A question and a proposal

Pierre-Nicolas Clauss pini at tuxfamily.org
Mon Jul 26 08:09:05 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Nicolas Boulay
<nicolas.boulay at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I saw in the beamer presentation available on the website (slides 73
>> to 75) that the Mapping section is to be used to access
>> hardware-specific layouts. The examples show how to achieve mapping
>> with multiple of bytes data types (UINTEGER_16 and UINTEGER_32). Is it
>> also possible to perform such a mapping on data which is not an
>> integer multiple of bytes such as mapping, say, 3 bits (mostly like
>> bitfields work in C) ? Os-deving was a time-consuming hobby of mine
>> before my PhD, and such mapping features are very handy and less
>> error-prone than bitwise operations.
> There is no mapping using a bit  offset. But this is on the TODO list.

Good to hear that it's planned.
Is there already a syntax construct you wish to use for that ?


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