Compile error: Polymorphic External slot is not possible.

Jeremy Cowgar jeremy at
Tue Aug 25 17:42:18 UTC 2009

I am sorry for so many questions today, but I have been venturing into
some new territory with Lisaac. I have one more... When I use this
method more than once, I get a compilation error:

Polymorphic External slot is not possible.
Line 20 column 29 in BUTTON(C:/Development/Projects/Lisaac/libraries/iup-binding/
  - perform_action h:POINTER :INTEGER <-

I have committed my code into the Git repo, the file in question can be
viewed online at:;a=blob_plain;;hb=6b17e7dfb7b053aade730acd8f5fd86a5ca41d05

Now, to see how this is used, you can view the example program:;a=blob_plain;;hb=6b17e7dfb7b053aade730acd8f5fd86a5ca41d05

If you comment out the line starting with "goodbye.set_action {" then
the example program compiles and runs fine. However, uncomment that line
and you get the above compile error.

How do I solve this problem? I believe this is happening because Lisaac
thinks that I call "perform_action" inside of the "BUTTON.set_action"
slot. I actually do not. The only reason for the #if 0 ... block of code
is so that Lisaac will actually output my External slot, "perform_action".
Without calling "perform_action" somewhere in my code, the
"perform_action" slot is optimized out of existence.

Thanks for any help!

Jeremy Cowgar <jeremy at>

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