[Logcheck-devel] Logcheck /Sarge Status

Gerfried Fuchs alfie at ist.org
Mon Jul 5 13:18:53 UTC 2004

* Todd Troxell <ttroxell at debian.org> [2004-07-04 04:35]:
> Bugs I'd like to get fixed before sarge:
> #255932: logcheck: News file is not displayed on upgrade

 Args.  About those I prepared a mail offline but sent it to a wrong
address.  :-/

 So I'm going to resend it in here:

* Gerfried Fuchs <alfie at ist.org> [2004-06-25 12:30]:
>  Yes, you are right. I am going to commit the changes to CVS and the fix
> will be included in the next upload hopefully.

 I shot a little too fast there... I have two concerns regarding that

 a.) NEWS.Debian should live inside the debian/ subdirectory. This was
the first thing I wanted to change, but then:

 b.) The contents of the file doesn't seem Debian specific. So I rather
think it should be renamed to NEWS and put there as "upstream"
changelog? I am not sure thought that apt-listchanges does pick that up.
That has to be checked, I hope though that apt-listchanges does this,
because it also displayes changelog.gz for native packages, so it should
be able to display NEWS.gz too. If it doesn't I would regard this as a
bug in apt-listchanges and report it. Can someone test that, please?

 So long,
Don't get mad, get interest.
                -- unknown
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