@var to C code

Jeremy Cowgar jeremy at cowgar.com
Tue Aug 25 15:41:07 UTC 2009

I have something like:

Section Private

  control_handle : POINTER;

I use that variable all over to send the controls handle to C functions
in my code that is wrapping Iup. In each case I wish to use it, I have

- set_title title:ABSTRACT_STRING <-
( + handle:POINTER;
  handle := control_handle;
  // more code
  `CFuncCall(@handle, ...)`;

Is there any reason why Lisaac does not allow direct use of
"control_handle", i.e.:

- set_title title:ABSTRACT_STRING <-
  // other code
  `CFunCall(@control_handle, ...)`;

I am wondering, not from a parsing standpoint of it just doesn't do it
right now, but as a language design stand point. It seems that allowing
such a statement (the later) would be beneficial in almost any wrapping
of a C library.

Jeremy Cowgar <jeremy at cowgar.com>

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