[Logcheck-devel] Bug#296014: logcheck: ignore.d.server courier-pop 'DISCONNECTED' not matching

Jamie L. Penman-Smithson jamie at silverdream.org
Sun Feb 20 16:32:50 UTC 2005

tags 296014 - pending
reassign 296014 courier-pop
retitle 296014 courier-pop: 'DISCONNECTED' messages not matched by logcheck rules

On Sun, 2005-02-20 at 12:50 +0100, Ingo Theiss wrote:
> > I couldn't find this rule anywhere, however I've added the following
> > rule to CVS which matches the log message you gave:
> i figuered out the reason why you have not found the rule i mentioned.
> the rule i mentioned is from a file named 'courier-pop' and this file
> gets installed with the 'courier-pop' package (didn't know that)!

I should have realised that, but it was 3am.. 

> i am not that sophiticated with logcheck philosophy. but i think alle
> rule files for logcheck should be centralized under the control of the
> logcheck team. does every application provide it's own rule files?

Only some packages provide their own rule files. Obviously it's easier
on us if other packages maintain their own rule files.

> that strange and confusing. should i open a bug against 'courier-pop'
> for the wrong pattern? do i have to check every rule file if it's
> under the control of the logcheck team or if it's a rule file provided
> by another package?

I'll reassign this to courier-pop.

-jamie <jamie at silverdream.org> | spamtrap: spam at silverdream.org
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