[spec] New idea about Error Management

Mildred ml.mildred593 at online.fr
Mon Sep 1 16:20:46 UTC 2008


This month, I just had an idea about a system to make error management
semi-automatic in Lisaac.

Why? I think I explained it during the workshop, bt to be brief, manual
error management is painful and add a lot of overhead to the source
code. And we can't do without error management. My goal is to arrive at
a point where even clone could send an error (if there is not enough
memory, a case we should handle).

First, during the workshop, I had just a small idea, I don't know if it
is a good idea or not, but:

	receiver.slot_that_can_throw_an_error parameter
	  on_error { + reason:ERR;
	  // Handle error

But, I didn't started this email to talk about this, now the real idea

* First of all, imagine that you change every statement like this:

	local_variable.slot param.slot param.slot param;


	tmp1 := local_variable.slot param;
	tmp2 := tmp1.slot param;
	tmp3 := tmp2.slot param;

  You can notice that all the receivers of these statement are local
  variable (not slots) and this is the important thing, because we are
  going to use these local variables.

* Each of these local variables is associated with an error code of
  type ERR (which is an enumerated type).

* You can access this error code in both reading and writing the
  following way:

	local_variable.Error		// reading the error code
	local_variable.Error := ...	// writing

* Imagine that ERR.is_ok is a special code that signifies that there is
  no error. This is also the default value of any ERR.

* Now, if a message is sent, the error code associated with the
  variable used as receiver is checked:

  If there is no error (receiver.Error = ERR.is_ok):
    - This is as usual, the message is sent.

  if there is an error (receiver.Error ≠ ERR.is_ok):
    - The message is not sent !
    - The variables that may have been assigned to the return value of
      the message are not assigned, and their error code is set to the
      error code of the receiver.
    - If the message took BLOCKs as parameter, and if these BLOCKs
      modify local variable defined earlier in the function, these
      local variables take the error code of the receiver

* A message can fail. When a message fails, it return error codes along
  with its results. There is an error code per variable returned.

* If a message returns a VOID, then even if there is no returned
  variable, it can return an error. The syntax to do so is to add as a
  return value:

	Error (<exporession:ERR>)

* In order to be able to check errors on VOID messages, there is the
  possibility to use the following syntax:


  instead of:

	local := <expression;

That's all.

There are just two flaws I identified:
* Errors on VOID returning messages are not automatically enforced.
  That may or may not be a problem
* I just discovered it: if the return value of a message is directly
  assigned to a slot (not a local variable) the error is discarded.
  Possible solution: for such cases, an error code is associated with
  the slot only for the lifetime of the function. But still ...


Mildred Ki'lya
Site:	<http://mildred632.free.fr/>
XMPP:	<mildred at jabber.fr> (GoogleTalk, Jabber)

GPG:	197C A7E6 645B 4299 6D37 684B 6F9D A8D6 [9A7D 2E2B]

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