[Logcheck-commits] CVS logcheck/debian

CVS User madduck logcheck-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
Tue Jul 4 18:38:43 UTC 2006

Update of /cvsroot/logcheck/logcheck/debian
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv6193/debian

Modified Files:
Log Message:
   * ignore.d.workstation/cron: added rules to ignore begin/end of crontab
     edits (closes: #356681).
   * ignore.d.workstation/cron: added crontab-specific lines from
     ignore.d.server/cron (and removed them there).

also fixed up debian/changelog a bit.

--- /cvsroot/logcheck/logcheck/debian/changelog	2006/07/04 18:32:35	1.604
+++ /cvsroot/logcheck/logcheck/debian/changelog	2006/07/04 18:38:43	1.605
@@ -52,6 +52,15 @@
   * ignore.d.server/ntp: Ignore to many recvbufs.
     Thanks to all the above rules to Peter Palfrader <weasel at debian.org>.
   * ignore.d.workstation/kernel: Add rules to reduce noise on swsusp.
+  * debian/logcheck.postinst: Remove old check against woody version
+    removing /var/cache/logcheck.
+  * debian/logcheck-database.preinst, debian/logcheck-database.postinst:
+    Remove checks against old woody symlinkfarm.
+  * debian/logtail.preinst: Remove old dpkg-divert handling.
+  * debian/control: Remove useless versioned depends on debianutils and
+    po-debconf. Versions are satisfied on Sarge.
+  * debian/control: Conform to policy 3.7.2 without changes.
+  * ignore.d.server/dhcp: Properly escape dots.
   [ Gerfried Fuchs ]
   * debian/control: move debhelper dependency to Build-Depends due to policy
@@ -64,19 +73,12 @@
   * ignore.d.workstation/ssh: ignore messages about missing shadow information
     for NOUSER (when there was a NULL user passed in the SSH protocol).
+  * ignore.d.workstation/cron: added rules to ignore begin/end of crontab
+    edits (closes: #356681).
+  * ignore.d.workstation/cron: added crontab-specific lines from
+    ignore.d.server/cron (and removed them there).
-  [ maximilian attems ]
-  * debian/logcheck.postinst: Remove old check against woody version
-    removing /var/cache/logcheck.
-  * debian/logcheck-database.preinst, debian/logcheck-database.postinst:
-    Remove checks against old woody symlinkfarm.
-  * debian/logtail.preinst: Remove old dpkg-divert handling.
-  * debian/control: Remove useless versioned depends on debianutils and
-    po-debconf. Versions are satisfied on Sarge.
-  * debian/control: Conform to policy 3.7.2 without changes.
-  * ignore.d.server/dhcp: Properly escape dots.
- -- martin f. krafft <madduck at debian.org>  Tue,  4 Jul 2006 20:31:20 +0200
+ -- martin f. krafft <madduck at debian.org>  Tue,  4 Jul 2006 20:35:21 +0200
 logcheck (1.2.44) unstable; urgency=low

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