What needs to be done on the reference manual

Mildred Ki'Lya ml.mildred593 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 14:44:30 UTC 2009


Is it possible to have a list of things to do on the reference manual.
I think we have:
- update the examples to the new syntax
- update the Lisaac grammar
- make pdflatex work (need help from latex gurus)
- update slots in Section Header
- update description of slots (explicit Self argument)
- update block type
- update auto import/export

Is that all?

I would like if possible to have code example stand out from text.
Perhaps have them in a different font, or in a frame. Can someone do that?


Mildred Ki'Lya
╭───────── mildred593@online.fr ──────────
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