LZMB - (unsigned long)li__F0MB);
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L37774389); /* L288 MEMORY*/;
+        li__QBR(li__0YMB,li__1ZMB,li__ZFR);
+        lisaac_push(&li__AC1,L37889589); /* L289 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L26748981); /* L204 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+        li__SHR=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+        lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        li__JYS=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+        if (li__JYS) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L26742837); /* L204 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L12061749); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+          li__VIMB=li__2OO->li__BTF;
+          lisaac_push(&li__QXMB,L12088373); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+          li__WIMB=li__4TG( 1);
+          lisaac_push(&li__QXMB,L12086325); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__BZMB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+          li__RXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__VIMB & li__WIMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L26747445); /* L204 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L21380661); /* L163 MEMORY*/;
+          li__VIMB=li__4TG( 1);
+          if ((li__RXMB == li__VIMB)) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+            li__TUV=li__I__;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+            li__TUV=li__B__;
+          };
+          li__IHR=li__TUV;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+          li__IHR=li__I__;
+        };
+        if (li__IHR) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__BZMB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__JPZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__SHR));
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+          li__SGC((&__string_221));
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__BZMB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__JPZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__NILB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+          fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__BZMB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+          exit(( 1));
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L26884149); /* L205 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+        li__SHR=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+        lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        li__JYS=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+        if (li__JYS) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L26879541); /* L205 MEMORY*/;
+          li__VIMB=li__4TG( 0);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L26882613); /* L205 MEMORY*/;
+          li__WIMB=li__4TG( 63);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L26882613); /* L205 MEMORY*/;
+          li__IHR=li__FNL(li__LDR,li__VIMB,li__WIMB);
+          if (li__IHR) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+            li__TUV=li__I__;
+          } else /* FALSE */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+            li__TUV=li__B__;
+          };
+          li__IHR=li__TUV;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+          li__IHR=li__I__;
+        };
+        if (li__IHR) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__BZMB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__JPZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__SHR));
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+          li__SGC((&__string_220));
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__BZMB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__JPZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__NILB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+          fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__BZMB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+          exit(( 1));
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L27143733); /* L207 MEMORY*/;
+        li__ZGR=li__1VV(li__2OO);
+        li__MIR=li__2OO->li__ATF;
+        li__1GR=li__2OO->li__BTF;
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L27419189); /* L209 MEMORY*/;
+        li__4GR=li__4TG( 1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L27409973); /* L209 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__5GR=li__4TG( 0);
+        lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__VIMB=(__li__1RF)(li__5GR - li__4GR);
+        lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__4GR=li__4TG( 1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__5GR=(__li__1RF)(li__VIMB - li__4GR);
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L27408949); /* L209 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+        li__4GR=(__li__1RF)(li__1GR & li__5GR);
+        if (((void *)li__MIR == (void *)NULL)) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L27537973); /* L210 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L10377218); /* L79 TRUE*/;
+          li__IHR=li__B__;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L27537973); /* L210 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L11832326); /* L90 FALSE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L27538485); /* L210 MEMORY*/;
+          if (li__MIR==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L27545141); /* L210 MEMORY*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* MEMORY */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L27545141); /* L210 MEMORY*/;
+            li__5JMB=((__li__4SF *)li__MIR);
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L12061749); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+            li__AKMB=li__5JMB->li__BTF;
+            lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L12088373); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+            li__BKMB=li__4TG( 1);
+            lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L12086325); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+            lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+            li__KNV=(__li__1RF)(li__AKMB & li__BKMB);
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L27550261); /* L210 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L21249589); /* L162 MEMORY*/;
+          li__WIMB=li__4TG( 0);
+          li__IHR=(li__KNV != li__WIMB);
+        };
+        if (li__IHR) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L28445237); /* L217 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L27553333); /* L210 MEMORY*/;
+          li__MIR=li__2OO;
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L27928117); /* L213 MEMORY*/;
+          li__32V(li__2OO);
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L28445237); /* L217 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L28055093); /* L214 MEMORY*/;
+          if (li__MIR==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L28337205); /* L216 MEMORY*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* MEMORY */ {
+            li__AKMB=li__MIR->li__BTF;
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L28343861); /* L216 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+          li__2IMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+          li__AJMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__BZMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__GJMB=(__li__K)(- li__AJMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__AJMB=(__li__K)(li__2IMB - li__GJMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L28325941); /* L216 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__WIMB=li__4TG( 0);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__RXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__WIMB - li__AKMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__WIMB=(__li__1RF)(li__4GR - li__RXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L28343861); /* L216 MEMORY*/;
+          li__RXMB=li__4TG(li__AJMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L28337717); /* L216 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__UXMB=li__4TG( 0);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__AYMB=(__li__1RF)(li__UXMB - li__RXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__4GR=(__li__1RF)(li__WIMB - li__AYMB);
+        };
+        lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L28711989); /* L219 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L12588085); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+        li__1GR=li__2OO->li__BTF;
+        lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L12614709); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L12343349); /* L94 MEMORY*/;
+        li__5GR=li__4TG( 2);
+        lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L12611125); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+        li__VIMB=(__li__1RF)(li__1GR & li__5GR);
+        lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L12620853); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L34741256); /* L265 NUMERIC*/;
+        if ((li__VIMB !=  0)) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L28708405); /* L219 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+          li__IHR=li__I__;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L28708405); /* L219 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+          li__IHR=li__B__;
+        };
+        if (li__IHR) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L28714037); /* L219 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L28719157); /* L219 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L12061749); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+          li__WIMB=li__ZGR->li__BTF;
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L12088373); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+          li__RXMB=li__4TG( 1);
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L12086325); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+          li__UXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__WIMB & li__RXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L28723765); /* L219 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L21249589); /* L162 MEMORY*/;
+          li__WIMB=li__4TG( 0);
+          li__IHR=(li__UXMB == li__WIMB);
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L28714037); /* L219 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+          li__IHR=li__I__;
+        };
+        if (li__IHR) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L29231669); /* L223 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L28726837); /* L219 MEMORY*/;
+          li__WIMB=li__ZGR->li__BTF;
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L28997173); /* L221 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+          li__2IMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+          li__AJMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__BZMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__GJMB=(__li__K)(- li__AJMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__AJMB=(__li__K)(li__2IMB - li__GJMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L28981301); /* L221 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__RXMB=li__4TG( 0);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__UXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__RXMB - li__WIMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__WIMB=(__li__1RF)(li__4GR - li__UXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L28997173); /* L221 MEMORY*/;
+          li__RXMB=li__4TG(li__AJMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L28991029); /* L221 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__UXMB=li__4TG( 0);
+          lisaac_push(&li__XFLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__QXMB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__AYMB=(__li__1RF)(li__UXMB - li__RXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__LFLB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__XFLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__4GR=(__li__1RF)(li__WIMB - li__AYMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L29111861); /* L222 MEMORY*/;
+          li__HBX(li__ZGR);
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L29231669); /* L223 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+        };
+        if (li__MIR==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L29379125); /* L224 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* MEMORY */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L29379125); /* L224 MEMORY*/;
+          li__5JMB=((__li__4SF *)li__MIR);
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L13126709); /* L100 MEMORY*/;
+          li__5JMB->li__BTF=li__4GR;
+        };
+        if (li__MIR==NULL) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L29632565); /* L226 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+        } else /* MEMORY */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L29632565); /* L226 MEMORY*/;
+          li__5JMB=((__li__4SF *)li__MIR);
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L12588085); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+          li__WIMB=li__5JMB->li__BTF;
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L12614709); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L12343349); /* L94 MEMORY*/;
+          li__RXMB=li__4TG( 2);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L12611125); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+          li__UXMB=(__li__1RF)(li__WIMB & li__RXMB);
+          lisaac_push(&li__EA0,L12620853); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L34741256); /* L265 NUMERIC*/;
+          li__IHR=(li__UXMB !=  0);
+        };
+        if (li__IHR) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L30280245); /* L231 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L29768757); /* L227 MEMORY*/;
+          li__LMS(li__MIR,li__LDR);
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L30280245); /* L231 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__AEZ,L29890101); /* L228 MEMORY*/;
+          if (li__MIR==NULL) {
+            lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L30032949); /* L229 MEMORY*/;
+            lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+          } else /* MEMORY */ {
+            lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L30032949); /* L229 MEMORY*/;
+            li__KPV=li__1VV(((__li__4SF *)li__MIR));
+          };
+          lisaac_push(&li__AEZ,L30166581); /* L230 MEMORY*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__LFLB,L12864565); /* L98 MEMORY*/;
+          li__KPV->li__ATF=li__MIR;
+        };
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L38014517); /* L290 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L38406709); /* L293 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L38147637); /* L291 MEMORY*/;
+      li__HFR=li__2OO;
+    };
+    if (li__HFR==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__GAIB,L82606645); /* L630 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* MEMORY */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__GAIB,L82606645); /* L630 MEMORY*/;
+      li__ZGR=((__li__4SF *)li__HFR);
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__BUO,L11295797); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L11046965); /* L84 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__SHR=((__li__GB )li__ZGR);
+      lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L11302453); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+      li__UFR=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+      li__VFR=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__2HMB=(__li__K)(- li__VFR);
+      lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__VFR=(__li__K)(li__UFR - li__2HMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L11302453); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      li__RHMB=li__4TG(li__VFR);
+      lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__0YMB=((__li__GB )li__RHMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__BUO,L11296309); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WNO,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__AC1,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__FFLB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      li__RHMB=li__4TG( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__FFLB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EA0,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__CZMB=((__li__GB )li__RHMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__YB1,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PV1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__EZMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__CZMB - (unsigned long)li__0YMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__WNO,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YB1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__0YMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__SHR - (unsigned long)li__EZMB);
+    };
+    li__RNO=li__0YMB;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__BNO,L82988597); /* L633 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FAIB,L107219509); /* L818 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GAIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  li__GNO=li__RNO;
+  return(li__GNO);
+static void li__K5K(__li__1B *li__M5K,__li__1B li__N5K,__li__K li__O5K)
+/* (Strict NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){li__5H},Expanded UINTEGER_8{li__1B},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__0QL;
+  _____CONTEXT li__L5K,li__WQL,li__Q5L,li__BRL,li__S5K,li__TQY,li__SWZ;
+  _____CONTEXT li__1QY,li__O0KB,li__U0KB;
+  __li__C li__2QL,li__U5K,li__ERL;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__L5K,L18222102); /* L139 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WQL,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__Q5L,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__0QL=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__WQL,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__2QL=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__2QL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WQL,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Q5L,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BRL,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S5K,L18227222); /* L139 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__U5K=li__VMC(li__O5K, 0);
+    if (li__U5K) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__BRL,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__S5K,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__ERL=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__BRL,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__S5K,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__ERL=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__U5K=li__ERL;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WQL,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Q5L,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__U5K=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__U5K) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WQL,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Q5L,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BRL,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__BRL,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S5K,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TQY,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SWZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1QY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__0QL));
+    lisaac_push(&li__S5K,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__S5K,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TQY,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SWZ,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1QY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O0KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__S5K,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TQY,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SWZ,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__WQL,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Q5L,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__L5K,L18627606); /* L142 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WQL,L105516054); /* L805 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__Q5L,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BRL,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__0QL=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__Q5L,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__2QL=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__2QL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Q5L,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BRL,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S5K,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TQY,L105520662); /* L805 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__U5K=li__VMC(li__O5K, 0);
+    if (li__U5K) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__S5K,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TQY,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__ERL=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__S5K,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TQY,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__ERL=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__U5K=li__ERL;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Q5L,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BRL,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__U5K=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__U5K) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Q5L,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BRL,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S5K,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__S5K,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TQY,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SWZ,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1QY,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O0KB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__0QL));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TQY,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TQY,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SWZ,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1QY,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__O0KB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U0KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TQY,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SWZ,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1QY,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__Q5L,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BRL,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__M5K[li__O5K]=li__N5K;
+static __li__C li__FMP(__li__3B *li__HMP,__li__K li__IMP)
+/* (Strict FAST_ARRAY(Expanded UINTEGER_8){li__3B},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__SMP;
+  __li__GB li__VYQ;
+  _____CONTEXT li__GMP,li__QDQ,li__QMP,li__NCS,li__2YQ,li__1MP,li__J1GB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__24Z,li__EAZ,li__I0KB;
+  __li__C li__LMP,li__TMP,li__WMP,li__JMP,li__BNP,li__DNP;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GMP,L10361375); /* L79 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+  li__LMP=li__20C( 0,li__IMP);
+  if (li__LMP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GMP,L10364447); /* L79 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QDQ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QMP,L10364959); /* L79 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    li__SMP=(*(li__HMP)).li__CVF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__QMP,L10367519); /* L79 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    li__TMP=li__20C(li__IMP,li__SMP);
+    li__WMP=li__TMP;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GMP,L10364447); /* L79 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QDQ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__WMP=li__I__;
+  };
+  li__JMP=li__WMP;
+  lisaac_push(&li__GMP,L10758175); /* L82 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QDQ,L17979406); /* L137 STRING_CONSTANT*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QMP,L23083028); /* L176 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NCS,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__VYQ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__QMP,L23210004); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+  li__LMP=li__VMC( 15, 15);
+  if (li__LMP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__QMP,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NCS,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2YQ,L23218196); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1MP,L10768927); /* L82 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    li__TMP=li__20C( 0,li__IMP);
+    li__SMP=(*(li__HMP)).li__CVF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__1MP,L10774559); /* L82 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+    li__BNP=li__20C(li__IMP,li__SMP);
+    if (li__TMP) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__1MP,L10771487); /* L82 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__J1GB,L11163138); /* L85 TRUE*/;
+      li__DNP=li__BNP;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__1MP,L10771487); /* L82 TRAVERSABLE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__J1GB,L12604934); /* L96 FALSE*/;
+      li__DNP=li__I__;
+    };
+    if ((li__WMP == li__DNP)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__2YQ,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1MP,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__DNP=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__2YQ,L23215124); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1MP,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__DNP=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__TMP=li__DNP;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__QMP,L23213588); /* L177 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NCS,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__TMP=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__TMP) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__QMP,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NCS,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2YQ,L23348756); /* L178 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1MP,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J1GB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__24Z,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EAZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__VYQ));
+    lisaac_push(&li__1MP,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_183));
+    lisaac_push(&li__1MP,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J1GB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__24Z,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EAZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I0KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__1MP,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J1GB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__24Z,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__QMP,L23464468); /* L179 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NCS,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  return(li__JMP);
+static __li__GB li__PSI(__li__1RF li__SSI)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__0SI,li__3LJ,li__RTI,li__N1MB,li__31MB,li__F2MB,li__H2MB;
+  __li__GB li__TSI;
+  __li__K li__ETI,li__Q1MB,li__S1MB,li__W1MB;
+  __li__1RF li__ITI,li__GTI,li__11MB;
+  __li__4SF *li__YTI,*li__M1MB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__QSI,li__U4HB,li__V4HB,li__EMJ,li__5SI,li__2FN;
+  _____CONTEXT li__K0N,li__EGN,li__M1KB,li__E2MB;
+  __li__C li__5LJ,li__HMJ,li__KMJ;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QSI,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__U4HB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V4HB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__0SI=((__li__GB )(NULL));
+  lisaac_push(&li__QSI,L77864501); /* L594 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__U4HB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V4HB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__3LJ=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__U4HB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__5LJ=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__5LJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__U4HB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V4HB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EMJ,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5SI,L77858869); /* L594 MEMORY*/;
+    if ((li__SSI !=  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__EMJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__5SI,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__HMJ=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__EMJ,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__5SI,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__HMJ=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__KMJ=li__HMJ;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__U4HB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V4HB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__KMJ=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__KMJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__U4HB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V4HB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EMJ,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5SI,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2FN,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__K0N,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGN,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__3LJ));
+    lisaac_push(&li__5SI,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_222));
+    lisaac_push(&li__5SI,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2FN,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__K0N,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EGN,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__M1KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__5SI,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2FN,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__K0N,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__U4HB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V4HB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__QSI,L78407733); /* L598 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__U4HB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+  li__ETI=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__QSI,L78407733); /* L598 MEMORY*/;
+  li__ITI=li__4TG(li__ETI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__QSI,L78408245); /* L598 MEMORY*/;
+  li__GTI=li__PFL(li__SSI,li__ITI);
+  lisaac_push(&li__QSI,L78658613); /* L600 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__U4HB,L47194165); /* L360 MEMORY*/;
+  li__ITI=((__li__1RF )(MINIMUM_SIZE));
+  lisaac_push(&li__QSI,L78651957); /* L600 MEMORY*/;
+  li__5LJ=li__ZHL(li__GTI,li__ITI);
+  if (li__5LJ) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__QSI,L79432245); /* L606 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U4HB,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V4HB,L78792757); /* L601 MEMORY*/;
+    li__RTI=li__NMI(li__GTI);
+    li__0SI=li__RTI;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__QSI,L79432245); /* L606 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__U4HB,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__V4HB,L79314997); /* L605 MEMORY*/;
+    li__YTI=li__SZQ(li__GTI);
+    if (li__YTI==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__V4HB,L79318069); /* L605 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* MEMORY */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__V4HB,L79318069); /* L605 MEMORY*/;
+      li__M1MB=((__li__4SF *)li__YTI);
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EMJ,L11295797); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__5SI,L11046965); /* L84 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2FN,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__N1MB=((__li__GB )li__M1MB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__EMJ,L11302453); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__5SI,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2FN,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+      li__Q1MB=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+      lisaac_push(&li__5SI,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2FN,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+      li__S1MB=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+      lisaac_push(&li__5SI,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2FN,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__K0N,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EGN,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__W1MB=(__li__K)(- li__S1MB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__2FN,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__K0N,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__S1MB=(__li__K)(li__Q1MB - li__W1MB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__EMJ,L11302453); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__5SI,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2FN,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      li__11MB=li__4TG(li__S1MB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__2FN,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__K0N,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__31MB=((__li__GB )li__11MB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__EMJ,L11296309); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__5SI,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2FN,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__K0N,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EGN,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__M1KB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      li__11MB=li__4TG( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__M1KB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__E2MB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__F2MB=((__li__GB )li__11MB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__2FN,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__K0N,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__H2MB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__F2MB - (unsigned long)li__31MB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__5SI,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__2FN,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__31MB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__N1MB - (unsigned long)li__H2MB);
+    };
+    li__0SI=li__31MB;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__QSI,L79710773); /* L608 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__U4HB,L107219509); /* L818 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V4HB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  li__TSI=li__0SI;
+  return(li__TSI);
+static __li__C li__FNL(__li__1RF li__HNL,__li__1RF li__INL,__li__1RF li__JNL)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF},Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF},Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__GNL,li__OQP,li__QNL;
+  __li__C li__LNL,li__SNL,li__VNL,li__KNL;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GNL,L6296072); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__LNL=li__ZHL(li__INL,li__HNL);
+  if (li__LNL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GNL,L6300680); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OQP,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QNL,L6304264); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__SNL=li__1LL(li__JNL,li__HNL);
+    li__VNL=li__SNL;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GNL,L6300680); /* L48 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OQP,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__VNL=li__I__;
+  };
+  li__KNL=li__VNL;
+  return(li__KNL);
+static __li__C li__1LL(__li__1RF li__3LL,__li__1RF li__4LL)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF},Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__2LL,li__4FGB;
+  __li__C li__AML,li__CML,li__DML,li__5LL;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2LL,L15496712); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4FGB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__AML=(li__3LL > li__4LL);
+  li__CML=(li__3LL == li__4LL);
+  if (li__AML) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2LL,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4FGB,L10900994); /* L83 TRUE*/;
+    li__DML=li__B__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__2LL,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4FGB,L12342790); /* L94 FALSE*/;
+    li__DML=li__CML;
+  };
+  li__5LL=li__DML;
+  return(li__5LL);
+static __li__GB li__25J(__li__GB *li__45J,__li__K li__55J)
+/* (Strict NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded POINTER){li__5WJ},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__KCK,li__AAK;
+  _____CONTEXT li__35J,li__GCK,li__FJK,li__RCK,li__EAK,li__JJS,li__ITT;
+  _____CONTEXT li__RJS,li__JNLB;
+  __li__C li__MCK,li__GAK,li__UCK;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__35J,L16780310); /* L128 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__GCK,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FJK,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__KCK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__GCK,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__MCK=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__MCK) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GCK,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FJK,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RCK,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EAK,L16785430); /* L128 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__GAK=li__VMC(li__55J, 0);
+    if (li__GAK) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__RCK,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EAK,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__UCK=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__RCK,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__EAK,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__UCK=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__GAK=li__UCK;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GCK,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FJK,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__GAK=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__GAK) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GCK,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FJK,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RCK,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__RCK,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__EAK,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JJS,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ITT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RJS,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__KCK));
+    lisaac_push(&li__EAK,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__EAK,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JJS,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ITT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RJS,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JNLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__EAK,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JJS,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ITT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__GCK,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FJK,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__AAK=li__45J[li__55J];
+  return(li__AAK);
+static __li__GB li__ADK(__li__U li__DDK)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_32{li__U}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__1RF li__FDK,li__SDK,li__HOX,li__BMMB,li__IMMB,li__LMMB,li__Z2V;
+  __li__1RF li__22V,li__FEK,li__R2KB,li__J2KB;
+  __li__4SF *li__IDK,*li__0DK,*li__TFK,*li__1XGB;
+  __li__GB li__1PY,li__GRK,li__LGK,li__MGK,li__EDK;
+  __li__K li__JNMB,li__NNMB,li__TNMB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__BDK,li__I5HB,li__J5HB,li__JEW,li__YDK,li__4NX;
+  _____CONTEXT li__XPY,li__XVZ,li__CQY,li__FOX,li__HP2,li__IT2,li__PP2;
+  _____CONTEXT li__PNLB;
+  __li__C li__TDK,li__3PY,li__IOX,li__FQY;
+  __li__U *li__3KK;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BDK,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__FDK=((__li__1RF ) 0);
+  li__IDK=NULL;
+  lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L44042805); /* L336 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+  li__5JK:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L42993717); /* L328 MEMORY*/;
+    li__SDK=li__RDK;
+    lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L43128885); /* L329 MEMORY*/;
+    li__TDK=li__NML(li__FDK,li__SDK);
+    if (li__TDK) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L43135029); /* L329 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L43395125); /* L331 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L14944821); /* L114 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+      li__1PY=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+      lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      li__3PY=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+      if (li__3PY) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FOX,L14945333); /* L114 MEMORY*/;
+        li__HOX=li__RDK;
+        lisaac_push(&li__FOX,L14948405); /* L114 MEMORY*/;
+        li__IOX=li__NML(li__FDK,li__HOX);
+        if (li__IOX) {
+          lisaac_push(&li__CQY,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__FOX,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+          li__FQY=li__I__;
+        } else /* FALSE */ {
+          lisaac_push(&li__CQY,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+          lisaac_push_first(&li__FOX,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+          li__FQY=li__B__;
+        };
+        li__IOX=li__FQY;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+        li__IOX=li__I__;
+      };
+      if (li__IOX) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push(&li__CQY,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__FOX,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HP2,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IT2,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PP2,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__1PY));
+        lisaac_push(&li__FOX,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+        li__SGC((&__string_178));
+        lisaac_push(&li__FOX,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HP2,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IT2,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PP2,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PNLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+        fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+        lisaac_push(&li__FOX,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HP2,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IT2,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+        exit(( 1));
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+      li__0DK=((__li__4SF *)(last_block[(li__FDK)]));
+      li__IDK=li__0DK;
+      lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L43521589); /* L332 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L11538485); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+      li__HOX=li__0DK->li__BTF;
+      lisaac_push(&li__4NX,L11572277); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+      li__BMMB=li__4TG( 3);
+      lisaac_push(&li__4NX,L11563061); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__IMMB=li__4TG( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XVZ,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__LMMB=(__li__1RF)(li__IMMB - li__BMMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__BMMB=li__4TG( 1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__IMMB=(__li__1RF)(li__LMMB - li__BMMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__4NX,L11562037); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+      li__BMMB=(__li__1RF)(li__HOX & li__IMMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L43524661); /* L332 MEMORY*/;
+      li__HOX=li__4TG( 4096);
+      lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L43522101); /* L332 MEMORY*/;
+      li__3PY=li__NML(li__BMMB,li__HOX);
+      if (li__3PY) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L43526709); /* L332 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L10377218); /* L79 TRUE*/;
+        li__IOX=li__B__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L43526709); /* L332 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L11832326); /* L90 FALSE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L43531317); /* L332 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L12061749); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+        li__Z2V=li__0DK->li__BTF;
+        lisaac_push(&li__XVZ,L12088373); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+        li__22V=li__4TG( 1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__XVZ,L12086325); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+        li__FEK=(__li__1RF)(li__Z2V & li__22V);
+        lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L43535925); /* L332 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L21380661); /* L163 MEMORY*/;
+        li__Z2V=li__4TG( 1);
+        li__IOX=(li__FEK == li__Z2V);
+      };
+      li__3PY=li__IOX;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L43135029); /* L329 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__3PY=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__3PY) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L9576468); /* L73 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L43919413); /* L335 MEMORY*/;
+      li__HOX=li__4TG( 1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L43918389); /* L335 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__BMMB=li__4TG( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__IMMB=(__li__1RF)(li__BMMB - li__HOX);
+      lisaac_push(&li__4NX,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__FDK=(__li__1RF)(li__FDK - li__IMMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__JEW,L9709076); /* L74 BLOCK*/;
+      goto li__5JK;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+  li__SDK=li__RDK;
+  lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L44308021); /* L338 MEMORY*/;
+  li__TDK=li__1LL(li__FDK,li__SDK);
+  if (li__TDK) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L44567093); /* L340 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L44444213); /* L339 MEMORY*/;
+    li__0DK=li__K3Q();
+    li__IDK=li__0DK;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L44567093); /* L340 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  if (li__IDK==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L44716597); /* L341 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* MEMORY */ {
+    li__HOX=li__IDK->li__BTF;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L44719669); /* L341 MEMORY*/;
+  li__SDK=li__4TG( 4096);
+  lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L44717109); /* L341 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__BMMB=(__li__1RF)(li__HOX - li__SDK);
+  if (li__IDK==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L44720181); /* L341 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* MEMORY */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L44720181); /* L341 MEMORY*/;
+    li__0DK=((__li__4SF *)li__IDK);
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L13126709); /* L100 MEMORY*/;
+    li__0DK->li__BTF=li__BMMB;
+  };
+  if (li__IDK==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L44841525); /* L342 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* MEMORY */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L44841525); /* L342 MEMORY*/;
+    li__0DK=li__1VV(((__li__4SF *)li__IDK));
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L44844085); /* L342 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L11046965); /* L84 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__1PY=((__li__GB )li__0DK);
+  if (li__IDK==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L45095989); /* L344 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* MEMORY */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L45095989); /* L344 MEMORY*/;
+    li__0DK=((__li__4SF *)li__IDK);
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L11538485); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+    li__HOX=li__0DK->li__BTF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L11572277); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+    li__IMMB=li__4TG( 3);
+    lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L11563061); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__LMMB=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__JEW,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__Z2V=(__li__1RF)(li__LMMB - li__IMMB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__IMMB=li__4TG( 1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__LMMB=(__li__1RF)(li__Z2V - li__IMMB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L11562037); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    li__IMMB=(__li__1RF)(li__HOX & li__LMMB);
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L45103157); /* L344 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L47194165); /* L360 MEMORY*/;
+  li__SDK=((__li__1RF )(MINIMUM_SIZE));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L45096501); /* L344 MEMORY*/;
+  li__TDK=li__NML(li__IMMB,li__SDK);
+  if (li__TDK) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L46008885); /* L351 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L45105717); /* L344 MEMORY*/;
+    if (li__IDK==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L45233205); /* L345 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* MEMORY */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L45233205); /* L345 MEMORY*/;
+      li__HBX(((__li__4SF *)li__IDK));
+    };
+    if (li__IDK==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L45367861); /* L346 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* MEMORY */ {
+      li__TFK=li__IDK->li__ATF;
+    };
+    if (((void *)li__TFK != (void *)NULL)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L45878837); /* L350 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L45494325); /* L347 MEMORY*/;
+      if (li__TFK==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L45633589); /* L348 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* MEMORY */ {
+        li__22V=li__TFK->li__BTF;
+      };
+      if (li__IDK==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L45642805); /* L348 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* MEMORY */ {
+        li__FEK=li__IDK->li__BTF;
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L45649461); /* L348 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+      li__JNMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+      lisaac_push(&li__4NX,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+      li__NNMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+      lisaac_push(&li__4NX,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__TNMB=(__li__K)(- li__NNMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__NNMB=(__li__K)(li__JNMB - li__TNMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L45634101); /* L348 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__R2KB=li__4TG( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__J2KB=(__li__1RF)(li__R2KB - li__FEK);
+      lisaac_push(&li__4NX,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__FEK=(__li__1RF)(li__22V - li__J2KB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L45649461); /* L348 MEMORY*/;
+      li__22V=li__4TG(li__NNMB);
+      lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L45643317); /* L348 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__R2KB=li__4TG( 0);
+      lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__J2KB=(__li__1RF)(li__R2KB - li__22V);
+      lisaac_push(&li__4NX,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__22V=(__li__1RF)(li__FEK - li__J2KB);
+      if (li__TFK==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L45649973); /* L348 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* MEMORY */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L45649973); /* L348 MEMORY*/;
+        li__1XGB=((__li__4SF *)li__TFK);
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L13126709); /* L100 MEMORY*/;
+        li__1XGB->li__BTF=li__22V;
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L45754933); /* L349 MEMORY*/;
+      li__LMS(li__TFK,li__FDK);
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L45878837); /* L350 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L46008885); /* L351 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L46148661); /* L352 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L51541557); /* L393 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__3KK=((__li__U *)li__1PY);
+  lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L51651637); /* L394 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L18222102); /* L139 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__GRK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__JEW,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__TDK=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__TDK) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JEW,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L18227222); /* L139 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__3PY=li__VMC( 0, 0);
+    if (li__3PY) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4NX,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__IOX=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4NX,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__IOX=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__3PY=li__IOX;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JEW,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__3PY=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__3PY) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JEW,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__4NX,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FOX,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__GRK));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FOX,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HP2,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JEW,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L18627606); /* L142 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L105516054); /* L805 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__GRK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__TDK=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__TDK) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L105520662); /* L805 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__3PY=li__VMC( 0, 0);
+    if (li__3PY) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__IOX=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__IOX=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__3PY=li__IOX;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__3PY=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__3PY) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FOX,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HP2,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__GRK));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVZ,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVZ,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FOX,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HP2,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__IT2,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__XVZ,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__FOX,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__3KK[ 0]=li__DDK;
+  lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L46422581); /* L354 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__GRK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__TDK=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__TDK) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L46401589); /* L354 MEMORY*/;
+    li__LGK=li__H2I;
+    lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L46407221); /* L354 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__MGK=(void *)((unsigned long)li__1PY - (unsigned long)li__LGK);
+    lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L46418485); /* L354 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__HOX=li__4TG( 4095);
+    lisaac_push(&li__XPY,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__LGK=((__li__GB )li__HOX);
+    lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L46415413); /* L354 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    if (((unsigned long)(void *)((unsigned long)li__MGK & (unsigned long)li__LGK) ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JEW,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__IOX=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JEW,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__IOX=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__3PY=li__IOX;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__3PY=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__3PY) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__GRK));
+    lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_223));
+    lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XVZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CQY,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__YDK,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L46662709); /* L356 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  li__FDK=li__4TG( 4);
+  lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__GRK=((__li__GB )li__FDK);
+  lisaac_push(&li__BDK,L46536757); /* L355 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__I5HB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YDK,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__4NX,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  li__FDK=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__4NX,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__XPY,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__LGK=((__li__GB )li__FDK);
+  lisaac_push(&li__J5HB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JEW,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__MGK=(void *)((unsigned long)li__LGK - (unsigned long)li__GRK);
+  lisaac_push(&li__I5HB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__J5HB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__EDK=(void *)((unsigned long)li__1PY - (unsigned long)li__MGK);
+  return(li__EDK);
+static __li__GB li__2GK(__li__1RF li__4GK)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__3MM,li__5GK;
+  __li__1RF li__E2L;
+  _____CONTEXT li__3GK,li__ZML,li__01L,li__ZMM,li__1HN,li__ENM,li__A2L;
+  _____CONTEXT li__1VY,li__SZZ,li__DWY,li__03KB;
+  __li__C li__5MM,li__C2L,li__HNM;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__3GK,L6836275); /* L52 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZML,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__01L,L52431880); /* L400 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__ZMM,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__1HN,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__3MM=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__ZMM,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__5MM=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__5MM) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZMM,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1HN,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ENM,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A2L,L52437512); /* L400 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__E2L=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__A2L,L52436488); /* L400 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__C2L=li__1LL(li__4GK,li__E2L);
+    if (li__C2L) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ENM,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__A2L,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__HNM=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__ENM,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__A2L,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__HNM=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__C2L=li__HNM;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZMM,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1HN,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__C2L=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__C2L) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZMM,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1HN,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ENM,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__ENM,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__A2L,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1VY,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SZZ,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DWY,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__3MM));
+    lisaac_push(&li__A2L,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__A2L,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1VY,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SZZ,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DWY,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__03KB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__A2L,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1VY,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SZZ,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZMM,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1HN,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__01L,L52823048); /* L403 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__ZML,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__01L,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__5GK=((__li__GB )li__4GK);
+  return(li__5GK);
+static void li__KMK(__li__GB *li__MMK,__li__GB li__NMK,__li__K li__OMK)
+/* (Strict NATIVE_ARRAY(Expanded POINTER){li__5WJ},Expanded POINTER{li__GB},Expanded INTEGER{li__K}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__RPK;
+  _____CONTEXT li__LMK,li__NPK,li__RSK,li__YPK,li__SMK,li__1MS,li__5UT;
+  _____CONTEXT li__DNS,li__ZQLB,li__5QLB;
+  __li__C li__TPK,li__UMK,li__1PK;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LMK,L18222102); /* L139 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NPK,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RSK,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__RPK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__NPK,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__TPK=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__TPK) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__NPK,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RSK,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPK,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SMK,L18227222); /* L139 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__UMK=li__VMC(li__OMK, 0);
+    if (li__UMK) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YPK,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SMK,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__1PK=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__YPK,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__SMK,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__1PK=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__UMK=li__1PK;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__NPK,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RSK,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__UMK=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__UMK) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__NPK,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RSK,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPK,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__YPK,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SMK,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1MS,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5UT,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DNS,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__RPK));
+    lisaac_push(&li__SMK,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__SMK,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1MS,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5UT,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DNS,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZQLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__SMK,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1MS,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5UT,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__NPK,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RSK,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__LMK,L18627606); /* L142 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__NPK,L105516054); /* L805 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RSK,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__YPK,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__RPK=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__RSK,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__TPK=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__TPK) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__RSK,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPK,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SMK,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1MS,L105520662); /* L805 NATIVE_ARRAY*/;
+    li__UMK=li__VMC(li__OMK, 0);
+    if (li__UMK) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__SMK,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1MS,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__1PK=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__SMK,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1MS,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__1PK=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__UMK=li__1PK;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__RSK,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPK,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__UMK=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__UMK) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__RSK,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPK,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SMK,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__SMK,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1MS,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5UT,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DNS,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZQLB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__RPK));
+    lisaac_push(&li__1MS,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__1MS,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5UT,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DNS,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZQLB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5QLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__1MS,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5UT,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DNS,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__RSK,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__YPK,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__MMK[li__OMK]=li__NMK;
+static __li__C li__NML(__li__1RF li__PML,__li__1RF li__QML)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF},Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  _____CONTEXT li__OML,li__LGGB;
+  __li__C li__SML,li__UML,li__RML;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__OML,L14973960); /* L114 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__SML=li__1LL(li__PML,li__QML);
+  if (li__SML) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__OML,L14969352); /* L114 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LGGB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+    li__UML=li__I__;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__OML,L14969352); /* L114 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LGGB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+    li__UML=li__B__;
+  };
+  li__RML=li__UML;
+  return(li__RML);
+static void li__QBR(__li__GB li__TBR,__li__GB li__UBR,__li__1RF li__VBR)
+/* (Expanded POINTER{li__GB},Expanded POINTER{li__GB},Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__K li__ZBR,li__ACR,li__BCR,li__UXS;
+  __li__GB li__PWS,li__UCR;
+  _____CONTEXT li__RBR,li__FWS,li__D4T,li__1WU,li__3BR,li__BLHB,li__Y5Z;
+  _____CONTEXT li__LDZ,li__ZSLB;
+  __li__C li__RWS,li__ZWS,li__2WS;
+  __li__GB *li__WBR,*li__XBR;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBR,L58994741); /* L450 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FWS,L53628936); /* L409 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__D4T,L67277320); /* L513 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__1WU,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__ZBR=((__li__K )li__VBR);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBR,L59136053); /* L451 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FWS,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__D4T,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__PWS=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__FWS,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__RWS=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__RWS) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FWS,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4T,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1WU,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3BR,L59130421); /* L451 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BLHB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__ACR=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3BR,L59130933); /* L451 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BLHB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__BCR=(__li__K)(li__ACR -  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__3BR,L59119157); /* L451 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BLHB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    if (((__li__K)(li__ZBR & li__BCR) ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__1WU,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3BR,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__ZWS=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__1WU,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3BR,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__ZWS=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__2WS=li__ZWS;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FWS,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4T,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__2WS=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__2WS) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FWS,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4T,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__1WU,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__3BR,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BLHB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Y5Z,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LDZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__PWS));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3BR,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_224));
+    lisaac_push(&li__3BR,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BLHB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Y5Z,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LDZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZSLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__3BR,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BLHB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__Y5Z,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FWS,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__D4T,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBR,L59263029); /* L452 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FWS,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+  li__ACR=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBR,L59252789); /* L452 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FWS,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__BCR=(__li__K)(li__ZBR / li__ACR);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBR,L59406389); /* L453 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FWS,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__WBR=((__li__GB *)li__TBR);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBR,L59537461); /* L454 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FWS,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__XBR=((__li__GB *)li__UBR);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBR,L59774005); /* L456 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FWS,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__ZBR=(__li__K)(li__BCR -  1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBR,L60033589); /* L458 MEMORY*/;
+  li__ACR=li__ZBR;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__FWS,L22812680); /* L174 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__IXS:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__FWS,L22812680); /* L174 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__ZWS=li__VMC(li__ACR, 0);
+    if (li__ZWS) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__FWS,L23202312); /* L177 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D4T,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__1WU,L22947848); /* L175 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3BR,L59915829); /* L457 MEMORY*/;
+      li__UCR=li__25J(li__WBR,li__ACR);
+      lisaac_push(&li__3BR,L59918901); /* L457 MEMORY*/;
+      li__KMK(li__XBR,li__UCR,li__ACR);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1WU,L23074824); /* L176 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__3BR,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__UXS=(__li__K)(li__ACR -  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__1WU,L23088648); /* L176 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__ACR=li__UXS;
+      goto li__IXS;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__FWS,L23202312); /* L177 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__D4T,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+static __li__1RF li__C1S(__li__GB li__E1S)
+/* (Expanded POINTER{li__GB}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__ODU,li__N1S;
+  __li__1RF li__BYLB,li__F1S;
+  _____CONTEXT li__D1S,li__KDU,li__HZU,li__VDU,li__J1S,li__4XLB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__5XLB,li__CYLB,li__JYLB;
+  __li__C li__QDU,li__4TV,li__AUV,li__BUV;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__D1S,L52431880); /* L400 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KDU,L21772308); /* L166 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HZU,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__ODU=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__KDU,L21899284); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+  li__QDU=li__VMC( 15, 5);
+  if (li__QDU) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KDU,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HZU,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VDU,L21906964); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J1S,L52437512); /* L400 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4XLB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5XLB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__BYLB=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__5XLB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CYLB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__N1S=((__li__GB )li__BYLB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__J1S,L52436488); /* L400 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4XLB,L15496712); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5XLB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__4TV=(li__E1S > li__N1S);
+    li__AUV=(li__E1S == li__N1S);
+    if (li__4TV) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4XLB,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__5XLB,L10900994); /* L83 TRUE*/;
+      li__BUV=li__B__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__4XLB,L15501320); /* L118 NUMERIC*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__5XLB,L12342790); /* L94 FALSE*/;
+      li__BUV=li__AUV;
+    };
+    if (li__BUV) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__VDU,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__J1S,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__BUV=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__VDU,L21903892); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__J1S,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__BUV=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__4TV=li__BUV;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KDU,L21902356); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HZU,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__4TV=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__4TV) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KDU,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HZU,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VDU,L21910036); /* L167 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__VDU,L22051348); /* L168 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__J1S,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4XLB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5XLB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CYLB,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__ODU));
+    lisaac_push(&li__J1S,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_1));
+    lisaac_push(&li__J1S,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4XLB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5XLB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CYLB,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JYLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__J1S,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4XLB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5XLB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__KDU,L22153748); /* L169 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HZU,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__D1S,L52823048); /* L403 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KDU,L9081877); /* L69 POINTER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__HZU,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__F1S=((__li__1RF )li__E1S);
+  return(li__F1S);
+static __li__4SF* li__1VV(__li__4SF *li__3VV)
+/* (Strict MEMORY{li__4SF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__O2MB,li__42MB,li__G3MB,li__I3MB;
+  __li__K li__R2MB,li__T2MB,li__X2MB;
+  __li__1RF li__22MB,li__T3S,li__LOMB,li__OOMB;
+  __li__4SF *li__4VV;
+  _____CONTEXT li__2VV,li__K2MB,li__L2MB,li__M2MB,li__V2MB,li__W2MB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__D3MB,li__F3MB;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__2VV,L11834933); /* L90 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__K2MB,L11295797); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__L2MB,L11046965); /* L84 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M2MB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__O2MB=((__li__GB )li__3VV);
+  lisaac_push(&li__K2MB,L11302453); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__L2MB,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M2MB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+  li__R2MB=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__L2MB,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M2MB,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  li__T2MB=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__L2MB,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M2MB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V2MB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__W2MB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__X2MB=(__li__K)(- li__T2MB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__M2MB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V2MB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__T2MB=(__li__K)(li__R2MB - li__X2MB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__K2MB,L11302453); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__L2MB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M2MB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  li__22MB=li__4TG(li__T2MB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__M2MB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V2MB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__42MB=((__li__GB )li__22MB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__K2MB,L11296309); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__L2MB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M2MB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V2MB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__W2MB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__D3MB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  li__22MB=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__D3MB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__F3MB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__G3MB=((__li__GB )li__22MB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__M2MB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V2MB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__I3MB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__G3MB - (unsigned long)li__42MB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L2MB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M2MB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__42MB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__O2MB - (unsigned long)li__I3MB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__2VV,L11838005); /* L90 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__K2MB,L11538485); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+  li__22MB=li__3VV->li__BTF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__K2MB,L11572277); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+  li__T3S=li__4TG( 3);
+  lisaac_push(&li__K2MB,L11563061); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__L2MB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M2MB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V2MB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__LOMB=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__M2MB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V2MB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__OOMB=(__li__1RF)(li__LOMB - li__T3S);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L2MB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M2MB,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__T3S=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L2MB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M2MB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__LOMB=(__li__1RF)(li__OOMB - li__T3S);
+  lisaac_push(&li__K2MB,L11562037); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__L2MB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+  li__T3S=(__li__1RF)(li__22MB & li__LOMB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__2VV,L11838005); /* L90 MEMORY*/;
+  li__O2MB=li__2GK(li__T3S);
+  lisaac_push(&li__2VV,L11835445); /* L90 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__K2MB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__L2MB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M2MB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__V2MB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__W2MB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  li__22MB=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__W2MB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__D3MB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__G3MB=((__li__GB )li__22MB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L2MB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__M2MB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__I3MB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__G3MB - (unsigned long)li__O2MB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__K2MB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__L2MB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__O2MB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__42MB - (unsigned long)li__I3MB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__2VV,L11838517); /* L90 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__K2MB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__4VV=((__li__4SF *)li__O2MB);
+  return(li__4VV);
+static void li__KLW(__li__4SF *li__MLW,__li__GB li__NLW,__li__1RF li__OLW)
+/* (Strict MEMORY{li__4SF},Expanded POINTER{li__GB},Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__V5W,li__LMW,li__OJR,li__VRMB,li__ANLB;
+  __li__1RF li__NTLB,li__OTLB,li__2LW,li__YMW,li__QVLB,li__IVLB,li__FNW;
+  __li__1RF li__LNW,li__IXLB;
+  __li__K li__GMW,li__HMW,li__SULB,li__CVLB,li__ARMB,li__ERMB,li__KRMB;
+  __li__4SF *li__JNW,*li__2NW;
+  _____CONTEXT li__LLW,li__BCIB,li__CCIB,li__25W,li__0LW,li__LTLB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__PTLB,li__SQ1,li__ZTLB,li__URMB;
+  __li__C li__X5W,li__55W,li__CAX;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__LLW,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L31074357); /* L237 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__V5W=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__X5W=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__X5W) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L31068213); /* L237 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L12061749); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+    li__NTLB=li__MLW->li__BTF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__LTLB,L12088373); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+    li__OTLB=li__4TG( 1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__LTLB,L12086325); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    li__2LW=(__li__1RF)(li__NTLB & li__OTLB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L31072821); /* L237 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L21249589); /* L162 MEMORY*/;
+    li__NTLB=li__4TG( 0);
+    if ((li__2LW == li__NTLB)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__25W,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__55W=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__25W,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__55W=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__CAX=li__55W;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__CAX=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__CAX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SQ1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__V5W));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_225));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SQ1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZTLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L31217717); /* L238 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__V5W=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__X5W=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__X5W) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L31211573); /* L238 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__GMW=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L31212085); /* L238 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__HMW=(__li__K)(li__GMW -  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L31212085); /* L238 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__NTLB=li__4TG(li__HMW);
+    lisaac_push(&li__PTLB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SQ1,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__LMW=((__li__GB )li__NTLB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L31200309); /* L238 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    if (((unsigned long)(void *)((unsigned long)li__NLW & (unsigned long)li__LMW) ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__25W,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__55W=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__25W,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__55W=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__CAX=li__55W;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__CAX=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__CAX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SQ1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__V5W));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_182));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SQ1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZTLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L31467573); /* L240 MEMORY*/;
+  li__HBX(li__MLW);
+  li__NTLB=li__MLW->li__BTF;
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L30678069); /* L234 MEMORY*/;
+  li__OTLB=li__C1S(li__NLW);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L31861301); /* L243 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__2LW=(__li__1RF)(li__NTLB - li__OTLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L31996469); /* L244 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L47194165); /* L360 MEMORY*/;
+  li__OTLB=((__li__1RF )(MINIMUM_SIZE));
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L32002613); /* L244 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+  li__GMW=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  li__HMW=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__SULB=(__li__K)(- li__HMW);
+  lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__HMW=(__li__K)(li__GMW - li__SULB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L32008757); /* L244 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+  li__GMW=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  li__SULB=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__CVLB=(__li__K)(- li__SULB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__SULB=(__li__K)(li__GMW - li__CVLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L32002613); /* L244 MEMORY*/;
+  li__YMW=li__4TG(li__HMW);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L31996981); /* L244 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__QVLB=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__IVLB=(__li__1RF)(li__QVLB - li__YMW);
+  lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__YMW=(__li__1RF)(li__OTLB - li__IVLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L32008757); /* L244 MEMORY*/;
+  li__OTLB=li__4TG(li__SULB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L32003125); /* L244 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__QVLB=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__IVLB=(__li__1RF)(li__QVLB - li__OTLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__OTLB=(__li__1RF)(li__YMW - li__IVLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L31989301); /* L244 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  if ((li__2LW > li__OTLB)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L33557045); /* L256 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L30678069); /* L234 MEMORY*/;
+    li__FNW=li__C1S(li__NLW);
+    li__NTLB=li__FNW;
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L32267317); /* L246 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L11295797); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L11046965); /* L84 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__LMW=((__li__GB )li__MLW);
+    lisaac_push(&li__25W,L11302453); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__ARMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+    li__ERMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SQ1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__KRMB=(__li__K)(- li__ERMB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__LTLB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__ERMB=(__li__K)(li__ARMB - li__KRMB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__25W,L11302453); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__FNW=li__4TG(li__ERMB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__LTLB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__OJR=((__li__GB )li__FNW);
+    lisaac_push(&li__25W,L11296309); /* L86 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SQ1,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZTLB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__FNW=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__ZTLB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__URMB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__VRMB=((__li__GB )li__FNW);
+    lisaac_push(&li__LTLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__ANLB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__VRMB - (unsigned long)li__OJR);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__OJR=(void *)((unsigned long)li__LMW - (unsigned long)li__ANLB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L32267829); /* L246 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SQ1,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    li__FNW=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__SQ1,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZTLB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__LMW=((__li__GB )li__FNW);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__VRMB=(void *)((unsigned long)li__LMW - (unsigned long)li__NLW);
+    lisaac_push(&li__25W,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__LMW=(void *)((unsigned long)li__OJR - (unsigned long)li__VRMB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L32269365); /* L246 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__JNW=((__li__4SF *)li__LMW);
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L32392245); /* L247 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L12864565); /* L98 MEMORY*/;
+    li__JNW->li__ATF=li__MLW;
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L32530997); /* L248 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__ARMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__25W,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+    li__ERMB=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__25W,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__KRMB=(__li__K)(- li__ERMB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__ERMB=(__li__K)(li__ARMB - li__KRMB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L32530997); /* L248 MEMORY*/;
+    li__FNW=li__4TG(li__ERMB);
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L32524853); /* L248 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__LNW=(__li__1RF)(li__2LW - li__FNW);
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L32531509); /* L248 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L13126709); /* L100 MEMORY*/;
+    li__JNW->li__BTF=li__LNW;
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L32648757); /* L249 MEMORY*/;
+    li__32V(li__JNW);
+    lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L32776757); /* L250 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L12588085); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+    li__FNW=li__JNW->li__BTF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__25W,L12614709); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L12343349); /* L94 MEMORY*/;
+    li__LNW=li__4TG( 2);
+    lisaac_push(&li__25W,L12611125); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    li__IXLB=(__li__1RF)(li__FNW & li__LNW);
+    lisaac_push(&li__25W,L12620853); /* L96 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L34741256); /* L265 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__IXLB !=  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L33426997); /* L255 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L32909365); /* L251 MEMORY*/;
+      li__LMS(li__JNW,li__OLW);
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L33426997); /* L255 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L33173557); /* L253 MEMORY*/;
+      li__2NW=li__1VV(li__JNW);
+      lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L33307189); /* L254 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L12864565); /* L98 MEMORY*/;
+      li__2NW->li__ATF=li__JNW;
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L33557045); /* L256 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L33701941); /* L257 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L21380661); /* L163 MEMORY*/;
+  li__OTLB=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L33697845); /* L257 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L22940167); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__2LW=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__25W,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__YMW=(__li__1RF)(li__2LW - li__NTLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__NTLB=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__2LW=(__li__1RF)(li__YMW - li__NTLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L22944263); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__NTLB=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__25W,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__YMW=(__li__1RF)(li__NTLB - li__OTLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__NTLB=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__OTLB=(__li__1RF)(li__YMW - li__NTLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L22943239); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+  li__NTLB=(__li__1RF)(li__2LW & li__OTLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L22939143); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__OTLB=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__25W,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__2LW=(__li__1RF)(li__OTLB - li__NTLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__NTLB=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__CCIB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__MLW->li__BTF=(__li__1RF)(li__2LW - li__NTLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__LLW,L33826869); /* L258 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__BCIB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__V5W=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__X5W=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__X5W) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L33820725); /* L258 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L12061749); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+    li__FNW=li__MLW->li__BTF;
+    lisaac_push(&li__LTLB,L12088373); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+    li__LNW=li__4TG( 1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__LTLB,L12086325); /* L92 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    li__IXLB=(__li__1RF)(li__FNW & li__LNW);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L33825333); /* L258 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L21380661); /* L163 MEMORY*/;
+    li__FNW=li__4TG( 1);
+    if ((li__IXLB == li__FNW)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__25W,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__55W=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__25W,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__55W=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__CAX=li__55W;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__CAX=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__CAX) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__25W,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__0LW,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SQ1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__V5W));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_226));
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SQ1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__ZTLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__0LW,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__LTLB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__PTLB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__BCIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__CCIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+static void li__LMS(__li__4SF *li__OMS,__li__1RF li__PMS)
+/* (Strict MEMORY{NULLxli__4SF},Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__HUT;
+  __li__1RF li__VMS;
+  _____CONTEXT li__MMS,li__DUT,li__TQU,li__OUT,li__TMS,li__UJ1,li__5Z1;
+  _____CONTEXT li__2J1,li__NQLB;
+  __li__C li__JUT,li__WMS,li__RUT;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__MMS,L14158389); /* L108 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__DUT,L19150868); /* L146 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TQU,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__HUT=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__DUT,L19277844); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+  li__JUT=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__JUT) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DUT,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TQU,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OUT,L19285524); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TMS,L14158901); /* L108 MEMORY*/;
+    li__VMS=li__RDK;
+    lisaac_push(&li__TMS,L14161973); /* L108 MEMORY*/;
+    li__WMS=li__NML(li__PMS,li__VMS);
+    if (li__WMS) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OUT,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TMS,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__RUT=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__OUT,L19282452); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__TMS,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__RUT=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__WMS=li__RUT;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DUT,L19280916); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TQU,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__WMS=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__WMS) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DUT,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TQU,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__OUT,L19288596); /* L147 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__OUT,L19428372); /* L148 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TMS,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UJ1,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5Z1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2J1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__HUT));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TMS,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_178));
+    lisaac_push(&li__TMS,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UJ1,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5Z1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__2J1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NQLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__TMS,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__UJ1,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__5Z1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__DUT,L19532308); /* L149 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TQU,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  last_block[(li__PMS)] = (li__OMS);
+static __li__4SF* li__SZQ(__li__1RF li__VZQ)
+/* (Expanded UINTEGER_CPU{li__1RF}) With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__CES,li__21Q,li__2ER;
+  __li__1RF li__A0Q,li__F0Q,li__D0Q,li__ZXLB,li__0XLB,li__VQMB,li__YQMB;
+  __li__K li__C0Q,li__Q0Q;
+  __li__4SF *li__XZQ,*li__YXLB,*li__WZQ;
+  _____CONTEXT li__TZQ,li__JBIB,li__KBIB,li__JES,li__4ZQ,li__NTGB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__DY1,li__TG1,li__HMLB;
+  __li__C li__EES,li__MES,li__PES,li__G1Q,li__J1Q;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__TZQ,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JBIB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  lisaac_push(&li__TZQ,L40134197); /* L306 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JBIB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__CES=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__EES=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__EES) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JES,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L40122421); /* L306 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L47194165); /* L360 MEMORY*/;
+    li__A0Q=((__li__1RF )(MINIMUM_SIZE));
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L40132661); /* L306 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__C0Q=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L40132661); /* L306 MEMORY*/;
+    li__F0Q=li__4TG(li__C0Q);
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L40122933); /* L306 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__D0Q=(__li__1RF)(li__A0Q - li__F0Q);
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L40115765); /* L306 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+    if ((li__VZQ > li__D0Q)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JES,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__MES=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JES,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__MES=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__PES=li__MES;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__PES=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__PES) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JES,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DY1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TG1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__CES));
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_227));
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DY1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TG1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HMLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DY1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__TZQ,L40264757); /* L307 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JBIB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__CES=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__EES=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__EES) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JES,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L40258613); /* L307 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+    li__C0Q=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L40259125); /* L307 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+    li__Q0Q=(__li__K)(li__C0Q -  1);
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L40259125); /* L307 MEMORY*/;
+    li__A0Q=li__4TG(li__Q0Q);
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L40247349); /* L307 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+    if (((__li__1RF)(li__VZQ & li__A0Q) ==  0)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JES,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__MES=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JES,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__MES=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__PES=li__MES;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__PES=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__PES) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JES,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DY1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TG1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__CES));
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_182));
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DY1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TG1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HMLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DY1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__XZQ=li__Y0Q;
+  lisaac_push(&li__TZQ,L40897077); /* L312 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JBIB,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+  li__UFS:
+  {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L9441812); /* L72 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L40634421); /* L310 MEMORY*/;
+    if (((void *)li__XZQ != (void *)NULL)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__KBIB,L40644661); /* L310 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JES,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L40645173); /* L310 MEMORY*/;
+      if (li__XZQ==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L40651829); /* L310 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* MEMORY */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L40651829); /* L310 MEMORY*/;
+        li__YXLB=((__li__4SF *)li__XZQ);
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L11538485); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+        li__ZXLB=li__YXLB->li__BTF;
+        lisaac_push(&li__NTGB,L11572277); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+        li__0XLB=li__4TG( 3);
+        lisaac_push(&li__NTGB,L11563061); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__DY1,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__TG1,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HMLB,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__VQMB=li__4TG( 0);
+        lisaac_push(&li__TG1,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__HMLB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__YQMB=(__li__1RF)(li__VQMB - li__0XLB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__DY1,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__TG1,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__0XLB=li__4TG( 1);
+        lisaac_push(&li__DY1,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__TG1,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+        li__VQMB=(__li__1RF)(li__YQMB - li__0XLB);
+        lisaac_push(&li__NTGB,L11562037); /* L88 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__DY1,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+        li__0XLB=(__li__1RF)(li__ZXLB & li__VQMB);
+      };
+      lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L40652341); /* L310 MEMORY*/;
+      li__G1Q=li__NML(li__0XLB,li__VZQ);
+      li__J1Q=li__G1Q;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__KBIB,L40644661); /* L310 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JES,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__J1Q=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__J1Q) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__JES,L9576468); /* L73 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L40663093); /* L310 MEMORY*/;
+      if (li__XZQ==NULL) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L40779829); /* L311 MEMORY*/;
+        lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+      } else /* MEMORY */ {
+        li__YXLB=li__XZQ->li__CTF;
+      };
+      li__XZQ=li__YXLB;
+      lisaac_push(&li__JES,L9709076); /* L74 BLOCK*/;
+      goto li__UFS;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L9832980); /* L75 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  };
+  if (((void *)li__XZQ == (void *)NULL)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TZQ,L41290293); /* L315 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JBIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L41168949); /* L314 MEMORY*/;
+    li__YXLB=li__K3Q();
+    li__XZQ=li__YXLB;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TZQ,L41290293); /* L315 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JBIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  if (li__XZQ==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TZQ,L41435701); /* L316 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* MEMORY */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TZQ,L41435701); /* L316 MEMORY*/;
+    li__YXLB=((__li__4SF *)li__XZQ);
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JBIB,L11046965); /* L84 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__21Q=((__li__GB )li__YXLB);
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__TZQ,L41436213); /* L316 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JBIB,L13381685); /* L102 MEMORY*/;
+  li__CES=li__H2I;
+  lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L13392437); /* L102 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__2ER=(void *)((unsigned long)li__21Q - (unsigned long)li__CES);
+  lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L13408309); /* L102 MEMORY*/;
+  li__A0Q=li__C1S(li__2ER);
+  lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L13409333); /* L102 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L23745543); /* L181 INTEGER*/;
+  li__F0Q=(__li__1RF)(li__A0Q >>  26);
+  lisaac_push(&li__TZQ,L41564213); /* L317 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__JBIB,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+  li__CES=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+  lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+  li__EES=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+  if (li__EES) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JES,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L41559605); /* L317 MEMORY*/;
+    li__D0Q=li__4TG( 0);
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L41562677); /* L317 MEMORY*/;
+    li__ZXLB=li__4TG( 63);
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L41562677); /* L317 MEMORY*/;
+    li__MES=li__FNL(li__F0Q,li__D0Q,li__ZXLB);
+    if (li__MES) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JES,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+      li__G1Q=li__I__;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__JES,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+      li__G1Q=li__B__;
+    };
+    li__MES=li__G1Q;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+    li__MES=li__I__;
+  };
+  if (li__MES) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__JES,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__4ZQ,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DY1,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TG1,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__CES));
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_220));
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DY1,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__TG1,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__HMLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+    fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+    lisaac_push(&li__4ZQ,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__NTGB,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__DY1,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__JBIB,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__KBIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  lisaac_push(&li__TZQ,L39462453); /* L301 MEMORY*/;
+  li__CES=li__2GK(li__VZQ);
+  if (li__XZQ==NULL) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TZQ,L41699893); /* L318 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+  } else /* MEMORY */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__TZQ,L41699893); /* L318 MEMORY*/;
+    li__KLW(((__li__4SF *)li__XZQ),li__CES,li__F0Q);
+  };
+  li__WZQ=li__XZQ;
+  return(li__WZQ);
+static void li__32V(__li__4SF *li__52V)
+/* (Strict MEMORY{li__4SF}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__4SF *li__I3V,*li__X2GB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__42V,li__R4V,li__G3V,li__V2GB;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__42V,L23995445); /* L183 MEMORY*/;
+  li__52V->li__CTF=li__Y0Q;
+  li__52V->li__DTF=NULL;
+  if (((void *)li__Y0Q != (void *)NULL)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__42V,L24775221); /* L189 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__R4V,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__G3V,L24524853); /* L187 MEMORY*/;
+    li__I3V=li__Y0Q;
+    if (li__I3V==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__G3V,L24661557); /* L188 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* MEMORY */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__G3V,L24661557); /* L188 MEMORY*/;
+      li__X2GB=((__li__4SF *)li__I3V);
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__V2GB,L21773877); /* L166 MEMORY*/;
+      li__X2GB->li__DTF=li__52V;
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__42V,L24775221); /* L189 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__R4V,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__Y0Q=li__52V;
+static void li__HBX(__li__4SF *li__JBX)
+/* (Strict MEMORY{li__4SF}) Void No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__4SF *li__KBX,*li__LBX,*li__I5Z;
+  _____CONTEXT li__IBX,li__S0X,li__SBX,li__H5Z;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__IBX,L22030901); /* L168 MEMORY*/;
+  li__KBX=li__JBX->li__DTF;
+  li__LBX=li__JBX->li__CTF;
+  if (((void *)li__KBX == (void *)NULL)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__IBX,L23202357); /* L177 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S0X,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SBX,L22686261); /* L173 MEMORY*/;
+    li__Y0Q=li__LBX;
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__IBX,L23202357); /* L177 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S0X,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SBX,L22943285); /* L175 MEMORY*/;
+    if (li__KBX==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__SBX,L23083573); /* L176 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* MEMORY */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__SBX,L23083573); /* L176 MEMORY*/;
+      li__I5Z=((__li__4SF *)li__KBX);
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__H5Z,L21642805); /* L165 MEMORY*/;
+      li__I5Z->li__CTF=li__LBX;
+    };
+  };
+  if (((void *)li__LBX != (void *)NULL)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__IBX,L23595573); /* L180 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S0X,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SBX,L23342133); /* L178 MEMORY*/;
+    if (li__LBX==NULL) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__SBX,L23478837); /* L179 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print(top_context); print_string("Call on NULL\n"); die_with_code(1);
+    } else /* MEMORY */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__SBX,L23478837); /* L179 MEMORY*/;
+      li__I5Z=((__li__4SF *)li__LBX);
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__H5Z,L21773877); /* L166 MEMORY*/;
+      li__I5Z->li__DTF=li__KBX;
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__IBX,L23595573); /* L180 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__S0X,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+static __li__4SF* li__K3Q()
+/* () With result No recursive, No inlinable. NO CONTEXT! */
+  __li__GB li__E4U,li__G4U,li__CQU,li__JQU;
+  __li__1RF li__K4U,li__B4U,li__S4U,li__Q4U,li__WOLB;
+  __li__K li__EQU,li__FQU,li__EQLB;
+  __li__4SF *li__Z4Q,*li__N3Q;
+  _____CONTEXT li__L3Q,li__RBIB,li__SBIB,li__QPU,li__43U,li__VBIB;
+  _____CONTEXT li__WBIB,li__IXV,li__44U,li__PMHB,li__RMZ,li__HOLB;
+  __li__C li__E5U,li__JAV,li__MAV;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__L3Q,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  if ((li__V3Q ==  0)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L17828405); /* L136 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L17705525); /* L135 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L15752245); /* L120 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L3951155); /* L30 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L68850184); /* L525 NUMERIC*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+    li__E4U=((__li__GB )(NULL));
+    li__G4U=((__li__GB )(NULL));
+    lisaac_push(&li__43U,L15736882); /* L120 SYSTEM*/;
+    li__K4U=li__4TG( 33554432);
+    li__B4U=li__K4U;
+    lisaac_push(&li__43U,L16413234); /* L125 SYSTEM*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L12980756); /* L99 BLOCK*/;
+    li__3IV:
+    {
+      lisaac_push(&li__VBIB,L12980756); /* L99 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L16001074); /* L122 SYSTEM*/;
+      li__S4U=li__4TG( 2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__WBIB,L16000050); /* L122 SYSTEM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L9457160); /* L72 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__Q4U=(__li__1RF)(li__B4U * li__S4U);
+      li__B4U=li__Q4U;
+      li__E4U=li__G4U;
+      li__G4U=((__li__GB )(realloc((li__G4U),(li__Q4U))));
+      lisaac_push(&li__VBIB,L13115924); /* L100 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L16391730); /* L125 SYSTEM*/;
+      if ((li__G4U == (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__WBIB,L16401970); /* L125 SYSTEM*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L10377218); /* L79 TRUE*/;
+        li__E5U=li__B__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__WBIB,L16401970); /* L125 SYSTEM*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L11832326); /* L90 FALSE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__44U,L16406578); /* L125 SYSTEM*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__PMHB,L23745543); /* L181 INTEGER*/;
+        li__E5U=((__li__1RF)(li__Q4U >>  20) ==  2048);
+      };
+      if (li__E5U) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__VBIB,L13110292); /* L100 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__E5U=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__VBIB,L13110292); /* L100 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__E5U=li__B__;
+      };
+      if (li__E5U) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__VBIB,L13371924); /* L102 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L13248020); /* L101 BLOCK*/;
+        goto li__3IV;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__VBIB,L13371924); /* L102 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+      };
+    };
+    if ((li__G4U == (void *)NULL)) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__43U,L17041970); /* L130 SYSTEM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L6825986); /* L52 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L16656434); /* L127 SYSTEM*/;
+      li__S4U=li__4TG( 2);
+      lisaac_push(&li__WBIB,L16655410); /* L127 SYSTEM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L9719304); /* L74 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__B4U=(__li__1RF)(li__B4U / li__S4U);
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__43U,L17041970); /* L130 SYSTEM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L6826502); /* L52 FALSE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L16782898); /* L128 SYSTEM*/;
+      li__E4U=li__G4U;
+    };
+    li__V3Q=li__B4U;
+    li__H2I=li__E4U;
+    lisaac_push(&li__QPU,L16529461); /* L126 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__E4U=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__43U,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    li__E5U=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+    if (li__E5U) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__43U,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L16517173); /* L126 MEMORY*/;
+      if ((li__H2I != (void *)NULL)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__WBIB,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__JAV=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__WBIB,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__JAV=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__MAV=li__JAV;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__43U,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__MAV=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__MAV) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__43U,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__44U,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PMHB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__RMZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__E4U));
+      lisaac_push(&li__IXV,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_228));
+      lisaac_push(&li__IXV,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__44U,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PMHB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__RMZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HOLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__IXV,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__44U,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PMHB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__43U,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+    lisaac_push(&li__QPU,L16673845); /* L127 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L17840148); /* L136 BLOCK*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L7875076); /* L60 OBJECT*/;
+    li__E4U=((__li__GB )(top_context->back->back));
+    lisaac_push(&li__43U,L17967124); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+    li__E5U=li__VMC( 15, 10);
+    if (li__E5U) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__43U,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L10652674); /* L81 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L17974804); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L16648245); /* L127 MEMORY*/;
+      li__CQU=li__H2I;
+      lisaac_push(&li__IXV,L16667701); /* L127 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__44U,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+      li__EQU=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+      lisaac_push(&li__IXV,L16668213); /* L127 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__44U,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+      li__FQU=(__li__K)(li__EQU -  1);
+      lisaac_push(&li__IXV,L16668213); /* L127 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__44U,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PMHB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      li__S4U=li__4TG(li__FQU);
+      lisaac_push(&li__PMHB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__RMZ,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+      li__JQU=((__li__GB )li__S4U);
+      lisaac_push(&li__IXV,L16656437); /* L127 MEMORY*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__44U,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+      if (((unsigned long)(void *)((unsigned long)li__CQU & (unsigned long)li__JQU) ==  0)) {
+        lisaac_push(&li__WBIB,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L13509634); /* L103 TRUE*/;
+        li__JAV=li__I__;
+      } else /* FALSE */ {
+        lisaac_push(&li__WBIB,L17971732); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+        lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L14689286); /* L112 FALSE*/;
+        li__JAV=li__B__;
+      };
+      li__MAV=li__JAV;
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__43U,L17970196); /* L137 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L12081158); /* L92 FALSE*/;
+      li__MAV=li__I__;
+    };
+    if (li__MAV) {
+      lisaac_push(&li__43U,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L18105876); /* L138 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__IXV,L9845764); /* L75 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__44U,L8653316); /* L66 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PMHB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__RMZ,L8401924); /* L64 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_stack_print((_____CONTEXT *)(li__E4U));
+      lisaac_push(&li__IXV,L9968132); /* L76 OBJECT*/;
+      li__SGC((&__string_182));
+      lisaac_push(&li__IXV,L10099716); /* L77 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__44U,L10241042); /* L78 CHARACTER*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PMHB,L5005353); /* L38 STD_OUTPUT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__RMZ,L18640426); /* L142 OUTPUT_STREAM*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__HOLB,L6962230); /* L53 UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO*/;
+      fputc((int)('\n'),stdout);
+      lisaac_push(&li__IXV,L10241540); /* L78 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__44U,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__PMHB,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+      exit(( 1));
+    } else /* FALSE */ {
+      lisaac_push(&li__43U,L18221588); /* L139 BLOCK*/;
+      lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+    };
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L17828405); /* L136 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__K4U=li__RDK;
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L17970229); /* L137 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L24269831); /* L185 INTEGER*/;
+  li__B4U=(__li__1RF)(li__K4U <<  26);
+  li__K4U=li__RDK;
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L18101813); /* L138 MEMORY*/;
+  li__S4U=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L18100789); /* L138 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__Q4U=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__WOLB=(__li__1RF)(li__Q4U - li__S4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBIB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__RDK=(__li__1RF)(li__K4U - li__WOLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L18235445); /* L139 MEMORY*/;
+  li__K4U=li__4TG( 67108864);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L18232373); /* L139 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__S4U=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__Q4U=(__li__1RF)(li__S4U - li__K4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBIB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__K4U=(__li__1RF)(li__B4U - li__Q4U);
+  li__S4U=li__V3Q;
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L18357813); /* L140 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L14700552); /* L112 NUMERIC*/;
+  if ((li__K4U > li__S4U)) {
+    lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L18745909); /* L143 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L8792066); /* L67 TRUE*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L18367029); /* L140 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L18498613); /* L141 MEMORY*/;
+    li__SGC((&__string_229));
+    lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L18631221); /* L142 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L11297796); /* L86 OBJECT*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L9055282); /* L69 SYSTEM*/;
+    exit(( 1));
+  } else /* FALSE */ {
+    lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L18745909); /* L143 MEMORY*/;
+    lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L8530438); /* L65 FALSE*/;
+  };
+  li__E4U=li__H2I;
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L17177653); /* L131 MEMORY*/;
+  li__G4U=li__2GK(li__B4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L19557941); /* L149 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L14156807); /* L108 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__VBIB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  li__K4U=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__VBIB,L80522247); /* L614 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__WBIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__CQU=((__li__GB )li__K4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__JQU=(void *)((unsigned long)li__CQU - (unsigned long)li__G4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBIB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__G4U=(void *)((unsigned long)li__E4U - (unsigned long)li__JQU);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L19563061); /* L149 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L4069924); /* L31 CONVERT*/;
+  li__Z4Q=((__li__4SF *)li__G4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L19678261); /* L150 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L12864565); /* L98 MEMORY*/;
+  li__Z4Q->li__ATF=NULL;
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L19809845); /* L151 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L21249589); /* L162 MEMORY*/;
+  li__K4U=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L19814453); /* L151 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L12343349); /* L94 MEMORY*/;
+  li__B4U=li__4TG( 2);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L19825717); /* L151 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L10254901); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L5774869); /* L44 POINTER*/;
+  li__EQU=((__li__K )(sizeof(void *)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBIB,L10268213); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L4988467); /* L38 UINTEGER_CPU*/;
+  li__FQU=((__li__K )(sizeof(unsigned long)));
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBIB,L10255413); /* L78 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L9990152); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__EQLB=(__li__K)(- li__FQU);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L9989128); /* L76 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__FQU=(__li__K)(li__EQU - li__EQLB);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L19819573); /* L151 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__EQU=(__li__K)( 67108864 - li__FQU);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L19810357); /* L151 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L22940167); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__S4U=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__QPU,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__Q4U=(__li__1RF)(li__S4U - li__K4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__K4U=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__S4U=(__li__1RF)(li__Q4U - li__K4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBIB,L22944263); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__K4U=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__QPU,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__Q4U=(__li__1RF)(li__K4U - li__B4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__K4U=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__B4U=(__li__1RF)(li__Q4U - li__K4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBIB,L22943239); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+  li__K4U=(__li__1RF)(li__S4U & li__B4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBIB,L22939143); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__B4U=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__QPU,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__S4U=(__li__1RF)(li__B4U - li__K4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__K4U=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__B4U=(__li__1RF)(li__S4U - li__K4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L19819573); /* L151 MEMORY*/;
+  li__K4U=li__4TG(li__EQU);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L19814965); /* L151 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L22940167); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__S4U=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__QPU,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__Q4U=(__li__1RF)(li__S4U - li__B4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__B4U=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__S4U=(__li__1RF)(li__Q4U - li__B4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBIB,L22944263); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__B4U=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__QPU,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__Q4U=(__li__1RF)(li__B4U - li__K4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__K4U=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__B4U=(__li__1RF)(li__Q4U - li__K4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBIB,L22943239); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L22171143); /* L169 INTEGER*/;
+  li__K4U=(__li__1RF)(li__S4U & li__B4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__RBIB,L22939143); /* L175 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__SBIB,L25311239); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L11029000); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L5383176); /* L41 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__B4U=li__4TG( 0);
+  lisaac_push(&li__QPU,L11029512); /* L84 NUMERIC*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__43U,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__S4U=(__li__1RF)(li__B4U - li__K4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L25319431); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L5121032); /* L39 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__K4U=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__SBIB,L25314823); /* L193 INTEGER*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__QPU,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__B4U=(__li__1RF)(li__S4U - li__K4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L19826741); /* L151 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L13126709); /* L100 MEMORY*/;
+  li__Z4Q->li__BTF=li__B4U;
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L19934773); /* L152 MEMORY*/;
+  li__32V(li__Z4Q);
+  li__K4U=li__RDK;
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L20071477); /* L153 MEMORY*/;
+  li__B4U=li__4TG( 1);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L20070453); /* L153 MEMORY*/;
+  lisaac_push_first(&li__RBIB,L9195016); /* L70 NUMERIC*/;
+  li__S4U=(__li__1RF)(li__K4U - li__B4U);
+  lisaac_push(&li__L3Q,L20071989); /* L153 MEMORY*/;
+  li__LMS(li__Z4Q,li__S4U);
+  li__N3Q=li__Z4Q;
+  return(li__N3Q);
+/* DEBUG MANAGER            */
+int print_string(char *str) 
+  while (*str!=0) {
+    print_char(*str); 
+    str++; 
+  };
+  return(0);
+char *trace[74]={
+  "./../../make.lip (...)",
+  "/Users/ontologiae/Documents/Projet_IsaacOS/GIT/compiler/make.lip (.../compiler/make.lip)",
+  "TRUE (.../compiler/lib/standard/boolean/true.li)",
+  "BOOLEAN (.../compiler/lib/standard/boolean/boolean.li)",
+  "OBJECT (.../compiler/lib/standard/kernel/object.li)",
+  "I_DONT_KNOW_PROTOTYPING (.../compiler/lib/standard/kernel/i_dont_know_prototyping.li)",
+  "FALSE (.../compiler/lib/standard/boolean/false.li)",
+  "INTEGER (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/integer/integer.li)",
+  "NUMERIC (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/number/numeric.li)",
+  "REAL (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/real/real.li)",
+  "INTEGER_32 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/integer/integer_32.li)",
+  "SIGNED_INTEGER (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/number/signed_integer.li)",
+  "UINTEGER_32 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/integer/uinteger_32.li)",
+  "UNSIGNED_INTEGER (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/number/unsigned_integer.li)",
+  "STRING_CONSTANT (.../compiler/lib/standard/string/string_constant.li)",
+  "ABSTRACT_STRING (.../compiler/lib/standard/string/abstract_string.li)",
+  "HASHABLE (.../compiler/lib/standard/property/hashable.li)",
+  "COMPARABLE (.../compiler/lib/standard/property/comparable.li)",
+  "CHARACTER (.../compiler/lib/standard/string/character.li)",
+  "CHARACTER_REF (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/string/character_ref.li)",
+  "BLOCK (.../compiler/lib/standard/kernel/block.li)",
+  "POINTER (.../compiler/lib/standard/kernel/pointer.li)",
+  "NATIVE_ARRAY (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/collection/native_array.li)",
+  "SAFE_EQUAL (.../compiler/lib/standard/property/safe_equal.li)",
+  "INSTALL (.../application/isaacos/x86/bootloader/install.li)",
+  "X86.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO (.../application/isaacos/x86/system/system_io.li)",
+  "UINTEGER_8 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/integer/uinteger_8.li)",
+  "FAST_ARRAY (.../compiler/lib/standard/collection/fast_array.li)",
+  "ARRAYED_COLLECTION (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/collection/arrayed_collection.li)",
+  "ARRAYED (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/collection/arrayed.li)",
+  "COLLECTION (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/collection/collection.li)",
+  "TRAVERSABLE (.../compiler/lib/standard/property/traversable.li)",
+  "UINTEGER_16 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/integer/uinteger_16.li)",
+  "BOOT (.../application/isaacos/x86/bootloader/boot.li)",
+  "INT13H (.../application/isaacos/x86/bootloader/int13h.li)",
+  "UINTEGER_64 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/integer/uinteger_64.li)",
+  "CONVERT (.../compiler/lib/standard/kernel/convert.li)",
+  "STRING (.../compiler/lib/standard/string/string.li)",
+  "IO (.../compiler/lib/standard/io/io.li)",
+  "STD_INPUT (.../compiler/lib/standard/io/std_input.li)",
+  "INPUT_STREAM (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/io/input_stream.li)",
+  "STD_OUTPUT (.../compiler/lib/standard/io/std_output.li)",
+  "OUTPUT_STREAM (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/io/output_stream.li)",
+  "MBR (.../application/isaacos/x86/bootloader/mbr.li)",
+  "LINKED_LIST (.../compiler/lib/standard/collection/linked_list.li)",
+  "LINKED_COLLECTION (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/collection/linked_collection.li)",
+  "UINTEGER (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/integer/uinteger.li)",
+  "INTEGER_64 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/integer/integer_64.li)",
+  "INTEGER_8 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/integer/integer_8.li)",
+  "INTEGER_16 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/integer/integer_16.li)",
+  "SYSTEM (.../compiler/lib/internal/os_support/unix/system/system.li)",
+  "UINTEGER_CPU (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/integer/uinteger_cpu.li)",
+  "UINTEGER_BIG (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/integer/uinteger_big.li)",
+  "MEMORY (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/memory/memory.li)",
+  "UNIX.SYSTEM.SYSTEM_IO (.../compiler/lib/internal/os_support/unix/system/system_io.li)",
+  "UREAL_16_16 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/fixed_real/ureal_16_16.li)",
+  "UNSIGNED_FIXED_REAL (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/number/unsigned_fixed_real.li)",
+  "FIXED_REAL (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/number/fixed_real.li)",
+  "UREAL_24_8 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/fixed_real/ureal_24_8.li)",
+  "UREAL_26_6 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/fixed_real/ureal_26_6.li)",
+  "REAL_16_16 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/fixed_real/real_16_16.li)",
+  "SIGNED_FIXED_REAL (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/number/signed_fixed_real.li)",
+  "REAL_24_8 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/fixed_real/real_24_8.li)",
+  "REAL_26_6 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/fixed_real/real_26_6.li)",
+  "REAL_32 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/real/real_32.li)",
+  "FLOAT_MAP32 (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/number/float_map32.li)",
+  "FLOAT_MAP (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/number/float_map.li)",
+  "FLOAT_REAL (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/number/float_real.li)",
+  "REAL_64 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/real/real_64.li)",
+  "FLOAT_MAP64 (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/number/float_map64.li)",
+  "REAL_80 (.../compiler/lib/standard/number/real/real_80.li)",
+  "FLOAT_MAP80 (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/number/float_map80.li)",
+  "LINKED_LIST_NODE (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/collection/linked_list_node.li)",
+  "ANY_LINKED_LIST_NODE (.../compiler/lib/internal/portable/collection/any_linked_list_node.li)"
+struct __source {
+  unsigned int pos;
+  char *line;
+} __src[2384]={
+  {16001563,"    -? { new_count >= 0};"},
+  {52041259,"    (size>>11).print;"},
+  {35149867,"    .when 0D2h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {4984904,"  + next:LINKED_LIST_NODE(V);"},
+  {18483243,"    .when 053h then { \"Disk Manager 6.0, Aux3\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31987739,"  - is_empty:BOOLEAN <- ( upper < 0 ); // end is_empty"},
+  {14428203,"    .when 034h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16678955,"    .when 045h then { \"Boot US boot manager, EUMEL/Elan\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31996981,"    (new_size > (minimum_size+object_size+object_size)).if {"},
+  {63972396,"    -? { mem_idx > 0};"},
+  {28837931,"    .when 0A2h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {68689430,"    -? {dest >= 0};"},
+  {13522987,"    .when 02Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17571873,"    oem_03.print;"},
+  {24782891,"    .when 083h then { \"LINUX native (ext2fs)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {42345509,"    ? {item index = ch};"},
+  {11029000,"  - '-' Self:SELF :SELF <- SELF.zero - Self;"},
+  {63966252,"    -? { mem_idx > 0};"},
+  {39192619,"    .when 0F1h then { \"SpeedStor\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38284315,"      upper := upper + 1;"},
+  {23877675,"    .when 07Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {35137579,"    .when 0D2h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12620853,"  - is_end:BOOLEAN                    <- (size_and_id & id_end).to_boolean;"},
+  {36717109,"	    nxt.set_previous_linear Self;"},
+  {10357790,"    -? { valid_index i };"},
+  {19825717,"    block.set_size_and_id (id_free | id_end | (64.mb - object_size));"},
+  {34238517,"  - resize new_size:UINTEGER_CPU index idx:UINTEGER_CPU :MEMORY <-"},
+  {31070226,"  - to_lower:SELF <-"},
+  {48639000,"	\"Writting...\\n\".print;"},
+  {35137589,"    old_size := size;"},
+  {27009031,"    (Self + a) & (~ a)"},
+  {45483032,"	};"},
+  {17565739,"    .when 04Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12614709,"  - is_end:BOOLEAN                    <- (size_and_id & id_end).to_boolean;"},
+  {13510699,"    .when 02Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19819573,"    block.set_size_and_id (id_free | id_end | (64.mb - object_size));"},
+  {6296609,"  + nb_fat:UINTEGER_8;"},
+  {27920427,"    .when 09Bh then { \"etendue X cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16654369,"  - display_all <-"},
+  {23865387,"    .when 07Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22947848,"      blc.value Self;"},
+  {31744555,"    .when 0B8h then { \"BSDI BSD/386 swap\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18221588,"    };"},
+  {38275115,"    .when 0EAh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {20472338,"  - Self:SELF '<=' other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ( code <= other.code );"},
+  {6970923,"  - sector n:UINTEGER_16 :UINTEGER_16   <- (n & 3Fh);"},
+  {34220075,"    .when 0CBh then { \"FAT32 DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {2232344,"  + name         := INSTALL;"},
+  {19810357,"    block.set_size_and_id (id_free | id_end | (64.mb - object_size));"},
+  {24524308,"    ((debug_level >= 15) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {47721496,"      {buffer2.count < 512}.while_do { buffer2.add_last 0; };      "},
+  {38946347,"    .when 0EFh then { \"EFI\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15752245,"    capacity_max := SYSTEM.get_memory_capacity;"},
+  {16648235,"    .when 045h then { \"Boot US boot manager, EUMEL/Elan\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15743009,"    \"\\nBegin Part\\t: \".print;      begin_partition.print;"},
+  {21380661,"  - id_busy:UINTEGER_CPU <- 01b;"},
+  {12593195,"    .when 026h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38934043,"    } else {"},
+  {70022709,"    result := micro_alloc new_size table ptr_table lab (t | 1b);"},
+  {16648245,"    {(begin_memory & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {5379105,"  + oem_06:CHARACTER;"},
+  {27002923,"    .when 094h then { \"Amoeba bad block table\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11687979,"    .when 01Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22947883,"    .when 075h then { \"IBM PC/IX\\n\".print; }"},
+  {65287212,"      mem_idx := mem_idx + 1;"},
+  {69342261,"    {sz <= minimum_size} ? \"Memory: Size bound.\";"},
+  {37357611,"    .when 0E3h then { \"SpeedStor\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15496712,"  - Self:SELF '>='  Right 60 other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- (Self > other) | (Self = other);"},
+  {33302571,"    .when 0C4h then { \"FAT16 <32M DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7614475,"      {i >= j}.until_do {"},
+  {13249046,"    -? {old_nb_elts > 0};"},
+  {6952492,"  + mem_lnk:LINKED_LIST_NODE(V);"},
+  {17304091,"    };"},
+  {6955573,"  + previous_free:MEMORY;"},
+  {15736882,"    cap := 32.mb;"},
+  {48380440,"      \"Write old boot \".print;"},
+  {74721287,"    }.elseif {Self < 0} then {"},
+  {32397355,"    .when 0BDh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {30817829,"    storage.copy (other.storage) to count until other_count;"},
+  {15730731,"    .when 03Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {69995030,"    };"},
+  {6041121,"  + sectors_per_cluster:UINTEGER_8;"},
+  {24271880,"      (Self + step).to limit_up by step do blc;"},
+  {11675691,"    .when 01Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {50865205,"    mem.put v to 0;"},
+  {6034965,"  - is_null:BOOLEAN <- (Self = NULL);"},
+  {57155606,"    -? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {6718507,"  - cylinder n:UINTEGER_16 :UINTEGER_16 <- ((n>>8) | ((n & 0C0h)<<2));"},
+  {26085419,"    .when 08Dh then { \"FAT12 cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19557941,"    block := CONVERT(POINTER,MEMORY).on (begin_memory + old_size);"},
+  {28320775,"      {val.is_even}.while_do {"},
+  {37111320,"      \"\\nSave this boot in `\".print;"},
+  {19548705,"    \"\\n  Sectors per track\\t: \".print;   sectors_per_track.print;"},
+  {9190949,"    result.make needed_capacity;"},
+  {22030379,"    .when 06Eh then { \"Free type...  &nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25180197,"      (capacity < count).if	{"},
+  {16401970,"    }.do_until {(new_mem = NULL) || {(cap >> 20) = 2048}}; // BSBS: BUG COMPILO 0.13"},
+  {15493665,"    sector_cluster:=sector_root+(nb_root_entries>>4)-(sectors_per_cluster*2);"},
+  {9187874,"      offset_buffer  := 0;"},
+  {37117483,"    .when 0E1h then { \"SpeedStor FAT12\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6034981,"  + storage:NATIVE_ARRAY(CHARACTER);"},
+  {36440107,"    .when 0DCh then { \"CTOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10755092,"    test.value.if {"},
+  {32385067,"    .when 0BDh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {76303925,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {10758175,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = ((lower <= i) & (i <= upper))};"},
+  {7374354,"    ? {result.in_range (UINTEGER_8.minimum) to (UINTEGER_8.maximum)};"},
+  {6709291,"  - cylinder n:UINTEGER_16 :UINTEGER_16 <- ((n>>8) | ((n & 0C0h)<<2));"},
+  {69095989,"    verify_memory \"Begin alloc_type size\";"},
+  {31470610,"    ((code < 65) || {code > 90}).if {"},
+  {21122091,"    .when 067h then { \"Novell\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6031914,"    ? {s!=NULL};"},
+  {82606645,"      result := mem.resize new_size index (get_index p).begin;"},
+  {17959963,"    +? { capacity >= Old capacity };"},
+  {22021164,"  );"},
+  {14813227,"    .when 037h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18640426,"  - basic_io_putc c:CHARACTER <- SYSTEM_IO.print_char c;"},
+  {82603573,"      result := mem.resize new_size index (get_index p).begin;"},
+  {10758187,"    .when 018h then { \"Windows swapfile\\n\".print; }"},
+  {59406389,"    na_src := CONVERT(POINTER, NATIVE_ARRAY(POINTER)).on src;"},
+  {44310053,"    ? {item i2 = old_i1};"},
+  {81011734,"    -? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {27412504,"      }.elseif {(part.type != 0) && {part.type != 0FFh}} then {"},
+  {17060907,"    .when 048h then { \"EUMEL/Elan\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25167915,"    .when 086h then { \"agr�gat FAT (NT)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9852971,"    .when 011h then { \"FAT12 cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {26747445,"    {id = id_busy} ? \"Memory: Macro block not busy.\";"},
+  {21112875,"    .when 067h then { \"Novell\\n\".print; }"},
+  {62546984,"  - basic_io_getc :CHARACTER <- SYSTEM_IO.get_char;"},
+  {81005590,"    -? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {65025580,"    {i = mem_idx}.until_do {"},
+  {35522603,"    .when 0D5h then { \"Multiuser\\n\".print; }"},
+  {20207659,"    .when 060h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31467563,"    .when 0B6h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {33718315,"    .when 0C7h then { \"NTFS corrompue (NT), Syrinx boot\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22686261,"    (prev = NULL).if {"},
+  {18631221,"      die_with_code exit_failure_code;"},
+  {31467573,"    delete_link_free;"},
+  {77858869,"    {sz != 0} ? \"Memory: Size = 0\";"},
+  {13895723,"    .when 030h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9840683,"    .when 011h then { \"FAT12 cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {79432245,"    };"},
+  {12091436,"      first_link := LINKED_LIST_NODE(V).create element next NULL;"},
+  {11410977,"  + fs_label_01:CHARACTER;"},
+  {45649461,"	prev.set_size_and_id (prev.size_and_id + blc.size_and_id + object_size);"},
+  {24250411,"    .when 07Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12990508,"      last_link.set_next lnk;"},
+  {25823781,"    };"},
+  {20195371,"    .when 060h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14554648,"  - buffer :FAST_ARRAY(UINTEGER_8);"},
+  {76048437,"    new_size  := sz.align_power (POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {28059143,"    (Self != 0).if {"},
+  {34605099,"    .when 0CEh then { \"FAT16x DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19280916,"    ((debug_level >=10) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {12088373,"  - id:UINTEGER_CPU                   <- size_and_id & 01b;"},
+  {18372612,"      result := CONVERT(POINTER,SELF).on ptr;"},
+  {21537825,"      \"\\n  Ext. boot signature\\t: \".print; ext_boot_signature.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {19290155,"    .when 059h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {45643317,"	prev.set_size_and_id (prev.size_and_id + blc.size_and_id + object_size);"},
+  {30550059,"    .when 0AFh then { \"ShagOS swap partition\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19277844,"    ((debug_level >=10) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {21534753,"      \"\\n  Ext. boot signature\\t: \".print; ext_boot_signature.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {37758005,"        copy begin to (result.begin) size old_size;"},
+  {29644843,"    .when 0A8h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {49679896,"      };"},
+  {40904747,"    .when 0FEh then { \"SpeedStor > 1024 cyl, IBM PS/2 IML, Windows NT Disk Administrator, Linux Logical Volume Manager\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23342133,"    (next != NULL).if {"},
+  {12978219,"    .when 029h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {68588040,"  - to_raw_uinteger_64:UINTEGER_64  <- CONVERT(SELF,UINTEGER_64 ).on Self;"},
+  {8923179,"    .when 00Ah then { \"OS/2 boot manager, Coherent swap, OPUS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {80522247,"  - to_raw_pointer:POINTER         <- CONVERT(UINTEGER_CPU,POINTER).on to_uinteger_cpu;"},
+  {22433835,"    .when 071h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {45634101,"	prev.set_size_and_id (prev.size_and_id + blc.size_and_id + object_size);"},
+  {39999531,"    .when 0F7h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38423083,"    .when 0EBh then { \"Be FS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {68815894,"    -? {src_capacity >= 0};"},
+  {8920108,"    +? {count = 0};"},
+  {23332907,"    .when 078h then { \"XOSL Bootloader\\n\".print; }"},
+  {54415413,"	page := (result - begin_memory) & 0FFFh;"},
+  {3950604,"  - default := (0.to_raw_uinteger_32);"},
+  {19277867,"    .when 059h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {24672276,"      crash_on ptr with_message \"Ensure assertion violated.\";"},
+  {105520662,"    -? {index>=0};"},
+  {54412341,"	page := (result - begin_memory) & 0FFFh;"},
+  {38410779,"    }.elseif {capacity = 0} then {"},
+  {33687595,"    .when 0C7h then { \"NTFS corrompue (NT), Syrinx boot\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6432289,"  + nb_root_entries:UINTEGER_16;"},
+  {23997985,"      fs_label_02.print;"},
+  {29632555,"    .when 0A8h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43811352,"      boot.put_isaac_data isaac_begin_partition drive isaac_drive;"},
+  {31212085,"    {(sz & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {31870994,"      result := (code + 32).to_character;"},
+  {43133976,"      buffer2.put 055h to 510;"},
+  {37511723,"    .when 0E4h then { \"SpeedStor etendue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {29632565,"    (new_free.is_end).if {"},
+  {39987243,"    .when 0F7h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {20614177,"      \"\\n  Sectors per FAT\\t: \".print;     (sectors_per_fat32+1).print;"},
+  {12060715,"    .when 022h then { \"Oxygen Extended\\n\".print; }"},
+  {47860248,"      read file_r in buffer2 size 512;"},
+  {44719669,"    blc.set_size_and_id (blc.size_and_id - 4096);"},
+  {7343688,"    +? {item = i};"},
+  {8005675,"    .when 003h then { \"XENIX /usr\\n\".print; }"},
+  {53488664,"      isaac_drive:=00h;"},
+  {6429228,"  + last_link:LINKED_LIST_NODE(V);"},
+  {8679979,"    .when 008h then { \"SplitDrive QNX 1.x et 2.x\\n\".print; }"},
+  {44704280,"      (get_choice).if {"},
+  {44716597,"    blc.set_size_and_id (blc.size_and_id - 4096);"},
+  {81424437,"    old_size  := old_sz.align_power (POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {13637173,"  - nb_page:UINTEGER_CPU;"},
+  {39072792,"	  sz.append_in string_tmp;"},
+  {11149342,"    +? { item i = element };"},
+  {22415403,"    .when 071h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {35026987,"    .when 0D1h then { \"Multiuser DOS, secured FAT12\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31861778,"      result := (code + 32).to_character;"},
+  {18360363,"    .when 052h then { \"Microport CP/M\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13409333,"  - get_index p:POINTER :UINTEGER_CPU <- (p - begin_memory).to_uinteger_cpu >> 26;"},
+  {10241042,"  - print <- IO.put_character Self;"},
+  {18117124,"	ptr := MEMORY.alloc_type (typ_id.to_uinteger_32) size sz;"},
+  {43130923,"  - sector_begin:UINTEGER_16   <- sector cylinder_sector_begin;"},
+  {10250283,"    .when 014h then { \"FAT16 (<32 M) cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27815979,"    .when 09Ah then { \"FAT16x cachee (FreeFDISK)n\".print; }"},
+  {32770091,"    .when 0C0h then { \"CTOS REAL/32 secure NTFT\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23745543,"  - Self:SELF '>>' Left 100 other:INTEGER :SELF <-"},
+  {17455147,"    .when 04Bh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {28715051,"    .when 0A1h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19025441,"    \"\\n  Number root entries\\t: \".print; nb_root_entries.print;"},
+  {19028523,"    .when 057h then { \"DrivePro VNDI\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9326594,"  - elseif cond:{BOOLEAN} then block:{} :BOOLEAN <- TRUE;"},
+  {40652341,"    {(result != NULL) && {result.size < new_size}}.while_do {"},
+  {57297415,"    +? {\"0123456789ABCDEF\".has Result};"},
+  {10903044,"    crash_on top_runtime_stack with_message msg;"},
+  {14964246,"    new.clear old_nb_elts to (new_nb_elts - 1);"},
+  {11820587,"    .when 020h then { \"Willowsoft OFS1\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39069739,"    .when 0F0h then { \"Linux/PA-RISC boot loader\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23083573,"      prev.set_next_free next;"},
+  {82988597,"    verify_memory \"End realloc_dynamic\";"},
+  {11143211,"    .when 01Bh then { \"FAT32 cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {55717895,"    -? {in_range 0 to 15};"},
+  {36591147,"    .when 0DDh then { \"CTOS cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {28711989,"    ((! is_end) && {next.id = id_free}).if {"},
+  {55714823,"    -? {in_range 0 to 15};"},
+  {38164523,"    .when 0E9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21497899,"    .when 06Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {29380139,"    .when 0A6h then { \"OpenBSD\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43789861,"    put (item i2) to i1;"},
+  {10231841,"  + vol_label_04:CHARACTER;"},
+  {17442859,"    .when 04Bh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {48525365,"    {idx.in_range 1 to (minimum_size/POINTER.object_size)} ?"},
+  {25322021,"	storage  := NATIVE_ARRAY(CHARACTER).create count;"},
+  {7744011,"	buffer.swap i with j;"},
+  {49187352,"	  write_sector (isaac_head,isaac_cylinder,isaac_sector) with buffer2;"},
+  {64493063,"      {i >= old_count}.until_do {"},
+  {10909227,"    .when 019h then { \"Willowtech Photon coS&nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {55708679,"    -? {in_range 0 to 15};"},
+  {31852587,"    .when 0B9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16537643,"    .when 044h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27797547,"    .when 09Ah then { \"FAT16x cachee (FreeFDISK)n\".print; }"},
+  {65407532,"    };"},
+  {57282055,"    +? {\"0123456789ABCDEF\".has Result};"},
+  {98051094,"    -? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {13372438,"    -? {old_nb_elts < new_nb_elts};"},
+  {6170657,"  + sectors_reserved:UINTEGER_16;"},
+  {54135320,"    };"},
+  {22153748,"    };"},
+  {30042149,"	storage  := NATIVE_ARRAY(CHARACTER).create capacity;"},
+  {38152235,"    .when 0E9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31612440,"    isaac_cylinder       := part.cylinder_begin;"},
+  {10225707,"    .when 014h then { \"FAT16 (<32 M) cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7744033,"  + sectors_per_fat32:UINTEGER_32;// Nbr Secteur par FAT - 1"},
+  {54144565,"      (next = NULL).if {"},
+  {52568117,"    {new_size >= POINTER.object_size} ? \"Memory: Size = 0.\";"},
+  {13381685,"  - get_index p:POINTER :UINTEGER_CPU <- (p - begin_memory).to_uinteger_cpu >> 26;"},
+  {34084882,"  - is_digit:BOOLEAN <-"},
+  {54806552,"    \"Success installation !\\n\".print;    "},
+  {98044950,"    -? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {9317409,"  + ext_boot_signature:UINTEGER_8; // 29h"},
+  {10881542,"    };"},
+  {37247019,"    .when 0E2h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {55717941,"	next2 := read_ptr next & ~ 11b.to_uinteger_cpu;"},
+  {6826502,"    false_block.value;"},
+  {20580395,"    .when 063h then { \"Unix System V GNU HURD\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16525355,"    .when 044h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6164523,"  + size:UINTEGER_32;"},
+  {22812680,"    (Self >= limit_down).if {"},
+  {38817323,"    .when 0EEh then { \"EFI MBR\\n\".print; }"},
+  {30935083,"    .when 0B2h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19678261,"    block.set_previous_linear NULL;"},
+  {18101813,"    nb_page  := nb_page + 1;"},
+  {15620139,"    .when 03Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {26880043,"    .when 093h then { \"Amoeba, Linux native cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17187352,"    }.do_while {(choice!='n') && {choice!='y'}};"},
+  {27554347,"    .when 098h then { \"FAT32x cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14037538,"      reserved       := 0;"},
+  {22818849,"      vol_label_06.print;"},
+  {30032949,"      next := new_free.next_linear;"},
+  {37234731,"    .when 0E2h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9308203,"    .when 00Dh then { \"non attribue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {34759221,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size -1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {11562037,"  - size:UINTEGER_CPU                 <- size_and_id & ~ 3.to_uinteger_cpu;"},
+  {57941014,"      i := i - 1;"},
+  {18763819,"    .when 055h then { \"EZ-Drive\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17178136,"    }.do_while {(choice!='n') && {choice!='y'}};"},
+  {40375323,"  - clear <-"},
+  {19662891,"    .when 05Ch then { \"Priam EDisk\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25965605,"    ? {count = other.count};"},
+  {15607851,"    .when 03Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {20337195,"    .when 061h then { \"SpeedStor\\n\".print; }"},
+  {5915160,"    buf := string_tmp.to_external;"},
+  {21907489,"      \"\\n  Volume label\\t\\t: \".print;"},
+  {29118507,"    .when 0A4h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17840132,"	ptr := MEMORY.alloc_size sz;"},
+  {27545141,"    ((new_free = NULL) || {new_free.id != id_free}).if {"},
+  {30017579,"    .when 0ABh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {41052715,"    .when 0FFh then { \"Xenix Bad Block Table\\n\".print; };    "},
+  {52312619,"    type.to_hexadecimal.print;"},
+  {17843215,"  ( index.in_range lower to count );"},
+  {33173557,"	next := new.next_linear;"},
+  {25962539,"    .when 08Ch then { \"FAT32x Miroir\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13116952,"  + isaac_partition:INTEGER;"},
+  {9071147,"    .when 00Bh then { \"FAT32(>2 G et <2047G)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43531317,"	(blc.size < 4096) || {blc.id = id_busy}"},
+  {60176391,"    to_hexadecimal_in result;"},
+  {26627608,"      ((part.type = 05h) || {part.type = 0Fh}).if {      "},
+  {52309547,"    type.to_hexadecimal.print;"},
+  {40372267,"    .when 0FAh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39463963,"      upper := upper + 1;"},
+  {36317227,"    .when 0DBh then { \"Digital Research, CP/M, Concurrent CP/M, Concurent DOS, CTOS, KDG Telemetry,SCPU boot\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17840148,"    ptr := top_runtime_stack;"},
+  {8390699,"    .when 006h then { \"FAT16 (>32 M et <2 G)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {54541831,"    +? {\"0123456789\".has Result};"},
+  {16257549,"    (up > to_raw_uinteger_64)"},
+  {26621464,"      ((part.type = 05h) || {part.type = 0Fh}).if {      "},
+  {31341572,"  - copy_intern_in other:SELF <- `*@other = *@Self`;"},
+  {48916504,"	  INT13H.write buffer2 sector isaac_begin_partition;"},
+  {45763608,"	crash_with_message \"Stop install !\\n\";      "},
+  {19416609,"    \"\\n  Sectors per FAT\\t: \".print;     sectors_per_fat.print;"},
+  {18745387,"    .when 055h then { \"EZ-Drive\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43522101,"	(blc.size < 4096) || {blc.id = id_busy}"},
+  {21667361,"      \"\\n  Serial number\\t\\t: \".print;       serial_number.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {14690347,"    .when 036h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {4997656,"    buf := string_tmp.to_external;"},
+  {23465502,"    +? { upper = 1 + Old upper };"},
+  {21664289,"      \"\\n  Serial number\\t\\t: \".print;       serial_number.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {29100075,"    .when 0A4h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {36982315,"    .when 0E0h then { \"ST AVFS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {30673445,"    };"},
+  {15361579,"    .when 03Bh then { \"THEOS ver 4 etendue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13785131,"    .when 02Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17834017,"    oem_05.print;"},
+  {25045035,"    .when 085h then { \"Linux etendue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {24127496,"      blc.value Self;"},
+  {54529543,"    +? {\"0123456789\".has Result};"},
+  {27286552,"	sub_read_partition (sec+part.mbr_first_sector);"},
+  {10619926,"    -? {nb_elements > 0};"},
+  {39454763,"    .when 0F3h then { \"reserved  &nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {42607659,"  - cylinder_begin:UINTEGER_16 <- cylinder cylinder_sector_begin;"},
+  {16916484,"    (sz = 0).if {"},
+  {24139819,"    .when 07Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {35399723,"    .when 0D4h then { \"Multiuser\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39220763,"      storage := storage.realloc capacity with new_capacity;"},
+  {75245063,"      print_positif;"},
+  {65801772,"    +? {mem_idx = i};"},
+  {32921131,"    .when 0C1h then { \"FAT12 DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {46662709,"  );"},
+  {20075553,"    \" (\".print; (nb_sectors_big>>11).print; \" MB)\".print;"},
+  {17827883,"    .when 04Eh then { \"QNX4.x 2�me partition\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11285010,"    (Self=value).if block;"},
+  {74358325,"    result := micro_alloc new_size table ptr_table lab (new_size.to_uinteger_32);"},
+  {13772843,"    .when 02Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9717803,"    .when 010h then { \"OPUS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {63975943,"	buffer.extend ((val & 15).hexadecimal_digit);"},
+  {12864543,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = upper - lower + 1};"},
+  {95292453,"    +? {Result.is_not_null};"},
+  {69625909,"    new_size  := sz.align_power (POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {16017441,"    \"\\nSector Root\\t: \".print;     sector_root.print;"},
+  {40122933,"    {new_size > minimum_size-POINTER.object_size} ? \"Memory: Big block.\";"},
+  {35393589,"      (! is_end).if {"},
+  {48661000,"  [ -? {bound_test (UINTEGER_16.minimum) to (UINTEGER_16.maximum)}; ]"},
+  {28182571,"    .when 09Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {69610518,"      put (src.item i2) to i1;"},
+  {12867627,"    .when 028h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {4988467,"  - object_size:INTEGER <- `sizeof(unsigned long)`:INTEGER;"},
+  {6574152,"  - make i:V next n:LINKED_LIST_NODE(V) <-"},
+  {21645857,"      \"\\n  Serial number\\t\\t: \".print;       serial_number.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {24127531,"    .when 07Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {37638187,"    .when 0E5h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {28838407,"    };"},
+  {9702422,"    +? {Result != NULL};"},
+  {37628952,"	\"Writting...\\n\".print;"},
+  {53618200,"      isaac_head:=0;"},
+  {38537259,"    .when 0ECh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {81541654,"      put (model.item i) to i;"},
+  {46422581,"    {((result - begin_memory) & 0FFFh) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment LAB.\";"},
+  {12858402,"    storage := buf.storage;    "},
+  {34482219,"    .when 0CDh then { \"CTOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39211563,"    .when 0F1h then { \"SpeedStor\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23210004,"    ((debug_level >= 15) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {12855327,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = upper - lower + 1};"},
+  {12864565,"  - set_previous_linear p:MEMORY      <- ( previous_linear := p; );"},
+  {81538582,"      put (model.item i) to i;"},
+  {40784939,"    .when 0FDh then { \"Linux raid\\n\".print; }"},
+  {53624373,"      put_ptr next to ptr_table;"},
+  {52047925,"  - micro_alloc new_size:UINTEGER_CPU table ptr_table:POINTER lab lab_type:UINTEGER_32 :POINTER <-"},
+  {30190104,"    isaac_partition := choice \"Isaac partition ? \" from '1' to ((partition_list.upper).decimal_digit) .decimal_value;"},
+  {16910379,"    .when 047h then { \"EUMEL/Elan\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23210014,"    +? { count = 1 + Old count };"},
+  {8794136,"  - file_size p:POINTER :INTEGER <-"},
+  {59252789,"    siz := siz / POINTER.object_size;"},
+  {21642805,"  - set_next_free     n:MEMORY <- ( next_free     := n; );"},
+  {56768037,"    storage.put ch to count;"},
+  {12855339,"    .when 028h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11953195,"    .when 021h then { \"Oxygen File System\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27265067,"    .when 096h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23210027,"    .when 077h then { \"VNDI\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10367519,"    (lower <= i) && {i <= upper}"},
+  {46407221,"    {((result - begin_memory) & 0FFFh) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment LAB.\";"},
+  {10364447,"    (lower <= i) && {i <= upper}"},
+  {37619755,"    .when 0E5h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11029512,"  - '-' Self:SELF :SELF <- SELF.zero - Self;"},
+  {19823137,"    \"\\n  Hidden sectors\\t: \".print;      hidden_sectors.print;"},
+  {33564715,"    .when 0C6h then { \"FAT16 >= 32M DRDOS, FAT16 corrompue (NT)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22295576,"    storage := buf.storage;"},
+  {82212917,"      free (p /*- UINTEGER_CPU.object_size*/) size old_size2;"},
+  {63966764,"    -? { mem_idx > 0};"},
+  {10361375,"    (lower <= i) && {i <= upper}"},
+  {29506597,"    needed_capacity := count + other_count;"},
+  {54264839,"  )"},
+  {32659499,"    .when 0BFh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7885867,"    .when 002h then { \"XENIX root\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15992875,"    .when 040h then { \"VENIX\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11937835,"    .when 021h then { \"Oxygen File System\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43919413,"      idx := idx + 1;"},
+  {74977287,"      (-Self).print_positif;"},
+  {4723745,"  + oem_01:CHARACTER;"},
+  {26347563,"    .when 08Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {50203656,"  [ -? {bound_test (UINTEGER_64.minimum) to (UINTEGER_64.maximum)}; ]"},
+  {27006471,"    (Self + a) & (~ a)"},
+  {11032619,"    .when 01Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22292523,"    .when 070h then { \"DiskSecure Multi-Boot\\n\".print; }"},
+  {4723751,"  - memory:CHARACTER;"},
+  {21390379,"    .when 069h then { \"Novell Netware NSS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {5385739,"      buffer.extend '0';"},
+  {38946840,"	  string_tmp.copy \"Error : Write `\";"},
+  {36702251,"    .when 0DEh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17316868,"      typ_id := type_id_intern;"},
+  {32647211,"    .when 0BFh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {37376555,"    .when 0E3h then { \"SpeedStor\\n\".print; }"},
+  {76566069,"    ptr_table := table_size (new_size / POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {32637979,"  );"},
+  {18222102,"    -? {index >= 0};"},
+  {18902561,"    \"\\n  Number FAT\\t\\t: \".print;          nb_fat.print;"},
+  {35800117,"	((nxt.id = id_free) && {nxt.size >= sz}).if {"},
+  {15075371,"    .when 039h then { \"Plan 9, THEOS ver 4 spanned\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11020331,"    .when 01Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22939143,"  ~(~Self & ~other);"},
+  {10099716,"    '\\n'.print;"},
+  {25430059,"    .when 088h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {69348917,"    {sz <= minimum_size} ? \"Memory: Size bound.\";"},
+  {10115115,"    .when 013h then { \"non attribue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {46139416,"    .when '3' then {"},
+  {21375019,"    .when 069h then { \"Novell Netware NSS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {57411637,"    {last != NULL} ? \"Memory: Table NULL.\";"},
+  {54933045,"	  next := new_lab lab_type;"},
+  {30153253,"      } else {"},
+  {46148661,"    put_32 t to result;"},
+  {52454453,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {35784747,"    .when 0D7h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6962230,"  - print_char byte:CHARACTER <-"},
+  {20469803,"    .when 062h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {35787829,"	((nxt.id = id_free) && {nxt.size >= sz}).if {"},
+  {31729707,"    .when 0B8h then { \"BSDI BSD/386 swap\\n\".print; }"},
+  {58067478,"    };"},
+  {29241880,"    (partition_list.lower).to (partition_list.upper) do { n:INTEGER;"},
+  {24524853,"    (first_free != NULL).if {"},
+  {49055247,"  - has ch:CHARACTER :BOOLEAN <- storage.fast_has ch until (count - 1);"},
+  {52448309,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {14157867,"    .when 032h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22027794,"    ? {is_digit};"},
+  {10102827,"    .when 013h then { \"non attribue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {34879541,"    {idx.in_range 0 to 63} ? \"Memory: Bound index.\";"},
+  {11673121,"  + fs_label_03:CHARACTER;"},
+  {49966645,"    mem := CONVERT(POINTER, NATIVE_ARRAY(POINTER)).on p;"},
+  {42746392,"	buffer2.put (buffer.item j) to j;"},
+  {24512555,"    .when 081h then { \"MINIX (1.4b ->), Mitac Disk Manager\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8526390,"  - get_char :CHARACTER <- `fgetc(stdin)`:(CHARACTER);"},
+  {20457515,"    .when 062h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39590424,"	close file_w;"},
+  {42743320,"	buffer2.put (buffer.item j) to j;"},
+  {48374814,"    \"Is empty.\" +? { count = 0 };"},
+  {56260133,"	storage      := storage.realloc capacity with new_capacity;"},
+  {34867243,"    .when 0D0h then { \"REAL32\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19552299,"    .when 05Bh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {30812203,"    .when 0B1h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {35541547,"    .when 0D5h then { \"Multiuser\\n\".print; }"},
+  {5121032,"  - one:SELF  <- 1; // Neutral element for `*' and `/'."},
+  {22030901,"  - delete_link_free <-"},
+  {25174565,"      (capacity < count).if	{"},
+  {31471122,"    ((code < 65) || {code > 90}).if {"},
+  {13240363,"    .when 02Bh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {93860901,"    (capacity > count).if {"},
+  {68850184,"  - to_raw_uinteger_cpu:UINTEGER_CPU<- CONVERT(SELF,UINTEGER_CPU).on Self;"},
+  {9185323,"    .when 00Ch then { \"FAT32(>2 G et <2047G) LBA\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17960475,"    +? { capacity >= Old capacity };"},
+  {22695979,"    .when 073h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40261675,"    .when 0F9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40264757,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {6041672,"    result.make i next n;"},
+  {23595051,"    .when 07Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17055256,"      choice:=IO.read_character.to_lower;"},
+  {40926744,"	read_sector (isaac_head,isaac_cylinder,isaac_sector) in buffer;"},
+  {19540011,"    .when 05Bh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13668360,"  - Self:SELF '>=#' Right 60 other:INTEGER :BOOLEAN <- (Self ># other) | (Self ==# other);"},
+  {79432726,"    -? {upper >= lower};"},
+  {98574870,"    ? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {33949739,"    .when 0C9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {76292149,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {40258613,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {24260129,"      fs_label_04.print;"},
+  {29894699,"    .when 0AAh then { \"FAT12 1,44Mo Olivetti\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8264726,"  ( + capacity:INTEGER;"},
+  {27419189,"    new_size := size_and_id & ~ 1.to_uinteger_cpu;"},
+  {15469590,"    +? {Result != NULL};"},
+  {16150049,"    \"\\nSector cluster\\t: \".print;  sector_cluster.print;"},
+  {50594824,"  );"},
+  {23348756,"      crash_on ptr with_message msg;"},
+  {40249387,"    .when 0F9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {98568726,"    ? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {21772308,"    ptr := top_runtime_stack;"},
+  {15235592,"  - Self:SELF '<='  Right 60 other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ! (Self > other);"},
+  {44969496,"	(isaac_drive=080h).if {"},
+  {12322859,"    .when 024h then { \"NEC DOS 3.x\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8267819,"    .when 005h then { \"Etendue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39338008,"	  crash_with_message string_tmp;"},
+  {23354923,"    .when 078h then { \"XOSL Bootloader\\n\".print; }"},
+  {81686581,"    new_size  := new_sz.align_power (POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {22677547,"    .when 073h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27397656,"      }.elseif {(part.type != 0) && {part.type != 0FFh}} then {"},
+  {27409973,"    new_size := size_and_id & ~ 1.to_uinteger_cpu;"},
+  {18622507,"    .when 054h then { \"Disk Manager 6.0 Dynamic Drive Overlay\\n\".print; }"},
+  {45649973,"	prev.set_size_and_id (prev.size_and_id + blc.size_and_id + object_size);"},
+  {65013804,"    {i = mem_idx}.until_do {"},
+  {10512427,"    .when 016h then { \"FAT16 (>32 M) cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {33032235,"    .when 0C2h then { \"Linux swap cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {56232501,"    };"},
+  {28977195,"    .when 0A3h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {76048949,"    new_size  := sz.align_power (POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {17714219,"    .when 04Dh then { \"QNX4.x\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12082731,"    .when 022h then { \"Oxygen Extended\\n\".print; }"},
+  {56657415,"      result := ('A'.code + (Self - 10).to_uinteger_8).to_character;"},
+  {28071979,"    .when 09Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {24916005,"    count := other.count;"},
+  {39331883,"    .when 0F2h then { \"DOS 3.3+ secondary partition\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11405355,"    .when 01Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38420504,"	  crash_with_message string_tmp; "},
+  {77603862,"    -? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {21760043,"    .when 06Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {46536757,"    result + UINTEGER_32.object_size"},
+  {10493985,"  + vol_label_06:CHARACTER;"},
+  {17705003,"    .when 04Dh then { \"QNX4.x\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31215659,"    .when 0B4h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {77597718,"    -? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {23992328,"    (Self <= limit_up).if {"},
+  {32114731,"    .when 0BBh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19272223,"    -? {! is_empty};"},
+  {60032027,"  );"},
+  {28059691,"    .when 09Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {55068679,"  - digit:CHARACTER <- decimal_digit;"},
+  {8006166,"    -? {nb_elements > 0};"},
+  {4862507,"  + cylinder_sector_begin:UINTEGER_16;"},
+  {30307365,"	storage  := storage.realloc capacity with needed_capacity;"},
+  {8000011,"	i := i + 1;"},
+  {43137560,"      buffer2.put 055h to 510;"},
+  {29629989,"    (capacity < needed_capacity).if	{"},
+  {32776728,"  - boot_manager <-"},
+  {13637665,"  - is_fat32:BOOLEAN <- (ext_boot_signature=29h);"},
+  {38414379,"    .when 0EBh then { \"Be FS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10487851,"    .when 016h then { \"FAT16 (>32 M) cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9576468,"      body.value;"},
+  {39088683,"    .when 0F0h then { \"Linux/PA-RISC boot loader\\n\".print; }"},
+  {59136053,"    {(siz & (POINTER.object_size -1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Copy alignment.\";"},
+  {21516833,"      \"\\n  Ext. boot signature\\t: \".print; ext_boot_signature.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {14973960,"  - Self:SELF '<'   Right 60 other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ! (Self >= other);"},
+  {8003105,"  + version_fat:UINTEGER_16;"},
+  {44720181,"    blc.set_size_and_id (blc.size_and_id - 4096);"},
+  {10241540,"    die_with_code exit_failure_code;"},
+  {20842539,"    .when 065h then { \"Novell 386\\n\".print; }"},
+  {44042805,"    };"},
+  {51010584,"    buffer :=FAST_ARRAY(UINTEGER_8).create 512;"},
+  {16787499,"    .when 046h then { \"EUMEL/Elan\\n\".print; }"},
+  {41564213,"    {idx.in_range 0 to 63} ? \"Memory: Bound index.\";"},
+  {44717109,"    blc.set_size_and_id (blc.size_and_id - 4096);"},
+  {57553461,"    next := read_ptr last;"},
+  {18367029,"    (new_size > capacity_max).if {"},
+  {81424949,"    old_size  := old_sz.align_power (POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {74217013,"    ptr_table := table_size (new_size / POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {23995445,"  - add_link_free <-"},
+  {31862290,"      result := (code + 32).to_character;"},
+  {23074824,"      (Self-1).downto limit_down do blc;"},
+  {3951155,"  - default := (0.to_raw_uinteger_cpu);"},
+  {31197227,"    .when 0B4h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15882283,"    .when 03Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {32776757,"      (new.is_end).if {"},
+  {31200309,"    {(sz & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {27142187,"    .when 095h then { \"MIT EXOPC native\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25562661,"      };"},
+  {12723233,"  + sector_cluster:UINTEGER_32; // First cluster position."},
+  {14299682,"      offset_buffer  := 0;"},
+  {23080993,"      vol_label_08.print;"},
+  {43125285,"    ? {valid_index i2};"},
+  {7082511,"  - upper:INTEGER <- count;"},
+  {37496875,"    .when 0E4h then { \"SpeedStor etendue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25319431,"  - '~' Self:SELF :SELF <- - Self - SELF.one;"},
+  {26227736,"    1BEh.to 1EEh by 16 do { n:INTEGER;"},
+  {18357813,"    (new_size > capacity_max).if {"},
+  {9570347,"    .when 00Fh then { \"Etendue\\\"x\\\" = Etendue + LBA\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11143717,"  ( ? {needed_capacity >= 0};"},
+  {54145031,"    (Self.to_uinteger_8 + '0'.code).to_character"},
+  {5278226,"  - in_range lower:SELF to upper:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ((Self >= lower) && {Self<= upper});"},
+  {36366891,"    .when 0DBh then { \"Digital Research, CP/M, Concurrent CP/M, Concurent DOS, CTOS, KDG Telemetry,SCPU boot\\n\".print; }"},
+  {4603928,"  - open_read n:ABSTRACT_STRING :POINTER <- "},
+  {19925035,"    .when 05Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23071774,"    +? { last = element };"},
+  {58200086,"    i >= 0"},
+  {15869995,"    .when 03Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14967851,"    .when 038h then { \"THEOS ver 3.2 2 Go\\n\".print; }"},
+  {48525877,"    {idx.in_range 1 to (minimum_size/POINTER.object_size)} ?"},
+  {11802644,"    (! value).if {"},
+  {30279723,"    .when 0ADh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10894340,"    crash_on top_runtime_stack with_message msg;"},
+  {26224683,"    .when 08Eh then { \"Linux Logical Volume Manager\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7756843,"    .when 001h then { \"FAT12 (< 10 M)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6842380,"  - to_uinteger_64:UINTEGER_64 <- to_raw_uinteger_64;"},
+  {11799572,"    (! value).if {"},
+  {22163489,"      vol_label_01.print;"},
+  {40634411,"    .when 0FCh then { \"VMware Swap\\n\".print; }"},
+  {36579371,"    .when 0DDh then { \"CTOS cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9989128,"  - Self:SELF '+'  Left 80  other:SELF :SELF <- Self - -other;"},
+  {8652843,"    .when 008h then { \"SplitDrive QNX 1.x et 2.x\\n\".print; }"},
+  {51651080,"  [ -? {Self >= 0}; ]"},
+  {26877447,"    a := step - 1;"},
+  {41973784,"      {buffer2.count < 512}.while_do { buffer2.add_last 0; };"},
+  {40634421,"    {(result != NULL) && {result.size < new_size}}.while_do {"},
+  {4594731,"  + head_begin:UINTEGER_8;"},
+  {19007531,"    .when 057h then { \"DrivePro VNDI\\n\".print; }"},
+  {63582215,"      i := buffer.count + 1;"},
+  {14952491,"    .when 038h then { \"THEOS ver 3.2 2 Go\\n\".print; }"},
+  {55718453,"	next2 := read_ptr next & ~ 11b.to_uinteger_cpu;"},
+  {5250564,"  - object_size:INTEGER <- `12`;"},
+  {17187848,"  - when value:SELF then block:{} :SELF <-"},
+  {29362219,"    .when 0A6h then { \"OpenBSD\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18096161,"    oem_07.print;"},
+  {25307179,"    .when 087h then { \"agr�gat NTFS (NT)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8415787,"    .when 006h then { \"FAT16 (>32 M et <2 G)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39716907,"    .when 0F5h then { \"Prologue multi-volume\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6827032,"    ptr := buf.storage;    "},
+  {35661867,"    .when 0D6h then { \"Multiuser\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7735339,"    .when 001h then { \"FAT12 (< 10 M)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38805528,"	(sz != 512).if {"},
+  {9324104,"  - set_next n:LINKED_LIST_NODE(V) <-"},
+  {6836275,"  - to_pointer:POINTER <- to_raw_pointer;"},
+  {25975339,"    .when 08Ch then { \"FAT32x Miroir\\n\".print; }"},
+  {41964587,"    mbr_first_sector := mbr_first_sector + sec;"},
+  {34741256,"  - to_boolean:BOOLEAN <-"},
+  {34756651,"    .when 0CFh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18090027,"    .when 050h then { \"OnTrack Disk Manager, Lynx RTOS, Oberon native\\n\".print; }"},
+  {41290293,"    };"},
+  {35421720,"	read_sector (isaac_head,isaac_cylinder,isaac_sector) in buffer;"},
+  {46681624,"      file_r := open_read \"bootold.sys\";"},
+  {14034987,"    .when 031h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {28444715,"    .when 09Fh then { \"BSD/OS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11547164,"  - last :V <- item upper;"},
+  {13129771,"    .when 02Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {34753589,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size -1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {17178657,"    oem_00.print;"},
+  {24389675,"    .when 080h then { \"MINIX (->1.4a)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21005857,"      \"\\n  Cluster start root\\t: \".print;  cluster_start_root.print;"},
+  {21895688,"      (Self + 1).to limit_up do blc;"},
+  {41946136,"      {buffer2.count < 512}.while_do { buffer2.add_last 0; };"},
+  {16267277,"    (up > to_raw_uinteger_64)"},
+  {7482891,"      j := buffer.upper;"},
+  {69869590,"      i1 := i1 + 1;"},
+  {14693910,"    old_size (old_nb_elts * element_sizeof) new_size new_cap;"},
+  {62655495,"  [ -? {buffer!=NULL}; ]"},
+  {38799403,"    .when 0EEh then { \"EFI MBR\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43525669,"    old_i2:=item i2;"},
+  {26637355,"    .when 091h then { \"Etendue cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23484459,"    .when 079h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {34744363,"    .when 0CFh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {20325409,"    (is_fat32).if {"},
+  {49160245,"  - begin_memory:POINTER;"},
+  {64228871,"      };"},
+  {13126709,"  - set_size_and_id s:UINTEGER_CPU    <- ( size_and_id     := s; );"},
+  {25057835,"    .when 085h then { \"Linux etendue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {33839147,"    .when 0C8h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17172523,"    .when 049h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23472158,"    +? { upper = 1 + Old upper };"},
+  {26621976,"      ((part.type = 05h) || {part.type = 0Fh}).if {      "},
+  {13117483,"    .when 02Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11297796,"  - die_with_code code:INTEGER <- SYSTEM.exit code;"},
+  {82709045,"    };"},
+  {38556187,"      storage := NATIVE_ARRAY(V).create 2;"},
+  {27527211,"    .when 098h then { \"FAT32x cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16935451,"    }.elseif { (capacity > 0) && { upper >= 0}} then {"},
+  {29100581,"    ? {other != NULL};"},
+  {23472171,"    .when 079h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9056293,"    result := SELF.clone;"},
+  {45095989,"    (blc.size < minimum_size).if {"},
+  {5906478,"  - default := 0;"},
+  {18745909,"    };"},
+  {6565387,"      i := buffer.upper+1;"},
+  {41028635,"    +? { capacity = Old capacity };"},
+  {49809944,"    };"},
+  {37881899,"    .when 0E7h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {33826859,"    .when 0C8h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27287064,"	sub_read_partition (sec+part.mbr_first_sector);"},
+  {11962882,"  - Self:SELF '->>' Right 25 other:{BOOLEAN}  :BOOLEAN <- other.value;"},
+  {40123419,"  - count:INTEGER <- ( upper + 1 ); // end count"},
+  {36080693,"	  size_and_id := size_and_id + (nxt.size_and_id & ~ 1.to_uinteger_cpu) + object_size;"},
+  {81797685,"    (old_size2 <= minimum_size).if {"},
+  {79306774,"    -? {lower >= 0};"},
+  {63985671,"	buffer.extend ((val & 15).hexadecimal_digit);"},
+  {9964616,"    +? {next = n};"},
+  {17591300,"      clone_allocation_size := clone_allocation_size + sz;"},
+  {18508843,"    .when 053h then { \"Disk Manager 6.0, Aux3\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40132661,"    {new_size > minimum_size-POINTER.object_size} ? \"Memory: Big block.\";"},
+  {33826869,"    {id = id_busy} ? \"Memory: Macro Block not busy.\";"},
+  {29765669,"      (capacity = 0).if	{"},
+  {16255019,"    .when 042h then { \"Linux swap + DRDOS SFS Windows 2000\\n\".print; }"},
+  {76818951,"    val  := Self / 10;"},
+  {56112677,"	new_capacity := capacity * 2;"},
+  {20753441,"      \"\\n  Flags FAT\\t\\t: \".print;           flags_fat.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {12199979,"    .when 023h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {29768757,"      put_last new_free to idx;"},
+  {18499617,"    \"\\n  Bytes per sector\\t: \".print;    bytes_per_sector.print;"},
+  {12874284,"      lnk := LINKED_LIST_NODE(V).create element next NULL;"},
+  {30205976,"    isaac_partition := choice \"Isaac partition ? \" from '1' to ((partition_list.upper).decimal_digit) .decimal_value;"},
+  {74358837,"    result := micro_alloc new_size table ptr_table lab (new_size.to_uinteger_32);"},
+  {4985889,"  + oem_03:CHARACTER;"},
+  {10377218,"  - Self:SELF '||'  Left 10  other:{BOOLEAN}   :BOOLEAN <- TRUE;   // or else"},
+  {33820725,"    {id = id_busy} ? \"Memory: Macro Block not busy.\";"},
+  {35397173,"      (! is_end).if {"},
+  {9709076,"      while_do body;"},
+  {26609707,"    .when 091h then { \"Etendue cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {69614102,"      put (src.item i2) to i1;"},
+  {36071477,"	  size_and_id := size_and_id + (nxt.size_and_id & ~ 1.to_uinteger_cpu) + object_size;"},
+  {22554667,"    .when 072h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {45754933,"	put_last prev to idx;"},
+  {95292965,"    +? {Result.is_not_null};"},
+  {69626421,"    new_size  := sz.align_power (POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {17828405,"    };"},
+  {41699893,"    result.to_busy new_size index idx;"},
+  {78407733,"    new_size  := sz.align_power (POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {11285534,"    +? { count = Old count};"},
+  {30433835,"    .when 0AEh then { \"ShagOS filesystem\\n\".print; }"},
+  {36964395,"    .when 0E0h then { \"ST AVFS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8813099,"    .when 009h then { \"AIX data, Coherent FileSystem\\n\".print; }"},
+  {32909355,"    .when 0C1h then { \"FAT12 DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23213588,"    ((debug_level >= 15) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {16910875,"    }.elseif { (capacity > 0) && { upper >= 0}} then {"},
+  {6556199,"    };"},
+  {6556202,"    };"},
+  {14438443,"    .when 034h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17579023,"  - valid_index index:INTEGER :BOOLEAN <-"},
+  {32909365,"	put_last new to idx;"},
+  {32004139,"    .when 0BAh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12855839,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = upper - lower + 1};"},
+  {12852760,"  + isaac_drive:UINTEGER_8; // 0x80:Hard Disk   0x00:Floppy Disk."},
+  {26357255,"    -? {step.is_power_2};"},
+  {15337515,"    .when 03Bh then { \"THEOS ver 4 etendue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27949099,"    .when 09Bh then { \"etendue X cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11282475,"    .when 01Ch then { \"FAT32x cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16005665,"    \"\\nSector Root\\t: \".print;     sector_root.print;"},
+  {35819032,"      boot := CONVERT(NATIVE_ARRAY(UINTEGER_8),BOOT).on (buffer.storage);  "},
+  {21409313,"      \"\\n  Bios drive\\t\\t: \".print;          bios_drive.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {25692203,"    .when 08Ah then { \"Linux Kernel\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10377259,"    .when 015h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21637163,"    .when 06Bh then { \"Free type...  &nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23207454,"    +? { count = 1 + Old count };"},
+  {7218209,"  + hidden_sectors:UINTEGER_32;"},
+  {40770072,"      } else {"},
+  {8791579,"    result := clone;"},
+  {7215132,"  + capacity:INTEGER;"},
+  {55863333,"	storage  := NATIVE_ARRAY(CHARACTER).create capacity;"},
+  {15103531,"    .when 039h then { \"Plan 9, THEOS ver 4 spanned\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19140100,"      };"},
+  {36046891,"    .when 0D9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15097377,"      sector_root:=sector_fat+sectors_per_fat * nb_fat;"},
+  {31991851,"    .when 0BAh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {55192117,"	put_ptr NULL to next;"},
+  {10364959,"    (lower <= i) && {i <= upper}"},
+  {6300680,"  (low <= Self) && {up >= Self};"},
+  {74987015,"      (-Self).print_positif;"},
+  {47066648,"	string_tmp.append name;"},
+  {14420011,"    .when 034h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11030034,"  - when value:CHARACTER then block:{} :CHARACTER <-"},
+  {47740952,"      {buffer2.count < 512}.while_do { buffer2.add_last 0; };      "},
+  {10364971,"    .when 015h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {46401589,"    {((result - begin_memory) & 0FFFh) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment LAB.\";"},
+  {19826741,"    block.set_size_and_id (id_free | id_end | (64.mb - object_size));"},
+  {16673845,"    {(begin_memory & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {29497880,"      n.print;"},
+  {11935265,"  + fs_label_05:CHARACTER;"},
+  {27028523,"    .when 094h then { \"Amoeba bad block table\\n\".print; }"},
+  {24774699,"    .when 083h then { \"LINUX native (ext2fs)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {48630792,"  [ -? {bound_test (UINTEGER_16.minimum) to (UINTEGER_16.maximum)}; ]"},
+  {20719659,"    .when 064h then { \"Novell 286 PC-ARMOUR\\n\".print; }"},
+  {52698155,"    print_type;"},
+  {16667701,"    {(begin_memory & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {18222596,"      };"},
+  {35129387,"    .when 0D2h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {20479506,"  - Self:SELF '<=' other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ( code <= other.code );"},
+  {31742488,"    isaac_sector         := part.sector_begin;"},
+  {19814443,"    .when 05Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31074347,"    .when 0B3h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {42100248,"      read file_r in buffer2 size (file_size file_r);"},
+  {28595755,"    .when 0A0h then { \"hibernation\\n\".print; }"},
+  {5383176,"  - zero:SELF <- 0; // Neutral element for `+' and `-'."},
+  {7871009,"  + flags_fat:UINTEGER_16; "},
+  {18225688,"    txt.print;"},
+  {6959627,"	buffer.extend ((val % 10).digit);"},
+  {19814453,"    block.set_size_and_id (id_free | id_end | (64.mb - object_size));"},
+  {28577287,"      };"},
+  {12603435,"    .when 026h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {73413685,"    {sz <= minimum_size} ? \"Memory: Size bound.\";"},
+  {9438223,"  );"},
+  {31074357,"    {id = id_free} ? \"Memory: Macro block not free.\";"},
+  {30169131,"    .when 0ACh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43002405,"    ? {valid_index i1};"},
+  {20473362,"  - Self:SELF '<=' other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ( code <= other.code );"},
+  {13502507,"    .when 02Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40526891,"    .when 0FBh then { \"VMware File System\\n\".print; }"},
+  {29257752,"    (partition_list.lower).to (partition_list.upper) do { n:INTEGER;"},
+  {9447467,"    .when 00Eh then { \"FAT16 (>32 M et <2 G) LBA\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16655410,"      cap := cap / 2;"},
+  {34883090,"    ? {result = in_range '0' to '9'};"},
+  {58994741,"    siz := sz.to_integer;"},
+  {31068213,"    {id = id_free} ? \"Memory: Macro block not free.\";"},
+  {23857195,"    .when 07Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14838806,"    new := CONVERT(POINTER,NATIVE_ARRAY(V)).on new_ptr;"},
+  {19802155,"    .when 05Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {35794485,"	((nxt.id = id_free) && {nxt.size >= sz}).if {"},
+  {8529944,"  - close p:POINTER <- `fclose((FILE*)(@p))`;"},
+  {34211883,"    .when 0CBh then { \"FAT32 DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {42091045,"    storage.put ch to (index - 1);"},
+  {27672088,"	part.add_base (sec.to_uinteger);"},
+  {24522273,"      fs_label_06.print;"},
+  {30156843,"    .when 0ACh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {52436488,"  [ -? {Self >= 0}; ]"},
+  {18890785,"    \"\\n  Number FAT\\t\\t: \".print;          nb_fat.print;"},
+  {47713304,"      {buffer2.count < 512}.while_do { buffer2.add_last 0; };      "},
+  {9201174,"    result := CONVERT(POINTER,NATIVE_ARRAY(V)).on p;"},
+  {9195016,"  - Self:SELF '-'  Left 80  other:SELF :SELF <- `3`;"},
+  {22046763,"    .when 06Eh then { \"Free type...  &nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17979406,"  - Self:SELF '+?' test:{BOOLEAN} <- test +? Self;"},
+  {40511531,"    .when 0FBh then { \"VMware File System\\n\".print; }"},
+  {77203975,"    };"},
+  {12585003,"    .when 026h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {36456491,"    .when 0DCh then { \"CTOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12588085,"  - is_end:BOOLEAN                    <- (size_and_id & id_end).to_boolean;"},
+  {8529963,"    .when 007h then { \"OS/2, HPFS, NTFS, QNX 2.x\\n\".print; }"},
+  {34867730,"    ? {result = in_range '0' to '9'};"},
+  {52448821,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {9204267,"    .when 00Ch then { \"FAT32(>2 G et <2047G) LBA\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10774559,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = ((lower <= i) & (i <= upper))};"},
+  {23610913,"      \"\\n  File system\\t\\t: \".print;"},
+  {22939691,"    .when 075h then { \"IBM PC/IX\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14826529,"      sector_root:=sector_fat+sectors_per_fat32 * nb_fat;"},
+  {18884651,"    .when 056h then { \"Golden Bow, EZ-BIOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10771487,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = ((lower <= i) & (i <= upper))};"},
+  {14158389,"    ? {idx < nb_page};"},
+  {78792757,"      result := alloc_size new_size2;"},
+  {10759174,"      block_else.value;"},
+  {17970196,"    ((debug_level >=10) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {33294379,"    .when 0C4h then { \"FAT16 <32M DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {57156630,"    -? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {24269831,"  - Self:SELF '<<' Left 100 other:INTEGER :SELF <-"},
+  {54671879,"    +? {Result.decimal_value = Self};"},
+  {29239339,"    .when 0A5h then { \"BSD\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17967124,"    ((debug_level >=10) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {81939509,"      result := alloc_dynamic new_size;"},
+  {32392245,"      new.set_previous_linear Self;"},
+  {28334123,"    .when 09Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17967131,"    +? { capacity >= Old capacity };"},
+  {39594027,"    .when 0F4h then { \"SpeedStor large Prologue single-volume\\n\".print; }"},
+  {57150486,"    -? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {28337205,"      new_size := new_size + new_free.size_and_id + object_size;"},
+  {11667499,"    .when 01Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {67277320,"  - to_raw_integer:INTEGER          <- CONVERT(SELF,INTEGER     ).on Self;"},
+  {7612459,"    .when 000h then { \"Not found\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15494699,"    .when 03Ch then { \"PartitionMagic recovery\\n\".print; }"},
+  {53095448,"      isaac_drive:=80h;"},
+  {16169003,"    .when 041h then { \"MINIX + DRDOS Personal RISC Boot Power PC Reference Platform\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38688811,"    .when 0EDh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22022187,"    .when 06Eh then { \"Free type...  &nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18626052,"      copy_intern_in result;"},
+  {17967147,"    .when 04Fh then { \"QNX4.x 3�me partition, Oberon\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10756129,"  + vol_label_08:CHARACTER;"},
+  {38014517,"      };"},
+  {56236039,"    (Self <= 9).if {"},
+  {17970229,"    old_size := nb_page << 26;"},
+  {31477803,"    .when 0B6h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27422763,"    .when 097h then { \"FAT32 cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {32376875,"    .when 0BDh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {93855269,"    (capacity > count).if {"},
+  {28321835,"    .when 09Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8277547,"    .when 005h then { \"Etendue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23595573,"    };"},
+  {18632225,"    \"\\n  Sectors per cluster\\t: \".print; sectors_per_cluster.print;"},
+  {34615314,"      result := (Self <= '9');"},
+  {40259125,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {53751303,"    -? {in_range 0 to 9};"},
+  {49021960,"  );"},
+  {44304933,"    ? {item i2 = old_i1};"},
+  {47451672,"      };"},
+  {38676523,"    .when 0EDh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {47463989,"  - table_type idx:UINTEGER_32 :POINTER <-"},
+  {22678040,"    };"},
+  {8948779,"    .when 00Ah then { \"OS/2 boot manager, Coherent swap, OPUS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {75368967,"    };"},
+  {6691873,"  + descriptor:UINTEGER_8;"},
+  {10749995,"    .when 018h then { \"Windows swapfile\\n\".print; }"},
+  {49025048,"	} else {"},
+  {44308021,"    (idx >= nb_page).if {"},
+  {69755957,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {37762072,"	file_w := open_write name;"},
+  {37774389,"        copy begin to (result.begin) size old_size;"},
+  {50598424,"  - main <-"},
+  {53751320,"      isaac_cylinder:=0;"},
+  {21104683,"    .when 067h then { \"Novell\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9838625,"  + vol_label_01:CHARACTER;"},
+  {17049643,"    .when 048h then { \"EUMEL/Elan\\n\".print; }"},
+  {81687093,"    new_size  := new_sz.align_power (POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {69749813,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {26505259,"    .when 090h then { \"FAT16 cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31459371,"    .when 0B6h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {92937765,"  - to_external:NATIVE_ARRAY(CHARACTER) <-"},
+  {27404331,"    .when 097h then { \"FAT32 cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11412005,"      (capacity < needed_capacity).if	{"},
+  {16138273,"    \"\\nSector cluster\\t: \".print;  sector_cluster.print;"},
+  {12985377,"  + sector_fat    :UINTEGER_32; // FAT position."},
+  {12080152,"  - string_tmp:STRING := STRING.create 255;"},
+  {23343137,"      vol_label_10.print;"},
+  {10494470,"      block.value;"},
+  {24014360,"      crash_with_message \"Error write bios disk 13h.\\n\";"},
+  {37759019,"    .when 0E6h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9832491,"    .when 011h then { \"FAT12 cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12086325,"  - id:UINTEGER_CPU                   <- size_and_id & 01b;"},
+  {20858401,"      \"\\n  Version FAT\\t\\t: \".print;         version_fat.print;"},
+  {20187179,"    .when 060h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23333918,"    +? { lower = Old lower };"},
+  {99225110,"      };"},
+  {16132139,"    .when 041h then { \"MINIX + DRDOS Personal RISC Boot Power PC Reference Platform\\n\".print; }"},
+  {76696071,"    char := (Self % 10).decimal_digit;"},
+  {35265048,"      } else {"},
+  {21760556,"    };"},
+  {16787972,"    sz := object_size;"},
+  {30541867,"    .when 0AFh then { \"ShagOS swap partition\\n\".print; }"},
+  {33697845,"    size_and_id := siz | id_busy;"},
+  {26486827,"    .when 090h then { \"FAT16 cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {29630488,"      \": \".print;"},
+  {45619736,"      } else {"},
+  {17705525,"      search_capacity;"},
+  {22425633,"      vol_label_03.print;"},
+  {40896555,"    .when 0FEh then { \"SpeedStor > 1024 cyl, IBM PS/2 IML, Windows NT Disk Administrator, Linux Logical Volume Manager\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25581611,"    .when 089h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {36841515,"    .when 0DFh then { \"DG/UX virtual disk manager\\n\".print; }"},
+  {76686855,"    char := (Self % 10).decimal_digit;"},
+  {8914987,"    .when 00Ah then { \"OS/2 boot manager, Coherent swap, OPUS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18373675,"    .when 052h then { \"Microport CP/M\\n\".print; }"},
+  {56642567,"      result := ('A'.code + (Self - 10).to_uinteger_8).to_character;"},
+  {16787992,"    \" (Y/N) ? \".print;"},
+  {69485078,"    {i2 = src_capacity}.until_do {"},
+  {9570822,"    };"},
+  {19269675,"    .when 059h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {55974437,"      } else {"},
+  {15214635,"    .when 03Ah then { \"THEOS ver 4 4Go\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15885857,"    \"\\nSector FAT\\t: \".print;      sector_fat.print;"},
+  {24673323,"    .when 082h then { \"Solaris X86, LINUX swap, Prime\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39979032,"    .when '2' then {"},
+  {56636423,"      result := ('A'.code + (Self - 10).to_uinteger_8).to_character;"},
+  {5521944,"  - open_write n:ABSTRACT_STRING :POINTER <- "},
+  {54404149,"	page := (result - begin_memory) & 0FFFh;"},
+  {28725291,"    .when 0A1h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14306335,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = (count = 0)};"},
+  {29624363,"    .when 0A8h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {59130421,"    {(siz & (POINTER.object_size -1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Copy alignment.\";"},
+  {12061749,"  - id:UINTEGER_CPU                   <- size_and_id & 01b;"},
+  {13391878,"  - Self:SELF '->>' Right 25 other:{BOOLEAN}  :BOOLEAN <- TRUE;"},
+  {25569323,"    .when 089h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {74217525,"    ptr_table := table_size (new_size / POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {7086091,"	val := val / 10;"},
+  {63835143,"      {val != 0}.while_do { //JBJB"},
+  {39979051,"    .when 0F7h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {81406998,"    upper.downto 0 do { i:INTEGER;"},
+  {43135029,"      (idx < nb_page) &&"},
+  {35924011,"    .when 0D8h then { \"CP/M-86\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7997483,"    .when 003h then { \"XENIX /usr\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11144222,"    +? { item i = element };"},
+  {14297119,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = (count = 0)};"},
+  {28719157,"    ((! is_end) && {next.id = id_free}).if {"},
+  {25566261,"  - first_free:MEMORY;"},
+  {8653316,"    };"},
+  {19934773,"    block.add_link_free;"},
+  {20605995,"    .when 063h then { \"Unix System V GNU HURD\\n\".print; }"},
+  {54145543,"    (Self.to_uinteger_8 + '0'.code).to_character"},
+  {15870495,"    -? {valid_index i};"},
+  {18352171,"    .when 052h then { \"Microport CP/M\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43128885,"      (idx < nb_page) &&"},
+  {77339655,"    char.print;"},
+  {42214424,"      close file_r;"},
+  {14297131,"    .when 033h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10900994,"  - Self:SELF '|'   Left 10  other:BOOLEAN :BOOLEAN <- TRUE;  // or"},
+  {36573703,"  (Self & 1) = 1;"},
+  {46940696,"	string_tmp.copy \"Error : file `\";"},
+  {39741995,"    .when 0F5h then { \"Prologue multi-volume\\n\".print; }"},
+  {28706859,"    .when 0A1h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22163986,"    result := to_integer - 48;"},
+  {13391915,"    .when 02Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17440801,"    oem_02.print;"},
+  {24651819,"    .when 082h then { \"Solaris X86, LINUX swap, Prime\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25316888,"  - sub_read_partition sec:UINTEGER_64 <-"},
+  {63835180,"    -? { mem_idx != i};"},
+  {52578357,"    {new_size >= POINTER.object_size} ? \"Memory: Size = 0.\";"},
+  {39061547,"    .when 0F0h then { \"Linux/PA-RISC boot loader\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21258770,"  - Self:SELF '>=' other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ( code >= other.code );"},
+  {25323051,"    .when 087h then { \"agr�gat NTFS (NT)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23746603,"    .when 07Bh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18105876,"      crash_on ptr with_message msg;"},
+  {35006507,"    .when 0D1h then { \"Multiuser DOS, secured FAT12\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23737368,"    storage := buf.storage;"},
+  {30280245,"    };"},
+  {49422389,"  - capacity_max:UINTEGER_CPU;"},
+  {13376536,"  + isaac_head:UINTEGER_8;"},
+  {38150171,"    (upper + 1 < capacity).if {"},
+  {32530997,"      new.set_size_and_id (new_size - object_size);"},
+  {48507928,"      (get_choice).if {"},
+  {34101291,"    .when 0CAh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17434667,"    .when 04Bh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13379627,"    .when 02Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {33426997,"      };"},
+  {11800101,"      };"},
+  {32524853,"      new.set_size_and_id (new_size - object_size);"},
+  {63582727,"      i := buffer.count + 1;"},
+  {59774005,"    (siz - 1).downto 0 do { j:INTEGER;"},
+  {10888724,"      do_while test;"},
+  {27789355,"    .when 09Ah then { \"FAT16x cachee (FreeFDISK)n\".print; }"},
+  {51645448,"  [ -? {Self >= 0}; ]"},
+  {12474411,"    .when 025h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23734315,"    .when 07Bh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17194520,"    }.do_while {(choice!='n') && {choice!='y'}};"},
+  {56371719,"      result := digit;"},
+  {16529461,"    {begin_memory != NULL} ? \"Memory: Not memory.\";"},
+  {38144043,"    .when 0E9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {42864152,"      };"},
+  {34089003,"    .when 0CAh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11572277,"  - size:UINTEGER_CPU                 <- size_and_id & ~ 3.to_uinteger_cpu;"},
+  {37232664,"      name.print; "},
+  {6830619,"  + parent_arrayed_collection:Expanded ARRAYED_COLLECTION(V);"},
+  {26884149,"    {idx.in_range 0 to 63} ? \"Memory: Bound index.\";"},
+  {33183787,"    .when 0C3h then { \"Linux cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9312300,"  - is_empty:BOOLEAN <- first_link = NULL;"},
+  {14700552,"  - Self:SELF '>'   Right 60 other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- `2`;"},
+  {16517163,"    .when 044h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17859608,"  - choice txt:ABSTRACT_STRING from low:CHARACTER to up:CHARACTER :CHARACTER <-"},
+  {9968132,"    msg.print;"},
+  {21249589,"  - id_free:UINTEGER_CPU <- 00b;"},
+  {12462123,"    .when 025h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {51651637,"    mem.put v to 0;"},
+  {18761761,"    \"\\n  Sectors reserved\\t: \".print;    sectors_reserved.print;"},
+  {11563061,"  - size:UINTEGER_CPU                 <- size_and_id & ~ 3.to_uinteger_cpu;"},
+  {16517173,"    {begin_memory != NULL} ? \"Memory: Not memory.\";"},
+  {5248033,"  + oem_05:CHARACTER;"},
+  {26871851,"    .when 093h then { \"Amoeba, Linux native cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22816811,"    .when 074h then { \"Scramdisk\\n\".print; }"},
+  {34754101,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size -1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {37226539,"    .when 0E2h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21902356,"    ((debug_level >= 5) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {33171499,"    .when 0C3h then { \"Linux cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39477291,"    .when 0F3h then { \"reserved  &nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {28445237,"    };"},
+  {6821420,"  + mem_idx:INTEGER;"},
+  {62656007,"  [ -? {buffer!=NULL}; ]"},
+  {21899284,"    ((debug_level >= 5) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {6824501,"  + next_free    :MEMORY;"},
+  {14700587,"    .when 036h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {32266283,"    .when 0BCh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {32269365,"      new := CONVERT(POINTER,MEMORY).on (begin+sz);"},
+  {15599659,"    .when 03Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {45105717,"    (blc.size < minimum_size).if {"},
+  {104096278,"  - is_not_null:BOOLEAN <- to_pointer.is_not_null;"},
+  {55457317,"    (capacity <= count).if {"},
+  {11544619,"    .when 01Eh then { \"FAT16x cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {20322849,"    (is_fat32).if {"},
+  {10642475,"    .when 017h then { \"HPFS - NTFS cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {69876277,"    ptr_table := table_type t;"},
+  {25954347,"    .when 08Ch then { \"FAT32x Miroir\\n\".print; }"},
+  {80218646,"    };"},
+  {21899307,"    .when 06Dh then { \"Free type...  &nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {52969496,"      title \"Partition manager.\";"},
+  {104090134,"  - is_not_null:BOOLEAN <- to_pointer.is_not_null;"},
+  {23478837,"      next.set_previous_free prev;"},
+  {20997163,"    .when 066h then { \"Novell Netware SMS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9056802,"      nb_sector      := 1;"},
+  {29101093,"    ? {other != NULL};"},
+  {45096501,"    (blc.size < minimum_size).if {"},
+  {36309035,"    .when 0DBh then { \"Digital Research, CP/M, Concurrent CP/M, Concurent DOS, CTOS, KDG Telemetry,SCPU boot\\n\".print; }"},
+  {81804341,"    (old_size2 <= minimum_size).if {"},
+  {41029144,"      };"},
+  {32253995,"    .when 0BCh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6565899,"      i := buffer.upper+1;"},
+  {11538485,"  - size:UINTEGER_CPU                 <- size_and_id & ~ 3.to_uinteger_cpu;"},
+  {41029147,"    +? { capacity = Old capacity };"},
+  {25717285,"      storage.copy_from (other.storage) until (count-1);"},
+  {5900842,"  ( ? {is_connected};"},
+  {31348779,"    .when 0B5h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17828891,"    +? { count = new_count };"},
+  {20082721,"    \" (\".print; (nb_sectors_big>>11).print; \" MB)\".print;"},
+  {14682155,"    .when 036h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {63986183,"	buffer.extend ((val & 15).hexadecimal_digit);"},
+  {9965128,"    +? {next = n};"},
+  {95302693,"    +? {Result.is_not_null};"},
+  {10627115,"    .when 017h then { \"HPFS - NTFS cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {64885255,"	i := i + 1;"},
+  {44178981,"    ? {item i1 = old_i2};"},
+  {12862472,"  - Self:SELF '>#'  Right 60 other:INTEGER :BOOLEAN <- Self > other;"},
+  {12197409,"  + fs_label_07:CHARACTER;"},
+  {28857880,"    partition_list:=LINKED_LIST(MBR).create;"},
+  {16929835,"    .when 047h then { \"EUMEL/Elan\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25036843,"    .when 085h then { \"Linux etendue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18497048,"      choice:=IO.read_character;"},
+  {4986396,"  + storage:NATIVE_ARRAY(V);"},
+  {20981803,"    .when 066h then { \"Novell Netware SMS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12868639,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = upper - lower + 1};"},
+  {57018421,"    {p != NULL} ? \"Memory: Pointer NULL.\";"},
+  {8130059,"      };"},
+  {11295275,"    .when 01Ch then { \"FAT32x cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {35391531,"    .when 0D4h then { \"Multiuser\\n\".print; }"},
+  {20747809,"      \"\\n  Flags FAT\\t\\t: \".print;           flags_fat.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {20076587,"    .when 05Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31336491,"    .when 0B5h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {78408245,"    new_size  := sz.align_power (POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {20744737,"      \"\\n  Flags FAT\\t\\t: \".print;           flags_fat.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {44837912,"	\"Writting...\\n\".print;"},
+  {7474248,"    +? {next = n};"},
+  {59263029,"    siz := siz / POINTER.object_size;"},
+  {57686581,"    put_ptr (next | 11b) to p;"},
+  {52036616,"  );"},
+  {8795143,"  Self - ((Self / other) * other);"},
+  {8792066,"    true_block.value;"},
+  {24799787,"    .when 083h then { \"LINUX native (ext2fs)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13764651,"    .when 02Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {57683509,"    put_ptr (next | 11b) to p;"},
+  {54530613,"	((page + (new_size << 1)) <= 4096).if {"},
+  {31998491,"  - is_empty:BOOLEAN <- ( upper < 0 ); // end is_empty"},
+  {20064287,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = item upper};"},
+  {9709611,"    .when 010h then { \"OPUS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11279902,"    +? { count = Old count};"},
+  {11279905,"  + fs_label_00:CHARACTER;"},
+  {44844085,"    result := blc.next_linear.this;"},
+  {52045867,"    (size>>11).print;"},
+  {20070453,"    put_last block to (nb_page - 1);"},
+  {20061217,"    \" (\".print; (nb_sectors_big>>11).print; \" MB)\".print;"},
+  {24119339,"    .when 07Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {78383638,"    };"},
+  {47981592,"      close file_r;"},
+  {20064299,"    .when 05Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {56756743,"    };"},
+  {35819544,"      boot := CONVERT(NATIVE_ARRAY(UINTEGER_8),BOOT).on (buffer.storage);  "},
+  {7212555,"      };"},
+  {10362374,"    (cond.value).if {"},
+  {8785927,"  Self - ((Self / other) * other);"},
+  {34474027,"    .when 0CDh then { \"CTOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15100961,"      sector_root:=sector_fat+sectors_per_fat * nb_fat;"},
+  {19159083,"    .when 058h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {30418987,"    .when 0AEh then { \"ShagOS filesystem\\n\".print; }"},
+  {26348551,"    -? {step.is_power_2};"},
+  {21634604,"      go_item i;"},
+  {9457160,"  - Self:SELF '*'  Left 100 other:SELF :SELF <- `4`;"},
+  {6304264,"  (low <= Self) && {up >= Self};"},
+  {21403681,"      \"\\n  Bios drive\\t\\t: \".print;          bios_drive.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {40779829,"      result := result.next_free;"},
+  {16671259,"      storage := NATIVE_ARRAY(V).create new_count;"},
+  {24775188,"    };"},
+  {20726305,"      \"\\n  Flags FAT\\t\\t: \".print;           flags_fat.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {15993883,"    -? { new_count >= 0};"},
+  {40773675,"    .when 0FDh then { \"Linux raid\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21400609,"      \"\\n  Bios drive\\t\\t: \".print;          bios_drive.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {12847147,"    .when 028h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11935764,"      body.value;"},
+  {59918901,"      na_dst.put (na_src.item j) to j;"},
+  {8792107,"    .when 009h then { \"AIX data, Coherent FileSystem\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18250795,"    .when 051h then { \"OnTrack Disk Manager RW Novell\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9466411,"    .when 00Eh then { \"FAT16 (>32 M et <2 G) LBA\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16000050,"      cap := cap * 2;"},
+  {24775201,"    };"},
+  {59915829,"      na_dst.put (na_src.item j) to j;"},
+  {4721675,"  [ -? {buffer!=NULL}; ]"},
+  {68684822,"    -? {dest >= 0};"},
+  {31989301,"    (new_size > (minimum_size+object_size+object_size)).if {"},
+  {23201835,"    .when 077h then { \"VNDI\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27921944,"      };"},
+  {15088673,"      sector_root:=sector_fat+sectors_per_fat * nb_fat;"},
+  {19146795,"    .when 058h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6295051,"      };"},
+  {76576309,"    ptr_table := table_size (new_size / POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {27010567,"    (Self + a) & (~ a)"},
+  {43683352,"      boot:= CONVERT(NATIVE_ARRAY(UINTEGER_8),BOOT).on (buffer2.storage);  "},
+  {33556523,"    .when 0C6h then { \"FAT16 >= 32M DRDOS, FAT16 corrompue (NT)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {44582424,"      \"Write new boot Isaac \".print;"},
+  {23866913,"      fs_label_01.print;"},
+  {29501483,"    .when 0A7h then { \"NEXTSTEP\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16668213,"    {(begin_memory & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {24775221,"    };"},
+  {27928117,"      add_link_free;"},
+  {6963211,"	buffer.extend ((val % 10).digit);"},
+  {42100760,"      read file_r in buffer2 size (file_size file_r);"},
+  {39856171,"    .when 0F6h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {24531988,"    ((debug_level >= 15) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {15741444,"  - clone_allocation_size:UINTEGER_CPU;"},
+  {11929643,"    .when 021h then { \"Oxygen File System\\n\".print; }"},
+  {41435701,"    idx := get_index (result.this);"},
+  {9441812,"    value.if {"},
+  {67539464,"  - to_raw_uinteger:UINTEGER        <- CONVERT(SELF,UINTEGER    ).on Self;"},
+  {19814965,"    block.set_size_and_id (id_free | id_end | (64.mb - object_size));"},
+  {7874603,"    .when 002h then { \"XENIX root\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21382177,"      \"\\n  Bios drive\\t\\t: \".print;          bios_drive.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {24528916,"    ((debug_level >= 15) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {8548907,"    .when 007h then { \"OS/2, HPFS, NTFS, QNX 2.x\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18235445,"    new_size := old_size + 64.mb;"},
+  {35801141,"	((nxt.id = id_free) && {nxt.size >= sz}).if {"},
+  {22284331,"    .when 070h then { \"DiskSecure Multi-Boot\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8530438,"  - if true_block:{} :BOOLEAN <- FALSE;"},
+  {24525844,"    ((debug_level >= 15) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {22943239,"  ~(~Self & ~other);"},
+  {18229291,"    .when 051h then { \"OnTrack Disk Manager RW Novell\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22958635,"    .when 075h then { \"IBM PC/IX\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11018273,"  + vol_label_10:CHARACTER;"},
+  {29255192,"    (partition_list.lower).to (partition_list.upper) do { n:INTEGER;"},
+  {18232373,"    new_size := old_size + 64.mb;"},
+  {22940167,"  ~(~Self & ~other);"},
+  {30166581,"      next.set_previous_linear new_free;"},
+  {32639019,"    .when 0BFh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {74060807,"  - print <-"},
+  {79710773,"    verify_memory \"End alloc_dynamic\";"},
+  {18900523,"    .when 056h then { \"Golden Bow, EZ-BIOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17324075,"    .when 04Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {28583979,"    .when 0A0h then { \"hibernation\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38033432,"	  string_tmp.copy \"Error : Not open file `\";"},
+  {24525861,"  - copy other:ABSTRACT_STRING<-"},
+  {27672600,"	part.add_base (sec.to_uinteger);"},
+  {70024245,"    result := micro_alloc new_size table ptr_table lab (t | 1b);"},
+  {53357621,"      next := result + new_size;"},
+  {63712300,"    -? { valid_index i};"},
+  {38938667,"    .when 0EFh then { \"EFI\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15501320,"  - Self:SELF '>='  Right 60 other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- (Self > other) | (Self = other);"},
+  {14836257,"      sector_root:=sector_fat+sectors_per_fat32 * nb_fat;"},
+  {11012139,"    .when 01Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {50201653,"  );"},
+  {42993717,"    {"},
+  {19562529,"    \"\\n  Sectors per track\\t: \".print;   sectors_per_track.print;"},
+  {38033451,"    .when 0E8h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17989163,"    .when 04Fh then { \"QNX4.x 3�me partition, Oberon\\n\".print; }"},
+  {33307189,"	next.set_previous_linear new;"},
+  {20461601,"      \"\\nFAT 32 bits:\".print;"},
+  {49284120,"	};"},
+  {21366827,"    .when 069h then { \"Novell Netware NSS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {44567093,"    };"},
+  {46805528,"      (file_r = NULL).if {"},
+  {10100769,"  + vol_label_03:CHARACTER;"},
+  {17311787,"    .when 04Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14161973,"    ? {idx < nb_page};"},
+  {15504417,"    sector_cluster:=sector_root+(nb_root_entries>>4)-(sectors_per_cluster*2);"},
+  {36444696,"      } else {"},
+  {30822443,"    .when 0B1h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13915656,"  - Self:SELF '==#' Right 60 other:INTEGER :BOOLEAN <- (Self = other);"},
+  {30813208,"    (! get_choice).if {"},
+  {22943285,"    } else {"},
+  {22022664,"    };"},
+  {26767403,"    .when 092h then { \"FAT16 cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31721515,"    .when 0B8h then { \"BSDI BSD/386 swap\\n\".print; }"},
+  {55577608,"  [ -? {bound_test (INTEGER_32.minimum) to (INTEGER_32.maximum)}; ]"},
+  {14158901,"    ? {idx < nb_page};"},
+  {27666475,"    .when 099h then { \"DCE376 logical drive\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10768927,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = ((lower <= i) & (i <= upper))};"},
+  {52437035,"    \"h : \".print;"},
+  {16406578,"    }.do_until {(new_mem = NULL) || {(cap >> 20) = 2048}}; // BSBS: BUG COMPILO 0.13"},
+  {28343861,"      new_size := new_size + new_free.size_and_id + object_size;"},
+  {13241366,"    -? {old_nb_elts > 0};"},
+  {55586853,"      (capacity = 0).if	{"},
+  {22022674,"    ? {is_digit};"},
+  {54016565,"      next := read_ptr result;"},
+  {38021163,"    .when 0E8h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {74713607,"    }.elseif {Self < 0} then {"},
+  {6716971,"  - cylinder n:UINTEGER_16 :UINTEGER_16 <- ((n>>8) | ((n & 0C0h)<<2));"},
+  {10094635,"    .when 013h then { \"non attribue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {52437045,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {16391192,"  - get_choice:BOOLEAN <-"},
+  {28337717,"      new_size := new_size + new_free.size_and_id + object_size;"},
+  {15492129,"    sector_cluster:=sector_root+(nb_root_entries>>4)-(sectors_per_cluster*2);"},
+  {7606812,"  + upper:INTEGER;"},
+  {18648107,"    .when 054h then { \"Disk Manager 6.0 Dynamic Drive Overlay\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6036524,"  + first_link:LINKED_LIST_NODE(V);"},
+  {20449323,"    .when 062h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16394283,"    .when 043h then { \"Linux native + DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {63444487,"    } else {"},
+  {54660103,"    +? {Result.decimal_value = Self};"},
+  {30804011,"    .when 0B1h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {35524120,"      };"},
+  {26748971,"    .when 092h then { \"FAT16 cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {49031695,"  - has ch:CHARACTER :BOOLEAN <- storage.fast_has ch until (count - 1);"},
+  {15482913,"    sector_cluster:=sector_root+(nb_root_entries>>4)-(sectors_per_cluster*2);"},
+  {24254984,"      (Self + step).to limit_up by step do blc;"},
+  {13900310,"    + new_cap:INTEGER;"},
+  {19310113,"    \"\\n  Descriptor media\\t: \".print;    descriptor.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {22687777,"      vol_label_05.print;"},
+  {65932332,"    +? {mem_lnk != NULL};"},
+  {26748981,"    {id = id_busy} ? \"Memory: Macro block not busy.\";"},
+  {31462930,"    ((code < 65) || {code > 90}).if {"},
+  {25843755,"    .when 08Bh then { \"FAT32 miroir\\n\".print; }"},
+  {45878808,"      };"},
+  {37103659,"    .when 0E1h then { \"SpeedStor FAT12\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9177131,"    .when 00Ch then { \"FAT32(>2 G et <2047G) LBA\\n\".print; }"},
+  {35530293,"	nxt := next_linear;"},
+  {27407896,"      }.elseif {(part.type != 0) && {part.type != 0FFh}} then {"},
+  {53748743,"    -? {in_range 0 to 9};"},
+  {26742837,"    {id = id_busy} ? \"Memory: Macro block not busy.\";"},
+  {30566955,"    .when 0AFh then { \"ShagOS swap partition\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19531819,"    .when 05Bh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22441476,"  - to_pointer:POINTER <- CONVERT(SELF,POINTER).on Self;"},
+  {15476779,"    .when 03Ch then { \"PartitionMagic recovery\\n\".print; }"},
+  {5115947,"  + type:UINTEGER_8;"},
+  {28987435,"    .when 0A3h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27401752,"      }.elseif {(part.type != 0) && {part.type != 0FFh}} then {"},
+  {24932395,"    .when 084h then { \"OS/2 cachee, Hibernation\\n\".print; }"},
+  {29886507,"    .when 0AAh then { \"FAT12 1,44Mo Olivetti\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9832980,"    };"},
+  {53742599,"    -? {in_range 0 to 9};"},
+  {25831467,"    .when 08Bh then { \"FAT32 miroir\\n\".print; }"},
+  {45878837,"      };"},
+  {69750325,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {40247349,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {5777944,"    string_tmp.copy n;"},
+  {19288596,"    ((debug_level >=10) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {5774869,"  - object_size:INTEGER <- `sizeof(void *)`:INTEGER;"},
+  {5771790,"  + count:INTEGER;"},
+  {40241195,"    .when 0F9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {41814565,"  ( ? {valid_index index};"},
+  {19285524,"    ((debug_level >=10) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {36186155,"    .when 0DAh then { \"Non-FS Dat  a\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8259627,"    .when 005h then { \"Etendue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {28981301,"      new_size := new_size + next.size_and_id + object_size;"},
+  {19282452,"    ((debug_level >=10) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {35280939,"    .when 0D3h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18614315,"    .when 054h then { \"Disk Manager 6.0 Dynamic Drive Overlay\\n\".print; }"},
+  {94505509,"    };"},
+  {11163138,"  - Self:SELF '&'   Left 20  other:BOOLEAN :BOOLEAN <- other; // and"},
+  {56895525,"    count := count + 1;"},
+  {14559275,"    .when 035h then { \"Journaling FS OS/2 ou eCS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19270148,"    };"},
+  {64762375,"	old_count := old_count - 1;"},
+  {63185927,"    (Self = 0).if {"},
+  {20861995,"    .when 065h then { \"Novell 386\\n\".print; }"},
+  {24910881,"    '\\n'.print;"},
+  {49447432,"  [ -? {bound_test (UINTEGER_32.minimum) to (UINTEGER_32.maximum)}; ]"},
+  {12068372,"      until_do body;"},
+  {28969003,"    .when 0A3h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13654059,"    .when 02Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17702945,"    oem_04.print;"},
+  {24913963,"    .when 084h then { \"OS/2 cachee, Hibernation\\n\".print; }"},
+  {54407704,"    title \"Boot manager.\";"},
+  {6436885,"  - is_not_null:BOOLEAN <- ! is_null;"},
+  {9599019,"    .when 00Fh then { \"Etendue\\\"x\\\" = Etendue + LBA\\n\".print; }"},
+  {4860440,"    string_tmp.copy n;"},
+  {64097324,"    -? { mem_lnk != NULL};"},
+  {39323691,"    .when 0F2h then { \"DOS 3.3+ secondary partition\\n\".print; }"},
+  {24008747,"    .when 07Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {35268651,"    .when 0D3h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11160086,"    result:=calloc_intern nb_elements;"},
+  {18371105,"    \"\\nBios parameter block (BPB):\".print;"},
+  {55968776,"  );"},
+  {34363435,"    .when 0CCh then { \"FAT32x DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17696811,"    .when 04Dh then { \"QNX4.x\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40897077,"    };"},
+  {31875608,"    isaac_begin_partition:= part.mbr_first_sector;"},
+  {16785430,"    -? {index >= 0};"},
+  {13641771,"    .when 02Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {105516054,"    -? {index>=0};"},
+  {40656920,"	INT13H.read buffer sector isaac_begin_partition;"},
+  {45386264,"	  write_sector (isaac_head,isaac_cylinder,isaac_sector) with buffer2;"},
+  {95161381,"    +? {count = Old count};"},
+  {56636935,"      result := ('A'.code + (Self - 10).to_uinteger_8).to_character;"},
+  {35933739,"    .when 0D8h then { \"CP/M-86\\n\".print; }"},
+  {28051499,"    .when 09Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12736555,"    .when 027h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23996459,"    .when 07Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {59130933,"    {(siz & (POINTER.object_size -1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Copy alignment.\";"},
+  {37497880,"      (get_choice).if {"},
+  {40663093,"    {(result != NULL) && {result.size < new_size}}.while_do {"},
+  {11153957,"  ( ? {needed_capacity >= 0};"},
+  {38406187,"    .when 0EBh then { \"Be FS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {34351147,"    .when 0CCh then { \"FAT32x DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {76693557,"    micro_free p table ptr_table;"},
+  {98973206,"      (model != item i).if {"},
+  {10254901,"  - object_size:INTEGER               <- POINTER.object_size + UINTEGER_CPU.object_size;"},
+  {69470230,"    {i2 = src_capacity}.until_do {"},
+  {33445931,"    .when 0C5h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {5519404,"  + parent_linked_collection:Expanded LINKED_COLLECTION(V);"},
+  {16779307,"    .when 046h then { \"EUMEL/Elan\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15874081,"    \"\\nSector FAT\\t: \".print;      sector_fat.print;"},
+  {5282322,"  - in_range lower:SELF to upper:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ((Self >= lower) && {Self<= upper});"},
+  {18112516,"	ptr := MEMORY.alloc_type (typ_id.to_uinteger_32) size sz;"},
+  {12724267,"    .when 027h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14965782,"    new.clear old_nb_elts to (new_nb_elts - 1);"},
+  {18127915,"    .when 050h then { \"OnTrack Disk Manager, Lynx RTOS, Oberon native\\n\".print; }"},
+  {64503815,"      {i >= old_count}.until_do {"},
+  {23075870,"    +? { last = element };"},
+  {30955032,"      crash_with_message \"Stop install !\\n\";"},
+  {24661557,"      first_free.set_previous_free Self;"},
+  {5510177,"  + oem_07:CHARACTER;"},
+  {27133995,"    .when 095h then { \"MIT EXOPC native\\n\".print; }"},
+  {20597281,"      \"\\n  Sectors per FAT\\t: \".print;     (sectors_per_fat32+1).print;"},
+  {23078955,"    .when 076h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7083553,"  + nb_head:UINTEGER_16;"},
+  {22164498,"    result := to_integer - 48;"},
+  {5273106,"  - in_range lower:SELF to upper:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ((Self >= lower) && {Self<= upper});"},
+  {37488683,"    .when 0E4h then { \"SpeedStor etendue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25311239,"  - '~' Self:SELF :SELF <- - Self - SELF.one;"},
+  {22173739,"    .when 06Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40644661,"    {(result != NULL) && {result.size < new_size}}.while_do {"},
+  {33433643,"    .when 0C5h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13380118,"    -? {old_nb_elts < new_nb_elts};"},
+  {63835692,"    -? { mem_idx != i};"},
+  {29375525,"    other_count := other.count;"},
+  {13392437,"  - get_index p:POINTER :UINTEGER_CPU <- (p - begin_memory).to_uinteger_cpu >> 26;"},
+  {26900011,"    .when 093h then { \"Amoeba, Linux native cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9318927,"    storage.item (index - 1)"},
+  {32531509,"      new.set_size_and_id (new_size - object_size);"},
+  {15861803,"    .when 03Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {45367861,"      prev := blc.previous_linear;"},
+  {55051317,"	};"},
+  {9990152,"  - Self:SELF '+'  Left 80  other:SELF :SELF <- Self - -other;"},
+  {41300504,"      (file_r = NULL).if {"},
+  {11806763,"    .when 020h then { \"Willowsoft OFS1\\n\".print; }"},
+  {26878471,"    a := step - 1;"},
+  {48505368,"      (get_choice).if {"},
+  {4592673,"  + oem_00:CHARACTER;"},
+  {26216491,"    .when 08Eh then { \"Linux Logical Volume Manager\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22161451,"    .when 06Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {82069557,"      copy p to result size old_size;"},
+  {19682859,"    .when 05Ch then { \"Priam EDisk\\n\".print; }"},
+  {55719477,"	next2 := read_ptr next & ~ 11b.to_uinteger_cpu;"},
+  {36571179,"    .when 0DDh then { \"CTOS cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18097179,"    +? { (upper >= 0) ->> {all_default} };"},
+  {32516139,"    .when 0BEh then { \"Solaris 8 boot\\n\".print; }"},
+  {93994533,"      storage.put '\\0' to count;"},
+  {64494636,"    (mem_idx > i).if {"},
+  {21253163,"    .when 068h then { \"Novell\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9081877,"  - to_raw_uinteger_cpu:UINTEGER_CPU <- CONVERT(SELF,UINTEGER_CPU).on Self;"},
+  {38147637,"    } else {"},
+  {14045227,"    .when 031h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {45115416,"	  INT13H.write buffer2 sector isaac_begin_partition;"},
+  {31610923,"    .when 0B7h then { \"BSDI BSD/386\\n\".print; }"},
+  {24393748,"    ptr := top_runtime_stack;"},
+  {18091035,"    +? { (upper >= 0) ->> {all_default} };"},
+  {14944299,"    .when 038h then { \"THEOS ver 3.2 2 Go\\n\".print; }"},
+  {24402987,"    .when 080h then { \"MINIX (->1.4a)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8401426,"    result:=to_uinteger_8;"},
+  {10889259,"    .when 019h then { \"Willowtech Photon coS&nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {59537461,"    na_dst := CONVERT(POINTER, NATIVE_ARRAY(POINTER)).on dst;"},
+  {53231669,"      result := new_lab lab_type;"},
+  {73950261,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {9987115,"    .when 012h then { \"Diagnostics COMPAQ\\n\".print; }"},
+  {50753077,"    mem := CONVERT(POINTER, NATIVE_ARRAY(POINTER)).on p;"},
+  {17185819,"      storage.clear 0 to upper;"},
+  {6818827,"      {val = 0}.until_do {"},
+  {25298987,"    .when 087h then { \"agr�gat NTFS (NT)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21243947,"    .when 068h then { \"Novell\\n\".print; }"},
+  {44444213,"      blc := new_page;"},
+  {11557419,"    .when 01Eh then { \"FAT16x cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {73944117,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {4343322,"  - default := (0.to_raw_uinteger_8);"},
+  {35653675,"    .when 0D6h then { \"Multiuser\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31598635,"    .when 0B7h then { \"BSDI BSD/386\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6821925,"  + capacity:INTEGER;"},
+  {19430433,"    \"\\n  Sectors per FAT\\t: \".print;     sectors_per_fat.print;"},
+  {43535925,"	(blc.size < 4096) || {blc.id = id_busy}"},
+  {41054251,"    .when 0FFh then { \"Xenix Bad Block Table\\n\".print; };    "},
+  {30693419,"    .when 0B0h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {53881368,"      isaac_sector:=1;"},
+  {9063446,"    p := MEMORY.alloc_dynamic capacity;"},
+  {14026795,"    .when 031h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {69636616,"  - to_raw_integer_32:INTEGER_32    <- CONVERT(SELF,INTEGER_32  ).on Self;"},
+  {9971755,"    .when 012h then { \"Diagnostics COMPAQ\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17853995,"    .when 04Eh then { \"QNX4.x 2�me partition\\n\".print; }"},
+  {59509787,"    -? {storage != NULL};"},
+  {11542049,"  + fs_label_02:CHARACTER;"},
+  {74587655,"      '0'.print;"},
+  {24381483,"    .when 080h then { \"MINIX (->1.4a)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25954853,"    ? {count = other.count};"},
+  {20326443,"    .when 061h then { \"SpeedStor\\n\".print; }"},
+  {45103157,"    (blc.size < minimum_size).if {"},
+  {43526709,"	(blc.size < 4096) || {blc.id = id_busy}"},
+  {76161031,"  [ -? {Self >=# 0}; ]"},
+  {34742325,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size -1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {13118508,"      upper := upper + 1;"},
+  {14685720,"  - buffer2:FAST_ARRAY(UINTEGER_8);"},
+  {34736171,"    .when 0CFh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31349272,"    part:=partition_list.item isaac_partition;"},
+  {55451685,"    (capacity <= count).if {"},
+  {19421227,"    .when 05Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {52080181,"  - micro_alloc new_size:UINTEGER_CPU table ptr_table:POINTER lab lab_type:UINTEGER_32 :POINTER <-"},
+  {30681131,"    .when 0B0h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {35410475,"    .when 0D4h then { \"Multiuser\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10627606,"    -? {nb_elements > 0};"},
+  {5005353,"  - put_character c:CHARACTER <- basic_io_putc c;"},
+  {26616856,"      ((part.type = 05h) || {part.type = 0Fh}).if {      "},
+  {9719304,"  - Self:SELF '/'  Left 100 other:SELF :SELF <- `5`; // ? {other/=0}"},
+  {78651957,"    (new_size2 <= minimum_size).if {"},
+  {44182552,"      boot.display_all;"},
+  {12210219,"    .when 023h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {41035819,"    .when 0FFh then { \"Xenix Bad Block Table\\n\".print; };    "},
+  {99355158,"    };"},
+  {47332376,"	crash_with_message string_tmp;"},
+  {9051169,"  + bios_drive:UINTEGER_8;"},
+  {13109291,"    .when 02Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39462453,"  - search new_size:UINTEGER_CPU :MEMORY <-"},
+  {10621460,"    value;"},
+  {16930331,"    }.elseif { (capacity > 0) && { upper >= 0}} then {"},
+  {9054251,"    .when 00Bh then { \"FAT32(>2 G et <2047G)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {30678069,"  - to_busy sz:POINTER index idx:UINTEGER_CPU <-"},
+  {29772843,"    .when 0A9h then { \"NetBSD\\n\".print; }"},
+  {53628936,"  - to_integer:INTEGER <- to_raw_integer;"},
+  {22564907,"    .when 072h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40130603,"    .when 0F8h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {57025077,"    {p != NULL} ? \"Memory: Pointer NULL.\";"},
+  {23463979,"    .when 079h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {54534168,"    boot_manager;"},
+  {19408939,"    .when 05Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {54543413,"	((page + (new_size << 1)) <= 4096).if {"},
+  {11289622,"    result.clear_all (nb_elements-1);"},
+  {79301654,"    -? {lower >= 0};"},
+  {33818667,"    .when 0C8h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {24129057,"      fs_label_03.print;"},
+  {29763627,"    .when 0A9h then { \"NetBSD\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27275800,"	sub_read_partition (sec+part.mbr_first_sector);"},
+  {14442529,"    sector_fat:=begin_partition+sectors_reserved;"},
+  {21653547,"    .when 06Bh then { \"Free type...  &nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43265048,"      buffer2.put 0AAh to 511;"},
+  {54537269,"	((page + (new_size << 1)) <= 4096).if {"},
+  {39210008,"	  string_tmp.append \" bytes only !\\n\";"},
+  {20070945,"    \" (\".print; (nb_sectors_big>>11).print; \" MB)\".print;"},
+  {28858411,"    .when 0A2h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {63974407,"	buffer.extend ((val & 15).hexadecimal_digit);"},
+  {40118315,"    .when 0F8h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16914971,"    }.elseif { (capacity > 0) && { upper >= 0}} then {"},
+  {11295797,"  - begin:POINTER                     <- this + object_size;"},
+  {24119832,"    };"},
+  {80884277,"    {old_size < new_sz} ? \"Memory: New size < Old size.\";"},
+  {12191787,"    .when 023h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7474760,"    +? {next = n};"},
+  {67801608,"  - to_raw_uinteger_8:UINTEGER_8    <- CONVERT(SELF,UINTEGER_8  ).on Self;"},
+  {8136747,"    .when 004h then { \"FAT16 (< 32 M)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {30197784,"    isaac_partition := choice \"Isaac partition ? \" from '1' to ((partition_list.upper).decimal_digit) .decimal_value;"},
+  {35151896,"	INT13H.read buffer sector isaac_begin_partition;"},
+  {19165729,"    \"\\n  Number sectors\\t: \".print;      nb_sectors.print;"},
+  {49564696,"	crash_with_message \"Stop install !\\n\";      "},
+  {5642763,"      (Self > 0).if {"},
+  {20064799,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = item upper};"},
+  {22546475,"    .when 072h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11283493,"    (needed_capacity > 0).if {"},
+  {18491435,"    .when 053h then { \"Disk Manager 6.0, Aux3\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23202312,"    };"},
+  {44841525,"    result := blc.next_linear.this;"},
+  {32901163,"    .when 0C1h then { \"FAT12 DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17586219,"    .when 04Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16009771,"    .when 040h then { \"VENIX\\n\".print; }"},
+  {28846123,"    .when 0A2h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {41448472,"	crash_with_message \"Error : file `boot.com' not found.\\n\";"},
+  {26358296,"      buf:=buffer.storage;"},
+  {20736043,"    .when 064h then { \"Novell 286 PC-ARMOUR\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8795682,"      packet_size    := 10h;"},
+  {13509634,"  - '!' Self:SELF :BOOLEAN <- FALSE;"},
+  {64633351,"	buffer.swap i with old_count;"},
+  {39200811,"    .when 0F1h then { \"SpeedStor\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22309419,"    .when 070h then { \"DiskSecure Multi-Boot\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11274283,"    .when 01Ch then { \"FAT32x cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22297106,"    ? {result.in_range 0 to 9};"},
+  {38295595,"    .when 0EAh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7875076,"  - top_runtime_stack:POINTER <- `14`;"},
+  {21628971,"    .when 06Bh then { \"Free type...  &nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10362913,"  + vol_label_05:CHARACTER;"},
+  {17573931,"    .when 04Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {4722187,"  [ -? {buffer!=NULL}; ]"},
+  {31084587,"    .when 0B3h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13509656,"  + isaac_cylinder:UINTEGER_16;"},
+  {14183958,"    old_ptr := CONVERT(NATIVE_ARRAY(V),POINTER).on Self;"},
+  {43917861,"    put tmp to i2;"},
+  {31983659,"    .when 0BAh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {36703768,"      };"},
+  {27928619,"    .when 09Bh then { \"etendue X cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {76576821,"    ptr_table := table_size (new_size / POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {34225176,"    \\Choice: \" from '1' to '3';"},
+  {43683864,"      boot:= CONVERT(NATIVE_ARRAY(UINTEGER_8),BOOT).on (buffer2.storage);  "},
+  {23202357,"    };"},
+  {7868939,"	j := j - 1;"},
+  {22284818,"    ? {result.in_range 0 to 9};"},
+  {45494325,"      (prev != NULL).if {"},
+  {38283307,"    .when 0EAh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10356779,"    .when 015h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15757345,"    \"\\nBegin Part\\t: \".print;      begin_partition.print;"},
+  {24544811,"    .when 081h then { \"MINIX (1.4b ->), Mitac Disk Manager\\n\".print; }"},
+  {33557045,"    };"},
+  {11930149,"    };"},
+  {6963723,"	buffer.extend ((val % 10).digit);"},
+  {19809313,"    \"\\n  Hidden sectors\\t: \".print;      hidden_sectors.print;"},
+  {41436213,"    idx := get_index (result.this);"},
+  {55849013,"	put_ptr next2 to result;"},
+  {20711467,"    .when 064h then { \"Novell 286 PC-ARMOUR\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6972971,"  - sector n:UINTEGER_16 :UINTEGER_16   <- (n & 3Fh);"},
+  {16656427,"    .when 045h then { \"Boot US boot manager, EUMEL/Elan\\n\".print; }"},
+  {37365784,"      \"' file\".print;"},
+  {32648757,"      new.add_link_free;"},
+  {16656434,"      cap := cap / 2;"},
+  {46147096,"    .when '3' then {"},
+  {26112043,"    .when 08Dh then { \"FAT12 cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11012628,"    };"},
+  {31066155,"    .when 0B3h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16656437,"    {(begin_memory & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {15751211,"    .when 03Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40515608,"      (isaac_drive=080h).if {"},
+  {33316907,"    .when 0C4h then { \"FAT16 <32M DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27011115,"    .when 094h then { \"Amoeba bad block table\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14168610,"      nb_sector      := 1;"},
+  {51781675,"  - print_small <-"},
+  {73405493,"    {sz <= minimum_size} ? \"Memory: Size bound.\";"},
+  {22949921,"      vol_label_07.print;"},
+  {39619627,"    .when 0F4h then { \"SpeedStor large Prologue single-volume\\n\".print; }"},
+  {42994213,"    ? {valid_index i1};"},
+  {69350453,"    {sz <= minimum_size} ? \"Memory: Size bound.\";"},
+  {30832165,"    storage.copy (other.storage) to count until other_count;"},
+  {37365803,"    .when 0E3h then { \"SpeedStor\\n\".print; }"},
+  {70024757,"    result := micro_alloc new_size table ptr_table lab (t | 1b);"},
+  {6957601,"  + sectors_per_track:UINTEGER_16;"},
+  {9439275,"    .when 00Eh then { \"FAT16 (>32 M et <2 G) LBA\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14839841,"      sector_root:=sector_fat+sectors_per_fat32 * nb_fat;"},
+  {35792437,"	((nxt.id = id_free) && {nxt.size >= sz}).if {"},
+  {52437512,"  [ -? {Self >= 0}; ]"},
+  {19793963,"    .when 05Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {54017048,"      isaac_begin_partition:=0;"},
+  {15738923,"    .when 03Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {49056783,"  - has ch:CHARACTER :BOOLEAN <- storage.fast_has ch until (count - 1);"},
+  {12342790,"  - Self:SELF '|'   Left 10  other:BOOLEAN :BOOLEAN <- other;"},
+  {56495653,"      };"},
+  {13248020,"      do_until test;"},
+  {30148651,"    .when 0ACh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16413234,"    }.do_until {(new_mem = NULL) || {(cap >> 20) = 2048}}; // BSBS: BUG COMPILO 0.13"},
+  {14833707,"    .when 037h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13928481,"  - put_isaac_data begin_partition:UINTEGER_32 drive drv:UINTEGER_8 <-"},
+  {26093611,"    .when 08Dh then { \"FAT12 cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43656229,"    tmp := item i1;"},
+  {25191467,"    .when 086h then { \"agr�gat FAT (NT)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6033931,"	val := - Self;"},
+  {34878005,"    {idx.in_range 0 to 63} ? \"Memory: Bound index.\";"},
+  {22032417,"      vol_label_00.print;"},
+  {40503339,"    .when 0FBh then { \"VMware File System\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19563061,"    block := CONVERT(POINTER,MEMORY).on (begin_memory + old_size);"},
+  {48379422,"    \"Is empty.\" +? { count = 0 };"},
+  {30810648,"    (! get_choice).if {"},
+  {51541557,"    mem := CONVERT(POINTER, NATIVE_ARRAY(UINTEGER_32)).on p;"},
+  {16397851,"    ( new_count.to_integer > capacity).if {"},
+  {36448299,"    .when 0DCh then { \"CTOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8521771,"    .when 007h then { \"OS/2, HPFS, NTFS, QNX 2.x\\n\".print; }"},
+  {34874933,"    {idx.in_range 0 to 63} ? \"Memory: Bound index.\";"},
+  {10772523,"    .when 018h then { \"Windows swapfile\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38686744,"	sz := write file_w with buffer size 512;"},
+  {29911595,"    .when 0AAh then { \"FAT12 1,44Mo Olivetti\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18876459,"    .when 056h then { \"Golden Bow, EZ-BIOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6714411,"  - cylinder n:UINTEGER_16 :UINTEGER_16 <- ((n>>8) | ((n & 0C0h)<<2));"},
+  {31475730,"    ((code < 65) || {code > 90}).if {"},
+  {14821419,"    .when 037h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12342827,"    .when 024h then { \"NEC DOS 3.x\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6711339,"  - cylinder n:UINTEGER_16 :UINTEGER_16 <- ((n>>8) | ((n & 0C0h)<<2));"},
+  {29231147,"    .when 0A5h then { \"BSD\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9845764,"    print_runtime_stack_on ptr;"},
+  {13916203,"    .when 030h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17965089,"    oem_06.print;"},
+  {25176107,"    .when 086h then { \"agr�gat FAT (NT)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17059864,"      choice:=IO.read_character.to_lower;"},
+  {37094919,"  ! is_odd;"},
+  {56237063,"    (Self <= 9).if {"},
+  {57819670,"    {(i < 0) || {element = item i}}.until_do {"},
+  {4214282,"  - default     := (0.to_raw_integer_32);"},
+  {33055275,"    .when 0C2h then { \"Linux swap cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18633240,"    }.do_until {choice.in_range low to up};"},
+  {39585835,"    .when 0F4h then { \"SpeedStor large Prologue single-volume\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19532308,"    };"},
+  {16391730,"    }.do_until {(new_mem = NULL) || {(cap >> 20) = 2048}}; // BSBS: BUG COMPILO 0.13"},
+  {24270891,"    .when 07Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {35530795,"    .when 0D5h then { \"Multiuser\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15480347,"  - make new_count:INTEGER <-"},
+  {25838104,"    INT13H.read buffer sector sec;"},
+  {65932844,"    +? {mem_lnk != NULL};"},
+  {65015303,"      };"},
+  {7370266,"  [ -? {in_range (CHARACTER.minimum) to (CHARACTER.maximum)}; ]"},
+  {28325941,"      new_size := new_size + new_free.size_and_id + object_size;"},
+  {81010710,"    -? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {31463442,"    ((code < 65) || {code > 90}).if {"},
+  {52853255,"  - append_in buffer:STRING <- to_integer_32.append_in buffer;"},
+  {22457368,"    `biosdisk(0x02, at drive, at head, at cylinder, at sector,1, at storage)`:BOOLEAN{TRUE,FALSE}.if {"},
+  {34625579,"    .when 0CEh then { \"FAT16x DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {29887000,"    };"},
+  {17958955,"    .when 04Fh then { \"QNX4.x 3�me partition, Oberon\\n\".print; }"},
+  {57810454,"    {(i < 0) || {element = item i}}.until_do {"},
+  {176040975,"    IO.put_string Self;"},
+  {8260107,"    };"},
+  {13663752,"  - Self:SELF '>=#' Right 60 other:INTEGER :BOOLEAN <- (Self ># other) | (Self ==# other);"},
+  {28997173,"      new_size := new_size + next.size_and_id + object_size;"},
+  {19304481,"    \"\\n  Descriptor media\\t: \".print;    descriptor.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {13903915,"    .when 030h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {36198955,"    .when 0DAh then { \"Non-FS Dat  a\\n\".print; }"},
+  {5781516,"  - maximum:UINTEGER_64 := ~ 0.to_raw_uinteger_32;"},
+  {14578219,"    .when 035h then { \"Journaling FS OS/2 ou eCS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {41824293,"  ( ? {valid_index index};"},
+  {57807382,"    {(i < 0) || {element = item i}}.until_do {"},
+  {19301409,"    \"\\n  Descriptor media\\t: \".print;    descriptor.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {28313643,"    .when 09Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {54666805,"	  next := result + new_size;"},
+  {12998699,"    .when 029h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12081158,"  - Self:SELF '&&'  Left 20  other:{BOOLEAN}   :BOOLEAN <- FALSE;"},
+  {24258603,"    .when 07Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {5116461,"  + upper:INTEGER;"},
+  {28991029,"      new_size := new_size + next.size_and_id + object_size;"},
+  {37098037,"        };"},
+  {37769259,"    .when 0E6h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {69738518,"      i2 := i2 + 1;"},
+  {29890101,"    } else {"},
+  {6455832,"  - read f:POINTER in buf:FAST_ARRAY(UINTEGER_8) size sz:INTEGER :INTEGER <-   "},
+  {38668331,"    .when 0EDh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43394597,"    old_i1:=item i1;"},
+  {34613291,"    .when 0CEh then { \"FAT16x DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {60045831,"    result := STRING.create 8;"},
+  {57813557,"    put_ptr p to last;"},
+  {52178987,"    \" MB.\\t Type \".print;"},
+  {17703428,"      (typ_id = -1).if {"},
+  {80093206,"      put v to i;"},
+  {36860971,"    .when 0DFh then { \"DG/UX virtual disk manager\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17041451,"    .when 048h then { \"EUMEL/Elan\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21773877,"  - set_previous_free p:MEMORY <- ( previous_free := p; );"},
+  {12986411,"    .when 029h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {44056600,"      \"New boot Isaac :\\n\".print;"},
+  {19286049,"    \"\\n  Descriptor media\\t: \".print;    descriptor.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {7342610,"    ? {result.in_range (UINTEGER_8.minimum) to (UINTEGER_8.maximum)};"},
+  {27396139,"    .when 097h then { \"FAT32 cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {55325749,"	put_ptr next to ptr_table;"},
+  {8915983,"    -? {valid_index index};"},
+  {69738549,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {81660438,"    };"},
+  {23341099,"    .when 078h then { \"XOSL Bootloader\\n\".print; }"},
+  {33701941,"    size_and_id := siz | id_busy;"},
+  {32796715,"    .when 0C0h then { \"CTOS REAL/32 secure NTFT\\n\".print; }"},
+  {29640741,"    (capacity < needed_capacity).if	{"},
+  {37750827,"    .when 0E6h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19954209,"    \"\\n  Number sectors big\\t: \".print;  nb_sectors_big.print; "},
+  {33695787,"    .when 0C7h then { \"NTFS corrompue (NT), Syrinx boot\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43154475,"  - sector_begin:UINTEGER_16   <- sector cylinder_sector_begin;"},
+  {19276831,"    -? {! is_empty};"},
+  {64097836,"    -? { mem_lnk != NULL};"},
+  {12065816,"  - string_tmp:STRING := STRING.create 255;"},
+  {28051992,"    };"},
+  {8016939,"    .when 003h then { \"XENIX /usr\\n\".print; }"},
+  {48770584,"	(isaac_drive=080h).if {"},
+  {16123947,"    .when 041h then { \"MINIX + DRDOS Personal RISC Boot Power PC Reference Platform\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6437415,"      memory := basic_io_getc;"},
+  {19270687,"    -? {! is_empty};"},
+  {23088648,"      (Self-1).downto limit_down do blc;"},
+  {12068907,"    .when 022h then { \"Oxygen Extended\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8916012,"    +? {count = 0};"},
+  {6437418,"      put_character (s.item i);"},
+  {15212568,"    \"\\n* \".print;"},
+  {4854817,"  + oem_02:CHARACTER;"},
+  {35266101,"    (new_size > old_size).if {"},
+  {26478635,"    .when 090h then { \"FAT16 cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38406683,"    }.elseif {capacity = 0} then {"},
+  {11163691,"    .when 01Bh then { \"FAT32 cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22423595,"    .when 071h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {95161893,"    +? {count = Old count};"},
+  {7998486,"    -? {nb_elements > 0};"},
+  {35925016,"      boot.display_all;"},
+  {28055093,"    } else {"},
+  {36833323,"    .when 0DFh then { \"DG/UX virtual disk manager\\n\".print; }"},
+  {60033589,"    };"},
+  {8004647,"  - last_character:CHARACTER <-"},
+  {41553432,"      };"},
+  {21518379,"    .when 06Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {32778283,"    .when 0C0h then { \"CTOS REAL/32 secure NTFT\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11838005,"  - next_linear:MEMORY                <- CONVERT(POINTER,MEMORY).on (begin + size);"},
+  {35934261,"	  nxt.to_busy (sz.to_pointer) index idx;"},
+  {47194165,"  - minimum_size:UINTEGER_CPU <- `MINIMUM_SIZE`:UINTEGER_CPU;"},
+  {14969352,"  - Self:SELF '<'   Right 60 other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ! (Self >= other);"},
+  {78258198,"      put v to i;"},
+  {20610081,"      \"\\n  Sectors per FAT\\t: \".print;     (sectors_per_fat32+1).print;"},
+  {41562677,"    {idx.in_range 0 to 63} ? \"Memory: Bound index.\";"},
+  {36833333,"	  };"},
+  {11834933,"  - next_linear:MEMORY                <- CONVERT(POINTER,MEMORY).on (begin + size);"},
+  {37495320,"      (get_choice).if {"},
+  {14307371,"    .when 033h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31873067,"    .when 0B9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {5510670,"  + storage:NATIVE_ARRAY(CHARACTER);"},
+  {15206443,"    .when 03Ah then { \"THEOS ver 4 4Go\\n\".print; }"},
+  {41559605,"    {idx.in_range 0 to 63} ? \"Memory: Bound index.\";"},
+  {38406709,"    };"},
+  {40654379,"    .when 0FCh then { \"VMware Swap\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13408309,"  - get_index p:POINTER :UINTEGER_CPU <- (p - begin_memory).to_uinteger_cpu >> 26;"},
+  {10255413,"  - object_size:INTEGER               <- POINTER.object_size + UINTEGER_CPU.object_size;"},
+  {94250533,"      add_last '\\0';"},
+  {22171143,"  - Self:SELF '&'  Left 100 other:SELF :SELF <-"},
+  {11151403,"    .when 01Bh then { \"FAT32 cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16782898,"    } else {"},
+  {27143733,"    next := next_linear;"},
+  {98970646,"      (model != item i).if {"},
+  {27805720,"	partition_list.add_last (part.clone);"},
+  {25561131,"    .when 089h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {53490741,"      put_ptr NULL to next;"},
+  {49417224,"  [ -? {bound_test (UINTEGER_32.minimum) to (UINTEGER_32.maximum)}; ]"},
+  {21506091,"    .when 06Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17444891,"    upper := new_count - 1;"},
+  {59119157,"    {(siz & (POINTER.object_size -1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Copy alignment.\";"},
+  {28714037,"    ((! is_end) && {next.id = id_free}).if {"},
+  {35915819,"    .when 0D8h then { \"CP/M-86\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21265938,"  - Self:SELF '>=' other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ( code >= other.code );"},
+  {25314823,"  - '~' Self:SELF :SELF <- - Self - SELF.one;"},
+  {36574727,"  (Self & 1) = 1;"},
+  {31860779,"    .when 0B9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15862296,"    };"},
+  {38157339,"    (upper + 1 < capacity).if {"},
+  {29372952,"      \"Partition #\".print;"},
+  {40645173,"    {(result != NULL) && {result.size < new_size}}.while_do {"},
+  {48527413,"    {idx.in_range 1 to (minimum_size/POINTER.object_size)} ?"},
+  {6169611,"	buffer.extend '-';"},
+  {30955563,"    .when 0B2h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21259794,"  - Self:SELF '>=' other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ( code >= other.code );"},
+  {19689505,"    \"\\n  Number head\\t\\t: \".print;         nb_head.print;"},
+  {14288939,"    .when 033h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10233899,"    .when 014h then { \"FAT16 (<32 M) cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {29379125,"    new_free.set_size_and_id new_size;"},
+  {11804193,"  + fs_label_04:CHARACTER;"},
+  {74849799,"      '-'.print;"},
+  {24643627,"    .when 082h then { \"Solaris X86, LINUX swap, Prime\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38148123,"    (upper + 1 < capacity).if {"},
+  {9328683,"    .when 00Dh then { \"non attribue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {20588587,"    .when 063h then { \"Unix System V GNU HURD\\n\".print; }"},
+  {98050070,"    -? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {36580917,"	    nxt := next_linear;"},
+  {41972248,"      {buffer2.count < 512}.while_do { buffer2.add_last 0; };"},
+  {48515125,"    {idx.in_range 1 to (minimum_size/POINTER.object_size)} ?"},
+  {18100763,"    +? { (upper >= 0) ->> {all_default} };"},
+  {34998315,"    .when 0D1h then { \"Multiuser DOS, secured FAT12\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39718424,"      };"},
+  {35672619,"    .when 0D6h then { \"Multiuser\\n\".print; }"},
+  {30943275,"    .when 0B2h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {64498220,"    (mem_idx > i).if {"},
+  {14947873,"    } else {"},
+  {8401924,"    (debug_level != 0).if {"},
+  {5252107,"    (Self = 0).if {"},
+  {10652674,"  - Self:SELF '&&'  Left 20  other:{BOOLEAN}   :BOOLEAN <- other.value;  // and then"},
+  {35672629,"	sz  := new_size - old_size - object_size;"},
+  {30038059,"    .when 0ABh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13371435,"    .when 02Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9316395,"    .when 00Dh then { \"non attribue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7505944,"  - write f:POINTER with buf:FAST_ARRAY(UINTEGER_8) size sz:INTEGER :INTEGER <-   "},
+  {18091547,"    +? { (upper >= 0) ->> {all_default} };"},
+  {14710806,"    old_size (old_nb_elts * element_sizeof) new_size new_cap;"},
+  {11564069,"	storage := NATIVE_ARRAY(CHARACTER).create needed_capacity;"},
+  {40392747,"    .when 0FAh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18100789,"    nb_page  := nb_page + 1;"},
+  {35666485,"	sz  := new_size - old_size - object_size;"},
+  {23726123,"    .when 07Bh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19671083,"    .when 05Ch then { \"Priam EDisk\\n\".print; }"},
+  {33175579,"    storage.put element to i;"},
+  {77082119,"      val.print_positif;"},
+  {14944821,"    ? {idx < nb_page};"},
+  {57952293,"  - extend c:CHARACTER <- add_last c;"},
+  {24381960,"    };"},
+  {34080811,"    .when 0CAh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27553333,"    ((new_free = NULL) || {new_free.id != id_free}).if {"},
+  {6825505,"  + sectors_per_fat:UINTEGER_16;"},
+  {41953816,"      {buffer2.count < 512}.while_do { buffer2.add_last 0; };"},
+  {24391201,"      fs_label_05.print;"},
+  {30025771,"    .when 0ABh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16287275,"    .when 042h then { \"Linux swap + DRDOS SFS Windows 2000\\n\".print; }"},
+  {73944629,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {27550261,"    ((new_free = NULL) || {new_free.id != id_free}).if {"},
+  {21915691,"    .when 06Dh then { \"Free type...  &nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {4343840,"  - default := (0.to_raw_uinteger_16);"},
+  {40380459,"    .when 0FAh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12453931,"    .when 025h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {42631211,"  - cylinder_begin:UINTEGER_16 <- cylinder cylinder_sector_begin;"},
+  {14689286,"  - '!' Self:SELF :BOOLEAN <- TRUE;"},
+  {68063752,"  - to_raw_uinteger_16:UINTEGER_16  <- CONVERT(SELF,UINTEGER_16 ).on Self;"},
+  {8398891,"    .when 006h then { \"FAT16 (>32 M et <2 G)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {34736658,"    };"},
+  {13115924,"    (! test.value).if {"},
+  {59510299,"    -? {storage != NULL};"},
+  {22808619,"    .when 074h then { \"Scramdisk\\n\".print; }"},
+  {46008885,"    };"},
+  {18753579,"    .when 055h then { \"EZ-Drive\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25955365,"    ? {count = other.count};"},
+  {32267317,"      new := CONVERT(POINTER,MEMORY).on (begin+sz);"},
+  {27537973,"    ((new_free = NULL) || {new_free.id != id_free}).if {"},
+  {33163307,"    .when 0C3h then { \"Linux cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {78658613,"    (new_size2 <= minimum_size).if {"},
+  {29108267,"    .when 0A4h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14689313,"    (is_fat32).if {"},
+  {25043992,"  + partition_list:LINKED_LIST(MBR);"},
+  {29773336,"      partition_list.item n.print_small;"},
+  {23464468,"    };"},
+  {49808392,"  );"},
+  {20992033,"      \"\\n  Cluster start root\\t: \".print;  cluster_start_root.print;"},
+  {28203051,"    .when 09Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39462955,"    .when 0F3h then { \"reserved  &nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {36088373,"	  size_and_id := size_and_id + (nxt.size_and_id & ~ 1.to_uinteger_cpu) + object_size;"},
+  {75499573,"    {p != NULL} ? \"Memory: Pointer NULL.\";"},
+  {18513441,"    \"\\n  Bytes per sector\\t: \".print;    bytes_per_sector.print;"},
+  {39453720,"	};"},
+  {11536427,"    .when 01Eh then { \"FAT16x cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {37889589,"        to_free idx;"},
+  {74597429,"    verify_memory \"End alloc_size\";"},
+  {29767192,"      partition_list.item n.print_small;"},
+  {25718309,"      storage.copy_from (other.storage) until (count-1);"},
+  {38557739,"    .when 0ECh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21891115,"    .when 06Dh then { \"Free type...  &nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25040933,"    (count > 0).if {"},
+  {36082229,"	  size_and_id := size_and_id + (nxt.size_and_id & ~ 1.to_uinteger_cpu) + object_size;"},
+  {17836075,"    .when 04Eh then { \"QNX4.x 2�me partition\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10625057,"  + vol_label_07:CHARACTER;"},
+  {82473525,"      mem := CONVERT(POINTER, MEMORY).on (p - object_size);"},
+  {40134197,"    {new_size > minimum_size-POINTER.object_size} ? \"Memory: Big block.\";"},
+  {73689141,"    new_size  := sz.align_power (POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {32245803,"    .when 0BCh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12192276,"    };"},
+  {16924699,"    }.elseif { (capacity > 0) && { upper >= 0}} then {"},
+  {20985900,"  - last:V <- last_link.item;"},
+  {33825333,"    {id = id_busy} ? \"Memory: Macro Block not busy.\";"},
+  {5908040,"    result := clone;"},
+  {28190763,"    .when 09Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16921627,"    }.elseif { (capacity > 0) && { upper >= 0}} then {"},
+  {11302453,"  - begin:POINTER                     <- this + object_size;"},
+  {76817415,"    val  := Self / 10;"},
+  {82467381,"      mem := CONVERT(POINTER, MEMORY).on (p - object_size);"},
+  {43268632,"      buffer2.put 0AAh to 511;"},
+  {54540853,"	((page + (new_size << 1)) <= 4096).if {"},
+  {15342104,"    str.print;"},
+  {44173861,"    ? {item i1 = old_i2};"},
+  {33591339,"    .when 0C6h then { \"FAT16 >= 32M DRDOS, FAT16 corrompue (NT)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27285547,"    .when 096h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38545451,"    .when 0ECh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38536216,"	};"},
+  {6560801,"  + nb_sectors:UINTEGER_16;"},
+  {10618923,"    .when 017h then { \"HPFS - NTFS cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11280909,"    print_positif;"},
+  {34490411,"    .when 0CDh then { \"CTOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40112667,"  - count:INTEGER <- ( upper + 1 ); // end count"},
+  {34478098,"    (Self >= '0').if {"},
+  {41695275,"  - add_base sec:UINTEGER_32<-"},
+  {23218196,"    ((debug_level >= 15) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {11296309,"  - begin:POINTER                     <- this + object_size;"},
+  {5646347,"      (Self > 0).if {"},
+  {11287077,"    (needed_capacity > 0).if {"},
+  {20973611,"    .when 066h then { \"Novell Netware SMS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23215124,"    ((debug_level >= 15) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {51141656,"    buffer2:=FAST_ARRAY(UINTEGER_8).create 512;"},
+  {9707553,"  + vol_label_00:CHARACTER;"},
+  {16918571,"    .when 047h then { \"EUMEL/Elan\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7222802,"    result:=code.to_integer;"},
+  {32008757,"    (new_size > (minimum_size+object_size+object_size)).if {"},
+  {40115765,"    {new_size > minimum_size-POINTER.object_size} ? \"Memory: Big block.\";"},
+  {31328299,"    .when 0B5h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {57681461,"    put_ptr (next | 11b) to p;"},
+  {94383141,"      count := count - 1;"},
+  {20071477,"    put_last block to (nb_page - 1);"},
+  {36060725,"	  size_and_id := size_and_id + (nxt.size_and_id & ~ 1.to_uinteger_cpu) + object_size;"},
+  {64883244,"    };"},
+  {27273259,"    .when 096h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {56779317,"  - micro_free p:POINTER table ptr_table:POINTER <-"},
+  {23218219,"    .when 077h then { \"VNDI\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12854305,"  + sector_root   :UINTEGER_32; // Root position."},
+  {46418485,"    {((result - begin_memory) & 0FFFh) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment LAB.\";"},
+  {23212065,"      vol_label_09.print;"},
+  {4069924,"  - on src:S :D <- `13`;"},
+  {32002613,"    (new_size > (minimum_size+object_size+object_size)).if {"},
+  {26368043,"    .when 08Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {46415413,"    {((result - begin_memory) & 0FFFh) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment LAB.\";"},
+  {37627947,"    .when 0E5h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19150868,"    ptr := top_runtime_stack;"},
+  {9701419,"    .when 010h then { \"OPUS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15997976,"    '\\n'.print;"},
+  {107219509,"    };"},
+  {19153953,"    \"\\n  Number sectors\\t: \".print;      nb_sectors.print;"},
+  {31984146,"    };"},
+  {36722731,"    .when 0DEh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31996469,"    (new_size > (minimum_size+object_size+object_size)).if {"},
+  {10366494,"    -? { valid_index i };"},
+  {20056107,"    .when 05Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23202846,"    +? { count = 1 + Old count };"},
+  {16001067,"    .when 040h then { \"VENIX\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7216683,"  - print_type <-"},
+  {38286872,"	  string_tmp.append \"'.\\n\";"},
+  {12604934,"  - Self:SELF '&'   Left 20  other:BOOLEAN :BOOLEAN <- FALSE;"},
+  {29511723,"    .when 0A7h then { \"NEXTSTEP\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16001074,"      cap := cap * 2;"},
+  {30410795,"    .when 0AEh then { \"ShagOS filesystem\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11046965,"  - this:POINTER                      <- CONVERT(MEMORY,POINTER).on Self;"},
+  {26355755,"    .when 08Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {70274613,"    verify_memory \"End alloc_type size\";"},
+  {6296072,"  (low <= Self) && {up >= Self};"},
+  {39866411,"    .when 0F6h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {47739416,"      {buffer2.count < 512}.while_do { buffer2.add_last 0; };      "},
+  {22294561,"      vol_label_02.print;"},
+  {9445894,"      block.value;"},
+  {40765483,"    .when 0FDh then { \"Linux raid\\n\".print; }"},
+  {42338853,"    ? {item index = ch};"},
+  {25450539,"    .when 088h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7875608,"    ptr := buf.storage; "},
+  {36710443,"    .when 0DEh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8783915,"    .when 009h then { \"AIX data, Coherent FileSystem\\n\".print; }"},
+  {34231851,"    .when 0CBh then { \"FAT32 DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {43918389,"      idx := idx + 1;"},
+  {35805227,"    .when 0D7h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31066648,"    };"},
+  {19138603,"    .when 058h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12611125,"  - is_end:BOOLEAN                    <- (size_and_id & id_end).to_boolean;"},
+  {18227222,"    -? {index >= 0};"},
+  {15083563,"    .when 039h then { \"Plan 9, THEOS ver 4 spanned\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15083570,"  - get_begin_memory:POINTER;"},
+  {9445921,"  + serial_number:UINTEGER_32;"},
+  {22051348,"      crash_on ptr with_message \"Require assertion violated.\";"},
+  {29493291,"    .when 0A7h then { \"NEXTSTEP\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6958091,"	buffer.extend ((val % 10).digit);"},
+  {73412149,"    {sz <= minimum_size} ? \"Memory: Size bound.\";"},
+  {14178347,"    .when 032h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31072821,"    {id = id_free} ? \"Memory: Macro block not free.\";"},
+  {25438251,"    .when 088h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6299189,"  + size_and_id:UINTEGER_CPU;"},
+  {22944263,"  ~(~Self & ~other);"},
+  {57419829,"    {last != NULL} ? \"Memory: Table NULL.\";"},
+  {19809845,"    block.set_size_and_id (id_free | id_end | (64.mb - object_size));"},
+  {39847979,"    .when 0F6h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {47720984,"      {buffer2.count < 512}.while_do { buffer2.add_last 0; };      "},
+  {35792939,"    .when 0D7h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14156807,"  );"},
+  {7866411,"    .when 002h then { \"XENIX root\\n\".print; }"},
+  {24520724,"    ((debug_level >= 15) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {27682859,"    .when 099h then { \"DCE376 logical drive\\n\".print; }"},
+  {4722760,"  + item:V;"},
+  {15736344,"      '='.print;"},
+  {18221099,"    .when 051h then { \"OnTrack Disk Manager RW Novell\\n\".print; }"},
+  {64372231,"      old_count := buffer.count;"},
+  {42089509,"    storage.put ch to (index - 1);"},
+  {14166059,"    .when 032h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {34884651,"    .when 0D0h then { \"REAL32\\n\".print; }"},
+  {30811140,"  - type_id_intern:INTEGER    <- `1`;"},
+  {28575787,"    .when 0A0h then { \"hibernation\\n\".print; }"},
+  {52431880,"  [ -? {Self >= 0}; ]"},
+  {13260843,"    .when 02Bh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17309729,"    oem_01.print;"},
+  {24520747,"    .when 081h then { \"MINIX (1.4b ->), Mitac Disk Manager\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40959531,"    .when 0FEh then { \"SpeedStor > 1024 cyl, IBM PS/2 IML, Windows NT Disk Administrator, Linux Logical Volume Manager\\n\".print; }"},
+  {41175064,"      file_r := open_read \"boot.com\";"},
+  {16410667,"    .when 043h then { \"Linux native + DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9187334,"    result := cond.value;"},
+  {29247019,"    .when 0A5h then { \"BSD\\n\".print; }"},
+  {63704108,"    -? { valid_index i};"},
+  {38930475,"    .when 0EFh then { \"EFI\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23615531,"    .when 07Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17974804,"    ((debug_level >=10) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {34875435,"    .when 0D0h then { \"REAL32\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7623211,"    .when 000h then { \"Not found\\n\".print; }"},
+  {45223960,"	} else {"},
+  {17971732,"    ((debug_level >=10) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {16398363,"    ( new_count.to_integer > capacity).if {"},
+  {7607819,"      {i >= j}.until_do {"},
+  {33970219,"    .when 0C9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17303595,"    .when 04Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {45233205,"      blc.delete_link_free;"},
+  {13248555,"    .when 02Bh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {76309557,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {30805016,"    (! get_choice).if {"},
+  {73156661,"    verify_memory \"Begin alloc_size\";"},
+  {31479320,"    isaac_head           := part.head_begin;"},
+  {18646049,"    \"\\n  Sectors per cluster\\t: \".print; sectors_per_cluster.print;"},
+  {27658283,"    .when 099h then { \"DCE376 logical drive\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39586331,"    };"},
+  {23603243,"    .when 07Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {37098503,"  ! is_odd;"},
+  {76303413,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {38012971,"    .when 0E8h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12343349,"  - id_end:UINTEGER_CPU               <- 10b;"},
+  {41168949,"      result := new_page;"},
+  {33957931,"    .when 0C9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27418136,"      }.elseif {(part.type != 0) && {part.type != 0FFh}} then {"},
+  {13673480,"  - Self:SELF '>=#' Right 60 other:INTEGER :BOOLEAN <- (Self ># other) | (Self ==# other);"},
+  {29231669,"    };"},
+  {18633752,"    }.do_until {choice.in_range low to up};"},
+  {79437846,"    -? {upper >= lower};"},
+  {31467026,"    ((code < 65) || {code > 90}).if {"},
+  {13907490,"      packet_size    := 10h;"},
+  {82603061,"      result := mem.resize new_size index (get_index p).begin;"},
+  {54670373,"  - add_last ch:CHARACTER <-"},
+  {16386091,"    .when 043h then { \"Linux native + DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27411992,"      }.elseif {(part.type != 0) && {part.type != 0FFh}} then {"},
+  {18627606,"    force_put element to index;"},
+  {12331051,"    .when 024h then { \"NEC DOS 3.x\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15474712,"    \"\\n==\".print;"},
+  {98573846,"    ? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {41821720,"      buffer2.clear;"},
+  {5116961,"  + oem_04:CHARACTER;"},
+  {26740779,"    .when 092h then { \"FAT16 cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39352363,"    .when 0F2h then { \"DOS 3.3+ secondary partition\\n\".print; }"},
+  {36190232,"      (isaac_drive=080h).if {"},
+  {11425835,"    .when 01Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17051169,"    \"\\nOEM\\t\\t: \".print;"},
+  {22685739,"    .when 073h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {77864501,"    {sz != 0} ? \"Memory: Size = 0\";"},
+  {21768200,"      blc.value Self;"},
+  {52844551,"  - append_in buffer:STRING <- to_integer_32.append_in buffer;"},
+  {37095467,"    .when 0E1h then { \"SpeedStor FAT12\\n\".print; }"},
+  {28979224,"    sub_read_partition 0;"},
+  {21780523,"    .when 06Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {33040427,"    .when 0C2h then { \"Linux swap cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {64101383,"	val := val >> 4;"},
+  {37760539,"  - add_last element:V <-"},
+  {15231496,"  - Self:SELF '<='  Right 60 other:SELF :BOOLEAN <- ! (Self > other);"},
+  {30552600,"    isaac_partition.print;"},
+  {20872225,"      \"\\n  Version FAT\\t\\t: \".print;         version_fat.print;"},
+  {76956213,"    verify_memory \"End free size\";"},
+  {5772812,"  - maximum:UINTEGER_64 := ~ 0.to_raw_uinteger_32;"},
+  {32135211,"    .when 0BBh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {8925711,"    -? {valid_index index};"},
+  {27408949,"    new_size := size_and_id & ~ 1.to_uinteger_cpu;"},
+  {15468587,"    .when 03Ch then { \"PartitionMagic recovery\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12980756,"    value;"},
+  {21543457,"      \"\\n  Ext. boot signature\\t: \".print; ext_boot_signature.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {11413547,"    .when 01Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {37766709,"        copy begin to (result.begin) size old_size;"},
+  {43395125,"	blc := get_last idx;"},
+  {8925723,"    result.make new_count;"},
+  {25823275,"    .when 08Bh then { \"FAT32 miroir\\n\".print; }"},
+  {17041970,"    };"},
+  {21768235,"    .when 06Ch then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7349281,"  + nb_sectors_big:UINTEGER_32;"},
+  {45642805,"	prev.set_size_and_id (prev.size_and_id + blc.size_and_id + object_size);"},
+  {8925730,"      reserved       := 0;"},
+  {68824598,"    -? {src_capacity >= 0};"},
+  {6440981,"  - is_not_null:BOOLEAN <- ! is_null;"},
+  {36177963,"    .when 0DAh then { \"Non-FS Dat  a\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7343130,"  [ -? {in_range (CHARACTER.minimum) to (CHARACTER.maximum)}; ]"},
+  {47203864,"	string_tmp.append \"' not found.\\n\";"},
+  {36181045,"	  (is_end).if {"},
+  {32122923,"    .when 0BBh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {30543397,"      };"},
+  {52832280,"    (choice='1').if {"},
+  {77602838,"    -? {upper >= -1};"},
+  {52823048,"  );"},
+  {15228459,"    .when 03Ah then { \"THEOS ver 4 4Go\\n\".print; }"},
+  {56650247,"      result := ('A'.code + (Self - 10).to_uinteger_8).to_character;"},
+  {23335468,"  - count:INTEGER <- upper;"},
+  {14551083,"    .when 035h then { \"Journaling FS OS/2 ou eCS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11832326,"  - Self:SELF '||'  Left 10  other:{BOOLEAN}   :BOOLEAN <- other.value;"},
+  {45633589,"	prev.set_size_and_id (prev.size_and_id + blc.size_and_id + object_size);"},
+  {10496043,"    .when 016h then { \"FAT16 (>32 M) cachee\\n\".print; }"},
+  {52838453,"    result := read_ptr ptr_table;"},
+  {13639704,"  + isaac_sector:UINTEGER_16;"},
+  {31217717,"    {(sz & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {12066337,"  + fs_label_06:CHARACTER;"},
+  {76688391,"    char := (Self % 10).decimal_digit;"},
+  {16798763,"    .when 046h then { \"EUMEL/Elan\\n\".print; }"},
+  {39986712,"    .when '2' then {"},
+  {24905771,"    .when 084h then { \"OS/2 cachee, Hibernation\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6437930,"      put_character (s.item i);"},
+  {20850731,"    .when 065h then { \"Novell 386\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27156523,"    .when 095h then { \"MIT EXOPC native\\n\".print; }"},
+  {56641031,"      result := ('A'.code + (Self - 10).to_uinteger_8).to_character;"},
+  {10268213,"  - object_size:INTEGER               <- POINTER.object_size + UINTEGER_CPU.object_size;"},
+  {31211573,"    {(sz & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {19942433,"    \"\\n  Number sectors big\\t: \".print;  nb_sectors_big.print; "},
+  {35260459,"    .when 0D3h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19945515,"    .when 05Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {31205419,"    .when 0B4h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16780310,"    -? {index >= 0};"},
+  {19037217,"    \"\\n  Number root entries\\t: \".print; nb_root_entries.print;"},
+  {44706840,"      (get_choice).if {"},
+  {7343176,"    +? {item = i};"},
+  {11838517,"  - next_linear:MEMORY                <- CONVERT(POINTER,MEMORY).on (begin + size);"},
+  {30300203,"    .when 0ADh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15206945,"    };"},
+  {23083028,"    ptr := top_runtime_stack;"},
+  {43133477,"    ? {valid_index i2};"},
+  {28726837,"    ((! is_end) && {next.id = id_free}).if {"},
+  {20610593,"      \"\\n  Sectors per FAT\\t: \".print;     (sectors_per_fat32+1).print;"},
+  {26245163,"    .when 08Eh then { \"Linux Logical Volume Manager\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13633579,"    .when 02Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11835445,"  - next_linear:MEMORY                <- CONVERT(POINTER,MEMORY).on (begin + size);"},
+  {9578539,"    .when 00Fh then { \"Etendue\\\"x\\\" = Etendue + LBA\\n\".print; }"},
+  {9341458,"  - to_uinteger_8:UINTEGER_8 <- CONVERT(CHARACTER,UINTEGER_8).on Self;"},
+  {39072283,"      new_capacity := 2 * capacity;"},
+  {28723765,"    ((! is_end) && {next.id = id_free}).if {"},
+  {23089195,"    .when 076h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {7084555,"	val := val / 10;"},
+  {35928629,"	  nxt.to_busy (sz.to_pointer) index idx;"},
+  {54150151,"    (Self.to_uinteger_8 + '0'.code).to_character"},
+  {23988267,"    .when 07Dh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19933227,"    .when 05Eh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {27806232,"	partition_list.add_last (part.clone);"},
+  {35011096,"      (isaac_drive = 80h).if {"},
+  {34342955,"    .when 0CCh then { \"FAT32x DRDOS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40651829,"    {(result != NULL) && {result.size < new_size}}.while_do {"},
+  {24653345,"      fs_label_07.print;"},
+  {30287915,"    .when 0ADh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40639515,"    upper := -1;"},
+  {74206773,"    ptr_table := table_size (new_size / POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {49420824,"      } else {"},
+  {51671576,"    \\\\t\\t=====================================\\n\\n\".print;"},
+  {40642603,"    .when 0FCh then { \"VMware Swap\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12716075,"    .when 027h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {68325896,"  - to_raw_uinteger_32:UINTEGER_32  <- CONVERT(SELF,UINTEGER_32 ).on Self;"},
+  {15862815,"    -? {valid_index i};"},
+  {8661035,"    .when 008h then { \"SplitDrive QNX 1.x et 2.x\\n\".print; }"},
+  {38154776,"	  string_tmp.append name;"},
+  {31861301,"    new_size := siz - sz;"},
+  {28708405,"    ((! is_end) && {next.id = id_free}).if {"},
+  {52579893,"    {new_size >= POINTER.object_size} ? \"Memory: Size = 0.\";"},
+  {14957592,"  - title str:STRING_CONSTANT <-"},
+  {39731227,"    storage.put element to upper;"},
+  {56625701,"    };"},
+  {23070763,"    .when 076h then { \"reserved\\n\".print; }"},
+  {32529451,"    .when 0BEh then { \"Solaris 8 boot\\n\".print; }"},
+  {55729717,"	next2 := read_ptr next & ~ 11b.to_uinteger_cpu;"},
+  {43786277,"    put (item i2) to i1;"},
+  {19015723,"    .when 057h then { \"DrivePro VNDI\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18107419,"    +? { (upper >= 0) ->> {all_default} };"},
+  {13371924,"    };"},
+  {57281543,"    +? {\"0123456789ABCDEF\".has Result};"},
+  {33425451,"    .when 0C5h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {23735841,"      fs_label_00.print;"},
+  {7746594,"    storage := buf.storage;    "},
+  {8651820,"  )"},
+  {29370411,"    .when 0A6h then { \"OpenBSD\\n\".print; }"},
+  {51650056,"  [ -? {Self >= 0}; ]"},
+  {48515637,"    {idx.in_range 1 to (minimum_size/POINTER.object_size)} ?"},
+  {28449799,"	val := val >> 1;"},
+  {19677729,"    \"\\n  Number head\\t\\t: \".print;         nb_head.print;"},
+  {39725099,"    .when 0F5h then { \"Prologue multi-volume\\n\".print; }"},
+  {18775585,"    \"\\n  Sectors reserved\\t: \".print;    sectors_reserved.print;"},
+  {11798571,"    .when 020h then { \"Willowsoft OFS1\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6825986,"    true_block.value;"},
+  {57293877,"    last := read_ptr ptr_table;"},
+  {7743531,"    .when 001h then { \"FAT12 (< 10 M)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21251105,"      \"\\nDrive information:\".print;"},
+  {53226520,"      choice_partition;"},
+  {28462123,"    .when 09Fh then { \"BSD/OS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {6170165,"  + previous_linear:MEMORY;"},
+  {7734298,"  );"},
+  {13371948,"    };"},
+  {22153259,"    .when 06Fh then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {48506421,"    {idx.in_range 1 to (minimum_size/POINTER.object_size)} ?"},
+  {18098219,"    .when 050h then { \"OnTrack Disk Manager, Lynx RTOS, Oberon native\\n\".print; }"},
+  {22827563,"    .when 074h then { \"Scramdisk\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10887201,"  + vol_label_09:CHARACTER;"},
+  {14948405,"    ? {idx < nb_page};"},
+  {17186840,"    }.do_while {(choice!='n') && {choice!='y'}};"},
+  {26882613,"    {idx.in_range 0 to 63} ? \"Memory: Bound index.\";"},
+  {47588888,"      buffer2.clear;"},
+  {32507947,"    .when 0BEh then { \"Solaris 8 boot\\n\".print; }"},
+  {14945333,"    ? {idx < nb_page};"},
+  {17193003,"    .when 049h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {21906952,"      (Self + 1).to limit_up do blc;"},
+  {28452907,"    .when 09Fh then { \"BSD/OS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {65145351,"    };"},
+  {26879541,"    {idx.in_range 0 to 63} ? \"Memory: Bound index.\";"},
+  {21910036,"    ((debug_level >= 5) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {41954328,"      {buffer2.count < 512}.while_do { buffer2.add_last 0; };"},
+  {35660853,"	sz  := new_size - old_size - object_size;"},
+  {65157676,"      mem_lnk := mem_lnk.next;"},
+  {21906964,"    ((debug_level >= 5) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {38807595,"    .when 0EEh then { \"EFI MBR\\n\".print; }"},
+  {10881067,"    .when 019h then { \"Willowtech Photon coS&nbsp;\\n\".print; }"},
+  {19428372,"      crash_on ptr with_message \"User assertion violated.\";"},
+  {21903892,"    ((debug_level >= 5) && {! value}).if {"},
+  {37902379,"    .when 0E7h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {26633240,"      ((part.type = 05h) || {part.type = 0Fh}).if {      "},
+  {21235755,"    .when 068h then { \"Novell\\n\".print; }"},
+  {36991000,"      \\WARNING : Not remove this file, please !\\n\".print;"},
+  {9969697,"  + vol_label_02:CHARACTER;"},
+  {17180715,"    .when 049h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {37228085,"      };"},
+  {37890072,"	(file_w = NULL).if {"},
+  {17839624,"    (Self = value).if block;"},
+  {6816807,"  );"},
+  {31590443,"    .when 0B7h then { \"BSDI BSD/386\\n\".print; }"},
+  {73932853,"    {(new_size & (POINTER.object_size - 1)) = 0} ? \"Memory: Alignment.\";"},
+  {27535403,"    .when 098h then { \"FAT32x cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {11546156,"  - add_last element:V <-"},
+  {22572056,"      crash_with_message \"Error read bios disk 13h.\\n\";"},
+  {32267829,"      new := CONVERT(POINTER,MEMORY).on (begin+sz);"},
+  {27538485,"    ((new_free = NULL) || {new_free.id != id_free}).if {"},
+  {13110292,"    (! test.value).if {"},
+  {17177653,"  ( + old_size,new_size:UINTEGER_CPU;"},
+  {75506229,"    {p != NULL} ? \"Memory: Pointer NULL.\";"},
+  {13110294,"    -? {Self != NULL};"},
+  {21672993,"      \"\\n  Serial number\\t\\t: \".print;       serial_number.to_hexadecimal.print; 'h'.print;"},
+  {5908513,"  + bytes_per_sector:UINTEGER_16;"},
+  {36319797,"	    put_last Self to idx;"},
+  {48235528,"  );"},
+  {29111861,"      next.delete_link_free;"},
+  {43524661,"	(blc.size < 4096) || {blc.id = id_busy}"},
+  {37890091,"    .when 0E7h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {12876296,"  - Self:SELF '>#'  Right 60 other:INTEGER :BOOLEAN <- Self > other;"},
+  {9963563,"    .when 012h then { \"Diagnostics COMPAQ\\n\".print; }"},
+  {5908523,"  + mbr_first_sector:UINTEGER_32;"},
+  {14686753,"    (is_fat32).if {"},
+  {43521589,"	(blc.size < 4096) || {blc.id = id_busy}"},
+  {48250933,"  - table_size idx:UINTEGER_CPU :POINTER <-"},
+  {63319559,"      buffer.extend '0';"},
+  {76155911,"  [ -? {Self >=# 0}; ]"},
+  {42607128,"      3.to 89 do { j:INTEGER;"},
+  {20318251,"    .when 061h then { \"SpeedStor\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16260129,"    '\\n'.print;"},
+  {25044517,"    (count > 0).if {"},
+  {23464990,"    +? { upper = 1 + Old upper };"},
+  {17833499,"    +? { count = new_count };"},
+  {16263211,"    .when 042h then { \"Linux swap + DRDOS SFS Windows 2000\\n\".print; }"},
+  {13775384,"  + isaac_begin_partition:UINTEGER_32;"},
+  {54529031,"    +? {\"0123456789\".has Result};"},
+  {30672939,"    .when 0B0h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {82474037,"      mem := CONVERT(POINTER, MEMORY).on (p - object_size);"},
+  {9055282,"  - exit code:INTEGER <- `exit(@code)`;"},
+  {26617899,"    .when 091h then { \"Etendue cachee (FreeFDISK)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {73689653,"    new_size  := sz.align_power (POINTER.object_size);"},
+  {8150059,"    .when 004h then { \"FAT16 (< 32 M)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {16925211,"    }.elseif { (capacity > 0) && { upper >= 0}} then {"},
+  {79318069,"      result := search new_size .begin;"},
+  {22556705,"      vol_label_04.print;"},
+  {65801260,"    +? {mem_idx = i};"},
+  {41027627,"    .when 0FFh then { \"Xenix Bad Block Table\\n\".print; };    "},
+  {11290646,"    result.clear_all (nb_elements-1);"},
+  {25712683,"    .when 08Ah then { \"Linux Kernel\\n\".print; }"},
+  {25709605,"      storage.copy_from (other.storage) until (count-1);"},
+  {36972587,"    .when 0E0h then { \"ST AVFS\\n\".print; }"},
+  {79314997,"      result := search new_size .begin;"},
+  {9046059,"    .when 00Bh then { \"FAT32(>2 G et <2047G)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {20075039,"    \"Definition.\" +? {Result = item upper};"},
+  {23899160,"    `biosdisk(0x03, at drive, at head, at cylinder, at sector,1, at storage)`:BOOLEAN{TRUE,FALSE}.if {"},
+  {8137761,"  + cluster_start_root:UINTEGER_32;"},
+  {36067371,"    .when 0D9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {34481688,"    .when '1' then {"},
+  {36070453,"	  size_and_id := size_and_id + (nxt.size_and_id & ~ 1.to_uinteger_cpu) + object_size;"},
+  {19400747,"    .when 05Ah then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15345707,"    .when 03Bh then { \"THEOS ver 4 etendue\\n\".print; }"},
+  {40122421,"    {new_size > minimum_size-POINTER.object_size} ? \"Memory: Big block.\";"},
+  {6558245,"  + count:INTEGER;"},
+  {30198808,"    isaac_partition := choice \"Isaac partition ? \" from '1' to ((partition_list.upper).decimal_digit) .decimal_value;"},
+  {30423576,"    \"Isaac partition #\".print;"},
+  {21633032,"    (Self <= limit_up).if {"},
+  {29755435,"    .when 0A9h then { \"NetBSD\\n\".print; }"},
+  {50233864,"  [ -? {bound_test (UINTEGER_64.minimum) to (UINTEGER_64.maximum)}; ]"},
+  {5643787,"      (Self > 0).if {"},
+  {18498613,"      \"Not enough memory.\\n\".print;"},
+  {25700395,"    .when 08Ah then { \"Linux Kernel\\n\".print; }"},
+  {80879157,"    {old_size < new_sz} ? \"Memory: New size < Old size.\";"},
+  {14434337,"    sector_fat:=begin_partition+sectors_reserved;"},
+  {23215646,"    +? { count = 1 + Old count };"},
+  {20071989,"    put_last block to (nb_page - 1);"},
+  {8790535,"  Self - ((Self / other) * other);"},
+  {40110123,"    .when 0F8h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {15995396,"  - clone:SELF <-"},
+  {36055083,"    .when 0D9h then { \"Free type...\\n\".print; }"},
+  {56102453,"      };"},
+  {7217170,"    result:=code.to_integer;"},
+  {8128555,"    .when 004h then { \"FAT16 (< 32 M)\\n\".print; }"},
+  {37634613,"        result := search new_size;"},
+  {11275294,"    +? { count = Old count};"},
+  {32003125,"    (new_size > (minimum_size+object_size+object_size)).if {"}
+/* Unix Signal manager: */
+void interrupt_signal(int sig)  
+  lisaac_stack_print(top_context);     
+  print_string("User interrupt.\n"); 
+  die_with_code(1);                     
+void lisaac_push_first(_____CONTEXT *path,unsigned long code)
+  path->back  = top_context;
+  path->code  = code;
+  top_context = path;
+void lisaac_push(_____CONTEXT *path,unsigned long code)
+  path->code  = code;
+  top_context = path;
+void lisaac_stack_print(_____CONTEXT *up)      
+{ _____CONTEXT *back,*next;             
+  int j;	                              
+  next = (void *)0;                          
+  while (up != (void *)0) {                  
+    back = up -> back;                       
+    up -> back = next;                       
+    next = up;                               
+    up = back;                               
+  };                                         
+  print_string("\n============== BOTTOM ==============\n"); 
+  while (next != (void *)0) {                
+    print_string("Line #");                           
+    print_integer(__src[next->code].pos >> 17);         
+    print_string(" Column #");                        
+    print_integer((__src[next->code].pos >> 9) & 0xFF); 
+    print_string(" in ");                             
+    print_string(trace[__src[next->code].pos & 0x1FF]); 
+    print_string(".\n");                             
+ if ((__src[next->code].pos & 0x1FF) != 0) { 
+    print_string(__src[next->code].line);               
+    print_char('\n');                                  
+    for (j=0;j < ((__src[next->code].pos >> 9) & 0xFF);j++) {
+      if (__src[next->code].line[j]=='\t') print_char('\t');
+      else print_char(' ');
+    };                                                  
+    print_char('^');    
+    print_char('\n');   
+ }; 
+    next = next -> back;                     
+  };                                         
+  print_string("================ TOP ===============\n"); 
+  top_context = (void *)0;                   
+void print_integer(unsigned short n) 
+{ unsigned short val;                
+  char car;                          
+  car = (n % 10) + '0';              
+  val = n / 10;                      
+  if (val != 0) print_integer(val);  
+  print_char(car);                   
diff --git a/isaacos/x86/bootloader/install.li b/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/install.li
similarity index 100%
rename from isaacos/x86/bootloader/install.li
rename to isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/install.li
diff --git a/isaacos/x86/bootloader/int13h.li b/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/int13h.li
similarity index 100%
rename from isaacos/x86/bootloader/int13h.li
rename to isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/int13h.li
diff --git a/isaacos/x86/bootloader/mbr.li b/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/mbr.li
similarity index 100%
rename from isaacos/x86/bootloader/mbr.li
rename to isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/mbr.li
diff --git a/isaacos/x86/bootloader/startup.asm b/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/startup.asm
similarity index 95%
rename from isaacos/x86/bootloader/startup.asm
rename to isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/startup.asm
index 67cacb4..e6957a5 100755
--- a/isaacos/x86/bootloader/startup.asm
+++ b/isaacos/x86/bootloader/OLD/startup.asm
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
 	;; Compilation : 
 	;;   tasm -m2 startup.asm
 	;;   tlink /t startup
 	;; ======================
 	;; = MACRO              =
 	;; ======================
-b equ <byte ptr>
+b equ byte ptr
 w equ <word ptr>
 d equ <dword ptr>
 o equ <offset>


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