[Logcheck-devel] Bug#296017: logcheck: ignore.d.server pure-ftpd user with trailing whitespace

Jamie L. Penman-Smithson jamie at silverdream.org
Sun Feb 20 02:19:27 UTC 2005

reassign 296017 pure-ftpd
retitle 296017 pure-ftpd: logging adds trailing whitespace to usernames

On Sat, 2005-02-19 at 19:19 +0100, Ingo Theiss wrote:
> the patterns for pure-ftpd in ignore.d.server are not matching a user
> with a trailing whitespace. here a some examples:
> Feb 18 13:02:33 web1 pure-ftpd: (stupid-pure-ftpd @ [NOTICE]
> /example/example.txt downloaded  (5908 bytes, 152196.03KB/sec)
<snip further examples>
> i have replaces the real username with 'stupid-pure-ftpd'. the trailing
> whitespace seems to be a bug from  pure-ftpd. the user has definitely no
> trailing whitespace, but pure-ftpd sometimes logs messages with a
> trailing whitespace.

This is a bug in pure-ftpd that will (hopefully) be fixed in future
versions. Therefore I don't see a reason for changing the rules to
account for this, until it's fixed you can add a local rule to match

Since this appears to be a pure-ftpd bug, I'm reassigning this to

> those behaviours lead to a previous question: why not providing a single
> pattern which matches [INFO] and [NOTICE]. it's a pain for you the
> maintainer(s) an the users to report every single exeption. what if
> pure-ftpd changes it's behaviour in the next release? we have to start
> over and over again to keep the patterns at a usable state. 

The reason that we don't use a generic [INFO].* rule is that using .* to
match everything means that logcheck consumes greater resources when
matching against log messages. 

If you find further problems with any rules, submit them to the BTS.


-jamie <jamie at silverdream.org> | spamtrap: spam at silverdream.org
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