Licensing of Lisaac

Xavier Oswald xoswald at
Wed Aug 26 14:27:31 UTC 2009

On 15:58 Wed 26 Aug     , Nicolas Boulay wrote:
> To be more simple, i resume the goal, i think that the Lisaac project
> should follow:
> - stay open source
> - enable the creation of large lib collection using the same licence
> - a new langage can't avoid the business market
> - We should avoid to fragment as Unix or Spice.
> - We should not force the licence of each project to use other FOSS licence

Goot point.

Im raising something else..
What do you think about dual-licence, one for free purpose and another one for
commercial application ?

  ,''`.  ** Xavier Oswald <xoswald at>                            
 : :' :  ** Research Engineer                                           
 `. `'   ** GNU/LINUX Debian Developer (              
   `-    ** Isaac Project Developer ( 

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