Section External, methods being optimized out

Jeremy Cowgar jeremy at
Tue Aug 25 15:46:16 UTC 2009

We talked about this last November, but in the end never solved anything,
that I am aware of. Here's a real object (many slots removed for space

Section Header
  + name      := BUTTON ;

Section Private
  - action_block:{INTEGER};

Section External
  - perform_action h:POINTER :INTEGER <-
  ( + b:BUTTON;
    b := CONVERT(POINTER,BUTTON).on (`IupGetCallback(@h, "LISAAC_OBJ")`:POINTER);
Section Public
  - set_action b:{INTEGER} <-
  ( + h:POINTER;
    #if 0
    perform_action NULL;

    h := handle;
    `IupSetCallback(@h, "ACTION", (Icallback) perform_action)`;
    action_block := b;

Ok. See what I have to do with the #if 0 ? If I do not call
perform_action somewhere in my Lisaac code, then the resulting .c file
does not contain perform_action, even though it is used and referenced. 

The problem is that it's used in a C block, not a Lisaac block.

Is there a better way of ensuring that "perform_action" doesn't get
optimized out or should I open a bug report as a feature request to scan
C code for external slots?

Now, thinking about this... Maybe the answer is simple? Why not just
output *all* slots in the External section? The resulting .c file will
be a bit larger, however, the C compiler will optimize out a function
that is not used anyway, so the resulting executable will be no

Jeremy Cowgar <jeremy at>

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