[Logcheck-devel] Bug#278337: Acknowledgement (logcheck: perdition adds extra spaces on SOME syslog messages)

Gerfried Fuchs alfie at ist.org
Thu Oct 28 17:28:46 UTC 2004

* brendon at brendon.com [2004-10-26 01:54]:
> So, ignore my previous post. Don't change the logcheck rule. Patch
> logcheck. Here is a solution that works.
> 632c632
> < $SORT $TMPDIR/logoutput/* | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]+$//' | cat  \
> ---
> > $SORT $TMPDIR/logoutput/* | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' | cat  \

 The solution is though a solution in the wrong direction, I fixed it

> > $SORT $TMPDIR/logoutput/* | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' | cat  \

 The + must be escaped to work the way intended. I fixed that occurence
the other two times it appears in the file, too.

 So long,
"Kaum wird das Wetter schlechter und die Tage kürzer, fallen die
Newbies über das Netz her wie die Blätter von den Bäumen."
             (Ulf Schaefer in de.talk.jokes)

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