Testing the compiler and code coverage

Mildred Ki'Lya ml.mildred593 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 6 19:02:25 UTC 2010

The compiler can now generate coverage information.


That was quick

The coverage information file end with .cov and has the same name as the
compiled file (-o switch in make.lip). At compilation-time, the file is
overwritten with information about the code structure. At run-time,
covered lines are appended in the file.

The format is very simple and included in comments ('#' is the first
character on the line). The first characters until ':' describes the line.
CODE: information about the code structure
COV: information about a covered block

For CODE and COV, the format is similar. The line is broken down in
fields using the ':' delimiter. There are only 6 fields, if there are
more ':' characters, they are included in the 6th field.
1st field: COV or CODE
2nd field: line where the block starts
3rd field: column where the block starts
4nd field: line where the block end
5rd field: column where the block end
6th field: filename

Now, the only thing to add is to write perl scripts to generate cool
HTML reports

And, I'm very happy


Mildred Ki'Lya
╭───────── mildred593@online.fr ──────────
│ Jabber, GoogleTalk: <mildred at jabber.fr>
│ Website: <http://ki.lya.online.fr>           GPG ID: 9A7D 2E2B
│ Fingerprint: 197C A7E6 645B 4299 6D37 684B 6F9D A8D6 9A7D 2E2B

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