New Slogan...

Jeremy Cowgar jeremy at
Thu Dec 10 14:43:16 UTC 2009

Xavier Oswald <xoswald at> wrote:
> and what do you think about:
>  - "Lisaac, Efficiency and simplicity" 
>  - "Lisaac, the power deserve you !" je ne sais pas si c'est du bon english, je voulais dire: "la puissance que vous méritez"

"Lisaac, the power deserve you" should be "Lisaac, the power you deserve"

Now, about "Lisaac, Efficiency and simplicity"... what you do you of "Lisaac, Efficient Simplicity"

I wish there were another English user as I really am not good at these things and I don't want you guys to take my text as the final word on English.


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