Bug#253022: [Logcheck-devel] Bug#253022: logcheck-database: Inaccurate fetchmail regexp

Gerfried Fuchs alfie at ist.org
Mon Jun 7 18:09:11 UTC 2004

reassign 253022 fetchmail-common

* Wouter Koolen-Wijkstra <wmkoolen at science.uva.nl> [2004-06-06 18:54]:
> /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/fetchmail contains the line:

 Great explenation, but wrong package.  :)   That file is part of
fetchmail-common and I hope the maintainer will include the proposed
fix.  We do encourage package maintainers to include the rules file for
their packages themself because they know best what messages their
software might send.

> fetchmail\[[0-9]+\]: +[0-9]+ +messages? for
> When using fetchmail on IMAP servers, the syslog entries
> look like (stuff between <> has been anonimicised):
> Jun  6 18:45:54 <host> fetchmail[7617]: 1160 messages (1160 seen) for
> <user> at <imapserver>.
> So the regexp doesn't match, because of the seen mail count. A solution
> would include an optional seen mail count, or skip the for keyword. I
> cannot oversee the implications for other output of fetchmail, so I don't
> know which solution is preferred.

 I personally would suggest to make that bracket part optional and not
skip the "for" part. It is always good to be quite thighten with
security related things (well, sort of security).

fetchmail\[[0-9]+\]: +[0-9]+ +messages? (\([0-9]+ seen\))?for

 I like to question the " +" parts -- does it really happen that there
are more spaces in between there than just one?

> You girls/guys are doing a great job,

 Thanks, and you are currently contributing to it so you can count
yourself in.

 So long,
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