[Logcheck-devel] Re: [Logcheck-commits] CVS logcheck/debian

Eric Evans eevans at sym-link.com
Wed May 19 17:14:50 UTC 2004

On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 10:04:47AM +0100, Jon Middleton muttered these words:
> I take it that we not shipping the crontab as a conffile anymore ? If
> not this is a policy violation.

Uh oh. No, we are shipping it as a conffile and it is now "modified by
the maintainer scripts during installation".

One thing that came to mind was to install an /etc/default/logcheck file
and put the interval option there, then invoke logcheck with a wrapper
in the crontab that checks the interval and exits if it isn't time,
(kind of ugly though). In lieu of a wrapper, we could add a check in
logcheck itself to examine the default file and make this behavior 
contingent upon the presence, (or absence), of an argument.

Another option of course is to get rid of this entirely and let folks
change the crontab themselves if they don't like the time or interval.
Personally this was my first take on it, but I wanted to try and give
the requester(s) what they wanted if it didn't negatively impact 
anything else.

Does anyone have any suggestions for policy-friendly ways of allowing
users to select the interval, or should we get rid of this entirely and
tag the bug wontfix?

Eric Evans
eevans at sym-link.com
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