NEW DATE: Lisaac meeting 28th-31th August 2009

Xavier Oswald xoswald at
Tue May 26 16:40:07 UTC 2009


Well, the date is new fixed to 28th - 31th August 2009 in Strasbourg, France.
Sorry for the noise and for changing the old date.

People attending the meeting:
 - Benoit (Lisaac author)
 - Xavier
 - Mildred
 - Sven Luther (Powerlinux)
 - Pierre-Alexandre
 - Nicolas
 - Damien
 - Jérôme
 - Dominique (SmartEiffel author)
 - "Jeremy Cowgar (USA)" ?

Please add yourself if you are not in the list and can come to this meeting.

To everybody, please send me a mail in private with
 - when you arrive
 - how ? train, plane ...
 - when you leave


  ,''`.  Xavier Oswald <xoswald at>                   
 : :' :  GNU/LINUX Debian Developer                        
 `. `'   GnuPG Key ID 0x88BBB51E                            
   `-    938D D715 6915 8860 9679  4A0C A430 C6AA 88BB B51E 

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