[Logcheck-commits] CVS logcheck/debian
CVS User maks-guest
Thu, 13 May 2004 11:11:22 -0600
Update of /cvsroot/logcheck/logcheck/debian
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv25727/debian
Modified Files:
Log Message:
add rule for Login.app on workstation.
--- /cvsroot/logcheck/logcheck/debian/changelog 2004/05/13 13:11:50 1.65
+++ /cvsroot/logcheck/logcheck/debian/changelog 2004/05/13 17:11:22 1.66
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
* Better description of logtail package.
* Recommend use of an offsite email address in main conf.
- * Added and updated cracklib, innd, postfix, nntpcache, kernel rulefiles.
- (Closes: #248816)
+ * Added and updated cracklib, innd, postfix, nntpcache, kernel, Login.app
+ rulefiles. (Closes: #248816)
* Updated proftp rules. (Closes: #248409)
* Added -v switch (outputs logcheck version).
* Harden permissions regarding world.