Lisaac external C struct pointer and Enum

Mildred Ki'Lya ml.mildred593 at
Sun Apr 11 14:39:59 UTC 2010

On 04/11/2010 04:09 PM, Xavier Oswald wrote:
> Hi there,
> Im working a lot on lisaac libs since 2 weeks.
> Im wondering how you handle C struct pointers...
> As an example, I have "My_struct* s;"
> and have some C functions handling this struct.

Probably, you could create a prototype MY_STRUCT with:

Section Header

  + name := MY_STRUCT;
  - type := `My_Struct*`;

Then, you can directly put MY_STRUCT as a type for C externals:

Section Public

  - create <-

  - operation_on_my_struct <-

Be careful not to put any + slot on MY_STRUCT, that could be dangerous.
> Im wondering what's the best way to have My_Struct as a Prototype or something
> else...
> What do you think ?
> BTW, what's your opinion about how to handle C enum ?
What about C enums ?
These are just integer and integer constants ...

Section Header

  - name := Expanded C_ENUM;
  - type := `C_Enum`; // that's really an integer

Section Public

  - enum_1 <- `C_ENUM_ENUM_1`:C_ENUM;
  - enum_2 <- `C_ENUM_ENUM_2`:C_ENUM;
  - enum_3 <- `C_ENUM_ENUM_3`:C_ENUM;

Then, I suppose you simply have to compare with the strict equality
operator if your variable of type C_ENUM is equal to C_ENUM.enum_1 or
any other constant.

But you might want to test if it works better, still, I'm quite sure.


Mildred Ki'Lya
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