[Logcheck-devel] Bug#269315: bind rules

Todd Troxell ttroxell at debian.org
Mon Sep 6 00:16:52 UTC 2004

I really don't think that bind should be getting restarted regularly when it
is possible to simply reload zone and configuration files.

I can *maybe* see adding things like 

Aug 16 20:24:30 ns named[25507]: zone 25.172.in-addr.arpa/IN: loaded serial 1

But really, if you're reloading the zone files that often, you should
probably have your own rules for it.

Is there something that I am missing here?

[   Todd J. Troxell                                         ,''`.
      Student, Debian GNU/Linux Developer, SysAdmin, Geek  : :' :
      http://debian.org || http://rapidpacket.com/~xtat    `. `' 
                                                             `-     ]
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