[Logcheck-devel] Bug#286329: Sorry, wrong directory

Marc Sherman msherman at projectile.ca
Sun Dec 26 15:31:24 UTC 2004

Sorry about this, but I messed this patch up.  This message gets tagged 
as a sercurity violation, so I put the exclusion in the wrong directory. 
   It needs to go in a new file .../violations.ignore.d/logcheck-samba.

Please consider this a vote for a single unified ignore directory in a 
future version of logcheck, instead of the split 
cracking/violations/events structure we currently have.

Until then, you might want to consider changing the labels of the emails 
to match the names of the directories, to make it a little more obvious 
at least:

# Controls Subject: lines on logcheck reports:
ATTACKSUBJECT="Cracking Alerts"
SECURITYSUBJECT="Security Violations"

One more question... why do the files you provide in the 
logcheck-database package use the "logcheck-" prefix in the violations 
directory, but not in the ignore directory?  Consistancy would be good 
here, I think.

- Marc

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